This report provides an overview of the Biofuels and Bioenergy industry. ...... regions. 2.2.2.Biofuels. (a).Biodiesel.
Overview of Bioenergy in Australia
new ideas for rural Australia
© 2010 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved. ISBN 978 1 74254 049 8 ISSN 1440-6845 Publication No. 10/078 The information contained in this publication is intended for general use to assist public knowledge and discussion and to help improve the development of sustainable regions. You must not rely on any information contained in this publication without taking specialist advice relevant to your particular circumstances. While reasonable care has been taken in preparing this publication to ensure that information is true and correct, the Commonwealth of Australia gives no assurance as to the accuracy of any information in this publication. The Commonwealth of Australia, the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC), the authors or contributors expressly disclaim, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all responsibility and liability to any person, arising directly or indirectly from any act or omission, or for any consequences of any such act or omission, made in reliance on the contents of this publication, whether or not caused by any negligence on the part of the Commonwealth of Australia, RIRDC, the authors or contributors. The Commonwealth of Australia does not necessarily endorse the views in this publication. This publication is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. However, wide dissemination is encouraged. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the RIRDC Publications Manager on phone 02 6271 4165. Researcher Contact Details Colin Stucley Enecon Pty Ltd PO Box 175 SURREY HILLS VIC 3127 Phone: Fax: Email:
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Electronically published by RIRDC in June 2010 Print-on-demand by Union Offset Printing, Canberra at or phone 1300 634 313 Published in June 2010
Overview of Bioenergy in Australia by Colin Stucley Enecon Pty Ltd Publication Number 10/078
Foreword Australia’s bioenergy industry produces renewable electricity, heat and liquid fuels. With revenues in excess of $400 million per year, bioenergy is already a valued contributor to businesses in cities and rural locations across the country. Australia is actively seeking ways seek to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels, and bioenergy could play a more significant role in coming years. Potential exists for greater use of existing and new feedstocks and technologies, leading to an increased contribution from bioenergy across industry, transport and domestic energy sectors. Such use will allow bioenergy to make a valuable contribution to Australia’s low carbon future. Research, Development & Extension (RD&E) is a key factor for increasing the use of bioenergy, by ensuring that it is competitive, sustainable, and fully understood and appreciated. This report provides an overview of the Biofuels and Bioenergy industry. This overview includes basic statistical information for the biofuels and bioenergy industries. It will also be a useful basis for those contemplating investment or formulating policy and will help to inform RIRDC as it plans its research and development priorities into the future. This report is an addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 2000 research publications and forms part of our Bioenergy, Bioproducts and Energy R&D program, which aims to meet Australia’s research and development needs for the development of sustainable and profitable bionergy and bioproducts industries, and to develop an energy cross sectoral R&D plan. Most of RIRDC’s publications are available for viewing, free downloading or purchasing online at Purchases can also be made by phoning 1300 634 313.
Tony Byrne Acting Managing Director Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
Acknowledgements This report has benefited from the involvement of a great many people during its preparation and review. Preliminary collaborators included Dr Stephen Schuck and Mr John Simpson. The draft report was reviewed by personnel from a number of government organisations at state and federal levels, as well as individuals in academia and industry. The input of all these reviewers is gratefully acknowledged, as is the coordination and inputs provided by Dr Roslyn Prinsley and Ms Julie Bird at RIRDC.
The report was co-funded by Bioenergy Australia, an alliance of 86 member organisations fostering the development of biomass for heat, power, transportation fuels and other value-added biobased products. RIRDC is Bioenergy Australia’s lead organisation. See
Contents Foreword....................................................................................................................................................................4 1. Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................................6 1.1 Background and purpose..............................................................................................................................6 1.2 The industry today.......................................................................................................................................7 1.3 The potential of the industry........................................................................................................................7 1.4 What will help bioenergy reach its potential? . .............................................................................................8 1.5 How can RD&E assist?.................................................................................................................................8 2. Current Australian Bioenergy............................................................................................................................9 2.1 Markets . ......................................................................................................................................................9 2.2 Feedstocks...................................................................................................................................................11 3. Industry Structure in Australia....................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Feedstock....................................................................................................................................................13 3.2 Processors....................................................................................................................................................14 3.3 Industry and related bodies.........................................................................................................................15 4. Status of Technologies..................................................................................................................................... 16 4.1 Mature........................................................................................................................................................16 4.2 New............................................................................................................................................................16 4.3 Biorefineries................................................................................................................................................17 4.4 Scale . .........................................................................................................................................................17 5. Research, Development and Extension Activities...................................................................................... 19 5.1 Australia......................................................................................................................................................19 5.2 Overseas......................................................................................................................................................20 6. Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment..................................................................................................... 22 6.1 Sustainability...............................................................................................................................................22 6.2 Life cycle assessments for bioenergy ...........................................................................................................23 7. Discussion – Risks and Challenges................................................................................................................. 25 7.1 The “food versus fuel” debate.....................................................................................................................25 7.2 Competition...............................................................................................................................................25 7.3 Liquid fuels.................................................................................................................................................26 8. Potential Scale of Industry.............................................................................................................................. 28 8.1 Future Markets...........................................................................................................................................28 8.2 Future feedstocks .......................................................................................................................................29 8.3 Scope for investment...................................................................................................................................30 9. Discussion........................................................................................................................................................... 31 9.1 Timeline for change....................................................................................................................................31 9.2 RD&E over next five years.........................................................................................................................32 9.3 “From planting to power” – recognising the full supply chain....................................................................34 Endnotes................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Bioenergy is a complex topic, it encompasses multiple feedstocks from agriculture, forestry, and urban sources
1. Executive Summary 1.1 Background and purpose Bioenergy – for heat, power and liquid fuels – is the subject of considerable interest and activity world-wide. Drivers for bioenergy include: • The reduction of CO2 emissions via the substitution of bioenergy for fossil fuels. • Security of energy supplies. • Regional development, especially through new rural industries. • Potential health benefits such as reduced particulate emissions. Bioenergy may potentially have a significant role in a low-carbon energy future: • Biofuels feature as a source of both electricity and liquid fuels in carbon reduction scenarios modelled in 2008 by the CSIRO1. • Referring to electricity production to 2020 and beyond, the Clean Energy Council of Australia states: “Bioenergy has a vital role to play as part of Australia’s clean energy future”2. • After studying the role for biofuels as a future transport fuel in Australia, the Australian Academy
of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) stated: “The key finding of this report .. is that biofuels…have useful roles to play as Australian transport fuels and can contribute to greenhouse gas mitigation and energy security.”3 • Overseas, the US Government’s Roadmap for Bioenergy and Biobased Products4 states: “Biomass resources are a sustainable and environmentally friendly feedstock that can contribute significantly to a diverse energy portfolio.” • The European Union’s position is similar: “In the face of Europe's increasing dependency on fossil fuels, using biomass is one of the key ways of ensuring the security of supply and sustainable energy in Europe.”5 But bioenergy is a complex topic: • It encompasses multiple feedstocks from agriculture, forestry, and urban sources. • It includes many different technologies: some widely used for decades, others only recently or yet to be commercialised. • Energy products include electricity, heat and liquid fuels. In the future it is possible that co-products will also feature in many bioenergy projects.
• As with most other forms of renewable energy, it often involves the use of fossil fuels for its production, however the emissions resulting are often minor compared to the net GHG benefits derived over the entire lifecycle of bioenergy. • It is the subject of active R&D world-wide, with a number of new technologies and feedstocks expected to be commercialised over the next decade. • In some situations bioenergy may compete for feedstocks and land that would otherwise be used for food production. • In other situations, new tree crops for bioenergy may enhance agricultural activities, and the environment through salinity mitigation, soil protection and increased biodiversity. • There are high associated costs to commercialise new technologies and market barriers to the introduction and use of new fuels.
1.2 The industry today Bioenergy contributes approximately one quarter (approximately 1800 GWh per annum) of the new renewable electricity generated in Australia under the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET)6, which was in force from 2001 until 2010, and was designed to provide 2% of Australia’s total electricity generation in 2010. An average selling price of 8 cents per kWh (allowing for the value of the electricity and a typical value for a REC) corresponds to $80,000/GWh. The value for electricity from bioenergy under MRET in 2007 was therefore approximately $144 million per year. Bioenergy generation under MRET was primarily from land fill gas and bagasse-fired power stations at sugar mills. The expanded Renewable Energy Target (RET) came into force on 1 January 2010 and mandates that 20% of Australia’s projected electricity supply is to come from renewable sources by 2020. Modelling of the RET scheme suggests that bioenergy technologies are likely to benefit from the scheme, particularly bagasse, municipal solid waste, and wood/wood waste7. Ethanol and biodiesel are both produced commercially in Australia. According to figures compiled by the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, production in 2009 was estimated to be in excess of 330 ML. Assuming an average selling price of 80 cents per litre, revenues from Australian biofuel production are currently valued at some $260 M per year. This production represents less than 1% of the estimated 37 billion litres of petrol and diesel used in Australia in 20098.
1.3 The potential of the industry
The bioenergy industry in Australia has the potential to grow significantly2,9. This may be driven by: • Increased demand for renewable energy for stationary power and transport fuels, as Australia seeks to reduce its CO2 emissions. • A market response to a sustained increase in oil prices in the longer term, as demand increases and supply is constrained. • The development of a variety of new and existing feedstocks that optimise sustainable use of existing farmland and create new opportunities for marginal lands. • A variety of new technologies, principally those for production of liquid fuels from woody biomass (currently being commercialised overseas) and also from algae. Power and heat – The Australian Bioenergy Roadmap2 notes that bioenergy currently provides some 0.9% of Australia’s electricity generation. The Roadmap reports that bioenergy could potentially provide from 19.8% to as much as 30.7% of Australia’s electricity requirements by 2050. Biofuels - As a variety of new biofuel technologies are commercialised, biofuels could potentially make up an important part of Australia’s future fuels for road, sea and air transport. This could include ethanol, biodiesel and synthetic diesel for use in blends and as fuels in their own right. In addition to current production via sugar, grains, tallow, used cooking oil and vegetable oils, additional fuel production could come from woody residues, new tree crops (for oil and for biomass) and algae. New tree crops could be integrated with current agricultural systems and/or be developed as separate crops. CSIRO has reported that there is potential for second generation biofuels to replace between 10% and 140% of current petrol only usage over time10. The variability in this prediction is attributed to the lack of knowledge on ecological sustainability and economic feasibility of products from the range of lignocellulosic feedstocks. The potential for production of biofuels from algae could also be considered. Algae production has the potential to be linked to broader rural aquaculture initiatives. It should also be noted that biofuels are just one of the options available in Australia for alternative future fuels11. Future energy for transport may also see the increased use of natural gas and the development of liquid fuels from coal and gas, as well as movement towards electrical modes of transport. The longer term opportunities for bioenergy production will in part be determined by future policy direction
and the best use of land resource for energy production. Bioenergy will also need to compete with other forms of renewable energy such as wind and solar, as well as other new sources of transport fuels such as coal and natural gas.
1.4 What will help bioenergy reach its potential? A number of factors could be considered to help bioenergy meet its potential. These include: • A secure demand for bioenergy products, which will underpin investment for feed supply and bioenergy processing. • A regime that places costs on carbon emissions across each of the areas in which bioenergy can contribute (e.g. heat, power, transport fuels, chemicals). • Further understanding of the environmental and social costs and benefits of using different types of bioenergy in Australia. • Local feedstocks with technical characteristics and costs that are well understood. • Mapping of potential feedstock volumes and thus actual supply (fuel and electricity) that Australia can expect from biomass. • Mapping of current industry and technologies being utilised, to provide a baseline against which growth may be measured. • ‘Buy in’ from market drivers such as oil majors and car manufacturers. • Greater understanding that some new tree crops can be integrated into current agricultural production systems to maintain or increase agricultural production, produce biomass and provide benefits such as soil protection. • Integration of bioenergy production with production of co-products such as foodstuffs, chemicals and biochar.
1.5 How can RD&E assist? Technology – With strong worldwide interest in bioenergy, a variety of new technologies for electricity generation and biofuel production are already being developed and commercialised overseas, with significant industry investment and government support. Most of these technologies could be utilised in Australian conditions. Australian RD&E could adapt these technologies to suit local conditions and feedstocks, and assist with pilot, demonstration and commercial prototypes. In situations where Australian researchers can demonstrate a strong competitive business case based on unique Intellectual Property or world leading capabilities, RD&E support has been shown to enhance the opportunities to create new local industries and technologies that complement developments made overseas and can reach international markets. Feedstock – Whereas bioenergy technologies developed overseas may be utilised in Australia, local RD&E may result in a greater understanding of the optimal production, harvest, delivery and processing characteristics of Australian feedstocks. Such work will help to provide prospective businesses with a clear understanding of the cost, availability, benefits and limitations of feedstocks for heat and power and liquid fuels, as well as opportunities for integration with existing industry. Sustainability – Local feedstocks will ideally be produced in ways that enhance the sustainability of rural enterprises and maximise the reduction of greenhouse gases. RD&E could be of benefit to both these areas. Where Australian conditions are different to those experienced overseas, local RD&E will assist with a thorough and balanced evaluation of these feedstocks.
Prototype oil mallee harvester
2. Current Australian Bioenergy Bioenergy is the term used to describe the recovery of useful energy from biomass feedstocks. Thus electricity, heat or liquid fuels for transport can be derived from: • Wood and wood waste, including: –– Plantations and plantation residues. –– Other forestry residues. –– Residual wood from processing activities such as saw mills. –– New, dedicated energy crops (such as short rotation mallees or purpose-grown grasses). –– Biomass from weed species and regenerative vegetation. • Agricultural products and their wastes, including: –– Sugar cane and bagasse. –– Grains, waste starch and crop stubble. –– Oil seeds and tallow. –– Other organic wastes suitable for anaerobic digestion to produce methane. • Post consumer waste, including: –– Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) - directly as collected or indirectly via land fill gas. –– Sewage. –– Wood waste from industry, and from construction and demolition activities. –– Used cooking oil. • Algae.
2.1 Markets 2.1.1. Electricity Renewable electricity from bioenergy in Australia is supported under the expanded national Renewable Energy Target (RET), designed to ensure that 20 per cent of Australia’s electricity supply is from renewable sources by 2020. Legislation to implement the expanded national RET scheme was passed by the Commonwealth Parliament on 20 August 2009, and the new target commenced on 1 January 2010. The RET increases the previous Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET) by over four times, from 9,500 gigawatt-hours in 2010 to 45,000 gigawatt-hours in 2020. A range of biomass sources have been eligible under the MRET and will continue to be eligible under the RET scheme. These include biomass-based components of municipal soil waste (MSW), plantation wood, a range of food, agricultural and wood processing wastes, landfill gas and sewage gas, and some native forest harvesting wastes. Data regarding the energy produced under the RET are available from the Office of Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER).
Renewable Energy Source Landfill gas Bagasse & bagasse /wood Wood waste & wood waste/MSW Sewage gas Food and Ag wet waste Black liquor and BL/wood waste MSW Crop waste Total
Number of accredited power stations (at Oct 2007) 46 27 13
Feed supply as % of total MRET (at Jan 2007) 7.8 9.1 3.2
10 6 2
1.0 0.3 2.9
1 1 106
0.0 0.0 24.3
In 2007, Australia’s total ORER-accredited renewable generation capacity was capable of producing approximately 7,400 GWh per year. As shown in the above table12, bioenergy contributed a total of 24% of this capacity, suggesting that bioenergy contributed approximately 1,800 GWh per year in 2007. This is equivalent to continuous generation at approximately 200 MW. Renewable energy generation capacity via MRET is in addition to the generating capacity that pre-dated MRET. Such previous capacity is largely based on hydro-electricity such as the schemes in the Snowy mountains and Tasmania.
2.1.2 Heat Whereas electricity generation in Australia is well documented under RET there is no equivalent program in place to monitor the generation of renewable heat from biomass. Current uses of biomass for heat include: • steam in sugar mills. • kiln drying at saw mills. • steam and drying at pulp and paper facilities. • steam at food processors. • fires for domestic heating.
2.1.3 Biofuels The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism and the Biofuels Association of Australia estimate the installed annual capacity for biofuels in Australia as follows: • At the end of 2009 ethanol capacity was 400 ML nationally, from two plants in Queensland and one in NSW (reflecting an increase over the figure of 280 ML for January 2009)13. • At the start of 2010 biodiesel capacity was at 273 ML nationally, based on seven plants around the country and designed to process a variety of feeds. At that time only three large facilities and some smaller
ones were in operation, producing an estimated 100 ML of biodiesel principally from tallow and used cooking oil14, 8. Some state governments have recently developed, or are considering, policies to promote the use of biofuels: • The NSW government already has a mandate for 4% of ethanol in unleaded petrol in NSW which came into place on 1 January 2010 and was an increase from the previous 2% mandate. Further increases in the mandates have been legislated, with an increase in the percentage of ethanol to 6% in January 2011. All regular grade unleaded petrol sold in the state must be E10 from July 2011 (a total of up to 500 ML of ethanol per year). • The NSW Government also has a Biodiesel mandate of 2% introduced in January 2010 and rising to 5% from January 2012, subject to the availability of feedstocks. • Queensland has indicated that it will introduce a mandated target of 5% ethanol in petrol from December 201015. • Victoria has developed a Biofuels Road Map and Action Plan16. No mandate is currently planned however this is scheduled for review before 2013. • Western Australia has also examined the biofuels industry and a 2007 Biofuels Taskforce report17 is under consideration. In 2008 a life cycle assessment (LCA) report was prepared by CSIRO18 to consider biofuels production and use in WA. Excise rates for alternative fuels were considered as part of the review of Australia’s Future Tax System Review, which was submitted to the Australian Government in late 2009.
2.1.4 Co-products A number of industries around the country produce bioenergy and co-products. At present most of the operational plant is based on industries that have waste fibre and a need for heat or power: • Most sugar mills burn waste bagasse to produce bioenergy as heat for their own use. An increasing number also generate electricity for internal use and for export to the grid. • Many saw mills and wood processors produce bioenergy as heat for their own use, however very few produce electricity. Recent initiatives for bioenergy and co-products include: • A facility in Sydney that treats urban organic wastes to make methane for electricity generation, plus fertilisers as co-products. • The Integrated Wood Processing (IWP) Plant near Narrogin in Western Australia. In 2006 this demonstration facility successfully trialled integrated
technology to make electricity, activated carbon and eucalyptus oil from whole mallee trees. These coppicing trees were harvested from alleys grown across a number of wheat belt farms. 2.2 Feedstocks
2.2.1 Heat and Power Current biomass feedstocks for heat and power generation in Australia are, without exception, byproducts or residues. These come from a diverse range of industries around the country. Feedstocks include the following: Sugar cane bagasse – the cane fibre left over from sugar extraction is known as bagasse and is used throughout the sugar industry as a source of fuel for heat or combined heat and power (co-generation). Recent projects have added new cogeneration facilities to a number of mills, both to upgrade old plant and to provide capacity for export of electricity to the grid. Forestry wastes – during harvest of trees from plantations and native forests a considerable amount of residual woody material is generated. This is mainly the tops of the trees and large branches and it is generally burnt or left to rot. Several groups are looking at recovery of this material for power generation, most notably in Western Australia where two projects for large power plants (each approximately 30 - 40 MW electrical output) are at advanced planning stages19. These plants will mainly utilise residues from softwood and hardwood plantations. Another group in Western Australia is collecting plantation residues and has recently started manufacturing wood pellets, which will be used in power stations in Europe20. Wood processing wastes – saw mills and plants for engineered wood products and pulp and paper manufacture all generate residues. Some of these residues are used for heat (and occasionally power) generation on site. In other cases the residues may be sold to third parties, for example kilns or coal-fired power stations that will use them for co-firing. Urban green waste – There is limited use of green waste for heat and power. A notable example is the cogeneration plant at the Rocky Point Sugar Mill in southern Queensland, which uses green waste as part of its feed at times when bagasse is not available. Urban wood waste – This material ranges from wooden packaging and broken pallets from industry through to construction and demolition wood waste. Limited quantities of this material are being used for co-firing in
kilns and power stations. Small, dedicated power plants are under consideration (and in one case construction) in Melbourne and Sydney. Landfill – The breakdown of organic matter in landfills generates methane gas. This may be collected and used as fuel for engines and generators. There are many examples of this at landfill sites around the country. Agricultural wastes - Australia has examples of agricultural residues used as fuel. These include: • Gasification of rice hulls for heat in NSW. • Combustion of macadamia nut shells for electricity in NSW and possibly soon in Queensland. While there is use of straw and crop stubble as fuel overseas, there are no examples of this in Australia to our knowledge. Wet organics – Some organic material that is too wet to use via combustion can still produce energy via anaerobic digestion. This process produces a methane gas similar to that produced from landfills, which may be used to generate heat and power. A variety of plants are already in operation around Australia using feed such as: • Human effluent at sewage treatment works. • Piggery wastes. • Food processing wastes. • Organic material collected in Sydney. At present there are no dedicated biomass feedstocks used commercially in Australia, although considerable R&D has been completed to examine a number of possible materials. Mallee eucalypts have received particular attention, and specific programs (including “Search” and “Florasearch”) have assessed a variety of native species for different agricultural and climatic regions.
2.2.2 Biofuels (a) Biodiesel Biodiesel can be manufactured from a wide variety of existing feedstocks, including the following: • Oilseeds (such as canola, soy, sunflower) - This feed offers the benefits of using existing commodity crops and commercially demonstrated technology. As such it is an important entry option for a new industry. • Waste Oils & Grease – Supply is constrained by the availability of used cooking oil. Prices for this feed have increased in recent years, and this material often requires more expensive processing. • Tallow – This is subject to significant price variations as it is an international traded commodity. As a byproduct of another industry it will ultimately have limitations on supply.
• Palm Oil – This feedstock is produced from oil palm plantations in Asia, particularly Indonesia & Malaysia. It can be sourced in large quantities however its price can fluctuate, which affects its commercial suitability for use as a biodiesel feedstock. Currently, palm oil is not used as a biofuels feedstock in Australia.
A number of pilot scale plants for second generation ethanol have been built and operated in the USA, Europe and Japan over the past ten years. In Australia, pilot scale work is currently being conducted by Ethtec Pty Ltd23.
Algae is a possible feedstock for biodiesel, however it is not currently used commercially in this way anywhere in the world. Its potential is discussed in section 8.1.2 below. Other potential feedstocks include pongamia and other woody perennial oil seed crops.
DiMethyl Ether (DME) is currently made from hydrocarbon feedstocks for the chemicals industry. It has been recognised as a viable additive to transport fuels and technology has been identified that can produce DME from biomass feedstocks. There currently are no commercial operations making DME from biomass.
(b) Ethanol from sugar and grains Current ethanol production is from first generation feedstocks, comprising grains, cereals and sugar cane: • Sugar cane – Some ethanol in Australia is currently made from C-molasses, which is the final molasses left after all commercially viable sugar has been extracted from the cane juice at a sugar mill. The C-molasses still contains sugar, which may be fermented to produce ethanol. In addition to its use for ethanol manufacture, molasses can be utilised as a feed supplement for cattle. • Some existing ethanol production in Australia uses waste starch from grain processing. The starch is broken down into its component sugars with enzymes (a process known as “hydrolysis”). The sugars may then be fermented to produce ethanol. • Wheat and grain sorghum are also used as feed for ethanol production. Starch is extracted from the grain or cereal, hydrolysed to sugars and fermented. (c) Ethanol from cellulosic feedstocks Cellulosic feedstocks are the source of feed for “second generation” ethanol production. These feedstocks are also termed “biomass” and may include: • Wood wastes from forestry and wood processing activities. • Sugar cane bagasse. • Dedicated tree crops such as mallees. • Agricultural residues and dedicated crops such as grasses (e.g. miscanthus and switchgrass). • Post consumer wood waste. Second generation ethanol production has been the subject of extensive research and demonstration in Australia and overseas for many years. As yet there are no commercial scale facilities anywhere in the world, however a number of commercial prototypes are under construction in the USA, with major funding support from the US government in 200721 and 200922.
(d) DiMethyl Ether
(e) Syn-Diesel • It is feasible to produce biofuels via the hydrogenation of fats and vegetable oils, followed by blending with fossil fuel feedstock at existing oil refineries. This is a variation on setting up dedicated biodiesel production facilities as described above. BP has built a facility at its oil refinery at Bulwer Island in Queensland. • A second route to synthetic diesel from biomass is gasification followed by conversion to liquid fuels via the Fischer Tropsch process (originally developed in Germany in the 1920s and used in several countries during WW2 for the production of transport fuels from coal). As yet there are no commercial facilities to process biomass with this technology anywhere in the world. Demonstration scale plants have been built recently24 or are under construction25, and there is also interest in using Fischer Tropsch technology with other feedstocks such as natural gas26. • Fast pyrolysis also offers a route to renewable hydrocarbon fuels. Crude pyrolysis oil is not generally suitable for use with existing transport fuels, however a number of groups around the world are investigating the upgrading of pyrolysis oil into hydrocarbon liquids. Dynamotive has recently announced successful upgrading at the laboratory scale, and independent testing of the upgraded oil has shown it to contain a mix of transport fuels and gas oil27. (f) Biocrude and refinery feedstocks There is work underway in Australia and overseas to develop refinery feedstocks from the processing of biomass with water: • In a supercritical state28. • Via aqueous phase reforming29, 30
The forestry, sugar and grains industries are all capable of providing cellulosic feedstock for production of electricity
3. Industry Structure in Australia 3.1 Feedstock Australia has a number of well established industries capable of providing feedstock for bioenergy: • Sugar and grains already provide feedstock for the production of ethanol and biodiesel. • The forestry, sugar and grains industries are all capable of providing cellulosic feedstock for production of electricity. They can also provide feedstock for production of second generation biofuels once processing technologies are commercially available. • Australia is one of the few countries in the world that already has commercial production of algae (currently used for chemicals, not for fuels)31, 32.
3.1.1 Sugar cane Around 4,000 business enterprises around Australia supply more than 35 million tonne of cane each year to 25 sugar mills33. Most mills can crush on average 10,000 tonnes of cane daily and employ around 150 people during the season, which may run for 20-25 weeks each year. Cane is transported to the mills on
cane railway and road systems. Millers, growers and harvesters determine harvesting and transport schedules that ensure cane is crushed as soon as possible after harvest. Average cut to crush time is less than 12 hours. Most Australian sugar mills have been established for more than 100 years. The total value of sugar produced by these mills for domestic use and export is $1.5-2.5 billion per year34. Raw sugar is extracted from the cane in a series of processing steps. The residual product is known as C-molasses, which is the final components of the cane sugar juice once all of the commercially extractable sugar has been removed. C-molasses still contains sugar and is a low cost feedstock for the production of ethanol. In the Australian sugar industry C-molasses is currently the only material used for ethanol production. All raw sugar produced by the industry is used for food, either domestically or via export.
3.1.2 Grains
3.1.4 Algae
Average production over the past five years for major grains may be summarised in the table below35:
Australia is one of the few countries in the world that currently produces algae commercially. Production facilities in Western Australia and South Australia grow algae for the high value chemical beta-carotene31, 40. A separate facility operates in the Northern Territory to grow spirulina (a type of algae)32. None of these facilities have been set up to grow algae for biofuels. However, research to develop algae as a biofuel is underway at a number of institutes around Australia and demonstration plants are planned for construction and commissioning during 201041, 42.
Crop type Wheat Barley Oats Sorghum Maize Canola Lupins
Five year Average Production (000 tonne) 18,828 7,145 1,339 1,739 345 1,222 920
The bulk of these grains are grown on approximately 28,500 farms across the country that planted 100 hectares or more to grains during the previous decade36. At present up to 200,000 tonnes per year of sorghum is used for ethanol production in Queensland37. Ethanol is also manufactured on the south coast of NSW, utilising the by-products of a starch processing plant that uses grain as its feedstock.
3.1.3 Woody biomass (also see table below) Bioenergy production currently utilises waste wood from the forestry industry in a variety of ways: • Individual processing sites (saw and pulp mills, wood products factories) use residues for generation of heat and power. • A number of coal-fired power stations in NSW and WA have used forestry and saw mill residues as fuel to be “co-fired” alongside coal. • Some cogeneration plants at sugar mills can use wood wastes as feed when bagasse is not available.
Interest in microalgae is in part due to the potential yields of biofuels per unit of land, which may, in theory, be significantly greater than for equivalent land areas used for crops to produce other biofuels43.. Algal ponds may utilise saline water and be located on marginal land that is unsuitable for food production. However it should also be noted that analysis of overall costs for algal biofuel production point to capital and operating costs being the major cost factors, not land43.
3.2 Processors 3.2.1 Heat and power In Australia most electricity from bioenergy is generated at large-scale facilities; particularly sugar mills and coalfired power stations using wood as a co-fuel. In these cases the bioenergy is produced either at the location of the feed or the location of existing capital equipment for power generation.
The following table summarises the Australian forestry industry for the year 2008–0938, 39. Parameter Plantation area Broadleaved Coniferous Total Log production Total harvested Gross Value Volume of production Sawn wood [2007-08] Wood based panels Paper and cardboard Total value of forest industry exports imports
% change in past 10 years
000 ha 000 ha 000 ha
991 1,020 2,020
155 8 51
000 m3 $ million
26,480 1,747
27 55
000 m3 000 m3 000 tonne
5,371 1,778 3,312
39 14 29
$ million $ million
2,343 4,459
74 37
There are also many sites around the country that use methane (from landfills or organic waste processing) as a fuel to drive engines and generators. Such plants are typically much smaller than sugar mill bioenergy plants due to relative quantities of feed available.
3.2.2 Liquid fuels The majority of biofuels in Australia are also produced in large-scale, centralised facilities, which may offer: • Proximity to feedstock if it is a waste from a processing plant. • Economy of scale. • The ability to control product quality.
3.3 Industry and related bodies Bioenergy Australia44 is a bioenergy forum made up of 86 member organisations from government, industry and academia around the country. Its interests include R&D and commercial projects for electricity, heat and biofuels. Bioenergy Australia is the vehicle for Australia’s participation in a number of Tasks of the International Energy gency’s Bioenergy program. The Biofuels Association of Australia45 is the main industry body that represents ethanol and biodiesel producers. The Clean Energy Council46 (CEC) is an industry body with more than 400 members. It focuses on low emission generation and energy efficiency within the Australian electricity industry. This includes an interest in electricity generation via bioenergy, and also via wind, solar, hydro and natural gas-based sources.
Biogas engine and generator at A.J. Bush and Sons, Bromelton, Queensland
4. Status of Technologies 4.1 Mature 4.1.1 Heat and power A number of bioenergy technologies for heat and power generation have been used commercially for decades. In particular, plants to generate heat via combustion, and power via steam raising and steam turbines, have been in widespread use around the world for many decades. The fundamentals of this technology are well understood, however significant improvements are still possible, such as the development over the past 15 years or so of fluidised beds for combustion that increase overall efficiency by as much as 30%.
there are several gasifiers that are used to produce heat from agricultural or woody wastes and several others that are coupled to engines and generators to demonstrate small scale power generation (under 100kWe).
4.1.2 Liquid fuels Ethanol – technology to manufacture ethanol from grains and sugar is mature, and is fundamentally the same as the processes for production of potable alcohol that have been in use for thousands of years. Improvements are still occurring however, such as continuous fermentation and the use of molecular sieves for ethanol concentration following fermentation.
The vast majority of heat and power generation from biomass fuels uses combustion processes. Equipment for combustion of biomass is very similar to the equipment used worldwide for coal-fired power stations, simply at a different scale due to the relative quantities of feedstock available at a given site.
Biodiesel – technology is in common use world-wide to convert a variety of fats and oils into fatty acid methyl esters that can be used on their own or in blends with diesel as transport fuel.
Gasification has long been considered for production of heat and power from biomass, however it has never reached the same level of use as combustion. In Australia
Most activity to develop new bioenergy technologies is focused on the production of liquid fuels from biomass derived from forestry, perennial grasses and
4.2 New
crop residues. The main technologies being developed internationally are: • Hydrolysis of biomass to release sugars, followed by fermentation of the sugars to produce ethanol. • Gasification of biomass to produce “synthesis gas” followed by reforming to produce ethanol, syn-diesel or other liquid fuels24, 47. • Pyrolysis of biomass to break it down into gaseous, liquid and solid streams. A number of research programs are underway in Australia to examine aspects of new biofuels, including: • A photobioreactor facility for algae production, operated by the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) and supported by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)48. • Other NCRIS-funded biofuels facilities for lignocellulosic research or small scale production49. • Research to examine the use of bagasse as a feedstock for ethanol production50. • A second generation biofuels research and development program funded by the Commonwealth Government51. Under this program, funding totalling $14 million has been announced for seven projects across Australia in areas including development of algae for fuel, the development of suitable yeast and sugar strains and pyrolysis processes. • A pilot scale facility for examination of various aspects of ethanol production from cellulosic feeds52. • Pilot scale work to investigate open ponds with saline water for large scale algae production42.
4.3 Biorefineries A biorefinery is a processing plant that manufactures products in addition to renewable energy. Feed to the biorefinery may be from agriculture or forestry; alternatively it may be a waste stream from food or wood processing. Normally some energy is produced and normally the non-energy products have greater unit value than the energy products. • Sugar mills are an example of a biorefinery, with food (sugar) as the main product and energy from bagasse as a major co-product. • In the USA corn is used extensively for coproduction of food and energy, with the energy in this case being fuel ethanol. • Also in the USA, two large-scale biorefineries have been developed recently by joint ventures between large agricultural companies and large chemical companies. (Cargill/Dow and Tate & Lyle/ DuPont)53, 54. These two plants use corn as feed to make biodegradable plastics, typically used for high
quality packaging of food.In Australia the Integrated Wood Processing plant at Narrogin in WA is another example of a biorefinery. In this demonstration plant energy is produced in parallel with activated carbon and eucalyptus oil and the combined product revenues are estimated to be several times the revenue from energy alone55.
4.4 Scale 4.4.1 Power generation The scale of a bioenergy plant is extremely important to its viability, with small plants and large plants both presenting strengths and weaknesses to developers and operators: • Capital costs and operating costs for conventional combustion plants vary significantly with plant size. A large (40 Megawatt gross) biomass power station may have a capital cost equivalent to A$2.5 million per megawatt of installed capacity56. A biomass power plant of less than 1 MW may cost A$8 million or more per MW. Thus the capital recovery costs for a large plant may be less than one third of the small plant. • Operating costs also favour the larger plants. • However, feedstock collection and supply favours small plants: –– A 1MW biomass power plant will typically require less than 15,000 tonnes of wood feed per year. A 40 MW power plant may require as much as 400,000 tonnes per year. Feed supplies must be reliable for many years to allow the plant to operate profitably. –– The larger feed supply may involve greater risk of supply. Also, greater transport distances are required for large quantities of feed, adding to the average cost of biomass supply at the power plant. A large power plant may require a variety of different biomass feeds, which can affect the design and operation of feed handling and combustion equipment. –– In some situations additional feed (at greater delivery cost) will be available to build a larger power plant (that will offer cost efficiencies due to scale). It is important to examine both these factors in any exercise to optimise project size. • Power generation from methane uses different technology to combustion systems. Capital cost for methane generation and capture may be significant, and these costs may vary from project to project according to the nature of the feed material. Once the methane is captured and cleaned (if required), power generation is often based on relatively low cost engines.
4.4.2 Biofuels Large scale: • Suited to mature markets with single feedstock type – plant stoppages to switch feedstocks can be a major cause of production loss. • Beyond a certain size, additional scale ups can be completed at a lower incremental cost due to the ability to take advantage of required redundancies built into the smaller plant. • Some challenges are logistical and include the cost of handling large volumes of feedstock remote from the processing plants. Small scale: • Suited to emerging markets – feedstock flexibility may provide a cost advantage over large plants (production down time due to feedstock change has lower tonnage loss). • Challenges are related to product quality and security of feedstock supply. • Economies of scale may be offset by lower feedstock price and potential for production flexibility.
There is interest from Australian researchers and rural groups in farm or town-based plants that offer direct fuel supply to local users. Such an approach may provide cost savings via reduced transport of feedstock and product. There is the potential for more effective plant operation through reduced down time, and reduced exposure to commodity price and logistics risk. Negative factors include: • Higher unit capital and operating costs. • Product quality issues and thus consumer risk – Product certification will assist in addressing this – Australia has had a standard on biodiesel since 2003, the Fuel Standard (Biodiesel) Determination 2003. Blends of up to 5% biodiesel are covered in this determination. There is also a standard specifically for ethanol which may be blended up to 10% with petrol, the Fuel Standard (Petrol) Determination 200157. • Reliance on a significant penetration of the local fuels market and meeting the long-term expectations of that market for quality, reliability and pricing. The US biofuel industry developed in part on this small scale model but had quality control issues and failed to achieve mainstream retail status. Significant investment is now underway in the USA to provide blending and terminal facilities that allow supply into the retail market – this may be adequate for B2 (2% biodiesel in diesel) market participation but uptake by the major retailers will be required to achieve 5% and above market share.
Several groups are investigating the potential for pongamia trees as a source of oil for biofuels. Researchers include the University of Queensland and the Queensland-based private company Phytofuel
5. Research, Development and Extension Activities 5.1 Australia A number of initiatives and programs are underway to conduct Australian R&D into various aspects of bioenergy. The following examples are by no means all of the R&D underway, however they do indicate the diverse nature of work in progress. NCRIS - The National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) has established strategic research and pilot scale manufacturing facilities that are available to researchers58. These facilities focus on R&D for second generation ethanol and biofuels from algae. RIRDC – The Rural Industries R&D Corporation59 has, for the past ten years, initiated and co-sponsored a wide variety of research into various aspects of bioenergy. Numerous reports are available at the RIRDC website. RIRDC has a research and development program – Bioenergy, Bioproducts and Energy, within which it manages Bioenergy Australia and also Methane to Markets.
CSIRO – CSIRO’s bioenergy activities have included technology development (controlled carbonisation, small scale gasifiers), sustainability investigations, plant and microbial genetics, and appraisals of biomass for use as bioenergy feedstocks. Commonwealth Government funding – In recognition of the need to develop a sustainable biofuels industry and to move away from any impacts on food supply and prices, the Government has established the $15 million Second Generation Biofuels Research and Development Program (Gen 2) which supports the research, development and demonstration of new biofuel technologies60. On 5 August 2009, the Minister for Energy, Resources and Tourism announced funding for seven projects. Bioenergy projects are also being considered under the $5 million Forest Industries Climate Change Research Fund, which will be administered by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). This fund aims to address major knowledge gaps about the impact of climate change on forestry and Australian forest industries.
WA State Government – The state government in WA has supported bioenergy as part of its long-term initiative to establish commercially viable tree crops in wheat belt areas prone to salinity. Additional support for bioenergy comes from state-based targets for renewable electricity that are likely to provide a base for several large-scale bioenergy plants in coming years that will utilise either mallees or residues from the state’s softwood and hardwood plantation industries. NSW Department of Industry and Investment (DII) – NSW DII has developed carbon accounting tools for forestry, that it uses under the NSW Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme, through which carbon sequestered in eligible plantations earns NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Certificates. One of the principal researchers at NSW DII is cotask leader of the IEA Bioenergy collaborative research group on greenhouse gas balances of biomass and bioenergy systems. This group has developed standard methodology for the calculation of life-cycle climate change impacts of bioenergy projects. NSW DII has undertaken studies on the mitigation benefit of utilising forest residues for electricity generation, the impact of soil carbon stock change on mitigation benefits of bioenergy, and mitigation through utilisation of biochar as a soil amendment. NSW DII, through the Primary Industries Innovation Centre (PIIC) with the University of New England (UNE) is completing a Climate Action Grant project. This project investigates some of the key characteristics of lignocellulosic feedstocks for second generation production of biofuels. NCAS – The federal government has developed Australia’s National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS), a world-leading system that accounts for greenhouse gas emissions and removals (sequestration) from land-based sectors61. The NCAS accounts for land sector emissions and removals through an integrated, spatially explicit system that combines satellite imagery to monitor land use and land use change, climate and site information, species information, land management regimes and spatial and temporal ecosystem modelling. A derivative of the NCAS - the National Carbon Accounting Toolbox (NCAT) – allows carbon accounting from land based activities at the project level. Ethtec – Ethtec is a private company that combines long-term research by the Apace group with funding support from Willmott Forests. It has commenced pilot plant work that will seek to demonstrate a variety of technologies pertinent to cost effective production of ethanol from woody feedstocks.
Pongamia – Several groups are investigating the potential for pongamia trees as a source of oil for biofuels. Researchers include the University of Queensland and the Queensland-based private company Phytofuel. Integrated Wood Processing (IWP) – The IWP demonstration plant built recently by Verve Energy at Narrogin in WA represents the combination of R&D from a variety of sources. It was a full scale demonstration of the integrated production of electricity, activated carbon and eucalyptus oil, to create a commercially attractive use for coppicing mallee eucalypts grown for salinity control in the WA wheat belt. Work is now underway to interpret the operating data from the demonstration plant as part of detailed feasibility assessments for larger, fully commercial plants. Slow Pyrolysis – A large-scale demonstration plant for slow pyrolysis has been built and operated in NSW. This plant can process a variety of biomass, producing mainly charcoal and gas. The gas can be used in the process and potentially for generation of electricity. The charcoal can be used as a fuel or as a soil amendment. Biochar - The NSW DII has a number of trials underway to asses the benefits of charcoal (“biochar”) as a soil additive. Charcoal or biochar can be produced from a wide range of bioenergy processes including combustion, gasification and slow or fast pyrolysis. Its addition to soil is seen as a potential double benefit; combining carbon sequestration with soil improvement. Similar trials are underway in many other countries. DAFF is also investing $1.4 million into biochar research under the Climate Change Research Program (which is a part of Australia’s Farming Future, the Australian Government’s major climate change research program for Australia’s primary industries). This research project will help understand this emerging technology and address uncertainties about its use. It will draw together Australian and international experts in areas of biochar, soil science and emissions management and complement research already done by partner organisations.
5.2 Overseas Most of the Australian R&D described above has parallels overseas, in particular, work in North America and Europe, albeit with the emphasis on local feedstocks. Bioenergy R&D is also underway in South America and Asia.
5.2.1 North America Of particular interest and importance in the United States of America is recent support for scale up of technologies for production of ethanol and chemicals from woody biomass. Recent US Government funding initiatives combined with matching funds from industry are expected to result in well over US$ 1 billion in expenditure on commercial prototypes for several different second generation ethanol technologies over the next few years. There is also considerable government funding support for R&D into biorefineries that can produce plastics and other value added chemicals, often in parallel with energy production. Biomass R&D is jointly co-ordinated by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Agriculture (USDA)62. The following examples are indicative of work that receives government financial support: • Funding of up to US$6.3 million towards fundamental genomics-enabled research leading to the improved use of plant feedstocks for biofuel production63. • Funding of up to US$85 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the development of algae-based biofuels and advanced, infrastructurecompatible biofuels64. • Funding of up to US$480 million for pilot and demonstration-scale “integrated” biorefineries, which produce advanced biofuels, biobased products, and heat and power in a single integrated system. DOE anticipates making 10 to 20 awards for refineries at various scales and designs, all to be operational in the next three years65. In 200721 and 200922 the US Government offered some hundreds of $million in support of commercial demonstration plants for lignocellulosic ethanol production. Grants will cover fermentation and thermochemical pathways. In addition to funding support as per the examples above, the US Government has prepared: • a road map for bioenergy and biobased products66. • a national biofuels action plan67. • a draft algal biofuels technology roadmap68.
5.2.2 Europe Use of bioenergy in many European countries is already far greater than its use in Australia and is expected to grow further with strong government support5. R&D initiatives support the proposed expansion. The work of the International Energy Agency under IEA Bioenergy69. indicates the range of R&D underway.
IEA Bioenergy has participants from around the world, including Australia, but generally the majority of its active personnel are in Europe. A number of R&D topics have already been investigated; grouped into tasks as follows: Task 29: Socio-Economic Drivers in Implementing Bioenergy Projects Task 32: Biomass Combustion and Co-firing Task 33: Thermal Gasification of Biomass Task 34: Pyrolysis of Biomass Task 36: Integrating Energy Recovery into Solid Waste Management Task 37: Energy from Biogas and Landfill Gas Task 38: Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems Task 39: Commercialising Liquid Biofuels from Biomass Task 40: Sustainable International Bioenergy Trade Securing Supply and Demand Task 41: Bioenergy Systems Analysis Task 42: Biorefineries: Co-production of Fuels, Chemicals, Power and Materials from Biomass Task 43: Biomass Feedstocks for Energy Markets The European Biofuels Technology Platform70. is another significant non-government organisation within Europe steering research and development into biofuels. It is developing a Strategic Research Agenda to identify key research elements for the next decades. Its membership is heavily research focused and university based. A variety of industrial developments are underway in Europe to examine new processes for electricity and liquid fuels. Examples include: • Choren – a German company that uses gasification and Fischer Tropsch synthesis to convert cellulosic material into a diesel type fuel. Choren has recently built a production facility in Germany that is expected to produce 18 million litres of 2nd generation biofuel per year starting in 2010. Choren hopes to build a larger scale plant (fifteen times the size of the current plant71) in several years. • BTG – a European company that has developed fast pyrolysis technology to manufacture liquid fuels from cellulosic material. BTG built a commercial scale prototype several years ago. • Norwegian paper manufacturer Norske Skog is majority owner of Xynergo, a company established to trial pyrolysis and gasification technologies for production of liquid fuels from wood. • Several companies are testing commercial prototypes for electricity generation via gasification, gas cleaning and engines/generators.
Covered lagoon capturing biogas at the AJ Bush rendering plant, Bromelton, Queensland
6. Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment 6.1 Sustainability Discussions of sustainability generally consider three separate and important elements: • Environmental • Social • Economic A fully sustainable industry must accommodate prerequisites in each of these areas.
6.1.1 Environmental sustainability In theory it could be argued that bioenergy, as a renewable alternative to fossil fuels, achieves improved environmental sustainability by replacing a nonrenewable resource with one that comes from renewable materials. In practice, some forms of bioenergy also have environmental weaknesses. These will vary by country, feedstock and technology. Legitimate concerns for some forms of bioenergy include: The recognition that fossil fuels are currently used in
the production of feedstock and the manufacture of biofuels, leading to renewable fuels that generate less greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels but are not fully greenhouse neutral (an issue common to most forms of renewable energy, see section 6.2.2 below). • The destruction of old growth forest and non-forest native vegetation such as grasslands, (and resultant loss of native habitat and biodiversity) to allow the planting of new crops and trees for bioenergy use. (While this may occur overseas and be a factor to consider for some imported biofuels, Australia’s Regional Forest Agreements and Renewable Energy Target, in conjunction with state-based native vegetation legislation, provide guidance and regulation on sustainable use of forest materials.) • The potential for biomass feedstocks to compete for natural resources including land and water that may be in limited supply. (Conversely, in some parts of Australia bioenergy could catalyse tree planting that would reduce salinity problems caused by excess water72 and soil loss caused by erosion). • The potential for impacts on long-term sustainable production due to progressive reduction of carbon, moisture and nutrient levels in soils (although the
bioenergy co-product biochar offers the potential to improve soil carbon levels when used as a soil additive). Fortunately many environmental aspects of bioenergy feedstock preparation and plant operation are covered by existing legislation and procedures around Australia. For example: • The Regional Forest Agreements in place around Australia provide for the conservation and sustainable management of Australia’s native forests. • Environmental Impact Statements or Plans can be sought for particular projects within well established planning frameworks.
6.1.2 Social sustainability Construction and operation of a bioenergy plant will include: • Design, fabrication and erection of plant and equipment, with the majority of equipment supply and labour requirements being sourced within Australia. • Provision of biomass feedstock on a continuous basis, potentially involving nurseries, planting, crop management, harvest and transport. • Plant operation on a continuous basis with professional, skilled and unskilled personnel. • Plant maintenance activities, with direct labour and indirect employment for provision of new equipment and consumables as required. In an Australian study that examined employment in the energy industry73 it was found that across six case studies renewable energy generally provided more employment per unit of energy than coal and gas-fired power generation, and bioenergy generally provided more employment than wind energy. (Solar energy and hydro case studies did not form part of the study.) New bioenergy industries will focus on rural sites, for proximity to feedstock. Most of the long-term employment for each plant will occur in and around country towns. Bioenergy thus offers the potential for social sustainability in parts of country Australia. As with all industries that rely on agriculture and forestry for feedstock, determination of the overall social sustainability of bioenergy businesses will include consideration of their impact on land ownership and rights, labour conditions and equitable access to food, land and energy. Bioenergy has attracted some criticism for negative social impacts. Competition for crops traditionally used for food, and the adverse impact of some government polices, has led to the belief that bioenergy has been
a major factor in rising food costs over the past few years. In contrast, the US government has reported that the impact of rapid growth in US ethanol production contributed only 3% to the increase in world food prices during 2007–0874.
6.1.3 Economic sustainability The construction and operation of multiple new bioenergy plants will be driven by private industry, with funding raised under commercial conditions. Bioenergy plants are capital intensive and have long payback periods (as with fossil fuel based production of electricity and liquid fuels). The industry will be economically sustainable if it is cost competitive with other forms of energy. The ability of bioenergy to compete may be assisted by clear, stable policies to reduce carbon pollution such as the expanded national Renewable Energy Target (RET) and the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) or a similar scheme. Consideration of economic sustainability may also include review and analysis of industry development, diversification of the local economy and resource availability.
6.2 Life cycle assessments for bioenergy As with all forms of renewable energy, bioenergy can replace fossil fuels and thereby potentially reduce carbon emissions associated with electricity generation and transport. The reduction of carbon emissions is not 100% however, because the production of bioenergy also requires the consumption of energy and that energy generally comes from fossil fuels or involves fossil fuels in its production. Analysis of the relative benefits of renewable energy over energy from fossil fuels is generally achieved via Life Cycle Assessments (LCA).
6.2.1 Biofuels The most common form of LCA for fuels is on an energy basis, where all energy inputs to produce the fuel are compared with the energy value of the fuel and any co-products. As an example, to assess wheat for biofuel in Australia, the following could be included75: • Fossil fuels used by the farmer for land preparation, crop maintenance and harvest. • Fossil fuel used in manufacture and transport of fertilisers and herbicides used for the wheat. • Grain transport to the fuel facility. • Energy used at the ethanol facility and for other
inputs such as enzymes and chemicals. • Energy used in distribution of the ethanol. • Emissions created when the ethanol releases its energy in a vehicle engine. An LCA can also consider impacts that are not related directly or indirectly to fossil fuel energy use, such as the potential impact of land use change. The LCA would also quantify avoided emissions, when the biofuel is used instead of fossil fuel in vehicle engines, as well as the avoided emissions produced during recovery of crude oil (including any CO2 venting and gas flaring), processing to make the fuel, and transport of that fuel to the user. In this way the LCA may demonstrate any net GHG emission reductions achieved by using biofuels instead of fossil fuels. It can be seen from the list above that the LCAs for projects may vary considerably depending on the interpretation of the respective boundary conditions and according to agricultural practices and the relative locations of feedstocks, processing facilities and markets. It is important to be careful in any use of an LCA developed for one project to make a truly equivalent comparison with an LCA for a different project. In all LCAs, the definition of the boundary limits and the factors applied for energy inputs and outputs must be carefully correlated to ensure objective and consistent appraisals. The CSIRO, BTRE and ABARE have already investigated and reported a number of biofuel LCAs76 and further work is planned. LCAs are included in ongoing work organised by the IEA77. There is an international standard for Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14040). LCAs are a useful tool to compare the energy benefits of different biofuels, if the boundaries and assumptions are clearly articulated, but they should not be the sole parameter for assessment of a fuel’s sustainability.
6.2.2 Electricity A life cycle assessment for electricity from biomass would generally follow the format described above for biofuels. The table below shows the results from a study by the UK Department of Trade and Industry study78, comparing the life cycle emissions of carbon dioxide for various conventional and renewable energy technologies. This review focused on electricity generation. On a life cycle basis, greenhouse gas emissions of bioenergy systems are project specific, but typically in the range 4-50 grams CO2 equivalent/kWh, which is greater than wind and lower than solar PV.
Technology g/kWh CO2 Brown Coal: Current Practice 1100-1300 Bituminous Coal: Best Practice 955 Gas: Combined cycle 446 Diesel: Embedded 772 Onshore wind 9 Hydro - existing large 32 Hydro - small-scale 5 Decentralised photovoltaic (PV)- retrofit 160 Decentralised PV - new houses 178 Decentralised PV - new commercial 154 Bioenergy Technologies Bioenergy - poultry litter - gasification 8 Bioenergy - poultry litter - steam cycle 10 Bioenergy - straw - steam cycle 13 Bioenergy - straw - pyrolysis 11 Bioenergy - energy crops - gasification 14 Bioenergy - Forestry residues - steam cycle 29 Bioenergy - Forestry residues - gasification 24 Bioenergy - animal slurry - anaerobic digestion 31 Landfill gas 49 Sewage gas 4
6.2.3 Relative energy balances for annual crops and perennials It has been noted above that the life cycle assessment for bioenergy typically includes all of the energy inputs to produce and collect the biomass and all of the outputs from its utilisation. This figure may be shown as an energy ratio (total renewable energy outputs divided by the total non-renewable energy inputs). These ratios will be influenced by farming practices and location factors. For example: • USDA energy balances show ethanol from corn having an energy ratio of 1.3 and biodiesel from soy beans having a ratio of 3.2. • Mustard use for biodiesel in Europe is reported as having a ratio of approximately 7. • In contrast to this, preliminary work on mallee eucalypts as energy crops in Western Australia shows an energy ratio of 41.779. The high ratio for mallees relative to the annual crops highlights the ability of some forms of forestry material to be made available for bioenergy production with much lower embodied energy per unit of feed than material from agriculture. It suggests that the net greenhouse gas reductions to be achieved by substitution of second generation biofuels (made from forestry feedstocks) for fossil fuels may be greater than the reductions achieved by first generation biofuels derived from annual crops.
Production of first generation biofuels in Australia is at a much smaller scale than in the United States, and there is no evidence to suggest that biofuels in Australia have contributed to higher feedstock prices
7. Discussion – Risks and Challenges 7.1 The “food versus fuel” debate At present much of the ethanol and biodiesel around the world is produced from sugar, grains, corn and oilseed crops that could also be used for food production. Over the past few years in particular the popular media has linked the increasing production of these first generation fuels to the concurrent increases in food prices around the world. The US Departments of Energy and Agriculture80 and others81 have stated that, while renewable fuel production is a contributing factor, so are: • Higher fuel and input prices. • Increased demand. • Adverse climatic conditions, particularly drought. • Export food restrictions. As stated previously in this overview, the US government has reported that the impact of rapid growth in US ethanol production contributed only 3% to the increase in world food prices during 2007–0874. Production of first generation biofuels in Australia is at a much smaller scale than in the United States, and there is no evidence to suggest that biofuels in Australia
have contributed to higher feedstock prices. Indeed the reverse appears to be the case, with recent price increases in grains in Australia contributing to the cancellation of proposed grain to ethanol projects. Increases to pricing for biodiesel feedstocks has contributed to the difficulties and reduced production in Australia’s fledgling biodiesel industry. It would appear that there are arguments in favour of biofuels contributing to increased prices and also arguments that increased prices contribute to difficulties in the biofuels industry.
7.2 Competition The search for renewable energies and ways to combat climate change have created a complex environment where multiple solutions seek attention and support. There is strong competition for a place in the mix of technologies and industries that will help Australia to address these issues. RD&E for bioenergy should assist with its fair and full consideration as one of several means of reducing the country’s CO2 emissions.
7.2.1 Land and water The recent “food versus fuel” debate shows that: • Some bioenergy can use feedstocks that would otherwise be used as food or as stock feed. • Bioenergy feedstocks that are not suitable for human consumption may still be grown on land that could also be used for food production. A separate issue that has been widely reported in the media and also debated in academic circles is the shortage of water in many parts of rural Australia, coupled with the fact that woody perennials typically use more water for growth than annual crops. These issues raise a number of important topics for bioenergy R&D, including: • Understanding the co-production of crops and biomass, so that farmers can grow biomass as a commercial venture alongside other activities such as grains and livestock. Much of the mallee eucalypt R&D underway in Western Australia considers this issue. • Understanding water balances on a regional basis – some parts of Australia have major water shortages, however other parts have excess water that creates environmental problems via salinity. • Considering new biomass crops for land that is unsuitable for other agriculture – for example the potential for oil-seed producing trees such as pongamia in parts of Queensland. • Developing policies that encourage the production of biofuels that provide environmental and social benefits and allow first generation biofuels to utilise grains and sugars but with care exercised to ensure that industry support measures (such as mandatory targets) do not create undue pricing volatility across the fuel or food sectors. • The direct and indirect land use changes associated with the growth of the bioenergy industry.
7.2.2 Feedstock It is likely that there will be competition for feedstock between different bioenergy businesses (heat, power, liquid fuels), particularly as woody biomass might be a viable feed for a range of different power and fuel applications over time. Such competition may have a number of benefits, including: •
Development of a healthy feedstock supply industry. Multiple customers will create larger scale within the feedstock supply industry and potentially achieve economies for all concerned. It will also help to ensure that growers are paid a competitive price for their biomass.
• Risk reduction for growers and processors - if a potential grower sees only one potential customer for biomass they may be reluctant to plant trees. However, if several alternative processing options are likely in a five to ten year period, a grower is more likely to commit to planting trees and help to provide a biomass resource for any processors that set up in the region. In contrast to these potential benefits, if a bioenergy industry grows faster than acceptable for the supply of local feedstocks, there may be pressure to import feedstocks that are produced with less regard to sustainable agriculture or forestry than occurs in Australia.
7.2.3 Investment Bioenergy projects are capital intensive and must compete with other renewable energy projects and other business for this capital. As such the risk profile associated with the investment must be quantifiable and capable of being understood by investors that may not be familiar with either the technology or the product marketplace. Bioenergy through power generation has been supported by two favourable aspects: • The MRET and RET legislation that underpins renewable energy certificates is long-term and is relatively stable. • The power purchase agreements that can be secured are also long-term, and assist with favourable debt raising. Bioenergy in the form of liquid fuels has not had a scheme such as MRET or RET to support industry development. Technology maturity also impacts on ability to secure investors. New technologies that are either not widely demonstrated or have not been used with Australian biomass feeds both present a greater risk to investors than well established technologies with well defined feedstocks.
7.3 Liquid fuels Australia’s biofuels industry has experienced considerable volatility in recent years, and could also change in the coming decade as second and third generation biofuel technologies become commercially available. Until recently the production of liquid biofuels in Australia was associated with low value sugars (particularly C molasses in Qld) and starch (e.g. the Manildra plant in NSW).
When the previous federal government announced incentives to meet a renewable fuels target of 350ML annual production, there was significant interest in the industry, but only one additional ethanol facility was constructed and two existing operators expanded their operations. A number of biodiesel projects were built, however these proved to be financially unviable for three principal reasons: • An underestimation by the industry surrounding the difficulties of moving large amounts of biodiesel into the market in a relatively short time period. • Reduced incentives due to changes in fuel tax for biodiesel introduced in the 2006 Fuel Tax Act. • The increases in prices for grain, tallow and other feedstocks. Success factors for a viable bio-fuels industry in Australia include: • Certainty of returns on investment – largely driven by certainty of market demand. • Sustainable feedstock resource with proven growing, harvesting & storage/handling systems and relatively stable pricing. • Access to commercial technology for conversion of feedstocks to energy (including adaptation to Australian feedstocks if required). • Support from primary industry (Regulators & Growers) to plant economically viable quantities of feedstock within cost effective delivery to efficient production facilities. • Determining the most economic scale to meet Australian industry objectives, recognising that this may change with location and feedstock. • Determining appropriate land use plans & sustainable crop types to meet Australian industry and environmental objectives. • Dispelling misconceptions within the Australian market relating to the performance of biofuels in current automotive engines. Strategic planning for biofuels could consider technology maturity and pathways to increasing production to grow the industry now, while supporting the development and commercialisation of emerging feedstocks and technologies that better meet environmental criteria and industry needs.
agronomy, harvesting & handling, and by-product utilisation. • New technologies – conversion of wood and crop feedstocks via hydrolysis, thermo-chemical and subcritical or supercritical water technologies. • Improved availability of feedstocks that may already exist (e.g., lignocellulosics, such as forest residues) and that can be adapted or specifically grown. • New cellulosic crops such as mallee eucalypts and other farm forestry products, native and imported grasses, and woody weeds. Waste materials can offer better economics as feed because they are often available at low or even negative cost. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and other urban wastes may be useful feeds to support prototype commercial facilities that may subsequently be replicated using rural locations and feeds. Existing or new first generation ethanol and biodiesel facilities may assist in any transition to second generation facilities. This may involve adding equipment to existing ethanol facilities that can break down cellulosic material into sugars for fermentation. Alternatively it may involve modifications to a biodiesel plant to allow satisfactory processing of oil from tree crops such as pongamia. Australia’s sugar industry provides many elements that could support successful first and second generation fuels: • The industry is well established with a high level of infrastructure, participants at all levels of the supply chain and considerable R&D experience for feed supply and processing. • Molasses-to-ethanol technology is already mature and in use. In future, bagasse (cane fibre) to ethanol technology could be added to molasses-based facilities. • Sugar provides a useful feedstock for fermentations to new plastics and other chemicals, leading to possibilities for biorefineries. High fibre cane varieties (grown as much for cellulose content as sugar content) may provide a useful feed to future processing plants.
The technologies and feedstocks that are already capable of integration within the existing market are: • Cereals and sugar cane to ethanol. • Fats and oils to biodiesel. The technologies and feedstocks that are potentially deliverable within a 5 – 10 year window include: • New biodiesel feedstocks – such as pongamia and algae, suitable for more marginal lands or other underutilised areas and requiring R&D on
Rows of oil mallee eucalypts within a wheat field
8. Potential Scale of Industry 8.1 Future Markets
8.1.2 Biofuels
8.1.1. Electricity
(a) First generation fuels Overall potential for ethanol and biodiesel based on full utilisation of currently available sugar, wheat and other grains, and waste oils, is almost 17 GL per year9. Likely production with current plantings and crops is expected to be considerably less than this however, due to an inability to offer pricing for fuel use that matches pricing for food or chemical use.
The Australian Clean Energy Council has led an appraisal of the potential for bioenergy to contribute to stationary energy generation in 2020 and 20502. This appraisal suggests that by 2020 the contribution from biomass for electricity generation could be 10,624 GWh per year or some six times the current generation. It further identifies the long-term potential for electricity from biomass in 2050 to be as much as 72,629 GWh/ year, which is 40 times the current levels. Such a generation capacity would require constant industry growth at almost 10% per year for the next four decades. As another indication of the significant potential for electricity from bioenergy, the Australian Business Roundtable on Climate Change has stated that bioenergy could supply between 19.8 and 30.7% of Australian electricity needs by 205082.
Potential may exist for adaptation of current crops to biofuel production using land not currently used for food production – this would achieve lower yields but with lower input costs to compensate. There is need for a variety of trials to better define farm economics and agronomy. Any proposals for large-scale land use change will need to consider environmental and community issues.
(b) Second generation (biomass derived fuels) The potential for these fuels is estimated at between 10% and 140% of current petrol usage9. The wide range reflects a variety of assumptions about use of
existing biomass wastes, diversion of existing biomass streams from other end uses (for example export wood chips) and the planting of new biomass crops such as mallee eucalypts in association with wheat belt farms in southern Australia. Uptake anywhere within this range will require significant changes to fuel distribution and retail industry, with possible changes to fuel specifications in parallel with R&D efforts into agronomy and forestry. Capacity will be affected by land use and the uptake of biofuels would benefit from the introduction of a carbon trading price which would increase the financial viability of production and increase the competitiveness of the industry. Significant changes in growing practices and the use of crop residues will both need R&D. Large-scale uptake also has a time factor, as growers will require certainty in long-term offtake before changing farming practices. (c) Algae Algae also offers potential for replacement of fossil fuels, in stand alone processing ventures or in synergy with water reclamation and aquaculture projects. Application to rural or primary industry needs to allow for use of water (for example brackish water). There is also considerable interest in growing algae on the CO2 emitted from coal-fired power stations. Use of exotic (i.e. imported) algae may be restricted due to issues of biosecurity.
8.1.3 Co-products Increased production and sale of co-products may enhance the profitability and growth of a biofuels industry. Current and/or long-term markets for coproducts may include: Biodiesel: • Glycerine – industrial chemical for paint, glycol, reformation into chemical feedstock. • Meal and soluble proteins from integrated refineries – animal feed. • Free fatty acid (FFA) and lipid-based nutrients from integrated refineries – human dietary supplements. Grain based ethanol: • Meal and soluble proteins from integrated refineries – animal feed – Wet and dried distillers grains are being used as animal feed in the United States of America and also in Australia. Cellulosic ethanol (fermentation): • Lignocellulosic sugar compounds for chemical industry – plastic feedstock. • Non-sugar residues from enzymatic hydrolysis – energy conversion.
Other cellulosic liquid fuels (gasification & synthesis, fast pyrolysis): • Electricity from synthesis gas. • Lignocellulosic monomer compounds for chemical industry – plastic feedstock. • Carbon char beneficial uses – nutrient carrier into soils, filter material, industrial use. • Extraction of phenolic material from pyrolysis oil for use in industrial resins. Algae: • Feed supplements. • Biomass for power generation or pyrolysis. • Methane, via anaerobic digestion of the algae following oil extraction.
8.2 Future feedstocks There are several annual and perennial crops that show promise as large-scale feedstocks for bioenergy in the future.
8.2.1 Native trees Over the past fifteen years some sixteen million mallee trees83 have been planted on farms in WA, largely for mitigation and control of dryland salinity but with additional benefits as windbreaks and for increased biodiversity on farms. Harvest and use of these trees to date has been limited – primarily for trials of the IWP plant at Narrogin and for small scale eucalyptus oil production around Kalannie in WA. In parallel with the on-farm planting, various research groups have conducted detailed examination of all aspects of a large-scale mallee industry, from seedling selection through to harvest and transport to processing plants. There is thus a considerable body of information and research expertise to facilitate any major expansion to mallee planting over time. Some of this research has considered the potential for large-scale planting of mallees on dryland farms in parallel with other, pre-existing farming activities. Particular emphasis has been placed on complementary water use, so that other crops are not adversely affected by tree planting. Estimates of sustainable planting with minimal water competition show potential for as much as 39 million tonnes of biomass per year (measured on a dry basis) across the southern Australian wheatbelt zone72. While mallee eucalypts have received considerable attention, there are hundreds of other Australian natives that may also offer opportunities for large-scale production of biomass for energy and co-products. A number of species have already been investigated and these are summarised in a recent RIRDC report84.
8.2.2 Oil seed trees Pongamia is a large deciduous tree that grows well in a variety of climatic conditions in Australia and Asia. It is able to grow in marginal areas that may be unsuited to conventional agriculture, thus offering the potential for large-scale rural enterprise that is additional to and not competitive with food production. Once established, pongamia trees produce seeds that contain significant quantities of oil. The oil is suitable for modification and use as biodiesel. Further work is required to identify optimal varieties, quantify yield per hectare for a variety of conditions, optimise harvesting and processing steps and costs, and test processed pongamia seed oils as blends and as dedicated fuels. Jatropha curcas is another large tree that bears oil seeds. It has been declared a noxious weed in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Legislation prohibits the movement of this species into and within these jurisdictions and requires all detections to be eradicated. As there is active on-ground eradication/control, this species is deemed to be under ‘official control’ and therefore importation of this species into Australia is currently prohibited.
8.2.3 Algae Algae offers a high theoretical yield of oil suitable for biodiesel, However, as yet there are no commercial facilities in the world producing biofuel from algae. In the absence of any current commercial use as a source of fuel, more details of growth, harvesting, processing, and markets for biomass residues need to be determined.
8.2.4 Other Non-food oil seeds such as Dry Land Juncea (mustard) offer potential for biodiesel production. High fibre sugar cane is sugar cane bred for a mix of fibre and sugar yield rather than maximum sugar yield only. It may be a suitable biomass feed to increase cogeneration or provide additional scope for ethanol manufacture when second generation ethanol technologies become available commercially. A number of grasses are being considered overseas as crops grown specifically for bioenergy. These include: • Switchgrass – a perennial grass native to North America85. • Miscanthus – a perennial grass native to Asia that is the subject of considerable research as a bioenergy crop in Europe86. Work is also underway to study the potential for some native grasses to act as bioenergy crops in Australia87.
Australia has a number of woody weeds (including A. nilotica in Queensland88 and M. pigra in the Northern Territory89) that could potentially be utilised as feedstock for bioenergy.
8.3 Scope for investment 8.3.1 Power plants The figure of 72,629 GWh/year was provided by the Australian Bioenergy Roadmap2 as the potential for electricity generation from biomass in 2050. Biomass power stations will typically operate as continuous base load generators (as compared with wind and solar which are intermittent). This figure represents new capacity totalling approximately 9 GW by 2050 to fully realise the potential of biomass. For comparison, Australia’s current generation capacity totals just over 51 GW90, the majority of which is fuelled by black and brown coal. The capital cost per MW of generating capacity will vary considerably across these alternatives. This increase in biomass-fired generation would be achieved via a mixture of new plant and equipment, including: • Small, standalone power stations. • Large (20 MW and above) standalone power stations. • Cogeneration plants, such as those already being installed in sugar mills. • Co-firing facilities, where biomass is fired alongside coal in existing power stations. If the current cost of a large, stand alone power plant56 is taken as the average capital cost for this power generation, it is expected that the total capital investment to 2050 for new capacity of approximately 9 GW could be more than A$20 billion. Co-firing of biomass provides bioenergy at a lower capital cost than the alternative listed above. In this case the biomass is used as feed in an existing coalfired power station instead of building a new dedicated biomass power station. However, limits do apply. The maximum quantity of wood that may be co-fired in preexisting plants is typically 10 % of the total feed, with the balance of the feed remaining as coal.
8.3.2 Biofuels Market size in Australia for petrol and diesel as transport fuels in 2007–08 is reported as being 37 billion litres8. A 20% biofuels market share of this fuel use represents 7,400 ML per year. Existing capacity for ethanol and biodiesel is not fully utilised at present and totals approximately 500 ML91.
Biogas generator sets at Melbourne Water Eastern Treatment Plant, Bangholme, Victoria
9. Discussion 9.1 Timeline for change The data in section 8 highlights the scale that the bioenergy industry may achieve as it provides renewable power and fuels across Australia in coming decades. The preceding sections also show that a number of feedstocks and technologies already exist and that others are under active development in Australia and overseas. The environment in which bioenergy is being considered is also changing, particularly with regard to government initiatives such as the RET legislation (passed in 2009) and the proposed CPRS, which seek to address climate change and industry development issues. Such developments suggest that the Australian bioenergy industry will see gradual but continuous change over an extended period.
9.1.1 The current situation Combustion plants to generate electricity from wood and other cellulosic feedstocks are available now and use mature technology. First generation transport fuels (primarily using agricultural crops as feed - sugar, starches and vegetable
oils, plus limited use of waste animal fats) are technically feasible now. They are used widely in many overseas countries and with commercial success in Australia. Two commercial-scale first generation biorefineries are also in operation in the USA, making a range of plastics from corn feedstock 53,54. A number of demonstration and prototype commercial second generation biofuels plants using cellulosic feedstocks are under construction.
9.1.2 Five to ten years Second generation transport fuels: • These will use woody biomass and agricultural cellulosic residues as feed. • Based on work already underway overseas21, the commercially demonstrated technologies available overseas in five years may include: –– Ethanol from the fermentation of hydrolysed wood and crop residues21. –– Ethanol, syn-diesel and other liquid fuels from the gasification of wood and crop residues, followed by reforming 47.
Refinery feedstock from fast pyrolysis of wood (already commercial) and hydro-reforming (successful R&D carried out overseas)92, 93. In five to ten years commercial prototypes for second generation biorefineries may also be in operation overseas, particularly if success with second generation transport fuels establishes the commercial feasibility of technologies to convert wood and other cellulosic biomass into biorefinery feedstocks. Relative to technologies for production of ethanol and syn-diesel from biomass, feedstocks and technologies for producing large volumes of transport fuels from algae have received significant attention only recently. It is therefore difficult to determine whether commercial scale production of fuels from algae will be achieved in the next five to ten years.
9.1.3 Beyond ten years Once commercial prototypes are in operation the various elements of the bioenergy industry may enter a series of rapid growth phases94. This can be expected to include: • Progressive cost reductions through the learning curves on commercial plants. • A better understanding of economies of scale through plant operation and feedstock development. • Integration of activities, particularly the addition of biorefining capability to fuel plants and the construction of national, supporting infrastructure. • Algae-based biofuel production. • Effects of government policies such as the proposed CPRS.
9.2 RD&E over next five years This report is a preliminary stage in the development of a National Research, Development and Extension Strategy for Bioenergy. As this strategy is developed, topics for further discussion could include the following:
9.2.1 Feedstock – supply and delivery Fundamental to any new bioenergy plant is access to suitable biomass feed with consistent and appropriate: • Quality. • Quantity. • Delivery schedule or seasonality (bioenergy plants typically operate continuously year round). • Price. These variables must all be understood with some certainty over the life of the bioenergy plant (typically 15 years for initial financial modelling, and as much as double or triple this in practice).
The price of most interest to any bioenergy plant is not the cost of feedstock production, but the cost of that feedstock delivered to the bioenergy plant. Previous Australian work95 has highlighted uncertainty and variability for costs associated with different harvest and delivery systems, and it is important to consider this aspect of biomass supply. • In some situations existing delivery systems may be adapted for use with bioenergy feedstock. • In other cases, delivery systems being developed overseas may be applicable in Australia. • Finally, there are situations where new equipment or systems are necessary and are unique to an Australian opportunity (such as the harvest of mallee eucalypts proposed for dryland regions). Some feedstocks that could be used in Australia are also the subject of use or research overseas, and negotiation for use of overseas intellectual property may be a part of their use here. Other feedstocks are unique to Australia. In all cases however the conditions specific to various parts of Australia may warrant local research to clearly establish preferred species or cultivars and likely yield and delivery costs now and into the future. Such research may include review of: • Climate and climate change. • Soil conditions. • Water use. • Farming techniques. • Roads and other infrastructure. • Compatibility with existing practices and potential for appropriate levels of grower uptake.
9.2.2 New technology The funds being put toward technology R&D and commercial prototypes in North America and Europe in particular are many times greater than funds available for equivalent work in Australia. It is to be expected that a variety of second and third generation bioenergy technologies will become available commercially overseas in the next five to ten years. Importantly they could become available to Australian businesses having already been proven overseas, a valuable prerequisite for successful project funding from Australian banks and investors. It is generally quite feasible to use bioenergy technology developed overseas in Australian applications, subject perhaps to any modifications that will optimise operation on local sources of biomass. Australia will need suitably trained personnel to build and operate plants built with local or overseas technology. Construction and operation will require an engineering resource and also personnel with relevant scientific skills. It may be possible to include specific training of operators and professional staff via placement in similar overseas plants prior to operation of new Australian facilities.
Technology transfer works both ways, and any bioenergy technology developed in Australia will be able to seek potentially huge markets around the world. However: • It may also be competing with other work underway overseas. • Even after successful R&D, such work needs to be sufficiently attractive to achieve funding needed for commercial prototypes and trials that then allow warranties to be offered to subsequent users. A strong business case is therefore important to justify any major R&D funding for technology development. The business case should address markets, competitive advantage and commercialisation pathways. However such RD&D may also be considered from the perspective of general industry development in Australia.
9.2.3 Technology scale up and demonstration Once technology has been demonstrated successfully at the laboratory stage it must be scaled up progressively and carefully to full (commercial) scale. This generally includes a pilot plant, a demonstration plant and a commercial-scale prototype. • For the pilot and demonstration scale, issues may include: –– Significant financial commitment for capital and operating costs. –– No short term commercial return. –– Considerable technical risk. • For the commercial prototype, issues may include: –– Much greater financial commitment than for pilot and demonstration plants. –– Risks associated with final scale up, and potentially with feed supply and characteristics, and product offtake. –– A major investment that may take one or two decades to pay off, once it is operational and selling product. This is a new industry, as opposed to one that is well established. Support for showcase projects and other actions could facilitate capital raising, particularly given the recent difficulties in the Australian biofuels industry and current financial liquidity problems around the world. These issues may apply to Australian plants regardless of the source of technology (local or overseas).
9.2.4 Markets The market for renewable electricity from bioenergy in Australia is already well established, with more than 100 accredited bioenergy plants supplying 24% of the renewable electricity under MRET in 200712.
The markets for bio-based products (such as renewable plastics) are generally industrial, international and at an early stage of development. These are expected to be the subject of market-specific research during the development of business cases for the implementation of new technologies. For such materials it is worth remembering Australia’s proximity to large potential markets in Japan and other Asian countries. The sale of bio-based transport fuels (such as ethanol, biodiesel, synthetic diesel) in Australia requires RD&E. Marketing includes direct and indirect interaction with the following customers in Australia (and potentially in Asia): • International oil companies. • Independent fuel distributors. • Major industrial fuel users. • Individual consumers. Each biofuel purchase decision is based on a complex mix of cost, quality, availability and convenience, and environmental benefits (real and perceived). Until such fuels are well established, each purchase decision is also a conscious step by the customer away from a routine, low risk buying pattern.
9.2.5 Environmental and social benefits In almost all situations where bioenergy is utilised to replace a fossil fuel it is expected to provide an environmental benefit via reduced CO2 emissions. In many situations, particularly in the formative years of a new industry, the bioenergy comes at a higher cost ($ per unit of energy) than the fossil fuel based energy it seeks to replace. For industry investment in bioenergy (particularly at the scale that is possible and desirable for significant greenhouse gas mitigation) the environmental benefits should be valued in the overall commercial transactions that accompany energy sales to a variety of customers. Government policy (such as the proposed CPRS) that allows incorporation of environmental costs and benefits into commercial transactions may encourage investment in the bioenergy sector. R&D to understand the environmental and social benefits of bioenergy may assist government in the establishment of practical, long-term policies. Policy stability will have flow on benefits to industry. Production of many bioenergy feedstocks is intimately linked to agriculture and forestry. Some knowledge of environmental and social issues can be gained from overseas experience but most of these issues may benefit from consideration in an Australian context and in relation to Australian farming and forestry practices:
• A good example of this is the relative water consumption of annual crops and perennials. While it is generally understood that perennial crops typically use more water than annual crops and that this may be inappropriate in some regions, other parts of the Australian farming landscape are suffering from excess water that manifests as dryland salinity. • A second example is the jatropha tree, which offers the potential for large-scale biodiesel production in marginal areas but grows so prolifically that in some parts of Australia it is classified as a noxious weed. Both examples relate to areas of significant potential for bioenergy and environmental and social benefits, if managed properly on a regional basis and with a national consensus.
9.3 “From planting to power” – recognising the full supply chain The overall success of any bioenergy business requires success with each of the components that make up that business. These components may be summarised as follows: • Feedstock supply. • Feedstock delivery to the bioenergy facility. • The bioenergy process. • Bioenergy distribution networks. • Customers for the bioenergy. • Co-products, including carbon credits. Success for bioenergy is also dependent on its ability to compete within a well established market place (e.g. biofuels need to compete within a fossil fuel dominated market) Progress with any single component should be viewed in the context of whether such progress will make a significant difference to the overall viability of a bioenergy business. R&D to help establish a new bioenergy business may therefore be quite different to R&D for an established, operating agricultural enterprise. For the latter, the R&D may improve one component with the understanding that the other components in place will accommodate the improvement. For a new bioenergy industry the situation is not as secure. For example: • R&D to improve the cost of production of a certain feedstock may not be of benefit if there is no economically viable harvest and transport chain for that feedstock because of its physical characteristics or location. • R&D to develop high value co-products should take into account the quantities that may be produced
and the markets for these products. In some cases the proposed production quantities may far exceed the available markets and depress prices. In order to best determine whether or not a particular bioenergy R&D project is of value it may be reviewed in the context of an overall SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) for the proposed bioenergy business. It is suggested that for each major bioenergy opportunity for Australia, a SWOT analysis is undertaken to help set priorities for R&D that will maximise the chance of a successful industry being developed. Also, when selecting bioenergy R&D for funding in Australia, it should be remembered that: • The budget for bioenergy R&D in Australia is quite limited in comparison to the budgets in Europe and the USA. • Much of the technology R&D already underway overseas is relevant to Australian opportunities. • If commercially-tested technology is being brought in from overseas it may not need an Australian R&D resource for its local introduction. • An Australian bioenergy R&D community is a resource to be developed over years and even decades. A proactive approach may be of benefit to identify areas of particular relevance to the long-term bioenergy industry in Australia, and then seek and develop skills and R&D resources in these areas.
1. Modelling the future of transport fuels in Australia by Graham et al, IR 1046, June 2008 2. Australian Bioenergy Roadmap - 3. Biofuels for Transport: A Roadmap for Development in Australia., by ATSE, November 2008 4. Executive Summary of Roadmap for Bioenergy and Biobased Products in the United States, by Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee, October 2007 5. 6. 7. MMA, Benefits and Costs of the Expanded Renewable Energy Target, January 2009. 8. Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Australian Petroleum Statistics, Issue No. 158, September 2009 9. Biofuels in Australia - Issues and prospects. RIRDC Report No. 07/071 10. Biofuels in Australia – Issues and Prospects, RIRDC Publication 07/071, May 2007 11. Fuel for Thought - The Future of Transport Fuels: Challenges and Opportunities. CSIRO, 2008 12. Adapted from “MRET – Review of Contribution from Bioenergy” by David Rossiter. Paper presented at Bioenergy Australia 2007 National Conference 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. and 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
28. research_and_development_program/Pages/SecondGenerationBiofuelsResearchandDevelopmentProgram.aspx 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Algal Biofuels: Ponds and Promises. Presentation by Dr P.T. Pienkos at the 13th Annual Symposium on Industrial and Fermentation Microbiology, May 2009. NREL/PR-510-45822 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Australia_.pdf 51. research_and_development_program/Pages/SecondGenerationBiofuelsResearchandDevelopmentProgram.aspx 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
59. 60. research_and_development_program/Pages/SecondGenerationBiofuelsResearchandDevelopmentProgram.aspx 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. - slide 13 of November 2007 Presentation 72. Scale of biomass production from new woody crops for salinity control in dryland agriculture in Australia. Bartle J. etal Int. J. Global Energy Issues, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2007 73. The economic development and job creation potential of renewable energy: Stage I and II reports, February 2004 – MacGill I and Watt M, The Australian CRC for Renewable Energy Policy Group. 74. Report 21 May 2008 at 75. Biofuels in Australia – Issues and Prospects by O’Connell etal. RIRDC Publication No. 07/071 76. CSIRO, BTRE and ABARE (2003). Appropriateness of a 350 Ml Biofuels Target. Report to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. 77. 78. New and Renewable Energy: Prospects in the UK for the 21st Century – Supporting Analysis, page 202. UK Department of Trade and Industry, March 1999. 79. Energy Balance of Mallee Biomass Production in Western Australia, by Wu etal. Presentation at Bioenergy Australia, National Conference 2005. 80. 81. Biofuels in Australia: Some economic and policy considerations. RIRDC Publication No. 07/177 82. Australian Business Roundtable on Climate Change, The business case for early action, 2006 83. 84. Agroforestry species profiles for lower rainfall regions of southeastern Australia – RIRDC Report No. 07/080, January 2009 85. 86.
87. 88. 89. 90. 91. Biofuels in Australia - Issues and prospects. RIRDC Report No. 07/071 92. 93. 94. Process Industry Economics – An international Perspective, by Dr David Brennan. Published by Institution of Chemical Engineers, Warwickshire, UK 1998 95. Biomass Energy Production in Australia –Status, costs and opportunities for major technologies. RIRDC Publication no. 04/031
Overview of Bioenergy in Australia by Colin Stucley Pub. No. 10/078 Australia’s bioenergy industry produces renewable electricity, heat and liquid fuels. With revenues in excess of $400 million per year, bioenergy is already a valued contributor to businesses in cities and rural locations across the country. Australia is actively seeking ways seek to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels, and bioenergy could play a more significant role in coming years. Potential exists for greater use of existing and new feedstocks and technologies, leading to an increased contribution from bioenergy across industry, transport and domestic energy sectors. Such use will allow bioenergy to make a valuable contribution to Australia’s low carbon future. Research, Development & Extension (RD&E) is a key factor for increasing the use of bioenergy, by ensuring that it is competitive, sustainable, and fully understood and appreciated.
This report provides an overview of the Biofuels and Bioenergy industry. This overview includes basic statistical information for the biofuels and bioenergy industries. It will also be a useful basis for those contemplating investment or formulating policy and will help to inform RIRDC as it plans its research and development priorities into the future. This report is an addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 2000 research publications and forms part of our Bioenergy, Bioproducts and Energy R&D program, which aims to meet Australia’s research and development needs for the development of sustainable and profitable bionergy and bioproducts industries, and to develop an energy cross sectoral R&D plan. Most of RIRDC’s publications are available for viewing, free downloading or purchasing online at Purchases can also be made by phoning 1300 634 313.
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