Wagner Owner's Club polo shirt, FREE! In order to activate your free membership, please print and complete this applicat
Dear Wagner Owner, By owning a pump from the Wagner range of professional spray equipment, you have become eligible to be a part of the exclusive Wagner Owner’s Club. As a member you will be entitled to receive regular special offers and free gifts that will only be available to Owner’s Club members. As a welcome gift you will receive an exclusive Wagner Owner’s Club polo shirt, FREE!
In order to activate your free membership, please print and complete this application form (see next page) and return it to the address below (no postage stamp required) or fax back to the below number. Please ensure you complete all sections of the form in order for your membership to be processed. Once we have received your completed application you will be sent a membership card with your unique membership number, which will be required to redeem special offers, as well as your exclusive gift to get you started. Thank you,
Please complete this form to finalise your Wagner Owner’s Club membership. Information in compulsory fields must be supplied in full to activate your membership. Compulsory Information - Please complete all fields First Name Last Name Business or Company Name Street Address Suburb State
Post Code
Mobile Phone Email Address Wagner Unit/Model Owned Serial Number of Unit Approx. Purchase Date/Year Additional Information T-Shirt Size
Please circle: S
Preferred Store for purchasing Wagner equipment and accessories? Preferred Store for paint purchases? Do you own any other Wagner units?
Please circle:
YES or
Please circle:
YES or
If YES, please list Do you own any other brand of spray equipment? If YES, please list Do you know where your local Wagner Authorised Service Agent is and how Please circle: YES or NO to contact them? Please return this application form in the enclosed free Reply Paid envelope at your earliest convenience. Your welcome pack will be sent out within 14 days of receipt of your application. Wagner Owner’s Club REPLY PAID 286, Braeside, VIC, 3195 Tel: (03) 9587 2000 Fax: (03) 9580 9120