ISSN: 0973-4945; CODEN ECJHAO E-Journal of Chemistry 2009, 6(1), 237-246
Oxidation of Some Aliphatic Alcohols by Pyridinium Chlorochromate -Kinetics and Mechanism SAPANA JAIN*, B. L. HIRAN and C.V.BHATT Chemical Kinetics and Polymer Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Mohan Lal Sukhadia. University, Udaipur (Raj)-313 001, India.
[email protected] Received 26 June 2008; Accepted 20 August 2008 Abstract: Kinetics of oxidation of some aliphatic primary and secondary alcohols viz. ethanol, propan-1-ol, propan-2-ol, butan-1-ol, butan-2-ol and 2methyl butanol by pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC) have been studied in waterperchloric acid medium. The reaction shows first order dependence with respect to pyridinium chlorochromate [PCC] and hydrogen ion [H+]. The rate of oxidation decreases with increase in dielectric constant of solvent suggests iondipole interaction. Activation parameters have been evaluated. Products are carbonyl compounds and free radical absence was proved. A tentative mechanism has been proposed. Keywords: Kinetics, Oxidation, Aliphatic alcohols, Pyridinium chlorochromate, Perchloric acid-water
Introduction In 1975, Correy and Suggs1 reported PCC, C5H5NHCrO3Cl as a readily available stable reagent, oxidizes a wide varity of alcohols to carbonyl compounds. It is used as an oxidant for of alcohols2-4, amino acids5-6, aldehydes7-10, L-cystine11 and aniline12 etc. Oxidation of alcohols, deuteriated alcohols, cycloalkanols13, vicinal and non-vicinal diols14-17 and homobenzylic alcohols18 etc. has been reported. We described here comparative kinetics of oxidation of some aliphatic alcohols and also the appropriate reaction mechanism.
Experimental All chemicals were used of ‘Anala R’ grade. Double distilled water was used as a medium. All the alcohols were used after their distillation by proper method and purity checked by their boiling point. The solution of perchloric acid was prepared by diluting known volume of acid in water and standardized by sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein as an indicator. PCC is prepared by improved method of Correy and Suggs described by Agrawal19.
The orange solid, which is collected on a sintered glass funnel dried for 1 h in vacuum and m.p. (148-150ºC) checked. The solid was not hygroscopic and highly soluble in water, acetonitrile, DMF etc. PCC solution was prepared by dissolving the known amount of this reagent in water and standardized by iodometrically using starch indicator.
Kinetic measurements The solution of oxidant in acid-water medium obeys Lambert Beer’s law i.e. absorbance versus [oxidant] is a straight line therefore reactions were followed by monitoring the decrease in oxidant concentration. The reaction have been arranged to study under pseudo first order conditions by keeping the excess of substrate upon oxidant i.e. [Substrate]>> [Oxidant] ratio not less than 8:1 in any reaction set. The reactions were carried out in a glass stoppered cell at constant temperature ±0.1ºC. The reaction mixture was prepared by mixing the requisite amount of substrate, perchloric acid and water and allowed to stand in a thermostatic bath for a sufficient length of time. Adding the solution of the oxidant started the reaction and mixed well. The optical density of the reaction mixture was followed spectrophotometrically at 354 nm by using Simadzu U.V/Visible spectrophotometer model Jasco 7800 with recording facilities.
Product analysis and stoichiometry Product analysis was carried out under kinetic conditions. In a typical experiment, large volume containing [alcohol] is in excess over [PCC] and kept for reaction completion. Moles of PCC consumed were determined by difference in absorbance before and after completion of reaction. The whole reaction mixture (after completion of reaction) was treated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. A yellow-orange precipitate obtained which was filtered, washed, dried and weighed. From the weight of the precipitate, moles of carbonyl compound (product) were determined and hence stoichiometry was confirmed. Conformation of carbonyl (aldehyde/ketone) compound was done by melting point, IR and nitrogen percentage analysis of precipitate obtained. Cr(III) was confirmed by visible spectra of the reaction solution after completion of reaction. The stoichiometric equation is: 3RR'CH(OH) + 2Cr(VI) + H 3 O + → 3R R ' C = O + 2 C r (II I ) + H 2 O + 7 H +
There was no change in rate or absorbance on addition of stabilizer free acrylonitrile in nitrogen atmosphere. This confirms absence of free radical in these oxidations.
Results and Discussion Effect of oxidant concentration The reactions are of first order with respect to PCC i.e. log absorbance versus time is straight line for more than 80% reaction. Further the value of kobs is independent of the initial concentrations of PCC. The rate can be expressed as: -d [PCC] / dt = k′ [PCC]
Effect of substrate concentration The rate of oxidation increased on increasing the concentration of alcohols (Table 1). Plot of log kobs versus log [substrate] is a straight line in all the cases with slope 1.0, 1.01, 0.89, 0.98, 1.02, 0.88 respectively for ethanol, propan-1-ol, propan-2-ol, butan-1-ol, butan-2-ol and isoamyl alcohol i.e. first order with respect to substrate. Plot of 1/kobs versus 1/[Substrate] gave linear line passing through origin or very small intercepts nearly zero suggest that the rate does not obey Michalis Mentane type kinetics.
Oxidation of Some Aliphatic Alcohols by Pyridinium Chlorochromate
1.40 R 2 = 0.9926 1.30 1.20 1.10
4 + log k obs
1.00 0.90 0.80 Prop an-2-ol
Et hanol 0.60
Prop an-1-ol But an-1-ol
But an-2-ol 2-met hy l butanol
0.40 0.30 0.20 0.0
2 + log [substrate]
Figure 1. Variation of rate with substrate concentration. Table 1. Variation of rate with substrate concentration. [PCC]=2x103 M; [HClO4] = 5x101 M; Temperature = 298 K kobs x 104, sec1 Substrate x 102 2-Methyl mol dm3 Ethanol Propan-1-ol Propan-2-ol Bunan-1-ol Butan-2-ol butanol 1.0 2.43 2.82 1.54 2.14 2.87 4.99 1.5 3.41 3.99 2.30 3.09 4.27 6.98 2.0 4.45 5.22 3.31 4.41 5.70 8.77 2.5 5.79 7.07 3.58 5.24 7.39 11.01 3.0 7.67 8.06 4.34 6.18 8.12 13.25 4.0 9.97 11.51 5.05 8.33 12.06 16.37 5.0 12.56 13.56 6.14 10.55 14.50 19.95
Effect of pyridine and picolinic acid concentration The addition of pyridine and picolinic acid does not affect the reaction rate. This suggests that PCC is quite stable in perchloric acid water medium in the concentration range studied and dose not dissociate to chromic acid
Effect of ionic strength There was no effect of SO42- and CH3COO¯ observed on the reaction rate in the debye Hukle limit. It proves that interaction in rate determining steps is not ion-ion type and one of the reactant molecules is neutral.
Effect of perchloric acid concetntration The effect of hydrogen ion concentration on the rate of the oxidation was studied by varying [H+] while keeping the concentration of other reactants constant. Since there is no effect of ionic strength on reaction rate therefore ionic strength was not kept constant. A steady increase in oxidation rate with increase in the acidity of the medium suggests the formation of protonated PCC in the rate determining step20. The plot of log kobs against log [H+] is linear with slopes 2.3, 2.2, 1.9, 2.14, 2.10, 2.0 respectively for ethanol, propan-1-ol, propan2-ol, butan-1-ol, butan-2-ol and isoamyl alcohol i.e. second order, suggesting that two protons may involve in the rate determining step21 (Table 2). Table 2. Variation of rate with perchloric acid concentration [PCC]=2x103 M; Temperature = 298 K; [Alcohol] = 2x102 M. [HClO4] x 101 kobs x 104, sec1 3 mol dm Ethanol Propan-1-ol Propan-2-ol Bunan-1-ol Butan-2-ol 2-methyl butanol 2.5 1.16 1.15 1.60 2.61 3.0 1.62 1.70 1.75 2.19 3.56 4.0 3.21 3.63 3.18 3.20 4.13 6.73 5.0 5.47 5.22 3.81 4.50 5.70 9.06 6.0 9.34 8.04 7.32 8.04 10.41 14.91 7.0 12.82 12.92 9.40 10.36 14.52 19.62 7.5 15.35 16.90 10.8 12.60 17.10 22.64 9.0 20.34 25.51 13.2 20.10 29.60 35.11 10.0 32.24 41.26 13.7 27.70 40.30 48.90 12.5 64.06 30.06 39.92 1.8 Ethanol 1.6
Propan-1-ol Propan-2-ol
1.4 Butan-1-ol Butan-2-ol
2-methyl butanol
4 + log kobs
0.0 0.0
1+ log [H+]
Figure 2. Variation of rate with prechloric acid concentration.
Oxidation of Some Aliphatic Alcohols by Pyridinium Chlorochromate 2.0
Ethanol propan-1-ol
propan-2-ol Butan-1-ol Butan-2-ol
4 + log kobs
0.4 1.25
1/D x 10
Figure 3. Variation of rate with solvent composition. 1.6 2
R = 0.998
Propan-2-ol Ethanol Propan-1-ol Butan-1-ol Butan-2-ol 2-methyl butanol
1.4 1.3
4 + log k
4 4+ +log logkobs kobs
1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.0030
(1 / T) 1/T
Figure 4. Variation of rate with temperature.
Propan-2-ol Butan-1-ol
4 + log kobs
4 + log k
1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 -0.1 -0.3
Figure 5. Zucker hammett plots in perchloric acid media. 1.0 Ethanol Propan-1-ol
Propan-2-ol Butan-1-ol
3 + logkobs+ log[H+] 3 + log k obs -log[H ]
H0 -0.4 -0.022
log aHa2O Figure 6. Bunnett plots in perchloric acid media.
Oxidation of Some Aliphatic Alcohols by Pyridinium Chlorochromate
. 2.0 Et hanol Prop an-1-ol Prop an-2-ol
Butan-1-ol Butan-2-ol Isoamy l alcohol
4 + logkobs+ H0
0.4 -0.020
log aH2O Figure 7. Bunnett plots in perchloric acid media.
Effect of solvent composition At fixed ionic strength and [H+] the rate of oxidation of alcohols with PCC increases with decrease in polarity of solvent. In other words a decrease in rate with increase in dielectric constant of solvent (1,4-dioxane) is observed. This is due to polar character of the transition state as compared to the reactants. According to Scatchard22, the logarithm of the rate constant of a reaction between ions should vary linearly with the reciprocal of the dielectric constant if reaction involves ion-dipole type of interaction (Table 3). Table 3. Variation of rate with solvent composition [Alcohol] = 2x102 M [HClO4] = 5x101 M [PCC] = 2x103 M Temp. = 298 K. Solvent composition kobs × 104, sec1 1,4-dioxane % v/v Ethanol Propan-1-ol Propan-2-ol Bunan-1-ol Butan-2-ol 0 5.47 5.22 3.18 4.50 5.67 10 7.28 8.21 3.59 5.65 12.61 20 10.06 10.31 4.58 10.36 17.27 30 14.20 13.40 5.68 12.22 23.67 40 18.23 21.11 7.91 19.95 33.00 50 41.50 35.50 9.97 44.83 57.70
Effect of temperature The rates of oxidation of alcohols were determined at different temperature (Table 4) and the reactions obey Arrhenius equation. Energy of activation was calculated by slopes of straight line obtained plotting log k versus 1/T. The activation parameters for ethanol, propan-1-ol, propan-2-ol, butan-1-ol, butan-2-ol and 2-methyl butanol were calculated (Table 5).
SAPANA JAIN et al. Table 4. Variation of rate with temperature [Alcohol] = 2×10–2 M; [HClO4] = 5×10–1 M; [PCC] = 2×10–3 M.
Temp, kobs × 104, sec–1 K Ethanol Propan-1-ol Propan-2-ol Butan-1-ol 293 298 4.22 5.22 3.41 4.50 303 4.98 6.02 4.82 6.42 308 6.49 8.60 6.93 9.59 313 8.81 11.40 9.16 12.61 318 11.21 14.71 12.91 17.05 323 14.12 20.10 8.81 21.87
Butan-2-ol 2-Methyl butanol 5.64 7.62 7.14 10.14 9.21 13.84 11.64 18.73 13.92 26.84 18.21 23.2
Table 5. Thermodynamic parameters for various substrates [Alcohol] = 2x102 M [HClO4] = 5x101 M [PCC] = 2x103 M Temp. = 303 K.
Thermodynamic parameter
kobs x 104, sec1 Ethanol Propan-1-ol Propan-2-ol Bunan-1-ol Butan-2-ol
Energy of activation 38.29 ∆Ea# , kJ mol1 Entropy of activation -108.44 ∆S#, J mol1 K1 Free energy of 68.13 activation ∆F#, kJ mol1
2-Methyl butanol
Discussion Kinetics of oxidation of aliphatic alcohols by PCC was investigated at several initial concentrations of the reactants. At low concentrations of PCC and when substrates are in large excess, the reaction is found to be first order in PCC. The plot of log (a-x) ie log absorbance against time is found to be linear with a correlation coefficient 0.9982, showing first order dependence in PCC. A plot of log k1 vs log [Substrate] gave a straight-line with slope ≈ 1 showed first order dependence over substrate. The thermodynamic parameters are mentioned in Table 5. The entropy of activation is negative as expected for a bimolecular reaction. The negative value also suggests the formation of a cyclic intermediate from noncyclic reactants in the rate determining step23. The large negative value of ⊗S suggests that the transition state is less disorderly than the reactants24. A study increase in the oxidation rate with an increase in the acidity of the medium suggests the formation of protonated PCC in the rate-determining step. The plot of log k1 against log [H+] is linear with a slope of nearly two suggesting that two protons may involve in the rate-determining step. Different possibilities are one for PCC and other of substrate or both the protons are taken by oxidant. Since protonation of alcohol is less probable it is more likely that both protons are used by the oxidant. Many workers have suggested protonated PCC25-27. The protonated PCC and alcohol combine to give intermediate, which was also indicated by decrease in rate with increase in dielectric constant of reaction medium due to more polar character of the transition state as compared to the reactants which is further attacked by proton.
Oxidation of Some Aliphatic Alcohols by Pyridinium Chlorochromate
Although the intermediate is already positively charged hence second proton attack will be difficult and hence very slow. Energy of activation suggests C-H bond breaking in rate determining step and negative entropy of activation indicates formation of cyclic from non-cyclic or more polar than reactants structure formation. From H+ effect and applying various hypothesis like Zucker-Hammett28, Bunnett29 and Bunnett-Olsen30 concludes water molecule is acting as proton abstracting agent or say solvent helps to remove proton. According to Zucker-Hammett hypothesis plot of log kobs against H0 is straight line in range between slope ≈1.Bunnett has proposed that plots of log kobs + H0 against log aH2O (activity of water) is linear or approximately so. The slope in such plots constitutes a parameter called Bunnett function and designated as ω. If the ω value > +3.3 suggest water to act as proton abstracting agent in rate-determining step. In case of Bunnett-oleson plots log k1 – log [H+] versus log aH2O is linear with slope ω value > -2.0 means water act as a protonabstracting agent in rate determining step. The slopes in such plots are in good agreement with the criterian given by Zucker Hammett and Bunnett-oleson. This proves that water act as a proton-abstracting agent in oxidation reaction. B.L. Hiran et al31 observed the same results in the oxidation of C3 alcohols viz allyl alcohol, 1-propanol and 2-propanol by 3-methyl pyridinium bromochromate in acid medium. ∆E# versus ∆S# is almost straight line indicates similar mechanism is operating in all the compounds which have been taken for study. According to the above results and data following mechanism has been proposed.
Over all reaction 3RR'CH(OH) + 2Cr(VI) + H3O + → 3RR ' C = O + 2 Cr (III) + H 2 O + 7H +
The rate law can be given as follows: Rate = k' [Oxidant] [Substrate] [H+]2 Rate = kobs [Oxidant] = k' / [Substrate] [H+]2 kobs This rate law and suggested mechanism explains all the observed facts.
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