OZAY MEHMET, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, International ... UZUN ALI, SHAME
AND SALVATION, Wisdom House, UK & USA 2011. [A family story of conflict and
OZAY MEHMET, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, International Affairs (Economics), Carleton University, Ottawa
[email protected] Specialized in economic development, with special reference to Asian Tigers, Turkey and Cyprus. Consulted extensively for WB, ADB, CIDA, CFTC, UN agencies (ILO, WHO, UNDP) and others. Author of 21 academic books and over 100 articles in top academic journals Latest Books include: 1. WESTERNIZING THE THIRD WORLD (1st ed in 1995 Routledge, several editions, hardcover and paperback) 2. ISLAMIC IDENTITY AND DEVELOPMENT (1st ed in 1990, several editions, translated into other languages) 3. TOWARDS A FAIR GLOBAL LABOR MARKET (1999, Routledge – with Errol Mendes and Robert Sinding) 4. GLOBAL GOVERNANCE, ECONOMY AND LAW (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2003 – with Errol Mendes) 5. SUSTAINABILITY OF MICRO-STATES: THE CASE OF NORTH CYPRUS, University of Utah Press, 2010 Since retirement, has written historical Novels on Cyprus: 1. UZUN ALI, SHAME AND SALVATION, Wisdom House, UK & USA 2011 [A family story of conflict and survival, told in three generations, from 1878 to 1980. The historical setting is correct, but the characters and dialogues are fictional.] 2. ANGELINA’S TREASURE, CYPRUS 1570, Wisdom House, UK & USA (at press) [A prequel to UZUN ALI… tracing the family roots back to the Ottoman Conquest of the island when the Cyprus Problem was an Orthodox-Latin contest]. Educational and Career Highlights: Educated at the London of School of Economics (1959-1962: B.Sc. Econ Hons) and the University of Toronto (1964 – 1968: MA and Ph.D in economics) Born in colonial Cyprus (in 1938), educated at the English School, Nicosia before LSE Has consulted extensively for international development agencies, including: The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, the UNDP, ILO, WHO, CIDA Chief Technical Advisor, UNDP-ILO, Indonesia As Development Economist, specialized in Asian Tigers (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand in particular)
Recipient of academic awards in Canada including several SSHRC grants Has been honored by international economics associations and universities abroad. Has been the Founding Co-Editor of the CANADIAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES and served as President of the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development.
Distinguished Service to Economics by the TURKISH ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION, November 2006
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics & Business Administration, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagosa, North Cyprus since 2004 and Dean 2008-2010.
Latest Academic Recognition GLOBAL GOVERNANCE, LABOUR MARKET DYNAMICS AND SOCIAL CHANGE, Essays in Honour of Emeritus Professor Ozay Mehmet, edited by B. N. Ghosh, Wisdom House Publications, UK, 2010
Currently [ since September 2012 ]: Senior Fellow, Modern Turkish Studies Initiative, FPA, Carleton University [This Initiative aims at the creation of a Center of Modern Turkish Studies, in partnership with the Council of Turkish Canadians and funding support by the Turkish Government].