Sep 20, 1990 - and Wofsy, 1988; Fan et al., this issue; Jacob and Wofsy, this issue]. ... 750 m below the aircraft to about 300 m above the forest canopy with an ...... The Geophysiology of Amazonia, edited by R. E. Dickinson, pp. 107-130 ...
RESEARCH, VOL. 95, NO. D10, PAGES 16,887-16,901, SEPTEMBER 20, 1990
and Aerosol
Amazon Basin During the Wet Season E. V. BROWELL AND G. L. GREGORY Atmospheric SciencesDivision, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia R. C. HARRISS
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham V. W. J. H. KIRCHHOFF
Instituto de PesquisasEspaciais, S•o Jos• dos Campos, S•o Paulo, Brazil
Measurementsof ozone (03) and aerosolswere made over the tropical rain forest of Brazil during the wet seasonin April-May 1987as part of the NASA Global TroposphericExperiment to study the Amazon boundarylayer. Remoteand in situmeasurementsof 03 and aerosolswere madefrom aircraft on flights over Brazil in the vicinity of Manaus and between Manaus and Belem. Ozonesonde data were also obtained near Manaus. Ozone mixing ratios of