Pacific cultural competencies in Aotearoa New ...

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social work: An invitation to talanoa on challenges and successes in current practice. INFORMATION SHEET. We invite social workers to participate in a focus ...
Pacific cultural competencies in Aotearoa New Zealand social work: An invitation to talanoa on challenges and successes in current practice INFORMATION SHEET We invite social workers to participate in a focus group to dialogue and share views on social work practice with Pacific peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand. Researcher(s) This research is being carried out by two lecturers in the School of Social Work, College of Health, Massey University:  Dr Tracie Mafile’o, Senior Lecturer (Manawatu) - PhD, PGCert Arts, BSW(Hons), RSW  Dr Moses Faleolo, Lecturer (Auckland) – PhD, MSW(Hons), Cert.Tert.Tchg, RSW Project Description Social workers are increasingly required to practice cross-culturally, as populations diversify, and so Pacific cultural competencies are important for Aotearoa New Zealand social work education and practice. Little is known, however, about how Aotearoa New Zealand social workers experience and view Pacific cultural competency in their practice. This small pilot research project invites Pacific and non-Pacific social workers (practitioners, policy makers and educators) to take part in a focus group discussion, on their perceptions and experiences of the application of Pacific cultural competencies in current Aotearoa New Zealand social work practice. The discussion will include opportunities to share what has contributed to success in working with Pacific peoples, what challenges have been experienced in Pacific practice and what training is needed to support Pacific cultural competency and cultural humility in Aotearoa New Zealand social work. The focus group discussion will be conducted in a workshop session at the Massey University “Social Work in Changing Times: Towards Better Outcomes” conference (see The researchers will collate and analyse the discussion for presentation in an article for the broader profession and to inform development of relevant social work curricula for engaging with diversity and further research. Participant Identification and Recruitment We are seeking both Pacific and non-Pacific social workers in either direct practice, policy or education roles. Social workers may be currently in practice or a former social worker. Experience working with Pacific people is welcomed but not necessary for participation. Current social work students in qualifying programmes or current Massey postgraduate students known to the researchers are excluded from this particular focus group. In order to gather a diverse range of views and experiences – and yet to allow for sufficient discussion within the time frame – we hope to have between 10-20 social workers involved in the focus group(s). Project Procedures th The focus group will take place on Friday 18 November from 1.30pm to 3pm, in room Ag Hort 1, Manawatu Campus, Massey University. Participants will be invited to sign a Consent Form before the

School of Social Work Private Bag 11 222, Palmerston North, New Zealand T +64 6 356 9099 ext 83521


focus group proceeds. Participants will also be asked to complete a short form asking about gender, ethnicity, social work education and years of practice. Brief presentations will provide a context leading into audio-recorded focus group discussion and talanoa. Participants will also have the opportunity to review the focus group discussion transcript (in February 2017) and will be asked to sign an Authority for the Release of Transcript Form at that point. In total, the time commitment for participation is expected to be 2 hours (1.5 hours of focus group discussion and 0.5 hours or half-an-hour to review the transcript). Although no adverse psychological risks are anticipated, a list of resources will be provided should professional supervision be needed as a result of participation in the focus group. Data Management Electronic data will be stored in the researchers’ password-protected work files. Any hard copy information will be stored in filing cabinets in the researchers’ Massey University offices. Anonymity cannot be completely assured since participants will need to opt for the workshop as part of their Conference planning. However, any publications or presentations arising from this research will only use pseudonyms and will not make the participants identifiable. Raw data and identifiable information (for example, Consent Forms) will be destroyed by the researchers after a five year period. Participants will be sent a summary of the project findings and a copy of the article publication arising from this project. Participant’s Rights You are under no obligation to accept this invitation. If you decide to participate, you have the right to:  decline to answer any particular question;  withdraw from the study up until 30 minutes from the commencement of the focus group session;  ask any questions about the study at any time during participation;  provide information on the understanding that your name will not be used unless you give permission to the researcher;  be given access to a summary of the project findings when it is concluded if requested. Project Contacts Please feel free to contact either of the researcher(s) if you have any questions about the project.  Dr Tracie Mafile’o o Email: [email protected] o Ph: 06 9518027  Dr Moses Faleolo o Email: [email protected] o Ph: 06 4140800 ext 43351 This project has been evaluated by peer review and judged to be low risk. Consequently, it has not been reviewed by one of the University’s Human Ethics Committees. The researcher(s) named above are responsible for the ethical conduct of this research. If you have any concerns about the conduct of this research that you wish to raise with someone other than the researcher(s), please contact Dr Brian Finch, Director, Research Ethics, telephone 06 356 9099 x 86015, email [email protected].

School of Social Work Private Bag 11 222, Palmerston North, New Zealand T +64 6 356 9099 ext 83521