Packaging and Integration Technologies for Future High-Frequency Power Supplies Seán Cian Ó Mathúna, Patrick Byrne, Gerald Duffy, Weimin Chen, Matthias Ludwig, Member, IEEE, Terence O’Donnell, Member, IEEE, Paul McCloskey, and Maeve Duffy, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper reviews data from the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors to establish where dc–dc converters are headed in the first decade of the new millennium. It focuses on the high performance computing (high current, fast response, high power density) and portable/handheld (low profile) sectors. Magnetics and power device packaging technologies needed to allow power supplies to move to operating frequencies in the 1–10 MHz region are discussed. It introduces the concept of magnetic components fully embedded (windings and core) in PCB and silicon offering low profile and low losses at high frequency. It also reviews developments in wirebond-free power packaging such as flip-chip assembly that offer low profile, reduced parasitics and increased thermal performance. Finally, consideration is given to the changes in the power electronics industry that may need to be addressed to enable these new technologies to play a strategic role. Index Terms—Integrated magnetics, power packaging, power supplies, reviews, semiconductor device packaging.
Chip scale package. Finite-element method. Microelectromechanical systems. National Mircoelectronics Research Centre. National University of Ireland Printed circuit board. Scanning electron microscope. Thermal coefficient of expansion. I. INTRODUCTION
XCERPTS from the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor predict that by 2007, high performance processors will be operating at 0.7 V and dissipating 190 W [1]. This will result in a total current of over 270 A being delivered to a silicon device of dimensions 17.6 mm on a side with operating speeds of up to 7 GHz. As an aside, it is worth noting the equivalent data for 2016 are quoted as 0.4 V, 288 W, over 700 A, 17.6 mm, and 29 GHz. These specifications present a significant technical challenge to the power supply with much research ongoing into the development of high-efficiency, fast response voltage regulation modules that can be located as close as possible to the processor.
Manuscript received February 3, 2003; revised December 12, 2003. Abstract published on the Internet September 10, 2004. S. C. Ó Mathúna, P. Byrne, G. Duffy, W. Chen, M. Ludwig, T. O’Donnell, and P. McCloskey are with the National Mircoelectronics Research Centre, University College, Cork, Ireland (e-mail:
[email protected]). M. Duffy is with the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2004.837904
At the low power end of the scale, we are interested in the handheld/portable sector where battery power, and, in the future, fuel cells, will require low cost, low profile, miniaturized dc–dc converters (incorporating power management functions) with both single and multivoltage outputs for a range of devices including low voltage processors, radio-frequency/wirebond-free transceiver circuits, and high voltage displays. A number of recent studies have addressed the question of the technological requirements that these trends will have on the power supply of the future. Van Wyk and Lee stated that, while power switching and power switching network technology had reached a high level of maturity in the previous 25 years, there was now a need for research and innovation to be focussed on packaging, manufacturing, and electromagnetic component integration with conductive, interconnection, and power device structures [2]. The Power Sources Manufacturers Association reiterated these views in their 2000 Power Technology Roadmap study and emphasized the increasing importance of a synergy between electromechanical packaging and circuit design in achieving improvements in product cost and reliability [3]. In a key paper in 2000 from the then Lucent Power Systems, Huljak et al. presented a concise roadmap of performance/technology developments required in distributed/point-of-load dc–dc converters over the ten-year period 1998 to 2008. The study emphasized the strong need to reduce power converter size by increasing converter frequency up to 10 MHz by 2008 [4]. Of the five areas listed as needing significant technological developments, two, magnetics and packaging, are the subject of this paper. In this paper, the limitations of existing magnetics and power packaging technologies will be discussed and compared with the benefits of more advanced technologies to provide reduced losses for both high current and high switching frequency converters. The integration of magnetic devices, using novel PCB and silicon technologies with embedded windings and magnetic layers, capable of operating in the range 1 to 10 MHz, will be presented. Recent trends and associated benefits of wirebondfree power device assembly will also be introduced and some of the key research challenges discussed. Finally, consideration is given to the impact these new, and potentially strategic, enabling technologies may have on the power electronics industry. II. INTEGRATED MAGNETICS To meet the requirements of future power supplies, magnetic components have to decrease in footprint and profile. At the
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Fig. 1. Comparison of eddy-current losses for a thin film magnetic core and a commercial ferrite core at a frequency of 10 MHz.
same time, a certain magnetic volume is needed to transfer power or store energy at a given frequency. Miniaturization of power supply magnetics can be achieved by increasing the operating frequency to decrease the required volume. Alternatively, the profile of the magnetics can be reduced through planar magnetics whereby the windings are embedded within the printed circuit board substrate. Taking this concept further, one can “hide” or fully embed the magnetic component (i.e., windings and core) within the underlying substrate or to functionally integrate it with one or more other components [5]. As power supply switching frequencies increase, losses in magnetic materials increase significantly. A qualitative review of commercial ferrite materials shows that they are limited to the lower megahertz region and, while some performance and cost improvements are expected in the coming years, no significant breakthroughs are envisaged for high-frequency ferrites [3]. The disk storage industry has been depositing high-frequency, multilayer, thin films of soft magnetic alloys, such as permalloy (Ni80Fe20), for many years using both sputtering and electrodeposition. The plot in Fig. 1 compares the eddy-current losses for thin film and commercial ferrite cores at a frequency of 10 MHz, based on commercial material data. The eddy-current loss in the thin film depends on the thickness of the film and, more specifically, on the ratio of the thickness to the skin depth in the material at the frequency of interest. Thus, for a thin film with a thickness of one skin depth, the loss is less than that of a ferrite only for high flux density levels. For a thin film with a thickness of half the skin depth, the loss is considerably less than the ferrite for all flux density levels. As an example, for permalloy (Ni80Fe20), the skin depth at 10 MHz is 2.25 m. If the magnetic cross-sectional area of a thin film is insufficient to carry the required flux, multiple layers, separated by insulating layers, can be deposited. Further reductions in high-frequency losses can be achieved through patterning of the core layers. Based on the above processes, research at NMRC has focussed on the development of two complimentary magnetics technologies whereby the windings and the magnetic core layers are fully integrated in one case, within a PCB and, in the other case, on the surface of an insulated silicon wafer [6].
Both PCB production and silicon fabrication are based on high volume, semiautomated manufacturing capabilities, which in the case of magnetics removes the need for labor-intensive assembly of wire wound components and offers the potential for high yielding, low cost components. The associated processes of photolithographic patterning, electroplating, and etching allow the definition of high resolution features and ensure tight parameter tolerances and high levels of reproducibility. Flexibility in the definition of the component structure is also provided, and there are also a broad range of soft magnetic alloys that can be plated to a specified thickness to provide application specific magnetic properties. Other benefits of PCB-integrated magnetics include enhanced reliability due to reduction in the number of solder joints; the disappearance of the magnetics into the board; and the resulting freeing up of board surface area allowing higher density assembly of surface mount components. Silicon-integrated magnetics allow the opportunity for further integration with power devices and control circuitry within a single silicon die or in a multichip package. III. PCB INTEGRATED MAGNETICS In terms of embedding magnetic layers in printed circuit boards, commercial magnetic foil layers have been used to provide magnetic core regions for inductors and transformers. Dezuari describes a three-layer transformer of which the outer layers carry the printed coil patterns and the inner layer is a high permeability ferromagnetic sheet core (Material “Vitrovac (R) 6025” by Vacuumschmelze, relative permeability 100 000) [7]. Using this technology, inductances of up to 30 H are achieved in a footprint of 1 1 cm . Zhang and Sanders use a similar technology to make a laminated (using 80 layers of permalloy) toroidal core, which is embedded in a multilayer PCB [8]. Other methods of incorporating magnetic layers into PCB technology include the screenprinting of a polymer-based composite magnetic material and the burying of toroidal cores in thick prepreg layers (the glass reinforced epoxy layers that are used to form PCBs.) [9], [10]. Ferreira, one of the leading experts in the field of functionally integrated magnetics, has most recently reported on work undertaken within a German consortium on the development of what they refer to as embedded passives integrated circuit. This project investigated the state-of-the-art in embedding of passives (i.e., resistors, capacitors, and magnetics) in PCB for power converters. A 100 W converter demonstrator contained embedded capacitive layers but the magnetics were limited to standard planar magnetics with embedded PCB windings and planar ferrite cores [11]. The structure in Fig. 2 illustrates the concept of the PCB integrated magnetics [12]. A plan view of the fabricated device is shown in Fig. 3(a). The magnetic core structure consists of two plates of electroplated permalloy (NiFe) above and below multilayer windings, which are copper conductors formed using conventional PCB technology. Plated permalloy through-holes or vias at the center and outside of the windings are shorted to the permalloy plates, thereby allowing the formation of closed magnetic cores around the windings. The operating frequency of the magnetic device can be increased through patterning of the
Fig. 2. Schematic of structure of PCB-integrated magnetics.
Fig. 4. Efficiency measurement against load current for a 4.7 mH, PCB-integrated inductor in a 1.5 W dc–dc converter.
Fig. 3. (a) Plan view of PCB-integrated magnetic. (b) 1.5 W dc–dc converter assembled on embedded PCB integrated inductor.
permalloy plates, which reduces losses due to high-frequency eddy currents within the highly conducting permalloy. Further improvement is achieved through multilayer lamination of the permalloy. For inductors carrying dc currents, PCB processing allows very controlled gaps to be introduced into the magnetic plates. A key advantage of the process is that it can be integrated seamlessly with traditional multilayer PCB manufacturing without significant cost implications. Both inductors and transformers have been fabricated on a a dedicated pilot production line at NMRC. Fig. 3(b) shows a technology demonstrator of a 1.5 W, 3.3 V output, buck converter, operating at 1 MHz, using a commercially available dc–dc converter integrated circuit (IC) [13]. The converter incorporates a PCB integrated inductor of 4.7 H, with dc current handling capability up to 500 mA. The footprint of the entire converter measures 10 mm 10 mm with the discrete components assembled on top of the integrated inductor to achieve an ultraflat and compact converter design. Efficiency measurements, taken at 1 MHz and plotted in Fig. 4, show a nearly constant efficiency over a wide range of load and measure approximately 70% efficiency for an input voltage of 7.22 V and 80% for 5 V input. The technology also compares well, in terms of size and performance, with the discrete solution using an equivalent 1210 sized surface mount inductor (3.2 mm 2.5 mm). While further research is ongoing to enhance efficiency through reducing core losses and to develop a lower profile converter with bare power and control die, results to date suggest that this technology offers a viable option for low profile, low cost converters in the portable/handheld sector for power levels in the range 1–10 W. Research is also ongoing to develop FEMs, and ultimately, analytical models for optimization of laminated and patterned magnetic core layers in PCB.
Fig. 5. Silicon-integrated magnetics showing plated copper windings and plated permalloy core layer.
IV. SILICON INTEGRATED MAGNETICS The silicon integrated magnetics concept is based on a combination of traditional, thin film, semiconductor fabrication technologies and state-of-the-art microsystems technologies. Fig. 5 shows SEM images of the silicon magnetics being researched at NMRC. The devices consist of electroplated copper coils, enclosed by an electroplated layer of soft magnetic material (i.e., permalloy) [14], [15]. The feasibility of using thin-film magnetics for power conversion has been demonstrated [16]. Mino et al. demonstrated a thin-film transformer integrated with Schottky diodes [17], and recently Katayama et al. [18] demonstrated a 1 W dc–dc converter with a thin-film inductor integrated on an IC with power switches and control circuitry which achieved an overall power density of 5.6 W/cm . However, most of the thin-film magnetic components demonstrated to date have been restricted to low power conversion (typically 2 W), and power densities for such microtransformers are typically less than 1 W/cm . Sullivan et al. [19] did address the design of microtransformers for slightly higher
resistivity, low coercivity, high saturation magnetization, and the capability of being deposited in multilayers. V. POWER PACKAGING
Fig. 6. High aspect ratio plated copper windings.
powers (3 W) and predicted power densities of 59 W/cm . The use of microinductors for higher powers has also been addressed by Mehas et al. [20], specifically in the context of rapid response, microprocessor power delivery. To obtain high-efficiency, high-frequency transformers, the losses in the windings and the core need to be minimized. The losses in the windings are directly related to the resistance of the coils. By increasing the cross-sectional area of the coils using thick electroplated copper, the winding resistance is reduced. The core losses are due mainly to eddy currents opposing the magnetizing flux. These eddy currents can be significantly reduced using high resistivity and/or multilayer magnetic materials, thereby also extending the frequency of operation of the devices up to 10 MHz and beyond. In the case of optimizing the power density, the footprint area of the devices must be kept small. Therefore, using MEMS technology (e.g., electrodeposition of copper into thick photoresist mold), high aspect ratio coils can be processed that ensure the conduction losses at high frequency can be minimized without increasing the footprint as shown in Fig. 6. Measured results from the most recent batch of fabricated microtransformers yielded efficiencies of 50% for a power density of 10 W/cm at 5 MHz. These devices were mainly used to develop a predictive analytical model that would allow the optimization of future designs. Fig. 7 shows a plot of both measured and calculated open and short circuit inductance against frequency for the microtransformer. It can be seen that the device, with a single layer of permalloy, operates up to 5 MHz with the analytical model being accurate to within 20% of the measured data. Using the validated model, it has been possible to predict a performance of between 20 and 40 W/cm at efficiencies up to 83% for devices incorporating two layers of permalloy. Fully optimized microtransformer structures are expected to yield power densities as high as 50 W/cm at efficiencies up to 95%. These data suggest that microfabricated magnetics on silicon, as well as providing ultralow profile options for the portable/handheld electronics sector, may also provide a technology compatible with future high performance processors. To achieve this goal will require thin-film materials with high
As presented in the introduction, many recent studies have identified the limitations of traditional power device packaging (i.e., multiple, large diameter wire bonds attached to heat sink leadframes) for future high density, high-efficiency, fast-response power supplies delivering hundreds of amps at output voltages below 1 V. When one considers that up to half the resistance (and most of the inductance) of a power MOSFET in a traditional package is attributed to the wire bonds and leadframe, it is clear that these specifications will be seriously compromised by the package-level parasitics. One recognized route to achieving this optimized power package design is to replace the conventional chip-to-board interconnect, wire bonding, with solder interconnections, giving what can be termed a “wirebond-free” interconnect scheme. This technological shift has already been seen for low power devices with the packaging evolution from wirebond SO-8 and quad flat packages (QFPs) toward solder-bumped CSPs. (A chip scale package is one where the ratio of package to chip footprint is at a ratio between 1.0 and 1.2.) Wirebond-free CSPs for power devices refer to the concept of replacing wire bond connections with solder bump connections to the power semiconductor electrical contacts. This technology offers an attractive alternative because it has lower resistance and inductance levels, allowing higher efficiency and higher switching frequency with the further advantage of a lower package profile. Furthermore, without the restrictions of wirebonds on the active face of the power die, both sides of the die become available as thermal paths for improved heat dissipation. Fig. 8 shows schematics of the various wirebond-free technologies, both for low power and very high power, recently introduced into commercial power switch products (IR, Fairchild, Flip Chip Technologies) or currently being researched (CPES, USA; NMRC, Ireland; INPG, France). These include a variant of the traditional power device large area solder pads, the conventional, VLSI-inspired flip-chip bump, solder posts or stud bumps, stamped dimples on copper foil, and solder bars [21]–[28]. The following sections introduce what are seen as the key technical challenges in implementing these emerging assembly processes. A. Thermal Management As power supplies are forced down a miniaturization route and power densities increase, one can also expect increases in thermal management requirements. As mentioned above, a significant advantage of this CSP technology without wirebonds is that, without the physical constraints of wire bonds, both faces of the die are available to provide low thermal resistance paths for improved heat dissipation from the power die. A number of techniques are in use or have been proposed, which include a copper strap or lid soldered to the substrate, which provides an electrical connection for the MOSFET drain while also providing an extra low thermal resistance path.
Fig. 7. Measured and calculated open and short circuit inductance against frequency for silicon integrated microtransformer.
Fig. 8. Examples of wirebond-free power packaging technlogies for both low power discrete devices and high power modules.
B. TCE Mismatch While significant research data is available from VLSI flipchip systems, the large-area solder bumps or pads needed for high current power devices mean that TCE mismatch issues need to be investigated separately to understand their impact on solder joint lifetime. The critical parameters that influence the fatigue lifetime of the solder joints are chip size, chip pad size, solder joint geometry, underbump metallurgy (UBM) and thickness, substrate material, and underfill. In terms of solder joint geometry for power devices, large area solder bumps in an hourglass geometry with a large standoff have been shown to offer increased life times [27]. A polymer-based underfill can also significantly increase reliability by acting as a TCE matching buffer between the power die and underlying substrate. C. UBM Because aluminum is not solderable, a pretreatment followed by the deposition of a solderable layer called a UBM is required in advance of bump deposition. An increasingly popular aluminum pretreatment for chip bumping processes is a zincate treatment that involves immersion of the aluminum-coated semiconductor substrate in an extremely low pH (i.e., highly corrosive) sodium hydroxide-based solution containing zinc ions. This process step removes the native aluminum oxide and deposits a protective zinc layer. Upon immersion in an electroless nickel plating solution, the zinc dissolves and is replaced by nickel ions that initiate the autocatalytic deposition of the nickel UBM directly at the aluminum surface. Research at NMRC has focused on the development of a novel, low cost activation and electroless UBM plating process that reduces the number of processing steps while providing a less corrosive, more environmentally friendly processing approach. Preliminary results have shown that this technology is readily transferrable to power devices. D. High Current Considerations The phenomenon of electromigration has been the focus of significant research in the microelectronics industry, where high current densities now associated with submicrometer conductor lines can induce failures, in the form of voids and hillocks, which are also a function of temperature gradients and metal conductor grain size [29]. The impact of high currents in future power supplies is only beginning to attract attention where, by 2007, sub one volt, high performance, microprocessor circuits are predicted to require more than 270 amps flowing into the load. The potential for associated high current densities, and resulting electromigration-induced failures at the power device, UBM, solder joint, and substrate level will require careful consideration in the context of developing high density power supply solutions with high long-term reliability. VI. CONCLUSION This paper has introduced a number of packaging and integration technologies that have the potential to address key issues in power electronics circuits as a result of increasing switching frequencies, load currents, and power densities to meet the needs
of future high performance processors and low profile, low cost portable/handheld electronics. The technologies described will reduce losses in both the magnetic components and the power device assemblies as the converter switching frequencies move toward 10 MHz, with currents reaching almost 300 A. However, in order to reap the benefits of these technologies, the power electronics industry will need to consider how to implement the technologies in high volume to achieve low cost and high reliability. The vast majority of power supply manufacturing facilities are set up for through-hole and surface mount assembly of passive and active components, and sundry heat sinks, connectors, and enclosures. PCB and silicon integrated magnetics will require the establishment of external foundries with processes that are variants of what currently is standard within the respective PCB and silicon manufacturing industries. PCB manufacturers will need to enhance their capabilities in order to be able to manufacture and supply embedded magnetic components. In the case of silicon magnetics, dedicated foundries may become component suppliers.Furthermore,theconceptoffunctionalandsubstrateintegration of magnetics presents a number of advantages that suggest these two technologies have the potential to play a key role in the coming decade in providing a viable route to high-frequency magnetics in a low profile, integrated construction. On the power packaging side, the technologies described here will introduce the need for familiarity with chip-scale packaging, flip-chip assembly where solder joints can no longer be visually inspected, and handling, storage, and assembly of bare and/or semibare power die. Many companies may have to consider the subcontract route as a serious alternative to establishing new, in-house facilities and capabilities. The whole area of packaging and integration will become a key enabler and differentiator in the development of future power converters. The packaging and integration technologies presented here are mature technologies, established in the PCB, microelectronics, and hard magnetic disk industries. They have the potential to become strategic technologies in the future of the power electronics industry. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to acknowledge funding support from Enterprise Ireland. REFERENCES [1] International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (2001). [Online]. Available: [2] J. D. van Wyk and F. C. Lee, “Power electronics technology at the dawn of the new millenium – Status and future,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’99, Charleston, SC, 1999, pp. 3–12. [3] PSMA Power Technology Roadmap (2000). [Online]. Available: [4] R. J. Huljak et al., “Where are power supplied headed?,” in Proc. IEEE APEC’00, Feb. 2000, pp. 10–17. [5] A. Lotfi and J. Weld, “Integrated magnetic-semiconductor components,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop Integrated Power Packaging, 1998, pp. 39–43. [6] M. Duffy et al., “Comparison of integrated magnetic component technologies for power applications,” in Proc. Int. Power Electronics Conf. (IPEC), Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 2000, pp. 309–314. [7] O. Dezuari, S. Gilbert, E. Belloy, and M. Gijs, “High inductance planar transformers,” in Proc. 2nd Eur. Conf. Magnetic Sensors and Actuators (EMSA’98), Sheffield, U.K., July 13–15, 1998, pp. 355–358. [8] Y. Zhang and S. Sanders, “In-board magnetics processes,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’99, 1999, pp. 562–567.
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Seán Cian Ó Mathúna received the B.E., M.Eng.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, in 1981, 1984, and 1994, respectively. From 1982 to 1993, he was instrumental in establishing the Interconnection and Packaging Group at the National Microelectronics Research Centre (NMRC), University College, Cork, Ireland, where he was Senior Research Scientist. In 1993, he joined PEI Technologies, NMRC, as Technical/Commercial Director, where he was responsible for power packaging, planar/integrated magnetics, and product qualification. In 1997, he rejoined NMRC as Group Director with responsibility for microsystems. In 1999, he became Assistant Director for NMRC with responsibility for research in microelectronics integration in the areas of ambient electronic systems, biomedical microsystems, and energy processing for information and communications technologies. He is a coauthor of more than 25 journal publications and 70 papers presented at international conferences.
Patrick Byrne received the B.Sc. degree in materials science and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, in 1993 and 1998, respectively. In his doctoral work, he studied high-temperature liquid metal interactions with silicon nitride based ceramics and characterized the long-term reliability implications of environmental exposure to the ceramic matrix. He joined the National Microelectronics Research Centre (NMRC), University College, Cork, Ireland, in 1996, as a Research Scientist as part of the Power Electronics group. His responsibilities included research in the areas of power packaging interconnect, reliability, and product development research programs for indigenous Irish industry. Currently he is working in the field of advanced high-density power packaging solutions within the Power for Information and Communications Technologies group at NMRC.
Gerald Duffy received the B.Sc. degree in applied physics and electronics from University College, Galway, Ireland, in 1989 and the M.Eng.Sc degree in microelectronics from University College, Cork, Ireland. He was a Lecturer for several years at Dundalk and Cork Institute of Technology before joining PEI Technologies, National Microelectronics Research Centre, University College, Cork, Ireland, in 2000. His main research interests are in power electronics packaging.
Weimin Chen received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, and the Ph.D. degree in 1997 from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. He is currently conducting research in the National Microelectronics Research Centre, University College, Cork, Ireland. His main research interests are electronic packaging and reliability physics of electronic components and devices. Dr. Chen won a Best Poster Award at the 4th International Conference on Materials for Microelectronics and Nanoengineering held in Helsinki, Finland, in June 2002.
Matthias Ludwig (M’91) was born in Fulda, Germany, in 1971. He received the M. Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt Germany, in 1998. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in microelectronics at the National Microelectronics Research Centre (NMRC), University College, Cork, Ireland. His research interests are in the fields of design and modeling of planar and integrated magnetics and power switching converters.
Terence O’Donnell (M’96) received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from University College, Dublin, Ireland, in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree from the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, in 1996. He is currently a Senior Research Officer with PEI Technologies, National Microelectronics Research Centre, University College, Cork, Ireland. His main research area is in the design and modeling of planar and integrated magnetics, for applications in power conversion, datacomms, telecommunications, and MEMS.
Paul McCloskey received the B.Sc. degree in chemical engineering from Queens University Belfast, Belfast, U.K., in 1981, and the M.Sc. degree in energy studies and the M.Sc. degree in microelectronics from the University of Ulster, Coleraine, U.K., in 1984 and 1991, respectively. He has worked for 14 years in electronics manufacturing and is currently the Centre Manager of PEI Technologies, National Microelectronics Research Centre, University College, Cork, Ireland. Mr. McCloskey is a member of the Institute of Metal Finishing.
Maeve Duffy (M’94) received the B.E. degree (Hons.) in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), Ireland, in 1992 and 1997, respectively. The title of her Ph.D. dissertation was “Modeling and Analysis of Planar Magnetic Devices.” She was a Research Officer with PEI Technologies, National Microelectronics Research Centre, Cork, Ireland, from 1997 to 2001. She is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Electronic Engineering, NUIG. Her main research interests are in modeling and design of magnetic components, including planar magnetics and magnetic sensors.