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Padherder Proxy Instructions for Android 6 (Marshmallow); last revised 9/7/16 Padherder is a website that lets you keep track of what evo materials you need for which priority monsters, in addition to keeping track of card stats and team builds (see screenshot at right). The following instructions are for a program that will automatically capture your PAD data and upload it to the site. Steps 1-3 do not need to be repeated

Setting up for upload Step 1: Create an account on Step 2: Download Padherder Proxy 1) Go to Download the latest release of padherder proxy (it will be a .zip file). 2) Unzip the .exe into a folder for future use (do not run it directly from the zip!)

Step 3: Install the Certificate on your phone (one-time step) 1) Run padherder_proxy.exe a. Padherder_proxy will display your computer’s internal IP address (highlighted here in blue)

2) On phone Phone, go into your WiFi settings, and press and hold your connection for a “modify network” prompt.

a. Check “advanced options.”

b. Under Proxy, select “none” and change to “manual.”

c. Under “Proxy Hostname,” input your computer’s internal IP address (the one displayed in Padherder_proxy). d. For Proxy Port, select 8080

Note: Your wifi may disconnect at this point, and selecting “reconnect” may not help. One solution is to disable your wifi, wait, and re-enable it so that it will auto-reconnect when re-enabled.

3) On your phone’s browser, go to Should look like this (if it displays an error message, one of the above steps was not done correctly). a. Click android, and download the certificate. Name it whatever you’d like (it doesn’t matter)

Note: If you don’t already have one, your phone may ask you to create a Screen Lock, such as a pin, as long as the certificate is installed. You may also get a notification saying your network may be monitored – ignore it.

Capturing and uploading phone data Step 4: Updating your PADherder account 1) If you *just* completed the above steps, reset your phone’s proxy settings, as they’re only needed for the certificate download. The most surefire way of doing this is by pressing and holding your wifi connection, selecting “forget network,” and then reconnecting to your wifi.

2) If not already running, start Padherder_proxy.exe. a. Under the “settings” tab, type in your username and password (there is no “enter” or “set” button).

3) Obtaining your Gateway IP address: a. On your computer, open command prompt (this can be found by going to the Start Menu, and typing “cmd” in the search field). b. Type “ipconfig” (as displayed to the right) and press Enter.

c) A readout similar to this should show up. Take note of your Default Gateway address, highlighted here in yellow. After a while you, will be able to intuit/memorize what your gateway address is.

4) Obtaining your Phone’s IP address There are 3 ways to determine your Phone’s IP, depending on your Android version: Method 1: On your phone, go into your WiFi settings, and press and hold your wifi connection again for a “modify network” prompt. Take note of your phone’s IP address (highlighted to the right in red), before selecting “Advanced options.”

Method 2: Navigate to the list of available wifi connections on your phone, and tap (don’t hold!) the wifi you’re using. A screen should pop up displaying your phone’s IP (highlighted to the left in red). Afterwards, close the display, and press and hold your connection for a “modify network” prompt and select “Advanced options.”

Method 3: Go to your wifi settings, and access the dropdown menu (first screenshot to the right) and select “advanced.” In the next screen, your phone’s IP will be displayed (highlighted in red). Afterwards, go back to the list of available connections. Press and hold the wifi you’re using for a “modify network” prompt and select “Advanced options.”

5) After selecting “Advanced options,” select “DHCP,” and in the pop-up, select “static.”

6) Here’s where it comes together. a. under “IP Address,” enter your Phone’s IP address (previously highlighted in red). b. under “Gateway,” enter your Gateway address (previously highlighted in yellow). c. under “DNS 1,” enter the IP displayed in Padherder_proxy.exe (your computer’s IP address, previously highlighted in blue). d. Select “save.” Note: Your wifi may disconnect at this point, and selecting “reconnect” may not help. One solution is to disable your wifi, wait, and re-enable it so that it will auto-reconnect when re-enabled.

7) To confirm your phone’s connection to padherder_proxy.exe, switch to the “DNS Proxy Log” tab in Padherder. If it’s blank, one of the previous steps may have been followed incorrectly. If it displays activity (as shown in the picture), your phone is connecting through the program.

8) If PAD was running, close it with Android, and start PAD up again. Be sure to log onto PAD (wait through the GungHo screen, press start to get to your mail, etc.). This might take longer than usual, esp. if it’s your first time uploading information as Padherder_proxy will have more info to capture. a. To check on progress, go to the “Proxy” tab. You should be able to see your box update in real time. The update is complete when the bottom of the display reads “Done” (as it does in the below photo) If there is an error at this point – monsters on don’t update, the proxy doesn’t connect to, etc., see the next step for how to upload the info through padherder’s website)

That’s it! Once you’re finished, you can close PAD_proxy.exe, and reset your phone’s connection to the internet (I prefer forgetting the network, then reconnecting to save time).

Manually uploading info to In the event that data is captured by padherder_proxy.exe, but the program can’t connect/upload info to, your box can be uploaded manually. 1) Check to make sure that your data was captured. A captured_data.txt file will have been created in the same folder/directory as padherder_proxy.exe if it was.

2) Go to the dropdown menu under your name on, and select “Import from JSON.”

3) On the next screen, select, “choose file, “and navigate to where Padherder_proxy.exe is. Upload captured_data.txt and select “import,” (you don’t have to change the filetype) and your box should be updated!

Bonus: How to change Monster Priority in What is Monster Priority? Padherder lets you select a monster’s priority, so that you can see exactly how much of an evo mat you need. In the screenshot below, you can see that I need 2 Mystic Masks for High Priority monsters such as Spica (as opposed to the 17 masks that are needed for low priority monsters).

1) To adjust a monster’s priority, go to the “My Monster” tab, and select the yellow pencil on the right side of the screen (see below) to edit the entry.

2) There are several options in this box; under “priority,”, select the option you want and press “save changes.” (This is also where you select which evolution of a monster you want to work towards).

4) You can check if the monster’s priority has been changed in the area indicated below. To have the website fix the order monsters are displayed in after you enter updated information, simply refresh the page!