Oct 26, 2009 ... Paediatric Formulations ... These PowerPoint slides are the intellectual property
of the individual presenter ... granule, orally dispersible tablet ?
Paediatric Formulations - Workshop outline
Julie Williams & Richard Kendall Co-Chairs
Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in the following PowerPoint slides are those of the individual presenter and should not be attributed to Drug Information Association, Inc. (“DIA”), its directors, officers, employees, volunteers volunteers, members members, chapters chapters, councils councils, Special Interest Area Communities or affiliates, or any organization with which the presenter is employed or affiliated. These PowerPoint slides are the intellectual property of the individual presenter and are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and other countries. countries Used by permission. permission All rights reserved. reserved Drug Information Association, DIA and DIA logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Drug Information Association Inc. All other trademarks are the p property p y of their respective p owners.
Paediatric Formulations 1. Age-appropriate dosage forms – what is expected vs. preferred?
2. Excipients – How do we judge acceptability?
3. Paediatric investigation plans – h how much h fformulation l ti d detail t il iis available il bl at time of PIP?
1 A 1. Age-appropriate i t dosage d forms f Selection of dosage form for commercialisation g for oral - liquid, q tablet, mini-tablet, - e.g. granule, orally dispersible tablet ? - Size, volume, strength, container size? - What factors should govern the selection? p - Which are the most important? - Discuss framework for dosage form selection and evidence of suitability www.diahome.org
2 E 2. Excipients i i t – benefits b fit and d risks i k • Proposed discussion points: – Colours – when can they be justified? – Single versus multiple dose dose, preserved preparations– preparations what are the pros and cons? – Palatability – what are the considerations for sweeteners, flavours, mixing with foods
• There is an urgent need for a comprehensive and harmonized database documenting which excipients are preferred / acceptable and at what levels in children of different ages – How could this be expedited by industry / regulatory collaboration
3. Paediatric Investigation Plan Quality Q y section – information • How much formulation detail should be provided in PIPs – – – –
What is the expectation from the PDCO? What is the reality? y Use of “enabling” clinical formulations Evolving formulation strategy
• What information is sufficient to support PIP approval? – How can we discuss any further developments? www.diahome.org