Page 1 ISSN-1729-5211 The Agriculturists 8(1): 10-18(2010) A ...

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Preparation of Biscuit from Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus). Seed Flour Blended with Wheat Flour. S. M. K. Hasan', M. A. Hossain *, M. J. Hossain, J. Roy", ...


,i..trltrtriri'\r|1: l() l$)ttlttl G""1il llr, \ 'rffi'' .\ Su rcrrrilr. .lr)Lu nill of Krishi Foi.iirclrttiotr

rssN- l7l9--51 r l

Prcpa ration of Biscuit frorn .lnckflruit

(A rt o c orp u s h e t e ro p hy llu Seed F'lour Blendcd rvith Whcat Flour


\,i l(

Hasanj. N'l. A. Hossaiur"'.



N'l ,

J. I'fossain]. J.




M. S. H. Sarkelr

[:o,.tl l'roccs.sirt,< ttrttl l'rt'.stt't;uliott, llS'l'U, l)incL/ltur'. Bunglutltslt

\\::\l ivl Du i.siort. ll ltlll. ( iu:iprrr I 70 l. 1)un.qlaltslt 'lto()(l (.ut(l ['tot c.\s llrr,qirtet'r'irtq, l't\F'l:, tt.\'l l.r, l)intt.jprtr, ]Jttrt.qlttdL'slt '/)t'1tr. of lttrttl liugittttrin.qurtt.l 7t,iltuttlo.qt'. H.\Ill. l)itrtllttu,liungltrtleslt

I "Cot tt:sltorulittq ttntl Ertttril; crr.qr.uf:ltlG-i.tttltoo.t;t,rrr



l0 July 2009

Acccpted: 7 ALrgust 2010

Abstract An atternltl \\'.rs lrrken to reclucc the ltost Inrvest lLrsscs of jackfrLrit see,-ls bY plepiu'ing the value ldcled prodLrcts. l)ehLrlleci. blrnchcd anrl treatecl ilcliiluit seecls \vere clried anci sr'(lLtnd to ptocluce 1'litLu. BiscLrits \\,ero l.lepur.ccl using u,hcat l'1ou1 u,ith.10.50,60.70 and 80%,o1'.jackliurt seecl tlr,ur ancl 100'i u,heat i'loLrr.. Biscuits \\'erc cvalLntecl by'hedttrrrc riltin-s test fbr crctiour. texttll'e, tlavitr-rr, tastc rncl oi,erall acceptabilitl,. l'he rcsLrlts levealecl rhat thc colttur. flavttur. texture. taste and overtll acccPtabilitr,\\'erc increased u,ith Lhc incr.ease of .iaclilrLrit seecl fl()Lrr LIp to 507 \\'ith ru,hcat fiiiLrr.'l'hc snrlple crtrrtaining 50(,/r ri,heat flour ancl -50''i.jlck1r'uit seed 1'lorrr securecl thc

(li.i0) 1il-overiill

acceptability'. The conrposrtions o1'best sirmple \\'ere Ash-i.527, Prrtein-(r.037. Irat- 1l.l-i'l ancl rnorsture content- .1.50(,t. The higher iulroLnrt ot curbohvdratc & lsh uele found in this sample c()mpiire trt the biscuits preprred tirtrr rrhcat llour (carbohyclrrtc -73.607 & ash-1.017). It also saved 107 prrtdr,rctron cost. flonsiciering thc cc()non1y, nutritional \'alLrc trncl bettcr acceptance to the consumels tlte

highest scole

Clarbohycimte -1 5.1)(t'(,-

develttpecl brscLrit 1'r'orn lacktruit seecl flour rvas bcttel thrn those 1l'om u'heat tlour alttne. Jackfl'urt seed 1l(rLrr ealt thctcli)re be Lrsed as an incredient rn the blikely ancl cont'ectiottarv indLlstries,

Ke1'words..lackflrrrt seecl. \\'hcat tlour. biscLrrt


I. Introduction


are 2-'1 crn long ancl I-2 cm


o1 i:i::::fl

ji;,.'],J"'[';,,1,']"",!;"'1,,'''iir::l rackrrLrit (r\ to((rt)tt.\ ttt,^'t!us) is one 1he urost prrpr-riar ancl inclrgenoLrs tir-rit croit it't r.e..r.tecl thrl the seeds ar.e boilecl rtr r.asied Blngladesh (liurralLrclclin. 1967). The iricl