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of Baragaon through Harpalpur, Kulpahar,. Mahoba to Kabrai. Coarse grained pink densely porphyriticbiotite granite dominate the E-W axial part, from south of ...






Fig.5. a. Layered ultramafics thrusted over vertically jointed and gouzy granite; looking east on Ras Pahari hill to northwest of Mauranipur Rly. Station; alternately, it could be a case of unroofing.. b. Basic metavolcanics in the foreground and gabbro band at top along the Babina-Baragaon Basement Slice (BBBS). A group of scientists examining development of asbestos in this metavolcanics near gabbro (earlier referred to as BIF) contact, Baragaon village, southeast of Mauranipur. . c. Band of quartz-sericite rock southwest of Hirapur village in southern Bundelkhand; note the common patches of quartz.d. Mega-quartz vein along west bank of Dhasan river, northeast of Mauranipur, one of many such mega veins in the Bundelkhand granitic massif; e. Granite gneiss at Roni village to south of Baragaon, along the BBBS, showing quartzo-feldspathic veins.. f. Outlier of Kaimur Group sandstone atop a dolerite dyke in the Bundelkhand massif, east of Ajaygarh, 3 km north of main Vindhyan basin margin of Panna.







Fig. 6. a Thinly bedded black chert, carbonate and ferruginous sandstone of Morar Formation , Gwalior Group beside rly .track south of Gwalior town. b. Trace of the Narmada North Fault along the southern bank of the Son river north of Chitrangi; the dark rock in the foreground is weathered basic and ultrabasic volcanics of the Chitrangi Formation of the Mahakodhal Group, and brecciated Lower Vindhyan carbonates to the north of the fault trace (Photo by A. K. Chaudhuri). c. An exposure of Parsoi Formation, mylonitised along bedding plane, southeast of Sidhi. d. An exposure of Hindoli Group pelitic rock: deformation in the argillaceous part to the left by development of cleavage with minor refraction, and in the more arenaceous variant on the right top by folding, possibly of two generations (photo by S. Sengupta and K. Basak). . e. Protomylonitised granite at border of mega quartz vein, south of Baragaon village. f. Compaction, and development of fabric on mudstone wall due to intrusion of quartz vein in Parsoi Formation of the Mahakoshal Group, south of Chitrangi ( the vein is about 0.3 m wide).;unaffected mudstone to left.