Among Pantius species, Puntius sarana is a medium sized carp species and reported to have moderate ..... Barilius huahinensis Fowler, 1934 (possibly jr. synonym of Opsarius koratensis). 16. Barilius ..... Field notes of Sir Francis Day. William ...
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Introduction to Freshwater Fishes of District Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan
Authors Naveed Akhtar Kausar Saeed Shahroz Khan
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About the Authors
Kausar Saeed is Coordinator and Lecturer in the Department of Zoology, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (Buner Campus). He received his M.Sc degree in Zoology from Hazara University Mansehra. He is receiving his mphil Zoology degree from Hazara University Mansehra. He has research expertise in Fish biology, Microbiology Entomology and Molecular Genetics.
Shahroz Khan is lecturer in department of Zoology Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (Buner Campus). He received his M.Sc degree in Biology from Quaid-i-Azam, Islamabad in 2006. He received his MS degree from Quaid-i-Azam, Islamabad in 2009. He has research expertise in Microbiology, Biochemistry, Fish Biology and Molecular Genetics.
Naveed Akhtar is a student at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (Buner Campus). He recieved his B.Sc degree in Biology from Govt Degree College Daggar Buner. He received his M.Sc Zoology degree from the Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (Buner Campus). His initial research was focused on the fish biodiversity. He has research expertise in fish biology, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology.
CONTENTS Foreword Preface Acknowledgements
District Buner
Pantius sophore
Tor putitora
Crossocheilus latius
Barilius Pakistanicus
Schizothorax Plagiostomus
Matacembelus armatus
Channa gachua
Garra gotyla
Schistura punjabensis
Glyptothorax punjabensis
Literature cited
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PREFACE This book deals with course of ecology which I have been we had developed from the previous research experience. As the subject is now mature, it is possible to present the material by covering the principles and encouraging students to learn how to apply them. Such an approach is particularly efficient as the subject of Ecology now is far too advanced, large, and complex for much value to come from attempting to cover the material in an encyclopedia-like fashion or teaching the definitions of the relevant words in a dictionary-like approach. Most of the remainder of the vast subject however, is a logical extension of the ideas and principles presented here. One consequence of the principles and analysis approach taken here is that the material is not easy. Thinking and learning to reason from the fundamentals require serious effort, but ultimately, are more efficient and more rewarding than mere memorization. An auxiliary objective of this presentation is to help students develop an appreciation for elegant and beautiful experiments. A substantial number of such experiments are explained in the text, and the cited papers contain many more.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors of any book always owe a debt of thanks to many people. Not in the slightly V\FRSKDQWLFZD\RIWKH¿OPDZDUGVEXWLQDYHU\UHDOVHQVHWKHUHtruly are those without whom it would not have been possible to get the job done. The writers of this book are no exception and would like to say a public thank you to everyone who helped us along the way. To single anyone out always runs the risk of being divisive, but to omit a few particular individuals would be churlish in the extreme. We are predominantly grateful to Assistant director fisheries department for his valuable work and suggestion for this book. The debt to the great biologists, biochemists and engineers is clear, but it exists just as much to our own teachers who inspired us, to our contemporaries who spurred us on and to our parents without whom, quite literally, none of this would have been possible. To all of these people we are deeply grateful for their help and VXSSRUW IRU EHLQJ TXLWH VR IRUJLYLQJ ZKHQ WKH QHHG WR ¿QLVK DQRWKHU FKDSWHU PHDQW WKDW WKHLU walks had to be curtailed.
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This book is dedicated to: My teachers, Students, and my dear parents
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History of District Buner Buner is a district of the Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Valleys of Buner are still echoing with gallant armies of the past, most of them faced military disaster at the hands of militants of these mountains areas. Olaf Caroes has pointed out that the armies of Alexander the Great has passed through Karakar, Daggar, Ambela and Malndrai passes in 327-326 BC. The same route was later on followed by Mughal armies in 1586 AD. This has been referred by Sir 5RELQ /DQH )R[ LQ KLV ERRN ³$OH[DQGHU WKH *UHDW´ DQG WKH 2ODI &DURHV LQ KLV ERRN ³7KH 3DWKDQ´7KH