Gurup.d,was.M'.,vll.ys s.v..r$.n6hara y.N.,prasads.D.v.andHen.rrrhas. Novsmber2OOTI (A(cap16d {Fece'vsd06 06February 2OOg)
ano obmored
grcen and b.onolh
Fdimebyrah n{hmmardehyde (pDAcA) ro rdm sch f3 b6ss whch b oids€ diumniopcsidenpr€$nedl'y
Beaqeir lN r Eph ryr dhy Ms d am ie d hydro.h oide), phro,ogrlcnor. Fes
K e y w o r d s :A m r i n o n ea c r a l e ,B r o m o c r e s o inolrcpicageni,rhichelevates nrac6luarcyocAMp green Bronothymol btu€,Pafadimelhy ciinanm andcyclicG[tP lavelsby setective inhibtonot lhe adehyde(PoAca), sodum nirroprussde. p[osphodieslerase 2.4_ ]l soenzymerrj, TheiheEpeuric DinilrcphenyrhydEzine BmnonMaBhauBeaseni rmpoianceor rhiscompound jusllas rcsearoh ro (BMR),Phrorcg ucinot, F6sominot andR-Naphrhot. esrabishanaylicalmelrods jn foritsdelermination bulkandphamaceurica tomutations. Intle€ru@,no analylcalmerhod isavaitable toritsestmaton inburk Aminoneaciate,i(AMR)ischemica Theobi€ciivesor ys-amino- 6n0pnamacouticaldosag€loms lodeveopsmplespoctbphotdmetric 3,4:bipyridyl-o(1H)-one. AMRriis a €ldiovascutar pEs€nlwork, melhods iharcanbeusedtorthe oruqandus€dasa non,olycoside roulineanatysis ot cardioronio. ftis a lhe tomularons phosphodieste€s€ co^raining sereciive lhedrug. (PDE) inhbilorand vasodilat ngprcpedl€slo, whiohpEvenlsenzymalio beakdownol cycllcAnp. r is usedas posirive MAIEBIALSANOMETHODS ashimadzumoderl60l doublebeafr uv visibte spedrnpholomolerwilhapairoi 1cnmarchedquariz cerrswasused.Giftsampleo, Am.inonetaciatewas oblai.edtom samanhPhama,Mumbai.ooubre dstiled water polassuo hydroqenphthaalo, rNoANDFUGS1s(3)MRoH 2003
orGrolom elhano 1 bulano,Conc.HydmchLorc odde acd,sodum€|bonab,hydrcxylaminehydrcch oiA.BCndewereusedn ihesludy.Dy€ssuchas g@ed, bromoihymol blu€andieagenrs tomocresol clnnamaldehyde sodum suchas p.dimerhylamino sodum 2,4'din tophenylhydEzine, nitoprusside, nllile, sodiumhydroxlde, ammonum sulplramale (BMR)' r. phloroqlucinol Reaq€nl &anonlra6hai .esorcinor andB'naphihol,'ot a R Gradewercalso
L w€rcadded brcmolhymolbluesolulionlormelhod Reacloi mixlurewasshakengenilylor smlnand allowedtostandlor 1ominsoaslo sepaale aqueous and ch orclom layer. Th6 ch o@lon lay6r was out andabsodancemaxinam€asuEd separst€d l)and416nm(Formelhodll) ar413nm(Fofmelhod 6gansl the €6pecl ve b ank.cal balion cutuewas p olled behleen concedralionol aminone laclate Theamounrs me6surcdabsobance. andrcspeclive pio n lhe oi rcagenbwereadd6d
Preparalion of Sr.ndardsoldlons AnrinonehcEb sran.iardslooksouton (1n'g/mL) was pGparedby dssolvlng100 mg ol dtuA in dsli ,adwarerandmadeupro volumewilhdisl led F6m ihlsslock walerina l00mLvoLumerdcflask. solulon wo*ing slandadsoulion(100moghl) was pGparedwilh disllledwalerlor melhodsl, L, V and Vl, whe'easlhe siand.d srock$ldion v Porassiufr . 0mgr'mL)wasusedrormethodsllland phthalaie (0.21'r) waspEpa€d inwaler. bydrogon grcensoulions bomooresol BodothymolbLueand werep€pa.sdas perlhe pbceduresgven in lP. namaldehyds) ElhanolioPoACA{p.dmelhylamiiocln 1!m n 30mLof95 % wasprcparcdby dissolving 130m1 oi buranol and 30mL or conc 6lhanor, acid and madeup to volumew h hydrochlorc watefin a 250n1voum6l c lask. Hydrcxylamin€ hydrcchloide(5 %dv) sod!m nilroprusside (5 9.w/v),sodiun cabonale (10 % wv) and hydhzinBso ulion (01 "/"w/v), 2,4-dinilrcpheny phooslucnol B.allonmatshaL€assnl(0.2%w/v), ,/o p€pared (0.5'lowv), werc (0.s v), reso'cinor by usinodstiled waler as solvenl.R-naph|rol solulon(0.s vqwv)was p€paed usinroihdno acid(05 M & 1 M),sodumnilrlle(01 Hydrochloric %Mv), ammoniumsulphamaie(05 %w/v)and led sodiumhydrcxide(2%wr)weGpreparedindisli
Proceduielor Merhodill,lv & v n a seiiesof 10mLvolum€tclask. a iquois weGlGnsleredandGagenbare oldrugsoluiion in lhe menlioned addedaccoding1olhequanliiies Tablell. Thenmirlurcsworcdiuledlo 10mLwilh waler Reacliondirlure was shakengeniy and a owedlo! 10mlnandabsoban al s54nm,4€3nm.nd 453nmrospeclivevror reagent dalhod ll, lV and V wilh the resp€clive ploned was beiw66n ourye blank.The caLibnllon inon€laclaleandrcsp.clve fteconcenlGlonotafr
ror Merhodvl ., vl b, vl c & vl d Proccdure Am none Aliquolsolwo*inqslandadsoulonof 1onlvolumelnc
[email protected] llasks.Thenhydr@horcacid(1 l\,0 soniumnldle (05 Tow/v) suLphamat€ {0.1%dv),1mLofammonium "/"wr) and tonowedbv BMB or sodiumhydroxide(2 (MelhodVl b).rcsorcino ('r,lelhod vl a),p uorcslucinol (lvlalhodVlc)andllNaphiho!(rvl.thodVld)w6read ro and madeup lo vo umewiih disf ed waler The absodane ol resullingmixlurcwas deasu6d wilh €specriveb adk.Th€ e bGrioncuN€ was p otred ol am betu€onrhe concBntmlion The quanlilies measured absodanoe. .€speclive ol siandarddrugsolulionand reagenlsw€€ added
Pbcedurelor l\ierhodland ll aliquors Inloa*iesof 125m1*paraiingtunneLs. oi druqsolurionwerclEnsf.tred.To eachsepamiing ulion tunnelspoh$unhydrc!anphlhalale(0.2M)so qrc6ndyesolufonlormelhod I and andbrcmocrcso
Estlmalion ol Parenl€Ers The @nlenlsof 5 ampoules(6achampoui€ mxed nonelaotale)wercpourco, contain5mgolamr MAUoH 2oo3 NorANDuucs4515)
.nd Re.genbusedin Meliod| & Amounlol DrugSolulion
T.ble li Amounlol DrugSolutloE andaegehls us.d ln Methodlll' lV & v
(5 %vr) Sodrlmniircprusside sodiud .a'bonar€(10%wv) hrdrdin6 2,4-Dlniircph€nyl 1nL=1oOAncs/frL,'1 nL=1jCOncg/nL & '\
usedIn M.thodvl t'd T.blelrr:Anountof standadDrugsolunoned Reagenls
Hydr@hloic acid (0.5 %Mv)
ammonium suphmal€(o.s% v)
Durrcs 15(3)M^FCH@ TNDTAN
TabielV: oFd6r ad ieg|Blm
ertFds I ll, lll, lV &V
$n.,€ll's seis ivfiy(mcsr'cd/0.0o1 itor.r Abs.rpriviryGmFcm ) 0.9990
0_9990 E.sEdon .q!.tM
{y =h{c)
C.rnid€nEIlmitsith 0.05lrel Confirhn* limilsith 0.o1l6El RolariwsranrhrdDeliarion(%l LbL v: Oprlel .nd F.gBion cft.Ed€risri6 cf Andnore l.cllI€ in di@t MErnodvl r. vl b. vl c & vI d
925. sanr,€lls seisirlvity(mcgcif/tl-001a.u.) Mohr absrprriy (Lhoricm) C.tBl.lid co6iicienl(r?) F€s6io
eqlrrion (y ++.c)
Imnwi$ 0.0sl€wl Conliden@ Confid€@limirwb 0.01lewl Berari6sbndardDdbrion (%)
T.bLVt Relulr5otAnrlysbotA
[email protected]
99.32r 0.523
- Au€Egs ! sE r-latdd.rittkn ol .i]ht datdmiEtid. - Aveage r dar'dad devidi@ d eighrddenitutiM (ktM sdtu@ a, anwula ad hq tuEl soMiDn w ffibzql).
and u*d lor analysis.F@ rhis mixtuG,20dL of elufor ws lak€n inio a 10OmL volumetic n.sk (1rdmL) md mad. up b iE rclume wilh w6t r, whichis us€dlor mlhods lll .nd lV. Funh€rdilulion -sd$ madewiih rhe eme $16r ro obtrin rhe final @n@ntalion 100 /,!/mL dd @ u*d trr mgthodsl, ll andv. Appopdareo&@ls w€ laken andnle indMdual6sy pn@du€ w6 lolltued ht lh. eslimalid of drug 6nl€nl in tha paEnlEEhTh. on@nlralion ol tho drug in lho paentoEls wa eldlaiad usingdlibEiion cum- ThoEmry e4enrunrs we€ €nted out by a oncnlElions ol slandad drugro he rothe mixtuc olampouleandthenljnalsoluton@s anallzed.Tne csulls ol anal,€isa@giren in TablelV. RESULTSANDDA;CUSS|oN Meihodsl, pmh.lEB lik6vdue ot pola$iun hydEqonphlhlhle, bnm@sd gEensolulio6dd lire tor optimiatpn ot caclion weG stdied andil w€ loundro be2ml- 2hL and 1omtnrepecltvely. For rerhod rr ae based on the romatd ol ion pair @mplexot anrjnone lehre ulh bo@sd greq andbrcnotny@lblue i. acidicmedilm dd suheeqGnlsxfielion ot rhe ion pair in ohbolom
rmro onuesisrsruncs rm
q@thy d EE sttndad &g w4 a6&d in tte
androrrhesme m.tEd poamereF like@rtrre ot polr*ium hydng.n phthalale,bomoctgl gEn etufoG dd lim tor optmiation ol @.ctionreE studieddd it wasloundro b€ 161. 3mLad 1onin AoecitElv. M€hodlll inrclres r' amrinoneladia lnh €tldolic PDACAlo tod@ Schifs bae. lhich showsmdihum abertaE .l 564nm.ThepatEmiaB likewlume ol PoACArnd fre It r optdiatDn ol €aclion weE sMi6d and il Molhod ws loundlob6 I mLand10minrcspecitvely. lvinrctuesmedmdexiomalionb€lwedadrinone lacraroand sodium nil@|Gid hydoxyladine lrrdrcchroddein .lkalire mediun lo lom !€llw @lored ch@mogenwhich stm mdihum ab$tb€rce al 46hm dd paam.laE lik. volure olsodiumnitrpru$ide, hydrcxy6mine hydreh|ondg, .odaumq|nonate, iedp and lima lor oplimiaton ot @{on @€ studieddd il ms tourd ro be 1ml- 2ml- 1ml- boiling laier baln (sminJand 20min€3p.ct€ly. Merhodv inwl@s lhe 6.d6nsalion t6actionbelweenamnmne lacrate and 2,4-dinitbphenylhydhzin€ ro tom yellfl 6loEd drMogen lhat sh@ @imm absrban@ at/ts:l nmandpe@ie6 lire6lume ol 2,4{initophontlhyd@ine andtimeloroplimtalion
rol cacr on w6rcsludiedandil wasloundto be2mL aid 10mn €specliwy. Merhodvl basedon lhe diazotizarionot analr4etoLlowedby cduplln! wiih subsl€Esas shownh Schemei. The analylo (Am'inone l.cial€)wlhanaminosrcup, isconveded toa dlazoniunsalrandthenmupladlo subslrales (BEttonMa6hall Feaqenl,phlobglucnol Gsorcinol andB naphlhol). D azolizarion andmuplingis used mo€wd€ly in colodmelio analFislhananyollror BaclionrsIn lhis eleclrcphilloaronatlcsubsllulion or sodium ammoniuhsulphamale diazolizalion, hydrcxidewasus€dton€urElizerh acidprcdu@din ihe @acrion.
samanhPhamaPvl.Lld,Mumbaitorprcvidinq glfi sampl€oi Am none actatelor €searoh and NationaEdu@lionalsociety,shimogalorprovidin
condiiionslor borhrhese The deleminarion m.ihodswerceshblishedbyvaryingon6pahmel€r ata fme andkeepnglh. olheElixedby obseNlng th6 €ffecl producedoi lhe ab.o6anc6 ol lhe vedlor colo€dspecies.Thevariouspa6m€l€Binvo ror b maximum @lordewlopmeni w6r6 opl mized.tvle4uing ih€ a ol20minlof5 h in alllve melhods, al time nleruals iofrndoullhestablitotlhelomedchromogenand w6 siabl€lormore itwasloundlhallhoohrcmogen r h a n3 , 4 , 3 , 5 , 2a n d5 h i n m e r h o dl ,sl l , l l l .l v , v and Vl Bspoclvely.The Propos sludies. validal€d slalistcalyandby Gcovery
Chencas, Drugsaid Boroshah,2001,l3:12s6
Ma(iqry P.M., Pancnopeiiasscond'ry ro shonrem, high dose intavenousinrlsLoior Amrinoie.
CONCLUSION Tha mola.abso|pliviv and Sand€ll'ssensiivny valuesshowth6 $ns rivity ol an BSD(%R6lalva whilalheprecsionis6nlimedby% whicharcdenlioned n Tab€ lV SiandadDeviaiion), andV.Assy Esullsandrcsullsof@coverysludbsa€ Inqmdag€€mentwh gi@nn labl€V .Th€resulEa@ label€dclue.Thepercsntreoovery nonintsderenoefbnthemmmonercipentsusedln lho fomularion.TheBprcducibillly,rcpealabililyand a@uacy ot lhesemalhods@E loundlo b€ qood, The whiohis eviden€dby lowslandaddeviaiion. propc€dmelhods we€ simp€,s prcciseand EprcduclbLe a^d €n be sucoesstully roul ne eslimalion ol amrinonelactale .ppli€dlor rhe loms. dosage ln bulkandphamaceuliQl
4a J.surs.Fes.,res8,7511):42 c nbarussor ah,hoie (a seredv€ ph6phod 6dea$ | | inh brod in E.ond'ud E 3u4 r6ry,Prad Re@Bh