I G' II june' ion lotnlr'eular myoeYltl'. (scale bar. 50 .11m) tl...IL unpuhli,hod resull.). Fi â¢. 2 Immunol>bell~d lap juno'ion' ",i ...
0.,... ,1
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Three.di mcnsion:d reconslruction of ga p jUIIC lion arungC lllcnl in de.'d uping and adult nu hearls
R G Go...1Iie l , C R G ..... ', R' TlIompooo.2, III J 5oven}
'Cot~_., fJK A... _ , 001(1 De~.w Biolosy. U.i"" .."y C6I\eJ. I.oodoo '''CIE 61T. 1IIC1l' or tu,omr 001(1 C." I ......" Medieol Ufti~ .. i' , fJK Sou,~ Ca.oI ..... USA. of C..diac M«!"'i .... ",.,io... ' H.a" aDd l~n. l .. 'i.~'e. Loo4oo SW3 6LY.
SO~'h CaroIi ... ,
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Fi,. I G' II june' ion lotnlr'eular myoeYltl' (scale bar. 50 .11m)
2 Fi •. 2
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lap juno'ion' ",i,hin a .... , .o n"~ul" in'ercol... d d.,k, set n in Obliquo ",peeo (scal ~ har • S .11m) r ~n s ,ruc,ed
tl...IL unpuhli,hod resull.). Orientalion of bloek. ".ch ,h.. myoeylH Ire cu' normal '0 Ih.ir long IXes yield, inl'''''' Illed disk. in en -fae •• nd ObliQu. aspec t. Th • • r .... ns.m.n, of sap junction. wilhin ,hese disk. can be recOlt$truc,ed from confoe.l oplicll ~,ion seri... pro.iding .n overall per1pee. i>e of thoir th,~ dimon' io ....1 aeo~"y. Fia . 2 dop;"., • lar,. obliquely_orienled in,,,cIJoloed resuh. ). Thi. future of intuc.llled di,k a.chi'ec'"re, no, recognised in p..,~ioUl .. udie,. mlY «p,...,nl an unforeseen I~vel of CI.dilc '"P j.nclion organisa'ion .•elatod to the efficient trl",m'l_ lion of eletnfOCll mkroscopo to in'"';,,,. ,he o .... tuloo ...1 chIn ... in '"" jllftelioll' occurrilll dll.in. he ... fo ..... ' ion ., ,he «l1l1lar ",>.1. l.l,orally-.itlilled pp jllllC'''''', .i mibr 10 ,hooe in aduh mial myocardium. occu r be' ...... a lhe ~i"'ly-brallChed myocy'" of ,he diffe~n.il'ill' 'rabee"la, ",\/Scall'u,•. This laur.1 disposi'ion 01 PO jullC' ,ioM is ooR."ic ....... in _Ill' .. (e_ •. Fia. 6) and pe ...." lI'e ill'o ,he tk""lopmen' myoa.dium. Ventr iculi, 'i ..... from 21 day-old ra" cltmon.tr ..... ,he OCCu,rence 01 PO junclions bolh ... ithin interall,ed dl.ks II «l! te,milli Ind e,,"n.i.· • • preadi", of pp junction. lion. tho . id.. of cell. (Fi •. 10). At 40 da).. postpartum. ,he O'llni .. tOo" of ,"p junctio ... in ra, vent,icul., musel. is indil1 ln,ui.hable from thlt of rna .. mllu,e h....,. (Fi•. 1). w;.h Pllnctl to nliOroseen.., Iocrttod taloly wi,hin intO.CIII,ed di. k•.
\/I(1lO 'AI
Fi, 7 Lo""ion rA «~'raI rond"",iml b~""\e adj~n' inter'· ~n .. ic.l .. septal rellon (S) in 'Uf~~Y .it ... (stilI. bar _ 125 .urn)
(C) and
Fil. 9 In'erY.Olti~ul'f "PIII Wn. ( •...,o.",uo,ion from S op,ical >«Iioo., (501. bar • IG .10m)
FiA.• C.n ..,,1 j
,ist"" (f.o..
opticll _,ion,. $Ole t.r • IG ""')
Fi •. IG T rat>ooular myOCYIH in •• ntrlcl. tr.eau (,«o,..""", >On ffom lG OII,iell >«.>011, (""I< t.r • lG ... m)
of 21_day
Severs 1'1 J 1990 In! J C)rdiol 26117 Pase E, M.njunllh C K 1986 The tin" Ind C)rdjgYI\Cular $l'I!tm. Edi,ed by II A Fona,d ... 1 (1" .... YOrk' Ra,·u) PP S37.6OO Gourd;' R G. 11 •• f51 E. Sevm 1'1 J. G,oen C R 1990 Ci,djogjCn«: I n II .. r" E. So ....., 1'1 J . 0'«0 C R 1990 l....!:s..U...S (in p.tU) Thom""," R p. Lindro.h J R. Wonl Y_M M 19" trw lui Inl Symp E!joJgIy IQd Mp. pbgstDMis or CoOltojll1 IInr! PiKas h. p, ... ,
s. t\CkDg..ledUmCQu Thi, "·o, k .... , luppon.d by. IranI from Ihe 8ri,i.h 11•• " FOuodllion