Dante Gebel Reporte. Para Gente Aviva Mex Tiempo. Casos Real Conociendo
Mundo En Musical. Guardianes. KNVO (UNI) P # ÷(6) ¡Despierta América!
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Noticias 40 Noticiero Caso Cerrado: Edición Rosa Diamante (N) (TV14) Corazón Valiente (TV14) Escobar El Rostro de Noticias 40 Decisiones (TVPG) (SS) Decisiones (TVPG) (SS) Pagado ^ María Celeste CBS News News Wheel NCIS (TV14) (cc) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles (TV14) Vegas (HDTV) (N) (cc) News Late Show W/Letterman Late Late Show/Ferguson Got Bugs? $ Jeopardy! Jeopardy! News Channel 5 World News Channel 5 News at 6 (N) Dancing With the Stars Happy Apt. 23 Private Practice (TV14) Channel 5 Channel 5 Nightline (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (cc) King of Hill % Channel 5 Ent Ben-Kate New Girl (N) Mindy FOX 2 News Two Men Amer. Dad Amer. Dad 30 Rock Dish Nation House (TV14) (cc) & Anderson Live (N) (TVG) TMZ (TVPG) Family Guy Family Guy Two Men Raising Noticiero Película (TVMA) En Una Hora Noticiero Programa Los Héroes Del Norte Vigilados (SS) CSI: Las Vegas (TV14) _ ÷(3:30) Gente al Día Porque el Amor Manda (9:15) Amores Verdaderos Noticiero Noticiero TD Tribunal TD Tribunal TD R.T.C. 3 Corona de Lágrimas Como Dice el Dicho (SS) (6:15) Cachito de Cielo (7:15) Amor Bravío El Chavo (TVG) (SS) Carita de Ángel (TVPG) Acosado › (1995, Acción) (HDTV), John Lone (SS) La Garganta del Diablo › (2003, Suspenso) (R) (SS) Contacto Deportivo (SS) Family Guy (TV14) (SS) La Garganta del Diablo NBC News Big Bang Big Bang The Voice (TVPG) (cc) Go On (cc) New Normal (9:01) Parenthood (N) News Tonight Show w/Jay Leno Late Night /Jimmy Fallon Carson Daly ( Dr. Phil (N) (TV14) (cc) News Tiempo J. Meyer Vida de Fe La Visión Tiempo Puede Hacer Casa de D. Tiempo Rompiendo Gneración Es Tiempo Dante Gebel ) ÷Guardianes Equilibra Club 700 Casa de D. Dios TV Un Refugio para el Amor Por Ella Soy Eva (TV14) Abismo de Pasión (TV14) Amor Bravío (TV14) (SS) Noticias 48 Noticiero Uni Al Diablo Mar de Amor (TV14) (SS) # Primer Impacto (N) (SS) Noticias 48 Notic. Cuban Missile Crisis * Wild Kratts Fetch! With World News Business PBS NewsHour (N) (cc) Cuban Missile Crisis Secrets of the Dead (N) Frontline (HDTV) (N) (cc) Hidalgo County Government Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage N The First 48 (TV14) (cc) Storage J ÷(3) Halloween (R) (cc) Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (R) (cc) Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (cc) (9:15) Halloween: Resurrection › (2002) (R) (cc) Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (cc) River Monsters Life: Reborn (N) (TVPG) Life: Reborn (N) (TVPG) River Monsters Life: Reborn (TVPG) Life: Reborn (TVPG) = Monsters Inside Me (cc) Fatal Attractions (TVPG) River Monsters Flipping Out (cc) Flipping Out (cc) Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Flipping Out (N) (cc) Happens Flipping Out (cc) Housewives/NYC Flipping Out ª Flipping Out (cc) ∞ Roseanne Roseanne Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) RV ›› (2006, Comedy) Robin Williams. (PG) (cc) (10:15) Smokey and the Bandit ››› (1977, Comedy) (PG) Bayou Mad Money (HDTV) 60 Minutes on CNBC American Greed H Fast Money (HDTV) (N) Mad Money (HDTV) (N) The Kudlow Report (N) BMW: A Driving Obs. 60 Minutes on CNBC American Greed Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 C ÷(3) The Situation Room (HDTV) (N) South Park Tosh.0 (cc) Colbert Rep Daily Show Workaholics Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Brickleberry Daily Show Colbert Rep Tosh.0 (cc) Mash Up (N) Daily Show Colbert Rep ∑ ÷Futurama Sunny King Engagement Engagement Hart of Dixie (TVPG) (cc) Emily Owens, M.D. (cc) Seinfeld Seinfeld ’Til Death ’Til Death ’70s Show ’70s Show Browns Browns U There Yet? There Yet? King ; Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadly Seas (TVPG) (cc) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadly Seas (TVPG) (cc) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Good Luck Jessie (TVG) Austin Make Your Mark: Shake It Up Dance Gravity Falls Gravity Falls Phineas A.N.T. Farm Vampire Wizards Wizards Suite/Deck Suite/Deck 9 Jessie (TVG) Jessie (TVG) Phineas The Soup The Soup E! News (HDTV) (N) Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Take Miami Kourt & Kim Chelsea Lat E! News (HDTV) Chelsea Lat Kardashian X Kardashian / ÷(3:50) The Tourist ›› (2010) (cc) (5:35) 30 Minutes or Less ›› (cc) Aftershock: Earthquake in New York Just Go With It ›› (2011, Romance-Comedy) (cc) The Mighty Quinn (1989, Mystery) (cc) (12:15) The Tourist 30 for 30 (HDTV) (N) World/Poker World/Poker SportsCenter (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) ¨ Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter (N) (cc) E:60 (HDTV) (N) SportCtr SportCtr Baseball Tonight (N) (cc) NFL Live (HDTV) (N) (cc) ≠ SportsNation (N) (cc) NFL32 (cc) Best of NFL Interruption Football Live College Football Arkansas State at Louisiana-Lafayette. (HDTV) (N) (Live) Vaticano Choices Lectio Daily Mass: Our Lady Mother Angelica-Classic Reli -gious Rosary Threshold of Hope (TVG) Priest Women of Daily Mass: Our Lady Mother Angelica Live Y Truth in P Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Hocus Pocus ›› (1993, Comedy) Bette Midler. (PG) The 700 Club (TVPG) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Insanity! Youthful Cupcake Wars (HDTV) Cupcake Wars (HDTV) Chopped (HDTV) (TVG) Chopped “Pigging Out” Chopped (HDTV) Chopped (HDTV) (TVG) Chopped “Pigging Out” π Best Dishes Home C’king Chopped (HDTV) Being: Liverpool (TV14) CONCACAF Champions League Soccer CONCACAF Champions League Soccer Fox Soccer News (N) UEFA Soccer Æ UEFA Champions League Soccer Stampede College Football Kansas at Oklahoma. (HDTV) Sportsday Big 12 World Poker Tour Being: Liverpool (TV14) Ø Crimson Classics (HDTV) LSU Football Big 12 T How I Met How I Met Two Men Two Men The Twilight Saga: New Moon ›› (2009, Romance) Kristen Stewart. (PG-13) Sons of Anarchy (TVMA) Sons of Anarchy (TVMA) Sons of Anarchy (TVMA) Sons of Anarchy (TVMA) Special Report FOX Report The O’Reilly Factor (cc) Hannity (HDTV) (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (cc) Hannity (HDTV) Greta Van Susteren E The Five (HDTV) (N) Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones: BATE vs Valencia Central Fox Fútbol Mexicano Primera División Central Fox (N) (En Vivo) La Última Palabra Fútbol UEFA ∂ Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones The Streets GAC Daily Countdown Country Music Videos Noteworthy at the Opry Rodeo The Streets Country Music Videos Noteworthy at the Opry ± Videos Detrás Guere. El Chavo Conducta El Chavo La Hora Pico Vecinos Sabías CONCACAF Liga de Campeones Noticiero Con Joaquin Casos de Familia (TVPG) ¥ Noticiero-Rojas @ Big Break Greenbrier Golf Central Inside PGA Big Break Learning Big Break Greenbrier Big Break Greenbrier (N) Chasing Longest Big Break Golf Central Big Break Greenbrier Chasing Longest Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls [ ÷(3) Home & Family REAL Sports Gumbel Boardwalk Empire (TVMA) The Sitter › (2011, Comedy) (R) (cc) Conviction . ÷(3:30) X-Men: First Class (2011) (cc) (5:45) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) (cc) Treme (TVMA) (cc) Jane Velez-Mitchell (N) Nancy Grace (N) Dr. Drew (N) Nancy Grace Showbiz Tonight (HDTV) Dr. Drew Nancy Grace D Evening Express Love It or List It (TVG) Property Property Hunters Hunters Int’l Million Dollar Rooms (N) Property Property Hunters Hunters Int’l ∏ Love It or List It (TVG) Love It or List It (TVG) Hunters Int’l Hunters Built America The Men Who Built America (HDTV) (N) (TVPG) (cc) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Built America Built America ? ÷Valkyrie: Plot to Kill Hitler Cities of the Underworld Built America The Waltons (TVG) Little House on Prairie Quinn, Medicine Woman The Big Valley (TVPG) The High Chaparral Z Happy Days Happy Days Happy Days Happy Days Quinn, Medicine Woman The Waltons (TVG) TSC Board Meeting 16th Annual History Day Bulletin Board (TVG) 1 ÷(3) Egly Fiesta De Los Ninos 2011 Abby’s Ultimate Dance Abby’s Ultimate Dance Abby’s Ultimate Dance Prank Mom Prank Mom Prank Mom Prank Mom Abby’s Ultimate Dance Abby’s Ultimate Dance R Dance Moms (TVPG) Dance Competition A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story (cc) Her Final Fury: Betty Broderick, the Last Chapter Her Perfect Spouse (2004, Suspense) (cc) Her Final Fury: Betty Broderick, the Last Chapter W ÷Honor-Menendez (11:20) Hunted (TVMA) Strike Back 0 ÷(3:40) The Rite (2011, Horror) (cc) (5:35) Due Date (2010, Comedy) (cc) (7:15) The Hangover Part II (2011, Comedy) (cc) The Matrix Reloaded ››› (2003, Science Fiction) (R) (cc) The Ed Show (HDTV) Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word F Hardball Chris Matthews PoliticsNation (HDTV) (N) Hardball Chris Matthews The Ed Show (HDTV) (N) Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word ≥ Parental Parental Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Clueless Strangers Jersey Shore (TV14) (cc) Underemployed (TV14) Underemployed (N) (TV14) Underemployed (TV14) Jersey Shore (TV14) (cc) True Life 12 Corazones (TV14) Operacion Operacion Larrymania Decisiones Extremas Ojo por Ojo (TV14) Ojo por Ojo (TV14) Operacion Operacion Decisiones (TVPG) μ L’Créme (TVPG) Wild Justice (TV14) Doomsday Bugged Out Hard Time (N) (TV14) Taboo (HDTV) (N) (TV14) Taboo (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Doomsday Bugged Out A Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Taboo (HDTV) (TV14) Friends Friends Friends George George : SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Figure It Out Drake/Josh Full House Full House Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Friends Good Luck Chuck › (2007, Romance-Comedy) (cc) Law Order: CI ∫ America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model Monster-in-Law ›› (2005, Romance-Comedy) Gifts for Grandkids Toys. Christmas Shoppe (HDTV) Lights Seasonal Lighting The Joy of Christmas Holiday trim; toys; gifts. Warm & Cozy Linens Fresh: Beauty (HDTV) ” Heartfelt Holidays With Valerie (HDTV) Isomers Skin Care: Ω Portofino Italian Jewelry: North Shore Linens Around the Kitchen (TVG) Around the House (TVG) Portofino Italian Jewelry: Portofino Italian Jewelry: Blending With L’Equip Isomers Skin Care: Loosies › (2011, Comedy-Drama) (cc) Our Idiot Brother (2011, Comedy) (cc) Homeland (TVMA) (cc) Dexter (TVMA) (cc) Gigolos Steve Trevino The Hours (728) ÷Other F (4:25) The Beaver ›› (2011) (cc) Repo Repo Repo Ink Master (TV14) (cc) Ink Master (TV14) (cc) Ink Master (TV14) (cc) Ink Master (TV14) (cc) Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Ink Master (TV14) (cc) Ink Master (TV14) (cc) M Repo (6:10) The Smurfs › (2011, Comedy) (PG) (cc) Jumping the Broom ›› (2011, Comedy) (cc) An Unfinished Life ›› (2005, Drama) (PG-13) (cc) (11:50) Maximum Risk 2 ÷(3:55) Holes ››› (2003, Adventure) (PG) (cc) Face Off (HDTV) (TV14) Face Off (HDTV) (TV14) Face Off (HDTV) (TVPG) Face Off (N) (TV14) Hot Set (HDTV) (N) (TVPG) Face Off (HDTV) (TV14) Hot Set (HDTV) (TVPG) Husk (2010, Horror) (cc) S Face Off (HDTV) Friends King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (TV14) (cc) The Office The Office Conan (TV14) (cc) L Friends A Child Is Waiting ››› (1963, Drama) Mandy ››› (1952, Drama) Phyllis Calvert. (NR) Of Mice and Men ›››› (1939, Drama) (NR) (cc) K ÷Father’s Little Dividend The Actress ››› (1953, Drama) (NR) (cc) Medium Secret Princes (TVPG) Breaking Amish (TV14) 19 Kids 19 Kids Extreme Extreme 19 Kids 19 Kids Extreme Extreme Breaking Amish (TV14) < Four Weddings (TVPG) Medium Gumball Gumball Level Up (N) Looney Adventure King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy (TV14) (cc) Chicken Aqua Teen Frankenhole Amer. Dad 6 MAD (TVPG) Annoying Regular O ÷(3) PGA Tour Golf Grand Slam of Golf, Day One. The Mentalist (TV14) The Mentalist (TV14) The Mentalist (TV14) Rizzoli & Isles (TV14) Leverage (TVPG) (cc) The Closer (HDTV) (TV14) Cold Case (TV14) (cc) Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food Bizarre Foods America Airport 24/7: Airport 24/7: Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls Toy Hunter Toy Hunter Airport 24/7: Airport 24/7: Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls > No Reservation M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King The King of Queens (cc) King ’70s Show V Bonanza (TVG) (cc) Iceberg Reef Makers Reef Makers Weather Center Live Iceberg Iceberg Reef Makers Reef Makers Weather Center Live B Weather Weather Coast Guard Alaska Weather Center Live Iceberg TXCN Midday News TXCN Evening News TXCN Evening News TXCN Overnight News G TXCN Midday News Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Covert Affairs (N) (TVPG) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Covert Affairs (TVPG) Q Law & Order: SVU T.I. and Tiny Planet Rock: The Story of Hip Hop Rehab With Dr. Drew Basketball Wives LA T.I. and Tiny Chrissy Fat Albert (2004, Comedy) ≤ Greatest TRL Moments Basketball Wives LA Chrissy º Ghost Whisperer (TVPG) Charmed (TVPG) (cc) Charmed (TVPG) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) Ghost Whisperer (TVPG)
tonight’spicks John F. Kennedy
Buenos Dias El Secretario ¿Dónde Está Elisa? (SS) Historias de Hablemos Claro 12 Corazones (TV14) Lo Mejor Caso Cerrado (TVPG) ^ ÷(6) Un Nuevo Día (HDTV) (TVPG) (SS) Paid Prog. AAA The Price Is Right (TVG) Young & Restless Judge B. Bold The Talk (TV14) (cc) Let’s Make a Deal (TVPG) Judge Judy Judge Judy $ CBS This Morning (HDTV) (N) (cc) Ellen DeGeneres Show % Good Morning America Taylor Swift performs. (cc) Live! Kelly and Michael The View (N) (TV14) (cc) The Chew (TVPG) (cc) Channel 5 News at Noon General Hospital (TVPG) Katie (N) (TVPG) (cc) Extra (TVPG) Inside Ed. Steve Harvey (TVPG) The Ricki Lake Show (N) Cash Cab Cash Cab Family Feud Family Feud Judge Alex Judge Alex The People’s Court (cc) The Dr. Oz Show (TVPG) & Good Day Valley Buenos Días Cachito de Cielo Amores Verdaderos Qué Bonito Amor Corona de Lágrimas Porque el Amor Manda Noticiero Vallevisión Gente al Día _ ÷Noticiero Televisa Hoy María, La del Barrio (TVPG) Los Doctores Noticiero Laura (TV14) 3 ÷(6) Primero Noticias El Juego de la Vida (SS) Bajo las Riendas del Amor (TVPG) (SS) Nunca Te Olvidaré (TVPG) (SS) Mujer, Casos de la Vida ¿Quién Tiene la Razón? Laura (TV14) (SS) Laura (HDTV) (TV14) (SS) Rachael Ray (TVG) (cc) Days of our Lives (TV14) Jerry Springer (N) (TV14) Maury (N) (TV14) (cc) The Doctors (TVPG) (cc) ( Today (HDTV) “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” (N) (cc) Enlace Ora Joropo Gneración Rompiendo Aquí Entre Nos Dante Gebel Reporte Para Gente Aviva Mex Tiempo Casos Real Conociendo Mundo En Musical Guardianes ) Casa de D. Ondas La Rosa de Guadalupe Hoy Revista de entretenimiento y estilo de vida. (SS) Cuidado con el Ángel (N) Amorcito Corazón (TVPG) El Gordo y la Flaca (SS) # ÷(6) ¡Despierta América! (HDTV) (N) (SS) Cat in the Super Why! Dinosaur Barney Caillou (TVY) Sid Science WordWorld Clifford-Dog WordGirl Maya/Miguel Martha Electric * Cyberchase Arthur (TVY) Sesame Street (TVY) Daniel Tiger Curious Dog Criminal Minds (TV14) Criminal Minds (TV14) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) Criminal Minds (TV14) Criminal Minds (TV14) The First 48 (TV14) (cc) The First 48 (TV14) (cc) N Dog Scary Movie ››› (2000, Comedy) (R) (cc) Halloween (1978) (R) (cc) J Paid Prog. Tummy Tuck Comic Men Cry Wolf ›› (2005, Suspense) Lindy Booth. (NR) The Dead Zone ››› (1983, Science Fiction) (R) (cc) = The Crocodile Hunter Wild Kingdom (TVPG) I Shouldn’t Be Alive (cc) Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Pit Bulls and Parolees The Haunted (TVPG) Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC Flipping Out (cc) Flipping Out (cc) Flipping Out (cc) Flipping Out (cc) ª Million Dollar Decorators Real Housewives/Beverly Housewives/OC CMT Music (TVPG) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (TVPG) (cc) World’s Strictest Parents World’s Strictest Parents Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Roseanne Roseanne ∞ CMT Music (TVPG) Fast Money Halftime Power Lunch (N) (cc) Street Signs (N) (cc) Closing Bell (N) (cc) Closing Bell-Bartiromo H ÷(5) Squawk Box (cc) Squawk on the Street (HDTV) (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (HDTV) (N) CNN Newsroom (HDTV) (N) The Situation Room (N) C ÷(6) Starting Point (N) CNN Newsroom (HDTV) (N) Comedy Futurama ∑ Weight Loss Insanity! Entourage Comedy Daily Show Colbert Rep Scrubs (cc) Mash Up Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Private Parts ››› (1997, Biography) Howard Stern. (R) Payne Payne The Steve Wilkos Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Wendy Williams Show Get SHARK Easy Meals Joint Pain? TBA The Steve Wilkos Show Bill Cunningham U ÷(6) The Daily Buzz ; Joyce Meyer Paid Prog. Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Never Land Mickey Mickey Doc McSt. Never Land Mickey Octonauts Mickey Little Jungle Gaspard & Phineas Phineas Phineas Fish Hooks Good Luck Jessie (TVG) 9 Mickey I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry › (2007, Comedy) The Soup E! News (HDTV) Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Fashion Police (TV14) Jonas Jonas X Taylor Swift (TVPG) (10:20) 30 Minutes or Less (R) (cc) (11:50) Daylight ›› (1996, Action) (PG-13) (cc) (1:50) Just Go With It ›› (2011) (PG-13) (cc) / ÷(6:35) Just Go With It (2011) (cc) (8:35) Addicted to Love ›› (1997) (R) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) NFL PrimeTime (cc) Best of NFL Football Live NFL Live (N) (cc) ¨ SportsCenter (cc) First Take (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) First Take (HDTV) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) Outside Line NASCAR Numbers Le Batard ≠ ÷(5) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (cc) Daily Mass: Our Lady The Journey Home Threshold of Hope (TVG) Mercy Rosary Rosary We Catholic Y Daily Mass: Our Lady Life on the Rock (TVG) Best of Mother Angelica Women of Rosary P Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Pretty Little Liars (TV14) Down Home Cooking Good Eats Unwrapped Best Dishes Contessa Money Dinners Secrets 30-Minute Giada-Home Giada-Home Contessa Contessa π Paid Prog. Ninja1500 Paid Prog. Grill It! UEFA Champions League Soccer Pregame UEFA Champions League Soccer: Manchester United vs Braga Æ Fox Soccer News (HDTV) SKY Sports News (cc) English Premier League Soccer Big 12 No-Huddle (N) C-USA No-Huddle (N) Pregame UEFA Champions League Soccer Barcelona vs Celtic FC. (N) Ø Texans Wrp Cowboys OU Review (HDTV) T The Talented Mr. Ripley ››› (1999, Drama) Matt Damon, Jude Law. (R) Freedomland ›› (2006, Crime Drama) Samuel L. Jackson. (R) Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007, Science Fiction) Two Men Two Men Happening Now (HDTV) (N) America Live (HDTV) (N) Studio B/Shepard Smith Your World W/ Cavuto E ÷(5) FOX and Friends America’s Newsroom (HDTV) (N) La Última Palabra Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones La Previa Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones Barcelona vs Celtic FC. (N) ∂ Central Fox The Streets Videos Living Co. Living Co. GAC Daily Countdown The Streets More Country Music Videos Latest ± ÷(5) Wake Up Call (TVPG) El Mañanero Chespirito (TVG) Netas Divinas Hasta-Dinero Nos Separe Hasta-Dinero Nos Separe Hoy Sabías Noticiero ¥ Primero... Noticias PGA Tour Golf The Golf Fix (HDTV) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Alfred Dunhill Links Big Break Greenbrier @ ÷(6) Morning Drive (N) Morning Drive Marie (N) (TVG) (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Golden Girls Golden Girls Home & Family (TVG) [ Golden Girls Golden Girls Marie (HDTV) (TVG) (cc) Home & Family (HDTV) (N) (TVG) (cc) X-Men: First . Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010, Fantasy) (cc) Seabiscuit ››› (2003, Drama) Tobey Maguire. (PG-13) (cc) Shattered Glass (2003, Drama) (cc) (1:45) Red Riding Hood › (2011, Horror) (cc) News Now Making It in America (N) D ÷(5) Morning Express With Robin Meade (HDTV) Kitchen My Favorite HGTV’d Design Wars Design Wars Room Cr. Room Cr. Hunters Hunters Int’l Love It or List It (TVG) Love It or List It (TVG) Love It or List It (TVG) Love It or List It (TVG) ∏ Kitchen ? Marijuana: A Chronic History (HDTV) (TVPG) (cc) Cocaine: History Between the Lines (TV14) (cc) 10 Things 10 Things 10 Things 10 Things 10 Things 10 Things 10 Things 10 Things Valkyrie: Plot to Kill Hitler Life Today Prince Joyce Meyer Human Breathe! Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie The Big Valley (TVG) The High Chaparral Z Creflo Doll Paid Prog. Victory Brainsville Inventions Cuckoo (9:47) School Safety Bulletin Board (TVG) Spelling Bee Egly Fiesta De 1 Bulletin Board (TVG) Bulletin Chris Chris Chris Grey’s Anatomy (TV14) Grey’s Anatomy (TV14) Grey’s Anatomy (TV14) How I Met How I Met R Will & Grace Will & Grace Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Chris W Who Is Clark Rockefeller? (2010, Docudrama) (cc) Wisegal ›› (2008, Docudrama) Alyssa Milano. (cc) Sex & Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal (cc) The Two Mr. Kissels (2008, Docudrama) (NR) (cc) Honor-Menendez 0 ÷Sunshine (7:20) Intolerable Cruelty (2003) (cc) What’s Your Number? (2011, Romance-Comedy) (cc) (10:50) Confidence (2003) (R) (cc) White Palace (1990, Romance) (R) (cc) (2:15) Lake Placid ›› (1999) (cc) The Rite F ÷(5) Morning Joe (N) The Daily Rundown (N) Jansing and Co. (N) MSNBC Live (HDTV) (N) NOW With Alex Wagner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation (HDTV) (N) The Cycle (HDTV) (N) Martin Bashir (HDTV) (N) I Made It I Made It 16 and Pregnant (TVPG) 16 and Pregnant (TVPG) 16 and Pregnant (TV14) 16 and Pregnant (TVPG) Underemployed (TV14) Parental Parental Parental Parental ≥ AMTV: 10 on Top Morning Breath (TVPG) L’Créme (TVPG) Al 100 por Ciento L’Créme (TVPG) Mun2 Presents “Bellinda” Al 100 por Ciento μ Morning Breath (TVPG) Morning Breath (TVPG) L’Créme (TVPG) Taboo “Beauty” (TV14) Wild Justice (TV14) Doomsday Bugged Out A Paid Prog. Hair Rest. Amish: Out of Order Amish: Out of Order Amish: Out of Order Alaska State Troopers Border Wars (TVPG) Max & Ruby Dora... Dora... Team Umiz. Bubble Bubble Max & Ruby Max & Ruby Dora... Go, Diego SpongeBob SpongeBob Robot Odd Parents Victorious Victorious : SpongeBob Bubble ∫ My Shopping Addiction America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model Shore Heartwood Creek Gifts for Grandkids Toys. Deck the Halls (HDTV) The Joy of Christmas Holiday trim; toys; gifts. Decorating With Light ” ÷(6) Christmas Shoppe Heartfelt Holidays With Valerie (HDTV) Ω North Shore Linens Around the Kitchen (TVG) Around the House (TVG) North Shore Linens Practical Ideas (TVG) Portofino Italian Jewelry: Around the Kitchen (TVG) Electronic Connection Practical Ideas (TVG) Dogboys › (1998, Action) (NR) (cc) (11:05) The Hours ››› (2002, Drama) (cc) House of D (2004, Comedy-Drama) (2:45) The Other F Word (2011) (cc) (728) ÷Make Blve (7:45) Even the Rain (2010, Drama) (NR) (cc) Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo M Youthful Insanity! Repo 2 ÷(6:50) My Favorite Martian (PG) (cc) The Smurfs › (2011, Comedy) (cc) (10:15) An Unfinished Life (2005, Drama) (cc) (12:05) Jumping the Broom (2011, Comedy) (cc) (2:05) A Dangerous Method (2011, Drama) (cc) Hot Set “Alien Queen” Hot Set (HDTV) (TVPG) Hot Set (HDTV) (TVPG) Hot Set (HDTV) (TV14) Face Off (HDTV) (TVPG) Face Off (HDTV) Face Off (HDTV) (TVPG) Face Off “Supermobile” S Hot Set (HDTV) Jim There Yet? Browns Payne Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Seinfeld Friends Friends L Home Imp. Jim The Seventh Cross ››› (1944, Suspense) (cc) Fathers K ÷Spencer Tracy Legacy: A Tribute A Guy Named Joe ›› (1943, Fantasy) (cc) (DVS) (10:45) Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo ››› (1944, War) (NR) (cc) (DVS) Say Yes What Not to Wear (TVPG) Baby Story Baby Story Toddlers & Tiaras (TVG) Four Weddings (TVPG) Say Yes Say Yes < Baby Story Baby Story Baby Story Baby Story Pregnant Pregnant Say Yes Johnny Test Ben 10 Garfield Garfield Casper’s Almost Looney Tunes (TVY) Tom & Jerry (TVG) Tom & Jerry Scooby-Doo Grim Looney Halloween Spooktakular 6 Pokemon NinjaGo Bones (TV14) (cc) Bones (TV14) (cc) Bones (TV14) (cc) Bones (TV14) (cc) PGA Tour Golf O Charmed (TVPG) (cc) Supernatural (TV14) (cc) Supernatural (TVPG) (cc) Bones (TV14) (cc) Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food > Zumba Fit Paid Prog. Extr. Homes Extr. Homes Httst Hotels Httst Hotels Got Home Alive! (TVPG) Got Home Alive! (TVPG) Got Home Alive! (TVPG) No Reservation Leave D. Van Dyke D. Van Dyke I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Gunsmoke (TVPG) (cc) Gunsmoke (TVPG) (cc) Bonanza (TVG) (cc) Bonanza (TVG) (cc) V Murder, She Wrote (TVG) Leave Weather Changed History Storm Storm Weather Center Live B ÷(6) Your Weather Today With Abrams and Bettes Wake Up With Al (TVG) Day Planner (HDTV) (TVG) (cc) TXCN Morning News TXCN Morning News TXCN Midday News G ÷TXCN Overnight News TXCN Morning News Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Q Law & Order: SVU Rehab With Dr. Drew Couples Therapy (TV14) Behind the Music (TV14) Greatest TRL Moments ≤ Top 20 Video Countdown Top 20 Video Countdown Big Morning Buzz Live (N) Basketball Wives LA T.I. and Tiny Chrissy º Anderson Paid Prog. Does Your Bra Fit? (TVG) Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne 20/20 on WE (TV14) (cc) 20/20 on WE (TV14) (cc) The Locator (TVG) (cc) Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne
10 AM
7 p.m. on KMBH (PBS) ¨ *
Cuban Missile Crisis — Three Men Go to War The first major feature documentary on the subject of the Cuban Missile Crisis, this film explores the inside story of the events of October 1962, when the world teetered on the brink of nuclear holocaust, focusing on U.S. President John
F. Kennedy, Cuban leader Fidel Castro and the Soviet Union’s Nikita Khrushchev. 7 p.m. on CW U
Hart of Dixie Zoe (Rachel Bilson) can’t help feeling a pang of jealousy when she sees Wade (Wilson Bethel) with another woman, so she makes a date with Ruby’s (Golden Brooks) cousin. A scandal
erupts that could cost Lavon (Cress Williams) the mayoral election after he takes the fall for Lemon (Jaime King), his campaign manager. Brick and Magnolia (Tim Matheson, Claudia Lee) have trouble keeping the household together in the new episode “Suspicious Minds.”
8 p.m. on KGBT (CBS) $ $
NCIS: Los Angeles When a senatorial candidate’s staffer is run over while crossing the street, Callen (Chris O’Donnell), Sam (LL Cool J) and the team try to determine whether this was an isolated tragedy or a politically connected crime. If it’s the latter, this death may not be the last. Linda Hunt
also stars in the new episode “Dead Body Politic.” 8 p.m. on TRAV >
Airport 24/7: Miami Where’s Billy the Exterminator when we need him? In the new episode “Air Force One,” a swarm of bees halts traffic at the airport on the day the president is slated to arrive. A bee handler is called in to remove the insects.