arXiv:1302.5067v3 [math.NT] 29 Mar 2014
FLORIN P. BOCA, ALEXANDRU A. POPA, AND ALEXANDRU ZAHARESCU Abstract. Let ω be a point in the upper half plane, and let Γ be a discrete, finite covolume subgroup of PSL2 (R). We conjecture an explicit formula for the pair correlation of the angles between geodesic rays of the lattice Γω, intersected with increasingly large balls centered at ω. We prove this conjecture for Γ = PSL2 (Z) and ω an elliptic point.
1. Introduction The statistics of spacings measure the fine structure of sequences of real numbers, going beyond the classical Weyl uniform distribution. Originating in work of physicists on random matrices [24, 9], spacing statistics are conveniently expressed as the convergence of certain measures, called level correlations, and respectively level spacing measures. In the past decades these notions have received significant attention in many areas of mathematical physics, analysis, probability, and number theory. For most sequences of interest it is usually very challenging to prove the existence and describe the limiting spacing measures, such as the gap distribution or pair correlation, even when existence is experimentally predicted. One class of interesting sequences studied in recent years arises from the angular distribution of lattice points. In the Euclidean scenery one such question is: for a given point α ∈ R2 , describe the statistics of the increasing sequence of finite sets o n m+α : m ∈ Z2 \ {−α}, |m + α| < R ⊆ S 1 , with R → ∞, |m + α|
representing the directions of points in the affine lattice α + Z2 with observer located at the origin. When α ∈ Z2 and only primitive lattice points are considered, the limiting gap distribution and the pair correlation were studied and computed in [2] and [4]. The repulsion between consecutive Farey fractions leads to the vanishing of the corresponding densities on the interval [0, π32 ]. When α ∈ / Q2 the gap distribution of this sequence was proved by Marklof and Str¨ ombergsson [18] to √ coincide with the gap distribution of the sequence ( n mod 1). The latter was computed by Elkies and McMullen [11], with effective estimates obtained only very recently by Browning and Vinogradov [6], building on work of Str¨ ombergsson [23]. A thorough analysis of the mixed moments of consecutive gaps has been recently undertaken by El-Baz, Marklof and Vinogradov [10], who showed that the pair correlation is Poissonian for Diophantine α. This paper is concerned with the hyperbolic situation, where the lattice Z2 is replaced with a lattice (discrete subgroup of finite covolume) Γ in PSL2 (R). We consider the angles between geodesic rays (ω → γω) in the upper half plane H, connecting a fixed point ω ∈ H with the (finitely many) points γω in its Γ-orbit, lying in increasingly large hyperbolic balls. These angles are wellknown to be uniformly distributed (see, e.g., [19]) and their uniform distribution in angular sectors can be made effective [1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21]. Date: March 18, 2014. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11K38, 11M36, 11J71, 11P21, 37D40. Key words and phrases. hyperbolic lattice points; pair correlation. 1
A first step in the study of the pair correlation of directions of hyperbolic lattice points was completed in [5], where we treated the case Γ = PSL2 (Z) and ω = i, establishing a formula for the pair correlation density g2 (ξ) that involves two terms. The first term is a series over the set of matrices M with nonnegative entries of an explicit function of ξ depending only on the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of M , while the second term is a finite sum involving volumes of bodies defined in terms of the triangle transformation introduced in [3]. In this paper we extend the approach introduced in [5], conjecturing an explicit formula for the pair correlation density g2 (ξ) for arbitrary Γ and ω. We are able to prove this formula for the modular group and ω an elliptic point. Remarkably, we find that g2 (ξ) equals the diagonal value at ω of an explicit automorphic kernel. To state the results, we introduce some notation and definitions. Let ω =pu+ iv ∈ H and let Γ be a discrete, finite covolume subgroup of PSL2 (R). For γ ∈ Γ, define kγk := v 2 cosh d(ω, γω), where tot be the number of d(z1 , z2 ) denotes the hyperbolic distance between two points z1 , z2 ∈ H. Let BQ tot ∼ 3 Q2 . Let θ ∈ (−π, π] denote matrices γ ∈ Γ in the ball kγk 6 Q, so that asymptotically BQ γ v2 the angle between the vertical geodesic [ω, u] and the geodesic ray [ω, γω]. We are interested in the pair correlation density g2 (ξ) =
RQ (ξ) dR2 (ξ) , where R2 (ξ) = lim tot , and Q→∞ BQ dξ
ξ 1 θγ ′ − θγ 6 tot . RQ (ξ) = # (γ, γ ′ ) ∈ Γ2 :γ ′ 6= γ, kγk 6 Q, kγ ′ k 6 Q , 0 6 2π BQ
Conjecture 1. Let Γ be a discrete subgroup of PSL2 (R) with fundamental domain of finite area VΓ . The pair correlation measure R2 (ξ) exists on [0, ∞), and is given by a C 1 function expressed as a series of three dimensional volumes. Its density g2 is given by the formula ξ VΓ X (1.1) fξ ℓ(M ) , = 2 g2 VΓ πξ M ∈Γ
where ℓ(M ) = d(ω, M ω) and fξ (ℓ) is the continuous function defined for ℓ > 0 and ξ > 0 by cosh√ ℓ+sinh ℓ ln if ξ 6 2 sinh 2ℓ , 2 2 cosh ℓ+ sinh ℓ−ξ 2) ℓ fξ (ℓ) = ln (cosh ℓ+sinh (1.2) √ ℓ)(1+ξ if 2 sinh 2 6 ξ 6 sinh ℓ, (cosh ℓ+ sinh2 ℓ−ξ 2 )2 ln (cosh ℓ + sinh ℓ) = ℓ if sinh ℓ 6 ξ.
Since the series above is absolutely convergent, by l’Hospital we also deduce the conjectural formula: X VΓ 1 g2 (0) = . (1.3) 2ℓ(M )−1 π e M ∈Γ,ℓ(M )>0
For the elliptic points for PSL2 (Z) we prove the conjecture, using extra symmetries of the hyperbolic lattices centered at i and ρ = eπi/3 . Theorem 1.1. Conjecture 1 and formula (1.3) hold for Γ = PSL2 (Z) and for ω one of the elliptic points i or ρ (with VΓ = π3 ). The rate of convergence in the result above can be made effective in our proof (see Corollary 7.5). The conjecture has also been verified numerically for a few congruence subgroups Γ0 (N ) and a few points ω. In Fig. 1, we compare the pair correlation function given by (1.1) with the actual
pair correlation function computed by counting the pairs in the definition, for Γ = PSL2 (Z) and for a few choices of ω. To count the pairs (γ, γ ′ ) in the definition of RQ (ξ), we first reduce to a half ball |γω|, |γ ′ ω| 6 k as explained in Section 3. When Γ = PSL2 (Z) and ω is one of the elliptic points i or respectively ρ, each angle in the definition of RQ (ξ) is counted a number of times equal to the order of the stabilizer of ω in Γ, namely 2 or respectively 3 times. Therefore it is more natural to consider the pair correlation ′ ′ el measure Rel Q defined as RQ , with the condition γ 6= γ replaced by γω 6= γ ω. Denoting by g2 el the corresponding pair correlation functions, we have g2 (ξ) = g2 (eω ξ), where eω is the cardinality of the stabilizer of ω, so that g2el = g2 if ω is not an elliptic point. For ω = i, the function g2el is identical with the pair correlation function found in [5], but the formula here is entirely explicit for all ξ. Formula (1.1) relates the pair correlation of hyperbolic lattice angles with the length spectrum of the lattice. For example, the spikes in the graphs in Fig. 1 occur at values of ξ related in a straightforward way to the length spectrum. Assuming that lattices centered at different points in a half1 fundamental domain for PSL2 (Z) have different length spectra, it would follow that the distribution of lattice angles determines the point ω in a half fundamental domain. A common feature of pair correlation density functions, encountered also for the pair correlation of Farey fractions [4], is that they tend to one at infinity. We expect the same to be true for the function in Conjecture 1, i.e. if Γ is a Fuchsian group of the first kind with fundamental domain of finite hyperbolic area VΓ , then VΓ X lim d(ω, γω) = 1, (1.4) f ξ ξ→∞ πξ 2 M ∈Γ
where the function fξ (ℓ) is defined in Conjecture 1. The main difficulty in proving this asymptotic formula is that the trace formula does not apply directly to the automorphic kernel Kξ (z, w) = P γ∈Γ kξ (u(γz, w)) with kξ (u(z, w)) = fξ (d(z, w)), because the function fξ is not differentiable at ξ ∈ {2 sinh( 2ℓ ), sinh ℓ}. For Γ = PSL and ω = i, the pair correlation function g2el (ξ) is the same as that of angles made by reciprocal geodesics on the modular surface, namely the closed geodesics passing through the projection of i on the modular surface. Reciprocal geodesics were first studied by Fricke and Klein [12], and more recently by Sarnak [22]. In A we similarly describe the arithmetic and geometry of closed geodesics passing through the projection of ρ on the modular surface. While reciprocal geodesics always consist of two loops, one tracing the other in the opposite direction, we show that a geodesic on the modular surface passing through the image of ρ consists of one, two, or four closed loops. The precise situation depends on the arithmetic properties of the discriminant attached to the geodesic. We now sketch the main steps in the proof of Theorem 1.1, while also describing the organization of the paper. In the remainder of the introduction and throughout the paper we take Γ = PSL2 (Z), and keep ω mostly arbitrary. For technical reasons, we assume that Re(ω) and |ω|2 are rational. An important role is played by the set S of matrices with nonnegative entries, distinct from the identity. Step 1. As in [5], our approach is based on computing the pair correlation of the quantities θ Ψ(γ) = u + v tan( 2γ ) by first approximating them with Φ(γ) = Re(γω). The reason for preferring the function Φ(γ) is explained by Lemma 2.1, where we show that Φ(γ) − Φ(γM ) = ΞM (c, d) with 1It is shown in Section 3 that the pair correlation functions for the lattices centered at ω and −ω are equal.
u =0.5, k =1
u =0.1, k =1
1.5 1.5
1 1
u =0, k =4
u =0, k =10
1.5 4 1 2 0.5
Figure 1. The pair correlation functions g2el for Γ = PSL2 (Z) and Re(ω) = u, |ω| = k computed using (1.1) (smooth line) and by counting pairs in the definition (dots) with Q = 1000 in the first two plots, Q = 2000 in the third, and Q = 5000 in the fourth. a function ΞM depending only on the lower row (c, d) of γ. In Section 3 we reduce to angles in the hyperbolic half balls for which |γω| < |ω|, and we show in Section 4 that the sets {Ψ(γ)} and {Φ(γ)} have the same pair correlation. Step 2. To compute the pair correlation of {Φ(γ)}, we estimate the number RΦ Q (ξ) of pairs ξ ′ 2 ′ ′ ′ (γ, γ ) ∈ Γ with |γω|, |γ ω| < k, kγk, kγ k 6 Q, and 0 6 Φ(γ) − Φ(γ ) 6 Q2 as follows: RΦ Q (ξ) =
1 2
M ∈Γ\{I}
NM,Q (ξ),
where NM,Q (ξ) is the cardinality of the set n o ξ SM,Q (ξ) := γ ∈ Γ : |Φ(γM ) − Φ(γ)| 6 2 , |γω|, |γM ω| < k, kγk, kγM k 6 Q . Q
Replacing b in terms of a, c, d, for M ∈ S, we show that NM,Q (ξ) is asymptotic as Q → ∞ to the eM,Q (ξ) of the set SeM,Q (ξ) of integer triples (a, c, d) such that cardinality N ( e |d| 6 Q, e ad ≡ 1 (mod c), |ΞM (c, d)| 6 ξ2 , |a| 6 kc 6 Q, Q (1.7) 2 2 max{c2 k2 + d2 + 2cdu, c2 XM + d2 YM + 2cdZM } 6 a2 +kQ2 c2c−2acu , √ k k−|u|
Q e= √ with Q v
and XM , YM , ZM as defined in (2.1). This approximation holds for fixed M ∈ S
with an explicit error term (Lemma 7.2 (iii)), but in order to control the error when summing the eM,Q(ξ) by the cardinality N e + (ξ) of the subset Se+ (ξ) ⊆ SeM,Q (ξ) series (1.5), we need to replace N M,Q M,Q consisting of triples (a, c, d) as above with d > 0.
Step 3. Using estimates for number of points in hyperbolic regions based on bounds on KloosteM,Q(ξ) ∼ Q2 Vol(SM,ξ ), and erman sums, we show in Lemmas 7.3 and 7.4 that for M ∈ S, N ζ(2) e + (ξ) over M ∈ S. The region SM,ξ consists of a similar estimate holds also when summing N M,Q √ √ 1 k triples (x, y, z) ∈ 0, √ ] × [− √ , √ k ] × [−k, k] for which v
( |ΞM (x, y)| 6 ξ max{x2 k2
k−|u| v
+ 2xyu, x2 XM + y 2 YM + 2xyZM } 6
1 . k 2 +z 2 −2uz
Step 4. Using extra symmetries of the hyperbolic lattice in the case ω = i (Section 8) and ω = ρ (Section 10), we show that the summation range in (1.5) can be reduced to a subset of S. Moreover, using repulsion arguments involving the Farey tessellation, we can define finite subsets Fe(ξ) ∈ Γ eM,Q (ξ) can be expressed only in terms of N e + † (ξ) for such that for M ∈ S\Fe(ξ) the quantities N M ,Q appropriate M † ∈ S. Therefore we place ourselves in the situations analysed in Steps 2 and 3, obtaining Q2 X Vol(SM,ξ ). (1.9) RΦ (ξ) ∼ Q 2ζ(2) M ∈Γ
Step 5. The resulting volumes are expressed in closed form as integrals in Section 9 for ω arbitrary, and passing to the pair correlation function R2 of the angles {θγ } we obtain the formula in Conjecture 1, and finish the proof of Theorem 1.1. The difficulty in proving Conjecture 1 for Γ = PSL2 (Z) and general ω resides in the estimates of Steps 2 and 3, where we use positivity of some of the entries of the matrices involved to obtain good control on the error in lattice point counting. After this paper was completed (, we received a preprint by Kelmer and Kontorovich [17] in which they prove Conjecture 1 and the asymptotic formula (1.4) for a general lattice Γ and ω ∈ H. Their starting point is a decomposition similar to (1.5), for the counting function associated with the angles θγ instead of the function Φ(γ), in which they estimate the infinite series by using spectral methods. 2. Preliminary computations To each ω = u + iv ∈ H with |ω| = k and γ = ac db ∈ SL2 (R), we associate X = |aω + b|2 ,
Y = |cω + d|2 ,
Z = Y Re(γω) = ac|ω|2 + bd + u(ad + bc), 2
T = kγk := X + |ω| Y − 2uZ.
Setting ∆ = 2v 2 and ǫT =
√ T − T 2 −∆2 ∆
∆ T,
we have
XY − Z 2 = v 2 , cosh d(ω, γω) =
T , ∆
√ √ √ The first equality in (2.2) leads to T = X + k2 Y − 2uZ > X + k2 Y − 2|u| XY = ( X − |u| Y )2 + v 2 Y , and so v 2 Y 6 kγk2 and X, Y, |Z| ≪ω kγk2 . (2.3) A direct calculation provides
Z − uY , sin θγ = 2v √ T 2 − ∆2
∆Y − T cos θγ = √ , T 2 − ∆2
tan(θγ /2) =
1 Z − uY . v Y − ǫT
The point γω is completely determined by the “coordinates” (X, Y, Z) = (Xγ , Yγ , Zγ ), as its hyperbolic polar coordinates are so determined. The x-intercept Ψ(γ) of the oriented geodesic ω → γω is given by Ψ(γ) = u + v tan(θγ /2) =
Zγ − uǫT . Y γ − ǫT
Since ǫT = e−d(ω,γω) → 0, a better behaved quantity approximating Ψ(γ) well is Φ(γ) :=
Zγ = Re(γω). Yγ
A B ∈ Γ, let ℓ(M ) = d(ω, M ω), and let the angle θM be defined as for γ. For For M = C D c, d ∈ R, let cω + d = reiθ , and define
sin(θM − 2θ) v . 2 r coth ℓ(M ) + cos(θM − 2θ) Lemma 2.1. For M ∈ SL2 (R) and γ = ac db ∈ SL2 (R), we have ΞM (c, d) := −
Φ(γ) − Φ(γM ) = ΞM (c, d).
Proof. We compute Re(γω − γM ω) using the KAK decomposition for M and the N AK decomposition for γ, both centered at ω. Denote 1/2 y 0 1 x cos θ − sin θ a(y) = ∈ A, n(x) = ∈ N, k(θ) = ∈K 0 y −1/2 0 1 sin θ cos θ and let α = n(u)a(v), so that αi = ω and α maps the vertical through i onto the vertical through ω. Let z := α−1 γω, so γω = αz = u + vz, z = x + iy. (2.6) We have α−1 γα = n(x)a(y)k(θ), with cω + d = reiθ , r = y −1/2 . ′ be the angle between i → i∞ and i → α−1 M αi. Since α maps i → α−1 M αi onto ω → M ω, Let θM we have ′ θM = π − θM , d(i, α−1 M αi) = ℓ(M ).
′ α−1 M α = k θM /2 a eℓ(M ) k θ ′′
′ we obtain for some θ ′′ , and taking ν = θ + 12 θM
′ α−1 γM ω = n(x)a(y)k(θ + θM /2)a(eℓ(M ) )i = x + y
ieℓ(M ) cos ν − sin ν . ieℓ(M ) sin ν + cos ν
The equation above and (2.6) imply v Re(γM ω) = Re(γω) + 2 Re r
ieℓ(M ) cos ν − sin ν . ieℓ(M ) sin ν + cos ν
The real part in the last expression equals the second fraction in (2.5), and the claim follows. A direction calculation yields ΞM (c, d) =
cd(k2 YM − XM ) + c2 (k2 ZM − uXM ) + d2 (uYM − ZM ) . (c2 k2 + d2 + 2cdu)(c2 XM + d2 YM + 2cdZM )
3. Reduction to angles with |γω| < |ω| We next show that the pair correlation function is determined only by the angles θγ with |γω| < |ω| = k, justifying the assumption made in the introduction. When k 6= 1, our proof is conditional upon the formula in Conjecture 1. > tot Denote by Rtot Q the set of γ ∈ Γ with kγk < Q, of cardinality BQ , and let RQ , respectively RQ > denote the subsets for which |γω| < k, respectively |γω| > k, of cardinalities BQ , respectively BQ . > 3 2 Lemma 7.1 will yield BQ ∼ BQ ∼ ∆ Q . Let n 1 ξ o ′ tot 2 ′ Rtot θγ ′ − θγ 6 tot , Q (ξ) = # (γ, γ ) ∈ (RQ ) : γ 6= γ, 0 6 2π BQ R2tot (ξ) = lim
Rtot Q (ξ) tot BQ
g2tot =
dR2tot , dξ
> tot , we have Rtot = 1 (R +R> ), g tot = 1 (g +g > ). and define similarly R2> , g2> . Since BQ ∼ BQ ∼ 12 BQ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 −1 Let s = 1 0 . Since we will compare the hyperbolic lattices centered at the points ω and sω, in the following two paragraphs only we attach subscripts to all notation to denote this dependence, e.g. kγkω , (BQ )ω etc. The map γ 7→ sγs induces the mapping γω 7→ sγω, taking the part of the lattice Γω with |γω| > |ω|, bijectively and conformally onto the part of the lattice Γsω with |γsω| < |sω|. Note that
k2 (Xsγs )sω = (Xγ )ω , k4 ksγsksω = kγkω ,
k2 (Ysγs )sω = (Yγ )ω ,
k 2 (Zsγs )sω = −(Zγ )ω ,
(θsγs )sω = −(θγ )ω ,
yielding > > > (BQ )ω = (BQ/k2 )sω , (R> Q )ω = (RQ/k 2 )sω , R2 (ξ)ω = R2 (ξ)sω , g2 (ξ)ω = g2 (ξ)sω . 1 We conclude that g2 (ξ)tot ω = 2 (g2 (ξ)ω + g2 (ξ)sω ). Assuming now that g2 (ξ)ω is given by the series in Conjecture 1, we observe that the application M → sM s rearranges the terms of the series for g2 (ξ)ω into the terms of the series for g2 (ξ)sω because the summands only depend on d(ω, M ω). Therefore g2 (ξ)ω = g2 (ξ)sω , and hence we have
g2tot (ξ) = g2 (ξ) = g2> (ξ) (dropping the subscripts ω since the basepoint of the lattice is fixed). When k = 1, one can see directly that g2 (ξ) = g2> (ξ), because of an extra symmetry of the hyperbolic lattice. Keeping ω arbitrary, let e γ = ηγη for η = ( 01 10 ) and ω e = kω2 . Since (Xγe )ωe =
(Yγ )ω , k2
(Yγe )ωe =
(Xγ )ω , k2
(Zγe )ωe =
(Zγ )ω , k2
we have |γω| < k ⇐⇒ |e γω e | > k and
ΞM = − ΞM (x, y) ω . f(y, x) ω e
The angles (θγ )ω and (θγe )ωe are related as in the following lemma, which shows directly that g2 (ξ) = g2> (ξ) when |ω| = 1 (that is ω e = ω).
Lemma 3.1. Let β ∈ (0, π) be the polar angle of ω = keiβ . We have the relation: (θγ )ω + (θγe )ωe = 2β,
namely the angle between the circle |z| = k and ω → γω is the same as the angle between the circle |z| = k−1 and ω e→γ eω e. bk 2 ∈ SL (R) for Proof. When ω = ki the claim is immediate from (2.4). In general, let α = ak 2 b ak q q k+v k−v a = 2vk2 , b = 2vk2 sgn u. Then α fixes the circle |z| = k and takes ki to ω, while α e fixes the circle |z| = k−1 and takes k−1 i to ω e , therefore
∠(ω → γω, ω → k) = ∠(ki → α−1 γαki, ki → k).
Likewise one has ∠(e ω→γ eω e, ω e → k−1 ) = ∠(k−1 i → α e−1 γ eα ek−1 i, k−1 i → k−1 ),
and the last angles in both equalities are equal by the case ω = ki already proved. Alternatively, equality (3.1) can be checked by direct computation, using the formula for tan(a + b). From the lemma, combined with g2 (ξ)ω = g2 (ξ)sω we also deduce that the pair correlation functions for the hyperbolic lattices centered at ω = u + iv and se ω = −u + iv are equal. This shows that we can restrict ourselves, whenever convenient, to points ω in the half fundamental domain for Γ given by |ω| 6 1,
Re(ω) > 0,
|ω − 1| > 1.
4. The coincidence of the pair correlations of Φ and Ψ Since the pair correlation of the lattices centered at ω and γ0 ω is the same for γ0 ∈ Γ = PSL2 (Z), in this section we assume without loss of generality that ω lies in a specific fundamental domain for the action of Γ on the upper half plane. Namely, we assume that 0 6 Re(ω) 6 1 and |ω − 12 | > 12 , that is 0 6 u 6 1,
k 2 > u.
We also need to assume that u, k 2 ∈ Q, which is needed in the proof of Lemma 4.1. Next we show that Φ, Ψ have the same pair correlation. As in Section 3, let RQ be the set of γ ∈ Γ with |γω| < k and kγk 6 Q. Consider n ξ o ′ 2 ′ ′ RΦ (ξ) := # (γ, γ ) ∈ (R ) : γ = 6 γ , 0 6 Φ(γ) − Φ(γ ) < Q Q Q2
and the likewise defined RΨ Q (ξ). a b Let γ = c d ∈ Γ, kγk 6 Q and X, Y, Z, T be the quantities defined in the beginning of Section 2. By the results of Section 3 we can restrict to those γ ∈ Γ such that |γω| < k, that is X < k 2 Y . In this case we have X Z T = k2 + − 2u < 2k2 + 2k|u| ≪ 1, Y Y Y and employing |Z − uY | ≪ T , a consequence of the first formula (2.4), we have u − Z 1 1 1 Y |Φ(γ) − Ψ(γ)| = −1 ≪ 2 ≪ 2 = . (4.2) Y T kγk4 ǫT Y − 1 √ T . It Using XY = Z 2 + v 2 we have T + 2uZ = X + k2 Y > 2k XY > 2k|Z|, hence |Z| < 2(k−|u|) follows that max{X, k 2 Y } < T + 2uZ
v 2 max{c2 , kd2 }, X > v 2 max{a2 , kb 2 }, we
also have kγk∞ ≪ kγk, or more precisely: √ kγk kγk k , |c| < p , |a|, |d| < p v k − |u| v k(k − |u|)
√ kγkk k |b| < p . v k − |u|
To compare the quantities Φ(γ) and Ψ(γ), it will be important to show that they both lie in a certain Farey interval associate to γ. For Φ(γ) we can use a geometric argument to determine this interval. Recall that Φ(γ) = Re(γω). Looking at the images under γ of the geodesics u → ω → ∞ 2 and 0 → ω → ku , if follows that Φ(γ) ∈ (γu, γ∞) ∩ γ0, γ(k2 /u) := Jγ0 (4.4)
(the endpoints of the intervals are not necessarily ordered increasingly). Since k2 Y > X, we can assume that cd(ck 2 + du)(cu + d) 6= 0 at the expense of ignoring a finite number of matrices, which does not affect the pair correlation. To determine Jγ0 explicitly from (4.4) there are four cases to consider, and in each one we also define a Farey interval Jγ containing Jγ0 (using assumption (4.1) on ω and assuming c > 0): b a ak 2 +bu 1. d > 0. Then Jγ0 = au+b cu+d , ck 2 +du ⊆ d , c =: Jγ . 2 +bu a a+b a , 2. d < 0 < cu + d. Then ck 2 + du > 0, c + d > 0, Jγ0 = ak ⊆ c+d , c =: Jγ . ck 2 +du c −b −(a+b) 3. d < 0, ck 2 + du < 0. Then cu + d < 0, c + d < 0, Jγ0 = db , au+b cu+d ⊆ −d , −(c+d) =: Jγ . −b ak 2 +bu au+b ⊆ ac , −d =: Jγ . 4. d < 0, ck 2 + du > 0 > cu + d. Then Jγ0 = ck 2 +du , cu+d With this definition of Jγ , we have the following asymptotic result for Ψ(γ). Lemma 4.1. Assume ω satisfies (4.1) and let γ = ac db ∈ Γ with c > 0. Assume also that u, k2 ∈ Q. There exists T0 = T0 (ω) such that Φ(γ), Ψ(γ) ∈ Jγ whenever T > T0 .
Proof. For Φ(γ) the statement was already proved (for all T ). Using cZ − aY = −cu − d, dZ − bY = ck 2 + du, we infer a − cu+d a b c + ǫT u − c Ψ(γ) − = , Ψ(γ) − = c Y − ǫT d a+b Ψ(γ) − = c+d
c(k 2 −u)−d(1−u) c+d
+ ǫT db − u , Y − ǫT a+b c+d − u .
ck 2 +du d
+ ǫT Y − ǫT
We discuss only the second difference, the analysis for the others being similar. We have | ck d+du | ≫ T −1/2 , since the numerator is bounded from below as a result of the rationality assumption on u and k2 , and |d| 6 kγk∞ ≪ T 1/2 . The term involving ǫT is ≪ T −1 , thus the sign of Ψ(γ) − db is the 2 same as that of ck d+du , and similarly for the other two cases, leading to the desired result about Ψ. Proposition 4.2. For each β ∈ ( 12 , 1) one has
Φ 2−4β RΨ ) + K2 Q1+β ln Q, Q (ξ) < RQ (ξ + K1 Q
for some constants K1 , K2 > 0 depending only on ξ. The same equality holds with Φ, Ψ interchanged. > < Proof. Let NQ,β (ξ), respectively NQ,β (ξ), be defined as for RΨ Q (ξ), with the additional condition ′ β min{kγk, kγ k} > Q , and respectively kγk < Qβ . We trivially have > < RΨ Q (ξ) 6 NQ,β (ξ) + 2NQ,β (ξ).
> 2−4β ), the constant K being twice the The estimate (4.2) shows that NQ,β (ξ) 6 RΦ 1 Q (ξ + K1 Q implicit constant in (4.2). < To show NQ,β (ξ) = Oξ (Q1+β ln Q), we follow the same proof as that of Proposition 3 in [5]. Because of (4.3), at the expense of counting more pairs we can replace the set RQ in the definition < of NQ,β (ξ) with the set √ n Q k o ′ e . RQ := γ ∈ Γ : |γω| < k, kγk∞ 6 Q := p v k − |u| Lemma 4.1 shows that Ψ(γ), Φ(γ) lie between Farey fractions determined by γ = ac db . More precisely, if R′′Q denotes the subset of R′Q consisting of matrices with cd > 0, and let Iγ = ( db , ac ). Then for each γ ∈ R′Q we have that
(4.5) Ψ(γ), Φ(γ) ∈ Iγ ′ , for γ ′ ∈ R′′Q , −b a a+b b ′ ′ with γ ′ = γ in Case 1, γ ′ = ac a+b c+d in Case 2, γ = c+d d in Case 3, and γ = −d c in Case 4 (see the four cases before the statement of the lemma). Note that in all four cases, Iγ ′ ⊆ [0, k] or Iγ ′ ⊆ [−k, 0], since Φ(γ) ∈ (−k, k). Clearly each γ ′ ∈ R′′Q is associated with one, two, or three such pairs Ψ(γ), Φ(γ) for γ ∈ R′Q . The proof now follows the same pattern as that of Proposition 3 in [5], using (4.5) above instead of (4.2) there, after further dividing R′′Q into the subsets of those γ with Iγ ⊆ [−k, 0], and of those γ with Iγ ⊆ [0, k]. For each subset the analysis of the associated Farey tessellation formed by the intervals Iγ is the same as in [5]. 5. The Farey tessellation and repulsion In the previous section we associated to each γ ∈ Γ an interval Jγ between two consecutive Farey points, such that Φ(γ) ∈ Jγ . We also associate to γ the geodesic arc on the upper half plane connecting the endpoints of the Farey interval, which is part of the well known Farey tessellation. The purpose of this section is to quantify the statement that there is repulsion between Φ(γ), Φ(γ ′ ), if the intervals associated to γ, γ ′ are disjoint.2 Lemma 5.1. Let γ = ac db ∈ Γ, γ ′ = ( fe ac ) ∈ Γ with ac < fe and c, d, f > 0. Then there exists K ∈ N such that K 1 = γ′. γ −1 0 Moreover, if max{Yγ , Yγ ′ } 6 Q2 and we assume u > 0 and k 6 1, then Φ(γ ′ ) − Φ(γ) >
Kk4 . Q2
Proof. Since the matrices γ and γ ′ s have the same first column, there exists K ∈ Z such that a ′ γ 01 −K = γ s, which implies the desired equality. The fact that K > 0 follows from fe = aK−b 1 cK−d > c . A direct calculation provides Kα(c, d, f ) + cd(1 − k4 ) + u k2 df + c2 (1 + k2 ) − d2 ′ Φ(γ ) − Φ(γ) = (k2 c2 + d2 + 2ucd)(k2 f 2 + c2 + 2ucf ) >
Kα(c, d, f ) Kk4 > , Yγ Yγ ′ Q2
2Recall that two Farey arcs are nonintersecting, so the corresponding intervals are either disjoint or one contains
the other.
where α(c, d, f ) = c2 (k4 + 2u2 ) + k2 df + cu(2d + k2 f ) denotes the coefficient of K on the first 1 line, and for the first inequality we used u > 0, k 6 1 and dc > K > 1 > √1+k . If d > f , then 2 α(c, d, f ) > k4 Yγ ′ , and if f > d, then α(c, d, f ) > k2 Yγ , which, together with max{Yγ , Yγ ′ } 6 Q2 , proves the second inequality. For each ξ > 0 consider the finite set ℓ [ X 4 Kj 1 F(ξ) := Kj 6 4 ξ . M = γ1 · · · γℓ : γj = , Kj ∈ N, (5.1) −1 0 k j=1 ℓ>1 ′ ′ Lemma 5.2. Assume u > 0, k 6 1. Suppose γ = ac db , γ ′ = ac′ db ′ ∈ SL2 (Z), c, d, c′ , d′ > 0, ξ b′ a ′ ′ ′ c 6 d′ , and Φ(γ ) − Φ(γ) 6 Q2 for some Q > max{c, d, c , d }. Then ′ (i) γ = γM for some M ∈ F(ξ). a aj−1 , with q1 , . . . , qℓ ∈ (ii) Furthermore, if M = γ1 · · · γℓ is as in (5.1), then γγ1 · · · γj = qjj qj−1 {1, 2, . . . , Q}. ′
Proof. As Q > max{c, d′ } the fractions ac and db ′ belong to the set FQ of “extended” Farey fractions aℓ a0 a1 a b′ a q with (a, q) = 1 and 1 6 q 6 Q. Let c = q0 < q1 < · · · < qℓ = d′ be the elements in FQ between a c
b′ d′ .
By Lemma 5.1 there are positive integers K1 and Kℓ+1 such that ′ ′ aℓ aℓ−1 Kℓ+1 1 a b K1 1 a b a1 a0 = . = , ... , ′ c d′ qℓ qℓ−1 −1 0 c d −1 0 q1 q0
The recursion relations for consecutive Farey fractions
qj−1 +qj+1 qj
= Kj =
j = 2, . . . , ℓ − 1,
> Q12 (K1 + · · · + Kℓ+1 ) of Lemma 5.1 yield both 6 4Q2 under the assumptions on c, d, c′ , d′ , k, u.
Φ(γ ′ ) − Φ(γ)
ℓ > 2, (5.2), and the consequence and (ii). Note that Yγ , Yγ ′ 6 Q2 (k2 + 1 + 2u)
aj−1 +aj+1 , aj
6. The case where ℓ(M ) is large − + (ξ), denote the (ξ), respectively SM,Q In this section we generalize Lemma 9 of [5]. Let SM,Q subsets of the set SM,Q (ξ) defined in (1.6) consisting of matrices with c, d > 0, respectively c > 0 > ± ± (ξ). (ξ) the cardinality of SM,Q d. Denote by NM,Q
Lemma 6.1. Assume ω is in the half fundamental domain given by (3.2), and u, k 2 ∈ Q. Suppose β0 ∈ ( 12 , 1), M ∈ Γ has nonnegative entries and max{XM , YM } > Q2β0 . There exists Q0 = Q0 (ξ, ω) + (ξ) = 0 for Q > Q0 . independent on M such that NM,Q Proof. We show that the region ΩM,Q (ξ) of (c, d) ∈ (0, ∞)2 for which |ΞM (c, d)| 6
ξ , Q2
v 2 max{Yγ , YγM } 6 Q2 ,
+ (ξ) = 0. contains no coprime integer lattice points. Because of (2.3) this gives NM,Q 2 iθ Suppose there is (c, d) ∈ ΩM,Q (ξ) ∩ Z . Write cω + d = re , and let X = XM , Y = YM , Z = ZM and T = TM be given by (2.1). With UM = coth ℓ(M ) = 1 + O( T12 ), the inequalities in the definition of ΩM,Q (ξ) can be described as v | sin(θM − 2θ)| 1 r2 2 6 2 6 min ,√ . (6.1) ξ UM + cos(θM − 2θ) Q v2 T 2 − ∆2 (UM + cos(θM − 2θ))
Since sin θ > 0, cos θ > 0 we can take θ ∈ (0, π2 ). Denoting δM = θ2M − θ, from the first and last fraction in (6.1) we have | sin 2δM | ≪ T1 . Therefore δM is close to 0, or to ± π2 . When δM is close to 0 we have | tan δM | ≪ |δM | ≪ | sin 2δM | ≪ T1 .
When δM is close to ± π2 we similarly have |δM ∓ π2 | ≪ this, we will use | tan δM |
UM −1 1+cos 2δM
1 T,
which we claim is impossible. To prove
2ξ | sin 2δM | 6 3, UM + cos 2δM v
analyzing the two cases that can occur. Note that the equality Z = uY would give v 2 = Y (X − u), which cannot hold. Case I: Z > uY . In this case θM ∈ (0, π). Since u, k 2 ∈ Q, (2.4) yields sin θM ≫ T1 . Using sin θM sin θ > 0 we infer p 1 + cos 2δM > 1 + cos θM cos θ > 1 − | cos θM | = 1 − 1 − sin2 θM ≫ T12 . UM −1 π 1 Since UM − 1 ≪ T12 , this gives 0 < 1+cos 2δM ≪ 1. We also have |δM ± 2 | ≪ T , hence | tan δM | ≫ T and the left-hand side in (6.2) becomes ≫ T , producing a contradiction when Q is chosen large enough. Case II: Z < uY . In this case θM ∈ (− π2 , 0) because sin θM < 0 and cos θM > 0 as a result of (2.4) and of
∆Y − T = 2uZ − X + (v 2 − u2 )Y > uZ + (v 2 − u2 )Y − v 2 /Y > 0 for Q large enough, where we used XY − Z 2 = v 2 , and v > u for ω in the region defined by (3.2). π 1 Hence δM ∈ (− 3π 4 , 0), and we will show that |δM + 2 | ≪ T leads to contradiction. 2δM 1 1 As |2δM ± π| ≪ T , from | sin 2δM | ≪ T we have | tan δM | ≫ T , and (6.2) gives 1 ≫ T U1+cos . M +cos 2δM This leads (for large T ) to T12 ≫ UM − 1 ≫ T (1 + cos 2δM ), and therefore to UM + cos 2δM ≪ T12 . Back to (6.2), we infer | sin 2δM | ≪ T12 , and thus tan θM − cv 2 cu+d T 2 ≪ | tan δM | = < 1 + cv tan θM 1 + cu+d 2
1+ cv cu+d
v u
θM 2
where we used θM ∈ (− π2 , 0). This further gives 1 1 Z ≪ω 1 , 1 + cv tan θM /2 = 1 + cv −u +O cu + d cu + d v Y TY T2
and so, employing also (2.3), X ≪ω Y and Y ≫ω Q2β0 , we find 1 Z 1 v 1 1 1 ≪ω cv 1 + c − u + 2 6 + 2 ≪ω ≪ 2β0 . cu + d Y cu + d T Y T uT Y T TY Q Y
Finally, multiplying by cu+d we infer (here Z > ACk2 + BD > k2 and Y > k2 ) that there exists a c constant K = K(ω, β0 ) > 0 such that d Z d Z d Kk2 d K 1 Kk2 K 0< + 6 1+ 6 + + 6 , 2β 2β 2β 0 0 0 c Y c Q Y cQ Y Q c Y Q2β0 which gives a contradiction for Q large. We have thus shown that | tan δM | ≪ T1 . Note that integrality of c, d > 0 was not used in this argument. Next we consider the two cases tan θ < v and tan θ > v.
Case (A). tan θ < v. Recall that Ψ(M ) = u + v tan( θ2M ), and we also have u + v tan θ = Since |δM | ≪ T1 , tan( θM 2 ) is also bounded, leading to 2 Ψ(M ) − ck + du = v tan θM /2 − tan θ cu + d = v| tan δM | 1 + tan θ tan θM /2 ≪ Q−2β0 .
13 ck 2 +du cu+d .
Since Ψ(M ) ≪ 1, we have Z ≪ Y , and from XY − Z 2 = v 2 we conclude X ≪ Y . From (4.2) it 2 +du ≪ Q−2β0 . On the other hand, follows that |Ψ(M ) − Φ(M )| ≪ Y −2 ≪ Q−4β0 , so YZ − ckcu+d
D + uC 1 A Z − = ≪ ≪ Q−2β0 , C Y CY Y B A where we assumed without loss of generality C > D. If D > C, then use D instead of C . We conclude that A ck 2 + du ≪ Q−2β0 . − (6.3) C cu + d 1 If nonzero, the left hand side of (6.3) is ≫ω C(cu+d) , using the rationality assumption u, k 2 ∈ Q. √ p From tan θ < v and u < 1 it follows that c ≪ d, so Q2β0 ≪ω C(cu + d) ≪ d2 Y < YγM ≪ Q, 2 +du c+N d A = ckcu+d =M which gives a contradiction. It remains that C P c+Rd with M, N, P, R ∈ N constants, √ so d ≫ω P c + Rd > C ≫ Y (using C > D). It follows that Q2 > YγM > d2 Y ≫ Y 2 ≫ Q4β0 , which again provides a contradiction. Case (B). tan θ > v. We have uv < cot θ < v1 , and since |δM | ≪ T1 it follows that cot( θ2M ) is bounded as well. Consequently 1 |1 + cot θ cot(θM /2)| cu + d −2β0 . Ψ(M ) − ck 2 + du = v| tan δM | |(u cot θ + v)(u cot(θM /2) + v)| ≪ Q In this case Ψ(M ) ≫ 1 implies Z ≫ Y , so X ≫ Z ≫ Y , and from XY − Z 2 = v 2 we have Z ≫ Qβ0 . Taking into account (2.4) we arrive at 1 |1 − u YZ | 1 1 = ǫ − ≪ ≪ Q−3β0 . T Ψ(M ) Φ(M ) Z − uǫT TZ Assuming A > B, we infer
√ C D + uC Y Y 1 − = ≪√ ≪ Q−2β0 , ≪ Z A AZ X XZ
cu+d −2β0 , leading to a contradiction for large Q as before. The case A < B and thus | C A − ck 2 +du | ≪ Q D is similar, replacing C A by B .
7. Approximating the number of lattice points in planar regions by volumes In this section we approximate NM,Q(ξ) for M ∈ S by volumes of three dimensional regions, where S ⊆ Γ is the set of matrices with nonnegative entries, distinct from the identity. Using the + (ξ) over subsets of M ∈ S can result of the previous section, we also show that the sum of NM,Q be approximated by the corresponding sum of volumes. To count points in two dimensional regions we use Lemma 7 of [5]. The prototype for its application in the present setting is given in the following simpler counting problem. By well tot ∼ 6Q2 (for known asymptotics for the number of points in expanding hyperbolic balls we have BQ ∆ the notation see Section 3). In the next lemma we show that in half balls we have half this number of points.
Lemma 7.1. Let BQ = #RQ be as defined in Section 3, with k > 1. Then BQ =
3Q2 + Oε (Q11/6+ε ), ∆
tot . and so BQ ∼ 21 BQ
Proof. Replacing b =
ad−1 c ,
the condition |γω| < k is equivalent to 2ad − 1 2au a2 + > 0. k2 − 2 (c2 k2 + d2 + 2cdu) + c c2 c
A direct calculation shows that kγk 6 Q is equivalent to a2 2au 2 2 2du 1 − 2ad 2a k2 + 2 − (c k + d2 + 2cdu) + u 6 Q2 . (7.2) + + 2u − c c c c2 c a b ∈ R with c > 0. The contribution of the matrices γ with |c| < Qα and let γ = Fix α = 13 Q c d 18 or |d| < Qα to the error term is ≪ Q1+α , so we can assume c > Qα and |d| > Qα . 2 We show that the matrices γ with ac2 > k2 contribute negligibly to BQ . From (7.1) and c2 k2 + 2
d2 + 2cdu > c2 v 2 , it follows that for such γ we have 0 6 ac2 − k2 ≪ c12 ( Qc2 + Qc ) ≪ Q2−4α , p so |a| k2 + KQ2−4α − k ≪ Q1−2α for K > 0 fixed constant. Since c ∈ [k, k + m] with m ≪ |a|, c ≪ Q, from the equidistribution of the Farey fractions FQ in intervals I of length |I| ≫ Q−δ with δ = 2α − 1 ∈ (0, 1) it follows that the number of pairs (a, c) is ≪ Q3−2α as long as α ∈ ( 12 , 1). Since the number of values d can take is ≪ Qc < Q1−α , there are ≪ Q4−3α = Q11/6 such matrices, so they can be absorbed in the error term. Therefore we can assume |a| < kc, and the condition |γω| < k is satisfied except for a negligible number of matrices. Via (7.2), the condition kγk 6 Q can be replaced without affecting the asymptotics by a2 2au 2 2 k2 + 2 − (k c + d2 + 2cdu) 6 Q2 . c c Therefore we can apply Lemma 7 in [5], with q = c, L = c5/6 , to the set o n e Q] e : (k2 c2 + a2 − 2uca)(k2 c2 + d2 + 2ucd) 6 Q2 c2 Ωc = (a, d) ∈ [−kc, kc] × [−Q, √ k ) (k−|u|)
e = √Q (recall Q v
with area A(Ωc ) ≪ cQ and boundary length ℓ(∂Ωc ) ≪ Q, and conclude that e
BQ =
Q/k X ϕ(c) A(Ωc ) c=1
+ Oε (Q11/6+ε ).
M¨obius summation and a change of variables a = cz, d = Qy, c = Qx then gives BQ =
Q2 Vol(VQ ) + Oε (Q11/6+ε ), ζ(2) e
Q Q Q with VQ denoting the set of triples (x, y, z) ∈ [0, kQ ] × [− Q , Q ] × [−k, k] such that (k2 x2 + y 2 + 2 2 iθ 2uxy)(k + z − 2uz) 6 1. The substitution xω + y = re , z = v tan t + u, then yields Z β/2 Z π Z cos t v π2 r drdθdt = , Vol(VQ ) = cos2 t 2∆ β/2−π/2 0 0
which concludes the proof.
Next we seek to replace inequalities defining the set SM,Q (ξ) in (1.6) with simpler ones, involving a b only the entries (a, c, d) or (b, c, d) of the matrix γ = c d . Using XγM = a2 XM + b2 YM + 2abZM ,
YγM = c2 XM + d2 YM + 2cdZM ,
ZγM = acXM + bdYM + (ad + bc)ZM , and substituting b =
ad−1 c ,
we find YM + 2(uc − a)(dYM + cZM ) a a2 , (7.3) kγM k2 = k2 + 2 − 2u YγM + c c c2 2a(dYM + cZM ) − YM a2 > 0. |γM ω| < k ⇐⇒ k2 − 2 YγM + c c2 eM,Q (ξ) of the set SeM,Q (ξ) of integer The previous formulas lead us to consider the cardinality N − + triples (a, c, d) satisfying (1.7). Let SeM,Q (ξ), respectively SeM,Q (ξ), be the subsets of SeM,Q (ξ) for which c, d > 0, respectively c > 0 > d.
Lemma 7.2. Assume u, k2 ∈ Q. (i) There is a constant K = K(ξ) > 0 such that, for every Q, the number of pairs (γ, γ ′ ) ∈ Γ2 |a| ′ with kγk, kγ ′ k 6 Q, min{|γω|, |γ ′ ω|} < k < |a| c or max{|γω|, |γ ω|} > k > c , and |Φ(γ ′ ) − Φ(γ)| 6
ξ , Q2
is at most K. (ii) For each α ∈ (0, 1) the following asymptotic estimates hold: X X + e+ (ξ) 6 NM,Q N (ξ) + O(Q1+α ln Q), M,Q(1+O(Q−α/2 )) M ∈S
M ∈S
M ∈S
e + (ξ) 6 N M,Q
M ∈S
+ 1+α NM,Q(1+O(Q ln Q). −α/2 )) (ξ) + O(Q
(iii) For M ∈ S we have individually
eM,Q(1+O(Q−1 )) (ξ) + O(Q1+α ), NM,Q (ξ) 6 N
eM,Q (ξ) 6 NM,Q(1+O(Q−1 )) (ξ) + O(Q1+α ). N
|a| Proof. (i) Assume first |a| c > k > |γω| or c < k < |γω|. Since Ψ(γ) is the x-intercept of the geodesics from ω to γω, it follows that |γω| < k if and only if |Ψ(γ)| < k, so we have (assuming a > 0, the other case being similar with k replaced by −k below) a a 1 a − k < Ψ(γ) − < Φ(γ) − + Ψ(γ) − Φ(γ) ≪ 2 , c c c c |u+d/c| 1 c2 (u+d/c)2 +v2 argument with ac
by (4.2) and |Φ(γ) − ac | =
1 . c2
Since k ∈ Q, there are finitely many such pairs
replaced by db we obtain that there are finitely many such (a, c), and repeating the |b| matrices γ (also using the fact that there are finitely many γ with k between |a| c and d ). From (7.4) and the fact that Φ(γ) ∈ Q, there are also finitely many matrices γ ′ satisfying the assumptions. |a| ′ ′ Finally assume |a| c > k > |γ ω|, the remaining case being similar. Then |Φ(γ )| < k < c , and as before we have (assuming a > 0, otherwise replace k by −k) a a 1 a ′ − k < ) − < − Φ(γ Φ(γ) + |Φ(γ) − Φ(γ ′ )| ≪ 2 , c c c c and we conclude as in the previous case.
(ii) Next we look at pairs (γ, γ ′ = γM ) satisfying (7.4), with |a| 6 kc and kγk, kγM k 6 Q, estimating their contribution to the left-hand side of (7.5) according to whether Yγ < Q2α or Yγ > Q2α . By part (i) we can assume Xγ ≪ Yγ , and by (7.3) we have kγk ≪ Qα or kγk ≫ Qα , respectively in the two cases. Assume first Yγ < Q2α . With the Farey interval Jγ associated to γ defined before Lemma 4.1, the Farey intervals Jγ and JγM are either disjoint or one contains the other. Since each Farey interval is associated with at most three matrices γ ∈ Γ, it follows as in the proof of [5, Proposition 3] that the number of pairs (γ, γM ) is ≪ Q1+α ln Q. Therefore we are left to consider pairs (γ, γM ) with Yγ > Q2α , |a| c , |γω|, |γM ω| 6 k, and with kγk, kγM k ≪ Q. These conditions are satisfied by γ in either SM,Q (ξ) or SeM,Q (ξ), as we can assume Xγ ≪ Yγ , XγM ≪ YγM by part (i). Without loss of generality we assume c > d > 0 (otherwise substitute a in terms of b, c, d in the left side of (7.3)), and show that |(2a − uc)(dYM + cZM ) − YM | Q2 ≪ 6 Q2−α . c2 c
2 2 2 Indeed, the inequality kγM k ≪ Q plainly gives YM ≪ Q d2 . Employing also (dYM + cZM ) + v c = YγM YM we arrive at (7.6). By (7.3) the claim follows. (iii) By proof of part (ii) it remains to consider pairs (γ, γM ) with Yγ > Qα , |γω|, |γM ω| 6 k, and with d < 0. Without loss of generality we can assume c > |d| (otherwise substitute a in terms of b, c, d in the left side of (7.3)), and (7.6) follows trivially since M is fixed, with the upper bound being now Q−α .
Lemma 7.3. For any M ∈ S, uniformly in M and ξ, 2 eM,Q(ξ) = Q Vol(SM,ξ ) + Oε (Q11/6+ε ). N ζ(2)
eM,Q (ξ) represents the sum over c ∈ {1, . . . , Q} of the number of integer lattice points (a, d) Proof. N e Q] e for which with ad ≡ 1 (mod c) in the region Ω = ΩM,Q,c(ξ) of points (a, d) ∈ [−kc, kc] × [−Q, 2 ξ |ΞM (c, d)| 6 Q2 and 1 + ac2 − 2u ac max{k2 c2 + d2 + 2cdu, c2 XM + d2 YM + 2cdZM } 6 Q2 . Applying Lemma 7 of [5] with q = c, A(Ω) 6 cQ, ℓ(∂Ω) ≪ Q, and L = c5/6 , we find eM,Q(ξ) = N
Q X ϕ(c) c=1
−1/6+ε A ΩM,Q,c(ξ) + Oε (Qc ) .
The function h(c) = 1c A(ΩM,Q,c (ξ)) with khk∞ 6 Q is continuous and piecewise C 1 , with the number of critical points bounded above by a constant independent of M, c, ω, ξ (see the discussion following [5, Eq. (7.14)]). Applying M¨obius summation (as in [2, Lemma 2.3]) and the change of variables (c, u, v) = (Qx, Qxz, Qy), we find Z Q dc 1 e + Oε (Q11/6+ε ) A ΩM,Q,c(ξ) NM,Q (ξ) = ζ(2) 0 c =
Q2 Vol(SM,ξ ) + Oε (Q11/6+ε ). ζ(2)
+ (ξ), the following improved estimate holds. When restricting to the subset SeM,Q
Lemma 7.4. Let S′ ⊆ S be any subset. For each β0 ∈ ( 21 , 1) the following estimate holds (uni+ formly in ξ on compacts), with SM,ξ = {(x, y, z) ∈ SM,ξ : y > 0}: X
M ∈S
2 e + (ξ) = Q N M,Q ζ(2) ′
+ ) + Oξ,ω (Q(11+β0 )/6 ). Vol(SM,ξ
M ∈S′ XM ,YM 6Q2β0
Proof. It is convenient to use the dichotomy from the proof of Lemma 6.1: Case (A). tan θ < v, which is equivalent to d > (1 − u)c and yields XM ≪ YM 6 Q2β0 . This will be essential in getting good bounds for the error terms below. The contribution of this case to e + (ξ) is N M,Q ′ NM,Q (ξ) =
√ c6Q/(v XM )
# (a, d) ∈ Z2 ∩ Ω′M,Q,c,ω (ξ), ad ≡ 1 (mod c) ,
e with where Ω = Ω′M,Q,c,ω (ξ) is the set of points (a, d) ∈ [−kc, kc] × [(1 − u)c, Q] ( |ΞM (c, d)| 6 max{k2 c2 +
ξ , Q2 2 d + 2cdu, c2 XM
The inequalities (1 − u)c 6 d 6
A(Ω) ≪ω √Qc and YM L = c5/6 , we find
ℓ(∂Ω) ≪ω c
′ NM,Q (ξ)
√Q v YM + √Q YM
c6Q/((1−u)v YM )
+ d2 YM + 2cdZM } 6
show that if Ω 6= ∅ then |a| 6 kc ≪ω ≪ω √Q . YM
c2 2 (a−uc)2 +v2 c2 Q . √Q YM
, and so
Applying Lemma 7 of [5] with q = c and
Qc−1/6+ε ϕ(c) ′ √ A ΩM,Q,c,ω (ξ) + Oε . c2 YM
According to Lemma 6.1 we should sum over M with max{XM , YM } 6 Q2β0 . Since XM ≪ YM , once the entries C and D of M are fixed, the entries A and B can only take O(1) values. This helps us to conclude that the total contribution of the error term in (7.9) to (7.7) is E1 ≪ω
√ M ∈S c≪Q/ YM 2β 0 XM ≪YM 6Q
Qc−1/6+ε √ ≪ω YM
≪ Q11/6+ε
C 2 +D 2 6Q2β0
M ∈S XM ≪YM 6Q2β0
Q Q 5/6+ε √ √ YM YM
(C 2 + D 2 )−11/6 ≪ Q(11+β0 )/6+ε .
The function h(c) = 1c A(Ω′M,Q,c,ω (ξ)) with khk∞ ≪ω √C 2Q+D2 is continuous and piecewise C 1 , with the number of its critical points bounded by a universal constant independent of M, c, ω, ξ. M¨obius summation over c applied to h (as in [2, Lemma 2.3]), the change of variables (c, a, d) = (Qx, Qxz, Qy) and Lemma 6.1 provide, with E2 =
M ∈S XM ≪YM 6Q2β0
Q ln Q √ ≪ε Q1+β0 +ε , YM
the estimates X
M ∈S′
′ NM,Q (ξ) =
√ M ∈S′ c6(1−u)Q/(v YM ) 2β 0 XM ,YM 6Q
1 = ζ(2)
Q2 ζ(2)
M ∈S′ XM ,YM 6Q2β0
(1−u)Q √ v YM
ϕ(c) h(c) + E1 c
dc + E2 + E1 A Ω′M,Q,c,ω (ξ) c
′ ) + Oε,ω,ξ (Q(11+β0 )/6+ε ), Vol(SM,ξ
M ∈S′ XM ,YM 6Q2β0
+ ′ denotes the subset of SM,ξ with the additional condition (1 − u)x 6 y. where SM,ξ Case (B). tan θ > v, which is equivalent to d < (1 − u)c and yields YM ≪ XM 6 Q2β0 . Now ′′ (ξ) of this case to N e + (ξ) is obtained by counting integer triples (a, c, d) the contribution NM,Q M,Q with ad ≡ 1 (mod c) in the region Ω = Ω′′M,Q,c,ω (ξ) defined by (a, d) ∈ [−kc, kc] × (0, (1 − u)c] and Q by (7.8), and which satisfies A(Ω) ≪ω c2 and ℓ(∂Ω) ≪ω c with c 6 √X . Proceeding as in Case 1 M but with the roles of XM and YM reversed, we find
M ∈S′
′′ NM,Q (ξ) =
Q2 ζ(2)
′′ Vol(SM,ξ ) + Oε,ω,ξ (Q(11+β0 )/6+ε ),
M ∈S′ XM ,YM 6Q2β0
+ ′′ with y 6 (1 − u)x. denoting the subset of SM,ξ with SM,ξ
Corollary 7.5. For each β0 ∈ ( 21 , 1) the following estimate holds: X
M ∈S
2 X + e + (ξ) = Q N Vol(SM,ξ ) + Oξ,ω (Q(11+β0 )/6 ). M,Q ζ(2) M ∈S
Proof. This follows from an adaptation of (7.17) in [5], Lemma 7.4, and Z ∞ X dr 2 2 −2 = 12 Q−σ , (C + D ) ≪ σ > 0. 3 σ/2 r Q 2 2 σ C +D >Q
y ′ , giving r 2 = x2 + y 2 ≪ T1 . For SM,ξ we are in Case (A). Therefore y 2 ≪ Y1M ≪ T1 and x < 1−u On the other hand the proof of Lemma 6.1 (there is no need to assume the integrality of c and x ′ M = ωM + O( T1 ) with ωM = ZMv2−uY d for this estimate) provides ux+y on the . Projecting SM,ξ YM (x, y)-coordinates we find o n x ′ = ωM + O(T −1 ) . ) 6 2kA (x, y) ∈ (0, ∞)2 : x2 + y 2 ≪ω T −1 , Vol(SM,ξ ux + y
Changing coordinates to x = α, ux + y = β, the region in the right-hand side above is mapped onto the intersection of the ellipse α2 + (β − uα)2 ≪ T −1 with α2 + β 2 ≪ω T −1 and the wedge −2 α 1 β = ωM + O( T ), α, β > 0. Using polar coordinates it is immediate that its area is ≪ω TM = T −2 ≪ kM k−4 . ′′ is similar. The situation of SM,ξ
8. Extra symmetries for ω = i In this section we assume ω = i and make use of extra symmetries of the hyperbolic lattice A B ∈ Γ consider the cardinality N centered at i. For each matrix M = C M,Q (ξ) of the set SM,Q (ξ) D defined in (1.6). We first show that in the expression (1.5) we can restrict to matrices M having positive entries. Then we show that, except for a set of cardinality ≪ξ 1 of such matrices M , we can restrict to counting only elements γ ∈ SM,Q (ξ) with positive elements in the second row. Thus we can make use of results of the previous sections to estimate the quantity RΦ Q (ξ). Recall the set S of matrices M 6= I with nonnegative entries, and denote s = 01 −1 0 . The signs of the entries of sM , M s, and sM s show that Γ \ {I, s} is partitioned into S ∪ sS ∪ Ss ∪ sSs. The equalities Φ(gs) = Φ(g), si = i, and kgk = kgsk yield SM s,Q (ξ) = SM,Q (ξ),
SsM,Q (ξ) = SM,Q (ξ)s,
NM,Q (ξ) = NM s,Q(ξ) = NsM,Q (ξ) = NsM s,Q(ξ).
Therefore (1.5) becomes RΦ Q (ξ) = 2
M ∈S
NM,Q (ξ).
− + (ξ), denote the subsets of SM,Q (ξ) consisting of matrices with (ξ), respectively SM,Q Let SM,Q ± (ξ) respectively. c, d > 0, respectively c > 0 > d, of cardinality NM,Q Recall the finite set F(ξ) defined in (5.1) and let
e F(ξ) := F(ξ) ∪ sF(ξ) ∪ sF(ξ)−1 .
Lemma 8.1. (i) For any M ∈ S the mapping γ 7→ γM s−1 defines a bijection between the sets o n −,∗ + − A B < − dc < C and SM (ξ) = γ = ac db ∈ SM,Q SM,Q (ξ) : D t ,Q (ξ).
−,∗ + − − (ξ) = NM (ξ) = SM,Q (ξ), so that NM,Q (ii) If M ∈ S \ Fe(ξ), then SM,Q t ,Q (ξ). −,∗ B A (ξ) and γM s−1 = ∗c˜ d∗˜ . On one hand c > 0 and D Proof. (i) Let γ = ac db ∈ SM,Q < −d c < C ˜ > 0 imply c˜ = −cB − dD > 0, d˜ = cA + dC > 0, while c˜ > 0 and d˜ > 0 imply c = c˜C + dD −1 −1 t −1 ˜ and d = −˜ cA − dB < 0. On the other hand, utilizing also sM s = M , Φ(gs ) = Φ(g), −1 t kγM s M k = kγk = kγs−1 k, we conclude that the map above is a bijection. −,∗ − (ξ) \ SM,Q (ξ). Setting (ii) Suppose, by contradiction, that there exists γ ∈ SM,Q ′ ′ a b aA + bC aB + bD = γ′, = ′ γM = c d′ cA + dC cB + dD
notice that Q > max{c, −d, |c′ |, |d′ |} and two cases can occur: B A b′ a′ a −b −1 = γ ′ M with ′ ′ 1) −d 0 c < D < C . Then c > 0, d > 0, and d′ < c′ 6 c < −d . By Lemma 5.2, γs −1 M0 ∈ F(ξ), so M = (M0 s) , contradiction. B A a −b −b′ −a′ ′ −1 ′ ′ 2) D max{c, −d, |c′ |, |d′ |}, and the rest of the proof goes
Consider now the region SM,ξ in (1.8), which in the present case ω = i becomes the region of triples (x, y, z) ∈ [0, 1] × [−1, 1]2 for which3 |ΞM (x, y)| 6 ξ,
max{x2 + y 2 , x2 XM + y 2 YM + 2xyZM } 6
1 . 1 + z2
−,∗ − + , SM,ξ of SM,ξ defined, respectively, by y > 0, y < 0, y < 0 and , SM,ξ Consider also the subsets SM,ξ −y A B 8.1, the mapping (x, y) 7→ (x, y)M s−1 = (˜ x, y˜) defines a diffeomorphism < < . As in Lemma D x C −,∗ + between the sets SM,ξ and SM t ,ξ , showing in particular that −,∗ + Vol(SM,ξ ) = Vol(SM t ,ξ ),
∀M ∈ S \ Fe(ξ).
−,∗ − e ) = Vol(SM,ξ ). Lemma 8.2. If M ∈ S \ F(ξ), then Vol(SM,ξ
−,∗ − \ SM,ξ contains an interior point (x0 , y0 , z0 ), Proof. Suppose, by contradiction, that the set SM,ξ B A that is (x0 , y0 , z0 ) ∈ (0, 1) × (−1, 0) × (−1, 1) satisfies both (8.1) and −y x ∈ (0, D ) ∪ ( C , ∞). Now the set of rational points n c d a o ΩQ = : (c, d) = 1, Q > c > 0 > d > −Q, ad ≡ 1 (mod c), |a| < c , , Q Q Q
is dense in D = [0, 1] × [−1, 0] × [−1, 1]; indeed for each parallelepiped R ⊆ D, we can count the number of points in the scaled sets QR ∩ QΩQ , as in the proof of Lemma 7.1, and conclude that ΩQ ∩ R is dense in R. Therefore for large enough Q, we can find points in ΩQ arbitrarily close to (x0 , y0 , x0 z0 ), and it follows that there exists (a, c, d) ∈ SeM,Q (ξ) with c > 0 > d and B A −d c ∈ (0, D ) ∪ ( C , ∞), which contradicts Remark 1.
+ − e (ξ) with M ∈ / F(ξ) are derived from those on NM Estimates for NM,Q t ,Q (ξ) by Lemma 8.1. We P can now estimate M ∈S NM,Q (ξ) by first breaking the sum into sums over Fe(ξ) and over S\Fe(ξ); + − for the first sum we use Lemma 7.3, while for the second we use NM,Q (ξ) = NM t ,Q (ξ) and Lemmas 7.2 and 7.4. Finally, employing (8.2) and Lemma 8.2, we find
M ∈S
NM,Q(ξ) =
Q2 X Vol(SM,ξ ) + Oξ (Q(11+β0 )/6 ). ζ(2)
M ∈S
To complete the sum to M ∈ Γ, note that Vol(SM,ξ ) = Vol(SM s,ξ ). This is also seen to coincide with Vol(SsM,ξ ), and thus with Vol(SsM s,ξ ), by employing ΞsM (y, −x) = ΞM (x, y) and the change of variable (x, y) 7→ (−y, x) if (x, y) ∈ [0, 1] × [−1, 0], respectively (x, y) 7→ (y, −x) 7→ (y, −x) if (x, y) ∈ [0, 1] × [0, 1]. This proves (1.9). 9. A closed form formula for Vol(SM,ξ ) In this section we evaluate the volume of the body SM,ξ in (1.8) for arbitrary ω, which leads to the formula in Conjecture 1. For ω = i, the proof of this conjecture is based on the results of the previous section. The volume can be brought in closed form using the substitution xω + y = reiθ ,
z = v tan t + u,
3As X , Y > 1, Z > 0, when y > 0 the inequality x2 + y 2 6 M M M
1 1+z 2
is obsolete.
with ΞM (x, y) given by the first Eq. (2.5), k2 x2 + y 2 + 2uxy = r 2 , x2 XM + y 2 YM + 2xyZM = v2 r 2 sinh ℓ(M )(coth ℓ(M ) + cos(θM − 2θ)), k2 + z 2 − 2uz = cos 2 t , to Z arctan((k−u)/v) Z β/2 dt dt BM (ξ, t) 2 = v Vol(SM,ξ ) = v BM (ξ, t) 2 , (9.2) cos t cos t arctan((−k−u)/v) β/2−π/2 with β ∈ (0, π) such that ω = keiβ , where BM (ξ, t) is the area of the region defined in polar coordinates (r, θ) by Qe Qe Qe vr (sin θ, k sin(β − θ)) ∈ 0, kQ × − Q, Q o n (9.3) v | sin(θM −2θ)| 6 r 2 6 cos2 t min 1, 1 , 2 ξ UM +cos(θM −2θ) sinh ℓ(M )(UM +cos(θM −2θ)) v with UM = coth ℓ(M ) =
√ T T 2 −∆2
> 1, T = kM k2 .
1 Using the second condition in (9.3), we have r 2 6 v12 6 k(k−|u|) . Hence the first condition in (9.3) can be replaced by 0 6 θ 6 π, and the area BM (ξ, t) can be expressed in closed form, with f+ = max{f, 0}, as v Z π cos2 t min 1 , U + cos(θ − 2θ) − | sin(θ − 2θ)| M M M 2 1 ξ sinh ℓ(M ) v + dθ. 2v 0 UM + cos(θM − 2θ)
Since we are interested in the pair correlation of the angles θγ , we define n ξ o RθQ (ξ) := # (γ, γ ′ ) ∈ R2Q : γ 6= γ ′ , 0 6 θ(γ) − θ(γ ′ ) < 2 . Q
Following the approximation arguments from Section 8 of [5], from (8.3) we obtain the following asymptotics: Proposition 9.1. For ω = i one has RθQ (ξ) =
Q2 2ζ(2)
BM (ξ) = v
BM (ξ) + Oξ,ε (Q47/24+ε ),
M ∈Γ\{I}
dt vξ , t . 2 cos2 t cos2 t
Since BM ( cosξ2 t , t) = BM (ξ, 0) cos 2 t, we find BM (ξ) = BM Taking derivatives we obtain ′ BM (ξ)
π = 2 2ξ
πv ,0 . 2 2
| sin(θM − 2θ)| dθ, UM + cos(θM − 2θ)
ξ ∆
with Iξ,M = {θ ∈ [0, π] : | sin(θM − 2θ)| 6 min{UM + cos(θM − 2θ), sinh 1ℓ(M ) }} (recall ∆ = 2v 2 ). q 2 1+CM ℓ(M ) 2CM T −∆ With CM := T +∆ = tanh( 2 ) ∈ (0, 1) we have sinh ℓ(M ) = 1−C 2 , cosh ℓ(M ) = 1−C 2 , UM − CM =
1 sinh ℓ(M ) ,
) sinh( ℓ(M 2 )=
T −2v2 2v
= √ CM
2 1−CM
. Using the change of variable u = 2θ − θM ∈
[−π, π] the integrand is even on [−π, π], and so we have Z sin u π ′ du, BM (∆ξ) = 2 2 2∆ ξ Jξ,M UM + cos u
with Jξ,M = (Jξ,M ∪ Jξ,M ) ∩ [0, π], where n (1) Jξ,M = u : cos u > −CM , sin u 6
o ξ , sinh ℓ(M )
(2) Jξ,M = u : cos u 6 −CM , sin u 6 ξ(UM + cos u) .
A direct calculation provides √ T 2 −∆2 [0, arccos(−C )] if ξ > sinh ℓ(M ) = , M ∆ ξ ξ 0, arcsin( (1) sinh ℓ(M ) ) ∪ π − arcsin( sinh ℓ(M ) ), arccos(−CM ) Jξ,M = ) if 2 sinh( ℓ(M 2 ) 6√ξ 6 sinh ℓ(M ), ) T −∆ . if ξ 6 2 sinh( ℓ(M 0, arcsin( sinh ξℓ(M ) ) 2 )= v [arccos(−CM ), π] if ξ > sinh ℓ(M ), [arccos(−C ), α + arcsin(U sin α)] ∪ [π + α − arcsin(U sin α), π] M M M (2) Jξ,M = ℓ(M ) ) 6 ξ 6 sinh ℓ(M ), if 2 sinh( 2 ) [π + α − arcsin(UM sin α), π] if ξ 6 2 sinh( ℓ(M 2 ). [0, π] if ξ > sinh ℓ(M ), ξ ξ 0, arcsin( sinh ℓ(M ) ) ∪ π − arcsin( sinh ℓ(M ) ), α + arcsin(UM sin α) Jξ,M = ) ∪ [π + α − arcsin(UM sin α), π] if 2 sinh( ℓ(M ) 6 ξ 6 sinh ℓ(M ), 2 ) ξ 0, arcsin( sinh ℓ(M ) ) ∪ [π + α − arcsin(UM sin α), π] if ξ 6 2 sinh( ℓ(M 2 ), where α = α(ξ) = arcsin( √ ξ2
ξ +1
) ∈ (0, π2 ). With fξ (ℓ) as in (1.2) we obtain ′ BM (∆ξ) =
Letting R2θ (ξ) = limQ→∞
1 θ Q2 RQ (ξ),
π ℓ(M ) . f ξ ∆2 ξ 2
from Proposition 9.1 we infer
X π dR2θ (∆ξ) = fξ ℓ(M ) 2 2 dξ 2ζ(2)∆ ξ M ∈Γ
(note that fξ (0) = 0 so we can include I in the range of summation). Taking into account that the pair correlation distribution R2 (ξ) in the introduction involves normalized angles, and that 3 2 BQ ∼ ∆ Q , we have R2
3ξ ∆ = R2θ (ξ), π∆ 3
3ξ π
π∆2 dR2θ (∆ξ). 9 dξ
This leads to the formula for g2 stated in Conjecture 1, and proves Theorem 1.1 when ω = i. 10. The case ω = ρ In the case of the other elliptic point ω = ρ one can take advantage of some other symmetries fixing the point ρ. This time we partition to prove Conjecture 1. Consider the matrix w = 11 −1 0 the upper half plane H into three regions, permuted clockwise by w: I = z ∈ H : Re z > 21 , |z − 1| < 1 , II = z ∈ H : Re z < 12 , |z| < 1 , III = {z ∈ H : |z − 1| > 1, |z| > 1}.
The condition that γρ belongs to one of these is easily stated in terms of (X, Y, Z) given by (2.1), X−2Z 2 : using the relations Re(γρ) = YZ , |γρ|2 = X Y , |γρ − 1| = 1 + Y γρ ∈ I ⇐⇒ 2Z > X, 2Z > Y,
γρ ∈ II ⇐⇒ Y > X, Y > 2Z,
γρ ∈ III ⇐⇒ X > Y, X > 2Z.
Figure 2. Symmetric geodesics through ρ Next we determine the restrictions that the condition γρ ∈ I places on the entries of γ. As a consequence of 2Z > Y, 2Z > X, a quick check shows that the entries of γ are nonzero. Since abcd = bc + (bc)2 > 0, we also have that ac and bd have the same sign. In fact ac > 0, bd > 0: if the contrary were true, from 2Z = 2(ac + bd) + 2ad + 1 > 0 it would follow ad > 0 and without loss of generality we can assume a > 0, c < 0, d > 0, b < 0; from ad > −ac − bd it would then follow that d > −c, a > −b, which implies ad − bc > 1, a contradiction. Since ac > 0, bd > 0, among the matrices γ, γw, γw2 with the same coordinates (X, Y, Z) precisely one has entries of the same sign. Therefore we assume from now on that γ has positive entries whenever γρ ∈ I. Using the substitution b = ad−1 c , one checks that 2Z > Y ⇐⇒ 2a − c >
2d + c ⇐⇒ 2a > c + d2 + cd
(the last equivalence follows since the fraction is less than 1 and 2a − c is integral). Similarly 2Z > X if and only if 2d > b. In conclusion, the point γρ belongs to I if and only if, after perhaps replacing γ by γw or γw2 , we have a 1 b > , < 2. (10.1) c 2 d Since w permutes the regions I, II and III and wρ = ρ, the previous discussion shows that Γ can be partitioned as [ Γ \ {I, w, w2 } = wr Mws , where a, b, c, d > 0,
M :=
∈ Γ : C, D > 0,
1 B A 6 < 62 . 2 D C
We can now rewrite the sum (1.5). Since kgwk = kgk and Φ(gw) = Φ(g), we have SM ws ,Q (ξ) = SM,Q (ξ). Moreover, g 7→ gw−r maps SM,Q (ξ) bijectively onto Swr M,Q (ξ), so Nwr M ws ,Q (ξ) = NM,Q (ξ). We infer 9 X NM,Q (ξ). RΦ Q (ξ) = 2 M ∈M
To state the equivalent of Lemma 8.1, we further divide region I in two regions I1 and I2 , according as |z| < 1 or |z| > 1 (see Fig. 2). Lemma 3.1 shows that γρ 7→ γ eρ is a bijection of I1
onto I2 . Let also M1 , respectively M2 , denote the subset of M ∈ M with M ρ ∈ I1 , respectively M ρ ∈ I2 . A B ∈ M, let S −,1 (ξ), respectively S −,2 (ξ) be the sets of those γ = a b ∈ S − (ξ) For M = C D M,Q M,Q M,Q c d A+B A+B A B < − dc < C+D , respectively C+D < − dc < C . With F(ξ) as in in (5.1) define for which D e F(ξ) = F(ξ) ∪ wF(ξ) ∪ w−1 F(ξ) ∪ wF(ξ)−1 ∪ w−1 F(ξ)−1 .
−,1 + Lemma 10.1. (i) The map γ 7→ γM w−1 is a bijection between SM,Q (ξ) and SwM −1 w 2 ,Q (ξ), and −,2 the map γ 7→ γM w is a bijection between SM,Q (ξ) and Sw+2 M −1 w,Q(ξ). −,1 −,2 − (ξ) = SM,Q (ξ) ∪ SM,Q (ξ), so that (ii) If M ∈ M \ Fe(ξ), then SM,Q + + − = NwM NM,Q −1 w 2 ,Q + Nw 2 M −1 w,Q .
The proof is very similar to that of Lemma 8.1 and we leave it as an exercise for the reader. Let now Mi (ξ) = Mi \Fe(ξ), i ∈ {1, 2}, and define the sets S1 (ξ) = {wM −1 w2 , w2 M −1 w2 : M ∈ M1 (ξ)}, S2 (ξ) = {w2 M −1 w, wM −1 w : M ∈ M2 (ξ)},
both easily checked to be contained in S (namely they contain matrices with positive entries). From Lemma 10.1 it follows that X X X X + + (ξ). (ξ) + NM,Q NM,Q (ξ) = NM,Q (ξ) + NM,Q M ∈M
e(ξ) M ∈M∩F
M ∈M1 (ξ)∪M2 (ξ)
M ∈S1 (ξ)∪S2 (ξ)
Since now we only sum over matrices with positive entries, the approximation arguments em± the subset of SM,ξ ployed in the case ω = i also apply here, with SM,ξ defined in (1.8) and SM,ξ defined by the additional condition y > 0 or y < 0, leading to X X X ζ(2) X + + N (ξ) ∼ Vol(S ) + Vol(S ) + Vol(SM,ξ ). M,Q M,ξ M,ξ Q2 M ∈M
e(ξ) M ∈M∩F
M ∈M1 (ξ)∪M2 (ξ)
M ∈S1 (ξ)∪S2 (ξ)
Using equalities analogous to those of Lemma 10.1, for volumes instead of the number of lattice points, we find 9Q2 X Vol(SM,ξ ). (10.2) RΦ (ξ) ∼ Q 2ζ(2) M ∈M
Finally the sum of volumes in (10.2) can be extended from M to Γ since Vol(Swr M ws ,ξ ) = Vol(SM,ξ ). To check this, we use the polar coordinates xρ + y = reiθ from (9.1), leading to formula (9.2) for Vol(SM,ξ ). Note that the inequalities defining the volume in polar coordinates only depend on ℓ(M ), r and θM − 2θ, with the restriction θ ∈ [0, π]. Since ℓ(M ), θM only depend on M ρ, it follows that Vol(SM ws ,ξ ) = Vol(SM,ξ ). To show Vol(SwM,ξ ) = Vol(SM,ξ ), let γx,y ∈ SL2 (R) be any matrix with lower row (x, y) 6= (0, 0); note that j(γx,y , ρ) := xρ + y = reiθ in polar coordinates. The transformation (x, y, z) 7→ (x′ , y ′ , z) with (x′ , y ′ ) defined by γx′ ,y′ = γx,y w−1 has x′ ρ + y ′ = j(γx,y , ρ)j(w−1 , ρ) = rei(θ−π/3) , so in polar coordinates it corresponds to (r, θ) 7→ (r ′ = r, θ ′ = θ− π3 ). Since M 7→ wM results in θM 7→ θM − 2π 3 , and the inequalities (9.3) defining SM,ξ involve only θM − 2θ, it follows that the transformation ′ , defined like SwM,ξ but with (x, y, z) 7→ (x′ , y ′ , z) above maps the volume SM,ξ onto a volume SwM,ξ π 2π ′ the range θ ∈ [0, π] replaced by θ ∈ [− 3 , 3 ]. Since in the formula for BM (ξ, t) following (9.3) the integrand has period π, we conclude Vol(SwM,ξ ) = Vol(SM,ξ ), This concludes the proof of (1.9). The formula in Theorem 1.1 follows from the results of Section 9.
Appendix A. Arithmetic description of closed geodesics through ρ In this appendix we discuss the connection between the hyperbolic lattice centered at ρ and closed geodesics on the modular surface passing through Π(ρ) where Π : H → H/Γ is the projection map. In the case of the hyperbolic lattice centered at i, the corresponding geodesics are the reciprocal geodesics studied by Fricke and Klein [5, Section 2]. We similarly describe the primitive closed geodesics passing through Π(ρ), which have an interesting arithmetic structure. Closed geodesics on the modular surface correspond to conjugacy classes {g} of hyperbolic elements g ∈ Γ. If ag ⊆ H is the axis of g (the semicircle connecting the two fixed points of g on the real axis), then the geodesic corresponding to g on X is Π(z0 → gz0 ) for any fixed point z0 ∈ ag . We are interested in geodesics passing through Π(ρ). Let R denote the set of conjugacy classes of hyperbolic elements which contain a matrix g whose axis passes through ρ. Let Rprim ⊆ R be the subset of primitive conjugacy classes. We will give an arithmetic description of Rprim . A B Let g = C D be a primitive hyperbolic matrix whose axis ag passes through ρ. The fixed points λ > λ of g satisfy the equation Cλ2 + (D − A)λ − B = 0. Imposing the condition (λ − λ)2 = |ρ − λ|2 + |ρ − λ|2 we conclude that ρ ∈ ag ⇐⇒ D − A = 2(B − C).
T 2 − 4k2 ∆ = 4,
The matrices wgw2 , and w2 gw are also primitive. Their axes are the same as ag rotated by ± 2π 3 around ρ, hence the class {g} contains a matrix, still denoted by g, with gρ ∈ I (the first region in Section 10). This is equivalent to λ ∈ ( 21 , 2) and Re(gρ) > 12 , which is further equivalent with A, B, C, D being all positive or all negative. In conclusion each class {h} ∈ Rprim contains a matrix g as above with positive entries satisfying (A.1), and so we are left to describe the set of such matrices and determine when two such matrices are conjugate. The condition (A.1), together with AD − BC = 1, implies that (A + D)2 − 4(B 2 + C 2 − BC) = 4. Writing k = (B, C), B = kB0 , C = kC0 , T := A + D, the pair (T, k) is a solution to Pell’s equation
with ∆ = B02 + C02 − B0 C0 . In fact, (T, k) is the minimal positive solutions since g is primitive. Direct computation using (A.1) shows that cosh d(ρ, gρ) = We are led to define the set Dρ := (B0 , C0 ) :
T2 − 1. 2
B0 , C0 > 0, (B0 , C0 ) = 1, ∆ = B02 + C02 − B0 C0 not a square
D∆ ,
where D∆ is the finite subset of pairs (B0 , C0 ) as above having fixed ∆. We denoted by Dρ the set of possible such ∆, which is the same as the set of positive numbers all of whose prime factors are congruent to 1 mod 3, or the prime 3 appearing to the first power. The cardinality of D∆ is 21+ν with ν the number of distinct prime factors p ≡ 1 (mod 3) of ∆. We conclude that there is a parametrization T − k(B0 − C0 ) kB0 prim 2 , ϕ : Dρ → R , ϕ(B0 , C0 ) = T kC0 2 + k(B0 − C0 )
where (T, k) is the smallest positive solution of Pell’s equation T 2 − 4k2 ∆ = 4 (the minimality of (T, k) ensures that the image of ϕ consists of primitive conjugacy classes only). We are left to determine, for each primitive hyperbolic g ∈ Γ satisfying (3.1) and having positive entries, the set of h 6= g with positive entries, having {g} = {h}. Assume therefore that h = γ −1 gγ. Then γ maps ah onto ag (as it can be seen by looking at what γ does to the endpoints of ah , ag ), and we therefore have that γρ ∈ ag . Replacing γ by gn γ for an appropriate n, we can assume that γρ ∈ (ρ → gρ). Writing g = γγ ′ , it follows that h = γ ′ γ. Since γ maps ah onto ag , and since the point gρ = γγ ′ ρ ∈ (γρ → γγ ′ γρ), it follows that γ ′ ρ ∈ (ρ → hρ). Therefore the number of hyperbolic h with {h} = {g} and hρ ∈ I is the same as the number of points γρ ∈ (ρ → gρ) (open geodesic segment) with γ ∈ Γ (compare with Lemma 2 of [5]), that is the same as the number of decompositions g = γγ ′ with γ, γ ′ having positive entries (the positivity follows from γρ, γ ′ ρ ∈ I and (10.1)). We will show that there are 0, 1, or 3 such points, depending on arithmetic conditions on ∆. Let X, Y, Z be the coordinates (2.1) for such a γ ∈ Γ, so X, Y, 2Z ∈ N. We have γρ ∈ ag ⇐⇒
B B0 2Z − X = = , 2Z − Y C C0
therefore 2Z = X + uB0 , 2Z = Y + uC0 . The equation 4XY − 4Z 2 = 3 becomes, after setting t = 6Z − 2u(B0 + C0 ), t2 − 4u2 ∆ = 9.
In terms of solutions (t, u) with t > 0 we find 2Z = Y =
1 3 1 3
t + 2u(B0 + C0 ) , t + u(2B0 − C0 ) .
1 3
t + u(2C0 − B0 ) ,
If (3, u) = 1, the sign of u is determined by the condition t ≡ 2u(B0 + C0 ) (mod 3) which ensures that X, Y, 2Z ∈ Z. Notice that X, Y > 0, so the triple (X, Y, Z) indeed determines a matrix γ with γρ ∈ ag . By (2.2) we find t cosh d(ρ, γρ) = . (A.7) 3 We distinguish two types of solutions, depending on whether 3 divides u or not. Case I: 3 divides u. Letting u = 3u′ , t = 3t′ , with (t′ , u′ ) a solution of t′2 − 4∆u′2 = 1, we have from (A.6) that 2Z > X, 2Z > Y when u′ > 0, so the point γρ is on the same side of ag as gρ. Since d(ρ, γρ) = t′ , to determine when γρ ∈ (ρ → gρ) we distinguish two cases : if the minimal positive solution (T, k) of (A.2) has k even, then 2t′ = T, 2u′ = k and d(ρ, gρ) = 2d(ρ, γρ), and we find that γρ is the midpoint of (ρ → gρ). On the other hand if k is odd, then the minimal solution 2 (t′ , u′ ) has t′ = T2 − 1, in which case γ = g and there are no points γρ on (ρ → gρ). Case II: √(3, u) = 1. In this case we necessarily have√(3, ∆) = 1. Writing (A.5) as N (α) = 9 with α = t + 2u ∆, and √ assuming a solution α0 = t0 + 2u0 ∆ exists with (3, u0 ) = 1, then all solutions T are α = α0 ( 2 + k ∆), with (T, k) solution of (A.2) with k even. The corresponding points γρ to these solutions lie on the axis ag at distance 12 d(ρ, gρ) apart if the minimal solution (T, k) of (A.2) has k even, or at distance d(ρ, gρ) apart if the minimal solution has k odd. In the former case we find two points γρ on (ρ → gρ), at distance 12 d(ρ, gρ) apart, while in the latter only one. These are distinct from the point found in Case I, since here cosh d(ρ, γρ) is not integral by (A.7).
The other solutions come from other generators of the ideal p23 , and geometrically the corresponding points {γρ} are the translates {g n γ0 ρ}n∈Z along ag for a fixed γ0 . Therefore there is a point γρ ∈ (ρ, gρ), and this point is distinct from the midpoint found in Case I, since cosh d(ρ, γρ) 6∈ Z. We conclude that there is a partition of the set Dρ in (A.4): Dρ = Dρ0,0 ∪ Dρ1,0 ∪ Dρ0,1 ∪ Dρ1,1 ,
where Dρ0,ǫ , respectively Dρ1,ǫ is the subset of ∆ for which the minimal positive solution (T, k) of (A.3) has k even, respectively odd, and Dρǫ,0 , respectively Dρǫ,1 , is the subset of ∆ such that (A.5) has a solution with (3, u) = 1, respectively it does not have such a solution. From the preceding discussion we conclude that the restriction of the parametrization ϕ : D∆ → Rprim ∆
is 1-1 if ∆ ∈ Dρ1,1 (no lattice points on (ρ → gρ)), 2-1 if ∆ ∈ Dρ1,0 or ∆ ∈ Dρ0,1 (one point on the image of ϕ (ρ → gρ)), and 4-1 if ∆ ∈ Dρ0,0 (three points on (ρ → gρ)). We denoted by Rprim ∆ restricted to D∆ . Examples. I. ∆ = 3, D∆ = {(2, 1), (1, 2)}. The minimal solution of T 2 − 12k2 = 4 is (T, k) = (4, 1) with k odd and 3|∆ so ∆ ∈ Dρ1,1 . Therefore there are two conjugacy classes in Rprim with 3 representatives: ϕ(2, 1) = ( 11 23 ), ϕ(1, 2) = ( 32 11 ) . II. ∆ = 7, D∆ = {(3, 1), (3, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}. The minimal solution of T 2 − 28k2 = 4 is (T, k) = (16, 3), and the equation t2 − 28u2 = 9 has solution (t, u) = (11, ±2), so ∆ ∈ Dρ1,0 . From Case II we find g = ϕ(3, 1) = γγ ′ , h = ϕ(3, 2) = γ ′ γ, for γ = ( 11 23 ), γ ′ = ( 11 45 ), so there are two conjugacy classes in Rprim g } = {e h}. ∆ , {g} = {h} and {e III. ∆ = 21, D∆ = {(5, 1), (5, 4), (1, 5), (4, 5)}. The minimal solution of T 2 − 84k2 = 4 is (T, k) = (2 · 55, 12) and 3|∆, so ∆ ∈ Dρ0,1 . From Case I we find g = ϕ(5, 1) = γγ ′ , h = ϕ(3, 2) = γ ′ γ, for γ = ( 35 47 ), γ ′ = ( 11 89 ), so there are two conjugacy classes in Rprim g } = {e h}. ∆ , {g} = {h} and {e 2 2 IV. ∆ = 13, D∆ = {(4, 1), (4, 3), (1, 4), (3, 4)}. The minimal solution of T − 52k = 4 is (T, k) = (2 · 649, 180), and the equation t2 − 52u2 = 9 has solution (t, u) = (29, ±4), so ∆ ∈ Dρ0,0 . We ′ 720 3 21 38 251 have ϕ(4, 1) = ( 109 e1 = γ2 γ2′ = γ3 γ3′ , with γ1 = ( 20 180 1189 ) = γ1 γ 33 5 ), γ2 = ( 3 2 ), γ2 = ( 33 218 ), ′ 1 6 43 66 γ3 = ( 71 109 ), γ3 = ( 1 7 ). The first decomposition comes from Case I, while the last two from Case contains one conjugacy class. II. We have ϕ(1, 4) = e γ1 γ1 , ϕ(3, 4) = γ2′ γ2 , ϕ(4, 3) = γ3′ γ3 , so Rprim 13 A B be a hyperbolic In Case I, the midpoint of (ρ → gρ) can be determined as follows. Let g = C D matrix whose axis passes through ρ, having positive entries. Then a matrix γ ∈ SL2 (R) such that γρ is the midpoint of (ρ → gρ) has coordinates (X, Y, Z) given by (2.1) as X = A + B2 , Y = D + C2 , Z = A2 + B = D2 + C. Acknowledgments The first author was partly supported by CNCS - UEFISCDI grant PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0259. The second author was partly supported by European Community grant PIRG05-GA-2009-248569 and CNCS - UEFISCDI grant PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0259. References [1] F. P. Boca, Distribution of angles between geodesic rays associated with hyperbolic points, Quart. J. Math. 58(3) (2007), 281–295. [2] F. P. Boca, C. Cobeli and A. Zaharescu, Distribution of lattice points visible from the origin, Comm. Math. Phys. 213(2) (2000), 433–470. [3] F. P. Boca, C. Cobeli and A. Zaharescu, A conjecture of R. R. Hall on Farey points, J. Reine Angew. Mathematik 535 (2001), 207–236.
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[email protected] Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy P.O. Box 1-764, RO-014700 Bucharest, Romania E-mail address:
[email protected] Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy P.O. Box 1-764, RO-014700 Bucharest, Romania E-mail address:
[email protected]