Pakistan - ABC

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Aug 26, 2008 ... The resignation of Pakistan's president has been big news in Australia. ... guide to Pakistan
Pakistan The resignation of Pakistan’s president has been big news in Australia. The Australian cricket team has cancelled a trip to Pakistan and politicians here are keeping a very close eye on what’s going on. EPISODE 23 TH 26 AUGUST 2008

Learning Area

Focus Questions 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7]

Describe in your own words what is happening in Pakistan. What are three facts about Pakistan that you learnt from the BtN story? Where is Pakistan located? What is happening in Afghanistan at the moment? What does resign mean? How did the resignation of the president affect the people in Pakistan? Why did the Australian Cricket Board decide to cancel the trip to Pakistan? 8] What impact could the problems in Pakistan have on Afghanistan? 9] What do you now know about Pakistan that you didn’t know before watching the BtN story? 10] How is Australia affected by the problems in Pakistan?

Profile of Pakistan Students will be researching and developing a profile of Pakistan to gain a deeper understanding of the country. Working in pairs, ask students to brainstorm what they know about Pakistan and record their responses. Using the `who, what, why, when, where and how’ framework, ask students to write questions that they would like to find the answers to. Students share their questions with the rest of the class. Discuss how the students could find answers to the questions they generate. Topics to include in the profile of Pakistan include: • • • • •

Geographical and physical features of the country Facts about Pakistan Political history Poverty in Pakistan Relationship with India and Afghanistan

© ABC 2008

Society and Environment

Key learning Students will develop a deeper understanding of Pakistan and its relationship with surrounding countries.

Encourage students to gather information from a variety of sources. There are some website links at the end of this activity sheet that may be useful.

Negotiate with students how they are going to present their profile of Pakistan. These could include: • • • •

Microsoft Publisher Brochure Oral presentation Web page

Reflection What are some things you would do the same in your next research inquiry, and what might you do differently? What do you understand more clearly now? Further investigations Use the online puzzle maker to create a word search or crossword about Pakistan. Research the work of an organisation such as Oxfam or the Fred Hollows Foundation in Pakistan. Create a poster to display your research findings. Create a rap or rhyme about an aspect of Pakistan. Present it to the class.

 Related Research Links ABC News – Pakistan’s Musharraf steps down ABC News – Pakistan’s coalition at odds over judges ABC 730 Report – Political shift for Pakistan BBC Country profile – Pakistan Oxfam website – Information about Pakistan Lonely Planet guide to Pakistan

© ABC 2008