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temperature and conversion profile, yielding specific physical properties and influencing the overall ability of the suspension to ... email: [email protected],; Tel.: +40214023995 ... distribution (DSD/PSD); in suspension polymerization, the.
Thermal Behaviour of a Batch Polymerization Reactor Under Various Organic Drop Size Distributions GEORGIANA-RUXANDRA PALAU*, VASILE LAVRIC University Politehnica of Bucharest, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department, 1-7 Polizu, 011061, Bucharest, Romania

The existing relations used in averaging physical properties of suspensions do not address the special case of suspension polymerization, an exothermal, discontinuous, volume shrinking, dispersed phase process, difficult to describe. A previous work showed that each drop is characterized, in connection to its size, by a temperature and conversion profile, yielding specific physical properties and influencing the overall ability of the suspension to transfer heat. This paper is dedicated to better describing the average physical properties of the suspension, through a new averaging technique. Keywords: suspension polymerization, averaging technique, effective physical properties, heat transfer, drop size distribution.

Suspensions are characterized by average physical properties that should take into account the characteristics of both the continuous and the dispersed phases; such relationships have made the subject of many papers published in various domains [1-4], but only to a low extent is the size distribution of the dispersed phase considered. Most of the contributions deal with the flow behaviour of suspensions and are very useful in modelling continuous processes and operations; for this, the fraction of solids is of primar y importance, irrespective of the latter ’s distribution. The averaging of viscosity is the easiest to reference. Einstein [5, 6] was the first to deal with this subject, proposing equation (1); considering the suspension as a pseudo-homogeneous phase, he defined a pseudoviscosity ηsusp based upon the viscosity of the continuous phase ηc and to the volumic fraction ϕ of dispersed phase entities. These latter are assumed to be rigid monodispersed spherical particles. Relationship (1) is valid for infinite dilution, thus neglecting the inter-particle interactions. (1)

On the other hand, if the dispersed phase is fluid, the laminar shear flow around the drops/bubbles deviates from the velocity field around a rigid sphere, changing the dispersed entities’ relative velocity – the Hadamard’s flow [7]. This requires the use of a supplemental factor in equation (1), which takes into account the ratio of the viscosities of the dispersed to the continuous phase, as proposed by Taylor [8]: (2)

Even more, since the wall zero-flow hypothesis is not valid for fluid drops, internal circulation is possible – the confined fluid develops, as well, an internal velocity field, becoming a “circulating particle” [9]. The bigger the volume of the dispersed entity, the higher the possibility for such inner circulation to develop. The presence of surfactants and their concentration modify as well the fluidfluid interface properties, and thus the development of inner circulations.

For more concentrated suspensions, Einstein’s formula is modified so as to account for particle-particle interactions, through its development in power law series of higher order. For specific cases, empirical models of other type were elaborated [10]. Viscosity is not the only physical property of interest in processes involving dispersions. Michaelides [11] has shown the influence of the dispersed phase on the heat transfer between suspension and the thermal agent. The density and specific heat of the dispersion were shown to be modified by the existence of solid particles, enhancing the heat transfer. When the dispersed phase is the place of a chemical process, computing the suspension average physical properties becomes even more difficult. In this case, the ever changing composition of the dispersed phase should also be taken into account in the computation of the suspension properties ([12] for the nonisothermal, suspension polymerization developing in a discontinuous reactor). The averaging relationships used in [12], equations (3)-(11) from table 1, consider the organic phase to be mono-dispersed. From the point of view of the thermal effect, polymerizations are known as highly exothermic processes. The dispersed phase in the suspension polymerization can therefore be shown to have a double functionality as far as the heat transfer is concerned: - it represents the locus of the polymerization process that produces heat; this latter is to be removed by the thermal agent, the continuous phase being a heat carrier; - it enhances the heat transfer from the continuous phase to the cooling agent flowing through the jacket or coils; in this respect, the Nusselt number of the suspension is computed using the relationship (12) and the averaged values for the concerned physical properties; (12)

This approach, although useful in characterising a monodispersed suspension, is not adequate when the evolution

* email: [email protected],; Tel.: +40214023995 966

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of the chemical process affects directly the physical characteristics of the dispersed phase, which has a certain size distribution, and indirectly those of the continuous phase. For polydispersed systems, like suspension/ emulsion polymerization, the population balance framework is used to predict the drop/particle size distribution (DSD/PSD); in suspension polymerization, the phenomena affecting the DSD are drops’ breakage and coalescence. However, both size changing phenomena are possible as long as the dispersed phase is liquid; beyond a critical value of the monomer conversion, the solid particles reach their final PSD. The concept of DSD/PSD implies the coexistence of dispersed phase entities of different sizes in the same volume of continuous phase. Nevertheless, the performance of a non-isothermal exothermic polymerization process is not the same for drops of different sizes; as shown in [13], the monomer/polymer drop size is responsible for the rate of heat transfer from the dispersed phase to the continuous one. Accordingly, a drop temperature distribution occurs. Due to the exponential dependency of the polymerization rate upon temperature, the bigger the drop size, the less efficient the heat removal and the higher the resulted temperature gradient along the drop radius; consequently, a drop conversion distribution comes in place. The latter, as well as the drop temperature distribution, will affect the drop’s fluid physical properties, like density, viscosity or heat capacity. In turn, these will affect the average physical properties of the suspension, changing the heat transfer rate towards the thermal fluid. The model for physical properties computation described in [12] is not capable of discriminating the contributions of drops of different sizes. Figure 1 shows the temperature profile for a PID-controlled polymerization system (where the manipulated variable is the inlet REV. CHIM. (Bucharest) ♦ 65 ♦ No. 8 ♦ 2014

temperature of the thermal agent). Please note that the suspension is seen as a whole and represented irrespective of the DSD/PSD of the dispersed phase – fact that does not reflect the particularities described above. Consequently, when there is a drop distribution, special averaging relationships need to be elaborated, in order to account for the specific contribution of drops with different sizes. This work has the purpose of disseminating a new averaging technique, capable of better describing the

Fig. 1. Temperature profile for the reacting system in suspension polymerization, using equations (3) - (11)

physical properties of a polydispersed suspension, and thus the thermal behaviour of the polymerization reactor. Mathematical model Different temperature profiles in drops of different sizes translate into instantaneous conversion variations from drop class to drop class. The model proposed in this work therefore puts an emphasis on the monomer conversion corresponding to each drop class, and the changes induced in the averaging physical properties, accordingly. What is more, the different types of drops can be found in various proportions with respect to each other. Taking a



number of drop size classes Nc, the number fraction of drops in each class is fdrop,k, k = 1, Nc. Each class of drops is thus characterized by the instantaneous conversion XMk and by the average temperature along drop radius Tdm,k. Then a first step of this approach consists in expressing the density and specific heat of the drops by relations (13)(14) from table 2. This yields two vectors, for densities and viscosities respectively, of length equal to the number of classes of drops considered. XM and Tdm are vectors of the same length as well. However, the same methodology could not be applied to viscosity, since this property is not defined when the drop glass transition temperature increases beyond the temperature of the medium. Instead, in this first step, the weighted average of the liquid-liquid system composed of styrene and water, equation (15), was considered. While doing so, we apply relationship (16) for each class of drops separately, as if the suspension would be mono-dispersed, with a particular number of dropsNdrop, k in each class, one drop having the mass mm,k; the total mass of dispersed phase in each class will be mS,k= mm,k. Ndrop, k . Moreover, since, in polymerization, a change in conversion is accompanied by a shrinkage in volume, it was the drop mass, rather than drop volume, that was considered a more appropriate quantity to be used as a weight. Then, the same approach was conveniently used in defining the heat conductivity – equation (16). Again, vectors of viscosities and thermal conductivities are obtained, of length equal to the number of drop classes. The second step consisted in averaging the properties of the entire suspension. For the density and specific heat, this meant averaging the water properties with those of the drops – relationships (17) and (18). The latter ones are 968

the vectorial sum of the respective property multiplied by the total mass of the considered type of drops. For defining the average viscosity of the suspension, a modified Einstein’s relation is used, as shown in equation (19). As explained earlier, it was considered that each class of drops is alone in the suspension (“pseudo monodispersed system”). The quantity ϕ drop,k was then introduced, in order to define the polymer fraction in the system, as produced in the drops of specific size – equation (20). Then, the results obtained for each “pseudo monodispersed suspension” are weighted with the classcorresponding mass fraction ω class,k. The sum of the elements in the vector thus obtained gives the viscosity of the suspension. A similarly conceptualised relationship was proposed for the thermal conductivity of the suspension, shown in equation (21), after applying equation (9) for each “pseudo mono-dispersed suspension”. The total fraction of polymer in the reaction system is given by the equation (22), to be used in the Nusselt number definition from equation (12). In the latter, the quantities Cpd and ρd are to be replaced by Cpdrop and ρdrp.respectively, while Cpsusp and ρsusp are to be computed according to relations (17) and (18). These and equations (19) and (21) are also of use in the computation of the dimensionless Reynolds and Prandtl numbers for the suspension – Resusp and Prsusp. Before closing this section, we consider useful to mention in table 3 the relations used in computing the physical properties of each species in the system. Results and discussions Table 4 shows the individual physical properties of styrene, water and polystyrene, at the reaction temperature of 90 °C. These data will prove useful in interpreting the

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results of the proposed averaging technique. A brief analysis of table 4 leads to the conclusion that an increase in conversion has as a consequence the augmentation of the density value for the dispersed phase and in the reduction of specific heat and thermal conductivity. Since all the compositional modifications occur in the dispersed phase while water suffers no change, the properties of the suspension are expected to follow the same trend. Moreover, although table 4 does not offer this information, the viscosity is expected to have an ascending tendency. Indeed, figure 2 shows the trends of the suspension physical properties against conversion, for a reactive system with 33 wt% styrene in water, at 90 °C, in isothermal conditions, where the dispersed phase is represented by drops of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 mm, following Gaussian distribution; the latter was discretized into 7 classes of drop sizes, the number fractions of which were computed accordingly. Figure 2a displays density, figure 2b represents specific heat, figure 2c is devoted to viscosity, while figure 2d is for thermal conductivity of the suspension. Since the curves corresponding to the physical properties follow the expected trajectories, the proposed model can be considered valid and further used in simulating the nonisothermal chemical process. For this, the new averaging technique was used in the model of the heat transfer from drops to the continuous phase and then further to the heat transfer agent, in conjunction with the previously developed model for drop polymerization, as presented in [13]. The polymerization reactor, of cylindrical geometry, was assumed to be cooled by water flowing through the surrounding jacket. The inlet temperature of the cooling agent is manipulated by a PID controller, keeping the chemical process as close to the set-point temperature as possible. The temperature profiles for the non-isothermal simulation of styrene suspension polymerization, considering normal distribution of drops over the diameters 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 mm are shown in figure 3;

the suspension was assumed to contain 33 wt% dispersed phase and to have the value of 90 °C as an initial temperature for the polymerization reactor and reference temperature for the PID controller. All simulations were performed in Matlab®, version R2010a (MathWorks, Natick, MA). The specific temperature profiles for the two phases can be observed, but also for the different classes of drops in the suspension. While the continuous phase is characterized by the lowest temperature, the smallest drops have an almost overlapping profile; the temperature in the drops slowly increases with drop size, leading to larger differences between the continuous phase and the largest drops. As the conversion increases, the quantity of residual monomer decreases and the rate of reaction is diminished; the generated heat is lower, and the heat transfer with the cooling agent makes the eight plotted profiles to eventually overlap and to have a stabilizing trend. Moreover, the comparison between figures 1 and 3 also yields an observation concerning the absolute variation of the temperature profile for the continuous phase; while in figure 1 the main deviation is seen to be negative and is a consequence of the PID controller trying to cope with the decrease in the generated heat, figure 3 shows a gradual, although irregular decrease in temperature for the entire system, with a sudden negative variation of lower amplitude and at a later moment than in the first case. This latter is a consequence of the drops’ higher thermal inertia, while the first trend in figure 3 is a consequence of the inertia of the controller itself, and of the delayed response from the dispersed phase. This comparison, corroborated with the initial gradual increase of the drop temperature with the diameter proves that the proposed model is able to account for drops of different sizes. The instantaneous drop conversion is shown to be an appropriate parameter to capture the differences in the physical properties of the different classes of drops, while the “pseudo mono-dispersed system” approach


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Fig. 2.Variation of the main physical properties for the suspension against conversion

Nomenclature Roman letters d – diameter, m (in equation 3) m – mass, kg Cp – specific heat, J/(kg·K) DSD – drop size distribution N – agitator’s rotation speed, s-1 Nc – number of classes the drops’ distribution is lumped in - Nusselt number, PID – proportional integral derivative, controller type Fig. 3. Temperature profile for the non-isothermal simulation of styrene suspension polymerization.

gives correct results when using class mass fraction as a weight. Conclusions A new averaging technique was proposed for the physical properties of liquid-liquid and liquid-solid systems. The new approach is oriented on drops’ contribution according to their sizes, which follow a given distribution (Gaussian, in the present study), as opposed to previous techniques, which consider the dispersed phase constituted of entities with the same characteristic length. The relationships between the drop size, the monomer conversion, and the physical properties are emphasized, proving that the present approach could capture the differences in the thermal behaviour of the suspension polymerization reactor when drops of different sizes constitute the suspension. The simulated temperature profiles are particular to each drop class, and distinct from the profile of the continuous phase. In contrast, the old averaging technique gives the same temperature profile irrespective of the distribution drop sizes. This approach paves the way towards the successful combination of the population balance and classical models, considering coalescence/breakage as active phenomena in continuously shaping the drop size distribution.


Prandtl number, PSD – particle size distribution

T – temperature, K XM – monomer conversion, -

Greek letters

α – partial heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2·K) ϕ – dispersed phase volumic fraction, η – viscosity, kg/(m·s) λ – thermal conductivity, W/(m·K) ρ – density, kg/m3

Subscript a - agitator c – continuous d – discontinuous drop – property belonging to a drop k – index of class, from 1 to Nc ll – liquid-liquid dispersion, considering only water and styrene m - mean r - reactor susp – suspension S – monomer (Styrene) P – polymer W - water Acknowledgement: The work has been funded by the Sectorial Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 20072013 of the Romanian Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/107/1.5/S/76903.

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