Paleoecological, bio-sedimentological and ...

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on stratigraphic and sedimentologic analyses (Kidwell,. 1991; Naish, 1997; Massari and Chiocci, 2006; Massari and D'Alessandro, 2012). However, no detailed ...
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Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences Special Issue (2013), 35-37

Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences J M E S

Paleoecological, bio-sedimentological and taphonomic analysis of Plio-Pleistocene biocalcarenite deposits from northern Apennines and Sicily (Italy) Simone Cau1, Marco Taviani2, Vinicio Manzi1, Marco Roveri1 1

Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra, Università di Parma, Parma, Italy 2 ISMAR-CNR Bologna, Bologna, Italy

INTRODUCTION We have conducted a detailed study of conspicuous biocalcarenite bodies occurring at discrete time intervals within the Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary successions along the Apennine-Maghrebian chain. The genesis of such peculiar, more or less intensely carbonatecemented, deposits has been hypothesized to respond to astronomical cycles (Roveri and Taviani, 2003). These bodies are best developed along slopes or steps on morphostructural highs. At places, biocalcarenites form prograding wedges typically displaying a tripartite geometry, whose topset horizontal strata are intensely bioturbated, and may contain abundant articulated bivalves and fragmented calcareous algae, whilst foresets and bottomsets are characterized by dense accumulations of reworked shells (Roveri and Taviani, 2003; Massari and Chiocci, 2006). These deposits are obviously different from tropical carbonate systems and are indicated with various terms (heterozoan sensu James, 1997, chlorozoan sensu Lees and Buller 1972). They are characterized by biological communities lacking hermatipical corals and coralline algaes supported by skeletal detritus. Other terminologies used are “temperate”, “non-tropical” and “cool-water” carbonates. Due to the usually abundant presence of benthonic foraminifers and molluscs these deposits are also indicated as “foramol” (Carannante et al., 1988). In recent decades, the origin of these biocalcarenite deposits has been deeply revised focusing on stratigraphic and sedimentologic analyses (Kidwell, 1991; Naish, 1997; Massari and Chiocci, 2006; Massari and D’Alessandro, 2012). However, no detailed studies have clarified their faunal composition, the sedimentary environments and the oceanographic phenomena involved in their formation. This study aims to fill this gap through a paleontological study using (i) the highly detailed examination of the skeletal components (shells), (ii) the clarification of the biota ecological structures that acted as sources of biocalcarenites, (iii) the identification of taphonomic and sedimentary processes that affected post-mortem shells. A better understanding of the physical characteristics, organization and space-time

distribution (cyclical forcing) of these deposits may have important implications for the correlations of deep and shallow-water successions, an essential tool for exploration purposes and palaeoclimatic reconstructions. GEOLOGICAL OUTCROPS AND METHODS The research is being carried out on the PlioPleistocene biocalcarenites of the Castell’Arquato Basin, Enza Section (W-Emilia Apennines) and on the lower Pliocene “Spungone” unit (Romagna Apennines). At present also the analogous deposits of Tuscany (see Nalin et al., 2010) and Sicily (Caltanissetta and North Belice Basin; see Massari and D’Alessandro, 2012) have been preliminary analysed. In recent years the litho- and biomagnetostratigraphy studies in Castell’Arquato and Spungone area resulted in the reconstruction of the sedimentary evolution of these basins. In the Castell’Arquato Basin the integration of surface and subsurface data resulted in a comprehensive stratigraphic and evolutive model of the basin during the Pliocene (see Roveri et al., 1998; Monegatti et al., 2001; Roveri and Taviani, 2003). The thickest biocalcarenitic bodies are found in the transgressive systems tracts of three depositional sequences bounded by 3.1, 2.7 and 2.1 Ma unconformities. These deposits have a strong chronostratigraphic meaning as their stratigraphic distribution seems to be controlled by astronomical forcing (Roveri and Taviani, 2003), allowing their accurate dating and the correlation with coeval sapropel clusters characterizing deeper water successions. The stratigraphic evolution of Spungone area has been reconstructed basin through field mapping and detailed analysis of several stratigraphic sections (Capozzi and Picotti, 2002). This unit mainly consists of resedimented deposits from a carbonate platform, which is presently preserved only around Castrocaro (Rio dei Cozzi section). The Rio dei Cozzi carbonate factory developed during the lower Pliocene on the Castrocaro structural high; its deposits, rich in rhodolithes and shell-beds, unconformably overly the upper Miocene Marnoso Arenacea turbidites. The carbonate deposits show a vertical arrangement of facies clearly denoting a cyclical stacking pattern with an overall aggradational geometry;

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Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences Special Issue (2013), 35-37

four m-scale cycles have been recognized, each of them consisting of matrix-rich deposits at the base gradually passing upward to more detrital and bioclastic facies with evidence of reworking by tractive currents and flat erosional surfaces. In the studied sections, the molluscs and the other macrofauna have been quantitatively sampled by extracting a standard volume of invertebrate-bearing biocalcarenites from each individual sedimentary facies. The volumes were determined to obtain an exhaustive representation of paleobiological communities (from 4 to 30 liters). For the taphonomic study we followed the classifications of Kidwell et al. (1986) and Kidwell and Holland (1991) for field description of bioclastic fabric (bioclast orientation, articulation, packing and sorting), as well as shell-accumulation geometry and internal structure. The resulting palaeoecological and taphonomic dataset will be analysed with hierarchical agglomerative clustering (CLUSTER analysis) to recognize which species tend to co-occur in samples and how samples can be grouped together because of similar taxonomic composition. DISCUSSION The internal geometry suggests that the biocalcarenitic Plio-Pleistocene bodies are amalgamated deposits formed during periods of decreased input of finegrained terrigenous sediments (or sediment “starved” conditions) whose fossiliferous content indicates high energy levels in the platform environments. Different physical conditions have been assumed for their formation: reduced terrigenous input, strong bottom reworking by geostrophic currents and/or river floodgenerated hyperpycnal flows, increased productivity.

Simone Cau et al.

However, a combination of all these factors cannot be ruled out (Roveri and Taviani, 2003). The rhythmical stratigraphic organization indicates that genetic processes have been likely controlled by climatic and/or oceanographic periodic variations influenced by the astronomically parameters (Roveri and Taviani, 2003). At present in the Castell’Arquato Basin we identified: i) “main” and “minor” biocalcarenitic cycles. Minor cycles are formed by pelitic and relatively thin, matrix-rich biocalcarenite horizons. The biocalcarenite bodies, up to 5 meters thick, show a matrix of comminute bio-debris, consisting of densely packed of disarticulated and fragmented shells. Recently, these “minor” biocalcarenite-pelite cycles have been tuned to astronomical cycles (Cigalla, 2008), without clarifying their formation in relation of climate-oceanographic forcing. The “main” biocalcarenites cycles, up to 10 meters thick, form two composite units (Monte Giogo, consisting of 3 individual cycles, and Monte Falcone, including four to five cycles; Fig. 1). They are partly tightly cemented and dominated by debris of bivalves and benthic foraminifers, with abraded or non-abraded shells, bioclasts of heterotrophic organisms, such as serpulids and barnacles, bivalves (large fossils are mostly pectinids, cockles and mussels) gastropods and bryozoans. These bodies in some cases show a tripartite geometry with bottomset, foreset and topset. Deposits immediately underlying the biocalcarenitic bodies present shells beds with bioclasts showing concave upward orientations. These deposits are sharply overlain by bottomset beds consisting of up to 1 meter thick, chaotic and poorly abraded shell accumulations. The foreset beds are formed by alternating well or poorlycemented layers with dense accumulations of reworked shells. Massive sandstones of topsets are not cemented

Fig. 1 - The foreset beds of the Monte Falcone composite calcarenite body in the classic outcrop at Castell’Arquato (PC).

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Paleoecological, bio-sedimentological and taphonomic analysis ...

Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences Special Issue (2013), 35-37

and contain poorly abraded reworked shells. In minor biocalcarenite cycles fossils are not arranged in biofabric (sensu Kidwell et al., 1986), but are uniformly distributed in the sediment. The transition to pelitic horizons is gradual. These observations suggest that the biocalcarenite-pelite couplet represents one cycle where to the seafloor hydrodynamic rearrangements were prolonged. The reduction of winnowing event restores the initial low-energy conditions characterized by deposition of finer-grained sediments. The major biocalcarenite cycles present various taphofacies. The shell-layers appear at the base of biocalcarenite bodies with shells mostly showing convex-up orientation. Foresets show imbricated shells. In the topset sands bioclasts are disarticulated without preferential clusters. The shells form rare nesting. The study of bioclasts origin, their autochthony estimation, the paleoecological significance of fossils assemblages is undergoing study, as well as the genetic relationships of biocalcarenites with oceanographic processes is in progress. The observations and the qualitative analysis carried out till now show that, in minor cycles the pelitic hemicycles are characterized by an elevated biodiversity with molluscan assemblages typical of muddy bottoms and dominance of eurybates epifaunals species; the biocalcarenite hemycycles show a lower biodiversity with dominance of species typical of disturbed detritic environments. The major biocalcarenite bodies show in bottom and top sandstones a high diversity of species with dominance of reophile and detrital forms. In the foresets fossils are very altered and only reophile (pectinids) can hardly be recognized suggesting heavily reworked environments. REFERENCES Capozzi R., Picotti V. 2003. Pliocene sequence stratigraphy, climatic trends and sapropel formation in the Northern Apennines (Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: 190, 349-371. Carannate G., Esteban M., Milliam J.D., Simone L. 1988. Carbonate lithofacies as paleolatitudinal indicators: problems and limitations. Sedimentary Geology: 60, 333-346. Cigalla A. 2008. Correlazione stratigrafica di dettaglio nei depositi piacenziani del Bacino di Castell’Arquato tra la Val Chero (PC) e la Val Stirone (PR). Tesi di laurea inedita, Università degli Studi di Parma.


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