Palm Sunday Parade - Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Mar 7, 2012 - Contact Ruth. Tasgal ([email protected] or 919 260-1724), if you are interested in helping. Thank you
westminster presbyterian church “...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 March 7, 2012

Friends and fellow disciples, Last Wednesday many of us gathered in the Music Room to begin our extraordinary study on The Art and Music of the Passion. Ruth Caccavale took the lead this time, walking us through a variety of slides – particularly of the disciples’ final night with Jesus as they gathered around the table. We explored the ways artists had them interacting with each other, and with Jesus; we learned about how they used light and angle and color to emphasize certain ideas. I saw many things – even in pieces I knew – that I hadn’t seen before. Monica Rossman followed, sharing with us some helpful insights about the ways music and theology intersect, teaching us – as always – to sing and listen carefully. It was a wonderful start, and I encourage you, even if you didn’t make it this past week, to come this Wednesday and learn from these remarkable teachers. Through worship and this class, we are working to inhabit the story deeply, as we are invited into Christ’s final week. The Spirit shapes us as we seek to live the story. The next night, many of us gathered for a very different kind of occasion. Thursday night was the championship game of the basketball league run by Hope Valley Baptist Church. We had a raucous fan-base, and WPC emerged victorious in the final possession over First Presbyterian! It was a really wonderful time, and much community was built this season as new guys and guys who’ve been around awhile got to know each other. But it is surely about much more than basketball. That reality was in front of us the entire season. Before each game, both teams gathered at the center circle, offered prayer requests, and prayed together. We heard about family and friends, people in the congregations of which we are a part. Each time we were sure to mention our friend Steve Emrich. Steve has played with us the last few seasons but had a seizure last year that has led to a long-term hospitalization. Instead of posting up and guarding the wing, Steve is working hard to manage these seizures, sweating through rehabilitation, and praying for his family here that really misses their dad. After our thrilling victory on Thursday, we gratefully received the trophies awarded us. But you won’t see them on the credenza as you walk in the church. We boxed them up and, along with his jersey and notes of good wishes, sent them on to Steve who is in a rehab facility in Atlanta for now. After all, it is about much more than the basketball. It is about God working in and through and among us. When we worship, when we learn, when we spend time building community and making friends, Christ calls to us this Lent to embody His story with grace. I continue to look forward to the ways we will do this together.

Chris Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).

In this Issue Concerns & Celebrations Volunteer Opportunities & More CROP Walk 2012 Sharing Brings Joy... Lenten Calendar Palm Sunday Parade Seder Meal Easter Brunch Young Adult Retreat Spring Women’s Retreat VCS Registration Library Alert Westminster School For Children Youth Ministry Community Opportunities Preaching Schedule Congregational Responsibilities

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Westminster Presbyterian Church’s 2011 Annual Report is now available online at Read through it for an overview of all that the church has experienced over the past year. Spring Forward Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 11. Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead by one hour!

March 7, 2012

- Volunteer Opportunities & More at Westminster and Beyond From the Fellowship Committee...

Urban Ministries p of Durham


Fellowship wishes to extend thanks to all those who have t already assisted in the Lenten Supper meals. A special u da hand of thanks to Helen Harrison for her leadership and When the Youth and Young Adults served the Shelter labor in undertaking all the meal planning, prep, and Meal on February 28, they learned that Urban cooking. Ministries is in need of new or gently used towels There are still dinners to come, so roll up your sleeves and washcloths. Please bring your donations to the and lend a hand. The food and fellowship are great – yellow collection bin in the Mission Center. Thank don't forget to sign up by the Monday prior to the you in advance for sharing with those in need! Wednesday dinners with Barb Schmidt (489-4974) so ... there is a plate waiting for you. Interested in a great opportunity for service and fellowship?  Consider leading a shelter meal at Remember the Easter Brunch that is being coordinated by Kevin Rosemond ([email protected]) Urban Ministries for the months of April, May, or June.  Supper clubs, Sunday School classes, friends... and Ruth Tasgal ([email protected]). They need no group is too small, as we can combine groups and helping hands to set up, clean up, and break down. share the opportunity.  Please contact David Lapp If you have any ideas for WPC fellowship events (new ([email protected]), or Tim Vann or revived), please contact Peter Hanink, Fellowship ([email protected]) to sign up or learn more. Deacon, at [email protected].

Save the Date! for The Children’s Bands from IGLESIA EMANUEL in Concert! Sunday, April 29 6-7pm First Presbyterian Church


• Lennie Barton is at home recovering from heart surgery at Duke on February 28. • Anna Watson Blair, a friend of Westminster School Teacher Jane Pate, is in treatment for brain cancer. • Cindy Bolbach, current Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA), has been diagnosed with cancer. • Steve Emrich, a member of the WPC basketball team, is in rehab in Atlanta after a stroke  nine months ago. • Marian and Bill Gardner’s son, John Gardner, died unexpectedly last week. • Alex High broke his foot on February 28. • Bill Huters is at the Unihealth Center on Mt. Sinai Road, recovering from knee replacement surgery on February 28. • Howard and Peggy Pedersen’s son, Tom Pedersen, will have heart surgery in Boston on March 12. • Cathy Reinhardt’s sister-in-law, Jan Yantz, is receiving chemotherapy treatments for cancer. • Sally Ransford is having surgery this week at Duke. Concerns & Celebrations • Shirley Rufty’s father, L.A. Anderson, Jr., is being treated for cancer.

We will be hosting 3-4 Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) families from 3/18–3/25 who are homeless, but in the process of obtaining jobs and finding stable housing. Please consider volunteering for this important work in serving fellow members of our community. Contact Ruth Tasgal ([email protected] or 919 260-1724), if you are interested in helping. Thank you! -2-

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Hunger and poverty are rampant in our world and escalating in the current economic conditions. Something can and must be done about them. The Durham

CROP Hunger Walk is a great place to start. For a few hours and a few miles, friends and neighbors will be coming together to, in the words of I John 3:18, ", not in word or speech, but in truth and action."

CROP Walk 2011

CROP Hunger Walk funds will benefit the overall work and ministry of Church World Service, which works around the world to help those in need help themselves through refugee assistance, self-help development programs, advocacy, and disaster relief. And, it’s important to note that 25% of what we raise will go to Durham Congregations in Action (DCIA) to help Durham-based hunger-fighting agencies. We challenge all of Westminster to be involved in the fight against hunger by participating in the CROP Walk on Sunday, April 1, at 2:30. Sign-ups for walkers will be available after Sunday services in March. You can also go to the Durham Crop Walk website to sign up or sponsor a walker – you can even make your sponsorship payment online! Just visit and follow the links to register as a walker, join the WPC Team, sponsor a walker, and/or make a donation. It’s easy!

If you sign up the old-fashioned way on the day of the walk, bring the top copy only of your envelope (do not bring money). If you are under 18, you will need the signature of a parent or guardian. We will meet on the stairs of Duke Chapel at 2pm to register, and the walk will step off at 2:30pm. Please mark your calendars and join us, whether as a walker or sponsor. Together – with your family, group, or congregation – we can change the world, one step at a time. For additional information, please contact Andy Dunk (919-419-0174), Jeanne Behr (919-308-8497) or Gene Holland (919-818-2694). Thank you!

At Westminster, we have our children collect coins and dollars in the fish banks and on Palm Sunday, as they parade through the Sanctuary, the rest of the congregation gives their tithes for OGHS during the offering.

Sharing Brings Joy to Us, to Others, to God by Natalie Wolf

At 5:00am on January 21, I headed to Memphis to meet up with about fifteen other Christians from various denominations, such as the Church of the Brethren and the Church of Christ, all of which participate in one of PC(USA)’s four special offerings - One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS). Our goal for the weekend was to review the resources offered to each denomination and its churches in order to make OGHS more appealing to a broader audience.

Each denomination also decides individually what percentages go to what organizations and programs. The Presbyterian Church (USA) gives 36% to Presbyterian Hunger Program, 32% to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and 32% to Self-Development of People. One of my favorite parts about OGHS, besides it being ecumenical, is that the offering goes to both domestic and international causes. Through my weekend with a group of talented and idea-filled people, OGHS has become an offering that I find unique and very important and I want to encourage Westminster to give generously toward it on Palm Sunday morning.

OGHS originally began in 1944 in response to the destruction and grief caused by World War II. Protestant churches pooled their offerings together to go towards relief and reconstruction. Since then, it has become very common for churches to pool funds together to go toward One Great Hour of Sharing during the Lenten season. While this offering is ecumenical, each denomination chooses to approach it differently. As a representative of PC(USA), I quickly learned that we are the only denomination that associates the OGHS offering with the colorful fish banks that the children march down the aisle with on Palm Sunday.

Natalie Wolf is a member of WPC and a first-year at Appalachian State University.


March 7, 2012

What’s Happening in

Christian Education at WPC? Lenten Calendar Westminster’s Lenten Dinner & Bible Study series continues on Wednesdays March 7, 14, 21 & 28. Join us for:

April 8 9:30am Fellowship Hall

5:30 pm Family Dinner, Fellowship Hall Sign up in the Mission Center or call Barb Schmidt at 489-4974. Let Barb know of any special dietary needs you may have. A free-will offering will be collected.

Come and join the celebration as we fellowship with friends and family, greet visitors, and enjoy good food. There will be a Jelly Bean Hunt for preschool children. Bring your favorite brunch dish to share; beverages will be provided.


March 7: Chicken Fajitas/Chicken Acapulco, Mexican Rice, Beans, Tres Leches cake March 14: Spiral sliced Ham, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Rolls, Bread Pudding March 21: Apricot Chicken, Rice, Salad, Rolls March 28: Baked Potatoes & Toppings (cheese, steamed broccoli, etc.)

6:30 – 8pm Adult Bible Study, Music Room “The Passion Story: Viewed Through the Media of Scripture, Art, and Music” led by Monica Rossman, Minister of Music, and Ruth Caccavale, Professor of Art History. Please contact Barb Schmidt at 489-4974 by the Monday prior to each class to reserve a spot in childcare.

WPC Young Adult Retreat 2012 “Let Your Life Speak” Calling all WPC Young Adults to join us for our spring retreat! We will be retreating at beautiful Lake Hyco in Leasburg, NC, which is about one hour north of Durham. The theme of our retreat is the culmination of our Sunday School discussions this spring – Calling & Vocation. Where has God taken you so far in your life?   Where do you sense God leading you next?   How has and is God speaking into your life?   How are you becoming part of the life of God?

Palm Sunday Parade

April 1 Sanctuary 8:30 & 11am worship services

Through fellowship, worship, prayer, and artful, creative reflection, we will be exploring these questions together, and simply enjoying a time of rest and spiritual rejuvenation.  Feel free to invite friends to join us as well – they are most welcome!

Children, gather 10 minutes before each service in the courtyard to receive palms for the parade and bring your Fish Banks for One Great Hour of Sharing!

Dates: 6pm, Friday, April 13 – 4pm, Saturday, April 14.   Please plan to arrive at the lake house at 6pm if you are driving independently. We will be arranging carpooling from church on Friday afternoon for those interested. Cost: $10 per person to cover food costs Registration Deadline: Friday, March 30 Sign up in the Mission Center, or on the Google Doc that was emailed to the YAG Google group

Seder Meal

April 4 Fellowship Hall 5:30pm

Please arrive promptly, as the Seder Meal will be a service of worship.

Contact Katherine at [email protected] with any questions. -4-

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Threads of Grace

A retreat led by Susan Steinberg

Registration Deadline: March 9

Spring Women’s Retreat March 23-25, 2012 The Blockade Runner Beach Resort Wrightsville Beach, NC

Library Alert

The following are books new to the Westminster Library: 

Out to Canaan by Jan Karon The fourth book in the Mitford Series Stones into Schools by Greg Mortenson Author of Three Cups of Tea Who Is My Neighbor? by Wayne Gordon A timely message for our culture

“You search my path. . . and are acquainted with all my ways” says the psalmist in Psalm 139. “You hem me in, behind and before.”

Good News From Indonesia by Perry Thomas True stories from the land of Tsuna

The thread of God’s grace creates us in our mother's womb, leads us through the valleys and peaks of our lives, and finds us wherever we are. Yet sometimes we struggle to see how grace stitches our lives together. We can identify certain fragments, but not the whole strand.

Early Widow by Mary Jane Worden A journal of the first year Hannah’s Child by Stanley Hauerwas Memoir of Duke theologian

Through prayer and quiet listening, writing and creative expression, conversation and worship, this retreat will help us discern the long thread of grace more clearly. Participants will be invited to practice stillness, reflect on relevant writing prompts, and share their stories with one another. With the space to explore the thread in our own lives - and with the encouragement of other women - we will reaffirm our faith that through Christ nothing can separate us from the love of God.

The Misunderstood Jew by Amy-Jill Levine The Church and the scandal of the Jewish Jesus

Visit the WPC website at for the brochure, registration form, and more information!

The month of March holds lots of excitement for the students and families of Westminster School. In addition to celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and preparing for Easter, our students will learn about the continent of Africa and enjoy an African Market Day on Friday, March 16. Volunteers from the Museum of Natural Sciences will visit and teach the students about “Growing Up in the Animal World.” Our Spring Break will begin on Friday, April 6.

Have you registered for Vacation Church School yet? Registration forms are available at the front desk in the Mission Center and online at

Registration for our Summer Camp program began on March 1. We reserve the entire month of March for our current students to register. If you have friends who are interested in having their children attend Summer Camp, they may call our office (489-8432) to be placed on the waiting list. We will fill any available spaces as of Monday, April 2.

Return completed forms and payment to the front desk in the Mission Center. Registration is not complete until payment is received.

Summer Camp Dates Session 1: June 11 - 22 Session 2: July 9 - 20 Session 3: August 6 - 10

VCS will be held June 18-22, so mark your calendars and get excited! -5-

March 7, 2012

? ?

What’s Happening in

Youth Ministry at WPC?


Dear WPC Youth and Families, This past Saturday, the confirmation class and I went to a bar mitzvah at Beth El Congregation on Watts Street. We’ve attended three different worship services now, observing how God’s people worship in broad ways. At the bar mitzvah, I was fascinated by how the student and rabbi interacted. Once the student gave a talk about his haftorah portion (the reading he gave in Hebrew from 1 Samuel), the rabbi began to ask him questions, prompting deeper conversation. This was by no means a private dialogue but instead a learning opportunity for the whole congregation gathered. This type of learning – dialogue, question and answer, digging for further insight – is a fruitful pedagogy used by religious communities for a very long time. In fact, Jesus himself used this type of methodology, too! We know from the Gospels that when Jesus gathered with others, he taught by using parables and asking questions. These questions were meant to prompt further discussion and the questions were often ones that have multiple answers. Think about your favorite teachers – did they simply tell you what the answers were, or did they challenge you with more questions, prompting you to find your own answers? Using this question-based method, the senior highs prompted each other with questions on Sunday night. Each person gathered wrote down a question or a comment that bore tons of questions and we placed them in a jar. We pulled out one paper at a time and all tried to answer the question, relying on past experiences, our lessons learned at church, our own reading of Scripture. We asked questions about the question, coming up with more questions than with what we began. In an hour’s time, we got through two pieces of paper – what an incredible witness to how thoughtful our youth are! We will continue this type of learning in our youth group time, knowing that we grow in our faith when we explore with others and we feel free to ask the hard questions. I hope you will leave with more questions than you came with – to me, that means you’re taking your faith seriously!

Youth Ministry Calendar 3/7

Youth Adult & Senior High Bible Study at Judea Reform Congregation – meet at WPC @ 6:00pm 3/11 Youth Group – 5:30pm – Senior Highs going bowling; Middle Schoolers at WPC for the GROCERY CHALLENGE! 3/16- Middle School Mystery Retreat!* Sign up with 3/17 Taylor by Wednesday, March 14

Middle School Retreat: Enjoying Our Life in God Join us for this MYSTERY retreat! We’ll leave from WPC at 6pm on Friday to go to ______ (you’ll have to come to find out!) and return to WPC at 3pm Saturday. The cost is $30. Packing list: pjs, sleeping bag, pillow, and an ipod/music player if you want

With love,

Taylor -6-

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Community Opportunities

Southwest Neighborhood Lenten Lunch Series An Easter Special for the community from DERC

Every Wednesday during Lent, one of five southwest Durham churches will hold a 12pm worship service, followed by lunch at 12:30pm. This Lenten lunch series began at WPC on February 29 with Rev. Jimmie Hawkins of Covenant Presbyterian Church preaching, and a soup and sandwhich lunch in the Fellowship Hall afterward. The series continued today at Covenant Presbyterian with the Rev. Andy Peck-McClain of Epworth United Methodist Church preaching. On Wednesday, March 14, Westminster’s own Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman will preach at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on 1200 West Cornwallis Road. For the full schedule and more info on church locations, visit We hope you will join us for a time of interdenominational worship and fellowship!

The Board of Christian Service of Pilgrim United Church of Christ and the Religious Coalition of Orange/Durham Against Amendment 1 are cosponsoring a community series entitled “Faith and The Marriage Amendment.” The series will begin on March 4, and will continue on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm throughout the month of March. All events will be held at Pilgrim UCC and childcare will be available. Visit for full details.

If you are a member of a congregation, affiliated with a nonprofit organization, or receive food assistance, Medicaid, or services from the Department of Social Service, you are welcome to shop at DERC (118 Hunt St.) now through Saturday, April 7. Just bring your worship service bulletin, proof of nonprofit affiliation, food card, Medicaid card or proof of DSS client status to shop in the non-voucher area. (Note: Membership vouchers will be needed for essential nonfood items, i.e. diapers, toiletries, toilet paper, and paper towels.) As always, every dollar you spend with us remains in Durham to help end poverty. It's a great deal for you, and a great deal for Durham.

& This Sunday, March 11, at 7pm, the brand new Durham Presbyterian Church (formerly Northgate and St. John’s Presbyterian) will host a concert by High Street Hymns, a nonprofit music ministry out of Richmond, VA. High Street Hymns takes classic hymns and gives them a modern twist, introducing a new generation to the Christian musical tradition. This concert will feature music from the seasons of Lent and Easter. There will be a $5 suggested donation at the door. Durham Presbyterian (2504 North Roxboro St.) invites you to join them! You can learn more about High Street Hymns by visiting Visit for more details

Save the Date! Monday, April 9 Celebrate Blake Hubbard’s Life

5K walk/run in beautiful historic Hope Valley – 9am Tennis and golf events at Hope Valley Country Club – 12pm Reception with a video about Blake’s life – 5pm -7-

March 7, 2012 Westminster Presbyterian Church 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707 Phone: 919.489.4974 Fax: 919.493.4553 [email protected]

The next WPC newsletter will be published on March 21. Final deadlines to submit material will be the Wednesday prior to publication date. To send material, contact Kara Pearce, Communications Coordinator at 489-4974, ext. 101 or [email protected] The newsletter is emailed. If you prefer to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Barb Schmidt at 489-4974, ext. 100.

Preaching Schedule March 11 - 3rd Sunday in Lent Preaching: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman March 18 - 4th Sunday in Lent Preaching: Chris Tuttle If your email address has changed recently, please notify the church office!

March 25 - 5th Sunday in Lent, Birthday Sunday Preaching: Chris Tuttle April 1 - Palm Sunday and Communion Preaching: Chris Tuttle

Congregational Responsibilities for March 11, 18, 25, and April 1 ACOLYTES 3/11 Emme & Sarah Griffith 3/18 Lauren & Ella Nichols 3/25 Sean Cleary 4/1 Harrison Truscott and Daniel Bear LECTORS 3/11 8:30 Bonnie Derr 3/18 8:30 Jim Maxwell 3/25 8:30 Linda Van Gombos 4/1 8:30 Kay Bailey

11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00

WPC Youth Lynn Leubuscher David Anderson Jack Walker

OFFERING COUNTERS 3/11 8:30 Dottie Bartholomay and Merida Negrete 11:00 Sally Cook and Judy Thompson 3/18 8:30 Paul & Gayle Etter 11:00 Anne & Eric Wolf 3/25 8:30 John High and Bill Whitt 11:00 Bill & Barb Burig 4/1 8:30 Darren & Ben Skeen 11:00 Beth Eagen and Gloria Kanoy SOUND TECHNICIAN March 8:30 Bobby Bosworth 11:00 Gene Zielinksi April 8:30 Doug Wellemeyer 11:00 Frank Stallings

USHERS 3/11 8:30 11:00 3/18 8:30 11:00 3/25 8:30 11:00 4/1 8:30 11:00

Jim Maxwell, Andy & Shirley Collins, and Dave Pottenger Mark & Holly Schmidt, and WPC Youth Richard Watson, and Ron, Becky & Ian Sale Neil & Jennifer McElroy, Chris & Molly McLaughlin, and Monica, Lauren & Ella Nichols Donald & Shirley Rufty, and Jeff & Mary Beck Sutton TBA Bill McAvoy, Barb Vanden Broek, Perry Tharrington, and Anthony Dilweg TBA

NURSERY Monthly Coordinator: March - Jennifer McElroy, April - Joanne Finkle Every Sun. 8:30 Infants- Thoko Manzini/Diane Leadbetter Toddlers- Claire Leadbetter/Marketta Dickinson 11:00 Infants- Thoko Manzini Toddlers- Marketta Dickinson 3/11 8:30 2-5 Cindy & Megan Mouton, and Caroline Skeen 11:00 2-3 Leigh & Jeff Furman 4-5 Jennifer & Neil McElroy 3/18 8:30 2-5 Mary & Steve Harward 11:00 2-3 Crystal Stickwood and 4-5 Rachel & Mike Meyen Ashley Barnes 3/25 8:30 2-5 Tiny Bradley and Carrie Tuttle 11:00 2-3 Vivian & Jim Young 4-5 Amy & Glenn Dickson 4/1 8:30 2-5 Sarah & Anne Wolf 11:00 2-3 Margaret & Sarah Falkovic, and 4-5 Lynn Leubuscher & Brian & Katie Hanczaryk Chris McLaughlin

Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).