Documents to Go. ▫ Cadillac system, but expensive. ▫ ➢
Isilo. ▫ Inexpensive, though highly functional. ▫ Large set of medical documents.
Personal Digital Assistants in the Medical Office
Critical Tool or Toy? ¾ Family
Practice Information Network ((FPIN)) study y indicates that family y physicians encounter 20+ clinical questions per q p day y ¾ Typical physician will stop to look up 3-4 3 4 per day
Critical Tool or Toy? ¾ Delivery
of just in time information could improve p the 7:1 ratio of questions encountered versus answers sought g ¾ PDAs provide an inexpensive, powerful and convenient approach to this problem
Critical Tool or Toy? ¾ Adoption
of new technology generally depends on one function that is considered critical ¾ For the medical use of PDAs that killer application turned out to be Epocrates ¾ 15 faculty, 18 residents and 3 PharmDs all use PDAs in my office
Palm vs. CE ¾ Palm
has current market share in medical arena due to low cost and the original killer app. ¾ Since then literally thousands of applications have been developed using the Palm OS
Palm vs. CE ¾ CE
devices generally have more base memory, y, can be expanded p (Palms ( can now do this as well), have faster CPUs ¾ CE devices are generally more expensive and until recently did not have a free drug information program
Palm vs. CE ¾ New
Palm based machines have more memory, y, with expansion p slots,, and faster CPU speeds ¾ New Palm based machines priced very similar to CE devices ¾ CE have come down in size to be virtually equivalent to small Palms
Palm vs.CE ¾ New
development software bridges the Palm/CE g gap p so more applications will be immediately available for both systems y ¾ Individual use will determine which system is best for each person
Now, what else can I do? ¾ Drug
Information ¾ Drug prescribing ¾ Clinical information ¾ Document D t managementt ¾ Patient information ¾ Billing
Drug Information Systems ¾ Epocrates
was and is the killer app
for Palms ¾ PDR
now available for the Palm and CE platforms http://www pdr net
Prescription Systems ¾ Allscripts
– uses CE platform with internet connection through g office computer
Clinical Information ¾ InfoRetriever
(CE or Palm – limited) ¾ Griffith’s
5 Minute Clinical Consult p ¾ Med.
Lit. ¾ Numerous other texts ¾ Thousands of documents http://meistermed com/isilodepot/
Document Management ¾ Documents
to Go
Cadillac system, but expensive ¾ Isilo
Inexpensive, though highly functional Large set of medical documents available on-line
Patient Information ¾ Patient
Keeper (Palm medical record system) y ) Better for hospital rounding than true records
¾ Allscripts
(CE medical record
system) Multiple modules Designed for offices
Billing and Compliance ¾ Codemeister/
CPT meister ¾ AAFP Long list of ICD ICD-9 9 Codes ¾ STAT
Coder (E&M system) ¾ Pocketmed
- charge capture
Pen-tablet ¾ Developing
a preceptor’s resource machine for the CU Residency y ¾ Pen-tablet or Pen PC device with RF LAN ¾ Drug information, InfoRetriever, Codemeister STATCoder, Codemeister, STATCoder G5MCC, G5MCC web access (Bandolier and others)
Essential Tool ¾ For
those clinicians that do not have an EMR in their office the use of a PDA in the exam room has become an essential tool to improve p clinical care