PantheaCon 2011 Friday - 1:00 pm Friday - 1:30 pm

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Necronomicon? No, the book on which ... James Schultz, D.D.. Saturday - 11:00 am ..... For an example of the projects go to Join us for a  ...
PantheaCon 2011 Friday - 1:00 pm

Opening Ritual Oak Glenn Turner & friends Ritual At the Opening Ritual we acknowledge the Guardians of the quarters and spread a circle of protection around the hotel for the weekend of the Con. If the group is small enough, we can introduce our selves and our hopes for the event. This short ritual allows programming to start at 1:30 pm.

Friday - 1:30 pm

Invocation and the Ancient Art of Ritual Possession Cedar Peter Paddon Call it aspecting, being mounted or ridden, or being possessed, surrendering your physical body fully to the control of a deity or ancestral spirit is a much deeper workof magick than the usual "mouthpiece of the gods" invocation. Learn Lore and practical techniques to use this visceral magical experience. Tarot Spells and Magick Pine Ardantane Pagan Learning Center There are a thousand books on Tarot as a tool for divination, but not nearly as much lore on Tarot's uses in magick and spellcraft. Come learn how the cards not only forecast and illuminate your life, but can transform it. Charging a chosen spread, creating personal trumps, designing a deck for the world you want to create, Tarot talismans, and more magickal techniques. Presented by Amber K and Azrael Arynn K of Ardantane Pagan Learning Center, authors of The Heart of Tarot, RitualCraft, True Magick, and other Craft/Pagan books. Spirit Allies Fir Alaric Albertsson We share our world with an array of spirits that were known to the Saxons and their descendants as elves, dwarves, pucan, woodwoses, boggarts, moss-wives and brownies. Learn how to approach and build positive relationships with your "good neighbors". Mountain Medicine: Feasting the Spirit of Mt Hamilton Oak Daniel Foor Closed Pantheacon is held in the valley between the Diablo Range to the North and East and the Santa Cruz mountains to the South and West. Join us for a participatory shamanic-style ceremony to greet, commune with, and feast the spirit of Mt Hamilton, the highest peak in the San Francisco Bay Area. Thirteen crow miles due East of P-Con, this sacred mountain rests over major fault lines (Fire in the Earth) and is a popular place for star-gazing (Solar/Star Fire). No prior experience with trance work or knowledge of the land in the South Bay required. The Mystery & the Masculine Silicon Valley Charlie Glickman When we have limited ideas of what masculinity can be, our ability to tap into our power and connect with all of our potential is restricted. No matter what your gender or identity, cultural messages around gender roles can hold you back. In this interactive workshop, Charlie Glickman will explore male gender socialization and how it influences our relationships with the masculine Divine. You'll examine ways that this affects your spiritual practices and talk about strategies for creating new connections with your inner landscape as well as the masculine Divine around you. Men's Mysteries San Jose Ivan Richmond Thiasos Olympikos has been doing men's Mysteries and rites of passage into manhood for over 35 years, yet too often they hear from Pagan men that there's plenty of women's spirituality in the Pagan community but not a whole lot for the guys. Ivan Richmond, one of their initiates, will present on men's Mysteries and men's spirituality. He will explain how men's spirituality is completely aligned with the goals of women's spirituality and Feminism, talk about the spiritual landscape of men's spirituality and describe his experiences of the Thiasos Olympikos Men's Mysteries and their rite of passage into manhood. Men only.


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PantheaCon 2011

Astrological Decans - Key to Evocation Santa Clara Frater Barrabbas This workshop will examine all of the elements, including correspondences and materials from other authors that will show how the astrological decans, also known as the Faces, are the key to categorizing and mastering the invocation of the Ha-Shem Angels, Goetic Demons and the Angelic Minoan Snake Goddess Dance and Sacred Serpent Slide Show Carmel/ Monterey Le'ema Kathleen Graham Le'ema will perform her acclaimed Minoan Snake Goddess dance in which she brings to life the classic Cretan statue. In a trance state she will speak in a tongue of timeless wisdom as the Pythia -the ancient Oracle of Gaia -- and address us on current earth changes. Her sublime Sacred Serpent Slide Show presents exquisite images of the snake from antiquities to modern art and includes serpent deities from cultures worldwide. Q & A follows. Three Kinds of Truth in Irish Tradition San Carlos Phillip A. Bernhardt-House What are the Three Kinds of Truth for the People of Ireland? Not difficult: truth of rulers, truth of warriors, and truth of poets. This presentation will examine the Irish sources for these three ethical ideas, the associations they have within the tradition, the texts which are their exempla, and how they can be applied in the modern ethical context of Paganism, whether Celtic Reconstructionist, druidic, or any form of modern Paganim and polytheism that values the Irish tradition. San Juan Introduction to brewing Mead and Ciders Joel Schonbrunn This presentation will introduce the basic techniques necessary to brew mead and ciders.

Friday - 3:30 pm

Finding Our Places Cedar Cathryn Bauer It isn't always easy to connect, either at a con or in the larger Pagan world. This is a discussion group for those who aren't sure where to start. We will co-create safe space to meet, explore expectations, and form our first Pcon connections. Suitable for all traditions and ages. Being with Gods Every Day: Kemetic Ritual & Magic Pine Tamara L. Siuda An ancient Egyptian text states "There is no part of me that is not of the gods," and the Kemetic philosophy suggests our connections to the divine are not just for when we're "in church." Join Egyptologist and priestess Tamara L. Siuda for a lecture and discussion about how the ancient and modern Egyptians, as well as worshippers of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses in the current era, make connections with Them in everyday life. Images of the sacred:the visual world of Ancient Hebrews Fir Elisheva Nesher Lions and totems and naked ladies, oh my These are only some of the many images of the sacred commonly in use in ancient Israel. We will discuss Hebrew tribal totems and other imagery and their significance for ethics, tribal affiliation and identity in the ancient Hebrew world. Walking Our Talk as Dianic Witches Oak Ruth Barrett Closed What are the basics and bottom lines to feminist Dianic cosmology, politics, and rites, and how do they inform the ethics we strive to walk every day? Let's discuss and affirm how a goddess-centered practice guides us in the 21st century. [Women only]


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Walking it Out: Gay Paganism's second wave Silicon Valley Circle of Dionysos The Unnamed Path, The Amethyst Pentacle, Ekklesia Antinuou, The Circle of Dionysos: in the past several years a flurry of pagan groups and practices specifically geared to the LBGT community have emerged and caught the attention of the larger pagan community. Why is this happening? What are the similarities and differences between the various paths? What value does this work have for not only GLBTQ pagans, but also for the larger pagan community? Join Hyperion, Storm Faerywolf, DK Cowan, and P. Sufenas Virius Lupus for a round table discussion of these and other topics related to second wave gay paganism. Circle Repair; Restorative practices in covens and circles San Jose Rev. Crystal Blanton Preventative work is important in any group but prevention does not always stop potentially damaging situations within a coven or group. Part of sustaining covens and groups is in our ability to repair what might be affected after a given situation. Restorative Justice is a system of conflict mediation that has been growing in popularity and use within justice systems, schools and other avenues. Join in learning restorative concepts and how to apply that to workings within a coven or group. Come prepared for discussion and ritual participation. Circle Repair; Restorative practices in covens and circles San Jose Rev. Crystal Blanton Preventative work is important in any group but prevention does not always stop potentially damaging situations within a coven or group. Part of sustaining covens and groups is in our ability to repair what might be affected after a given situation. Restorative Justice is a system of conflict mediation that has been growing in popularity and use within justice systems, schools and other avenues. Join in learning restorative concepts and how to apply that to workings within a coven or group. Come prepared for discussion and ritual participation. A String of Pearls for Your Trip Santa Clara >ogamRead a cosmic map made of beads, learn ways make your own, explore inner space, and commune with the Divine by praying, meditating, walking, and doing magic with just a strand of beads. See both familiar types as well as new kinds developed with other individuals and groups. Pendulum Divination San Carlos Donald Michael Kraig A pendulum is any weighted object attached to a cord, chain, etc. A necklace with a pendant or a key at the end of a chain works perfectly. In this workshop you'll Learn to use a pendulum to give an effective divination anywhere, any time. You'll learn how a pendulum works, how to program your pendulum, how to do yes/no divinations, how to determine timings, and how to get answers spelled out. Bring a pendulum, some paper, and something to write with. Don has been trained in Pendulum Programming by the Center for Applied Symbolism and Pragmatic Psychology. The Wheel of the Year 101 San Juan Eric Lethe A "Guided Tour" of the Wiccan Calendar. 8 Sabbats and the seasonal changes as they relate to Magical learning. Printed material and Guided Meditations will be included. Meditations with Freyja - A Ritual to Honor the Lady San Martin/ San Simeon Patricia Lafayllve Ritual - Closed This is an experiential ritual, where participants have the opportunity to connect with Freyja in a sacred setting. Patricia Lafayllve will lead the participants through the creation of sacred space and into a guided meditation focused on the Lady and her presence in our lives. Participants are then safely guided back, and offerings are made to thank Freyja for all she has done, and continues to do, in our lives. Prior guided meditation or trance training is highly recommended.


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PantheaCon 2011

Friday - 5:00 pm

Welcoming the Sabbath Bride Riesling A Couple of Jews Ritual Jew-friendly Pagans, Pagan-friendly Jews, and those who find ways to be Heathen and non-Heathen at the same time, please join us as we welcome the Jewish Sabbath. There'll be a short prayer service (where the Hebrew God is acknowledged to encompass a feminine form!) followed by wine and bread and maybe something tasty to nosh upon.

Friday - 7:00 pm

Lasher Keen ~ Wood Metal for Scandinavian Tree Troll Folk Cedar/ Pine Lasher Keen Lasher Keen means a Spirit in Mourning. For the Raven, BlueBird, & Owl have died. They have been reborn as makers of music. Savage Strings, Beautiful Bells, Devilish Drums, & Venomous Voices Make up the musical landscape that Lasher Keen invite their listeners to embark upon. Lasher Keen has been described as the thundering heartbeat of a bird within a Beast, powerfully strong, yet capable of delicate composition. The Illegitimate Love Child of a Pagan Ritual & the Velvet Underground. Moisture Oak Luisah Teish Storytelling and Performance of Oshun's mysteries and recommendations for maintaining a wet pussy. Participants please bring writing materials and small musical instruments. Silicon Valley Empowering The Magickal Voice Ivo Dominguez Jr The voice is perhaps the single most powerful magickal tool that we carry within our bodies. Magick can be spoken, toned, chanted, sung, and uttered as primal sounds. We will begin the workshop by expanding our psychic sense of hearing. Then we will weave back and forth between theory and practical applications. Come well hydrated as you will be using your voice. Reconstructionist Paganism: Where does Scholarship End? San Jose Thiasos Olympikos When reconstructing a tradition from the past one is forced to rely on some kind of record, whether written, graphic, archeological, or whatever. But Discovery is constant as research goes on, and what was 'true' last year may become a 'mistake' next year. And there is always the matter of interpretation. How far can the discovered record take us? And how accurate do we have to be to be 'real?' Lunar Magick Santa Clara Frater Barrabbas This workshop examines how the cycle of the moon can be used to powerfully effect practical magick. We will examine the seasonal full moons, the eight phases of the lunation cycle and the 28 mansions of the moon. Broceliande Concert Carmel/ Monterey Broceliande Broceliande plays Celtic music from the British isles and the Medievel and Renaissance music of the European courts and countrysides, with an emphasis on music inspired by or traditionally performed during each of the four seasons. Featuring stellar vocal and instrumental harmonies, their entrancing sound is built on the interweaving of up to 3-part vocals with the lyrical music of the Celtic harp, octave mandolin, cello, 12-string guitar, recorders, flute, gamba, whistle, percussion, and more! Ritual for Teens San Carlos Mary Beth Spencer Ritual The teens of our community, ages 12-19 are invited to work together to create a ritual designed, implemented and for our teens. The first half hour of our program will be writing a ritual. The next 15 minutes will be finalizing ritual and practicing the ritual. The last 45 minutes will be doing the ritual with all attendees invited.


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PantheaCon 2011

Grandmother Stones of Megalithic Europe San Juan Max Dashu A visual overview of the female menhir-statues of France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sardinia, Germany, and Ukraine. We'll look at their similarities to female monuments in Ethiopia, and explore the recurrent symbolism of breast and necklaces, vulva sign, and the "ancestor-face." This is your chance to get a taste of these foundational matrifocal societies, with lots of new pictuers of the monumental ancestral mothers omitted by nearly all histories and many archaeological surveys. The Rite of the Seven Jars San Martin/ San Simeon Storm Faerywolf Ritual - Closed In one of our myths Melek Ta'us, the Peacock Angel, is said to have collected his tears in seven jars and used them to extinguish the fires of Hell. Part trance journey, part exercise, and part ritual devoted to the Blue God of the Feri tradition, we will journey to this infernal dimension so that we might assist in the purification and release of those souls trapped there, as well as our own inner demons of guilt, shame, and fear, to transform this darkness into the shining light of divine freedom for ourselves and the world. Pagans Anonymous Riesling G. Andrew Richie This is a look at how twelve step recovery relates to magick. What magickal principles are found in twelve step recovery programs? What twelve step principles can be applied to the world of magick? What does it mean to be a Pagan in recovery? These and other questions will be explored as G. Andrew Richie invites everyone to participate in this discussion, whether you are in recovery, know someone in recovery, or are just curious.

Friday - 9:00 pm

Conscious Attunement and the Growth of Your Spirit Cedar/ Pine Orion Foxwood / House of Brigh My mother always said "claim your spirit or something else will" and this reclamation of our own inner sovereignty is the content of this workshop. My teachers have helped me realize that each of us were born to heal and reveal ourselves. Sadly, however, we too often are filled with the knowledge of everything around us while loosing our most precious gift - OUR OWN SPIRIT. In this workshop Orion will discuss simple techniques for consistent dialogue with our own soul and "place-holder" practices to support keeping our own consciousness in our lives. Welcome Home!!! The Divine Presence - A Modern Theurgic Ritual Fir Mysterium OM Ritual Theurgic ritual is at the heart of the Mystery Schools. Participation in a rite designed to create a nonintellectual experience of the Divine Being initiates changes in consciousness. Rooted in ancient times, this living art constantly finds new expression. A brief discussion of sources and symbology will be followed by the participatory ritual, addressing the NeoPlatonic goal of henosis, or oneness, and the hieros gamos of individual self with Source. Rather than wild abandon, this is a gnostic ecstasy of realization, wisdom, and serenity. Druid Ritual: Honoring the Ancestors Oak Fellowship of Druidism for the Latter Age (FoDLA) Ritual Come join the Druids of the Fellowship as we present a FoDLA style Druid ritual Journeys to Avalon Silicon Valley Jhenah Telyndru Closed Avalonian Landscape Postures are meditative journeying tools that permit the seeker to connect with and explore the alchemical geomantic energies of Glastonbury, believed to be the ancient Island of Avalon. Together, we will explore the symbolic significance of major sites in the Glastonbury landscape, discuss their mythic and historic context, and highlight their relevance to the modern Pagan movement. Accompanied by Shamanic drumming, we will have an opportunity to experience a trance posture journey to the Holy Isle in a safe, sacred, and supported environment. Please bring a towel or yoga mat for the floor, and wear comfortable clothing.


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Road to Ife: Ofo Ase and the Power of the Word San Jose Iya Ayodele Closed In this workshop we will consider the power of the speech to manifest our intentions and to create a life of increased ease. The workshop will focus on the teachings of Ifa, a West-African spiritual and life tradition and the progenitor of the Orisha/Santeria/Lucumi tradition. The wisdom and intelligence of Ifa includes cosmology, philosophy, science, ethics, poetry, folktales, proverbs sacred scripture and song. Sex and Sex Magic in the Victorian Age Carmel/ Monterey Richard Kaczynski The 19th century was a hotbed of discourse on intercourse that spilled over into religion and esotericism. Beginning with the seminal works of Richard Payne Knight, J.G.R. Forlong, Richard Burton and Hargrave Jennings, we'll uncover the literature and practice of sacred sexuality that sprang up during this fertile period. Come one, come all to hear about: the Golden Dawn's favorite sexual mystic, Thomas Lake Harris, who taught about breathing exercises, group marriage, and the fairies living in your breasts; the mischief of GD wanna-bes Madame and Theo Horos; Carl Kellner's encounter with sacred sexuality and its entry into O.T.O.; and much more. Pagan Speed Dating San Carlos Pagan Amory Group Monitored Join CAYA Coven's Pagan Amory Group for a night of Pagan Speed Dating in Sacred Space. We call upon love deities to aid us in finding our perfect match(es)! They open our hearts and minds to see the beauty of the divine within all of us. Come meet new friends, find a partner or even just a date for the night...see what path enfolds. We offer a safe, welcoming environment to connect for all genders, sexual preferences and relationship statuses. Space is limited. Pre-register right before the workshop to reserve your spot. Participants only please! The Sacred Body of Woman San Martin/ San Simeon Z Budapest Monitored Ritual & Self-Blessing (women-only and has brief nudity) This briefly skyclad rite honors the body of each and every woman present, the beauty and grace of the feminine form in all of her infinite variety. Allow yourself to be embraced by the glorious love of your sisters, with voices raised in sacred song in this central ritual of the Dianic Tradition.This ritual is one of the most beautiful and most touching rituals within the Dianic Tradition, and should not be missed.

Friday - 11:00 pm

Pomba Gira Devotional Cedar/ Pine American Magic Umbanda House Ritual - Monitored The annual Devotional to Pomba Gira is a celebration of the power and hard-earned wisdom of Pomba Gira. Pomba teaches self-confidence, love of the body and mind, and how to make sure the bills get paid. Dress in your best red and black, ready to dance. Remember: Street-legal cover through the halls, beach-legal coverage on the dance floor. Trance is entirely optional - there are many ways to enjoy the favors of the Orixa. The environment will be sensual, but the rating for this ritual is PG-13. No-one under 21 admitted. No Photography! Chanting into Mystery Oak Palo Alto Area Pagan Meetup Group Come chant with us between the worlds: relax your mind, open to healing, and let your spirit ride on the gentle, repetitive rhythms. Allow yourself to soar up into the starry sky, or merge down into the earth, or float right here, in celebration of your soul and in attunement with your deeper Will. Feel the harmonies as they dissolve energy blockages. Repetitive chanting is a hallowed aspect of many mystical paths worldwide. Research shows that this practice fosters alpha brainwaves--and in experienced meditators, theta or even delta rhythms. Come share the pleasure and the mystery. Drum Circle 101 Silicon Valley Don Schulz New to drumming and want an even break? Come to this beginner/novice drum circle and get great ideas before you go play!


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PantheaCon 2011's Ultimate Postmodern Metaritualistic Metaritual

San Jose Ritual - Closed To understand recursive metaritual, you must first understand recursive metaritual. Come learn from the best - you! Together we'll create meaning from meaninglessness and increase universal complexity, all in service to that great Wile E. goddess of Chaos Herself. The Vision of Hekate Santa Clara Charles Stein The Chaldean Oracles are the main source for the practice of the worship of Hekate from the ancient world. Presentation will include a fresh translation of the Oracles and are composed to be used for her invocation. After a discussion by Charles Stein, Timotha Doane will lead the participants in an invocation of the Goddess. Hobbyhorse House Concert Carmel/ Monterey Hobbyhorse In the spirit of this year's theme, "Walking the Talk", Hobbyhorse is going back to the old way of performing music with acoustic instruments and completely unplugged. In times past, musicians would play in the homes and salons of their patrons. This special Hobbyhorse concert will recreate the setting of a house concert - small, intimate and friendly with you playing the role of honored guest. Hobbyhorse plays original songs inspired by world mythology, magic, alchemy and universal themes such as love, loss and renewal. Interwoven with their originals are traditional songs from the British Isles. A Trip to the Tundra San Martin/ San Simeon Dana Runkle Closed We'll have a discussion about the Saami world view and how that view can be used to enhance shamanic work in the modern world. Then we'll go on a visit to the tundra to see what we can find. Attendees should have some experience doing journey work. Green Theleme Riesling Lew Finzel Green Theleme is an ecological ethos and magickal philosophy of reverence for bio-divercity springing from Alchemy(The Emerald Tablet of Thrice-Great Hermes), Rosicrucianism, the Holy Books of Thelema and other writings by Aleister Crowley.Many of Crowley's ideas and insights are adapted freely and willfully...

Saturday - 9:00 am

Wake Up to Spirit Ritual Cedar Come As You Are Coven Ritual This popular ritual is a wonderful way to start your morning. Join CAYA Clergy from East and South Bay for singing, gentle movement, joyful dancing, coffee and the creation of the perfect energy for your magical day at the Con. This is a GREAT ritual for all ages, paths and abilities. Bring the family! Danbala Sevis (Haitian Vodou Ceremony) Pine Mambo Chita Tann Ritual - Closed A sevis (ceremony/service) for the Lwa Danbala-Wedo and Ayida-Wedo, the serpent and the rainbow of Haitian Vodou. Observers are welcome. Participants MUST wear all white clothing, may not be bleeding (cuts/injuries or menstruation) and will be expected to dance. Diana & Dianus: The Great Rite & The True Sabbath Fir Stregan Arch Priestess Diana & Arch Priest Dianus A Once In A Lifetime Event: Various Branches, Traditions, and Clans of Italian Strega today cautiously begin to open to the outside world. Arch Priestess Diana & Arch Priest Dianus del Bosco Sacro emerge from concealment in Italy to unveil deeper mysteries of The Great Rite for Pagan couples. More than mere sexual union, The Great Rite leads to knowledge of the true Sabbath: conscious participation in the ecstasy of Universal forces. Introduction by Interpreter and Golden Dawn Imperator, David Griffin (Lupercus del Bosco Sacro). Anthropological commentary by Leslie McQuade (Aegeria del Bosco Sacro). See: http:///


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Sword dancing for absolute beginners Oak Emperor Norton's Guard Closed You've seen the team dancing between programs at Pantheacon for years - now it's your turn to dance the swords! Learn the basic moves of traditional Yorkshire sword dances. No previous dance experience necessary; two operable feet are, but coordination isn't required. (Please note - this workshop will be closed after the first 15 minutes, to make it easier for folks to learn together.) Pagans & Burners: Participatory Spirituality Silicon Valley Lee Gilmore What do the Burning Man festival and the Pagan movement have in common? Why do so many Burners describe that festival as a spiritually transformative experience? Can it be considered a Pagan (or pagan) event? And what is the significance of both of these movements for the future of religion? In the spirit of walking our talk - or in Burning Man parlance, being participants not spectators - this will be an interactive discussion on the cultural, spiritual, ritual & ethical dimensions of both Burning Man and Paganism. Come prepared to give a gift of yourself. Introduction to Hindu Deities San Jose Kulasundari Devi Do you feel drawn to the Hindu religion and its deities, but have no idea where to begin? Do you want to build a regular daily practice to bring you closer to Deity, but don't know where to begin? This workshop will give you a brief overview of the most important Hindu Gods and Goddesses, as well as introduce a basic, culturally-appropriate structure for daily worship, including ritual and song. Ida Craddock: Sexual Outlaw & Erotic Mystic Santa Clara Vere Chappell Ida Craddock was a late nineteenth century advocate for women's rights who helped hundreds with her sex counseling and marriage manuals. She was also an avid occultist who reported having sexual intercourse with angelic beings. Her work was highly praised by Aleister Crowley, but condemned by moral purists of the time. Although suffering exile, commitment to an insane asylum, and hard labor in prison, Ida's courage and refusal to compromise her beliefs would lead to her ultimate triumph, even in death. Come learn about this fascinating woman and her writings on sex magick, mysticism, belly dancing, and intercourse with angels. West side story Witches; how gang wars destroy community Carmel Rev. Crystal Blanton Any growing community can create fertile ground for dissension and misunderstandings. This will then become the soil that feeds what can develop into witch wars and destructive dynamics. Our ability to sustain the Pagan community will rely largely on our ability to work within the confines of budding dynamics in a community that is growing rapidly and often without a lot of resources. This workshop will discuss ways to identify potential situations that could cultivate issues within the community at large and potential solutions for resolution. Conjuring the Stars: Secrets of Picatrix Monterey John Michael Greer It was written by a mysterious Arab, passed secretly from hand to hand in Latin translation through the Middle Ages, and includes conjurations to call down eldritch powers from the stars. The Necronomicon? No, the book on which Lovecraft's fantasy might have been based: Picatrix, the most influential magical manual of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. John Michael Greer, cotranslator of the Picatrix, leads a journey into a universe of magic completely different from modern occultism.


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Inspiring the Muse with Tarot San Carlos jaymi elford Interested in writing short stories or books? Want to combine your passion for words with your love of tarot? Inspiring the Muse takes writers and tarot enthusiasts through a whirlwind tour in using tarot as a creative muse. In this workshop you'l discover how to use tarot as a journalling companion, the ultimate story generator, and as a writing coach. Let author Jaymi Elford show you how you can put spark into your writing life. Bring your imagination, paper and pen, and an illustrated tarot deck. Modern Trance Techniques for All Traditions and Paths San Juan Gareth B. Closed Trance techniques in today's traditions are often based on authoritarian methods from the 1940s1950s, often with one-size-fits-all scripts. These trance techniques were based on contemporary clinical practice. Today, following the extensive work of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., there are more modern and more effective techniques of eliciting (not "inducing"!) and using trance. A trance experience will be offered and then discussed in detail. The concepts are not difficult and participants will be able to use this information in their own ritual work. Dancing the Inner Serpent San Martin/ San Simeon Le'ema Kathleen Graham Closed Snake Yoga and Sacred Dance with Temple Serpents -- a delicious way to start your day! Come connect with the energies of your inner serpent through a simple, relaxing, grounded and restorative set of yoga on the floor honoring the Nagas -- serpent deities. This practice will nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Arouse the liquid fire of Kundalini with Snake Yoga, Sacred Serpent Breath, Meditation and Movement. Trance dance with a snake to shed the old skins that bind you and change your life! Where is the Earth Mother in Your Astrology Chart? Riesling Rev. James Schultz, D.D. We are born of the Earth Mother ... we live through the bounty of the Earth Mother. When we are finished with our bodies, they are returned to Her. Most know of the Sun, Moon, the 7 planets and the 3 Earth element signs ... but where is our Earth Mother, the planet closest to us? How does Her placement influence your life? How can She [help] support you as you ìWalk The Talkî? Learn how to find the Earth Mother in any chart, and what Her location means by house and sign.

Saturday - 11:00 am

The Gorsedd of Bards of Pantheacon Cedar British Druid Order Ritual The Gorsedd of Bards of Pantheacon returns for its second year with the beautiful liturgy of the British Druid Order. The Gorsedd calls on the Spirits that embody Pantheacon, celebrating with Bardic Initiations, Child Blessings, Healings, and Ancestor Memorials. We honor the Gods with Poetry, Songs and Offerings. Founder of the British Druid Order, Philip Shallcrass (Greywolf), created and compiled the original rite in 1993 (Caer Abiri-Avebury, UK). Many Bards, including author Emma Restall Orr (Bobcat) have also contributed since then. Bring if you wish: Poem, Tale, Song, Offerings for the Spirits of Pantheacon, Rhythm / Musical Instruments. Children Welcome! Brigid Inspiration & Healing Ritual Pine Selena Fox Ritual - Monitored Attune and work with the Goddess Brigid for enhancing personal creativity and for healing self, others, and the planet. This rite includes trance-chanting, inner journeying, healing meditations, and energy raising. It features invocations and alignments with Brigid in several of Her sacred forms, including as Shapeshifter, Muse, and Bright One for Inspiration and as Brigid of the Sacred Oak, Sacred Swan, Sacred Sun, Sacred Well, and Shining Spirit for Healing. Participants are invited, but not required to bring a piece of jewelry or other object to be energized during the ceremony. Open to women and men.


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The Growing Edge: Applied Earth Magic Fir Starhawk Permaculture: The Growing Edge is the new documentary by Starhawk and Donna Read, who made Goddess Remembered and Burning Times. Starhawk will show the 45 minute documentary which focuses on hopeful solutions and inspiring examples of applied earth healing techniques, and then lead an interactive discussion to find the magic in permaculture--regenerative ecological design--and the permaculture principles that work real magic. Battle Goddess: Self-Defense & General Kick-Assery Oak T. Thorn Coyle and Robert Russell Closed The call came from Goddesses of two traditions - Freyja and the Morrigan - to train ourselves into full strength. We strive to answer that call. Whether you want to cultivate a sense of greater confidence, learn how to break out of choke-holds, or find the inner strength to stand up to bullies, come move with us. This introductory workshop will offer techniques for strong posture and presence and some basic self-defense. Invoke Goddess power to walk the earth ready for whatever may come. Those under 18 years of age must attend with a legal guardian. Wear comfortable clothing. Pagans in the Media: A Panel on 21st Century Pagan Leadership Silicon Valley Devin Hunter Closed This panel will feature Devin Hunter, journalist and host of the Modern Witch Podcast, Ms.Rabbit Mathews, owner of The Sacred well and Co-founder of CAYA, Jason Pitzl-Waters journalist, host of The Wild Hunt blog and A Darker Shade of Pagan, and Rev. Hyperion host of The Unnamed Path. The panel will be addressing modern paganism in the media, pagan community culture, and the growth of the neo-pagan movement in the twenty-first century. How we got here, what we are doing as a contemporary culture, and where we are headed. This panel will be recorded in HD video for later distribution. Bringing the Wisdom of the Earth to the Future San Jose Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. Many indigenous wisdom traditions share key elements in the correcting of imbalances on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual imbalance. This is because all shamanic traditions are based on original, intimate understandings of the wisdom of the Earth. And the Earth is a field of fundamental experience we all share, but with which modern cultures have lost touch. This workshop will explore 3 forms of healing which have emerged out of the intimate contact with the earth. These include Soul Retrieval, Power Retrieval and the removal of energetic interference. By understanding these ancient healing techniques, we can create a different future. Maat--Living Goddess and Way of Life Santa Clara Richard Reidy Of all the great deities of Egypt the goddess Maat stands out as the moral ideal for individuals as well as society. But she was not merely an intellectual construct like Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam. We will explore through textual analysis the absolutely central role this important and distinct goddess plays in formal daily temple ritual, her role in the lives of people, and after their deaths. Based on ancient texts we will explore what it means to "realize maat" in our lives, in relation to and in service to others, and in our society today. Aleister Crowely: His Life and Times Carmel/ Monterey Richard Kaczynski Join biographer Richard Kaczynski on an audience-led multimedia presentation on the colorful life and remarkable times of Aleister Crowley. Based on the revised and expanded edition of Richard's acclaimed book "Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley," it explores the facts and fallacies about the man who called himself "The Great Beast" and knocks down the straw man that the gutter press labeled "The Wickedest Man in the World."


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Intuitive Tarot Reading Workshop San Carlos Diane Wing Closed This workshop will teach you how to use tarot cards to tap into your natural intuitive abilities. You'll learn the basic structure of tarot, color meanings, suits, court cards, and card layouts. Students practice seeing messages in the cards, feeling their energy, and making connections between them. Bring your favorite tarot deck and notebook with you. Extra decks will be available if you don't have one. No experience necessary! Wish Upon a Star...Spellcraft Ritual for Children San Juan KinderSpirits Ritual - Closed Wish Upon a Star is a simple spellcraft ritual for children. The goal of this ritual/workshop is to introduce children to the concepts of ritual structure, etiquette, sacred space and spellwork. Children will learn to make individual and community spells. Children may take home their craft or donate it to the auction. Participants will also create a community necklace to be auctioned at the conference. Proceeds from the sale(s) will be donated to charity. We request a small donation ($2) to cover the cost of materials. Children must be accompanied by parent/caregiver and adults must be accompanied by a child. Pagan Home Companion II San Martin/ San Simeon Janus Blume/Greenheart Grove Broadcast Live from the Doubletree Hotel, we present entertainment and inspiration from the Witches of Greenheart Grove, where the cakes are just a little sweeter, the wine is always accompanied by a non-alcoholic choice for our brothers and sisters in recovery and it never dares to rain on a sabbat. We will sing for you; you will sing with us, and explore the question, "How do we walk our talk and live our values?" We hope you will laugh, cry and leave with an expanded heart. Preparing for Elderhood in an aging community Riesling Elderflower Crones Rachael Watcher & Susan Deaver We will discuss the physical, psychological, emotional, and social changes that occur as a person passes through the process of growing older. We will also discuss changing personal, family, and social needs during this process. We will address the signs attached to these processes so that as a person moves into this stage of life one will not be caught unprepared. Our approach comes from a practical, astrological, and esoteric perspective.

Saturday - 12:30 pm

English Longsword Dancing Quietbar Foyer Emperor Norton's Guard Norton's Guard is an English Ritual Longsword team doing traditional winter sword dances from the British Isles. The team was started in 1988. We are based in Oakland,Ca, & practice year round. we can be contacted at 510-653-5096 or [email protected] or [email protected]

Saturday - 1:30 pm

Yes They Are! Meeting and Greeting the Queerest of the Gods


Circle of Dionysos Closed Throughout history, members of what is known today as the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and Questioning (GLBTIQQ) community held important positions in the priesthoods of various deities the world over. Our very existence proves that there are purposes in life as important as procreation, and every purpose in life is represented by its own set of deities. Those of us who have formed or joined GLBTIQQ specific circles often find unexpected allies in our explorations of the world's various pantheons. In this theatrical ritual, we'd like you to meet some of them. Under 18 with informed consent only, no admittance after the ritual has begun.


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Pagan & Hindu Ritual Pine Pagans from Various Traditions & the Hindu American Foundation Ritual - Closed Join Amadea, Wendy Griffin, M. Macha Nightmare, Holi Emore and others for an interfaith sharing of Pagan and Hindu spiritual practices in ritual celebration, including colorful altars, dances, drumming, chants, and meditations. (Parts of the ritual will be participatory, so come with comfortable shoes. Colorful ritual attire is desirable, but not required.) Lon Milo's Magical, Musical, Midlife Crisis Fir Lon Milo DuQuette The magical mind of Lon Milo DuQuette exposes itself in public through the songs, stories and barefaced lies of a 62 year old magician, author and songwriter. Yes! He has a new book to plug (Low Magick from Llewellyn) but as always he is just crying out for people to love him and he will try so very hard to please you. Chanting As a Part of Seemless Ritual Oak Margot Adler Margot Adler brings her chanting workshop yet again to Pantheacon. In the past more than 200 people have sung, harmonized and chanted in free form. It's an opportunity to create continuous sound, to use voice, joy, gestures, whispers, growels, shouts, harmonies and energy in a weave of ecstatic connection. Frigga and Her Handmaidens Silicon Valley Closed Victoria Clare Frigga is a consummate businesswoman, mother, and wife of Odin. Her twelve handmaidens have distinct personalities and abilities and are very useful goddesses to know. Create a relationship via guided meditation with one or more of them at this workshop. The Future of Buddhism in the West San Jose Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. Buddhism was revolutionary when it was introduced into India 2500 years ago. When Buddha claimed that his source of power could not be vanquished because his source of power was the Earth, he turned intellectual attention back to the wisdom of the Earth. Buddhism's combination of mental and spiritual engagement with the creative and dynamic wisdom of the Earth provides a powerful model of change that is highly relevant to the spiritual dislocation many westerners experience today. This workshop introduces key principles found in Buddhism that can help create a different future for westerners both individually and collectively. The High Magic of Hypatia Santa Clara John Opsopaus Hypatia, a Pagan who was accused of witchcraft and torn apart by a Christian mob, was the most important female philosopher of the ancient world. This talk presents the Neoplatonic spiritual ideas and practices that she taught. I will discuss the long esoteric tradition to which she belonged, the circumstances of her murder, her spiritual teachings, and how we can use her spiritual and magical practices today. Pagan Humor 3: The Search For Spock Carmel/ Monterey Angus McMahan Monitored MOSTLY NEW JOKES. If you liked the 1st and 2nd installments of this series, you will most likely also enjoy this years offering. If you did NOT like last years presentation, then you probably won't even be reading this. So I'll just stop now. Altar A-Go-Go San Carlos/ San Juan Goblin Crafting Triumverate Hands-On - Closed Another interactive, hands-on, crafting extravaganza with the Goblin Crafting Triumvirate, with Special Guest presenter Reva Myers of Amber Moon. Come build your own portable, wearable, goanywhere directional altar. Reva pioneered this concept back in the 20th century, and will join us to share the story and her suggestions for symbology associated with directional altars. Some supplies will be provided, but you are invited to bring personal items for inclusion in your piece (hint: many, many options available in the dealer room). Limited space.


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Ritual for Youth San Martin/ San Simeon Mary Beth Spencer Ritual The youth of our community, ages 8-14 are invited to work together to create a ritual designed, implemented and for our youth. The first half hour of our program will be writing a ritual based on a provided structure. The second half hour will be finalizing ritual and practicing the ritual. The last half hour will be doing the ritual with all attendees invited. The Poet's Truth Riesling Michael Routery Writing poetry is a making (poiesis), which can be a visionary, magical, and/or devotional practice. Poems can be offerings—gifts to the gods and spirits. Poetry can be a process of religare and reconnection to place. In Celtic tradition the poet is a seer with oracular and transformative abilities. We will consider modern visionary currents of poetry (and some connections to ancient bardic practices) and traditions such as that of the Gaelic filid, the Welsh bards, and the Greek rhapsodes. Bring writing tools.

Saturday - 3:30 pm

Conscious Connection and the Web of Spirit Cedar/ Pine Orion Foxwood / House of Brigh The illusion of isolation and its resulting abandonment pain is the core fear of humanity. As long as it dictates the inner and outer life of our species, nothing but harm can result. In this workshop, Orion will discuss this 'soul-wound' and the 'soul-cages' that grow from it. He will lead us in techniques to engage with the individual life-thread that flows through us, into and out of us from the web of spirit. This workshop is about healing our abandonment pain, discovering the one-life that has flowed through our embodiments and re-connecting ourselves with continuity of life. American Mystic - Film and Q&A with director and subjects Fir Alex Mar with Jason Pitzl-Waters and Stone City American Mystic: a film by Alex Mar (official selection Tribeca Film Festival). Join us for a very special screening of "AMERICAN MYSTIC", with Q&A with the director & subjects of the film, moderated by Jason Pitzl-Waters (The Wild Hunt). A farm hand in upstate New York trains to become a healer; a Lakota Sioux in South Dakota returns to the scarring ritual of sundancing; a Pagan priestess builds a witches' sanctuary in northern California. In her debut, director Alex Mar presents another view of faith. Intimate, visually lush portraits of young Americans living outside the mainstream to follow their beliefs. Tarot Intel Circle Oak Mary Greer Closed Each person will give and receive a variety of responses to a personal question or issue via a highenergy circle group reading of the tarot cards. This process jump starts your intuitive tarot reading skills and is excellent for understanding the differences between the rational and intuitive mind and for working both sides of your brain. It is appropriate for both novices and experienced readers. Didjeridu Sound Healing Silicon Valley Krystov Didjeri-Doc/Land of the Blind Short Performance by Krystov of Land of the Blind/Beginning Didjeridu instruction (bring your didj if you have one, if not, some will be provided)Shamanic Discussion of Sound Healing-Indigenous uses/Short Sound Healing Sessions for those needing healing Inanna and Dumuzi Devotional San Jose Temple of Inanna and Dumuzi Ritual - Closed The Temple of Inanna and Dumuzi will perform a worship of this married pair of ancient Sumerian Deities. Inanna is a Goddess of just about everything in civilization. She's also a Goddess of love, sex, lust, sensuality and eroticism as well as a Goddess Who can be as ferocious in battle as She can be kind and nurturing to Her worshipers. Dumuzi, Her husband, is a God of agriculture, herding and a Deity who dies and is resurrected every year.


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Baltic Heathenism Santa Clara Prudence Priest The Baltics were the last European countries to be occupied by Christianity. Many folk traditions survived not only that but Communism as well. There will be a discussion and presentation with video of modern indigenous practices, and CD's and other literature available. Bardic Magic Carmel/ Monterey Leslie Fish A brief overview of the relationship between music and psychic phenomena, with examples, including the Bardic Rain Ritual. Introduction to Wheat Weaving San Carlos/ San Juan Woven Circle Hands-On This class focuses on beginning weaving techniques along with straw preparation and sources on books, materials, and local groups. In this class, each student will make at least two weaving: a Bridget's Cross and Harvest Knot to bring home. Children must be accompanied by an adult. All materials and supplies are provided. For an example of the projects go to Hymns to Helios - A Theurgic Rite of Sacrifice San Martin/ San Simeon OSOGD Join us for a theurgic offering ritual done in the style of Iamblichus of Chalsis, author in the year 300 C.E. of the foundation book of western magick. We will chant and recite hymns written circa 450 C.E. by the Neoplatonic philosopher Proclus to the sun god Helios and make appropriate sacrifices while ascending the Great Chain of Being. Suitable for anyone who needs more light, warmth, and illumination in his or her life. White apparel is encouraged but not required. West's Permaculture Track: Organic Poultry Management Riesling West/FFRASS This class will cover the basics of keeping home poultry (chickens mainly), the symbiosis and the organic methods that work effectively. Nature always farms with livestock: when we mimic this we gain a yield in both production and health. Keeping domestic beneficial animals is among the most ancient of ancestral practices. You may be able to use a chicken around the house!

Saturday - 5:00 pm

Havdalah Riesling A Couple of Jews Ritual Jew-friendly Pagans, Pagan-friendly Jews, and those who find ways to be Heathen and non-Heathen at the same time, please join us for the Havdalah service that marks the end of Shabbat and the beginning of the new week. There'll be a short prayer service followed by wine and bread and maybe something tasty to nosh upon.

Saturday - 7:00 pm

Hauk: Live in Concert Cedar/ Pine Hauk LA's very own Heathen Metal ensemble return to Pantheacon! This is an energy intense musical experiences- don't miss it! Come prepared to rock out, bang your head, and scream "No Mercy!" A Pagan/Hindu Dialogue Oak T. Thorn Coyle, Mihir Meghani, Selena Fox and others. Paganism and Hinduism have much in common and are moving toward joining in an alliance together. What common goals and common obstacles do they share? Can Hinduism fit under the "Pagan" umbrella? Can the two work together in unity to address common misconceptions and to overcome radical Evangalism, or are they too different? Where do we find common ground amidst our differences? These and other ideas will be addressed by a Pagan/Hindu panel, with questions from the audience. Join T. Thorn Coyle, Mihir Meghani, Selena Fox, and moderator Barbara McGraw for this important discussion.


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The Herald, the Father and the Sage Silicon Valley CAYA Coven's Brotherhood of the Moon Ritual - Closed CAYA Coven's Brotherhood of the Moon invites men to a ritual exploration of the archetypes of the Divine Masculine and the Gods that inspire, guide and assist us in achieving our personal goals of excellence. Let us stand tall and proud alongside one another with mutual respect, fidelity, camaraderie, and devotion as we reveal the faces of the God within. (This ritual will be for men only) The Challenges of Priest/essing San Jose Robin Dolan Closed Being a Priest/ess often means stepping into the spotlight and stretching yourself. While being a leader can gift us with power & attention, it isn't simply about accolades and gratitude. Stepping into leadership is also about exposing yourself to vulnerability. What is the shadow side of your power? With journaling, improv games, and magic, we will look at what are the risks of being a priestess, including projections, fears, self-esteem issues, and fatigue. It is through knowing and working with our shadow that we can be our best priestess selves. The Aetheric Art of Radionics Santa Clara Joseph Max Radionics is the metaphysical art and science of using physical instruments and symbols to model, generate, project, amplify, store and manipulate subtle energies, known by many names such as Chi, Prana, Orgone. This workshop will present a basic introduction to the background and theory of radionics, and demonstrate a variety of radionic devices. Then the attendees will be able to participate in a group Balancing of the Chakras operation using a fully functional Hieronymus Eloptic Analyzer (aka "Hieronymus Machine"). Wendy Rule Ritual Concert Carmel/ Monterey Wendy Rule Weaving together music, mythology and Magic, Australia's Visionary Songstress leads us on an Otherworldly journey of depth and passion. Blessed with a voice that purrs and soars, Wendy explores the full power of the Goddess, with songs that range from the epic power of 'Deity' to the deep tenderness of 'Singing to the Bones'. Wendy will be joined on stage by guitarist and ritual collaborator Timothy Van Diest. Living a Celtic Reconstructionist Path San Carlos/ San Juan Erynn Laurie A spiritual path is not just about belief, it's about daily life and an approach to that life. Join author Erynn Rowan Laurie for a talk on living a CR path, from thoughts about ritual and community to living Celtic virtues and approaching reading, music and food as ways to deepen our connections to the spiritual worlds. The Rite of Lilith San Martin/ San Simeon Amazon Priestess Tribe Ritual - Monitored Dark Queen, known to all as the One Who Would Not Be Conquered. Matron Goddess of fierce women who know their power. Sacred whore of antiquity, whose lust purifies and cleanses. Join the Amazon Priestess Tribe for an ecstatic, undulating, life-affirming ritual in honor of Lilith. This ritual will be skyclad to the degree you are comfortable, so please come prepared with a light wrap or blanket as needed. Confidence and Manifestation, a matter of recalibration. Riesling Molly Burke, Queen of Confidence Monitored Are you tired of being spiritual but broke? Do your results fall short of your spells/intentions? The problem is not one of Lack, but of Recalibration. Through recalibration you'll get real traction for manifesting your intentions. In this Confidence and Manifestation workshop, you will: Hear the truth about why most pagans fail to prosper; Learn to conjure confidence immediately; Discover the Law that makes the Law of Attraction work reliably; Get practical tools for manifesting true prosperity; Strengthen your Will Reclaim what's been missing all this time. Core Confidence is the Key to Success.


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Saturday - 9:00 pm

DARK FAERIE MASQUERADE Cedar/ Pine LAND OF THE BLIND and guests Fae Goth Ball - Land of the Blind with Aryeh Frankfurter and Rhan Wilson. Dancers Tatseena and Lindsey, Grace, and Deviant Dance Llewellyn's 110th Anniversary Author Fair Fir Llewellyn Author Panel To celebrate our 110th year of independent metaphysical publishing, we're hosting a very special author event here at PantheaCon. Meet Llewellyn authors Mary K. Greer, Amber K, Azrael Arynn K, John Michael Greer, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Tess Whitehurst, Lon Milo DuQuette, Donald Michael Kraig, Deborah Blake, Alaric Albertsson, Melanie Marquis, Ruth Barrett and Jhenah Telyndru as they introduce their latest and forthcoming Llewellyn books. Share your ideas, questions, and suggestions with Llewellyn staff, and join us for mini-readings, book signings, light refreshments, door prizes and other goodies! Ritual for our Neopagan Ancestors Oak Ar nDraÌocht FÈin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF) Ritual In this rite we will honor our Neopagan Elders and teachers who have crossed the veil in a celebration of their contributions, teachings, and wisdom. These are the honored dead who truly "walked their talk". Join us to honor them for the many gifts they have given to us. Beginning Energy Healing Silicon Valley Gus diZerega This workshop assumes no previous knowledge. Topics are flexible, depending on questions, but will include include as time allows: what is energy healing?, moving healing energy within your own body, the importance of motivation, 'yin' and 'yang' energy, auric cleansing, chakra stimulation, relieving energy coagulations that lead to physical symptoms such as pain and stiffness, and selfcleansing. This workshop integrates what I learned studying six years with a Brazilian shaman as well as almost twenty five years of healing work. CircleSinging: Improvisational Group Singing/Instant Choir San Jose Deborah J. Hamouris CircleSinging can be described lots of ways: vocal improvisation, vocal "jamming", add-apart/change-a-part, vocal orchestra, "voicestra", a "drum circle" for singers, or just plain "make it up" singing. It's done all over the world in countless different ways and it dates back to the earliest forms of human singing. The leader improvises parts for singers, forming an "instant choir". At times rhythmic, melodic, lulling or dance-inspiring we sing together & listen to each other's voices forming a creative whole. Once a circle gets going, the leader often steps out of the middle for a while, giving others a chance to solo, or even lead. CircleSinging is a "mistake-free zone". Come try it -it's fun! Near-Eastern Gods in the Western God Santa Clara Jehon Grist, Ph.D Why is the Western God a God of war? Nurturing mother? God of frightening, harsh justice? Of sun and storm? The "One God" is really many deities hidden in one. We'll open the closet door and examine what gods and goddesses of the ancient Near East found their way into the one God of the West. Isis and Horus morphed into Mary and Jesus. Ba'al and El served as models for the God of Israel. Egyptian icons of the gods found their way into the Jerusalem Temple. But, what disturbing mechanism drove the ancient world toward monotheism after millennia of polytheism? MAHAL EthnoFusion in Concert Carmel/ Monterey Evelie Delfino Sales Posch Be entranced by music from around the world and sung in many languages. Mahal will offer originals, covers, and traditional songs in various genres: folk-rock, tribal, devotional chant, popjazz, meditative, trance. Join Mahal in singing favorite Goddess, Buddist, Hindu and Earth chants. Dance to the gentle or rockin' tunes thru yoga, tai chi, martial arts moves, butoh, Bharatanatyam, Kathak and other high-energy, free-form sacred circle dances or just sit, listen and breathe.


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Things that go Bump in the Night (and what to do about them)

San Carlos/ San Juan

Don Frew The last few years have seen the proliferation of TV programs devoted to "ghosthunting" (17 by my last count!), but people have been investigating ghosts and hauntings for a lot longer than that. This presentation is on the various types of entities that can result in "hauntings" (and what you can do about them) based on 32 years as a professional investigator and "cleaner" of haunted houses and other places. I bring a Wiccan perspective to the topic and illustrate it with tales of personal encounters. Oracular Seidh San Martin/ San Simeon Seidhjallr Ritual - #limited Now, as in the time of the Vikings, seers and seeresses journey to the spirit world to find answers to your questions. This practice comes from the heathen tradition, but all are welcome as we support each other with our energy as we learn what wyrd has woven. This session is limited to 60 people. For more information about Seidh, see A Pagan family afterwards Riesling Pagans in recovery We will be sharing our experience, strength, and hope for the Pagan who is still struggling with addiction issues, using the traditional 12 step programs of both AA and Al-anon format. Panel will share first, then open discussion.

Saturday - 11:00 pm

Pandemonaeon concert Cedar/ Pine Pandemonaeon Gothic Tribal Folk Metal band Pandemonaeon performs a fierce yet celebratory full band set to celebrate your wild Pagan soul! Described by Jason Pitzl-Waters as "Dark Tribal Fusion with powerful vocals and metal accents, Pandemonaeon is made up of 7 nationally and internationally touring musicians who come together to lend their talents to this powerful fusion of sound. Traditional Discordian Ritual Oak AJMC - Avatar Jones Memorial Cabal Ritual This Mass is of the Highest Order and the Inner Circle and the Upper Echelon, and as such should be reproduced in full or in part only by those who wish to do so. It includes the Incanting of the Fifths, the Invocation to Murphy, a Sermon on Ethics and Love, a Gourdfest, the Turkey Curse, and the Sacred High Mass of Eris. Also, snackraments will be provided, and either consumed or ground into the carpet. (We're hoping for 'consumed.') Celia in Concert Silicon Valley Celia Celia: A cross between an Earthy Enya, Joan Baez, & Tina Fey. She dishes up the most delicious concoction of the silly & the sacred. Celia has opened for notable authors including Marianne Williamson & Dr. Masaru Emoto, has provided live music for Off Broadway "Rum & Vodka", authored "Symbol" (Anthem to the Pentacle Quest) and her "Irish Tales" has been nominated Best Storytelling CD by Just Plain Folks (The Grassroots of Grammies). She is currently touring with her 8th recording "Carry Me Home". "Celia has strong songwriting & a voice to die for!" Shawna Carol, Goddess Chant. Orisha 201: The Warriors Santa Clara Baba Esu Wemimo The Warriors are Esu, Ogun, & Osoosi. This class will go much deeper into The Warriors as Divine Forces of Nature as compared to Orisha 101. Some of the topics that will be covered will be: prayer, devotional work, sacrifice, and spiritual elevation. The Blues -- A Pagan Path Carmel/ Monterey Gareth B. The Blues is one of the roots of all modern music. With its essential ecstatic energy and fundamental focus on life in all its vissicitudes, the Blues connects us musically with all the cycles of life. The Blues also has specific magical associations. Come in and get your mojo workin'! v.0201

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Journey to the Nocturnal Realms San Carlos/ San Juan Grove of Hekate Ritual - Closed Women are welcome to join the Grove of Hekate in exploring the inner mysteries of nocturnal magick. With the light of her torches, we journey to meet Hekate at the crossroads, hear her scary tales and gather keys to mysteries only found in the dark. Come join us and let us tuck you in for a (not so) good night's sleep.

Saturday - 11:30 pm

Saturday Midnight Drum Circle Fir Don Schulz Come one, come all! Bring a drum, sticks, zills, or feet! Drum, dance, and play the night away.

Sunday - 9:00 am

Village Witchery 101 Cedar Valerie E. Voigt As Witches, we have a hybrid heritage: ceremonial magic and other elements of the Western Mystery Tradition, modern scholarship, the Counterculture, and folk tradition. When we come out of the broom closet, we quickly learn that it is the practical magic of folk tradition that comes foremost in the minds of our non-Pagan neighbors! What do you do when they start coming around to ask for help with their love life, their children, and their lost cats? Come learn about the nuts and bolts of village Witchery, and some ways to avoid the pitfalls. PREREQUISITE FOR VILLAGE WITCHERY 102. Pine Hatha Yoga Holly Allender Learn how Hatha Yoga can increase the flexibility and strength of your body, mind and spirit. Asanas and Vinyasas as well as meditation are powerful tools that can be used to affect change in your life. Take these techniques with you into your home, work and ritual practice. Please bring a mat or towel. Movement, internal work, and magic Fir Taylor Ellwood In this workshop, we'll be exploring movement within space (physical, emotional, and intellectual), and what it means to move through space, as well as how we can use movement to make changes to our internal landscape and dissolve internal blockages. Introduction to the Pagan Newswire Collective Oak Jason Pitzl-Waters It's time for our communities to embrace our own ethos of journalism and reporting. Join us for a presentation of the Pagan Newswire Collective, a new initiative to empower our communities in an age where "the news" is an increasingly decentralized and social phenomenon. Several PNC bureau participants will be on-hand to also share their experiences. Divine Women in Ancient Africa Silicon Valley Max Dashu A magnificent visual feast of priestesses and shamans in Saharan rock art of the Tassili-n-Ajjer, Niger, Chad, and Libya, as well as Zimbabwe and South Africa. We'll also look at the pre-dynastic Kemetic Goddess in the Riverboat with her women, as depicted in rock art, painted ceramics, walls, cloths, and other media. And we'll feast our eyes on women in Meroitic sculpture (Sudan), megalithic ancestors (Ethiopia), and Nok ceramics (Nigeria). We remember and pay tribute to the ancients. The Magic of Brewing:From a Heathen Standpoint. San Jose Dennis Ford This workshop will cover the importance of brewing and ritual drinking in heathenism. There will be lore focussed on beer It will also cover some basic beers types and the main processes on how to brew them. There will be some sampling at the end of the class


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Urban witchcraft Santa Clara Victoria Hegner The session wants to provide a forum to discuss the challenges for the practice of Neopagan witchcraft in the “concrete jungle”. How do the city and city life shape the understanding of nature within witchcraft? What are the spiritually strongest sites in the city? How does the urban setting bring about new forms and concepts of magic? The discussion starts by giving an exemplary ethnographic insight into witchcraft practice in one of Europe`s biggest cities: Berlin. Book Publishing 101 Carmel/ Monterey Publishing Panel hosted by Llewellyn Worldwide Thinking of getting published? Don't miss this workshop! Get all your questions answered, including: how to submit your proposal, the timeline and the process, the money question, the agent question, covers and titles, publicity, and much more. Published authors Donald Michael Kraig, Lon Milo DuQuette, Amber K and Azrael Arynn K, Deborah Blake, Tess Whitehurst, and Alaric Albertsson will give you the author's perspective, while Elysia Gallo (acquisitions editor) and Brandi Palechek (marketing specialist) from Llewellyn Worldwide will provide information on acquisitions, publicity, marketing, and distribution from the perspective of a mid-sized publisher. Q & A will follow presentation. Alchemical Spreads Using Multiple Decks San Carlos Calyxa Omphalos Starting with the Elemental Hexagons oracle deck, reading layouts inspired by chemical and alchemical principles will be presented. The Elemental Hexagons deck uses 60 of the 92 known stable elements from the periodic table as its symbology. The alchemical spreads are derived from a few simple molecular models. Atoms are represented with Elemental Hexagons cards, while cards from most any other deck are used to represent the bonds between the atoms. Bring your favorite Tarot or Oracle deck along for bonds in workshop portion; atoms will be provided! Legal Requirements for Pagan Groups and Charities San Juan Brian Ewing As Pagan groups become larger, they might wish, or even need, to become "official" so they can network, expand nationwide, give back to society, raise funds, etc. But the mundane details and paperwork can seem daunting. This class covers what is needed to incorporate as a tax exempt organization, as well as what you might face trying to keep your organization running in the future. Your Magical Animal Friend San Martin Lucy Tate #limited A workshop designed for children between the ages of 5 - 15 years. We'll discuss how animals play an important part of the Earth and our lives, and how we can discover who our animal guide/friend is. We will have a brief meditation, followed by an opportunity for the children to share their journey and animal. Thereafter, participants can choose to draw a picture of their animal or color a picture of an animal (coloring sheets provided). Very young children must have an adult present with them at all times. Teens and Tweens can attend without an adult or guardian. Due to the nature of this workshop/meditation, attendance will be limited. Grounding, Centering and Clearing: The Cornerstone of Magic San Simeon Shon Clark Closed An effective magical practice requires many things: knowledge, courage, daring and most of all balance. Yet, for many of us, balance this can seem like a unspeakable and daunting task. But, it need not be. Joint author Shon Clark in this non-threatening and hands-on workshop. He will help you to find your center and offer easy techniques to help you develop a daily grounding practice. Shon will be using material from his latest book, "Fire From the Cauldron'.


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Live YOUR Dream: The Science Fiction Entrance to Poly Love Riesling Live The Dream We'll discuss Heinlein's "latest" novel, (his 1st written in 1938), showing that all his Polyl orientated novels, like Stranger in a Strange Land, represented his true philosophy. He shared this in his writings with the full intent to educate/socalize readers regarding this life style.We'll also discuss how his poly-positive writings reflected his own life as it is presented in his recently released biography. We'll look at several Lifestyle options: open committed Relationships, group houses of Waterkin, multigenerational group marriage (Moon is a Harsh Mistress) and others brought up in Q&A. Discover what lifestyle could bring you the greatest joy!

Sunday - 11:00 am

Spiritual Spring Cleaning: Preparing for the new season Cedar Deborah Blake Prepare your body, mind, and home for the new start that comes with spring. Simple and easy ways to clear away the debris of the past and make room for new possibilities. A basic spring cleaning ritual will be shared by all participants. Vampires R US: Power, Predators and the Earth Pine Margot Adler What do the current vampires from Edward Cullen and Bill Compton, to Mick St.John and Henry Fitzroy all have in common, and how are they different from those who went before: They are desperately struggling to be moral despite being predators. As are we. Our blood is oil; our prey is the planet. As my husband sickened and died last year, I read 117 vampire novels and developed a theory about why they have such traction in our culture. Hint: it's not about sex; it's about the use and abuse of power. Ashe-Aloha: Priestessing the Primal Life Village Fir Luisah Teish and Leilani Birely Participants are invited to become members of a Primal Life Village. They will receive information explaining the ways that people of Africa, Hawaii and other communities pay homage to the spirits of the land, the ancestors, and each other. It includes embodiments such as sacred chants, Hula and Orisha dance, and guided visualization. Guidelines for creating personal and communal rituals that are effective and respectful will be provided and includes Q & A. The Demon Lover, Weiser authors talk about Dion Fortune Oak Weiser Books Written in the same year as H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulu, Dion Fortune's The Demon Lover is among the books that shaped occult fiction. Perhaps best known for her work with The Society of the Inner Light, and her foundational books Psychic Self-Defense and Mystic Qabalah, she was also a prolific writer of fiction. Join Weiser authors Diana Paxson, T. Thorn Coyle, Ivo Dominguez Jr., Lon Milo DuQuette,Z. Budapest, and Orion Foxwood in a discussion about Dion Fortune and how she has influenced both their practice and their writings. The Magick of Self-Hypnosis Silicon Valley Donald Michael Kraig It has been said that the most powerful form of magick is the ability to change yourself. Perhaps the most effective way to do this is via self-hypnosis. Unfortunately, unless you've actually been hypnotized, you may mistake relaxation for a true hypnotic trance. In this workshop you'll discover what hypnosis is and what it isn't and what it can and cannot do. You'll experience hypnosis and learn to hypnotize yourself, as well as practice putting yourself into trance. You'll learn the secrets of making effective suggestions and how to apply self-hypnosis to magickal practice. Come ready for fun!


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Hekau: The Egyptian Alchemy of Sound San Jose Sanctuary of Isis As society struggles to release old patterns of greed, anger, & dominance, we Witches go forth armed with the wisdom the Gods and Mother Earth. Now more than ever its important for us to work magic that supports a new vision of society based on love and community. Today, we tap the magic of Ancient Egypt, using enchanted words to create direct, instant change in the world around us. In line with the traditions of Ancient Egypt, we not only walk our talk, but we learn "Hekau", the art of "talking our walk," bringing about a new world. Pagan Studies and Esoteric Studies: What's the Difference? Santa Clara Amy Hale Join Dr. Amy Hale and Dr. Sabina Magliocco for a discussion exploring the distinctions between Pagan Studies and Esoteric Studies as emerging academic disciplines : How are they different, why are they different and should they be different? Do these distinctions reflect how actual communities of practitioners are perceived and how they perceive themselves? Pagans in International Interfaith Work Carmel/ Monterey Andras Corban-Arthen & Don Frew Andras Corban-Arthen and Don Frew are Pagans serving on the Boards of Trustees of two of the largest international interfaith organizations in the world: the Parliament of the World's Religions and the United Religions Initiative, respectively. Between them, they have over 50 years of experience representing Paganism in interfaith work around the globe. In this presentation, they will explain the current status of Paganism in the global interfaith movement, address the challenges of being Pagans in the administration of multi-national interfaith organizations, and give tips on getting started in interfaith work locally. Intermediate Wheat Weaving San Carlos Woven Circle Hands-On For those of you who have taken wheat weaving classes, advance hand crafters, and those afflicted with triticophilia. This class focuses on intermediate weaving techniques. In this class, each student will make a Welsh Fan using a locking technique and hair braid for a hanger. All materials and supplies are provided. For an example of the project go to The Wild, Wacky, Wonderful World of Divination San Juan Thalassa The PantheaCon Divination Panel - This popular PantheaCon favourite gathers several of the amazing PantheaCon speakers who focus on Divination, allows them to share their remarkable experiences and then puts them together with a variety of divination tools. Always different, exciting and fun! Mother and Daughter Goddess Tea Party San Martin Bonni Cardoza Mothers and daughters of all ages are welcome to enjoy tea and share stories about the great mother and their own great mothers. We will sip tea, snack on delicious cookies, sing songs and enjoy a puppet show. This year we will present a puppet show and fun new games to play. Come dressed in costume if you like, with white gloves and bonnets. Family Blot San Simeon Angela Carlson Ritual Join us as we come together to celebrate our Families and the Gods of our Ancestors. We will hold a two-round Sumbel: one including the children and the second one for those with more to say. Please bring toys & games for the kids to play with after the Sumbel. Thelemic Metaphysics: Promise and Problems Riesling Nathan Bjorge Aleister Crowley's metaphysics will be critically explored. We will attempt to discriminate both positive and negative aspects of Crowley's complex magical philosophy with an eye towards contemporary theurgic practice. Live Auction


Sunday - 1:00 pm

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Sunday - 1:30 pm

Songs and Tales of the Spirit Cedar Deirdre Pulgram-Arthen, Andras Corban-Arthen A presentation of traditional and contemporary songs and stories with themes that reflect pagan spirituality: magic, nature, community, humor, and healing. Deirdre and Andras will include some of their favorite collected material, and also teach several chants and simple songs from the EarthSpirit Community. Stregan Invocation Of Our Pre-Pagan Shamanic Roots Pine Stregan Arch Priestess Diana & Arch Priest Dianus Ritual Historic Ritual: Direct from Italy, Arch Priestess Diana & Arch Priest Dianus del Bosco Sacro perform a ritual invocation from the Stregheria Beneventana Janare Tradition. The intention of this invocation of our ancient Pagan ancestors is to bless of our modern Pagan movement and restore full nourishment from our common roots in the pre-Pagan Shamanism of the Great Mother Goddess in Paleolithic Continental Europe. Assistants: Interpreter & Golden Dawn Imperator, David Griffin (Lupercus del Bosco Sacro) and Anthropologist, Leslie McQuade (Aegeria del Bosco Sacro). Please note: the ritual has been adapted to be suitable for non-initiates. See:http:/// Making Our Circles Work Fir Starhawk Every group has conflicts, because groups involve people, and people are often irritating and ornery-yes, even magical Pagans doing beautiful, mystical rituals. So, how do we deal with conflict, power struggles and difficult people so that our groups can flourish? Starhawk draws on her own decades of experience and material from her forthcoming book: Truing the Wheel: Power and Process for Collaborative Groups. Paganism and the Future Oak John Michael Greer As America and the world move into a future of wrenching change, the Neopagan revival that burst out of the broom closets thirty years ago faces changes of its own. What can the rise and fall of other alternative spiritual movements teach us about the potentials and pitfalls ahead? John Michael Greer, Druid and futurist, offers a glimpse at the unexpected possibilities. Kitchen Witches' Alchemy Silicon Valley Lise Dyckman The oldest human sciences were in the service of preserving the earth's bounty for food throughout the wheel of the tear. Kitchen witches continue this work . This session will cover many of the low[er]tech ways people have preserved food for centuries, offering how-to information on sweet preserves and pickles, preserving meat and fish, brewing (including non-alcoholic beverages), infusing cordials, and herbal remedies. Most of these come from European-influenced foodways, using readily-available ingredients. When made with intent, in context with the seasons and the land it came from, eating is a ritual act and any meal becomes a sacred feast. Walking in Their Shoes: Journeying with the Sacred Androgyne

San Jose

Hayden Reynolds Ritual In neo-paganism we predominately talk about the Goddess and the God. Less discussion centers on the Sacred Androgyne. The Sacred Androgyne is both God and Goddess, and neither God nor Goddess. We will begin with an introduction to the Sacred Androgyne. Following that participants will be guided through ritual journeying to meet the Sacred Androgyne, and to walk their path in order to receive their wisdom. The Sacred Androgyne has a strong connection to LGBT/Queer people and to all who feel the constraints of gender and either/or thinking. All are welcome.


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Egregores for Gaia Santa Clara John Opsopaus The scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries created a split between science and magic and demoted Nature from a Goddess to a resource. How can we manifest guardians to protect the sanctity of Nature and Gaia? I will explain Egregores (spiritual Guardians), and discuss magical operations, with their roots in ancient Greece, for creating these entities. We will also discuss the Invisible College and how to use it to organize the protecton of Nature and the reenchantment of our world. The presentation will be enhanced by evocative art, which is part of the magic! Exploring New Media: A Pagan Perspective Carmel/ Monterey Jason Pitzl-Waters and guests Join Jason Pitzl-Waters of The Wild Hunt as he moderates a panel discussion featuring author T. Thorn Coyle, Star Foster of, Brandi Palechek of Llewellyn, and Holli Emore of Cherry Hill Seminary, exploring how they use and navigate new media in their careers. DIY Magical Cords - Blessed Be The Ties That Bind San Carlos Goblin Crafting Triumverate Hands-On Tired of buying your cords from the craft store and doing an after-market blessing? Come to this interactive, hands-on workshop and learn to make/imbue your own. Featuring multiple modalities, participants will walk away with the ability to craft ritual cords for all their magical needs. Materials provided. San Juan Walking the Three-Fold Way Diana Young Ceremonial Magic, ecstatic Paganism, and devotional Mysticism have a close, if occasionally strained, relationship. In the early years of the 20th Century, Dion Fortune maintained a delicate balance among them as she combined elements of all three in her work. An examination of this Triune Way shows it continues to be of value for modern practitioners on the path of the Mysteries. Ritual: Little Self - Greater Selves San Martin/ San Simeon Ivo Dominguez Jr Ritual - Closed One of the great teachings that is common to many traditions is the idea that all of us are one and that we became separate so that we could learn and grow. A part of the path of magick and spirituality is the preparation to rejoin with that which is our higher self. This ritual encourages us to see and feel our divine sparks so that we can join to become the blazing star that is all our greater selves. Ivo will be assisted by Michael G. Smith in this ritual. Pagan After-Death Care: Home Funerals and Green Burial Riesling Ella Mitchell Come learn about returning to pagan style after-death care. California law does not require us to use harmful embalming chemicals or to use a licensed mortician for after-death care services. We can return to the old way of caring for our dead by doing it ourselves, in our homes. This means we have the freedom to celebrate and honor the dead in accordance with our own unique beliefs, then return them to the earth in a natural way. A brief presentation along with two 5 minute videos will help illuminate things, followed by as much Q&A as time will allow.

Sunday - 3:30 pm

Conscious Creation and Deliberate Magic Cedar/ Pine Orion Foxwood / House of Brigh In Faery Seership, Brigh and I define magic as the art of conscious creation. This means creating ones life from the inside out instead of as a series of reactions. Bottom line - life is to get into not out of. Even in "death" the continuity of creation continues. In this workshop, Orion will discuss his understanding of the mysteries of joy and a life of intent. He will present techniques from Faery, Witchcraft and Southern Conjure practices that aid in developing ourselves as the creator of our own lives.


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Psychic Techniques (Practical Magic) Fir Drew Ward Closed A set of seven psychic techniques useful in both magical and mundane environments, presented with "audience participation" exercises. Explore your psychic abilities and learn ways to make them part of your life every day. A comprehensive practice handout is provided. Pagan Death Passages & Circle of Remembrance Oak Selena Fox Ritual - Closed This workshop and ritual includes discussion, meditations, & rites to support dying, death, & remembrance of Pagan loved ones. It also features an exploration of work with Pagan cemeteries as gateways to the Otherworld. It culminates in a Circle of Remembrance honoring deceased Pagan Elders of many traditions & calling on their wisdom for personal & community guidance. Participants are invited, but not required, to bring photos or other tokens of remembrance of deceased Pagan Elders for the altar. Dancing With Gaia, A Feature Documentary Film and Talk Silicon Valley Jo Carson Dancing With Gaia is a toolkit for connecting with earth energies, sacred sexuality and the return of the Goddess as Gaia. Fifteen visionaries present ways to personally experience the living earth, filmed at prehistoric sites of earth-based religions in nine countries. Speakers include Fred Adams, Francesca De Grandis, Cerridwen Fallingstar, Richard Feather Anderson, Dr. Serena Roney-Dougal, Monica Sjoo, Joan Marler, Alex Champion, Jill Smith, Leila Castle and Kathy Jones. Directed by Jo Carson; Feature documentary film, 1 hr. 23 minutes. Followed by question & answer with the filmmaker. Fairy Tea Party San Jose CAYA SPROUTS Come dressed in your "fairy finest" to the fairy tea party. We will talk about fairies and the herbs that fairies like. We will then make our own magickal fairy tea, invoke the fairies with a special fairy chant, and ask them join us for a tea party in their honor. This workshop is open to children of all ages and their parents/guardians. Are Hindus Pagan and are Pagans Hindus? Santa Clara Hindu American Foundation Many Pagans invoke Hindu deities in their practice, but may not be fully familiar with the ancient spiritual roots of Hinduism. This panel of Hindu practitioners will focus on the core principles and practices of Hinduism, the many traditions and symbols within Hinduism, and what it means to practice Hinduism today. During a question and answer period following the panel presentation, the panelists hope to bridge understandings with Pagan attendees about how Hinduism and Paganism converge and differ. There will be an audiovisual presentation as well. Aradia in Sardinia Carmel/ Monterey Sabina Magliocco Evidence that a figure known as Aradia existed in Italian folklore, using evidence from Sardinia, where a legendary character derived from Aradia lived on in oral tradition as recently as the 1980s. I have the body of a Goddess San Carlos Constance Tippett Hands-On - Closed Constance Tippett will hold a self blessing/art class. Participating ladies will receive self-hardening clay and tools. We will sculpt ourselves as Goddesses. We come in all different colors, shapes and sizes; and Constance has the Goddess Timeline to prove it! Craft your body - tell your story. Tarot As Action Item San Juan Thalassa When using Tarot for divination - for self and others - how do you tell the stories that need to be told and connect the dots? How do you enable the querent to actually use the information you've provided? Thalassa will provide a variety of tools and techniques to make your Tarot readings more useful and effective. All levels of interest and experience welcome.


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Open Seidh Ritual San Martin/ San Simeon Seidh Sisters Ritual The Seidh Sisters come together at pagan/heathen events and festivals across the country to provide our community with divination rituals. The seers trance to gain insight from ancestors, deities and wights. All paths are welcome and the ritual is open so you may come and go as you please. West's Permaculture Track: Spiritual Beekeeping Riesling West/FFRASS Are you curious about the lifecycle of honeybees, or what it means to tend them? In this class we'll talk about organic home beekeeping, answer questions as best we can,and share how you can include The Melissa as part of your home worship.

Sunday - 7:00 pm

Rapture of the Star Goddess: An Ecstatic Ritual of Song & Dance

Cedar/ Pine

Q, Coven Lunasun, Feri initiates & students Ritual - Closed From Her desirous song of love and dance of ecstasy, She birthed the universe under her own power. She is the Star Goddess, the primal source of all potential and creation. As creator She entices us to rise and come into the fullness of our power. Come to know the power of Star Goddess, the passion of Blue God, and the dual nature of the Divine Twins as we enact the birth of the universe. Embrace your personal power and join us as we unite our voices in one chorus and our bodies in one devotional dance to God Herself. Oracles from the Living Tarot 2011 Oak Aurea Arcana Take The Fool's Journey with us through the Wheel of the Year and find out what 2011 has in store for you! DK Cowan returns to direct this year as we celebrate the 5th anniversary of Oracles' return to PantheaCon with our most spectacular performance to date! Are we really going to include a live performance of O Fortuna? There's only one way to find out! Making Magic with Stories Silicon Valley Steven Thor Abell Closed The ability to tell stories, and the need to listen to them, is at the root of our consciousness. Enhance your ability to use story as a pathway in your practice. Work with this accomplished storyteller to define and refine your intentions, and learn to trust the knowledge and skills that you already possess. Whether you plan to use story in ritual, or simply to entertain, this session will help you toward your destination. Session closed after start time. Walking the crone walk San Jose Victoria Slind-Flor Closed Paganism -- with its emphasis on the tripartate maiden-mother-crone goddess -- is a great religion in which to grow old. Where do crones fit in? What are their responsibilities to the community? What can they expect in return? What can they retain and must they surrender anything? This will be a discussion and brief ritual challenging our expectations for, and about crones. Walking with Integrity: Asatru as a Lifestyle Santa Clara Angela Carlson & Special Heathen Guests Asatru isn't just a religion with homework, but a way of life. The Gods, Goddesses, Ancestors and Spirits help mold us and our actions/interactions reflect our dedication to this path. Join us as members of the Heathen Community give their take on what it's like to be Heathen in the 21st Century. Ruth Barrett in Concert Carmel/ Monterey Ruth Barrett Pioneering pagan musician, singer, and fretted dulcimer artist, Ruth Barrett will present a special magical concert of original and traditional pagan and goddess-centered songs, including songs from her new CD, Songs of the Otherworld, celebrating the faerie realm and Otherworld beings.


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Ritual: Walking the Pentacle of Power San Carlos/ San Juan North Bay Reclaiming Ritual - Monitored Walking the Pentacle of Power is walking our truth. We will walk the points; To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Keep Silent, and To Walk Between the Worlds, out into the world. Druid Ritual with Danse Macabre San Martin/ San Simeon House of Danu Ritual The House of Danu (OBOD) presents their popular Druid ritual celebrated with the performing arts. Join the grand procession led by Danse Macabre with chanting, drumming, and props that you help create. Bring drums you can carry, your creativity, and prepare to celebrate. Ritual is not something you watch. It's something you do. Recovering & Reclaiming in The Sacred Circle Riesling JoAnna Silverwitch Join us in our Pass the Rattle Circle to discuss the importance of reclaiming the Goddess and Earth Centered Spirituality to recover from dysfunctional lifestyles. The pagan path is not theory, we must live it. JoAnna will share her personal story of recovery & reclaiming then pass the rattle so others can share about the healing that comes when we honor the Old Ways, live in harmony with Mother Nature's cycles & seasons, walk our talk and carry a message of hope to others in recovery. All are welcome! Clean & Sober Participation.

Sunday - 9:00 pm

Call of the Battle Raven: A Morrigan Devotional Cedar/ Pine Ritual - Closed Morpheus Ravenna, Sharon Knight and T. Thorn Coyle Come lend your voice as we call the Morrigan, the great Celtic Goddess of death, battle, prophecy and Otherworldly power. In every heart She conjures the commitment of the warrior and the wisdom of the poet. She teaches us to find the steel within, unsheath our souls for the work that lies before us at this challenging moment in our history. In this ecstatic devotional ritual we will raise power to feed the Great Queen and offer our hearts that She may incite us to greatness. Tantric Shamanism Breathwork Ceremony Oak Sylvia Brallier Ritual - Closed Ecstasy is a divine gift that lifts us out of ordinary reality and into a direct experience of the sacred. The transformative fires of ecstasy burn away the blocked energy held in our shadow selves and transmute it into pure energy that may be used for the healing of our world and ourselves. This form of tantric breath work is done within the context of a circle. This ceremony is a profound opportunity to drop away what has been binding you and move forward towards your bliss. Kirtan: Spirit Through Song Silicon Valley Kulasundari Devi Do you love to sing? Is music a big part of your spiritual practice? Do you want it to be? The divine vibration of the cosmos is expressed in the Hindu tradition in a variety of ways, including music. In this workshop you will learn some basic, traditional kirtan (call-and-response devotional songs) for a variety of Hindu deities from an instructor that is part of an unbroken, initiatory music lineage that goes back hundreds of years in India. No prior knowledge of music or Hinduism is required - just bring yourself, a cushion to sit on, a rattle or other instrument that you love to play, and your love for music and the Divine. Roke, Hogwarts, Brakebills-Psychologies of Schools of magic San Jose George Hersh Schools of magic, fictional and real, are strong contributors to our extended culture of magical religions and practices. What are the common threads of practice and belief that link fiction and reality, fiction and myth? We will examine and compare the traditions of secrecy, selection, initiation, training, mastery, transgression,and transcendence as shown by fictional schools and teachers, past and present. The discussion may also extend to Barrett's The Magus, The Order of the Golden Dawn, The Gray School of Wizardry, Ardantane, Cherry Hill, etc.


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Myth and Magic in Ancient Egypt Santa Clara Richard Reidy The magicians of ancient Egypt used myth in creating powerful spells for their nations and its people's ordinary and extraordinary needs. In reviewing some key Egyptian myths we will explore how today we can use those same myths in crafting spells for the specific needs of our own contemporary lives. We also will examine the underlying assumptions regarding the nature of Egyptian magic and the various techniques that Egyptian magicians used to incorporate myth into their magical spells. Tribe: Song and Dance of the Goddess Carmel/ Monterey Tribe From deep in the heart of the enchanted woods, Tribe sends a sacred call to all kindred spirits: the Goddess has returned and her children rejoice! Can you feel the quickening in the air, in the water, in your very soul? The earth heaves a restless sigh, and we are poised in anxious anticipation: wanting, needing, waiting to receive her...and sup upon the elixir of life! This interactive bellydance and chant workshop is sure to be a delight for the body and an enchantment for the soul. Tribe is calling you home - awaken your divinity and revel with us! BDSM and Sex magic to enhance ritual workings San Carlos/ San Juan Athena Wallinder BSDM and/or Sex Magic can be affectively used to both empower the magician, as well as power the ritual. We will discuss how to perform these activities in a safe and sacred manner. Such techniques can be used for inner work and self-transformation, sacred offerings and to move oneself beyond that of the physical. Profound states of consciousness and awareness can be achieved easily using these methods. Otherworld travel through BDSM and Divine sex will also be discussed. Adults only. Frithweaving with Frigga San Martin/ San Simeon Diana Paxson Ritual - Closed The Norse goddess Frigga is known as the wife of Odin and queen of Asgard, but she is far more. She is the great goddess of hearth and home, the foundation of culture. In this ritual, we will journey to Fensalir to join the goddess and her handmaidens in exploring the meaning of frith and grith, the web of custom and cooperation between kin and community, and literally weaving its strands into the fabric of our lives. Life Purpose for Pagans Riesling Molly Burke, Queen of Confidence Your spiritual work becomes turbocharged when you're clear about why you're here and what you're meant to do. Life Purpose clarity empowers every action and intention. Make your future more meaningful as you increase your effectiveness in the now. Take charge of your destiny! In this presentation you will learn: The copywrited Life Purpose Discovery method; What advantages Life Purpose clarity gives your life; How to leverage Purpose into prosperity Now's the time to bring all of yourself to the party. Get clear, get into gear, and get the life you deserve!

Sunday - 11:00 pm

Kali Puja: Mysteries of the Dark Goddess Cedar Chandra Alexandre & SHARANYA Ritual - Closed Join us for a ritual dedicated to Goddess Kali Maa and explore the energies of Shakti within your body as we meditate, chant, dance and surrender to Her rhythms. Wear red. Small rattles welcome. Come participate in the awakening of transformational and healing energy in a powerful and strong container established through the ancient and living practices of goddess' own Shakta Tantra.


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Spark Collective Fire Circle Oak Spark Collective Ritual - Closed Transform yourself! Enter the circle through the sacred portals: music, voice, movement, and nurturing. We invoke the directions before beginning our journey around the center. Then the magic begins as we open ourselves to deep witnessing and sacred play. The ritual is a cauldron of spontaneous motion, emotion, magic, and song ñ all serving to connect us more deeply with our personal intentions and our fellow travelers. Join us by listening to what the moment needs. This is a safe space to stretch your spirit and try new things! The Art and Science of Absinthe Silicon Valley Jeff Winters Monitored A slide show of pre-ban and contemporary absinthe related art from posters and advertisements, to portraits of the infamous "Absinthe Drinker(s)" to more practical items such as spoons and fountains. We'll also discuss the science behind the mysteries: what happens when you drink it both short and long term. Fiber Arts Show & Tell San Jose Lorrie Wood Do you knit in public? Have you spun fiber into yarn while sitting in line for the movies? Have you ever stumped the clerk at your local yarn store by asking about an obscure fiber art? Do the voices in your head express themselves with project ideas? This panel is open to anyone with interest in any of the fiber arts as applied to their personal spiritual practice. At least half of our timeslot will be devoted to show and tell among the audience, so if you've done something cool, please come and share with us! Pagan Psychology: A Healthy Mind, A Healthy Soul Santa Clara George Hersh Earth-based spirituality and psychology work together to heal the emotional lives of Pagans and so that Pagans can heal emotional lives of others. Pagan psychotherapists will discuss their work, their views of mental health and how they use Pagan theology and practice to serve their clients. Haggis Revenge: Folk Rock from the Aisle of Sprite Carmel/ Monterey Haggis' Revenge Bawdy, silly, occasionally serious Haggis Revenge spurts out original and derivatively inspired tunes covering the lewd, shrewd, and nude world of Magic, Witchcraft, Druidry, Faerie, and Sex in the wyrdest way possible. Alongside their own creations like Isis And The Golden Penis, and Chant That Witchy Rhyme, Mike, Deb, and Don distort with equal cruelty silly satires from medieval through modern times AND do The Hedgehog Song! (Nanny Ogg), Come Happy, Leave Horny! Warning: Some songs are actually serious. No, really! Warning: Not for the tender and/or innocent ear! (explicit language, adult themes) Aleister Crowley Demystified: Light in the Darkness San Carlos/ San Juan Dr. David Shoemaker In this entertaining presentation, Dr. Shoemaker will explore the root principles of Thelema, the mystical and magical system of Aleister Crowley. While sometimes appearing dark to the casual observer, Thelema will be revealed as a life-affirming path of freedom, power, wisdom and light, in harmony with other systems of personal and spiritual growth. Special reference will be made to the work of Carl Jung and Wilhelm Reich--two 20th century psychiatrists whose work parallels that of Crowley in many ways. Bakkhoi Antinoou San Martin/ San Simeon Ekklesia Antinoou Ritual - Closed Come and celebrate with the Ekklesia Antinoou, as we sing Antinous' praises and then wait for his Dionysian appearance, Antinous Epiphanes, to appear among us...with sacred drama, song, dance, movement, and ecstatic prayer! The Obelisk of Antinous will be invoked and the Antinoan Petition will be offered, and then all who are present are invited to revel in the divine inebriation of this god's presence as the three-part sacred drama (tragedy, comedy, and satyr play) is enacted for the gods' and attendees' entertainment and enlightenment. Wear your Dionysian best! Haec est unde vita venit--This is where life comes from! v.0201

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Monday - 9:00 am

Taking Up the Runes Cedar Diana Paxson Closed The twenty-four runes of the Elder Futhark open the door to a world of meaning. In this workshop, we will survey their major meanings and uses, and in a meditation, encounter them as they manifest within. This material is based on Diana's book, TAKING UP THE RUNES, and also serves as an introduction to the rune class that will be starting this year. Sticks and Stones to Build My Bones Pine Kim Makoi, D.C., M.Sc. Closed Ditch the gym! Stretching and strength training using your own body weight, sticks, trees, and for the adventurous, stones. Exercising outdoors and with natural materials is a great way to actively and directly reconnect with Earth energy. In this workshop, we will use 4, 6 and 7 foot tall bamboo and rattan sticks to stretch and revitalize! Also: review basic body weight strength training exercises that can be done outdoors. ALL fitness levels and bodies are welcome. Dress comfortably! The 'Indians' of Old Europe Fir Andras Corban-Arthen In this workshop, Andras will explore some of the many similarities that existed between the cultural and spiritual practices of pre-Christian European peoples, and those of indigenous peoples of other continents. He will also discuss how the Christian-driven colonialism, which all-but-destroyed aboriginal civilizations around the world, was first (and longest) used to wipe out indigenous European societies. Finally, he will identify some examples of the indigenous European traditions that have survived into the present, and talk about the importance of those survivals in the context of the international interfaith movement. Village Witchery 102 Oak Valerie E. Voigt This class presents further principles and techniques for Witches who may find themselves needed as community practitioners in a mostly non-Pagan community. Some heuristic techniques will be included. We will also discuss the most common problems that clients bring to Witches, and ways to approach solutions. We'l also consider some issues in community relations, including several related to the fact that many of us live in multicultural neighborhoods. Bring your questions, and a notebook if you like. PREREQUISITE: VILLAGE WITCHERY 101 OR EQUIVALENT. The Cycle, the Path, and the Journey Silicon Valley William Gordon Using the wisdom of the zodiac as a guide to personal, spiritual, and professional development. Rooted in the occultist traditions of Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones, this workshop will show how the Sabian Symbols can be used as Signs to further your understanding of the Zodiac, and use them as tools to more powerfully create your life, more richly experience it, and more deeply appreciate it. All the Kabbalah You Really Need to Know San Jose Miriam BatAsherah Kabbalah doesn't need to be obscure, pedantic, or boring. It can be fun, experiential ‚ and maybe even a little dishy. Anyone can master the basics in only 72 minutes and the rest, as they say, is commentary. In this class, beginners will quickly become acquainted with the fundamentals of Kabbalah, while more experienced practitioners will gain deeper perspectives into the origins of Kabbalah and its continuing relevance to witches, pagans and magickians.


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The Many Meanings Of Initiation Santa Clara Ivo Dominguez Jr Many people following an esoteric path eventually face the question of whether or not they wish to seek initiation. If the answer is yes, then the question becomes by whom, self, another, a group, the Divine, etc. ? The impact and the meaning of initiation is as varied as every individual, but what does it mean? What are the social, psychological, and spiritual ramifications of initiations? What are the responsibilities that come with the benefits of initiatory magick? This class will offer ideas and perspectives to help enrich the dialogue on the many meanings of initiation. Hands-On Handweaving Workshop Carmel Ruth Temple Come learn about handweaving, historical and present, and its uses in sacred practice, as you make and take a small project of your own. Materials are provided. There will be handouts this year, including information and contacts for further explorations. Titans of Tomorrow Monterey The League The comic-loving members of the League ask: Who are our Heroes, and what are their origins? Who do we look to as archetypes for Truth and Justice? We create the Divine and the Divine creates us in turn. The tall tales of today herald the Gods of tomorrow. Whose tales are you living? How will you be heroic when the moment calls if you are not heroic now? Join us for a ritual celebrating Truth, Justice, and the Heroic Heart as we call forth the Superhero in each of us as an expression of the Divine. Family Friendly! All Ages. Passing It On: Creating Sustainable Traditions In Pagan Families San Carlos Rhiannon Laakso In order for a spiritual tradition or religion to survive generations, sustainable practices must be created and maintained by passing them down to the next generation. How are Pagan families integrating spiritual belief and practices into every day life and with children of all ages? Presenterled discussion on various traditions and ways of achieving this. Discussion will be open to all adults and older children. Going Local: The Animist Turn San Juan Michael Routery Often the land spirits, wights, and 'small gods' have been neglected in modern paganism; yet, recently, there is increasing talk of animism. Animism is a relationship with world that relates to the non-human—plants, animals, even rocks and rivers—as persons. How can one meet the genius loci, and build relationships with the creatures, trees, creeks and local landscape, especially for those living in urban areas? We will look at a wide variety of ideas/practices, from psychogeography to the Celtic Poet's Truth, from crafting new local stories to furthering our relationships through gift giving/offerings. Workshop will culminate in ritual. Sacred Circle Dancing San Martin/ San Simeon Bay Area Circle Dancers A workshop in Circle, or Sacred Dance: a means of experiencing and celebrating our connection to the rhythms of the earth, to each other, and to our sources. We will teach simple meaningful beautiful dances from Greece, Scotland, Israel, the Incas, the Shakers, the Inuits, all done to splendid music, holding hands in a circle. No dance experience or partners needed.

Monday - 11:00 am

Organizing to Support Pagan Prisoners Cedar Starhawk and Barbara McGraw An organizing meeting to hear updates on the situation with Pagan Prisoners, Patrick McCollum's lawsuit, and to discuss prisoners' needs and ways that we as a community might organize to support them: writing, visiting, helping to fund the expenses of volunteer chaplains, and organzing support for those who are released from prison.


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Magickal Self-Defense Pine Emily Carlin A hands-on introduction to the basics of magickal self-defense. This workshop will include the topics of energetic awareness, shielding, magickal camouflage, and a brief introduction to protective charms. This is a hands-on workshop and participants will be asked to stand, move around, and actually do magick. All experience levels are welcome. Wood From Trees, Myth, Magic and Practical Uses Fir Martin Evans An informal talk about the myths/folklore surrounding many of our trees, the magical uses of the wood and some of the practical applications, food and medicine that can be gained from trees. Plenty of scope for discussion, question and answers after the initial talk Beyond the Pagan Top 40: Learn New Chants Oak Turning Earth Singers Looking for new and different music to use in ritual? We'll teach you some of our favorite new and undiscovered Pagan chants, songs, and rounds, including a few original pieces by our members. We'll create a loosely structured ritual space, in which we can sing each song at length, improvise, and harmonize, allowing ourselves to sink deeply into each piece and let the magic flow. Note: We'll include different chants from last year's workshop! Antinous is Not Just For Pretty Boys! Silicon Valley Ekklesia Antinoou Though many have tried to suggest that Antinous is a god only for gay men (and young ones at that), the truth is that his devotion--both in the ancient world and in modern times--has appealed to a far wider and more diverse group. Come and listen to the experiences of several Mystai of Antinous, as they discuss the issues of age, gender, and sexual orientation in relation to their involvement in this specific cultus. Our grandmothers as goddesses San Jose Victoria Slind-Flor Closed We will honor those who gave us some of our first experiences of unconditional love and acceptance, our grandmothers. We will make poppets representing our female ancestor, share stories and hold a brief ritual celebrating their gifts to us. Open to all age 12 and up. Using Palm Prints To Learn Hand Analysis Santa Clara Kooch Daniels After we take everyone's palm prints, we'll circulate our prints for class study. Without knowing (hopefully) whose palm print we are viewing, we will discuss palmistry basics and do a brief reading on each hand print. Your hands will be included as part of our discussion on how to interpret a person's personality from a print. Without getting into predictions, this hands-on session will increase and strengthen your hand reading skills. Also, we'll go over what you feel is important for your palmistry practice. Magical Housekeeping/Sacred Space Carmel Tess Whitehurst Monitored As above, so below: Seen mirrors unseen, form mirrors spirit, known mirrors unknown. It follows that our external environments (our homes) are inextricably linked to our internal environments (our perceptions and life conditions). What's more, our homes are not only microcosms of the universe; they are also extensions of us. In fact, they are potent magical tools that can allow us to consciously affect our life experience on every level. In this illuminating workshop, author Tess Whitehurst will reveal ancient and modern magical tools for affecting positive change in our lives through consciously interacting with our homes.


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Intermediate Energy Healing Monterey Gus diZerega This workshop combines explanation with participants' personal experiences. It assumes some prior knowledge - at least my earlier workshop. Based on participants' prior experience, topics can include: moving healing energy within your own body, the importance of motivation, auric cleansing, chakra stimulation, relieving energy coagulations, working with depression and anger, self-cleansing, herbs and energy, spirits, and applying these methods in healing circles, coven circles, and other spiritually oriented groups. This workshop integrates what I learned studying six years with a Brazilian shaman as well as almost twenty five years of healing work Social, Seed and Plant (and Garden work) swap San Carlos FFRASS Come meet other pagan gardeners, wanna-be gardeners, green witches, permaculturists, and Entwives. Share stories, trade tips, and talk dirt. Besides making room for general socializing, we will have space for a seed- and seedling-swap. Bring seeds to share, if you have them, and/or extra plant starts to pass on to others. We will also set aside space for folks to connect with others to find help with tending their own gardens. beehives, or backyard animals -- or to learn how, by helping others with theirs. Walking the 7 African Powers San Juan A Thorny Path Closed The Orisha are (super) natural forces that act as intermediaries between humans and the great unknowable oneness. Coming to us from the African Diaspora, these Forces teach us how to learn to walk in the world with more grace, to live more fulfilling and sustaining lives. This workshop is an opportunity to not only learn about these Powers, but to experience them in our lives, walk with them in our worlds. We will discuss who the 7 African Powers are, and through embodiment and meditation exercises deepen our individual connection with these Forces and all the gifts they bring. Bringing the Power down the Tree San Martin/ San Simeon Etz Cha'im Ritual - Closed Join us as the Kabbalistic lodge Etz Cha'im celebrates the culmination of a two-year initiatory exploration of the Tree of Life. The lodge and you, our guests, will bring the Power of the Tree down the Lightning Path through the Sephiroth for the healing of the Earth's waters, welcome a new initiate, and share in the blessings of the rite. Latecomers will not be admitted after the ritual begins.

Monday - 1:30 pm

The Troth Blot: Honoring Welund the Smith Cedar The Troth Ritual Members of The Troth will conduct a Blot Welund the Smith. Welund, a gifted smith, lover of a swanmaiden, and master of the Alfar, was captured and ham-strung by the greedy King Niouor), who sought his treasures. The rest of Welund‚ amazing story will be related as a drama in our blot. We call upon all artisans, particularly metal workers and smiths, to bring samples of their work and/or tools to be blessed as we call upon Welund, beloved Alf. Volundarkvitha is a tale of trauma, will, and transformation assembled from a tattered poem from the Codex Regius, an Icelandic manuscript dated as early as the twelfth century. Embodying the Sacred Pine Bari Mandelbaum Ritual - Closed We are our bodies, our hearts, minds and spirits. How we understand our Self impacts what kind of magic we do, and the spiritual practices in which we engage. And how fully we embody our whole self impacts how effective we are in our working, our ability to connect with Spirit, with the earth, and with one another. But embodiment is tricky - dissociation is an intelligent response to danger, and coming home to Self can be fraught with challenges. This workshop will ritually explore ways to connect more fully to Self as a way to engage more fully with Spirit.


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Ancient Stellar Magic Fir Clifford Hartleigh Low Magic has existed since before recorded history, but the term itself is borrowed from the heretical Magians of Persia-- currently believed to have been a cult of time-worshippers. Their magical practices attempted to circumvent fate and bestow abilities by applying astrology to the fabrication of talismans and rings. One ancient grimoire reveals the secrets on how to create fifteen rings of immense power, imbued with the essences of corresponding fixed stars, and their mighty spirits. This lecture will introduce you to the basics of traditional astrology, and how to use it to make these rings of power for yourself. The Practice of Ancient Greek Religion Today Oak Tony Mierzwicki Religion was so seamlessly integrated into the fabric of ancient Greek society that there was no actual word for it. Ancient Greece was divided into numerous city states, each being independent and differing from the others in many respects, including religious beliefs and practices. Additionally, public worship differed from domestic worship, with practices changing over time. This workshop will give a brief overview of what is known about ancient Greek religion, why it still fascinates so many, and how it can be made relevant today. A prayer to Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, using Greek traditions will be included. Neo pagan Ethical systems part 1/the AMHA example San Jose Elisheva Nesher Neo Pagan reconstructionist,who spiritually and emotionally connect to ancient pagan/earth connected tribes, often develop, from inherited traditions a system of ethics for the modern neo pagan. Why doe we need that? what does it do for us?what does that look like? I will use Modern Hebrew AMHA models to discuss these questions.Come ready for lots of Q&A Spiritual Tattooing; Connecting Body and Inner Self Santa Clara The Red Genie Beyond the health concerns of the safety of modern tattooing and the social stigma of what will others think, comes the magic, as recognized by the ancient tattooed people, when a tattoo is used as a thoughtful emblem to align the spirit of the wearer with who they really are or who they wish to become. Tattoos can help one to connect to their heritage or to their modern tribe. Druid Soup: learn about the FoDLA Druid Tradition Carmel Fellowship of Druidism for the Latter Age (FoDLA) Druid organizations seem to have lots of unusual acronyms these days. Come learn what the Fellowship of Druidism for the Latter Age (FoDLA) is all about. We will discuss our rituals, and core beliefs and how they may differ from other druid traditions Finding the Goddess in Your Natal Astrology Chart Monterey Rev. James Schultz, D.D. Of the Sun, Moon and eight planets, only two are feminine, Venus and the Moon. Yet, six of the twelve signs are considered feminine, so, Who are the other Feminine Energies in your chart? What do they mean? Where are they in your chart? If you have ever had your astrology chart done, you may know of Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena and Vesta, the four most common asteroid Goddesses. But, what about Astraea, Hygeia, Hera, Demeter, Persephone, Eris, Sedna and Lilith? What might they mean in your astrology chart? Join me and find out! Global Healing Magick: Tools and Tricks San Carlos Melanie Marquis Mother Earth is in critical condition, and she needs your help! Learn how to put your magickal power to good use protecting and healing the environment. Master large-scale spellcasting techniques, explore theories and principles of global healing magick, and discover both ancient and modern magickal tools that are well-suited for environmental spellwork. Attendees will receive a free global healing magick spell kit to take home after the program.


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Sacred Voices - Song & Chant Circle San Juan DevaGnosis Song and chant circles help to bring us together as tribe and community. They align our hearts and minds with spirit and raise our vibration. Come to learn new chants that we have to teach and share in some of your favorite traditional songs and chants too. Small drums and shakers welcome. polyamoury: doing it and talking about it San Martin joi wolfwomyn, amelia hogan A discussion of different structures of polyamoury and how to negotiate your way through the maze. joi, Elizabeth and Amelia have been wending their way through polyamoury for most of their adult lives, and are happy to babble about it.

Monday - 3:00 pm

Closing Ritual Oak Glenn Turner & friends Ritual Join us as we gather together one last time to thank and say goodye to the guardians and protectors of our event. We can share highlights of our gathering of the tribes.


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