Paper Industry - Electric Machinery Company

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Higher efficiency. Synchronous motors have a unique and merited position as the most efficient electrical drive in the industry and are often 1-2% more efficient ...
Synchronous Motors For the Paper Industry Reciprocating Compressor Applications

Synchronous Motors For the Paper Industry

WEG Group Electric Machinery (EM) synchronous motors incorporate special Converteam Electric (EM) Converteam Electric Machinery (EM) synchronous synchronous motors for features making themMachinery the right choice for use in themotors corrosive incorporate special features making them the right choice reciprocating found compressors environments in paperprovide mills. dependable operation and are for use in the corrosive environments in paper mills. built to meet design parameters from found compressor manufacturers along with on-site electrical requirements.

Synchronous motor driving a reciprocating compressor.



• Higher efficiency Synchronous motors have a unique and Advantages Speed: 180 to 900 RPM merited position as the most efficient Advantages Ranges Voltage: 2,300 to 13,800 VAC • Higher efficiency Ranges electrical drive in the industry and are • Higher efficiency Output: 500 to 25,000 HP Synchronous motors have athan unique and Power factor: 0.8 leading to 1.0 unity oftenmotors 1-2% more Output: 500 to 25,000 HP Synchronous have efficient a unique and Speed: 180 to 1,800 RPM merited position as the most efficient induction position asmotors. the most efficient Speed: 1,800 RPM VAC meritedelectrical Voltage:180 to 2,300 to 13,800 drive in the industry and are electrical drive factor in the industry and are Voltage: 2,300 13,800 • often Power correction Power factor: 0.8toleading to VAC 1.0 unity 1-2% more efficient than often 1-2% more efficient than Synchronous motors can operate at Power factor: 0.8 leading to induction motors. inductionleading motors.power factors, providing VARs 1.0 unity • Power factor correction to the power system, reducing demand • Power factor correction Synchronous charges oftenmotors causedcan by operate inductionat Synchronous motors operate at leading powercan factors, providing VARs motors. leading to power factors, providing VARs the power system, reducing demand Constant speed to the•power system, reducing demand charges often caused by induction Synchronous speed is unaffected chargesmotors. often caused motor by induction motors. by line or load conditions, providing greater operating flexibility. Starting and pull-in torques are designed to accommodate electrical system requirements and load limitations.

Synchronous a grinder in aHP paper mill. Output:motor driving 500 to 25,000

•• Constant Constant speed speed Rotor Synchronous motor motor speed speed isis unaffected unaffected Synchronous • by Rotor construction line or load conditions, providing by line or load conditions, providing The rotor consistsflexibility. of a spiderStarting on which greater operating greater operating flexibility. Starting the field poles, amortisseur (cage)to and pull-in torques are designed and pull-in torques are designed to windings and brushless exciter armature accommodate electrical system system accommodate electrical are mounted;and providing inertia to requirements load limitations. requirements and pulsations. load limitations. minimize current Additional inertia can be added as required. Rotor Rotor insulation is a Class F system. •Rotor Rotor construction • Rotor construction • The Rotor poles rotor consists of a spider on which The rotor consists a spider(cage) onofwhich Thefield rotorpoles, polesamortisseur areofcomprised steel the the field poles, amortisseur (cage) laminations andexciter boltedarmature together windings andpressed brushless windings and brushless exciter armature to withstand rotational and electrical are mounted. All material used in the coil are mounted. All material used in the coil stresses and are mounted to the spider insulation system will be Class F material. insulation system will be Class F rim by bolts, studsofora copper dovetails. The Field coils consist conductor material.Field coils astrap copper wire-wound are thenofepoxy of rectangularpoles wire consist or copper with conductor of rectangular wire or bonded layer-by-layer hold thefilled each layer treated with to a suitable copper strap each fiber. layer treated with windings firmly. epoxy resin orwith arramid a suitable filled epoxy resin or arramid • Rotor Rotor poles cage bars • fiber. Phosporous-free brazing of cage bars The rotor poles are comprised of steel prevents chemical which can laminations pressedcorrosion and bolted together • Rotor poles cause machine failure. to withstand and electrical The rotor polesrotational are comprised of steel stresses andpressed are mounted to thetogether spider • laminations and bolted Rotor shaft rimwithstand by bolts, rotational studs or dovetails. The wire to and electrical An integral forged flanged shaft extension wound poles then epoxy stresses and Shaft are mounted to bonded thetospider is standard. is designed meet layer-by-layer to hold the windings rim by bolts, studs or dovetails. The firmly. site ambient temperature requirements. • wirewound poles are then epoxy bonded It maycage be supplied Rotor bars by Converteam EM or layer-by-layer to OEM. hold the windings the compressor Phosphorous-free brazing of cage bars firmly. prevents chemical corrosion which can • Bearings cause machine failure. Standard is a single sleeve • Rotor cageconfiguration bars bearing; pedestal brazing mounted, self cooled, • Phosphorous-free Rotor shaft of cage bars oil ring Options include The shaftlubricated. will be forged steel or rolled prevents chemical corrosion which can provisions for flood lubrication system, steel, accurately machined and smoothly cause machine failure. vibrationwhere probes, or two bearing finished required. configurations. • Rotor shaft The shaft will be forged steel or rolled steel, accurately machined and smoothly finished where required.


• • End End rings ringsare arecopper copperororcopper copperalloy alloy construction to withstand construction to withstandheat heatcycling cycling and andprovide providelong longlife. life. • Motor Motorisisanchored anchoredwith withextra extrastator-tobase stator-to• base hold-down bolts and grouted in hold-down bolts and grouted in foundation. foundation. • Stainless steel collector rings where • Stainless rings where collector steel rings collector are furnished. collector rings are furnished.

Stator Stator

• • Stator Statorconstruction construction The Thestator statorisiscomposed composedofofa asupporting supporting structure, a core structure, a coreofofelectrical electricallaminations laminations and grade andinsulated insulatedwindings. windings.High High grade silicon upup siliconsteel steellaminations laminationsthat thatbuild build the core are precision punched from the core are precision punched from core-plated core-platedsheets. sheets.Pressed Pressedand andheld held between end plates, these laminations between end plates, these laminations are arestacked stackedininthe thesupport supportstructure structureand and spaced for radial ventilation to ensure spaced for radial ventilation to ensure even thethe core. TheThe evencooling coolingthroughout throughout core. frame is welded and machined to frame is welded and machined to withstand withstandstresses stressesexerted exertedbybyelectrical electrical and mechanical forces and mechanical forcesininthe thecore coreand and provide levels. providelow lowvibration vibration levels. Statorwinding windinginsulation insulation ••Stator Converteam EM’sinsulation Duraguard™ insulation The Duraguard™ system is a system pressure is a vacuum pressure impregnated vacuum impregnated epoxy-mica epoxy-mica insulation system that insulation system that provides provides Class capability, F thermal capability, Class F thermal outstanding outstanding dielectric properties, dielectric properties, superior moisture superior moisture and chemical and chemical resistance and the superb resistance and the superb mechanical mechanical integrity of an epoxy resin integrityIt of epoxyinsulation resin system. It is system. is aansealed system a sealedofinsulation system of capable passing the watercapable immersion passing the water test as specified by immersion NEMA MG 1test andas specified by NEMA MG 1 and IEEE 115. IEEE 115. Abrasion-resistant coating is Abrasion-resistant coating is available for available for protection in demanding protection in demanding environments. environments.

BrushlessExcitation Excitation Brushless

Thebrushless brushlessexcitation excitationsystem systemeliminates eliminates The periodicbrush brushand andcollector collectorring ring periodic maintenanceand andreplacement. replacement.Solid Solidstate state maintenance excitationcomponents componentsare arerated rated excitation conservativelytotoprovide providedependable dependable conservatively serviceand andlong longlife. life.Electric Converteam EM’sEM’s service Machinery Sync-Rite™system system applies applies the thefield field Sync-Rite™ automaticallyatatthe theproper properrotor rotorangle angle automatically to to ensuresmooth smoothsynchronization. synchronization. ensure

Synchronous motor with PMDPTM enclosure driving a refiner.

Industry Industrystandards Standards

Electric Machinery EM manufactures synchroConverteam EM manufactures synchronous nous motors to meet all current industry motors to meet all current standards including NEMAindustry MG 1, IEEE standards including NEMAstandards. MG 1, IEEEMotors 115, and ISO 9001:2000 115, anddesigned ISO 9001:2000 standards. Motors can be to match your existing can be designed match your existing machines space to limitations, shaft heights, machines spacefoot limitations, heights, and mounting locationsshaft to minimize and mountingcosts. foot locations to minimize installation installation costs. Paper Mill Construction Features

Paper Millenclosure Construction • PMDP™ providesFeatures splash-

• PMDP™ enclosureforprovides splashproof proof protection wet locations. protection for wet locations. • Durable high tin base babbitt bearings to withstand higher temperatures. • Durable high tin base babbitt bearings • toStainless withstand higher temperatures. steel collector rings on brush type motors last longer, reduce • Stainless steel collector on brush maintenance, and resistrings corrosion. type motors last longer, reduce • Durable epoxy prime and finish paints maintenance, and resist corrosion. protect your investment from corrosion.


• Equipped with Converteam EM patented Refiners

oil-lubricated withEM high • Equipped with thrust Electricbearing Machinery bidirectional axial thrust capability. patented oil-lubricated thrust bearing with high bidirectional axial thrust capability.

Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum Pumps • Stator shift feature is available to fully

• Stator feature is available to fully exposeshift rotor for easy maintenance. expose rotor for easy maintenance. • Double shaft extensions permit driving machines from both ends. • Double shaft extensions permit driving machines from both ends.


Converteam EM has over a century of Experience

experience in designing, manufacturing Electric Machinery EM has over a century and servicing large synchronous motors of experience in designing, manufacturing for the paper industry. and servicing large synchronous motors for the paper industry.


• Durable epoxy prime and finish paints Applications protect your investment from corrosion. Typical applications include chippers, refiners, vacuum pumps, grinders, fan Applications pumps,applications and variableinclude speedchippers, fans. Typical

refiners, vacuum pumps,are grinders, fanwhen These special features standard pumps, and variable speed fans. the application is specified: These special features are standard when Chippers the application specified: has larger • Stiffer frameisconstruction cross section at base to accommodate Chippers the intense shock and vibration • Stiffer framewith construction larger associated rigorous has chipper duty. cross section at base to accommodate Rotor construction hasvibration higher strength • the intense shock and materials incorporated a larger associated with rigorous with chipper duty. rim cross sectional area at the spider hub to resistconstruction high torsional vibration. • Rotor haspeak higher strength materials incorporated with a larger rim cross sectional area at the spider hub to resist high torsional peak vibration.

Converteam Electric Machinery 800 Central Avenue NE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 United States Tel: +1 612 378 8000 Fax: +1 612 378 8051 North America Headquarters: Converteam Inc. Group WEG Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Electric Machinery Tel: +1 412 967 0675

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© Converteam 2009. Publication Converteam, the Converteam logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of Converteam. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies.

Vacuum pump drive

© Electric Machinery 2011. Publication Electric Machinery, the Electric Machinery logo and any version thereof are trademarks and service marks of Electric Machinery. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies.