labeled. This paper plate grid-globe will specifically identify the location of Lyons,. Colorado (similar to the workshe
Social Studies Assessment
Five Themes Geography
6th Grade Prompt and Basic Expectations: NAME oopaper You will create and turn in a plate" poster that demonstrates your understanding of the five themes of geography. Your poster will display trvo plates that convey the information that follows below the rubric. Your poster should be similar to the example in class and we will have class time to work on this project but if you are absent during that time or fall behind, you will need to complete it on your own time. or the very beginning of This assessment assignment is due bv class the next day. You should turn in your poster with this rubric stapled to it.
-ittle or none of :he five themes are represented ully on the two rlates according :o the written :xoectations. Stoppy and / or llegible with little ro no pride in croducing a quality assessment.
:ew of the five :hemes are 'epresented fully on :he two plates according tb the ,vritten rxoectations. fhe poster looks as f it was thrown iogether at the last ninute and/or is sloppy to the point rf distraction.
2.5=C Some of the five :hemes are
).5 - 10=A 1,5=B Vlost of the five themes lach of the five
rre represented fully on 'epresented fully on he two plates accordinE o the written :he two plates rxpectations. rccording to the rvritten expectations.
:hemes is represented 'ully on the two plates rccording to the mitten expectations.
Most of the poster is
lntire poster is neatly
reatly prepared and s pleasing to the
crepared and is pleasing to the eye.
The first Paper Plate is used exclusively to demonstrate your understanding of location by creating a visual representation of a globe with latitude and longitude lines marked and labeled. This paper plate grid-globe will specifically identify the location of Lyons, Colorado (similar to the worksheet we did in class). Use the GPS coordinates of 40 0 N Latitude and 105 0 W Longitude to locate Lyons. Make sure to clearly label the Equator, Prime Meridian, and your degrees of latitude and longitude. Mark and label the location of Lyons with an X. Use more than one color to make this plate neat and easy to understand.