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1. “Today we are going to discuss making a marketing mix.” 2. VISUAL: Point to the Key Term on the board. 3. “Mark
Paradigm Shift BUSINESS GROWTH COURSE CREATING A MARKETING MIX __________________________________________________________________________________________ Session Overview Affirmation and Follow-up: 1 minute Introduction to Marketing: 7 minutes Product: 3 minutes Pricing: 3 minutes Promotion: 5 minutes Placement: 5 minutes Weekly Challenge and Close: 1 minute Total Time: 25 minutes __________________________________________________________________________________________ Theme Connections Work ethic Planning business growth Supplies Checklist Name tags Whiteboard or flip chart Whiteboard markers or permanent markers Whiteboard eraser Pens Prestick Purpose of Business visual Preparation Put on a name tag and make sure all facilitation staff have one on as well. Write necessary text on the board. Put necessary materials on the tables. Place Prestick on the back of the visual so it is ready to post.


Write on the board: CREATING A MARKETING MIX Key Terms • Marketing • Advertising • Promotion Four Ps of a Marketing Mix • Product • Pricing • Promotion • Placement Affirmation and Follow-up: 1 minute 1. Affirm an entrepreneur by picking a specific example of something they’ve done well and share it with the training room. 2. AT: “Our Weekly Challenge from last session was to complete everything in our Workbooks so far. Was everyone able to do that?” 3. Wait for the response. 4. WBK: Take a moment to ensure the entrepreneurs are on the Workbook page entitled ‘Creating a Marketing Mix’. Introduction to Marketing: 7 minutes 1. “Today we are going to discuss making a marketing mix.” 2. VISUAL: Point to the Key Term on the board. 3. “Marketing means ways I promote my business.” 4. VISUAL: Point to the Four Ps of a Marketing Mix on the board. 5. “When we talk about Marketing, we must think about the Four Ps of a Marketing Mix.” 6. WBK: “These Four Ps are also in our Workbooks. The Four Ps stand for: Product, Pricing, Promotion and Placement.” 7. VISUAL: Point to the Four Ps of a Marketing Mix on the board. 8. “Product means how my product or service meets a need in the community.” 9. “We have already explored the Purpose of Business.” 10. VISUAL: Post the Purpose of Business poster to the wall and point to it. 11. AT: “Who remembers the Purpose of Business?” 12. Wait for the answer: The Purpose of Business is to fill a need in the community better than the Competition. 13. “In the Business Experience Course, we made a list of the needs in our community. We also made a list of our own Business Distinctives. This means we know how our products and services fill a need in the community better than the Competition.” ______________________________________________________________________________________

14. AT: “Who can tell us a Business Distinctive of one of your products or services?” 15. Wait for one entrepreneur to answer. 16. VISUAL: Point to the Four Ps of a Marketing Mix on the board. 17. “Pricing means how I know my price is the right price for me and my customer.” 18. “Each of us have worked on pricing our products to be sure we are earning good Profits.” 19. VISUAL: Point to the Four Ps of a Marketing Mix on the board. 20. “Promotion means how I brand, advertise and sell my products or services.” 21. “In this course, we have also learnt about Branding. We chose our Business Names, Business Slogans, Business Colours and Business Logos.” 22. AT: “Who can tell me their Business Colours?” 23. Wait for one entrepreneur to answer. 24. VISUAL: Point to the Key Terms on the board. 25. “We have also talked about Advertising and Promotions. We said that Advertising is how I draw attention to my business to get more customers. And a Promotion is a specific event or special that brings people in for a product or service.” 26. VISUAL: Point to the Four Ps of a Marketing Mix on the board. 27. “Placement means where my products or services are sold to my customers.” 28. “Now let’s put these Four Ps together to create a Marketing Mix.” Product: 3 minutes 1. “Let’s explore the first P—Product.” 2. “We should always be changing our business products and services to meet our customers’ needs better than our Competition. That means our Business Distinctives will change as well.” 3. “Remember, our Business Distinctives can’t be general, like saying we sell ‘good stuff.’ We need to know what makes our products or services more valuable than what our Competition is selling.” 4. WBK/IP: “Find a partner and discuss a few Business Distinctives you want to add to your business.” Pricing: 3 minutes 1. “Now, let’s explore the second P—Pricing.” 2. “Many of us have changed our prices because we realised they were too high or too low.” 3. “Some of us still have some work to do to re-price our products or services to be sure we are making a good Profit.” 4. WBK/IP: “Now, with a different partner, share some changes you have made to your prices over the past few weeks. Discuss any changes you think you still need to make.” Promotion: 5 minutes 1. “Next, let’s explore the third P—Promotion.” 2. “We have discussed different ways of promoting our businesses.” 3. “A few weeks ago we made a list in our Workbooks of different Advertising and Promotion ideas.” ______________________________________________________________________________________

4. “We need to always be updating our Promotion strategy in order to get new customers and keep current ones.” 5. WBK/TG: “In our Table Groups, let’s quickly share what we want to do to promote our businesses this month. We can write these Promotions in our Marketing Mix.” Placement: 5 minutes 1. “Finally, let’s explore the fourth P—Placement.” 2. “Placement is also a very important part of our businesses.” 3. “If our customers come to us to buy our products or services, we must be located somewhere that is easy for them to get to.” 4. WBK/TG: “In our Table Groups, let’s discuss ways we can make sure our customers know about our business and where to find it.” Weekly Challenge and Close: 1 minute 1. “Well done, everyone!” 2. “Every successful business has a Marketing Mix and we’ve just started creating mixes for our own businesses.” 3. “Our Weekly Challenge is to finish filling out our Marketing Mixes in our Workbooks.” 4. “Next week’s session will be on ways to improve our selling.”



Key Terms • Marketing: Ways I promote my business • Advertising: How I draw attention to my business to get more customers • Promotion: A specific event or special that brings people in for a product or service Four Ps of a Marketing Mix • Product: How my product or service meets a need in the community • Pricing: How I know my price is the right price for me and my customer • Promotion: How I brand, advertise and sell my products or services • Placement: Where my products or services are sold to my customers

Product My product or service fills a need in the community by: __________________________________________________________________________________________ My Business Distinctives: _______________________



Pricing I have changed the pricing of these products or services in the past few months: _______________________



I still need to change or work on prices for these products or services: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Promotion This month, I plan to promote my business in these two ways: 1) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

2) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Placement Ways I can make sure my customers know about my products or services and where to find them: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Challenge Finish filling out my Workbook before next week.


Paradigm Shift EMMAUS ROAD COURSE THE FATHER HEART OF GOD ____________________________________________________________________________________ Session Overview Affirmation and Follow-up: 1 minute Understanding Our Customers: 3 minutes The World Around Us: 4 minutes God as Our Father: 5 minutes God’s Heart Toward Us: 10 minutes Scripture Memory Verse: 30 seconds Weekly Challenge: 1 minute Prayer: 30 seconds Total Time: 25 minutes ____________________________________________________________________________________ Theme Connections Relationship with God Relationships with others Supplies Checklist Name tags Whiteboard or flip chart Whiteboard markers or permanent markers Whiteboard eraser Pens Prestick Bibles Different Kinds of Fish visual Different Languages visual Different Kinds of Birds visual Different Kinds of Snakes visual Preparation Put on a name tag and make sure all facilitation staff have one on as well. Write necessary text on the board. Bookmark the appropriate scriptures in the Bible so they will be easy to find. Write down the page numbers for others to follow along. Place Prestick on the back of the “Different” visuals and post them to the wall.


Write on the board: THE FATHER HEART OF GOD Key Learning Points • My life is valuable to God. • God has a father’s heart towards me. Key Scriptures Luke 12:6-7 on page Matthew 7:9-11 on page Scripture Memory Verse “And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of birds.” Luke 12:7 Affirmation and Follow-up: 1 minute 1. Affirm an entrepreneur by picking a specific example of something he/she has done well and share it with the training room. 2. “Our Weekly Challenge from last session was to focus on being a better steward of people, money and resources in our lives. Is there a volunteer who would like to share how they did this in their business?” 3. WBK: Take a moment to ensure the entrepreneurs are on the Workbook page entitled: “The Father Heart of God.” Understanding Our Customers: 3 minutes 1. “Tonight we are going to be talking about who God is and how he thinks about us.” 2. “As entrepreneurs, we know a lot about how to run our businesses. But there are also things we do not know.” 3. “Every entrepreneur wants to know as much as possible about his or her customer because when we fill the needs in the community better than our competition, our business grows and we make money.” 4. “But, we cannot know everything about our products and services, our customers and their needs.” The World Around Us: 4 minutes 1. “Just like in our businesses, we don’t know everything about the world around us. There are people who spend their entire lives studying specific areas. Doctors study medicine. Lawyers study law. Scientist study nature.” 2. “Even after all their study, they will always have more to learn.” 3. “As people, we can’t know everything. It is not because we aren’t smart, but because there is so much to know about life.” 4. “Let’s explore some examples of this.” 5. VISUAL: Read the titles of the four “Different” visuals out loud. •

Different Kinds of Fish

Different Languages Spoken

Different Kinds of Birds


Different Kinds of Snakes

6. VISUAL: Assign each Table Group one of the four visuals. 7. TG: “In our Table Groups, we are going to make a list of as many different examples as we can for our specific category. Your Table Group will be competing with the others to come up with the most examples. Ready... Go!”

TT TIP: For example, if a Table Group was given different types of fish category, their answers could be tuna, salmon, swordfish, gold fish, etc. You are just looking for a brainstorm list with as many varieties as possible. Help your Table Group if they feel stuck.

8. TR: Have one person from each table share their category and the examples their table came up with. After each Table Group, encourage them to Prestick their category card on the board and how many examples they have. 9. “We have come up with great lists. Now let’s see how many there actually are.” 10. Read the following points out loud only after the Table Group activity above. 11. VISUAL: Point to the Different Types of Fish visual on the wall. 12. “There are 25 000 different types of fish across all the oceans in the world, we came up with ________.” 13. VISUAL: Point to the Different Languages visual on the wall. 14. “There are 6912 known languages to be spoken, we came up with ________.” 15. VISUAL: Point to the Different Kinds of Birds visual on the wall. 16. “There are 10 000 different kinds of birds in the world, we came up with ________.” 17. VISUAL: Point to the Different Kinds of Snakes visual on the wall. 18. “There are 2900 different kinds of snakes in the world, we came up with ________.” 19. “We can see that the world is incredibly big and filled with many details that we do not know!” 20. “The same God who created 25 000 different kinds of fish knows exactly how many hairs are on your head.” God as Our Father: 5 minutes 1. Allow natural pauses over the next few questions. These questions are not meant to be answered out loud, but to be reflected on by everyone in the room. 2. “Have you ever wondered if God notices us and sees the details of our lives?” 3. “Have you ever thought about how big the world is and wondered if God pays attention to our daily struggles?” 4. “Have you ever questioned if God sees our pain, our joy, our sadness and our smiles?” 5. “Did you know that Jesus spoke about how God sees the details of our lives?” 6. “In Luke 12:6-7, which is on page

, Jesus told his friends:”

7. Wait for the entrepreneurs to find the scripture in the Bible. 8. WBK: Read the scripture out loud from the Bible.


“What is the price of five birds––maybe two coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of birds.” Luke 12:6-7 9. “If God knows even how many hairs are on our heads, how much more does he know about all the other things that really matter in our lives?” 10. Pause to allow everyone really think about that question. 11. VISUAL: Point to the Key Learning Point on the board. 12. “In this simple example, Jesus refers to a big idea: Our lives are valuable to God!” God’s Heart Towards Us: 10 minutes 1. “Our lives have many details.” 2. “Our lives are full of relationships that are challenging and there are many things that happen during our lives that we do not understand.” 3. “When we do not receive answers to our questions, we may think that God does not care. But Jesus said he does care.” 4. “God cares so much that he knows every last detail about you, even the number of hairs on your head!” 5. “Sometimes when we have unanswered questions, we might think that God’s heart and desires towards us are not good. We might think he doesn’t understand all the details of our lives.” 6. “We might think he cannot be trusted because life is so hard. We might think we know what is best for ourselves.” 7. “Jesus taught us about God’s heart towards us. He actually said that God’s heart is like the heart of a father.” 8. ROLE PLAY: “I need a two volunteers to help act how Jesus told a story in Matthew 7:9-11, which is on page .” 9. Pick two volunteers and tell to them that you would like them to act out what you will be reading of Jesus’ words. Make one the father and one the son. Give the father a stone and a plastic snake. Be familiar with the story, so you can help direct the volunteers how to act it out. 10. Wait for the entrepreneurs to find the scripture in the Bible. 11. WBK: Read the scripture out loud from the Bible. “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread...” [Pause and have the son verbally ask his father for some bread.] “Do you give them a stone instead?” Continued on next page...


Continued from previous page... [Pause and have the father pretend to hand a stone to the son. Ask the son how he would react.] “Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake?” [Pause and have the father pretend to hand a snake to the son. Again ask the son how we would react.] “Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:9-11 12. Thank the volunteers. 13. VISUAL: Point to the Key Learning Point on the board. 14. “God’s heart is like a father’s heart towards us.” 15. WBK/TG: “Let’s take a few minutes in our Table Groups to discuss the following questions in our Workbooks:” 16. TTs lead through the following questions: •

Do you believe God cares about the details of your life? Why or why not?

Have you seen God be a loving father in your life? If so, how?

Scripture Memory Verse: 30 seconds 1. VISUAL: Read the scripture on the board. 2. Have the TTs point out the Scripture Memory Verse. Weekly Challenge: 1 minute 1. “Our Weekly Challenge is to ask our heavenly father for a good gift like: peace, joy, wisdom, daily bread, health or something else you are depending on him to provide.” 2. “Next week’s session will be on making sense of pain.” Prayer: 30 seconds 1. AT: Pray for the entrepreneurs and praise the Lord for being a loving father towards us. Keep it short and upbeat.


Paradigm Shift EMMAUS ROAD COURSE THE FATHER HEART OF GOD Key Learning Points • My life is valuable to God. • God has a father’s heart towards me.

“What is the price of five birds—two coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of birds.” Luke 12:6-7

“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:9-11

Do I believe God cares about the details of my life? Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Have I seen God be a loving father in my life? If so, how? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Challenge Ask my heavenly father for a good gift like: peace, joy, wisdom, daily bread, health or something else I am depending on him to provide. Scripture Memory Verse “And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of birds.” Luke 12:7 ______________________________________________________________________________________