Paradigm Shift FAQs - Cape Town

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Paradigm Shift is a non-profit organisation igniting the church to transform Africa's entrepreneurial poor. What Are ...
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who Is Paradigm Shift? Paradigm Shift is a non-profit organisation igniting the church to transform Africa’s entrepreneurial poor. What Are You About? We are on a mission to change the way we, as the Church, serve the poor. The poor don’t need charity. They need someone to help them use the gifts God has given them. What Kinds of Entrepreneurs Participate? All types! Because the training is fun, interactive and hands on, we find entrepreneurs both simple and sophisticated enjoy participating. According to the 3500 entrepreneurs we’ve had participate thus far: 1/3 haven’t completed Grade 6, 1/3 have a Matric, and 1/3 have a university degree. What Types of Business Are Represented? Over 70 different types of service and product based businesses have been represented among participating entrepreneurs. The businesses range depending on the needs of each community and how individual entrepreneurs meet those needs. A sample is pre school operaters, seamstresses, welders, painters, food services, party planners, graphic designers, photographers, beauty salons owners, and tons more. Do Participants Have To Have a Business Already? Ideally. It is highly encouraged to recruit those with existing businesses so they can immediately apply the knowledge. About 80% of Paradigm Shift entrepreneurs have an existing business while 20% are in the planning stages. Where Is Paradigm Shift Based? Cape Town, and we have programmes running in 45 programme locations in Johannesburg, Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Port Edward. What Does a Church Partner Need To Get Started? A qualified team of six volunteers, a target community and a desire to train and disciple entrepreneurs. Do You Only Work With Churches? The Paradigm Shift model combines basic business training with discipleship. So our partners share not only a desire to see entrepreneurs uplifted through business but also through a journey of faith. Churches, business forums, small groups, ministries or faith-based organisations can use this tool. How Long Is The Training For Entrepreneurs Business Experience Course (8 hours)

Is There Any Follow Up After The One-Day? Absolutely! This can be done informally through relationships developed or formally through Paradigm Shift. Beyond the Business Experience Course is a eight unique 9-week modules. Each module contains four key components - business training, discipleship, microcredit and mentoring. We find this is a natural step forward to bringing lasting transformation. I Am From XYZ Church. Can We Do This With Another Church? Absolutely! What Church Is This From? Paradigm Shift is not affiliated with a church denomination and strives to work across denominational affiliations to strengthen the Church. From conservative to charismatic, reformed to non reformed, mainline church to house church, we share like minds and hearts with believers who want to put feet to their faith and tangibly demonstrate the goodness of God while verbally proclaiming it.

Who are you partnered with in Cape Town?

Who are you partnered with in Johannesburg?

Common Ground Church

Cornerstone Church

Jubilee Community Church

New Creation Family Church

Great Commission Ministers Network

Junction Church

Grace Chapel

Northfield Methodist Church

The Bay Community Church

Weltevreden Chapel

Shoreline Church


His People Baxter

Grace Bible Church

Somerset West United Church


Who are you partnered with in Durban?

Other South African partners

Grace Family Church

Pietermaritzburg - My African Child My Pride

Westville Baptist Church

Pietermaritzburg - Scripture Union

Kloof Harvest Church

Port Edward - Stotler's Mission

Pinetown Methodist Church

Port Elizabeth - St Nicholas Anglican Church

Seed of Hope

East London - Nahoon Methodist Church

Olivetree Church Highway Community Church

Beyond South Africa

Vuleka Trust


St. Elizabeth's Anglican Church

Democratic Republic of Congo Equatorial Guinea

Paradigm Shift in Numbers:

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57 programme locations

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62% is the average business income increase over the first training cycle

800 South African business-minded volunteers Over 4000 trained entrepreneurs supporting an average of five dependents Over R1 900 000 loaned out to 460 entrepreneurs, with 92% repayment One church can impact as many as 150 family members through running one programme, using as few as six business professional volunteers. 34% of entrepreneurs have started saving money for the first time