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Abstract Our everyday teaching practice indicates that the students have unsatisfactory competencies, regarding the differentiation of the topic and thesis in writing the five-paragraph essay and this affects its quality. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to introduce a proposition-model for differentiation of the topic and thesis, and to show that, its practicing leads to improvement of students’ competencies in this relevant segment. The research has qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative paradigm and descriptive design. The sample consist of 100 written assignments of 100 students that study at the Faculty of Education in Bitola, and the methods for processing the data and gaining conclusions are analysis, synthesis and comparison. The results show that practicing the proposition-model is justified, because it gives the elementary directions for developing the students’ basic written skills, especially for identifying the topic and thesis in writing the five-paragraph essay. This guarantees the improvement of students’ written expression. Key terms: topic, thesis, academic writing
INTRODUCTION Within its two decades of independent existence, the higher education system in the Republic of Macedonia has changed its physiognomy in a large extent. From system, that is oriented toward the role of the teacher it changes to system in which the active role of the student during his study is stressed out. The role of the teacher is marginalized, and he, in fact, becomes only a leader and mentor of students’ activities. This contributes the compatibility of the Macedonian higher education with the trends in the European and world higher education institutions. The written expression is an inevitable part of the students’ activities. Among other activities, students are often assigned to write an essay and they get certain points for this, which lately become a part of the students’ summative grade. To write an essay means that certain topic should be elaborated in written form and that the students should interpret their thoughts and opinions regarding this topic, i.e. it is an activity, which needs to be done in a written form and many elements, as the organization of the essay, content, language etc. should be taken into account. On the other hand, our daily teaching practice shows that there are numerous weaknesses regarding the students’ written expression, especially when writing a five-paragraph essay, that the students should be taught to write an essay with good quality, and that serious and great efforts are needed to promote and cultivate the students’ written 1
Original scientific paper
expression (Januševa & Pejčinovska, 2016, pp. 112–119). Our teaching practice also shows that the students have unsatisfactory competencies in differentiation of the topic and thesis in writing the five-paragraph essay. Though these two concepts have a similar meaning, they need to be differentiated, because this affects the flow of the thoughts and the quality of the essay. Further, there is a need for the students to be taught of the ways they can delimit these two concepts, without assuming that they already have the necessary competencies. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to introduce a preposition-model for differentiation of the topic and thesis in writing the five-paragraph essay, because the teaching practice shows that the successfulness of the essay depends, in a large extent, not only on the capability of the students to express themselves in a written form but also on the teacher’s teaching. The paper also wants to show that practicing this model improves the students’ competencies in this relevant segment. TOPIC AND THESIS The topic refers to what will be discussed in the essay, i.e. the topic is the subject of the interest of the student who writes the essay (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, and English Oxford Living Dictionaries) and the main idea that directs the whole essay (Collins English Dictionary). In the Tolkoven rečnik na makedonskiot jazik – TRMJ (monolingual Macedonian dictionary) the notion topic has several meanings: the main thought in work of art, scientific paper, a debate, speech etc.; subject, problem that should be elaborated in written form, title of students’ school work (TRMJ, 2014, p. 43). For example, if the student decides to write an essay which topic is going to be euthanasia, that in fact, means that his aim will be to write something about euthanasia. When choosing the topic, several relevant aspects should be addressed: the tangibility of the topic, its scope, its adjustment toward the students’ intellectual possibilities, its clearness for the students and for the potential readers etc., but they are not elaborated in this paper. The topic can come out form the reality, i.e. from all spheres of the human living and functioning. The topic can also be a result of the content of the books or newspapers that have been read, of the features of the characters in these books, of the students’ own attitudes toward certain television or theatre shows etc. (Whitaker, 2009, pp. 4–5). The notion thesis has also several meanings, such as long written essay, which is a result of research and is usually used for gaining university degree, for ex., master thesis, doctorial thesis etc. Then, main idea, thinking or theory in written or oral form (Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Dictionary); Further, statement or theory given as a premise which needs to be proven (English Oxford Living Dictionaries, Collins English Dictionary); Finally, idea or theory expressed as a statement which should be discussed logically and is synonym with proposition, idea, theory and hypothesis (Collins English Dictionary). In the monolingual Macedonian dictionary, this concept has the following meaning, basic statement, attitude, which needs to be proven or defended and scientific paper for gaining a PhD degree (TRMJ, 2014, p. 36). From here, we can notice the difference between these two concepts as well their similarities. The topic is a broader notion then the thesis and it represents the main thought or idea of an essay, for ex., the essay will be about euthanasia. The thesis is narrower notion, and it often represents a statement or an attitude regarding the topic and should additionally be proven, for ex., Euthanasia should be legalized because/in order to/with aim… etc.
FROM TOPIC TO THESIS – PREPOSITION-MODEL The determination of the topic is still not a thesis. From the example cited above, it is obvious that the topic Euthanasia is too broad, and that further, the aspect of the topic, which will be the subject of the writing, should be chosen. The choice of one aspect of the topic is in fact, choice of the subtopic that leads to the thesis. Then questions for the chosen subtopic are formulated and the answer of one of those questions presents a possible thesis (Crew, 1980). The thesis clarifies the aspect of the topic Euthanasia, which will be further elaborated in the essay. The thesis is in fact, a statement, which is the base for interpretation of the posed question of the subtopic. The thesis is usually introduced with one sentence at the end of the first (introductory) paragraph of the essay. The further elaboration includes proofs, which will persuade the reader that the thesis is justified. The thesis implies the arguments which will be present in the essay and informs the readers of what can they expect. The thesis should include an aspect that does not involve common agreement. CHOICE AND FORMULATION OF THE THESIS The choice and the formulation of the thesis are not a simple task at all. They are complex activities that the essay depends on and they are a result of a long process of thinking. In the teaching practice, it is necessary for the teacher to apply various techniques, which will stimulate the students’ thinking and will help them in the understanding of the broader meaning of the topic in order for them to get to the thesis. What follows, are two techniques, which help students to develop the thesis form the topic, though there are many other activities with the same aim. a) Brainstorming is one well-known technique, which stimulates the students’ thinking, because it is about free associations. The student focuses on the topic Euthanasia and notes down all ideas (words, phrases, details, descriptions, examples, people, and situations) that come through his mind. For ex., from the topic Euthanasia the following idea could be generated: death, life, doctor, patient’s right to choose, family’s right to choose, voluntary death, murder of mercy, society, law, patient who cannot be cured, legalization etc. These ideas are, in fact, the base for choosing the subtopic or the aspect of the topic Euthanasia that will be further elaborated. Then, these ideas can serve as a base for producing other ideas. The brainstorming of the topic Euthanasia shows that every component of this topic can be transformed into subtopic, which leads to the thesis; b) Formulating of questions is another technique, which follows the brainstorming. The student should formulate questions for the subtopic or the aspect, which he wants to elaborate (Subject to Thesis). The simple way is to use the question words: who, why, what, when, where, whether and how. Formulating of the questions sharpens the topic and transforms it into problem that should be addressed, i.e. into thesis. Let us assume that through the brainstorming the student chooses the subtopic or aspect Legalization of euthanasia. With the formulated questions, the student narrows this subtopic. For ex., the following question could be posed: Whether euthanasia should be legalized?, Why there is a need to legalize euthanasia?, When there is a need to legalize euthanasia?, How does euthanasia affect the family? etc. These questions are possible aspects of the subtopic Legalization of euthanasia. These questions can generate another, which can also be the base that will lead to the thesis. Further, let us assume that the student chooses to answer this question: Whether should euthanasia be legalized? Then, he writes down Euthanasia should be legalized. The answer of the question is still not the thesis, because further there is a need to complete the statement Euthanasia should be legalized with additional statement, which will note the reason for that opinion, for ex., Euthanasia should be legalized because/in order to/with aim …
After setting the thesis, the student could pose additional questions, such as Is the question persuasive enough?, Is the question provocative enough?, Are there enough information for the question to be answered?, Is the question in the scope of the writer? etc. With these questions, the student checks whether the thesis needs possible correction and revision (Subject to Thesis). Below the graphical presentation of the proposition-model is given: Topic: Euthanasia ↓ Brainstorming ↓ Aspect (Subtopic) 1 Aspect (Subtopic) 2 Aspect (Subtopic) 3 ↓ ↓ ↓ Right to choose Legalization Family Choice of subtopic ↓ Legalization Formulating question for the chosen subtopic ↓ Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 ↓ ↓ ↓ Whether should Who need to legalize Why there is a need to euthanasia be euthanasia? legalize euthanasia? legalized? Choice of question that will be further elaborated ↓ Whether should euthanasia be legalized? Answer of the question ↓ Euthanasia should be legalized ↓ + Reason, support (why) ↓ In order to keep the patient’s right to choose ↓ Thesis ↓ Euthanasia should be legalized in order to keep the patient’s right to choose
THE METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH In order to achieve the goal of the paper, i.e. to show that introducing and practicing of this proposition-model contributes for differentiation of the topic and thesis and for promoting the students’ written expression, 100 students’ written assignments are taken into account, and this represents the sample. The following students are considered: students that study at the Faculty of Education, from the first and second cycle of studying on the following groups, Macedonian language and literature, English language and literature, German language and literature, Translators, Social and rehabilitation pedagogy, Teachers and Preschool teachers. 31
The students are divided into two groups. The students form the first group, are assigned to write a topic and a thesis, but they do not get any directions for the assignment. The students from the second group are assigned to write a topic and a thesis, but they have the opportunity to practice the proposition-model in several occasions. The proposition-model is analyzed regarding the elements given in the graphical presentation: the chosen topic, the brainstorming, the aspects of the topic, the chosen aspect, the formulation of the question for the chosen aspect, the choice of the question, the answer of the question, the support of the answered question and the formulation of the thesis. Several other elements are taken into account, such as the actuality of the topic, significant relations of the ideas that are products of the brainstorming, nature and quality of the formulated questions, their relations with the topic, i.e. with the chosen subtopic, quality of the question that will be answered and the formulation of the thesis. The research has qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative paradigm and a descriptive design. The methods used for processing the data and gaining conclusions are analysis, synthesis and comparison. RESULTS AND DISSCUSION What follows are the results and the discussion form the conducted research. The analysis of the 50 written assignments, from the students that were assigned to write a topic and a thesis for a five-paragraph essay without being introduced with the proposition-model, shows that the students’ competencies are not satisfactory, especially regarding the thesis. Still, a sense that these two notions should be differentiated is present among the students. Regarding the topic, it is obvious that all of the students listed topics that come out from the actual situations in all spheres of the human living and functioning, as well as from the titles of well-known novels in the Macedonian modern literature. This is in accordance with the claim of Whitaker (Whitaker, 2009). In 20 of the assignments, the topic is written as a common noun and the following are among the most frequent topics: Abortion, Euthanasia, “Pirej”, “Pustina” (famous Macedonian novels), Antibiotics, Face book, Computers, Television, and Ecology. It is obvious that the topics are modern enough, still these topics are too general, imprecise, and too broad and from them, it is harder to get to the thesis. In 20 of the assignments, it could be noticed that the topics are written as common nouns but they are followed by the words yes or no, or with another noun phrase. For ex., Abortion – yes or no, Euthanasia – yes or no, “Pirej” – symbol of the Macedonian, “Pustina” – first psychological novel, Antibiotics – yes or no, Face book – yes or no and Ecology – healthy life environment. The words yes and no, as well as the noun phrase which follow the common noun are, in fact, the indicators of the students’ sense that in the five-paragraph essay they should stand for an attitude whether positive or negative. This is a result of what was previously taught about the way to write a five-paragraph essay (Author & Pejčinovska, 2016, pp. 112–119). From these topics, students can easy develop the topic, though these topics are still too broad and they need to be further narrowed and limited. In 10 of the assignments, it is noticeable that the topic is written as a common noun phrase, which is again followed by the words yes or no or by another noun phrase. For ex., The use of antibiotics – a cure or a sword with two blades. Then, The communication between teachers and students on Face book – yes or no, Computers in the schools – yes or no, The use of the computers in the schools – better education, Healthy environment – healthy life, Politic in the everyday life – yes or no, Television shows – promotion of teaching or violence, Healthy nutrition – trend or way of living. These topics also show the students’ awareness of what should be elaborated in the five-paragraph essay. Though these topics can lead to successful development of the thesis, they are yet not a thesis, because they are still too broad and imprecise. For ex., the topic Television shows – promotion of teaching or violence, in this sense, is too broad because it does not show which 32
television shows the topic refers to, what kind of teaching the topic refers to, what kind of violence the topic refers to, what is the attitude that will be further elaborated etc. None of the students formulate thesis from the written topics. Therefore, the students’ incompetence to formulate a thesis is clear. The analysis of the 50 written assignments in which the students were assigned to write a topic and thesis of the five-paragraph, which previously practiced the proposition-model in several occasions, shows a complete different result. All of the 50 students write topic that are similar to those written in the first group. The topics reflect the actual everyday occurrences in every sphere of the human living and functioning. Through the brainstorming, the students have successfully identified several aspects of the general topic, and then one subtopic, which will be further elaborated. The connections among the written ideas are meaningful and refer to relation with the chosen topic. The selected subtopics, are also meaningfully connected with the written topic and refers to the conclusion that successful thesis can come out from them. All of the students manage to formulate questions regarding the selected subtopic, and the formulated questions show the connection with written topic and the written subtopic. In the same time, they indicate quality of the topic’s development. These questions also suggest the direction of the students’ opinion, and this is in accordance with the state of Crew (1980). Further, the analysis of these 50 assignments refers that the students selected the question they will write their attitude for and in continuance, they add the reason, i.e. the support and successfully developed the thesis. Therefore, it is obvious that teaching the students about the way they should differentiate the topic and the thesis in writing the five-paragraph essay contributes to successful formulating and development of topic and thesis. This guarantees successfulness of the written essay and its quality. This promotes and cultivates the students’ written expression. In continuance, one example from the student is cited. General topic is primary education. The results of the brainstorming are the following, teachers, students, principle, psychologist, lessons, the students’ stress, quality, price, ICT. The selected subtopics are students’ stress, ICT and quality. The selected subtopic is ICT. The formulated questions are the following Whether it is justify to use computers in the primary education?, Which are the contributions of the use of computers in the primary education?, Which are the negative effects of the use of computers in the primary education? The selected question that will be further elaborated is How the use of computers in the primary education can improve the students’ achievements? The answer of the question is The use of computers in primary education can improve the students’ achievements? The support is … because it develops the logical thinking. CONCLUSION The conclusion is more than clear. Before writing the five-paragraph essay, the students have to be familiar with the differences between the topic and the thesis and to be taught how to select and formulate a topic, and this refers especially to the thesis. This proposition-model provides the basic directions for development of the students’ elementary skills for writing and presents a solid model that prepares the students to make a difference between the topic and the thesis. This model is especially significant in formulation of the thesis, which directs the students’ thinking and provides the readers with the aim of the essay. Practicing this model contributes to the quality of the five-paragraph essay.
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