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Mar 29, 2018 - Beyond Awards and our Enterprise Cup (see bulletin for photos and more info). Reverends Iain McFarlane an
PARENT  BULLETIN  Friday 29th March 2018 NEW TERM will commence on a Week 2 Timetable

AIR 57,997

EARTH 58,953

FIRE 56,175

WATER 53,744

Dear Parents/Carers As we arrive at the last day of the Spring Term, we have had another packed and fun term at Crestwood. Today we have held out end of term assemblies where students have showcased their talents and many prizes have been awarded including progress awards, Above and Beyond Awards and our Enterprise Cup (see bulletin for photos and more info). Reverends Iain McFarlane and Ian Fletcher have been into school to deliver the Easter message. This term we saw the outstanding performance of ‘Annie’ take place, with many of our students showing their amazing talents for acting, singing and dancing. We have had many school trips taking place and fun activities in school, including our Mud Run for Sport Relief and our Easter Bake Offs to raise money for Stand up for Cancer this week. We welcomed our Year 6 parents in last week for a coffee morning, where parents met key staff and heard about the transition process for their children leading up to September. We have the highest ever year 7 intake this year at 236 with even numbers spread across both campuses. We will be holding transition days next term and an evening for parents on Thursday 28th June. Mr Lewis will move from Year 10 to Year 7 as Year leader and Year 10 moving into Year 11 will be headed up by Mr. Russell, assisted by Mr. Bezant. Our students have worked incredibly hard with some year groups having exams this term. Next term will be just as busy with our Year 11 students preparing for their GCSEs and looking forward to their Prom on Wednesday 11th July. Year 10 will be commencing work experience next term and we will be organising our annual reward trip for the whole school, alternatives to Thorpe Park will be provided following last years feedback. As with all terms we say goodbye to some staff - Charlene Robertson, one of our Catering Assistants on Cherbourg; Andy Green, Subject Leader for D&T; Richard Watts, Teacher of IT and Kate Smith, Lead Practitioner for English all leave us today. We would like to thank them for their dedication to Crestwood and wish them all the best for the future. Mr. Kirk will replace Mr. Watts, Mrs. Neville will replace Mr. Green and Miss Cleaver will replace Mrs Smith. Miss Brennan will be on loan to the Year 11 tutor team for the first half term and Miss Cleaver will pick up 8KBN. We would like to thank you all for your support during what has been a busy and stressful term. It only remains for me to wish you all a safe and restful Easter break. I look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 16th April 2018. Just a reminder that our Inset Days this year will be Thursday 19th July, Friday 20th July and Monday 23rd July and at the start of the next academic year Monday 3rd September and Tuesday 4th September 2018. (More calendar information can be found on the school website here ​​) Best wishes

Krista Dawkins Headteacher [email protected]


  E-Praise: Top Tutor Groups 1. 7cDHT 2. 7cAWY 3. 7cRBE 4. 7sDTY 5. 7cCAA 6. 8cKTL 7. 7sJFR 8. 9cCHK 9. 7sSBX 10. 8cNB​Y

End of Spring Term Celebration Assembly 

E-Praise: Top Students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Isaac Bright Ruby Anderson Luke Vincent Matthew Maidment Alfie Small Ella Dominey Teagan Smith Mikey Wilkinson Jennifer Haydney Terri Buttler

Sport Relief Mud Run  

The Anna Freud Workshop  Students took part in The Anna Freud Workshop today. Together they discussed mental health issues and had the opportunity to hear, from professionals, about the importance of health and well-being in school. “The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is a children’s mental health charity with over 60 years’ experience of caring for young minds. Our vision is a world in which children and their families are effectively supported to build on their own strengths to achieve their goals in life.”

Red Box Project  Crestwood are now the lucky recipients of two Red Boxes on each campus. No tearful panics in the loo. No wadded up toilet roll. No anxious embarrassment. No missed lessons or staying home. The Red Box Project aims to quietly ensure that no young woman misses school or suffers embarrassment because she has her period. They sponsor and stock a red box filled with sanitary towels and spare pants which is kept in Reception on both campuses. Posters are displayed in the girls' toilets and many of our young girls have already benefited from the supplies available. Additionally, there is a box in each staff room where staff can donate sanitary products and pants. Parents, carers and other community members can also donate via school reception, and all would be very greatly appreciated. If you would like to know more about the project, you can contact Laura Read who is the coordinator for Eastleigh at [email protected]​ or look up the Red Box Project on Facebook and Twitter. Miss Machin

Science Department Spring Newsletter  Now that the Spring Term at Crestwood is coming to an end the Science Department are delighted to update you with our recent goings-on. As ever it’s been really busy as we approach the end of the second term of the year and, as the days begin to brighten, we look forward to an action-packed summer term. Since the term began in January we have been on a variety of trips away from school to enrich the educational experience of the Crestwood children. A dedicated busload of year 10 scientists took a trip to Oxford to hear some of the UK’s most famous scientists deliver a series of lectures on their scientific work and the educational journeys that took them to where they are today. Southampton University’s science faculties have made Crestwood students welcome to their outreach days where students from years 7 to 10 have participated in events that cover the wide range of possibilities of career pathways that come under the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) umbrella. We feel sure that events like these will inspire our young science students to become the medics, engineers or mathematicians of the future. Indeed, as part of our commitment to setting our Crestwood students off on their journey to STEM success we’ve also attended A level taster days at Barton Peveril Sixth form college to give a flavour of the opportunities available at A level in our community. Teaching science at Crestwood Community School is not just being part of a secondary school science department. The word, “community” is very important to us too because we want to engage the children that come to us as well as preparing the children that leave us for the next stage of their lives’ journey. Two weeks ago, one of our teachers took a telescope and a few other bits and pieces to Norwood Primary school to deliver a day of science that was focused on the wonders of the universe. Our intrepid secondary school scientist spent the day with 2 classes of year 5 primary school students where the children had a fun interactive session of science. The primary school children observed through a telescope, built water rockets, observed a collapsing star and questioned relentlessly on the nature of space and time. We hope to take our session on a journey to all the local Eastleigh primary schools in the summer term too – watch out! Just after the Easter weekend we will be taking another selection of young scientists to Geneva, Switzerland to visit the world’s biggest physics experiment: The Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The three staff that are going on the trip to the famous particle accelerator face the additional challenge of explaining the recently confirmed Higgs boson to a group of 15 year olds; even our teachers are lifelong learners. Since we are telling you about the upcoming science related adventures of the science department we thank Mrs Dawkins for approving next year’s trip to Florida which includes a visit to NASA and possibly a rollercoaster park. Returning back to the school, our new Astronomy GCSE is going well. The darkness of the winter months is passed and the opportunities to observe the night sky just after school are no longer extant. The lack of dark skies has meant that the Astronomy students have had the opportunity to focus on the theories that underpin the motion of objects in the solar system. We look forward to using the bright sunshine of the summer term to carry out observations using the sun. Our Science Club has been quietly moving along on regular Thursday slots. The most recent one this term investigated using photocolorimetry to make the perfect cup of tea. This club runs on both campuses and is open to all in Key Stage 3. Crestwood’s Science Fair is going to happen in the weeks just after the summer term commences. It looks like it might be larger than last year’s event already. We have had a lot of Year 7 and Year 8 students making a huge variety of displays that we are looking forward to showing off. The fair has been rescheduled from its original date so that we didn’t clash with the Year 11 mock exams; the result of this is that we’ll have a little bit more time to prepare a fantastic show day. So, with reference to all the above activities the teachers in the science department would like to say a massive, sincere thank you to the staff that have helped us achieve all of the things that we have. We say thank you to the staff that have driven the minibuses for us; thank you to the staff that have covered our lessons when we are off doing an activity; thank you to the staff that take the monies and process the payments; thank you to the staff that let us use their rooms for events. We also offer our profound thanks to the science department lab technicians that provide the real-world stuff that makes our ideas come true. Finally, as we go off on our Easter holidays, we are conscious that our Year 11s will be coming back to their impending GCSE exams. We wish them all the best for their exams and are sure that their hard work will pay off.

Wembley School Trip - England v Italy

100% Attendance 


Extra-Curricular Clubs - Summer Term  Day






Extra Curricular Activity



Staff Lead(s)



3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Vass



3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Cleaver



3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Matharu



3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Buckingham



3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Yarahmadi



3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Brown

Fitness Suite


3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Metcalfe

Live Performance Workshop


3.30pm-4.30pm Mr Lewis

Further Maths Club


3.00pm-4.00pm Miss May

Year 9 Steel Band*


3:00pm-4:00pm Miss Glenn

Textiles (Ch club will be Tue/Thu, dependent on teacher availability)

Sh- G4 Ch- T4

3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Dewey

Maths Ambassadors




Acapella Singing Club


3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Glenn

Duke of Edinburgh Award


2.50pm-3.50pm Mr Johnson

Year 8 Steel Band (Cherbourg)


3:00pm-4:00pm Miss Glenn

Science HPA Club (3rd Wed each month, invite only)


This Girl Can Project


3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Matharu

Warhammer Club


3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Murray


Ch- T4

Bake Club

Sh- G14, Ch- T8



Year 9 and 10 GCSE Dance


3.00pm- 4.00pm Miss Yarahmadi

Fitness Suite


3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Metcalfe



3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Buckingham

Computer Club

Sh- ICT2

3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Kerwood

Acapella Singing Club


3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Glenn

Year 8 Steel Band (Shakespeare)*


3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Glenn

Panatical Steel Band*


4.30pm-7.30pm Miss Glenn/Mr Downs

Maths Ambassadors (Years 7 and 8)


Jazz/wind/production band**


3.00pm-5.00pm Mr Downs

Duke of Edinburgh Award


2.50pm-3.50pm Mr Johnson



3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Matharu

3.00pm-3.30pm Miss Ward 3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Vass

3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Bull

3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Dewey 3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Davey / Mrs Howat 3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Vass

3.00pm-3.30pm Mr Hollman

  All clubs are free of charge and open to all students unless identified above. Please turn up for the first session and register. *Steel bands are by invitation/audition only. **Jazz/wind/production band is open to any student who can already competently play an instrument. Signing up for a club is a commitment and you should let the member of staff running the club know if you are unable to attend. Registers will be taken at each session. Unless you hear otherwise, please assume that you have a place in your chosen club. If clubs are over subscribed we will contact the students concerned​.

Post 16 College Open Events 2017/2018  Please Note: This information is correct at the time of going to print. Before attending any open event, individuals are advised to confirm dates(s) and times with the college. Provider

Website CEMAST


Times Thursday 26th April 2018

5:00 – 7.00 pm

Eastleigh College

Wednesday 13th June 2018

5:30 – 7:30 pm

Fareham College

Wednesday 25th April 2018

5:00 – 7.00 pm

Tuesday 2nd May 2018

5:00 - 8:00 pm

No future dates confirmed

No future dates confirmed

No future dates confirmed

Wednesday 25th April 2018 Thursday 21 June 2018

Itchen College

Peter Symonds College

Richard Taunton College

Southampton City College

Sparsholt College

10.00 – 2.00 pm 4.00 – 7.00 pm

Parenting Courses & Coffee Mornings  When



Wednesday 25th April 2018 9.30am - 11.00am

Coffee Morning

Cherbourg Campus

Thursday 7th June 2018 9.30am - 11.15am

Triple P - Teen - 6 weeks

Cherbourg Campus

Friday 22nd June 2018 9.30am 11.00am

Coffee Morning

Cherbourg Campus

Monday 2nd July 2018 9.30 - 11.00am

Coffee Morning - Transition
