May 4, 2018 - 4 ePraise - Tiffany Simmonds ... Students over at Cherbourg have been working hard (or hardly working) ove
PARENT BULLETIN Friday 4th May 2018 NEXT WEEK: Week 1 Timetable
AIR 64,201
EARTH 65,442
FIRE 63,176
WATER 60,346
Dear Parents/Carers, It has been another brilliant week in the life of the school. It doesn’t stop amazing us what vibrancy and energy our staff and students produce on a daily basis. A massive thank you and well done to all who contributed to the school’s Sports Relief events. We raised a whopping £1232.92 for this worthy charity. Student action came to the forefront this week through a staff charity football match. One of our Year 10s, Liam Grout, plays football with the Saints Foundation. Liam has wanted to raise money to support the fantastic work that the foundation does around the area of inclusion. Liam organised this event off his own back. We are very proud of what he has achieved. It was great to see a large crowd turn up to watch the match. Liam, proudly announced at the end of the game, “This is an event I will never forget, all the players and spectators did Crestwood and the Saints Foundation proud. It was a privilege to referee the match - I couldn’t believe how skilful everyone was! Thank you to all that attended for their support.” WELL DONE LIAM! Praise must go to all students and staff who performed the lockdown practice efficiently and quickly on Thursday. The practices on both campuses were completed to an impeccably high standard. Whilst it is sad that we need to do these things it is essential we conduct these drills. We thank parents for their support. As we get closer and closer to the GCSE exam period, a huge well done must go to Year 11 Language students. The teachers, on both campuses, have told us they tackled their speaking exams to a high standard and felt they have gone very well. Next week, Year 10 have a chance to practice their linguistic skills, with their speaking mocks. Over the rest of the school there have been some fantastic lessons, which we have had the privilege to see. On the Shakespeare Campus Year 8 English students are currently reading The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell. Miss Cleaver wanted them to experience hopscotch and hula hoops, featured in the book, as many claimed they hadn't played these before. Year 7, on the Cherbourg Campus have been looking at “How does blood travel around my body?”. Miss Bax has had her class dissecting a heart just before lunch! She was very proud of how inquisitive they all were. It has also been a busy time over in Design and Technology. It seems Miss Davey and Mrs Howatt have been trying to find the next Jamie Oliver or Nigella Lawson. Years 7, 8 and 9 have been cooking up a storm in the kitchens. Years 7 and 8 especially have been under the spotlight with an end of topic practical exam. There have been some amazing dishes on show. Year 9 had our mouths watering with their cheesecake and meringue creations. As they left the school this week, senior staff on duty were salivating! And finally, we have to offer our congratulations to our wonderful Miss Glenn. When she isn’t busily teaching music all week, or busy every weekend raising money for the department; playing the steel pans with her Panatical family, she attended a Swimathon and managed to swim 100 lengths (2.5km) in just 57:48 raising lots of money for Cancer Research. Well done Miss Glenn! We hope you all have an enjoyable and restful Bank Holiday weekend.
Krista Dawkins Headteacher
[email protected]
Tim Nash Steve Gibbs Head of School - Cherbourg Head of School - Shakespeare
[email protected]
[email protected]
E-Praise: Top Tutor Groups
E-Praise: Top Students
1. 7cDHT 2. 7cAWY 3. 7cRBE 4. 7sDTY 5. 7cCAA 6. 8cKTL 7. 7sJFR 8. 9cCHK 9. 7sSBX 10. 8cNBY
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Issac Bright Ruby Anderson Luke Vincent Matthew Maidment Alfie Small Ella Dominey Teagan Smith Mikey Wilkinson Terri Buttler Jennifer Haydney
Word of the week Competition Each week we run a Word for the Week competition for Years 7 and 8. The first people to correctly define the word and let Mr Tully know (either by email or via their tutor) receive ePraise points for their efforts. This week,our word was quintessential, an adjective meaning a perfect or typical example of something e.g. a quintessential horror movie. Well done to our winners for this week: 10 ePraise - Daniel Arnett 8 ePraise - James Parker 6 ePraise - Aaleisha-lea Mathews 4 ePraise - Tiffany Simmonds 2 ePraise - Euan Weser Everyone else who sent in a correct definition will get one ePraise point. The winners for last week’s word (panacea) were as follows: 10 ePraise - Olivia Edwards 8 ePraise - Euan Weser 6 ePraise - Charlie Smart 4 ePraise - George Lee 2 ePraise - Owen Smith Everyone else who sent in a correct definition has been given one ePraise point.
Design and Technology YEAR 8 - Recycled robots and their packaging.
Science HOW WE MAKE POO! PLEASE LOOK AWAY IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH Students in Miss Carter’s Year 7 class learnt about how the food we eat passes through our digestive systems and ultimately out of our bodies as poo. Miss Carter demonstrated how a cooked breakfast is broken down by our chewing and by enzymes, followed by gastric juices and bile before the nutrients are absorbed through the small intestine.
HEART DISSECTION - HOW DOES BLOOD TRAVEL AROUND MY BODY? “Class 7cCR have been looking at the circulatory system and dissecting a heart in today's lesson, and right before lunch too! I was very proud of how sensible they all were,” said Miss Bax. “We were very proud of how responsible and grown up the whole class were during this lesson about the circulatory system,” commented Miss Finlan. Well done to you all your maturity and enthusiasm is phenomenal, you should all be very proud of yourselves!
YEAR 8 RATE OF RESPIRATION How can I explain the effect of different factors on the rate of respiration?
YEAR 8 - How was propaganda used by Britain during World War II? Students worked in pairs, during Mr Collis’ History lesson, describing what they could see in each poster, they then added their ideas to the table! By the end of the lesson they all understood how propaganda had changed the British public’s opinion throughout WWII.
Year 8 Drama Students over at Cherbourg have been working hard (or hardly working) over the past two weeks exploring masked theatre as part of their skills based workshops. Performances take place this week and we just know they are going to be hilarious... such vibrant and particularly silly characters. Mr Handstock ƙ
Charity Football Match
Year 8 Students are currently reading The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell. Miss Cleaver wanted them to experience hopscotch and hula hoops as many hadn't played these before. So much fun was had by all.
Parenting Courses & Coffee Mornings When
Thursday 7th June 2018 9.30am - 11.15am
Triple P - Teen - 6 weeks
Cherbourg Campus
Friday 22nd June 2018 9.30am 11.00am
Coffee Morning
Cherbourg Campus
Monday 2nd July 2018 9.30 - 11.00am
Coffee Morning - Transition
Cherbourg Campus
Afterschool Activities Day Monday
Extra Curricular Activity
3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Buckingham
Fitness Suite
3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Metcalfe
Performance Workshop (Pop/Rock)
Year 7 Steel Band (by invite only)
Sh/Ch (alternate weeks)
Duke of Edinburgh Award
3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Johnson
Panatical Newbies (by invite only)
3.30pm-4.30pm Mr Downs
Concert Band (Audition only)
4.30pm-6.00pm Mr Downs
Drama Club (Y7 & 8) (commences 1st May 2018)
Shakespeare (open to both)
3.15pm-4.15pm Miss Brown
Dungeons & Dragons**
Staff Lead(s)
3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Vass/Miss Matharu
3.30pm-4.30pm Mr Lewis 3:00pm-4:00pm Miss Glenn 3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Vass/Mr Thomas
3:30pm-6:00pm Mr Handstock
Duke of Edinburgh Award
3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Johnson
Year 8 Ch Steel Band (Audition only)
3:00pm-4:00pm Miss Glenn
Science HPA Club (invite only) (every third Wed of the month)
Volleyball (Starts May)
Warhammer Club
Dungeons & Dragons**
Science Club
Bake Club
Sh G14 / Ch T8
Fitness Suite
3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Metcalfe
3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Buckingham
3:00pm-4:00pm Mrs Goodridge
Computer Club
2.50pm-4.00pm Mr Kerwood
Singing Project
Year 8 Sh Steel Band (by invite only)
Dungeons & Dragons**
Maths Ambassadors (Y7 & Y8)
2.50pm-3.30pm Mr Hollman
Duke of Edinburgh Award
3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Johnson
3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Bull 3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Nash/Mr Vass 3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Murray 3:30pm-6:00pm Mr Handstock 3.00-4.00pm
Mr Macleod / Mrs Totterdell
2.50pm-4.00pm Miss Davey / Mrs Howat
3.00pm-4.00pm Mr Vass/Miss Matharu
4.00pm-5.30pm Mr Lewis 3.00pm-4.00pm Miss Glenn 3:30pm-6:00pm Mr Handstock
Clubs commence Monday 23 April 2018 unless otherwise stated. All clubs are free of charge and open to all students unless identified above. Please turn up for the first session and register. *Steel bands are by invitation/audition only. **Heavily oversubscribed, contact Mr Handstock about joining. Signing up for a club is a commitment and you should let the member of staff running the club know if you are unable to attend. Registers will be taken at each session. Unless you hear otherwise, please assume that you have a place in your chosen club. If clubs are heavily oversubscribed we will contact the students concerned.
Post 16 College Open Events 2017/2018 Provider Eastleigh College
Itchen College
Peter Symonds College
Richard Taunton College
Southampton City College
Sparsholt College
No future dates confirmed
No future dates confirmed
No future dates confirmed
No future dates confirmed
No future dates confirmed
Thursday 21 June 2018
4.00 – 7.00 pm
Before attending any open event, individuals are advised to confirm dates(s) and times with the college.
Parenting Courses & Coffee Mornings When
Thursday 7th June 2018 9.30am - 11.15am
Triple P - Teen - 6 weeks
Cherbourg Campus
Friday 22nd June 2018 9.30am 11.00am
Coffee Morning
Cherbourg Campus
Monday 2nd July 2018 9.30 - 11.00am
Coffee Morning - Transition
Cherbourg Campus
Crestwood Community in Action (CCIA) Upcoming Events ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔
Boyatt Wood Shopping Centre Royal Wedding Event - Friday 18th May - come and visit the CCIA stand Table Top/Car Boot Sale - Sunday 20th May, 9.00-11.00am on Shakespeare campus Discos - Lower and Upper School - Wednesday 23rd May, 7.00-8.30pm, on Cherbourg campus Film Nights - Lower and Upper School - week beginning Monday 25th June, both campuses Family Quiz Night - Friday 5th October
CCIA Meeting - Next meeting Thursday 10th May 2018, 7.00pm, G12, Shakespeare campus If you can offer help with anything, please contact Justine Sayers on 02380 684970 or by email on
[email protected]. Thanks for your support!