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Parent Guide Presented by SunRidge PTSO & SRMS Administration 2015-2016

14955 SunRidge Blvd Winter Garden, Florida 34787 Phone: 407-656-0794 Fax: 656-0806


Table of Contents Vision, Mission and Goals of SunRidge Middle School……………………..3 Admin & Guidance Contact………4 General Information……………….5 Core Curriculum Information……..6 Reading Excellence………………..8 Electives…………………………..10 Athletic Program………………….12 Partners In Education……………..13 Schools Advisory Council………..14 Parent Teacher Student Org………15


OCPS Vision To be the top producer of successful students in the nation.

OCPS Mission To lead our students to success with the support and involvement of families and the community.

OCPS Goals     

Intense Focus on Student Achievement High-Performing and Dedicated Team Safe Learning and Working Environment Efficient Operations Sustained Community Engagement

SunRidge Middle School Vision To develop students who become life-long learners, who strive to reach their highest potential in a supportive school community. Mascot: Eagle Colors: Royal Blue, Black & Gold Motto: Soaring to New Heights


Administration and Guidance Main Phone: 407-656-0794 Administration Patricia Bowen-Painter, Principal (Ext 5354223) ([email protected]) Eddie Foster, Assistant Principal (Ext 5354236) ([email protected]) Cindy Brennan, Assistant Principal (Ext 5354369) ([email protected])

Guidance Department Dorothy Stephens, 8th Grade (Ext 5354225) Jacqueline Francois, 7th Grade (Ext 5354356) Laura Giammarino, 6th Grade (Ext 5354311)

Deans Russell Williams (Ext 5354333) Frederick Ray (Ext 5354235)


General Information Lunch: Students eat lunch with their grade level. Lunch may be brought from home or purchased in the cafeteria. If you pay with cash no change is given; any unused funds will be put on the student account. Or you can set up an account through and specify SunRidge Middle School. Lockers: Lockers are available for physical education class and band class only. There are no “hallway” lockers at SunRidge Middle School. Clubs: There are numerous school clubs. They are typically advertised the first few weeks of school. Parent/Teacher Conferences: SRMS welcomes the opportunity for parents to meet with teachers to plan for the academic success of students. Parent/Teacher Conferences for sixth graders may be scheduled by contacting the grade level office at extension 5352365.


Core Curriculum Information Language Arts & Literacy The language arts program at SunRidge Middle School is comprised of the following strands which increase in complexity at each grade level:  The Reading Process (developing grade level vocabulary, reading for comprehension, and developing personal reading interests through Advanced Reading and Study Skills classes)  Literary Analysis (reading and analyzing a variety of fiction, nonfiction, informational, and expository texts)  The Writing Process (prewriting, drafting, revising and editing, and writing final drafts of different types of writing, i.e. expository and persuasive)  Writing Applications (writing for a variety of purposes and audiences)  Communication (listening and speaking strategies)  Informational and Media Literacy (using informational text and text features to aid the reader’s understanding) Our teachers use a wide variety of materials, such as SpringBoard (College Board’s official Pre-AP program) and the Language of Literature (literature series) to meet the needs of all students and to prepare them for the next grade level.


Core Curriculum Information Social Studies The Social Studies curriculum helps the students develop a better global perspective of both the United States and the world. 6th graders learn about and develop an understanding of the ancient civilizations of the world; 7th graders learn about Civics and what it means to be a good citizen; and 8th graders learn about the foundation and changes of our country from 1607-1876 in the U.S. History class.

Science The Science curriculum here at SunRidge includes standards-based, inquiry lessons that encompass major areas of scientific study. 6th grade focuses on the study of life; 7th grade includes earth/space science; and 8th grade covers physical science. All grade levels provide lab experiences that will help students problem solve and use scientific skills on a daily basis. Starting in 7th grade and continuing into 8th, high school credit courses are provided to students that meet the criteria.


Core Curriculum Information Mathematics The sixth grade math course helps students develop the math skills needed to solve real-world problems. The Big Ideas of this course include developing an understanding of and fluency with multiplication and division of fractions and decimals; connecting ratios and rates to multiplication and division; and writing, interpreting, and using mathematical expressions and equations. The Supporting Ideas include finding the perimeters and areas of two-dimensional figures; using, comparing, and ordering equivalent forms of fractions, decimals, and percents; and determining and using measures of central tendency to represent, describe, analyze, and summarize a set of data.


Required Electives for 6th Grade Reading All sixth grade students have reading. Students will work through reading strategies that give them the tools to acquire and improve reading skills. In-depth reading and discussion of meaning reinforces skills and language development. Students are presented with increasingly challenging texts, both fiction and non-fiction.

Physical Education Students will be introduced to specific sport skills, good sportsmanship, and health concepts by participating in team/individual sports, and fitness related activities. 6th graders will be accustomed to dressing out in P.E. uniforms within a locker-room setting. The ultimate goal we wish is for our students to have a positive experience within wellness, resulting in a lifelong commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle.


Optional Electives for 6th Grade Chorus Beginning Chorus is a fun, interactive class for students who like to sing. Students will sing a repertoire of songs ranging from Pop to Classical to Broadway in order to learn the craft of singing. There will be instruction to teach students about music and how to read music. Students perform several concerts, shows and sing at contests throughout the year. It is OK to join if you’ve never had music, but we also have a varied enough class for students with experience to join as well. Sixth grade students who would like to be in the spring musical as an optional after-school activity must be in Beginning Chorus to participate in the musical. We are proud to have one of the largest and most comprehensive music programs in the county and want you to be a part of our family!

STEM STEM is an elective class that takes an interdisciplinary approach to learning and applying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in order to make connections between academics, community, and careers.

Intro to Agriscience Intro to Agriscience will provide students with information regarding careers in the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource industries. The content includes, but is not limited to agricultural literacy, geography, history and technology in agriculture and plants and animals.

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Avid is a curriculum program to support students are not currently taking advanced and high school credit classes to develop the foundation to be successful in college-preparatory coursework. AVID elective is a required component of the program. 10 | P a g e

Optional Electives for 6th Grade Beginning Band The SunRidge Middle School band is a comprehensive music program consisting of over 500 students in grades 6 through 8. Performing ensembles include the Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Beginning Band, Jazz Band, Woodwind Choir, Brass Choir, Percussion Ensemble, and other chamber ensembles. In SunRidge’ s first year, the Wind Ensemble earned “Superior” ratings at the FBA Concert Band Music Performance Assessment and Solo & Ensemble Music Performance Assessment. This beginning band class is intended for students with little or no musical experience. Students in this class focus on mastering the fundamentals of playing an instrument, reading music, as well as basic technique and ensemble skills. The Beginning Band will perform one concert during the year.

Beginning Orchestra The Beginning Orchestra is a year-long class which is open to students in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade who have had no experience in instrumental music. All students will choose an instrument with the aid of the director. Instruments that are offered: Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass. Basic concepts such as proper hand position, posture, listening skills, and technique will be emphasized. The Beginning Orchestra is a class that meets every school day and will perform two concerts. Private study is encouraged, however not required. Fifteen minutes a day of home practice is expected and must be documented on practice records provided by the director.

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Athletic Program The Middle School Interscholastic Athletic Program is composed of soccer, basketball, track and volleyball for boys and girls competition. Soccer and volleyball are played in the fall, basketball in winter, and track in the spring. Soccer tryouts usually begin the first week of school. Volleyball tryouts begin in mid-October, basketball in mid-January and track in mid-March. Tryouts are competitive with no grade-level quotas. Watch for information to be posted on our website as well as on flyers posted around campus. In order to participate in middle school athletics, students must submit the following three items: a Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (this is different from a school physical and is available from the Athletics page on the SunRidge website), a Notification of Risk Form, and an Emergency Treatment Authorization Card. These forms are available year-round at the main office and must be completed and returned prior to trying out. To be academically eligible for participation, a student must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA or a 2.0 GPA from the previous semester. Eligibility requirements for sixth grade students interested in participating in middle school activities will be waived until the completion of the first marking period. Once the first marking period is completed and grades are reported, sixth grade students must meet the eligibility requirements as indicated.

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Partners In Education 2014-15 *Champion Orthodontics *Chick-Fil-A at Winter Garden *EDUMATICS, Inc. *Dr. Fravel Orthodontic Specialist *Gifted University *Hukoo’s Family Fun *Kona Ice of Windermere/Winter Garden *Learn To Learn *Let’s Skate Orlando *Orlando Solar Bears *Papa Murphy’s Take ‘n’ Bake Pizza *Red Eye Bar and Grill *Royal Oak Homes *SAMS CLUB *Subway *Sylvan Learning Center of Ocoee *UNO Pizzeria & Grill *West Orange Cinema

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School Advisory Council (SAC) The School Advisory Council (SAC) is the school community voice in the planning process for school improvement. SAC’s primary role is to assist the principal in developing and evaluating the School Improvement Plan [Florida School Code 1001.452, 1001.42(18) and FS 24.121]. The SAC also gives assistance to the principal in the planning of the upcoming year’s budget. The School Advisory Council (SAC) is comprised of parents, teachers, school support staff and community members as appointed by the principal. The elected positions are Chair, Co-Chair, and Secretary. Meetings are held once a month and are approximately 1 hour in length. Currently the meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month, beginning at 4:30 p.m. This meeting day and time is subject to change based on discussion with SAC leaders and members. By being part of the SAC, parents can work together with school staff and administrators to ensure the success of students enrolled at SunRidge Middle School. Please consider giving 1 hour of your time each month to support this very important group. Contact [email protected] if interested in becoming involved in SAC.

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Parent Teacher Student Organization The SunRidge Middle School PTSO supports the teachers and students by running the following programs each year:  Angel Fund – field trip sponsorship, can drive, & coat drive for students in need  Family Involvement – Events to showcase students’ work…Science/Math Night, Literacy/Reading Night  P.I.E. – work with local businesses to raise money for the different departments, clubs and groups through sponsoring spirit nights  Media Center – fundraising to provide funds to purchase books  Hospitality – snacks at monthly staff meetings and staff appreciation week  Eagle Benefactors – raise money through donations to directly support educational needs of the school through grants to each department These programs are funded through PTSO by your membership in our organization in addition to fund raising such as the magazine sales in the fall, and various spirit nights at local restaurants.

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The SunRidge Middle School PTSO invites you to join in building a better future in the education and quality of school life for all of our children. Did you know that PTSO membership is open to students as well as adults and it does not obligate you to volunteer? Moms, dads, students, local businesses, grandparents, aunts and uncles are welcome and encouraged to join! Please look for more information in the fall. You can stay up to date with our PTSO website at: Or register to receive our e-blast at:

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