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Page 1 of 18. 1. Cloverleaf Parent and Student Handbook. Principal – Tony Winger [email protected]. Coordinator

Cloverleaf Parent and Student Handbook

Principal – Tony Winger Coordinator - Chrystal Miller Cloverleaf Support - Kirsten Johnson Home School coordinator - Kristin Wagner Choice Programing coordinator – Kristin Schmidt Director of Choice Programming – Tom McMillen

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Contact Information  K-8 Site 720-271-6804  Middle/High Site 720-376-2062  Office 303-387-9545  Attendance Please email [email protected] Hours  School hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. Locations  K-8 site Tuesday Wednesday Thursday – Grace Chapel Church 935 Evalena Rd, Castle Rock CO  Thursday Middle/High – New Hope Presbyterian 3737 New Hope Way, Castle Rock CO


Table of Contents

Registration/withdrawal of students

Page 3

Attendance Policy

Page 4


Page 4

Medication Policy

Page 5

Arrival and dismissal policy

Page 6


Page 6

Communication between home and school

Page 8


Page 9

Birthday treats

Page 9

Dress code

Page 10

Field trips

Page 10

Lost and found

Page 10

Safety at school

Page 11


Page 11

Notification to Home School information

Page 11

Nationally normed testing information

Page 11

Student privacy/media consent

Page 12

Curriculum/supplementary material information

Page 12

Student Conduct

Page 15

Express check-in information

Page 17


REGISTRATION/WITHDRAWAL OF STUDENTS REGISTRATION When a student enrolls at Cloverleaf, all paperwork must be completed before the student may begin attending. Required paperwork includes a pupil registration form, authorization to release records from the previous school, and copies of (1) proof of residency (Warranty Deed, Deed of Trust, Property Tax Notice, Lease Agreement, County Assessor Page or Notarized Proof of Residency letter from the person you are living with (if your name doesn't appear on the proof of residency) along with a copy of their proof of residency, (2) birth certificate, and (3) immunization records. Please do not expect to register your student and have him/her start school on the same day. We need 24 hours to get information in the system and prepare for the student so they have a welcoming first day experience. If a student is enrolled after October 1st of the current school year, Cloverleaf will receive no funding for this student. Cloverleaf still accepts students if a space is available, however supplementary curriculum can only be checked out if it is in stock and no consumables will be provided for this school year. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Kindergarten registration for the following school year is held each January. The registration procedure includes the same steps listed above. By District policy, all students entering Kindergarten must reach their fifth birthday on or before October 1st. Families with existing students get priority for kindergarten spots. After that, priority is given on a first come, first serve basis. Incomplete registration packets will not be accepted and we will not be able to save a spot until the registration packet is complete. WITHDRAWALS It is important that your student return all school-owned books and materials when withdrawing. We will release records to your student's new school once all materials are returned and/or paid for. You will be charged for any lost or damaged curriculum material, other than consumable materials.


ATTENDANCE ABSENCES Regular attendance is essential for success at school. The Cloverleaf calendar includes all of the traditional school holidays and breaks. Cloverleaf does have an attendance policy. Students are only allowed to miss a total of three or fewer days during the school year. Our subjects are taught in units. It is difficult for a student to miss a day in a unit and be at the same place as others in their class. Students should be absent only in cases of illness or emergency. If your student will be absent, please email [email protected]. We are required to verify absences that are not called in by the parent. Home and work phone numbers will be called. Please help us with this procedure by emailing your student's absence as soon as possible. EXTENDED ABSENCES Extended absences should be discussed with the coordinator. It will be difficult for a student to miss several days within a unit. DISMISSAL FROM SCHOOL DURING THE SCHOOL DAY Parents may request that students be excused from school prior to dismissal. Parents are asked to send a note stating who will be picking up their student and at what time. If a parent/designee is unfamiliar to the front office staff, he/she will be asked to show identification. Parents/Designees must check in at the front desk to pick up student.

ILLNESS/INJURY It is the policy of Douglas County School District to send students home who have the following (but not limited to) symptoms: a fever of 100 degrees or more, nausea/vomiting, an undiagnosed rash, eye drainage, or diarrhea while at school. If your student's temperature is less than 100 degrees, but he or she appears unable to participate in the classroom, you will be contacted. Please keep students home when they have these or other signs/symptoms of illness. Please follow these guidelines set up by the school district regarding keeping your student home due to illness: 1. If your student is on an antibiotic for strep or other infections please keep them home for 24 hours after the start of antibiotics. 2. Keep students home until they are fever free without medication for 24 hours. 3. Keep students home 48 hours past the last vomiting event. 4. Keep students home 48 hours after last diarrhea event.

5 5. Please contact the school if your student has a contagious illness including but not limited to strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox, whooping cough, etc. Most injuries that occur at school require minimal assistance administered in the school's health room. In the event of a more serious illness or accident, we will first attempt to reach you on your cell, home or work number. If we are unable to reach you, we will call the emergency contacts listed on the enrollment form. If neither you nor your emergency contacts can be reached within a reasonable amount of time, school staff will take the necessary steps to ensure the welfare of your student

MEDICATION POLICY Public schools are governed by strict laws and rules regarding the dispensing of any kind of medication at school. Parents whose students require medication must provide the school with a form (available in the front office) signed by their doctor that specifies exactly what medication and what dosage the student is to receive. All medication is kept in the front office under lock and key and is dispensed only by trained office staff. The office keeps a log of all medication dispensed at school and will notify parents when a student's prescription is running low. Students are not to bring any kind of prescription or over-the-counter medication from home other than a single day's supply of cough drops. Tylenol can be administered by the front office if parents have signed a release form and only if the student is not running a fever. Whenever a student is running a fever (a temperature of 100 degrees or more), parents are contacted and expected to pick up their student.


ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Parents are asked to drop off students no earlier than 8:45AM. All students begin the day in the sanctuary for an assembly at 9:00AM. Parents are welcome to stay for the assembly but are not required to so. Classes start at 9:15AM. Students will be released and be waiting in the sanctuary with their teacher for dismissal. Parents should come to the sanctuary for pick up. Teachers will not release students unless a parent or alternate approved person is present. Please notify Kirsten Johnson at the front desk, in advance, if you have an alternate person picking up your student for the day. Parents are required to be on time for dismissal at 3:15PM. When a student is left at school for more than 15 minutes, the teacher will first contact the emergency numbers. If no one can be contacted, the teacher will wait an additional 15 minutes and try to contact the emergency numbers again. If no one can be contacted at that time, law enforcement or the Department of Human Services will be called. **After the 3rd incident of late pick up, your student will no longer be eligible for the program.

WEATHER Our normal school day can be affected by the weather. School closures and delays are made with student safety foremost in mind. There are four types of weather related events: SCHOOL CANCELLATION In the event of inclement weather or other circumstances, school may be canceled for the day. This decision is made by the central administration of the school district, not by the school coordinator. A decision may be made to close the entire district or just the specific geographic areas that are affected. Announcements are made on television, radio stations, the district website, the district weather hotline (303-387-7669) and or social media. You may also receive an email. Families are responsible for learning of a snow day through these sources.


DELAYED START This type of delay means that school will start 90 minutes later than usual. For Cloverleaf, this means school starts at 10:30 am. The decision for a delayed start is also made by the school district, not by the coordinator, and announcements are made on television, radio, the district website and the district weather hotline. Once again, families are responsible for learning of a delayed start and sending students 90 minutes later than usual. EARLY DISMISSAL On occasion, it is necessary to dismiss school early. The decision to dismiss early is made by the District using the same procedures as a snow day or delayed start. In this event, students and staff follow the Emergency School Closure Form instructions that each parent has filled out and turned into the classroom teacher. Please keep this information updated. Parents go directly to the classroom to pick up students.

DELAYED DISMISSAL In the event of unsafe weather conditions at Cloverleaf, the coordinator may decide to delay dismissal. This is not something we can plan in advance-often the decision is made 5-10 minutes before school ends. If it appears that the storm will be brief, we just keep the students inside the school and then proceed as normal as the storm dies down. Please come into the building if the weather permits. In case of severe weather (tornados), students will be directed to a shelter area until the storm has passed and we have been given the all clear from district level officials.


RECESS AND WEATHER During periods of inclement weather, please be sure your student comes to school with appropriate clothing, including boots, hats, gloves, socks, coat, etc. Students will go out unless there is heavy precipitation, any lightning, or the temperature (with wind chill considered) falls below 20 degrees F.

COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SCHOOL AND HOME We believe that communication between school and home is vital. To support this belief, we use numerous methods to keep the flow going both ways: NEWSLETTERS You will receive a school newsletter. A newsletter will be emailed each week. Please check your email for important information about the upcoming school week. If you are not receiving the newsletter, please email the coordinator at [email protected] and ask to be added to the newsletter email list. FACE TO FACE The coordinator is available to meet with you on any issues you would like to discuss in person. Please email ([email protected]) and set up an appointment time. Arrivals and dismissal times are difficult times to meet, as the coordinator is in charge of ensuring all school activities are flowing properly. An appointment time will ensure you are given the proper time and focus needed to discuss concerns. FOLDERS Folders for each student are present at the front desk. Please check this folder weekly for important information. This is where school picture, field trip permission slips and miscellaneous information can be found. PHONE Voicemail is active 24 hours a day and parents may call the school phone number (720-2716804) at any time. Note: Emails answered sooner than voice mails ([email protected]).


EMAIL Parents may contact through e-mail. Please email [email protected]. WEBSITE We strive to provide the website with updated, comprehensive information. If you have any comments or requests for our website, please share them with us. Facebook Cloverleaf has a Facebook Page. Please join our community page.

LUNCH Students should bring lunch from home, including a beverage and a water bottle for the day. We have a peanut-free area in the lunch area. Please notify the school office and the classroom teacher if your student has this need. If your student has a life-threatening allergy to peanuts and is on the district list, they are required to sit in the peanut-free area. If you would like your student to sit elsewhere than the peanut free area, written permission needs to be given to the office and will be placed in the student’s file.

BIRTHDAY TREATS Please limit birthday treats to "quick and easy" five minute snacks. If you are bringing a treat for the class on your student's birthday, please let the teacher know in advance to ensure that there are no students with food allergies affected by your food choice. If at all possible, we encourage treats with no peanuts as we have several life threatening allergies in our building.


Jackets/Coats Please make sure students bring a jacket or coat when weather is cool.

SHOES Students need to wear appropriate footwear for gym class and for cold weather.

FIELD TRIPS Teachers may schedule field trips that enhance classroom learning. Parents will be required to turn in a completed field trip permission slip and may be asked to cover a portion of the cost of these trips including the transportation department's established bus fee and well as admission cost at the venue.

LOST AND FOUND Student's personal items (coats, gloves, backpacks, etc.) should be clearly marked for identification. The Lost and Found is located in a designated area within each site. At the end of each quarter, lost items will be displayed to assist students in claiming them. Unclaimed items are then donated to charity. Small items such as glasses, jewelry, keys, etc., are kept at the front office. The school is not responsible for any lost, misplaced or stolen items.

11 SAFETY AT SCHOOL We welcome visitors to Cloverleaf and we want our students and staff to be safe. To ensure that we know who is in the building at all times, we require everyone entering the building during the day to use the front door and check in at the front desk. Please do not seek access at any other door. When staff members are unsure of the identity of a visitor, we will ask for identification. Cloverleaf has emergency plans for fire, natural disasters, and unwanted intruders. Drills are conducted regularly so that students will know what to do in an emergency. Quiet, orderly behavior is expected during all drills.

VOLUNTEERS Parent volunteers are always needed in our school. Volunteers work in the lunch room, playground or perform clerical tasks at school or home. Volunteers help is also needed for special events such as field trips or field day. Volunteers must complete a volunteer application prior to volunteering.

NOTIFICATION TO HOMESCHOOL Students enrolled at Cloverleaf must file a notification to home school per Colorado State law. This should be completed for each school year. The form can be found on the Douglas County School website under Home Education site.

NATIONALLY NORMED TESTING Cloverleaf offers the ITBS (“IOWA basic”) tests during the spring as a courtesy to parents enrolled at Cloverleaf. Dates will be posted in the newsletter and on the website. Testing will occur on two non-school days. Make up days are not available. Test must be taken at school location. Test results will be distributed to parents when received. Cloverleaf and the company scoring the tests do not keep a copy so it is important to ensure your original is not lost. It is the parent’s responsibility to copy and send in a copy to DCSD to fulfill Colorado state home school testing law requirements


STUDENT PRIVACY/MEDIA CONSENT Student privacy policies and be found on the Douglas County School website. The consent guide can be found by searching for Community Relations, select the media tab, and click on the media consent guide. Please review. A media constant form will need to be completed at registration time or during the Express check-in.

CURRICULUM/SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Curriculum materials are available to students enrolled at Cloverleaf, and who are in good standing with the attendance policy. All non-consumable curriculum items must be returned immediately upon withdrawal from Cloverleaf Home Education. If a student remains in active attendance, materials must be returned at the end of the academic school year during the time designated by Cloverleaf. PLEASE SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION FOR THE USE OF THIS CURRICULUM BY TAKING CARE OF THESE BOOKS and MATERIALS. RETURN THEM AS CLEAN, IF NOT BETTER, AS YOU RECEIVED THEM, RETURN THEM AS SOON AS YOU’RE FINISHED USING THEM and RETURN KITS WITH ALL PIECES AND PARTS INTACT!  THANK YOU!

Curriculum Overview APRIL/MAY: Visit Curriculum Fair MAY/JUNE: At a scheduled curriculum return times, return all curriculum borrowed. JULY/AUGUST: Curriculum orders filled. Orders filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Some popular curriculum that goes out of stock may not be re-stocked. JULY/AUGUST: Emails sent to families with dates/times for Book Pick-up on orders placed in May. AUGUST-OCTOBER 1: Orders can be altered and exchanges completed. Consumables can only be exchanged if existing consumable has not been used. MAY: Visit Curriculum Fair for next school year, prepare to return books May/June


THE CURRICULUM FAIRS A curriculum fair is held in the spring of each year. Curriculum is stored during the year in a fashion that is not easy to view, so the curriculum fair is the best opportunity to view the curriculum in person. If you are unable to attend the curriculum fair, the curriculum order form has a description of all curricula and what is included.


ONLY one Curriculum is allowed per Subject. For example, a student cannot have a Saxon math book and a Math U See curriculum at the same time.

A curriculum/supplementary material contract must be filled out before curriculum can be distributed to you. One form per family is required. The contract is online and can be found on the Cloverleaf website. It is your responsibility to check your curriculum order to ensure all items checked out to you are present. Please note any items with a Cloverleaf barcode need to be returned. Any damaged items, with a Cloverleaf bar code, will incur a replacement fee.

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There is also a “one-per-family-rule” on Math Manipulatives. These hands-on teaching aids are available ONLY for Math-U-See & Saxon Curriculum. They need to be specifically requested on your book order form.

NEW STUDENTS ONLY: Eligibility to borrow Curriculum/Books/Materials requires completed student registration. The only way Curriculum Orders are filled is if Cloverleaf Home Education Office is in receipt of a completed Cloverleaf registration packet.

What is a non-CONSUMABLE? Curriculum is checked out the same as a library would check out books. Items with a Cloverleaf barcode are checked out to a student and will be on the student’s account. Items will a barcode are due at the end of the school year. Examples of these items are instructor manuals, text books, DVD’s and are called non consumables

What is a CONSUMABLE? Cloverleaf also provides student workbooks, work sheets and other materials that do NOT have a Cloverleaf barcode. These are called consumables and are not expected to be returned.

CURRICULUM ORDERS A curriculum order form must be completed by May 1st of each year. This form is online and is located on the Cloverleaf website. PLEASE FILL OUT, ONE Curriculum ORDER FORM per student—please complete each section on the form. If we have any questions about your order, the contact information in this form may be the only way we can call to clarify the questions we may have. This greatly aids us in filling the orders as quickly as possible. Any order received after May 1st will be processed in a second round of ordering and may not be available until the end of August. An email will be sent out notifying you when your new book order is ready to be picked up. Upon receiving the order, materials must be checked by the parent within 48 hours to ensure the order is correct and no materials are missing.

14 CURRICULUM RETURN We will strive to schedule curriculum return dates as late in the school year as possible, to allow for most students to complete their studies by the end of the traditional school calendar. Curriculums are not available for purchase. If there are items you want to use for next year, items must be checked in and ordered again for the following year. Items may be returned during the school year. If current curriculum order is not returned during the check in times, the new curriculum order will be delayed and may not be available until the end of August. In late spring, you will receive a copy of your student’s curriculum account, detailing all the items checked out to your student. By personally returning your curriculum, you will ensure that your student’s account is always the most accurate and that curriculum issues are resolved to your satisfaction. Once you receive your book account report: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Take the time to locate each item on the report Make sure each item is clean and in as good as condition as you received it Make sure kits have all the pieces Put the Book Return dates on your calendar and plan to attend, bringing all of your curriculum for return 5) Please return books in sturdy, clean boxes.


STUDENT CONDUCT Public schools provide students with the opportunity for self improvement and individual growth. School authorities have the right to control student conduct. Students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner which is compatible with the school’s function as an education facility, and in accordance with District policies and regulations concerning student conduct and discipline. Conduct which disrupts or threatens to disrupt the operation of a school, which interferes in any way with the rights and privileges of other students or citizens, which endangers the health or safety of any person, or which damages property, will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action. Students will be held accountable for the following behavior expectations: 

Students will develop and use productive work habits. o Complete work to the best of their ability. o Strive for excellence in all their work. o Honor time commitments. o Arrive at school/class prepared to work. o Work cooperatively with others and independently when appropriate. o Persevere even when tasks are difficult. Students will behave in a manner which fosters a positive school environment. o Participate actively in the learning process. o Encouage parent and community involvement. o State expectations clearly. o Show sensitivity toward others. o Use courteous and polite language and behavior. o Exercise self discipline. o Follow school and district rules. Studets will dress appropriately for the school environment. o Dress in a clean, neat and safe manner. o Dress in a manner that is non-demeaning to self or others. o Dress in a manner that promotes practices that are consistent with district policies. o Dress in a manner which is conducive to the activity in which engaged. Students will promote, create and maintain an environment free from physical and emotional harm. o Control anger and resolve conflicts through non-violent means. o Ensure that schools are free from weapons. o Ensure that schools are free from harmful substances. o Ensure that schools are free from intimidation, discrimination and harassment. Students will be thoughtful caretakers of the school property and the property of others. o Use property and materials for their intended purpose. o Take responsibility for maintaining school property. o Show respect for the personal property of others.

Students will accept personal responsibility and accoutability for their actions or inactions. o Honor commitments. o Promote excellence by setting challenging and attainable goals.

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Serve self and others through community involvement. Take the initiative to help others. Determine the right thing to do and do it.

Students will respect the unique attributes and qualities of every individual. o Treat others with fairness and compassion. o View diversity as enhancing the school environment and community. o Promote and encourage increased knowledge and understanding of diversity in curriculum and school-related activities. Students will communicate effectively to build a more positive school environment. o Communicate with positive intent. o Communicate in an open, trusting and truthful manner. o Express ideas clearly. o Listen actively and encourage feedback. o Communicate in a timely and on-going manner. o Clarify communication directly with the source.

Effective student discipline is a prerequisite for sound educational practice and productive learning. The objective of disciplining any student must be to instill self-discipline and socially acceptable behavior. All policies and procedures for handling discipline problems will be designed and interpreted to achieve this objective. Provisions for disciplining students are to allow other students to learn in an atmosphere which is safe, conducive to the learning process, and free from unnecessary disruptions. Cloverleaf will follow these general guidelines when addressing student behavior: 

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Teacher: The Classroom Teacher will address the inappropriate behavior immediately. The teacher will make every effort to ensure that the student is aware of the behavior exhibited and why it is inappropriate. If the student continues the disruptive behavior the teacher may refer the student to the Coordinator. Coordinator: The Coordinator will meet with the student and clearly document the inappropriate behavior. In collaboration with parents and teachers the Coordinator may institute a behavior contract, as appropriate. District: The parent and student may appeal actions taken by Cloverleaf teachers or administrators. The process for appeal and activation of due process rights is contained in District Policy JKD and will be provided to the parent upon request.


Express Check-In FAQs for Parents Express Check-In is a Douglas County School District application that allows parents to update household information, sign off on district forms, update health conditions and select school fees. This application helps prevent families from manually entering in a full batch of information for numerous studentren in the household when checking in prior to the start of the school year. Where do I go to login? The link to Express check-in is posted on the Cloverleaf website or you can access it from How do I login? Parent’s use their Infinite Campus Parent Portal Login credentials to login to Express Check-In. Please contact your registrar if you do not have a parent portal sign in. Do both parents need to login? Only if the two parents live in two separate households. The parent that is in the household identified as the primary household must complete Express Check-In. Do parents in both household complete the same forms? Parent in the secondary household will see only their household information, optional forms uploaded by the school, volunteer forms and fees. The parent in the primary household will see their household information, all district forms, optional forms uploaded by the school, volunteer forms and fees. How can I be sure that I completed Express Check-In? Once the parent in the primary household completes the ‘Health Information’ page, only then is the Express Check-In considered done for that student. Prior to completing this page parents can logout and come back to the process at any given time. What all can I complete via Express Check-In? There are differing permissions if you have multiple households. Please view the list of permissions for primary and secondary Households below. If you need to establish a secondary household, please contact your school for assistance. Primary Household         

Update Household information Indicate address change or household change Update phone numbers and email addresses Update emergency contacts Provide housing/residence information Select Media Consent preferences Update Tylenol Release preferences – Elementary schools and Charter Schools (K-8) Update Medicaid Consent form Provide Race/Ethnicity information

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Complete Science Safety Contract for students in grades 7 – 12 Sign off on Code of Conduct handbook Provide Military Recruiting – Request for Exclusion grades 11 -12 only Complete Volunteer Application Complete Health Information Download any school specific forms - these forms will need to be completed and sent to the school Select Transportation fees – all neighborhood schools and only charter schools contracting this service with Douglas County School district will see this section Select any fees specified by the school Print completed forms – for your records only

Secondary Household        

Update Household information Indicate address change or household change Update phone numbers and email addresses Update emergency contacts Complete Volunteer Application Download any school specific forms - these forms will need to be completed and sent to the school Select Transportation fees – all neighborhood schools and only charter schools contracting this service with Douglas County School district will see this section Select any fees specified by the school Print completed forms – for your records only