Nov 1, 2016 - downloading the app for iOS or Android. If you have not received an email like this, please take a moment
Dawson Creek Secondary School
November 2016 Dear Parents; At Central Campus this year, we are using FreshGrade to communicate learning and achievement with students and parents. We have worked very hard to transition our documentation of learning, including grades, onto FreshGrade and would invite you to take the opportunity to connect to FreshGrade to see your child’s progress in their courses this year. By now, you should have received a FreshGrade invitation for your child’s classes. This may have been shuffled into your Junk Mail so please be sure to check there if you have not seen this email. This will walk you through the steps of creating an account, connecting on the internet and/or downloading the app for iOS or Android. If you have not received an email like this, please take a moment to send an email to those teachers asking that they resend the FreshGrade invitation or contact the school. As part of our reporting process to parents and students, all reporting of interim marks, Incomplete marks and ongoing comments on progress will be done on FreshGrade unless there are specific circumstances that prevent this. If you feel you are one of those with circumstances that will prevent you from connecting to FreshGrade, please contact the office at 784 - 7676. To help facilitate this transition, we will be hosting several opportunities for you to come and learn more about FreshGrade and to help anyone who is having difficulty connecting. The first of these opportunities will be at Parent-Teacher interviews on Wednesday, November 23 from 2-4pm and Thursday, November 24 from 6-8pm. There will be a ‘help booth’ set up to answer any questions and support you to get connected. We will also host a FreshGrade evening before Winter Holidays, as well as one or two afterwards. Please watch the website and newsletter for more information. Finally, we will be hosting a discussion on Reporting of Progress and Achievement at Central Campus in January or February. We will send out date(s) and times for this after the holiday. Thank you for your support and patience as we transition. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to connect with the school or specific teachers. Sincerely, Diana Lindstrom, Chris Horton and the Central Campus Staff