Parent Letter 2.14.18

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Feb 14, 2018 - maestro (No hay clases). 2/16 Spanish. Immersion Lottery. Cards Due to Main. Office [includes siblings!]

February Black History Month / Historia del pueblo AfricanoAmericano

February 14, 2018

Staff Development Day – No school on Feb. 16 No hay clase el 16 de Febrero – Día de formación de los maestros!

Traffic Reminders – Let’s keep our kids safe!

• Have your kids exit independently on the school side of the car / salgan del coche en el lado próximo a la escuela • Wait until you pass the stuffed bear before exiting the car / esperen pasar el osito de peluche antes de bajar del coche

Kinder Registration Dates: Reminder! Please note the following important dates for Kindergarten Registration: • Round One registration ends February 16th • SI Lottery card due Feb. 16 to Escondido Main Office

Important deadline:

If 5th grade families are interested in the Middle School Choice Program, families have to log in Infinite Campus to see and fill in the Middle School Choice Program application from February 9th until February 20th . Parents shouldn’t process any intra district transfer paper work until they know for sure that their student(s) have been accepted into the program.

Fecha límite importante:

Si las familias de 5to grado están interesadas en el Programa de Opción de Escuela Intermedia, las familias tienen que iniciar sesión en Infinite Campus para ver y completar la solicitud del Programa de Elección de Escuela Intermedia desde el 9 de febrero hasta el 20 de febrero. Los padres no deben procesar ningún trabajo de transferencia dentro del distrito hasta que sepan con seguridad que su (s) hijo (s) han sido aceptados en el programa.

2/15 Coffee w/the Principal / Café con el Director 8:15am Staff Lounge 2/16 Staff Development Day (No school) / Formación professional de los maestro (No hay clases) 2/16 Spanish Immersion Lottery Cards Due to Main Office [includes siblings!] / Fecha límite para entregar la tarjeta de la lotería [incluyendo la de los hermanos!] 2/19 Presidents’ Day Holiday – no school / Día festivo, no hay clase 2/20 Middle School Choice program deadline 2/23 Spaghetti Night / Cena espaguettis 5-7pm MP Room

Black History Month We have been very fortunate to have had so many fine presentations, beginning with the assemblies that honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in January (the assembly on the book Martin’s Big Work and the choral reading about Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement by Mr. Libert’s 4th Grade class), to now in February with the educational displays by Kristen Chandler and the performance last week by Stanford’s Everyday People. We are looking forward to more celebrations this month.

Somos bien afortunados por haber recibido tantas y tan buenas presentaciones, empezando con las asembleas sobre el Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Enero (por ejemplo, la del libro Martin’s Big Work y la lectura coral por Rm 23 sobre el Dr. King y el movimiento por los Derechos Civiles) hasta ahora con las muestras informativas por Kristen Chandler y la actuación musical por el grupo Everyday People que vino de Stanford. Anticipamos con gusto ver más celebraciones durante este mes.

Science Fair: March 22-23 Family Science Night: March 22 (5:30-8:30 pm) Families, get ready for the Escondido Science Fair and prepare to be impressed by our students’ presentations of an amazing multitude of science projects! In addition, we will be holding our 6th Annual Family Science Night for families of all grades, K-5. Student support is available through the "Ask a Scientist" program. Every Tuesday at noon from January 24-March 20, Stanford PhD students will be at Escondido to help students with project ideas and questions.

How to Register

To register, please fill out the Online Entry Form (link is external) at Science Fair Entry Form 2018. The deadline for registration is Monday, January 29th. Important Dates

Monday January 29 Deadline for entry form

Thursday March 22

Projects due in MP/ Library

Thursday March 22

Family Science Night


Projects must be removed by 3 p.m.

March 23