together is important for the home and the school so that the child may reach the highest possible. achievement. There i
Tabernacle Christian Academy Revelators
Parent/Student Handbook (PSH) 3611 Colley Avenue Norfolk, VA 23508 757.625.4977 ph /625.1875 fax
Website: Email:
[email protected]
T.C.A. Established 1983
Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the Tabernacle Christian Academy. By way of introduction and to afford unity of spirit, we feel it proper to express the purpose and philosophy of this Christian School. We believe we have a personal responsibility before God to provide for our children a quality education, totally saturated with both the doctrine and practice of Biblical Christianity. We do not believe in state regulated education governed by the philosophies of secular humanism and evolutionary science (Please read School Accreditation, Section IX). Additionally, we believe it is every parent’s personal responsibility to secure this kind of education for his child(ren), and to see that his child(ren) cooperates fully in the educational process. Working cooperatively together is important for the home and the school so that the child may reach the highest possible achievement. There is no greater investment in the life of your child(ren), and for that reason, God has raised up Tabernacle Christian Academy to help you in the training of our future generation. Perhaps the most rewarding experience in life is to give children all the tools they need to mature and to become pleasing to God. This success in life depends heavily upon the training they receive. We can point them to success by giving them consistent training in the home, the church, and the school. Our staff looks forward to accomplishing the goals and objectives that will provide your child(ren) with optimum learning opportunities. Thank you for your support and participation. Sincerely,
Steven V. Terry Steven V. Terry, Ph.D. Principal
Policies of Tabernacle Christian Academy I.
Admission a. First, obtain the admission packet, complete it and sign it. b.
Return the necessary registration forms, a copy of your child’s immunization records, original birth certificate and social security card to the school office.
Registration fee must be paid before the student can be tested or interviewed. The registration fee is non-refundable.
A testing date will be assigned once registration forms are received. Testing will be done at school.
If necessary, an interview will be scheduled with the Principal; both parents and child(ren) applying for admission must attend this interview. The most recent report card is important for the interview.
Acceptance to TCA is dependent upon all applicants’ taking an entrance examination. All new students are admitted on a six-week trial basis. The final acceptance depends not only on academic excellence, but also upon a cooperative attitude. The administration has full responsibility for placing children in the proper grade. All parents will be notified of the child’s acceptance immediately after the interview or at an appointed time.
K-5 kindergarten students must be five (5) years old before September 30th of the school year. Elementary and High School students must be age appropriate grade assigned.
Parents will be notified of the mandatory parent orientation session.
TCA is working as an ally of the family unit, training students for Christian leadership. We require that BOTH parents attend THE FOLLOWING: (1) (2) (3) (4)
An interview with the Principal Parent Orientation Session Parent/Teacher Conferences when required Parent/Teacher Fellowship
Cooperate and help (if possible) in Fundraising events.
Sign Homework/Attendance/Dress Code Contract and other important Parent/Student Contracts.
II. Attendance a.
Regular Attendance Regular attendance of all students is required because no student can obtain the full benefit of a school’s educational program, with a high rate of absenteeism. However, the Administration of TCA recognizes and appreciates the rights of the parent to keep their child(ren) home for many reasons. The school keeps attendance records and must have student-parent cooperation. To standardize our policy and insure quality education, we have established the following policies concerning student absences: (1)
Teachers are not required to make up quizzes or homework missed when a student is absent, (excused or unexcused). However, the student will be allowed to make up major tests when their absences are excused. Parents are requested to have their child(ren) in school unless the absence is absolutely necessary. 3
Teachers are required to check attendance during the homeroom period for 7th -12th grades.
Make-up work due to an excusable absence is done within the teacher’s requirements and after a consultation with the teacher. It is the responsibility of the student to check with the teacher about all make-up work.
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, we will not grant a secondary student any credit for a course if absences total more than twenty (20) class periods for a full year course or more than ten (10) class periods for a semester course. The principal will be the judge of extenuating circumstances. The same rule applies for an elementary student’s absences. They automatically fail the subject for 20 class absences per year.
All students in grades 1st-6th must be picked up by 3:45 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and on Friday they must be picked up by 2:15 p.m. Any student left in the building beyond that time, who is not enrolled in after school care, will then be sent to Aftercare and a $25.00 charge per child will be added to the family account.
Students who are participating in a sport must be picked up by 4:30 p.m. If they are picked up by 4:30 p.m., there will be a $25.00 charge added to their account. Upon return home from sporting events, if the student is not picked up within a half-hour of arrival to school, their account will be charged $25.00 per child per event.
Classification of Absences: (1)
Excused – Sickness, death in the family, family trips. The Administration must clear any absence other than sickness or death in the family, at least three (3) days in advance.
Unexcused with parents’ permission - This includes any absences not covered by the above, i.e., unexcused family trips, just staying home a day, etc., but the parents approved it. Unexcused absentees cannot make up any work unless arrangements were made with the teacher prior to the absence. A day(s) spent in ISS result in an unexcused absence.
Unexcused without parents’ permission - When a note is not presented upon return to school, (i.e., skipping school or failure to remember to bring a note after warning).
If a student is absent due to participation in scheduled school activities, he has two school days to turn in missed homework or make up a test. TCA makes no refunds on tuition or fees due to absence(s). If a student arrives to school after 9:00 a.m., he is considered absent for the day. Notify the administration if a student has appointments. c.
Tardiness (Same rules for Absences apply) 1.
A sign-in/sign-out sheet is maintained in the school office for checking students in or out, when they arrive late to school (after 8:30 a.m.), or need to leave early (before 3:30 p.m.). For those who arrive late with no one to sign them in, they must be signed in that afternoon when they depart. In cases of tardiness, a parent or guardian will submit in writing the reason for the tardiness.
Secondary students arriving late, by car, are instructed to come to the office first to receive a tardy note. All students arriving late on the school bus will be sent directly to their classes.
Promptness is a measure of school citizenship. A student who is tardy for homeroom will report to the office to secure a class admission slip. The tardiness will be either excused or unexcused depending on the reason for the student’s tardiness. If the tardiness is considered as an unexcused tardy, the parent must send a note from home the following day, explaining the 4
tardiness. If the teacher does not receive a note from the student’s parent, they will turn over the unexcused tardy to the administration for disciplinary action.
Students who are not in the classroom when the bell rings for class to begin are late to class. The teacher will send the students to the office where they will receive an unexcused class admission slip. Teachers will consistently follow this policy.
Three (3) unexcused tardies will result in one mandatory detention or similar disciplinary punishment. Failure to appear at this detention will result in one day In-School Suspension (ISS). Constant tardiness will result in further disciplinary action.
d. Detention – Teachers will assign after-school detention, when needed. Detention is held from 3:35 – 4:35 (M, T, W & Th) or 2:05 – 3:05 (F). When detention is assigned through the office, the hours are from 3:35 – 5:00 or 2:05 – 3:30. Detention is for students who exhibit continued inappropriate behavior during school hours. The teacher/office will send a detention note home to the parent/guardian with the student and the parent/guardian must sign and return it the next day with the student. If the student fails to return the detention note signed, the teacher will call the parent on that day and inform them of the detention. Once the parent is informed, if the child cannot stay back, their detention time is automatically doubled. If a child fails to appear for detention at the specified time and place, he/she is considered a No Show. A No Show results in an automatic In-School-Suspension for the following day. Any incomplete detention (student not finishing assignment in that day) will result in another day detention. Three detentions for the same offense will result in an automatic In-SchoolSuspension (ISS). Five detentions for any reason will result in an automatic Out-of-School Suspension (OSS), beginning with one day and increasing as the offenses continue. Offenses include homework infractions, tardiness, lack of materials, not following instructed procedures, minor and major offenses. Any ISS results in an unexcused absence. Please inform your child of this action. Parents will be responsible for providing transportation after detention or ISS. Any child not picked up by 5:00 p.m. (M, T, W & Th) or 3:30 (F) will incur a charge of $25.00 to their account per offense. e. Dismissals – The administration will ask that parents withdraw their child for the following reasons: (1)
Parents are unwilling to cooperate with the school administration.
A child’s conduct, attitudes, or lack of effort makes it inadvisable for that student to remain in TCA.
*Upon dismissal the signed Statement of Trust goes into effect. f.
Withdrawals – Students may be withdrawn from TCA enrollment only by the parent or guardian submitting a written request. The parent or guardian confirming the status of books, fees, tuition, etc. will sign a withdrawal form. Students who have attended one day or more of any period owes the school for the full periods’ tuition and the signed Statement of Trust goes into effect.
g. Conferences a.
Parent –Teacher Conferences: To aid in your child’s progress, parents are encouraged to request conferences anytime they feel it necessary. Teachers and staff at the Tabernacle Christian Academy welcome these opportunities and are eager to help with the student’s problems. Please call the office to arrange a conference with the teacher or the principal in advance.
Parent-Teacher Meetings: Occasionally, we conduct scheduled parent-teacher fellowships during the school year. Parents are urged to attend these informative meetings.
* Special Note: All parents are welcome in the school. Classroom visits are discouraged during times of classroom operation, however, if the need arises to visit, please come by the office first. Do Not Go Directly to the Classroom. All visitors are expected to check in through the main office. In special circumstances, the office will give visitor’s passes for a limited amount of time. Persons who are in the building without a pass will be considered trespassing and will be dealt with accordingly. III Statement of Discipline Tabernacle Christian Academy recognizes that it cannot meet the educational needs of all children. It is a school offering a high quality of Christian training, but is not designed to be a correctional institution for problems arising beyond those usually encountered in average school children. While we love delinquent and emotionally unstable children, the school is not equipped to meet their needs. Some children do not adjust to a disciplined academic environment and find excuses to unjustly criticize policies and decisions of the staff and administration. In such cases, the school and home must cooperate fully and follow the principles of God’s Word regarding correction and discipline. The school reserves the right, if considered appropriate, to place students on probation for a reasonable corrective period and to dismiss any student(s) who will not cooperate with the total educational process. To maintain a quality classroom atmosphere that is conducive to effective teaching and study, discipline must be exercised. Proper behavior will be carefully taught each child during school hours, and each child is expected to follow the guidelines set by the teacher and the administration. Failure to comply with these standards of behavior will result in some form of discipline, ranging from a verbal reprimand to expulsion from school. Disciplinary procedures will be given at the discretion of the teacher and the Administration. In cases where the offense merits immediate administrative attention, your child will, by advise of parent, be given an option of a five (5) – ten (10) day suspension or corporal punishment. If corporal punishment is requested, it will be administered by the following guidelines: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
The offense will be clearly discussed with the child A staff member will discuss spiritual applications and will pray with your child A reasonable number of firm strokes on the buttocks, not to exceed three (3), will be administered by the school principal, using a paddle. Another staff witness will be present with your child. After administering the strokes, the staff member will pray with your child, assuring him or her of their love. A written report will be made of the date, offense, number of strokes, name of correcting staff member and witness. A copy will be sent to the parent to be signed and returned to your child’s teacher. No child will be physically restrained. (Refusal to submit to paddling will result in a parental conference with parent and student.) If it is believed to be in the best interest of the school, the child will be withdrawn from TCA.
IV. TCA Discipline Plan
A. Minor Offenses After the first two-days of pre-school discipline training, all offences will receive corrective discipline action. Offenses 1
Attendance Tardiness to class/school
Teacher/Staff Responsibility Implement school tardy policy st
1 nd 2 rd 3
Conduct Notice/Parent Contact After school detention Referral
Administrative Responsibility 1
2 rd 3
2 days detention 3 days detention/ISS 2 days OSS
2 days ISS 2 days OSS Writing assignment/ stand for class period 2 or 3 days detention 1 day ISS 1 day OSS
1 nd 2 rd 3
Leaving school grounds w/o permission
Disruption (Chronic talking, throwing objects, horseplaying, excessive burping or gas w/o prior notification, harassing/teasing, refusing to remain seated, rude noises, leaving w/o permission, sleeping
1 Parent contacted (one time only) nd 2 Detention rd 3 Referral
1 nd 2 st 1
Not passing in homework or classroom assignments (At teacher’s discretion) Disrespect to staff (walking away, talking back, other) Insubordination (refusing a reasonable request, refusing detention)
1 Parent contacted/referral (depending on the severity of the incident) st 1 Parent contacted nd 2 Referral
Profanity (swearing, obscene gestures, derogatory statements)
2 rd 3 th 4
1 nd 2 rd 3 st 1 nd
1 nd 2 rd
Miscellaneous (forgery, cheating)
Electronic Devices
1 nd 2 rd 3 st 1
Parent notification Detention Referral Referral
3 st 1 nd 2 1
2 rd 3 8
Inappropriate Personal Property Food/beverages
1 Warning nd 2 Detention 1
Referral/Parent notification
Computer use – improper access
1 Warning nd 2 Referral
Hall Sweep – lockers and book bags
1 Referral nd 2 Referral rd 3 Referral th 4 Referral
2 or 3 days detention/ parent contacted 1 day ISS 2 days OSS
Truancy/class cutting
2 5
1 nd 2 st 1 nd 2 rd 3 st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4
5-7 days ISS 5-7 days OSS Dismissal 2-3 days ISS/parent contacted 2-3 days OSS/parent conference 2-3 days ISS 2-3 days OSS/Parent conference Dismissal “0” on graded work Parent contacted Confiscate (until end of school year) Parent contact-1 day recovery ISS OSS (depending upon the device) Detention
ISS/Parent contacted OSS/Parent conference Detention ISS/Parent contacted OSS/Parent conference Detention Saturday Detention 2 days ISS 2 days OSS
B. Major Offenses Offenses
Teacher/Staff Responsibility
Fighting (mutual combat)
Assault against student
Assault against staff
Alcohol (or the smell of) Drugs/Weapons Dangerous Instruments Arson (actual or attempted)
Threatening (Student or Staff)
Referral Warrant/petition where required
Verbal abuse of Staff
Referral Parent contacted Warrant/petition where required Referral
Sexual Offense (after school or student becomes pregnant)
Administrative Responsibility 5-10 days OSS/Parent conference 5-10 days OSS Referral to police and Gang Squad where required 10 days OSS with hearing Parent notification Referral to police Warrant or petition secured 10 days OSS Parent notification Warrant/petition secured 10 days OSS with hearing Parent notification Police/arson squad Petition/warrant secured 10 days OSS with hearing Parent notification Police referral Restitution 5-10 days OSS 10 days OSS hearing Parent notification 5-10 days OSS 10 days OSS with hearing Parent contacted 5-10 days OSS Petition/parent contacted Suspension 10 days OSS Dismissal (depending upon circumstances)
Note: Parents have questioned how decisions are made in reference to discipline. The above Disciplinary Plan is the standard for implementing disciplinary action to students for violating school rules and regulations. Every parent is expected to cooperate with the disciplinary training of his child(ren), including paddling. Excessive criticism or failure to cooperate with the disciplinary decisions of the school could result in a request for the withdrawal of the child(ren) involved. The Statement of Trust will take effect immediately.
V. Dress Code It is the desire of the administration of TCA that our students develop some strong personal convictions of their own. In the meantime, it will be necessary for the school and parents together to point them toward what is right or wrong according to Biblical principles (1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Matthew 5:28). Students are expected on all school-sponsored activities with the exception of Skating and Sporting events to comply with dress down regulation. Elementary and High School Students (1st – 12th) Grades a. School Uniforms (1)
Boys’ Uniform Dress Code a)
All boys must wear either a white or light blue dress shirt along with a solid navy blue or black tie or a white, red or light blue polo shirt without a tie. All shirts and/or ties must be visible during class time. If a tie is worn, it must match the color of the pants. Slacks must be navy blue or black. Boys must wear black belts, and all slacks must be on the waistline. Shirts are to be pressed and clean everyday. No tight shirts, muscle shirts or oversized shirts are permitted. All undershirts must be plain white (no designs, pictures or writings on them). No jeans allowed, and excessive belt length which hangs below loops are not permissible.
All shoes must be dark blue or black with a rubber sole. Shoes must be dress or casual shoes. No tennis shoes (sneakers) are allowed. No “ankle” or “no show” socks are allowed. All socks must match the color of the shoes (blue or black).
Boy’s hairstyles must be conservative and in good taste. Hair must be tapered on the sides and in the back, above the collar and off the ear. Hairline must be visible from a distance. No bald-fades, dreadlocks, cornrows, Mohawk’s, or afros higher than one inch. No designs, words, or extremes in parts – no more than one part is allowed. Box haircuts should be conservative (not higher than one (1) inch and evenly cut, not slanted).
Boys are not allowed to wear earrings. One small chain necklace is permissible. Avoid extremes in jewelry (no rings covering more than one finger, zodiac or occult symbols, etc.)
No Tattoos allowed – permanent or temporary. They are not to be visible at all in the school building or at any school functions. If they are seen on any student, that student will be suspended for the maximum of ten days.
All dress shirts are to be tucked in pants at all times. Polo shirts may be worn on the outside. If a student’s dress shirt is out of his pants, he will be sent to the office for disciplinary action. White undershirts must be worn everyday!
No oversized slacks will be permitted hanging off the buttocks. (Pants must be worn on the waistline). If a student is caught with pants hanging off the buttocks, they will be sent to the office for disciplinary action. No low-rider jeans are to be worn; no underwear seen.
Uniforms are to be washed and pressed daily. Only approved sweaters (red, black or Navy blue) may be worn. No pull-over hoodies are to be worn.
Uniforms are to be worn everyday to and from school. Students cannot change uniform clothing before they leave school grounds unless they are involved in an after-school activity (sports, etc.).
Girls’ Uniform Dress Code a)
All girls are required to wear either a white or light blue dress blouse with their uniform or a white, red or light blue polo shirt. The blouse must have a collar that shows available buttons up to the neck. Dress shirts are to be tucked inside the uniform skirt or split-neck jumper for neatness.
No crew neck blouses, sheer blouses, or T-shirts are to be worn with the uniform. Blouses must not show cleavage; only one button is allowed to be unfastened. Blouse and skirt must fit modestly and must not be excessively tight (cupping under the breasts). Only red, black or Navy blue cardigan style sweaters are allowed; no exception to colors! Pullover sweaters or sweatshirts covering the blouse are not a part of the uniform and are not allowed. No starter jackets are to be worn in class.
All girls are required to order their uniform skirt or split-neck jumper through the uniform company (Rose Uniforms) chosen by the Administration. No variations of pattern are allowed.
Uniforms are to be worn everyday to and from school. Students cannot change before they leave school grounds unless they are involved in an after-school activity (sports, etc.).
Uniforms must be washed and pressed daily.
Elementary girls are allowed to wear shorts under their uniforms only during outdoor play. Biker shorts are not allowed.
The length of any school uniform skirt or split-neck jumper for any girl attending elementary or secondary grades must be to the middle of the knee and/or touching the floor when kneeling. Skirts cannot be rolled at the waist. Students will be suspended if uniform skirts are too short. All uniforms are to be worn with socks or hose. All socks are to be above the ankle or to the knees (no “ankle” or “no show” socks are allowed). Socks may be any one color that is in the uniform. Jean skirts are not permissible to wear in place of the required uniform skirt.
Any elementary or secondary student without a uniform must wear a white dress blouse with a collar that shows available buttons up to the neck, and a solid navy blue or black skirt. Once they receive their uniform skirts or jumpers, they will not be allowed to wear anything else in its place.
No Tattoos allowed – permanent or temporary. They are not to be visible at all in the school building or at any school functions. If they are seen on any student, that student will be suspended for the maximum of ten days.
No leggings (spandex or cotton) are allowed. Tights or leg warmers can be worn on cold days. Tights may be any one color that is in the uniform.
Gym Wear – Culottes or full-length baggy shorts to the knees. White socks are required.
All shoes must be navy blue or black with rubber soles. It must be a dress or casual shoe with a heel no more than two (2) inches. No open-toed shoes, open back slipper type shoes, or tennis shoes (sneakers) are allowed.
Special Note for Secondary Girls: A. Make-up and Jewelry Make-up can be worn but only that which is worn from home. It must be modest in appearance and not excessive or extreme – cosmetics will not be allowed on the premises. Cosmetics included but not limited to – eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, mascara, lipstick, foundation, blush, fingernail polish, etc. Any student possessing or found applying make-up in the building will be sent to the office for immediate disciplinary action.
Fingernails are to be permanent; only one pastel color at a time may be worn. No extremes in designs.
Jewelry- A maximum of two necklaces are allowed. No extremities in ring sizes or occult or zodiac symbols. Earrings are not to exceed the size of a quarter.
Hair color must be permanent – no temporary hair dyes. All braids must be neatly kept and maintained.
B. Dress Down Day (1) Boys’ Dress Code a) Boys may wear dress or sports shirts with long or short sleeves. All shirts, with exception of square-hemmed shirts must be tucked in pants. T-Shirts are to be worn only as undershirts. Extremes in color, design, or any vulgar symbolism, are to be avoided. Shirts must be closed where a second button is on a shirt. White undershirts must be worn every day. b)
Shoes and socks must be worn at all times. Socks must be above the ankle.
Boys may wear slacks or jeans. All slacks must be worn on the waistline with a belt, and excessive belt length which hangs below loops are not permissible. No low-rider jeans are permitted. Colors must be conservative. Stone-washed or blue denim may be worn if they are new. Old, stylishly torn, ripped or patched and badly faded jeans are not permissible. All pants must be neat and fit modestly. No sweat pants allowed.
Special note – No shorts will be worn until the Administration has given approval during “Hot Weather Days.” d) 2)
Hairstyles must be in compliance with school uniform requirements.
Girls’ Dress Code a) Skirts or dresses only can be worn on dress down days, no shorts (including skorts), pants or pantsuits, knickerbockers, culottes (except for P.E.). The length of any girl’s dress attending elementary or secondary grades must be to the middle of the knee and/or touching the floor when kneeling. b)
No sheer blouses or T-strap dresses or any dresses without sleeves that would even remotely expose the armpit will be worn. Slips are to be worn under any thin blouse or dress. No Tshirts or oversized T-shirts are to be worn.
Blouses, sweaters, and dresses must have a modest neckline (of no more than 3 inches from the neckline), fit modestly and must not be excessively tight (including skirts). Parents must pay particular attention to growing girls to see that their dresses or skirts do not become too short or tight during the school year. 11
All hair fashions must be in good taste. Hair is not to be worn in rollers or clips during school. Braids should be tight enough to hold for the entire school day. Regulations are the same as uniform hair requirements.
Make-up, hair color, earrings, fingernails, jewelry and shoes (no sandals) - requirements are the same as the uniform requirements.
C. Violations of the Dress Codes 1) Teachers will be responsible for checking students in their classrooms and will be sure that they are in compliance with the Dress Code Rules. 2) Students caught out of dress code for the first time, names will be written down, and they will be shown the handbook with the dress code rules and verbally warned about the consequences of breaking the rules. When that student commits a second offence, the student will be brought to the office, and the parent/guardian will be contacted. Parents will be responsible for bringing the appropriate clothing to comply with the dress code. If parents will not comply, the student will receive “O’s” for any work that is missed on that day and will not be allowed to make-up the work. Every other offence after that will adhere to the same rules as the second offence and will also face other disciplinary action from the administration. 3) Teachers will also advise the parent that on the second offense, the student will be sent to the office where the administration will handle the matter. In all cases, the parent will be contacted. Note to Jr./Sr. High School Students Hats, coats, starter jackets and book bags are not allowed in the classroom. that can be worn in the classroom is a red, black or blue cardigan sweater.
The only outer garment
D. Day Care/Kindergarten Children Please keep in mind that because of their many physical activities, Day Care and Kindergarten children should be dressed in clothing that fits properly and is non-constricting. The administration reserves final judgement on proper clothing. Day Care and Kindergarten parents are expected to comply with the Dress Codes when entering the building or when attending any day care or school functions. The administration reserves the right to adjust these rules at any time during the school year with adequate notice to all concerned. E. Toys and Personal Belongings Students are not allowed to bring cell phones, MP3 players, I-pods, laptops or any toys into the classrooms. This is to avoid any disruptions of the learning environment. Please Keep All Sentimental Valuables at Home!
VI. Financial Policy a. Registration Fee: No application will be accepted nor student enrolled without the Registration Fee. Registration fees are not refundable or transferable, except for non-acceptance of military transfer prior to the first day of school. b. Tuition: Payments are determined from an annual total, which may be paid in full upon registration, at a discounted rate or may be divided into monthly payments. There will be a late charge of $75.00 on payments received on or after the “tuition late fee application” date, which is the 5th of every month. If the 5th of the month falls on a weekend, the late charge will be accessed on the following Monday. If the 12
monthly payment is not received by the last day of the month, the student will not be admitted to class until all back payments and late charges are paid. If there is a problem of any nature concerning payment of tuition, please call the school office so that a clear understanding might be maintained. No relatives other than brothers and sisters may be included in the family discount. The tuition for the school year has been divided into ten (10) equal payments. Each payment covers one tenth of the total amount due. Tuition is due by the first (1st) of the month. The schedule below is followed: Plan A First Payment Second Payment Third Payment Fourth Payment Fifth Payment Sixth Payment Seventh Payment Eighth Payment Ninth Payment Tenth Payment
Plan B Due August 1 Due September 1 Due October 1 Due November 1 Due December 1 Due January 1 Due February 1 Due March 1 Due April 1 Due May 1
First Payment Second Payment Third Payment Fourth Payment Fifth Payment Sixth Payment Seventh Payment Eighth Payment Ninth Payment Tenth Payment
Due September 1 Due October 1 Due November 1 Due December 1 Due January 1 Due February 1 Due March 1 Due April 1 Due May 1 Due May 15
Whether Tuition Plan A or B is chosen, all monies for the year must be received no later than May 15th or the Friday prior if the 15th falls on a weekend. If not received, the late fee will be assessed, and the child(ren) will not be permitted to attend class. All monthly extended day care, transportation, etc. are payable with the tuition payments and should be included in the same check. c. Statement of Trust: A Tuition Payment Plan has been set up for the convenience of paying students’ tuition in ten (10) monthly payments instead of in one lump sum. Supplies, books, and other materials are ordered on the students’ behalf, for anticipated use during the complete school year. If a student should be withdrawn or dismissed from school for any reason, parents shall be held liable for at least two (2) remaining months of tuition payments. Please understand that any defaulted tuition or tuition payments overdue by a period of more than 30 days will be subject to collection fees and/or court costs. Please read the Statement of Trust carefully and sign it. Personal checks are not accepted for any/all final payments. d. Check Policy: 1) Make all checks payable to: Tabernacle Christian Academy designated for School Tuition (Month), Activity Fee, Day care, Sports fee, etc. Please Note: We are unable to accept postdated checks. Mailing Address: Tabernacle Christian Academy 3611 Colley Avenue Norfolk, VA 23508 2) Returned Checks: There will be a $25.00 service charge for all returned checks regardless of reason. Any account with a returned check will be required to pay by cash or money order thereafter. e. Before and/or After School Care: Available for first (1st) through fourth (4th) grade students from 5:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (There must be at least ten (10) students applying for before school care before we can offer it in order to cover the teacher’s expense). School age children (except for those enrolled in Before care are not allowed in the building until 7:45 a.m., at which time they report to the gym. For after school care, children must be picked up by 6:00 13
p.m. The late charge will be calculated as follows: $25.00 for the first half-hour, and an additional $1.00 per minute per child after 6:30 p.m. Child Protective Services will be called, and your child will be reported as abandoned. No student is to be in the building after 3:45 p.m. unless they are in enrolled in After School Care or participating in a sport. All students enrolled in After School Care are to be picked up promptly before or at 6:00 p.m. For children who are not enrolled in After School Care and are in grades 5-12: if they are left in school after 3:45 p.m., their account will be charged $25.00 and this charge will be applied for each incident. A $25.00 charge will also be applied to accounts for the following situations: Children who are on transportation and have to be brought back to school because no one was home to meet them; Students who are playing a sport and are picked up from practice after 4:30 p.m.; Team members who are not picked up within a half-hour of the bus returning to school from sporting events. f. Outstanding Balances School records will not be released when there is a balance owed on the account. Kindergarten students will not be permitted to participate in their graduation program. No student’s school records will be released when there is a balance owed on the account. VII. Grades a. Report cards will be sent home with the students at the end of each nine-week period. These report cards are due back on the next school day with the parent’s signature. (It will be necessary to pay a $5.00 replacement fee for a lost report card or envelope). Any incompletes (“I”) must be made up within two weeks from the report card day or a grade of “F” will be automatically assigned for the missing work. b.
Test and quiz grades will be sent home periodically on the Grade Reports. This report should be signed by parents and returned to teachers on the following day. All tests showing a grade of D or F will be sent home at the request of parents. They should be signed by the parent and returned to the teacher the next day. All school work may be seen by the parents at their request.
c. General Progress Reports are sent home with the students in the middle of each nine-week grading period, (school calendar will register the dates of issue). This report evaluates the student as being above average, average, below average, or unsatisfactory/failing in each subject studied. The teacher will also indicate specific areas that need improvement. Please sign and return these reports on the following school day. Teacher or parent may also request a conference on these reports. d. It is a requirement that grades 6th – 8th pass Math, English, Science and Social Studies. If a student has made an “F” in one or more of the following subjects, he/she should sign up for summer school. If a student has failed two of the subjects, he/she has automatically failed for that school year, if student has not completed and passed summer school that year.
e. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Final report cards are to be picked up at the school office between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., unless you have left a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the student’s homeroom teacher by the last day of school. Check your school calendar for the date report cards will be available. VIII.
Grading Scale (Updated 27 September 2012)
a. Kindergarten students are graded on progress and maturity as observed by the teacher. b. Grades 1-12 letter grades are assigned to students according to their performance on work given. “A” – SUPERIOR (94-100) A+ 98-100 A 93-97 A- 90-92 “B” – ABOVE AVERAGE (86-93) B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82
“D” – BELOW AVERAGE D+ 67-69 D 64-66 “F” – FAILURE (63 AND BELOW) 0-63 “I” – INCOMPLETE
- AVERAGE (77-85) C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72
IX. School Accreditation Neither Tabernacle of Prayer Church, nor Tabernacle Christian Academy is accredited by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Accreditation by a state governmental agency is an administrative mechanism designed to ascertain uniform education for all children in secular schools. It was established as a governmental means of causing local public school districts to provide what the state educational agencies determine as minimum academic and facility standards for all schools. Accreditation teams, therefore, investigate and approve or disapprove facilities and curriculum in educational institutions according to the criteria developed by secular educational Administrators who may not be Christians. Graduates who wish to enroll in a college or university need not be graduates of an accredited school. Registrars of such institutions are interested in the academic merits of individual students, not in the name of their school of graduation. Thus they evaluate each applicant’s academic aptitude through nationally standardized tests. The instructional program of this school is designed and implemented to properly train students who wish to continue their education beyond high school.
Our curriculums are Bible-centered and taught from a Christian perspective. Education is life. The Bible is the Book of Life and is the foundation of all human relations and principles of teaching. X. HEALTH AND MEDICATIONS a. Tabernacle Christian Academy has on staff at all times at least two (2) staff members who have successfully completed a first-aid course approved by the American Red Cross or equivalent to the curriculum approved by the State Board of Health. b. Any new student (enrolling for the first time in a Virginia School after July 1, 1983) should present a completed copy of the Physical Examination and Immunization Certificate (Form MCH-213) documenting Month/Day/Year of administration. c. We recommend parents not to send children to school if they are not feeling well. If the child becomes extremely ill, the parent will be asked to take the child home. It is important that your child bring a written excuse as to the reason for his/her absence. d. Students bringing medication of any kind to the school must allow the school office staff to store and administer the medication. A Medical Administration form must be completed in the school office, signed by the parent, and kept with the medication. Any other use of medication including “over-the-counter” medication will result in severe discipline. e. Students with communicable illnesses (measles, mumps, chicken pox, strep throat, pink eye, etc.) must be kept home until the possibility of contagious infection is passed. A note from the doctor is required for re-entrance. f.
Students will not be excused from Physical Education activities except with a note of explanation. A note from a doctor will be required in most cases.
g. Students are required to maintain personal cleanliness and to bathe regularly. Students found in need of a bath will be sent home.
XI. SUPPLIES The following lists will give you a general idea of the supplies needed for each grade. The teacher will notify you of any changes or additions at the Parent Orientation Session. Grades 1st & 2nd Kleenex tissues – 2 boxes Liquid hand soap – 1 bottle Liquid hand sanitizer – 1 bottle Holy Bible (KJV) – 1 12 inch ruler (English & Metric) – 1 Pencil box – 1 #2 fat pencils – (1st grade only) Primary writing tablets – 3 (1st grade only) 3-pronged folders w/pockets – 3 Steno pad – 1 Glue – 1 bottle Scissors – 1 pair #2 pencils Loose-leaf paper (wide ruled) Index cards (lined on one side) Ziplock bags Note: No spiral notebooks, please Optional supplies: Fat pink eraser, pencil sharpener, & colored pencils Grades 3rd & 4th Steno pad Scissors Glue Pencils 3-prong pocket folders - 3 Dictionary Kleenex tissues (2 boxes) Lined loose-leaf paper (wide-ruled) Crayons Blue or Black ballpoint pens 12 inch ruler (English and Metric) King James Version Holy Bible Spiral notebooks – 8 Pencil pouch Colored pencils Colored markers Liquid hand soap Liquid hand sanitizer
Grades 5th & 6th Steno pad Scissors Glue Pencils 3-prong pocket folders - 3 Dictionary Thesaurus Kleenex tissues (2 boxes) Lined loose-leaf paper (college-ruled) Graph paper Crayons Blue and Black ballpoint pens 12 inch ruler (English and Metric) King James Version Holy Bible Spiral notebooks – 7 Compass Protractor Index cards Pencil pouch Colored pencils Colored markers Liquid hand soap Liquid hand sanitizer Grades 7th – 12th Colored pencils 3-prong folders w/pockets Steno or assignment pad Loose-leaf paper Blue, black & red pens #2 pencils Protractor & Compass 12 inch ruler (English and Metric) Spiral notebooks per subject Thesaurus & Dictionary King James Version Bible Graph paper Fat pink eraser Scientific Calculator Scissors
XII. LUNCHES a. A well-balanced and nutritious lunch program by our own able-staffed kitchen is available to students and staff. Meals may be purchased on a day-to-day basis. As an additional privilege, parents may pay for a student’s lunch through the “advance pay system” where monies are kept on a record and the student uses it for lunch only. However, if the advance pay status of your account goes into the negative, you will be notified for immediate payment. Also, a charge of $.25 per day will be added to that negative balance until it is paid in full because then it would be considered a lunch charge. If payment is not made by the 3rd day, the account will be reported to the school principal. Once reported, no additional credit will be given and the privilege of doing advance lunch payments will be suspended thereafter for the family. b. If a student forgets his or her lunch, we will have to get permission from the parent to give credit to that student. There will be an extra charge of $.25 cents for credited lunch, and the charge must be paid the following day. No additional credit will be given if there are unpaid lunch charges. These extra charges will be raised by $.25 cents each day that the fee is not paid, again until the 3rd day. After which, the above applies. In any case, a lunch must be provided for the student each day or it could be reported as neglect. c. Each student is expected to provide his own lunch and drink. Food and drink should always be brought in safe, plastic containers, (no glass allowed) labeled with the child’s name. Students in grades 1st-4th are not allowed to bring sodas to school. Parents are asked to check frequently to determine if enough food is being provided. Children are not allowed to exchange food with other students due to the fact that some students have severe allergies to certain foods. Students are not allowed to bring food items to school that require the use of the microwave or refrigerator. d. In keeping with the philosophy and atmosphere of a Christian School, we must insist that good taste be used in purchasing your child’s lunch box. Please do not send your child’s lunch in a container imprinted with “monsters”, “movie heroes”, or “TV stars”. If you are in doubt about the acceptability of a particular character or imprint, please call the school office. e. Our school will provide milk, chips, hotdogs, hamburgers, and a variety of snacks and other foods at cost noted on the lunch price list. XIII.
Believing that homework is an essential part of the school program, each teacher is at liberty to give homework to aid each student in advancing in his studies. Each student is expected to complete his homework assignments each day. Parents can work together with the teachers to make sure that their child does homework by checking their steno/assignment pads daily. At the beginning of each school year, students are required to have a stenographer’s notebook or individual planner (grades 1–12). The students will use their pads to write down their homework assignments daily. Parents are asked to sign each daily assignment to confirm that it is completed. Neatness is important. Students who do not complete their homework may be asked to call their parents from the school office the day homework is due. The teachers will levy academic penalties, and discipline in correction may be administered in situations of repeated offenses. We do request
parents’ full cooperation in seeing that the assignments are completed. Repeated delinquent homework could result in a student’s expulsion. XIV.
Our teachers are responsible for sending notes to parents to inform them of dates and times of field trips. The note will contain the departure and return times of the students. Parents will be requested to sign these notes granting permission for their child to participate. If the parent does not want their child to participate, the office must be notified. XV.
Teachers will direct students to the proper exits during fire drills. Any student in the hall during a fire drill should proceed to exit in a quiet and orderly manner. In each room a chart is posted showing the proper exit for that area. Procedures are to be knowledgeable to all. Parents and visitors that are in the building are asked to observe the posted emergency exits. XVI.
College preparatory courses are offered at TCA. graduation. Freshman Year Subject Grammar and Composition III American Gov’t. – Geography Physical Science Algebra I Health/P.E. Bible
Credits 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sophomore Year Grammar and Composition IV World History Biology Algebra II or Consumer Math Health/P.E. Bible
1 1 1 1 1 1
Junior Year Grammar and Composition V American History Intro to Chemistry Chemistry Intro. To Geometry Bible Bookkeeping
1 1 1 1 1 1 1*
Twenty-two credits are required for
Spanish I 1* Economics & Personal Finance 1 Elective 1 Senior Year Grammar and Composition VI American vs. Communism Home Economics Bible Physics Advanced Math Bookkeeping Spanish II Elective
1 ½ 1 1 1* 1* 1* 1* 1
7th and 8th Grade Courses: English Math Science Elective History Bible P. E.
XVII. LIBRARY All library books can be checked out for 14 days. Books may be renewed for an additional 14 days. Reference books may be checked out for one overnight. Magazines will not be checked out of the library. Students may check out two books. If a book is not returned by the due date, a fine of $.25 cents a day is charged. Lost books must be paid for. XVIII. BAD WEATHER CONDITIONS If Norfolk Public Schools (NPS) are closed because of snow, hurricane or storm conditions, TCA will close at the same time. If Norfolk Public Superintendent of Schools deems it necessary to release students because of bad weather conditions, parents will be notified and must make provisions for early pick-up. Also, if NPS opens at a later time in the morning because of bad weather conditions, we will follow suit. Please look at the local news channels WTKR- Channel 3, WAVY TV-10 and WVEC Channel-13 for our listing. XIX.
During the month of May, re-enrollments for the fall term for current students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and discounts are offered off the Registration and first-month’s tuition. XX.
We incur a loss when books are misplaced and school printed items are lost or misplaced and not taken home. Please express to your child(ren) the importance of bringing all materials home and taking care of their school materials. The following list of prices is for items lost or replaced by TCA: a. If a book is lost or misplaced, a cost of $.25 per page for copies will be charged until book is found or repurchased. b. Report cards - $5.00 c. Progress reports - $1.00 d. Bi-Weekly reports - $1.00 e. Student Handbook - $3.00 f. School Calendar - $5.00 g. Dress Code Rule Book - $2.00 h. Lunch Calendar - $.25 i. All Office Memos - $.20 These charges are not enforced to give you an added burden, but you must remember that we are a non-profit organization. All our materials and supplies are bought out of one budget!
TO THE AMERICAN FLAG I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. TO THE CHRISTIAN FLAG I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands, one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe. TO THE AFRICAN AMERICAN FLAG Here’s to this flag of mine Here’s to the Green of it, The Red, Black and Green. Young men shall dream of it Hope’s in its future bright, Face shot and shells of it Africa has seen. Maidens shall sing of it Waving so high. Here’s to the Red of it Great nations shall know of it Here’s to the whole of it In time to come Colors brought and pole of it Red blood shall flow of it, Pleased is my soul with it, Great flag of mine. Regardless of what is told of it. Thank God for giving it Here’s to the Black of it, Great flag of mine. Four hundred millions back of it, Whose destiny depends on it, The Red, Black and Green of it Oh, flag of mine. TO THE BIBLE I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path, and will hide its words in my heart, that I might not sin against God.
School Song “O Tabernacle” O Tabernacle, God’s blessing lie upon O Tabernacle, the reason for this song Reaching out to teach us Preaching life’s experience Growing and advancing Forward, marching on. O Tabernacle, so rich and so wise O Tabernacle, so loving and kind Sharing and preparing Making and molding Growing and advancing Forward, marching on. Demanding and enhancing Guiding through God’s Holy Word Growing and advancing Forward, marching on. 21
2011-2012 Addendum to Parent Student Handbook:
For students who have advance lunch payments on the books, they must report to the school office before 7:55 a.m. to retrieve an “Advance Pay” slip to be given to the homeroom teacher.
Lunch charge: For students who need a lunch charge for the day, they should report to the school office before 7:55 a.m.
For all new books issued: We only have 30 days to return defective books to ABEKA. Therefore, if any new books are not bound tightly enough and pages or sections of the book fall out, please notify the school office immediately.
Any leftover food from lunch must be thrown out in the cafeteria. No food can be brought upstairs or to any class. There is no eating allowed in the hallways or classrooms unless there is an authorized class party.
Updated: August, 2016 22