R55. Islamic Office R64. Islamic Culture Ms. Somaya R43. 7-12 Saudi History and Geography Ms Rafif. Ms.Nadia. Room next
Student Led Conferences:
Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 8:00 - 15:00
February 2, 2017 Dear IPS Families, We would like to invite you to meet with your child in front of their teacher on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 from 8 am - 3 pm. The conference will be in a true student led format. A student led conference means a student will share their work and academic progress with their parents with the teacher as a facilitator or “guide on the side”. A student led conference is designed for a student to look at academic growth from Fall to Winter. Conferences will serve as a reflection on student growth for all students. Please take an a few minutes to preview these video examples of student led conference examples: ● ● ● ● ● ●
Kindergarten: KG Student-led Conference example Lower Elementary: Lower Elementary Student-led Conference example Upper Elementary: Student Led Conferences Example: Upper Elementary Student-led Conference example Middle Grades: Student-Led Conferences: Empowerment and Ownership : Middle Grades Student-led Conference example Secondary: Student Led Parent Teacher Conference: Secondary Student-led Conference example High School: High School Student Led Conference: High School Student-led Conference example
We would like to emphasize that conferences are focused on learning rather than grades or marks. Children should ALL be aware of their achievement and ready to lead their parents in a discussion about their strengths, areas of improvement and progress towards their learning goals while using examples from their work samples. ●
STUDENTS must attend all conferences with their parents - we want the voice of students to be heard and understood throughout this entire process! There will be no regular classes on this day. We will take attendance and record attendance data using the appointment sheets. PARENTS it is possible that multiple student led conferences will be taking place in the teachers classroom at once. Parents should not expect to have 1:1 time with the teacher, but rather 1:1 time with their child. A typical student led conference may last about 10 minutes. PARENTS if further dialogue is desired specifically with the teacher about a student learning issue, please work directly with teachers and our office to schedule times on other days after conferences.
We continue our focus on student achievement with an emphasis on developing our student learner profile. Every day at school is an important opportunity for learning and we thank all families for using the school calendar to plan holidays. These are exciting times to be a part of IPS as we are implementing PYP and DP as part of the IB program. We are developing instruction around the collaborative tools in Google Applications For Education (GAFE). Furthermore, we are in the midst of constructing a brand new building of 50,000 meters square (1/2 million sq. ft). Again, exciting times at IPS! We look forward to welcoming you on campus as we celebrate learning. Thank you for being with us this year. Sincerely, IPS Administration: Linda Amin, KG - G3 Principal Lorraine Els, G4-12 Girls’ Principal Mark Decker, G4-12 Boys’ Principal Ms. Elham Al Jafar, Girls’ Principal Jim Leahy, Director
Page 1 of 3 …..on the following pages you will find how to set up schedules and teacher locations for the day. ATTENTION: Elementary Student Parents for Grades KG through Grade 6 1. If your child is in Elementary School (KG thru G6) please contact Nesreen Al Dimerdash in our office starting on Sunday February 5, 2017, by telephone to arrange a convenient time with your child’s homeroom teacher. (e-mails will not be accepted for this). 2. The deadline to make an appointment is on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 12:00pm - schedules will go home with the oldest elementary child in the family. ATTENTION: Secondary Student Parents for Grades 7 through Grade 12 1. In grades 7-12 we are changing the routine from this past Fall based on parent feedback and moving towards the “spirit” of a true Student Led Conference format. 2. Grade 7 through Grade 12 will meet with subject area teachers in their classroom areas. 3. Sign up sheets for teacher appointments will be brought home by students. Important to note ONLY appointments with teachers will be honored for student led conferences. Drop ins are welcome if a pre-scheduled meeting has not been previously scheduled. 4. Please note the schedule below:
Time for Grade 7-12
Description for Grade 7-12
Location for Grade 7-12
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Pre Scheduled Student Led Conferences with the teachers. Students will bring home a conference time sheet and communicate with parents. Please report on time as per scheduled.
See schedule below for allocation of venue for Teachers
10:00 am - 10:15 am
Staff Break (no conferences)
Staff Break (no conferences)
10:15 am - 12:00 pm
Pre Scheduled Student Led Conferences with the teachers. Students will bring home a conference time sheet and communicate with parents. Please report on time as per scheduled.
See schedule below for allocation of venue for Teachers
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Staff Lunch ( no conferences)
Staff Lunch (no conferences)
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Teachers will pre-schedule 1:1 meetings with the student and parent. These are specific appointments to address students where academic growth is in question. Please report on time as per scheduled.
ee schedule below for S allocation of venue for Teachers
Conferences End at 3 pm
Conferences End at 3 pm
Conferences End at 3 pm
(1- 4 student led conferences happening every 10 minutes in each classroom)
(1-4 student led conferences happening every 10 minutes in each classroom)
(1 student led conference per teacher happening every 10 minutes in each classroom for more privacy in the discussion)
5. Boys’ Counselor Bill Cooke and Girls’ Counselor Ms Sadia will be available for drop in or specific appointments in respective offices.
Page 2 of 3 6. Samantha Wood our IB Primary Years Program Coordinator/ K-6 Curriculum Coordinator will be available for questions. Ana Leahy our IB Diploma Program Coordinator / 7-12 Curriculum Coordinator gives her regrets as she will be absent from the event - contact her directly (
[email protected]) with queries.
Maps and this location list will be posted around the school on February 14, 2017.
International Programs School - Location of teachers…….See attached map Subject Area KG - G6 Teachers G7 -12 Math, Science, History, and English Teachers
Teachers KG - G6
G7 - G12
homeroom classrooms
Mr. Marek, Ms Heba Ms Cheryl
Computers and Business Studies
Ms. Judy, and Ms Karien Ms Souad, Ms Christy, Ms Larissa and Mr Bassam Ms Jo
MS/HS Arabic Teachers
Arabic Teachers
French teachers
Art Room Art Room R41 R24 R56 Elementary Breakout
Mr Abdullah Saeed, Mr Abdullah Ismael Ms Lina Muiny, Ms Arwa, Ms Abir, Ms Nahla, Ms Souhad, Ms Nancy, Ms Sereen, Ms Faten Ms Ola, Ms Iman
R22 R26 R15 R18 R61 R36 R20
Ms Lina Mourad, Ms Rita Moulaf
R60 R46
Ms Rana Naaman (KG2)-Ms. Sara, Ms. Marwa AlSubaie. Islamic Studies
Ms Marwa, Ms. Amani, Ms. Ibtihal Dr. Al Kadri, Fahmy
Islamic Culture
Ms. Somaya
7-12 Saudi History and Geography
Ms Rafif Ms.Nadia
Reading and Writing Support
Ms Merriam
Boys’ Counselor Mr. Bill Cooke Girls’ Counselor Ms Sadia
Language and Speech therapist
Ms. Janan
Rania Cynthia
Room 42
R55 Islamic Office R64 R43 Room next to Bill Counselor Rm 56 Counseling Office + high school area ES Breakout Area ES Breakout Area R45 R17