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Recipient of the A.P.P.L.E. Pie Award for supporting parent ... five areas of study. 1976. 1985. The Born to LearnTM neu
All children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential.

Parents as Teachers overview Parents as Teachers

Mission To provide the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life.

national center 2228 Ball Drive

St. Louis, Mo. 63146 phone: 314.432.4330 toll free: 1.866.PAT4YOU (1.866.728.4968) [email protected]

“My husband and I were very worried about how we would do having had such little experience with children. This program has helped us become great parents.” – Idaho parent

Parents as Teachers National Center is a nonprofit organization. Contributions to the National Center are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information about Parents as Teachers and the National Center, visit 1/2007 S54

Parents as Teachers is an international early childhood parent education and family support organization serving families throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten, usually age 5. The service model is designed to enhance child development and school achievement through parent education accessible to all families. Recognizing that all families can benefit from support, Parents as Teachers families come in all configurations, from all socio-economic levels, and from rural, urban and suburban communities. The program is adaptable to fit community needs. It is a national model, but a local program. Family participation is voluntary. Parents as Teachers National Center develops curricula, trains early childhood professionals, and certifies parent educators to work with parents through local programs to provide them with parenting support and information on their developing child.

Periodic developmental, health, vision, and hearing screening provides for early identification of developmental delays and health, vision, and hearing problems. Regular review of each child’s developmental progress identifies strengths and abilities as well as areas of concern that require referral for follow-up services and increases parents’ understanding of their child’s development.

Established and emerging research should be the foundation of parent education and family support curricula, training, materials, and services.

Resource network:

Parent educators help families identify and connect with needed resources, and overcome barriers to accessing services. Programs take an active role in establishing ongoing collaborative relationships with other organizations that serve families.

An understanding and appreciation of the history and traditions of diverse cultures is essential in serving families.

Missouri General Assembly appropriates funds to implement PAT statewide for 10% of the families with children from birth to 3.


Ohio, Texas and Connecticut become the first states outside Missouri to implement Parents as Teachers.



Commissioner’s Committee on Parents as Teachers is appointed to promote parent involvement in their children’s education.

Early Childhood Development Act requires Mo. school districts to provide parent education and developmental screening for children birth to kindergarten entry.


New Parents as Teachers (NPAT) is offered as a pilot project for group of first-time parents of newborns.



Missouri Governor’s Conference on Education designates early childhood/ parent education as one of five areas of study.

Missouri legislation proposes state funding for developmental screening and follow-up services for 3-through 5-year olds.


Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) holds first Conference for Decision Makers to show effectiveness of early childhood/ parent education.




Parents as Teachers National Center is established.

State funds appropriated to extend Parents as Teachers services to kindergarten entry for Missouri families.

Follow-up study of NPAT pilot project shows project children significantly ahead of comparison group at end of first grade; project parents are significantly more involved in children’s school experiences. Australia and England become the first countries outside the United States to implement Parents as Teachers. The Bureau of Indian Affairs implements the Family and Child Education (FACE) program with PAT as a component.

First Born to Learn Conference is held in St. Louis attracting 600+ participants from around the world. TM

Missouri’s Outstanding Schools Act provides full state funding for PAT by 1998. The number of PAT programs passes the 1,000 mark.


All young children and their families deserve the same opportunities to succeed, regardless of any demographic, geographic or economic considerations.


Research indicates there are “windows of opportunity” during the early years of a child’s life when learning takes place more easily. Through collaboration with a team of neuroscientists from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Parents as Teachers developed a comprehensive neuroscience-enriched curriculum. With this research-based curriculum, Parents as Teachers focuses on the early years, throughout pregnancy to kindergarten entry, to help parents understand what to expect during each stage of their child’s development.




The early years of a child’s life are critical for optimal development and provide the foundation for success in school and life.


With funding from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and The Danforth Foundation, Parents as Teachers began in 1981 in Missouri as a pilot project for first-time parents of newborns. Convinced of the program’s benefits and cost effectiveness, state funding was provided in 1985 to implement the Parents as Teachers program in all Missouri school districts. Since 1985, Parents as Teachers has expanded to all 50 states and to other countries.

Program established in New Zealand.

First federal funding is approved for National Education Goal 8: Parental Assistance and names PAT as a model program.

The number of PAT programs surpasses 2,000 with sites in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand and St. Lucia. The Born to Learn neuroscience-infused curriculum is introduced and becomes the official PAT curriculum, prenatal to age 3. TM

A study by the Mo. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education involving 3,500 kindergartners concludes that highest performing children participate in PAT and preschool or center care. Among children whose care and education are solely home-based, those whose families participate in PAT score significantly higher.

Recipient of the FOCUS St. Louis “What’s Right with the Region” award for Creating Quality Educational Opportunities (2004) Chosen as one of the “10 Children’s Charities That Deserve Your Support” by Parents magazine (2003) Designated one of America’s 100 best charities by Worth magazine (2001) Recipient of the first “Spirit of Children Award” from the St. Louis Pediatric Society (2000) Designated as a “model” family strengthening program by Strengthening America’s Families Project, in collaboration with the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (1999) Recipient of the New York Festivals Award for the video component of the Born to LearnTM Curriculum for excellence in international communications media (1998) Recipient of the A.P.P.L.E. Pie Award for supporting parent involvement in education by Working Mother magazine, the Partnership for Family Involvement in Education and Teachers College, Columbia University (1997) Presented with the Lela Rowland Award for outstanding achievement and promise in prevention programming by the National Mental Health Association (1995) Awarded the Ford Foundation and Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government “Innovation in State and Local Government Award” (1987)

PAT expands

into some South Pacific Islands and the Virgin Islands. Hawaii becomes 50th state to implement PAT.

Born to Learn Curricula: 2 Years to Kindergarten and 3 Years to Kindergarten Entry are infused with neuroscience information.

Parents as Teachers is implemented in Mexico. Meld merges with Parents as Teachers, expanding reach and resources for both organizations. Parents as Teachers expands to Belize and Germany.


Born to Learn now in 100 BIA Schools. Programs established in China. PAT



Parents are their children’s first and most influential teachers.


Parent group meetings provide opportunities to share information about parenting issues and child development. Parents learn and support each other, observe their children with other children, and practice parenting skills.

Awarded Children’s Environmental Health Recognition Award from the Environmental Protection Agency for work to educate expectant mothers about the damaging effects of neurotoxins (2005)


Core Values

Listed in the Better Business Bureau (BBB) “honor roll” of St. Louis nonprofit organizations meeting the exacting list of national accountability standards (2005-2006)


Recipient of the “Best in America” certification by Independent Charities of America (2005- 2006)


Group meetings:


Increase children’s school readiness and school success.



Prevent child abuse and neglect.



Provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues.


The concept for Parents as Teachers was developed in the 1970s when Missouri educators noted that children were beginning kindergarten with varying levels of learning readiness. Research showed that greater family involvement in children’s learning is a critical link in the child’s development of academic skills, including reading and writing. Early childhood professionals suggested that a program to help parents understand their role in encouraging their child’s development right from birth could help prepare children for school and life success. Such a program, available to all families, would help level the playing field for all children.


Personal visits (monthly, bi-weekly or weekly) are the major service delivery component. During these visits, parent educators share age-appropriate child development information with parents, help them learn to observe their own child, address their parenting concerns, and engage the family in activities that provide meaningful parent-child interaction.

Awards and Recognitions




Personal visits:


Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices.


The Parents as Teachers Born to LearnTM Model includes four components



Heroes at Home pilot begins serving military families on 12 installations.