Paris National and International Exhibitions from ... - British Library

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Nov 3, 2013 ... Régine de Plinval de Guillebon. Bibliographie analytique des expositions industrielles et commerciales en France depuis l'origine jusqu'à ...
Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings Morna Daniels

The series of the great exhibitions of the nineteenth century began in the seventeenth century, with exhibitions of works of art. These were held biannually from 1667 to 1793, with the exception of 1677, 1679 and 1708 to 1725. From 1793 to 1802 they were annual, before reverting to a biannual pattern under the Empire. Four were held in the reign of Louis XVIII and one under Charles X; under Louis-Philippe they were annual. Parallel with the art exhibitions were exhibitions of French manufactured goods, which although not international in scope were the more direct ancestors of the universal exhibitions. The following citations reflect the inconsistencies inevitable in the British Library online catalogue which cumulates records from so many eras and sources. Some editing of entries has been done to provide a consistent order and to aid comparison and clarity. In the records capitalization of the names of the exhibitions is inconsistent, reflecting the usage of each publication.1 The section of the stacks at the British Museum which included exhibition catalogues (with shelfmarks in the 7000 range) was badly affected by bomb damage in World War II; in many cases replacement copies or microfilms have been acquired. General Les douze expositions de l’industrie en France de 1798 à 1855. Paris: Martinon, 1855. 62p. 7960.e.19(3). A brief account of the early industrial exhibitions from 1798 to 1855. Much of the following information about the exhibitions up to 1855 is taken from this work, supplemented by information from the catalogues of the exhibitions, and from volume I of Alfred Picard’s Rapport general of the Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889, which has illustrations of the early exhibitions (shelfmark 7953.m.3). Régine de Plinval de Guillebon. Bibliographie analytique des expositions industrielles et commerciales en France depuis l’origine jusqu’à 1867. Dijon: L’Échelle de Jacob, 2006. YF.2008.37472. A descriptive bibliography of catalogues and documents on exhibitions up to and including 1867. The Science Museum library also holds a good collection of exhibition catalogues. Other related material is in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, and available digitally on Gallica 1


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

1798 A. Picard. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 à Paris. Rapport général. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1891. Illustrations. Vol. I. Exposition de l’an VI (1798). 7953.m.3. This exhibition lasted for three days, 19-21 September (modern style dates) on the Champ de Mars, and showed the work of 110 exhibitors from Paris and the Seine region. (Other documents indicate it was open 17-21 September, which was the original intention, and others that it stayed open to 1 October.) François de Neufchâteau, the Minister of the Interior, who organized the exhibition, did not announce it early enough to attract a large number of exhibitors. Exposition Publique des Produits de l’Industrie Française. Catalogue des produits industriels qui ont été exposés au Champ-de-Mars pendant les trois derniers jours complémentaires de l’an VI, avec les noms, départemens et demeures des artistes et manufacturies qui ont concouru à l’exposition, suivi du procès-verbal du jury, etc. Paris: Imprimerie de la République, Vendémiaire, an VII [1798]. 25p. F.548(1); another copy at F.426(28). These tracts in the French Revolutionary tract series list the exhibitors who were housed in 68 arcades around a square on the Champ de Mars. They included manufacturers of clocks, jewellery, textiles and furniture. Prizewinners listed in the jury’s report included the publishers Firmin Didot and Herhan, Breguet clocks, Conté pencils and a Kutsch machine for measuring length. 1801 A. Picard. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 à Paris. Rapport général. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1891. Illustrations. Vol. I. Exposition de l’an IX (1801) au Champ de Mars. 7953.m.3 Under the Consulate, dominated by Bonaparte, the second exhibition lasted for five days, 19-24 September (or possibly, according to original plans in some documents, 18-22 September), in the Cour du Louvre. Two hundred and twenty firms from 38 départements exhibited wools, cottons, carpets, porcelain, leatherwork, printing, Conté pencils, Jacquart silk textiles, agricultural machinery, minerals and alcoholic products. Since the Peace treaty of Lunéville with England was about to be signed, the English politician Charles James Fox was among the visitors. Exposition publique des produits de l’industrie française. Seconde exposition publique des produits de l’industrie française. Procès-verbal des operations du Jury, etc. an 9. Paris: Vendémiaire, an 10 [1801]. 38p. 1043.h.3(17); other copies at 1030.l.17(13*) and F.521(11). 1802 Troisième Exposition publique des produits de l’industrie française [half-title]. Exposition publique des produits de l’industrie française. Catalogue des productions industrielles qui seront exposés dans la grande Cour du Louvre pendant les cinq jours complémentaires de l’an 10 avec les noms et demeures des manufacturies et artistes admis à l’exposition. Paris: Imprimerie de la République, Fructidor an X. 48p. F.548(2). The third exhibition was also in the Cour du Louvre for five days, 18-24 September, and attracted English visitors because of the brief peace between England and France. Five hundred and forty exhibitors from seventy-three départements exhibited textiles, including gold embroideries and silk from Lyon, porcelain and metalware. A machine built by Douglas, an Englishman, for spinning and weaving wool was on show. The exhibits were displayed in tent-like structures around the edge of the courtyard.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

This lists in advance exhibitors of textiles, porcelain and clocks from the Paris region, and also from Rouen, Rennes, Gand (Ghent) and Eastern France. It mentions a copy of an Athenian statue, the Lantern of Demosthenes, in the courtyard. Exposition publique des produits de l’industrie française an 10. Procès-verbal des opérations du Jury … exposition des jours complémentaires de la dixième année de la République. Paris: Imprimerie de la République, Vendémiaire an XI. 72p. F.548(3); another copy at 1030.l.17(13). Reports on the exhibits which consisted of textiles, clocks, mathematical instruments, dyes and pottery. 1806 A. Picard. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 à Paris. Rapport général. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1891. Illustrations. Vol. I. Exposition de 1806 sur l’Esplanade des Invalides. 7953.m.3 In 1806 the only exhibition held under the first Empire was staged in 124 porticos built in front of the Invalides and in some rooms of the administration building of the Ponts-etchaussées (roads and bridges) department. Many of the 1422 French exhibitors displayed textile products, including, for the first time, muslins, as well as luxury decorative items and products of the chemical and mechanical sciences. They came from 104 départements throughout the French Empire, which included at this time the left bank of the Rhine and Northern Italy. The exhibition lasted 24 days, 25 September-19 October. Substances minérales exploitées dans les départemens du Piémont et employés aux usages des manufactures et des arts. Échantillons tirés du Musée d’histoire naturelle et envoyés à Paris pour l’exposition du mois de mai 1806 par le Grand-Conseil d’Administration de l’Université de Turin. (Catalogue rédigé par E. Borson.). Turin: De l’Imprimerie Bianco, 1806. 16p. 7002.e.1.(7.) A catalogue of stones, including marbles, used in architecture and ornaments. Despite the title, the exhibition, originally planned for May, was postponed until September. This is the only document in the British Library possibly connected with the exhibition. 1819 Annales de l’industrie nationale et étrangère; ou, mercure technologique, recueil de mémoires sur les arts et métiers, les manufactures, l’industrie, l’agriculture, etc. renfermant la description du Musée des produits de l’industrie française. Par L. S. Le Normand, et J. G. V. de Moléon. 28 tom. Paris: Chez Bachelier, 1820-27. The first four volumes (bound in two), entitled ‘La description du Musée des produits de l’industrie française, exposés au Louvre en 1819’ and published in 1820, cover the 1819 exhibition. (Confusingly, the numbering of the series starts again after these preliminary volumes, so there are two sets of tom. 1-4, but the required set of 2 vols is labelled ‘Exposition de 1819’ on the spine.) Vol. I, 368p, 6 folded plates (4 other plates missing) showing views and plans of the Louvre. Vol. II, 320p, 19 folded plates showing diagrams of inventions and works of art. Vol. III, 354p, 5 folded plates with diagrams of exhibits. Vol. IV, 358p, 3 folded plates, including a diagram of a clavi-harp. Vol. IV includes an alphabetical list of exhibitors and a list of prize-winners. PP.1696; another copy at 0980.400000. Under the reign of the restored Bourbon monarch, Louis XVIII, the fifth exhibition was held in newly completed rooms in the Louvre palace. For 35 days, 25 August-30 September, 1662 exhibitors displayed textiles, dyes, and products in steel and paper, including cashmere and flock silk shawls and white sina silk.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

1823 Rapport sur les produits de l’industrie française, présenté au nom du Jury central, à S.E.M. le comte Corbière … rédigé par M. le Vte. Héricart de Thury … A Paris de l’Imprimerie Royale, 1824. xvi, 517, [3]p. RB.23.a.27768. The sixth exhibition was held 25 August-13 October in the Louvre colonnade and first floor, part of which had just been completed. The report lists the exhibits and manufacturers, with one or two paragraphs of information on many of the manufacturers, and mentions of awards given in 1806 or 1819. Each section is introduced by a brief history of the particular industry in France. The 1648 exhibitors displayed metals, fine shawls, Prussian blue textile dye to replace indigo, elastic braces, belts and garters, machinery, guns, scientific instruments, heating machinery, clocks, glassware and engravings. Séguin Brothers of Lyon exhibited a model of an iron suspension bridge. 1827 Adolphe Blanqui. Histoire de l’exposition des produits de l’industrie française en 1827. Paris: A la librairie du Commerce chez Renard, 1827. 334p. This exhibition in the Louvre, under King Charles X, showed mainly textiles, furniture and paper from 1695 exhibitors. It lasted for 62 days from 1 August. In his introduction Blanqui reports on a visit to Britain, where he found British workers better housed, and manufactured products much cheaper, with standardized, wellpublicized prices, which encouraged trade and prosperity. He argues against internal and external tolls in France, which made even home-produced French clothes expensive, and British goods attractive. Much machinery still had to be imported. He lists the medal-winning exhibitors. 1834 A. Picard. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 à Paris. Rapport général. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1891. Illustrations. Vol. I. 7953.m.3. This exhibition, under the aegis of King Louis-Philippe, was held in four pavilions erected in the Place de la Concorde. It had been delayed by the 1830 revolution, and the 1832 cholera epidemic. It ran for sixty days from 1 May. Two thousand four hundred and forty-seven exhibitors showed food products, textiles, artistic goods and metal products for agriculture and the home. There were steam engines, and rubber was a novelty. Needles had been manufactured since 1820, so no longer had to be imported from Britain. But Britain was more industrialized, and ten British cities were lit by gas, where only a few Parisian streets were so lit, though Lyon was promised gas lighting in the near future. Baron Charles Dupin. Rapport du jury central sur les produits de l’industrie française exposés en 1834. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1836. 3 vols. 788.b.65. Musée industriel. Description complète de l’exposition des produits de l’industrie française faite en 1834. Statistique [sic] industrielle, manufacturière et agricole de la France à la meme époque. By MM. Moléon, Cochaud et Paulin-Desormeaux. Paris: Au Bureau de la Société Polytechnique, 1835. 22 tom in 4 vols, plates. PP.1698. A thorough study of the exhibits and manufacturers, with detailed plans of the exhibition, and diagrams of exhibits. Mathurin-Marie Lesné. Mémoire présenté au jury d’exposition de 1834 sur les cartonnages conservateurs. Paris: Jules Renouard, 1834. 18p. RB.23.b.349(2).


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Section 1 is a summary introduction describing protective covers for books invented by the author, a teacher of binding. A presentation copy to ‘Mylord Spencer’, the bibliophile Earl Spencer. Christophe Stéphane Flachat, afterwards Flachat-Mony. L’industrie. Exposition de 1834. 160p, plates. Paris: L. Terné, [1834]. 788.d.2. An extensive description of the exhibition, with an illustration of the very plain building which housed it, and plates illustrating the products. 1839 Exposition des produits de l’industrie française en 1839. Rapport du Jury central. Paris: Chez L. Bouchard-Huzard, 1839. 3 tom. 788.b.8. The ninth exhibition, under Louis-Philippe, opened on 1 May 1839 and closed on 31 July in the Grand Carré des Fêtes ou des Jeux, on the Champs Elysées. This was a large rectangular building 200 by 100 metres, with a central courtyard for steam engines. There were 3,381 exhibitors. The report lists exhibitors, medals and honourable mentions, and gives short descriptions of the exhibits, which include textiles, carpets, metalwork, food, musical instruments, decorative art objects, leathers, waterproofing fabrics, new rubber products and a dummy human for anatomical study. New machinery includes steam engines, a wool-spinning machine, Grimpé’s wood-turning machine and an improved Jacquart weaving machine. Manufactured goods are becoming cheaper. Products come from all parts of France, but the north predominates. Silkworms are beginning to be raised in France, also reducing imports. [Another edition] Exposition des produits de l’industrie française en 1839. Rapport du Jury central. Paris: Imp. de Fain et Thunot, 1844. 3 tom. 788.b.33-35. 1844 Jules Burat. Exposition de l’industrie française année 1844. 2 vols. 1262.h.9 The tenth exhibition, also under King Louis-Philippe, opened on 1 May 1844 and closed on 30 June in the Grand Carré des Jeux of the Champs Elysées. Three thousand nine hundred and sixty exhibitors showed textiles, metals, clocks, dyes, sugars, rubber, typefaces and papers. There were steam engines and much new machinery, including machines to drill the ground for water, to transform sea-water into fresh water, to heat rooms, and improved devices for electroplating with gold or silver. Paris and the north still predominated, but there were industrial products from Bordeaux, Toulouse and the Rhine region. Exposition publique des produits de l’industrie française 1844 (Catalogue officiel). 2e. éd. [Paris]: [Typographie de Cosson], 1844. [4], 322p. RB.23.a.28298. Jules Burat. Exposition de l’industrie française année 1844. Description méthodique, accompagné d’un grand nombre de planches et de vignettes. Paris: Challamel, 1844. 2 vols bound in one. 1262.h.9. This work includes detailed drawings of machinery, including a lighthouse lamp and decorative objects. Three pages of chromolithographed colour printing. M. Visinet. Aperçus économiques à propos de l’exposition des produits de l’industrie en 1844 … Paris: chez Guillaumin, 1849. 87p. 8246.f.21. The author regrets that there were no foreign products as high tariffs prevented the import of cheaper foreign textiles. He laments that French agriculture and the conditions of workers lag behind conditions in Britain, Germany and Switzerland.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Serious British visitors would blush at the frivolity of exhibiting cosmetics and wigs from Paris. Exposition publique des produits de l’industrie française, 1844. Catalogue officiel. Deuxième edition. [Paris]: [Typographie de Cosson], 1844. [4], 322p. RB.23.a.28298. Le piano d’Erard à l’Exposition de 1844. Paris: chez Firmin Didot frères, 1844. 27, [1]p, [2] folded leaves of plates. HS.74/1012. 1849 Exposition nationale des produits de l’agriculture et de l’industrie en 1849. Distribution des recompenses par le Président de la République (11 nov 1849). Paris: De la typographie Pancoucke, 1849. 260p. 7956.f.23. This six-month exhibition, which opened on 1 June, under the presidency of the future Emperor Napoleon III, was again in the Grand Carré des Jeux on the Champs Elysées. Four thousand five hundred and thirty-two exhibitors demonstrated steam engines, including steam locomotives, and the use of electricity to transmit signals. Twenty-two thousand square metres of temporary buildings were built. For the first time agriculture figured prominently. Charles Dupin, the president of the jury, spoke of the recent history of agriculture and industry in France and Algeria. Algeria sent textiles, marble, soaps and oil to the exhibition. The rest of the publication lists the prize-winners for manufactured goods, textiles, chemical products, mechanical lace, jewellery, printing and heliography on metal plaques (bronze medal to Warren-Thompson of Paris), and a silver medal to Bayard for heliography on paper. 1855 A. Picard. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 à Paris. Rapport général. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1891. Illustrations. Vol. I. 7953.m.3. The twelfth exhibition of industry, but the first international one, was a response to the 1851 London universal exhibition. A Palais de l’Industrie was built in the Champs Elysées, but in spite of the distraction of the Crimean War, there were so many extra exhibits that an annexe had to be hurriedly constructed. There were 2,000 exhibitors from Britain and Ireland, 10,000 from France, 1769 from the Austrian Empire, and 23,954 in all. Many exhibits, including animals, came from French colonies and from other countries (except Russia, then at war with France and Britain). Plans Exposition Universelle de 1855. Le système de classification adopté par la Commission Impériale, suivi d’une nomenclature alphabétique des produits de l’agriculture, de l’industrie et de l’art. Paris: Chez Henri et Charles Noblet, 1854. 111p. 7960.e.17(5). Preliminary schedules for the exhibition. Paris Universal Exhibition of 1855. Imperial Commission: decrees, regulations, and instructions. [London: W. Clowes, 1855]. 16p. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.22553]. Achille Ernest Oscar Joseph Delesse. Matériaux de construction de l’Exposition Universelle de 1855. Paris: V. Dalmont, 1856. 1609/1457. A mining engineer and geologist describe the exhibition building materials. Catalogues and reports Catalogue officiel publié par ordre de la Commission Impériale. Paris: [1855]. lvii, 448p. 1609/3853.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Rapports du Jury mixte international, etc. Paris: Imprimerie Impériale, 1856. 1574p bound in 2 vols. V 6126. The classification schedule and brief descriptions of each section. Lists jury members, medal winners and ‘mentions honorables’ who are indexed in vol. II. France. Commission impériale de l’Exposition universelle. Rapport sur l’Exposition universelle de 1855: présenté à l’Empereur par S. A. I. le prince Napoléon. Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1857. 511p, plates, plans. V 6129. Juste Adrien Lenoir de Lafage. Quinze visites musicales à l’Exposition Universelle de 1855. Paris: Tardif, 1856. 232p. 7898.aa.3. An account of the musical instruments from all countries at the exhibition, with a list of exhibitors and awards. Richard Owen, Warrington Wilkinson Smyth, M. Digby Wyatt, Reports on the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1855. House of Commons Parliamentary papers. Command papers; Accounts and papers. Session 1856. Paper number 2049-I, 2049-II, 2049-III. Volume/page XXXVI pt.I.1, XXXVI Pt.II.1, 413. B.S.Ref.1. Paris Universal Exhibition. Report on general metal work by Alfred Tylor. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857. 101, 66p, illustrations. 7956.dd.10. A detailed report on the world-wide metal industry. Henry Madinier. Notes sur les principaux produits exposés de l’imprimerie. Paris: Paul Dupont, 1855. 75p. YF.2011.a.22172. Worldwide exhibits of the printing industry. Jules Delalain. La Typographie française et étrangère à l’Exposition Universelle. Paris: Jules Delalain, 1856. 38p. YF.2011.a.15013. Printing across the world. George N. Hooper. Notes on the construction of private carriages in England; and a report on the carriage department of the Paris Exhibition of 1855. Read before the Society of Arts … with the subsequent discussion. London, 1857. Microfilm. Mic.A.7793(15). Guides Charles Pierre Lefebvre Laboulaye. Essai sur l’art industriel, comprenant l’étude des produits les plus célèbres de l’industrie à toutes les époques et des oeuvres les plus remarquées à l’Exposition Universelle de Londres en 1851 et à l’Exposition de Paris en 1855. Paris: Bureau du Dictionnaire des arts et manufactures, 1856. 256p. 7957.e.22. A history of the decorative arts, with some examples from the 1855 exhibition and a discussion of the exhibits. Les Étrangers à l’Exposition. Paris: [Imprimerie de Ch. Lahure], [1855]. 96p. 12354.a.8. Light-hearted comments on the exhibition. Guide général dans Paris pour 1855, suivi d’une visite à l’Exposition. Paris: Imprimerie Wiesener, 1855. 130p, plates. Pp.121-127 describe some highlights of the exhibition, and the frontispiece of the guide is an engraving of the Palais de l’Industrie. Henri Edouard Tresca. Visite à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1855 … Nouvelle édition. Paris, 1855. 785p. (Bibliothèque des Chemins de Fer). 12206.f.18. A general guide, with explanations on the machinery.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Ernest Gebauer. Les Beaux-Arts à l’Exposition Universelle de 1855. Paris: Librairie napoléonienne des arts et de l’industrie, 1855. 298p. 7855.b.32. Fine arts. Notes of some remarkable objects exhibited in the French, foreign, and British colonial departments of the Paris Universal exhibition. Furnished to the Board of Trade by Sir William Hooker [and others]. Part 1 (under revision). London: Chapman and Hall, 1855. 103p. 7960.e.19(1). Describes sections mainly concerned with machinery and vegetable products. B. de Valency. L’Entente Cordiale: a self interpreting guide to Paris, for the Exhibition, 1855. London, Glasgow printed: A. Hall, 1855. 184, 32p, plate, map. 10172.a.10. A walk through the Universal exhibition of 1855. Paris: A. and W. Galignani; London: Simkin Marshall and Co. 1855. 224p, plan. 7960.e.19(6). A descriptive, case by case guide. Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, gravure, lithographie et architecture des artistes vivants, étrangers et français. Paris: Vinchon, 1855. 626p. Facsimile edition. X.429/14049; another copy at 85/16326. A survey of art at the exhibition. National pavilions Algeria Catalogue explicatif et raisonné de l’exposition permanente des produits de l’Algérie (rue de Grenelle Saint-Germain, 107), suivi du catalogue méthodique des produits algériens à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1855. Paris: Firmin Didot frères, 1855. 7960.e.17(4). Only pp. 190 to 207 list the exhibits at the exhibition, which are mostly agricultural and natural products. British Guiana Catalogue of contributions transmitted from British Guiana to the Paris Universal exhibition of 1855 … Georgetown, Demarara: Royal Gazette Office, 1855. xl, 56p. 10470.f.30(5). Canada J. C. Taché. Rapport préliminaire de secrétaire du Comité executive de l’Exposition Universelle devant avoir lieu à Paris en 1855. Québec: Canada Gazette, 1855. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.35248]. Preliminary report before the exhibition. Canada. Commision to the Paris Exhibition of 1855. Canada at the Universal exhibition of 1855. [Final report of the Commissioners]. 463p. Toronto: Printed by John Lovell, 1856. 7956.f.13; another copy at C.S.E. 61/2. Denmark Catalogue spécial des produits du Danemark admis à l’Exposition universelle de Paris, etc. Paris: Imprimerie Française et Anglaise de E. Brière et Cie. 1855. 54p. 7960.e.17(1). Dutch East Indies Catalogue d’une collection de produits naturels, commerciaux et industriels des possessions néerlandaises dans les Indes Orientales, envoyées par la Société de commerce des Pays-Bas à l’Exposition Universelle de 1855, précédé d’une introduction … Extrait du Monde industriel … et publié par les soins de M. W.-J.-C. Adriaan-Van-Hasselt. Paris: Imprimerie G.-A. Pinard – Dentan et Ce, 1855. 16p. 7960.e.17(3).


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Great Britain Exposition Universelle … Collection de charbons de terre du Royaume Uni … Catalogue etc. [1855]. vi, 122p. 7960.e.19(4). Catalogue of the works exhibited in the British section of the exhibition, in French and English; together with exhibitors’ prospectuses, prices current, &c. London: Chapman and Hall, 1855. 7960.c.86 Several sequences of numbered and unnumbered pages, advertisements and numerous line illustrations. John Wilson. The agriculture of the French exhibition. An introductory lecture delivered in the University of Edinburgh, session 1855-6. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1855. 31p. 7077.f.54; another copy at 7960.e.19(3). Catalogue de la collection des produits agricoles végétaux et animaux de l’Angleterre par John Wilson … exposés par le Board of Trade à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1855. Paris: Librairie agricole de la Maison rustique, 1855. 23p. 7960.e.17(7). A catalogue, and an article on English sheep and wool. France Société Nationale d’Horticulture de France. Société Impériale et Centrale d’Horticulture … Exposition Universelle de 1855. Procès-verbal des séances du Jury, precedes de la liste générale des exposants … Paris: 1857. 427p. Ac.3331/3. Exhibitors and jury discussion on horticultural exhibits. Count Hippolyte François Jaubert. La botanique à l’Exposition Universelle. Paris, 1855. 7030.e.16. Adrien Claude Bernard Chenot. Souvenir de 1855. Exposition Universelle. Crépuscule d’un nouveau système de métallurgie rationelle, positive et philosophique. Paris, 1855. 74p. Microfilm. Mic.F.1703. The inventor explains his metallurgical process for the making of steel. L. Bouillon. Exposition universelle de Paris. Construction de blanchisseries, bains et lavoirs. Paris, 1855. 24p. C.T.275(2*). An engineer describes laundries and baths. J. A. d’Escodeca de Boisse. Exposition Universelle de 1855. Quelques détails sur les produits de l’Imprimerie Impériale de France. Paris, 1855. 11900.f.31(4). Printed products. Hérard, architect. Passerelles à construire à la rencontre du Boulevart [sic] S. Denis et du Boulevart du Centre. Projet admis à l’exposition. Paris, 1855. 8776.ff.32(3). Architectural plans for footbridges. Portugal Relatorio do Commissario regio junto á Commissão imperial da Exposição Universal de París. 376, 315p. Lisboa: Imprensa nacional, 1857. A record of Portuguese contributions to the exhibition. Sardinia Catalogue des produits naturels, industriels, artistiques présentés par le royaume de Sardaigne. Paris: Extrait de la Revue Franco-italienne, [1855]. 112p. 7960.e.17(6).


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Spain Catalogue des produits naturels, industriels et artistiques exposés dans la section espagnole de l’Exposition Universelle de 1855. Paris: Imprimerie G.-A. Pinard, [1855]. 71p. 7960.e.17(2). A catalogue of agricultural and industrial products, without illustrations. Tasmania Tasmanian contributions to the Universal Exhibition of Industry at Paris, 1855. Tasmania [Hobart town? 1855?]. [50]p. 08286.m.57(1). 1867

Fig. 1. PP.1713.da.

French exhibitors at the London 1862 exhibition formed a company to underwrite the Paris exhibition of 1867. Visitors in London had complained of having to climb the stairs to the upper story, so a large site was sought in order that everything would be on one level. The Champ de Mars was selected (where the Eiffel tower now stands). There was room for landscape gardening between the national pavilions and around the central circular Palais de l’Industrie, which was a temporary cast iron structure. The national pavilions provided national dishes and the park area was open until midnight. The United States, Russia, Japan, Siam and even the Hawaïan Islands were exhibitors, and the jury felt there was real international understanding instead of rivalry. An agricultural annexe was established on the île de Billancourt (now the île Saint-Germain) linked to the main exhibition by steam-boats. The exhibition opened on 1 April, despite not being finished. (Nor were subsequent exhibitions finished on time.) Bad weather delayed large numbers of visitors until June, but by the time it closed on 3 November, financial success was assured. Season tickets had the novelty of a photograph of the holder, child-minding facilities were provided, and a lift for the upper floor of the Palais (a change to the original one-floor policy). There were more than ten million visitors and 50,226 exhibitors. Prussian visitors included Bismarck, who saw himself caricatured in the operettas of Offenbach, but who had the last laugh when he laid siege to Paris and defeated France in 1870.


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Views and plans Exposition universelle de Paris de 1867. Vue panoramique du Palais et du Parc … Dessiné par Ch. Fichot. Gravé par H. Guesnu. Paris: P. Lemercier et Cie, [1867]. 300 x 520mm. Maps 18.a.44. (Exposition universelle de Paris de 1867) Vue perspective du Champ de Mars. Paris, 1867. Maps 16305(4). Palais de l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Paris: A. Logerot, 1867. Maps 16305(2). Palais de l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Lith. Van Geleyn. Paris, 1866. Maps 16305(1). Maximilien Radiguet. Le Champ de Mars à vol d’oiseau, Exposition universelle de 1867. Paris, 1868. 12331.c.11. Exposition universelle de Paris de 1867. Plan d’ensemble du Palais, du Parc et du Jardin … Dessiné par A. Thiollet. Paris, 1867. Maps 16305(5). A reduced edition of the same plan is at Maps 16305(3). Plan general du Palais et du Parc de l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. par Frezouls … et Bousquet. Paris, 1867. Maps 16305(6). Plan-Guide du Palais et du Parc, publié par la Commission Impériale. Paris, 1867. Single folded sheet. 1606/554. Catalogues and reports Catalogue officiel exposants récompensés par le Jury International. 1er tirage. 1er juillet 1867. Paris: E. Dentu, 1867. 13, 67, iii, 67, ii, 122, ii, 113, ii, 108, ii, 67, ii, 43p. 7957.aaaa.29. Catalogue général publié par la Commission Impériale Paris: E. Dentu, [1867]. 2 vols, plan. RB.23.a.34310. Vol. I covers groups 1 to 5, and vol. II groups 6 to 10. By authority of the Imperial Commission. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867. Complete official catalogue, including the British and all other sections. English version. September edition. London and Paris: J. M. Johnson and Sons, [1867]. RB.23.a.35477. The illustrated catalogue of the Universal Exhibition, published with the Art Journal. London, New York: Virtue and Co., [1867]. xii, 331p. Xf3/0766. Catalogue général publié par la commission Impériale. Exposition Universelle d’Horticulture. Paris, 1867. Part 9b of a 14-part general catalogue. L’Exposition Universelle de 1867 illustré. Publication internationale autorisée par la Commission Impériale. [Paris: M. E. Dentu, 1867]. 60 parts of 16 pages each, bound into one volume (480p). PP.1713.da. Generously illustrated with woodcuts, this is the best visual record of the exhibition. A few paintings are reproduced, and the text consists of articles describing the exhibits and visitors. Revue de l’Exposition de 1867, publié sous la direction de C. de Cuyper. 3 tom. Paris, 18679.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Charles Lavollée. Les expositions de l’industrie et l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Paris: Hachette, 1867. 12201.h.13/19. A lecture on the exhibition in the historical context of exhibitions since 1798. Sir Henry Cole. Reports on the Paris Universal exhibition, 1867. Vol. I. Containing the report by the Executive Commissioner, and appendices. Command papers; reports of commissioners. Session 1867-68. Paper number 3968. Volume/page XXX pt.I.1. B.S.Ref.1 Sir Henry Cole. Reports on the Paris Universal exhibition, 1867. Vols II-V. Reports on various classes. Command papers; reports of commissioners. Session 1867-68. Paper number 3968I-IV. Volume/page XXX pt.I.323, XXX pt.II.1, XXX pt.III.1. B.S.Ref.1 Sir Henry Cole. Reports on the Paris Universal exhibition, 1867. Vol. VI. Containing the returns relative to the new order of reward. Command papers; reports of commissioners. Session 1867-68. Paper number 3969. Volume/page XXX pt.III.311. B.S.Ref.1 Reports on the Paris Universal exhibition, 1867. Index to volumes II, III, IV and V. Command papers; reports of commissioners. Session 1867-68. Paper number 3968-V. Volume/page XXX pt.III.801. B.S.Ref.1 Sir Henry Cole. Paris exhibition. The report of Her Majesty’s commissioners for the universal exhibition of works of industry, agriculture, and fine art, held at Paris in the year 1867. Command papers; reports of commissioners. Session 1868-69. Paper number 4195. Volume/page XXIII.15. B.S.Ref.1. Modern industries: a series of reports on industry and manufactures as represented in the Paris Exposition in 1867. By twelve British workmen visiting Paris under the auspices of the Paris Excursion committee. London: Macmillan, 1868. 123p, illustrations. RB.23.a.34067. Reports of artisans selected by a committee appointed by the Council of the Society of Arts, to visit the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867. London: Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce; Bell and Daldy, 1867. viii, 476, xv, 213p. RB.23.a.35029. Entertaining impressions of the exhibition and of life in Paris. In general the visitors find much to admire. Catalogue general: première partie (groupes I à V) contenant les oeuvres d’art. Paris: Commission Impériale, 1867. 240p, plate, plan. Facsimile edition X.429/14058; another copy at 85/16325. A catalogue of the works of art. Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt. On the arts of decoration at the International Exhibition at Paris, AD 1867, consisting of reports to the British government … by M. D. W … and to the French Government … by J. Diéter and M. D. W. 4 pt. London, 1868. On tapestry and interior decoration. Collected and printed for private circulation only. The French report has a separate title page and was printed in Paris in 1867. Louis Adolphe Le Doulcet, Marquis de Pontécoulant. La musique à l’Exposition universelle de 1867. Paris: Au bureau du journal l’Art musical, 1868. iii, lxxii, 237p, plates. 7896.e.8; another copy at Hirsch 1374. Musical instruments and notes on the exhibitors.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Fig. 2. The palais du Trocadéro, built for the 1867 exhibition and demolished in 1935, photographed in 1934. Author’s photograph.

Guides The Imperial Paris guide … the exhibition of 1867. Issued under the superintendence of Charles Augustus Cole. London: John Camden Hotten, 1867. 192p, plates. Pp.175-183 describe the exhibition, with a simple plan and bird’s-eye view as frontispiece. Hippolyte Gautier. Les curiosités de l’Exposition Universelle de 1867 … avec six plans par M. Hippolyte Gautier [et al.]. Paris: Ch. Delagrave et Cie. 1867. 186p. RB.23.a.32598. A detailed descriptive guide. Jules Mesnard. Les merveilles de l’Exposition universelle de 1867 [with an introduction by F. Aubert]. 2 tom. Paris, 1867. 1803.c.36. The Imperial almanac and Paris Exhibition guide for 1867. London, [1867]. PP.2500.u. Adolphe Sergent. Exposition Universelle de Paris. L’Omnibus de poche. Guide-manuel de tout le monde. (2 parts: Le nouveau Paris … par Lehaguez, Almanach-annuaire de Cabour pour 1867 par Adolphe Sergent). 296p. 10171.b.15. Almanach de l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Guide des exposants et des visiteurs. Avec deux cartes inédites de l’Exposition … Paris: Lib. du Petit Journal, [1866]. 110p, 1 plan. Guide économique dans le Paris nouveau et à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867, etc. Paris: Coulmmiers, 1867. 191p, maps. 10171.aa.30.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Guide official à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Vade-mecum du visiteur. Paris: E. Dentu, [1867]. 123p. (Catalogue general publié par la Commission Impériale. 6e livraison. Instruments et procédés des arts usuels. Groupe VI – classes 47 à 66.) Paris: E. Dentu, [1867]. 290, xlixp. 7957.aa.53. Souvenirs and illustrations J. M. Duvault-Blochet. L’Hymne de l’Exposition universelle de 1867. Dijon, 1867. 1871.e.1(136*). An anthem to celebrate the exhibition. Grand album de l’Exposition Universelle 1867. 150 dessins par les premiers artistes de la France et de l’étranger. Paris, 1868. 1802.b.34. A folder of sketches. Auguste Chirac. Lettres d’un Marseillais sur l’Exposition universelle de 1867 à Paris, etc. Paris, 1868. iv, 408p. 1608/547. Antoine Gaspard Bellin. L’exposition universelle, poème didactique en quinze chants. Paris, 1867. 414p. 11482.ccc.16. A. Pothey. Exposition Universelle. 368 gravures. Peinture – sculpture – architecture. Album autographique. Paris, A. Le Chevalier, [1867]. 1760.b.11. Emilien Desmousseaux de Givré. Étude philosophique sur l’architecture moderne. A propos de l’Exposition universelle de 1867. Paris, 1868. 32p. 7814.e.29. An architectural study. Alfred Nicolas Normand. L’Architecture des nations étrangères: étude sur les principales constructions du parc à l’Exposition universelle de Paris (1867). A. Morel, 1870. 27p. 1735.c.6. The buildings of non-French nations in the park. Specialist sections Exposition universelle de Paris de 1867. Chemins de fer. Les locomotives et le matériel de transport. Examen des divers systèmes appliqués en Europe et Amérique. Par Ernest Taillard. Paris: Dunod, 1867. 2 vols, xlix pl. 1502/300. Railways in Europe and America. Michel Alcan. Fabrication des étoffes. Etudes sur les arts textiles à l’Exposition universelle de 1867. Paris, 1868. vii, 424p. 7942.c.36. — Atlas. Paris, 1868. 7943.h.26. Jules Desmasures. La Marine à l’Exposition universelle de 1867 … et le programme de l’Exposition maritime internationale du Havre ... extrait du journal Le paquebot. Paris, 1868. xxiv, 284p. Maritime exhibits and awards. Edmond Pâris. L’art naval à l’Exposition universelle de Paris en 1867 augmenté des derniers perfectionnements et inventions maritimes jusqu’en 1869 par M. le vice-amiral Pâris … Paris: Artus Bertrand, [1869]. [114] leaves of plates. RB.23.c.567; another copy at 14001.g.5. A volume of plates to accompany the text of the same year. Les machines à vapeur marines et les propulseurs à l’Exposition … accompagné de 36 grandes planches gravées. Paris, 1868. Marine steam engines and propellors.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Commission Impériale. Rapport sur l’Exposition Universelle de 1867 … Précis des opérations et listes des collaborateurs, avec un appendice sur l’avenir des expositions, la statistique des opérations, les documents officiels et le plan de l’Exposition. Paris: Imprimerie Impériale, 1869. iv, 672p, folded plate. 7957.e.20. Includes a detailed folding plan of the exhibition printed in colour lithography. Exposition Universelle de 1867 à Paris. Rapports du Jury International publiés sous la direction de M. Michel Chevalier. Paris: Imprimerie administrative de Paul Dupont, 1868. 13 vols. 7956.i.9; another copy at T10316. A comprehensive report. Reports of the United States commissioners. Report on the Fine Arts. By F. Leslie. Washington, 1868. Microfilm. Mic.A.9026(1). Études sur l’Exposition de 1867. Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle, ou, Nouvelle technologie des arts et métiers, de l’agriculture, etc. Description générale, encyclopédique, méthodique et raisonné de l’état actuel des arts, des sciences, de l’industrie et de l’agriculture, chez toutes les nations. Recueil de travaux techniques, théoriques, pratiques et historiques. [Par MM. les rédacteurs des Annales du Génie civil … Eug. Lacroix … directeur de la publication.] Publication bi-mensuelle complémentaire des Annales du génie civil. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole. 9 vols. The 9 volumes have been catalogued and shelfmarked separately; in volume order at shelfmarks RB.23.b.6444, RB.23.b.6130, RB.23.b.6129, RB.23.b.6155, RB.23.b.6156, RB.23.b.6131, RB.23.b.6132, RB.23.b.6165; and a volume of plates for volumes VVIII at RB.23.b.6133. [Nouvelle technologie des arts et metiers des manufactures, des mines, de l’agriculture, etc. 2e edition des Études sur l’Exposition de 1867] Atlas. Paris, [1872]. 1800.a.22. This is the plate volume of a reprint of the Études de l’Exposition de 1867, which was published in 4 volumes (8 parts). Julien Turgan. Études sur l’Exposition Universelle, 1867. Paris: Michel Lévy frères, 1867. viii, 224p, illustrations. X.512/40. Studies of some objects. Délégation des ouvriers relieurs. (Pt. 1. La reliure aux expositions de l’industrie, 1798-1862. Pt. 2. La reliure à l’Exposition de 1867. Études comparatives de la reliure ancienne et moderne.) [with plates]. 2 pt. Paris, 1868, 1875. 667.e.21; another copy at 08275.a.28. Jules Gallay. Les instruments à archet à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Paris, 1867. 57p. Hirsch 1554. Bowed (stringed) instruments from France and other countries. Elsö Kötet. 1867diki Vilàgtàrlat. Paris: Jouaust Betüival, 1868. 544p. 8073.ff.32. This guide in Hungarian has some plates illustrating the pavilions. P. Perrot. Exposition universelle de 1867. Souvenirs d’un instituteur délégué du department du Rhône. Lyon: Ch. Palaud, 1868. 69p. After a brief historical introduction on exhibitions in Paris, this visiting teacher describes the exhibition, and devotes pp. 22-64 to the ‘Exposition scolaire’ on education in France and the rest of the world.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

La télégraphie à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1869. 268p. 8755.i.33. A list of exhibits from various countries, and a very detailed survey of the telegraphic industry world-wide, with diagrams of equipment. Léon Marès. Les armes de guerre à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Paris: Tanéra, 1867. 66p. 8826.dd.41(8). Military weapons. J. F. Flaxland. L’Agriculture à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Rapport communiqué au Commice Agricole de Ribeauvillé … 1868. Paris, 1868. 28p. 1145.k.5(5). Société Nationale d’Acclimatation et de Protection de la Nature (Paris). La production animale et végétale. Études faites à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Paris, 1867. xii, 384p. Ac. 3555/3; another copy at T3769. National pavilions Algeria Rapports par les délégués de l’Algérie. Alger, 1868. 145p. S.V.20/4. Austria Berichte über die Welt-Ausstellung zu Paris im Jahre 1867. Herausgegeben durch das k.k. Osterreichische Central-Comité. Hft 2 Die Kunstwerke und die Histoire du travail. Hft. 3 Instrumente für Kunst und Wissenschaft. Hft 4/1 Die Motoren und Maschinen der allgemeinen Mechanik. Hft 8 Garne, Gewebe, alle Arten Bekleidungs-Gegenstände und Papier [with specimens]. Hft 10 Land- und Forstwirtschaft. [1867-8]. S.30/11. An incomplete report of the Austrian contribution, covering (in order): artwork and the history of work, tools for art and scholarship, motors and machines, yarns, textiles and clothing, agriculture and forestry. Baden – Grand Duchy Baden. Baden Ausstellungscommission. Die Betheiligung des Grossherzogthums Baden an der Univerausstellung zu Paris in Jahre 1867…. Karlsruhe, 1867. xx, 144p. Microfilm. Mic.A.6730(5). The contributions of the German state which joined the German Empire in 1871. Baden. Baden Ausstellungscommission. Les exposants du Grand-Duché de Bade et leurs produits. Carlsruhe, 1867. xviii, 132p. Microfilm. Mic.A.9093(7). Belgium Exposition universelle de Paris en 1867. Documents et rapports. Tome II. Bruxelles: Imprimerie et lithographie de E. Guyot, 1868. 572p, 2 plates. S.A.57/4. Classes 14-47 covering furniture, tapestry, glass, porcelain, cutlery, linens, silk, lace, jewellery and hand guns. Plates illustrate a kiln for Bosch faiences and a Foccy oven for porcelain. Jean François Joseph Dauby. Rapport sur l’industrie typographique et ses auxiliaires; Exposition universelle de Paris de 1867. Bruxelles: E. Guyot, 1868. 75p. 2708.e.1039. On the printing industry. Brazil Breve noticia sobre a collecção das madeiras do Brasil apresentada na Exposição Internacional de 1867. Rio de Janeiro: Typographia nacional, 1867. 32p. 7030.l.19(1) A list of exhibited trees and woods in Portuguese and French.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

British Guiana British Guiana. Catalogue of contributions transmitted from British Guiana to the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867. London: Edward Stanford, 1867. xcvi, 52p, illustrations, map. RB.23.24262. Canada Esquisse géologique du Canada. Suivie d’un catalogue descriptif de la collection de cartes et coupes géologiques, livres imprimés, roches, fossils, et minéraux économiques, envoyée à l’Exposition universelle de 1867. [By T. Sterry Hunt]. 72p. A catalogue of the display of minerals. Catalogue of the Nova Scotian department: with introduction and appendices. Paris: G. Bossange, 1867. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.05920]. Chile Notice statistique sur le Chili, et catalogue des minéraux envoyés à l’Exposition universelle de 1867. [By Bernardino Sánchez?] 83p. Catalogue of minerals from Chile, and statistical information. Egypt François Auguste Ferdinand Mariette. Exposition Universelle de 1867. Aperçu de l’histoire ancienne d’Egypte pour l’intelligence des monuments exposés dans le temple du parc égyptien. Paris: Dentu, 1867. 111p. 9061.e.7. A history of Egypt. France Claudius Saunier. Exposition universelle de l’industrie en 1867. Compte rendu de l’horlogerie, comprenant un exposé de l’état actuel et de l’importance de cette industrie et la description des diverses pièces exposées. Paris: Bureau de la Revue chronométrique, 1867. 329p, plates. 1609/5519; microfilm MFR/9272 *4089*. The clock-making industry. Georges Sire. L’Horlogérie à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867 à Paris. Rapport fait au Comité départementale du Doubs. 1870. In Besançon. Société d’Emulation du Doubs. Mémoires, série 4, vol. 5. Ac.283. Camille Personnat. Le ver à soie du chêne à l’Exposition universelle de 1867. Paris, 1868. 4p. 7295.c.72(6). An oak-feeding silkworm. C. Jalabert. L’Arquebuserie à l’Exposition universelle de 1867: son importance à diverses époques et celles des principales branches de commerce du Département de la Loire. St. Etienne, 1868. 16p. 8829.bbb.16. Gun-making, metallurgy and ribbon-manufacture in St. Etienne. Amédée Burat. [Les houillères en 1867, d’après les documents de l’Exposition Universelle.] Atlas. Paris, 1868. xxv plates. 7105.f.6. The plates only of a work on coalmines. Great Britain Paris Exhibition. Copies of all correspondence between the Treasury, the Department of Science and Art, and the Commissioners for the Paris Exhibition, relative to the expenditure to be incurred in connection with that exhibition, and the sums to be provided in the estimates or supplementary estimates for 1865, 1866-7, and 1867-8; and, of all correspondence between


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

the said commissioners and the French commissioners for the exhibition on the subject of expenditure. House of Commons Parliamentary papers; Accounts and papers. Session 1867. Paper number 379. volume/page LV.219. B.S.Ref.1 Austen Henry Layard. Report from the Select Committee on the Paris Exhibition; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and the appendix. Cockton title: Select committee on advisability of making purchases for Paris exhibition. Report, proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix. House of Commons papers; reports of committees. Session 1867. Paper number 433. Volume/page X.605. B.S.Ref.1. Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867. Catalogue of the British Section, containing a list of the exhibitors of the United Kingdom and its colonies, and the objects which they exhibited. In English, French, German and Italian … with a list of the awards made to English and colonial exhibitors … London: Spottiswoode and Co. 1868. 1 vol. (various pagings), illustrations, plan. RB.23.a.34991. India List of articles to be forwarded to the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867, through the Central committee for Bengal. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink and Co. 1866. 111p. 7958.b.41. An extensive list of agricultural, craft and textile products. Italy Antoine Salviati. Mosaïques verres soufflés de Murano. Verres colorés pour vitraux. Paris: L. Berger, 1867. 47p. qX24/5586. A gold medal winner explains the manufacture of glass for mosaics and stained glass windows. Peru République du Pérou. Notice statistique et catalogue. [By L. Bouvet.] Paris, 1867. 16p. Microfiche. Mic.F.1523. Portugal Relatorio do Commissario regio junto à Commissão imperial da Exposição universal de París. Lisboa: Imprensa nacional, 1867. 2 vols (376, 315p). A catalogue and description of the Portuguese exhibit, and some documents in French about its staging. Prussia Berichte über die allgemeine Ausstellung zu Paris im Jahre 1867, erstattet von den für Preussen und die Norddeutschen Staaten ernannten Mitgliedern der internationalen Jury. 7 Hft. Berlin, 1868. Microfilm. Mic.A.9074(5). The exhibits of Prussia and north German states. Romania Romania. Commission Princière de la Roumanie à l’Exposition universelle de Paris en 1867. Notice sur la Roumanie principalement au point de vue de son économie rurale, industrielle et commerciale. Paris, 1867. 201p, map. 10126.e.12. A detailed survey, with statistics, but no catalogue of exhibits. Russia Notice sur le cheval russe et catalogue des chevaux présentés à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris. Paris: E. Dentu, 1867. 20p. 7295.dd.18. In the grounds of the exhibition were Russian isbas (wooden houses) and stables for 24 of the Tsar’s horses which were paraded every day. They are described in this booklet, with a short history of the horse in Russia.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

C. Danilewsky. Coup d’oeil sur les pêcheries en Russie, exposé statistique … annexé à la collection des produits et outils de la pêche envoyée par la Russie à l’Exposition universelle de Paris de 1867. Paris, [1867]. 73p. On the fishing industry and fishing products sent as exhibits. Switzerland G. Delabar. Allgemeiner Bericht über die Pariser Weltausstellung von 1867. Mit Berücksichtigung der schweizerischen und insbesondere der St. Gallischen betheiligung … St. Gallen: Von Huber, 1869. vi, 303p. A general account of the exhibition, with more emphasis on the contributions of the German-speaking countries, and some comments on the contribution of the canton of St Gall. Turkey Salāh al-Dīn, Bey. La Turquie à l’Exposition Universelle de 1867. Paris: Hachette, 1867. 256p, illustrations. T10275. Frans Outendirck. La Turquie à propos de l’Exposition universelle de 1867. Paris, 1867. 424p. United States L. Tenré. Les États américains, leurs produits, leur commerce, en vue de l’Exposition Universelle de Paris. Paris: Plon, 1867. viii, 328p. 010480.g.10. America, as displayed in the exhibition. Uruguay El cuadro caligrafico de Pablo Nin y Gonzalez en la Esposicion Universal de Paris de 1867. Montevideo: Imp. Lberal [sic], 1868. 16p. 1570/1528. A calligraphic picture. 1878

Fig. 3. Six statues of the continents, formerly gilded, were displayed in front of the palais du Trocadéro; they can now be seen in the forecourt of the musée d’Orsay. Europe is by Alexandre Schoenewerk, and Asia by Alexandre Falguière. Author’s photograph.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

The Third Republic demonstrated the recovery of France from the horrors of the Franco-Prussian War and the Commune with the largest exhibition so far. Sixteen million visitors visited the Champ de Mars between 1 May and 10 November. There were two palaces: one on the Champ de Mars, and the other, the Trocadéro palace, on the Chaillot hill, on the opposite side of the river. This was demolished in 1935, to be replaced by the Palais de Chaillot which can still be seen. Six large female statues representing the continents, which originally graced the front of the Trocadéro palace, and four animal sculptures which were placed in front of the cascade, are now located in front of the musée d’Orsay. Around the Palais du Champ de Mars a park was laid out with national pavilions, lakes and restaurants. One of the five British pavilions, decorated with Doulton terracotta, survives at Maisons-Lafitte. There were 53,000 exhibitors, and a major attraction was the head of the Statue of Liberty. The inside of the head could be visited; it was several years before the rest of Bartholdi’s statue was ready for despatch to the United States. Views and plans Chromo-Guide à l’Exposition Universelle 1878. [18 views and text]. Paris, 1878. Maps 7.a.6. A small-format descriptive guide with coloured, but not very detailed illustrations, including one of the English pavilions, built in Elizabethan style. Exposition Universelle, Paris … Par J. Bognard Jne. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(14). A large coloured general view. Exposition Universelle de Paris ... 1878. Vue prise de la Gare du Chemin de Fer. Dessinée d’après nature. Lithographiée par Deroy père. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(10). This shows good details of the pavilions and statues. Vue de l’Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1878. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(17). Vue Panoramique de l’Exposition universelle et Internationale de Paris, 1878. Lithographiée, et éditée par Testu et Massin. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(7). Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1878. Palais du Champ de Mars. [By] L. J. Naturel. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(13). Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1878. Palais du Trocadéro … Dessiné par L. J. Naturel. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(11). Panorama des Palais de l’Exposition universelle de 1878. S. Sauvestre … del., Fougère, chromolith. [1878]. Maps 16305(8). Plans Exposition Universelle, 1878. Guide à Aiguille. Vue descriptive du Champ de Mars et du Trocadéro. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(12) A colour bird’s-eye plan with a key. There were four British pavilions. Les Vingt Arrondissements de Paris … ouvrage accompagné … d’un plan en couleurs de l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1878. Maps 5.b.41. Plan-Boussole … Guide Indicateur et Souvenir de l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1878. Maps 6.a. 24.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Plan complet de l’Exposition Universelle et Internationale de 1878. Paris, 1878. Maps 1.aa.8. Plan de l’Exposition Universelle de 1878 avec ses annexes. Paris, 1878. Maps 6.a.22. Plan instantané de l’Exposition universelle de 1878 par Brochet Lafosse. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(16). Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Commerce. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1878. Plan general. Dressé par le Directeur des travaux. 2 ed. Paris, 1878. Maps 16305(9). Catalogues and reports Catalogue official publié par le Commissariat Général. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1878. 2 vols. 7959.bbb.13. Only the first two volumes of this catalogue are held. Vol. I covers art from France and other countries, and vol. II French exhibits. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1878 à Paris. Rapports du Jury International. 18801882. 4 vols. 07959.g.1. Between 1880 and 1884 69 reports were produced, only a small proportion of which were acquired by the then British Museum Library. War damage has reduced the holdings to five parts. Groupes I, II, III, IV et V. Rapport d’ensemble sur les arts décoratifs, par M. Ed. Didron. Groupe II – classe 16. Rapport sur les cartes et les appareils de géographie et de cosmographie, sur les cartes géologiques et sur les ouvrages de météorologie et de statistique par M. Alfred Grandidier. Groupe IV – classe 33. Les fils et tissues de laine cardée, couvertures et feutres, par M. Blin. Groupe VI – classe 51. Le matériel et les procédés des industries agricoles et forestières par M. Alfred Durand-Claye. A. Wazon. Rapport historique sur les ventilateurs & pompes centrifuges simples et multiples .... Paris, 1879. 75p. 22 figs, 7 pl. Report LVI. Gustave Chouquet. Rapport sur les instruments de musique et les éditions musicales. Paris, 1880. 68p. 1600/1363. Groupe 2, classe 13 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Report of Her Majesty’s commissioners for the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1878, to the Queen’s most excellent Majesty. Vol. I. Command papers; reports of commissioners. Session 1880. Paper number C.2588. Volume/page XXXII.1. Vol. II, and appendices are paper number 2588-1, volume/page XXXIII.1. B.S.Ref.1. Monographie des palais et constructions diverses de l’Exposition Universelle de 1878 exécutés par l’Administration, publiés sous les auspices du Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Commerce. Paris: Librairie générale de l’architecture et des travaux publics, 1882. 2 vols (64, xxip, 49 plates; 44 plates) 1734.d.16. Two massive tomes of architectural plans and detailed descriptions of the official structures on the Champ de Mars and the Trocadéro palace, but not the national pavilions. Eugène Lacroix. Études sur l’Exposition de 1878. Tome deuxième. 2e partie des Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Publiés par MM. les rédacteurs des Annales du génie civil avec le concours d’ingénieurs et de savants français et étrangers. E. Lacroix, directeur de la publication. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, [1879?]. 643p. RB.23.b.6154.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Studies on agriculture: animals, machinery and products. This mixed and incomplete set of Études on the exhibition, edited by Eugène Lacroix, replaces the first edition, in 10 volumes with one plate volume (, destroyed in the War. Nouvelle technologie des arts et métiers, des manufactures, des mines, de l’agriculture, etc. 2e partie, Tome troisième (Études sur l’exposition de 1878). Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Description générale, encyclopédique, méthodique et raisonné de l’état actuel des arts, des sciences, de l’industrie et de l’agriculture chez toutes les nations … E. Lacroix directeur de la publication. Nouvelle edition. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, 1884. xvi, 599p, illustrations. RB.23.b.6164. The second edition of the Études was given an additional title, and the nine volumes held by the British Library are a mixture of the two editions. The first volume of the Études is not held. This third volume covers textiles, metallurgy and mines. Eugène Lacroix. Études sur l’Exposition de 1878. Tome quatrième. 2e partie des Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Publiés par MM. les rédacteurs des Annales du génie civil avec le concours d’ingénieurs et de savants français et étrangers. E. Lacroix, directeur de la publication. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, [1879]. 348p. RB.23.b.6134. Studies on heating and ventilation of buildings, locks and metalwork, maps and globes. Eugène Lacroix. Études sur l’Exposition de 1878. Tome cinquième. 2e partie des Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Publiés par MM. les rédacteurs des Annales du génie civil avec le concours d’ingénieurs et de savants français et étrangers. E. Lacroix, directeur de la publication. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, [1879]. xiii, 576p, [30] leaves of plates, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.6162. Studies on military and naval arts, navigation and astronomy. Eugène Lacroix. Études sur l’Exposition de 1878. Tome sixième. Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Publiés par MM. les rédacteurs des Annales du génie civil ... E. Lacroix, directeur de la publication. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, [1879]. xviii, 632p, plans. RB.23.b.6161. Eugène Lacroix. Études sur l’Exposition de 1878. Tome septième. Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle (2e partie). Publiés par MM. les rédacteurs des Annales du génie civil. E. Lacroix, directeur de la publication. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, [1879]. xix, 613p, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.6160. Eugène Lacroix. Études sur l’Exposition de 1878. Tome huitième. 2e partie des Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Publiés par MM. les rédacteurs des Annales du génie civil ... E. Lacroix, directeur de la publication. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, [1879]. xii, 616p, [8] leaves of plates, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.6159. Nouvelle technologie des arts et métiers, des manufactures, des mines, de l’agriculture, etc. 2e partie. Tome neuvième. (Études sur l’exposition de 1878). Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Description générale, encyclopédique, méthodique et raisonné de l’état actuel des arts, des sciences, de l’industrie et de l’agriculture chez toutes les nations… E. Lacroix directeur de la publication. Nouvelle edition. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, 1884. vii, 548p, 7 folded leaves of plates, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.6158. Nouvelle technologie des arts et métiers, des manufactures, des mines, de l’agriculture, etc. 2e partie. Atlas I. Planches des tomes I, II, III et IV (116 planches). Annales et archives de


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Description générale, encyclopédique, méthodique et raisonné de l’état actuel des arts, des sciences, de l’industrie et de l’agriculture chez toutes les nations … E. Lacroix directeur de la publication. Nouvelle edition. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, 1884. viip, [116] leaves of plates, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.6140. Nouvelle technologie des arts et métiers, des manufactures, des mines, de l’agriculture, etc. 2e partie. Atlas II. Planches des tomes V, VI, VII, VIII et IX (111 planches). Annales et archives de l’industrie au XIXe siècle. Description générale, encyclopédique, méthodique et raisonné de l’état actuel des arts, des sciences, de l’industrie et de l’agriculture chez toutes les nations … E. Lacroix directeur de la publication. Nouvelle edition. Paris: Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, 1884. xvi, 599p, illustrations. RB.23.b.6163. Royal Society of Arts (Great Britain). The Society of Arts Artisan reports on the Paris Universal Exhibiiton of 1878. London: Sampson Low & Co. 1879. ix, 664p. Ac.4470/31. Guides The English visitors’ guide to Paris and the exhibition. London: Edward William Allen, 1878. 104p. Only pp. 75-80 describe the exhibition, but pp. 81-104 list the classification and the English exhibitors, and there is a folded plate giving a bird’s-eye view. John Garnham. Garnham’s guide to Paris, including information respecting the Universal Exhibition of 1878. Railway timetables … London, 1877. 10174.a.15. Specialist sections The illustrated catalogue of the Paris International Exhibition 1878. London: Virtue & Co. 1878. xxii, 212p. 7960.dd.28. This is a survey of the decorative arts at the exhibition, mainly from English exhibitors, with a few European firms. It is lavishly illustrated in black and white, and has illustrated introductory sections on the exhibition buildings and the Street of nations. E. Bergerat. Les Chefs-D’Oeuvre d’Art à l’Exposition Universelle … sous la direction de M. E. Bergerat. Paris: Ludovic Baschet, 1878. 2 vols in one (166, 207p). 1759.b.3. Many impressionistic articles entitled ‘Causeries’ are illustrated by delightful line drawings of the construction, the exhibits and the visitors. There are also fine photogravures of paintings and sculptures, and articles about the artists who are mainly French, with a few English (Millais, Herkomer) and Spanish. Louis Gonse. Exposition Universelle de 1878. Les Beaux-Arts et les Arts Décoratifs. Par MM. E. de Beaumont, T. Biais [and others]. Paris, 1879. 2 pt. 7806.v.10. Théodore Véron. Salon de 1875(-1885). De l’Art et des Artistes de mon temps … Deuxième edition. Poitiers [printed], Paris, 1875-85. 7869.v.1. 1878 is in 3 tom. and includes the Exposition Universelle. L’art et l’industrie de tous les peoples à l’Exposition universelle de 1878. Description illustrée des merveilles du Champ-de-Mars et du Trocadéro par les écrivains spéciaux les plus autorisés. Paris: Librairie illustré, 1879. 636p. 7957.g.4. A well-illustrated account of the fine and decorative arts at the exhibition. Illustrations of the buildings are included. La Marine à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Ouvrage publié par ordre de M. le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies. Paris: Gautier-Villars, 1879. 2 vols. 8807.f.21; plates at 14001.e.7. A survey of worldwide marine engineering, but predominantly on French achievements.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Albert Cazeneuve. Les chemins de fer à l’Exposition Universelle. Paris, 1878-1881. 4 sér. Railways. Charles Joly. Exposition Universelle de 1878. Étude sur le matériel horticole. Paris, 1880. 34p. C.T.275(7). Horticultural exhibits. Souvenirs and illustrations Les merveilles de l’Exposition de 1878 … ouvrage rédigé par des écrivains spéciaux et des ingénieurs, illustré … etc. Paris: Librairie illustrée, [1878]. 796p. 1602/179. A comprehensive history of the exhibition, with many illustrations, a plan of the Champ de Mars palace, a diary of events and a list of medal winners. The illustrated Paris Universal Exhibition, published at the office of the Illustrated London News. No. 1 (Tuesday 7 May 1878) - no. 30 (Sat 30 Nov.). 1763.d.16. English edition of ‘L’Exposition Universelle de 1878 illustré’, printed in the exhibition building in continuation of the illustrated journal issued in 1867 under the authority of the Imperial Commission. Issued in parts, this is a well-illustrated narrative of the exhibition, from its opening, with descriptions of exhibits, to famous visitors, reproductions of paintings, visitors’ comments, and the farewell banquet. L’Esposizione di Parigi del 1878 illustrata. E. Sonzogno editore. Disp 1-61. Milano, 1878. fol. FMISC326NPL. (Newspaper collection). A narrative of the exhibition issued in parts. Paris en 1878. Souvenir de l’Exposition Universelle. Paris, 1878. Maps 16110(137). A. P. Martial. Paris-gravé. L’exposition universelle 1878. Lettre illustré. 48 eaux-fortes. 1787.d.6. An artist’s impressions. Japanese. Notes et dessins d’un Japonais sur Paris en 1878 pendant l’Exposition Universelle. Traduction par [or rather the composition of] A. P. Martial. Paris, [1878]. 1789.b.12. Gustave Gaugler de Gempen, Baron. Promenades à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1878. 112p. (Publication de la Réunion des officiers). 8832.g.34(6). Harriet A. Boomer. Notes from our log in South Africa: and, On foot through the colonies at the Paris Exhibition. [London, Ont?], 1880. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.08833]. National pavilions Algeria Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1878. Algérie: archéologie et histoire. Alger: Typographie A. Jourdan, 1878. 32p. 10097.h.11(2). Bound with eight booklets about the mineral and vegetable products of Algeria, its history, arts, perfumes, shipping and education, all produced for the exhibition; together with Notes sur l’Algérie by A. Aubanel and J. Maistre. Canada Canadian Section. Handbook and official catalogue of the Canadian Section / published under the direction of Thomas C. Keefer. London: H.M.S.O. 1878. 188p, illustrations, maps. 3 microfiches. Mic.F.232 [no.11635]; another copy at Mic.F.232[no.07919].


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Thomas C. Keefer, Report for the Canadian Commission. Ottawa: Maclean Roger, 1881. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no. 53451]. Catalogue of goods sent by Canadian exhibitors per government steamer ‘Newfield’ from Halifax, 17th December, 1877. [1877?] 11p. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.63890]. Catalogue of goods sent by Canadian exhibitors via New York by ocean steamer to Havre. [1878?]. 13p. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.28706]. B. J. Harrington. Catalogue des minéraux, roches et fossils du Canada, etc. Londres: G. E. Eyre et W. Spottiswoode, 1878. 134, [2]p. 2 microfiches. Mic.F.232[no.55197]. China China. Imperial maritime customs. Catalogue of the collection exhibited in the Palais du Champ de Mars Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1878. Published by order of the Inspector General of Customs. Shanghai: Statistical department of the Inspectorate General, 1878. xiii, 122p. S.S.15/2 (2). An entirely French edition is on microfilm at MFR/997. After the Opium War the Chinese were forced to open the ports of Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo and Shanghai to British trade under the Treaty of Nanking in 1842. When Britain and France joined for a second war, other ports were opened from 1858. An extensive exhibit of exports, including paper, books, musical instruments, enamels, silks, embroideries, minerals, medicinal plants and other agricultural products was organized by English customs officials from Shanghai, Canton and Chefoo. The catalogue is in French, with species names in Chinese characters. Introductions to sections describe China and its products. Denmark Le Danemark à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878 à Paris. Rédigé, avec l’autorisation de la Commission danoise par C. Nyrop. Copenhague: Nielsen et Lydiche, 1878. xiv, 145p. Microfilm. Mic.A.9671. A catalogue of Denmark’s exhibit, including works of arts, furniture, textiles, industrial and food products, machinery and fish. There is a history of industry, in particular of art industries, and a list of jury members and commissioners. Finland Catalogue raisonné des antiquités du Nord finno-ougrien exposés par l’Université Alexandrine d’Helsingfors à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Helsingfors: Imprimerie de la Société Littéraire finlandaise, 1878. 36p. A catalogue of excavated objects with a few illustrations, and an introduction on the state of Finnish archaeology at the time. Finland was then part of the Russian Empire. France Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1878, à Paris. Catalogue général de l’exposition du Ministère de l’Intérieur publié … par M. Paul Bucquet. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1878. 100p. 7959.f.10. A catalogue of the exhibit produced by the Ministery of the Interior, giving statistics of hospitals, schools, charitable institutions, cooperative associations, prisons, and a list of items displayed from the archives of the départements of France. France. Ministère de l’Instruction Publique, etc. Direction des Beaux-Arts. Manufactures Nationales. Rapport … par M. Denuelle … sur les tapisseries et les tapis modernes qui ont figuré à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1879. 47p. S.E.123/34. Tapestries and carpets.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

France. Ministère de l’Instruction Publique, etc. Direction des Beaux-Arts. Manufactures Nationales. Rapport … par M. Lameire … sur les porcelaines modernes qui ont figuré à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1879. 58p. S.E.123/46. Henry Jouin. Exposition Universelle de 1878, à Paris. Notice historique et analytique des peintures, sculptures, tapisseries, miniatures, émaux, dessins etc. exposés dans les galeries des portraits nationaux au palais du Trocadéro. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1879. 286p. 7959.f.4. A catalogue, with detailed descriptions and indexes, of an exhibition of French portraits from the 11th to the 19th century. Some portraits were photographic reproductions. V. de Harambure. Études sur l’organisation des services publics. Le Régime pénitentiaire à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878, etc. Paris: Marchal Billard, 1878. 63p. 6056.y.2. The prison system. La Librairie des bibliophiles à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris: D. Jouaust, 1879. 47, 32p. YA.2001.a.27517. Catalogue of books on book-collecting, with the Catalogue de la Librairie des bibliophiles. Exposition Universelle de Paris – 1878. Catalogue de l’exposition archéologique du Département de la Savoie par M. le Comte Costa de Beauregard et M. A. Perrin … avec 21 photographies. Paris: C. Reinwald, 1878. 69p, [21] plates. 7707.h.11. An archaeological exhibit from Savoy, which had been part of France since 1860. Edouard Gérard Balbiani. La sériciculture nouvelle [Suivi de L’apiculture]. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1881. 35p. Mic.F.1191. On French silk industries and bee-keeping. Société d’Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du department de l’Eure (Evreux). Charles Fortier. Le Département de l’Eure à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Evreux, 1879. 253p. Ac.325/6. Paul Bosq. Marseille et le Midi à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1879. 340p. Microfiche. Mic.F.1358. Great Britain Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1878. An illustrated catalogue of painting and sculpture in the British Fine Art section. With notes by Henry Blackburn. Paris: Galignani, London: Chatto and Windus, 1878. 64p. Microfiche. Mic.F.348/4.2.1634. Exposition Universelle Paris 1878. Catalogue illustré de la section des Beaux-arts. École anglaise, avec notes par Henry Blackburn. Paris: Hachette, London: Chatto and Windus, 1878. 64p. 7858.b.14. Catalogues of paintings, engravings and sculptures exhibited in the British section with a few small line illustrations. Watts, Burne-Jones (‘Merlin and Vivian’), Millais, Alma-Tadema and Albert Moore are included. Benjamin Horatio Paul. Universal International Exhibition, Paris, 1878. Report on the exhibits connected with Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Chemical Industry, etc. Reprinted from the ‘Pharmaceutical Journal’. London, 1878. 7560.aa.1. Catalogue of the British colonies. London: G. E. Eyre and W.S. Spottiswoode, [1878?]. 174p. 2 microfiches. Mic.F.232[no.57106].


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

India Sir George C. M. Birdwood. Paris Universal Exhibition of 1878. Handbook to the British India section. London: Offices of the Royal Commission, 1878. vii, 162p, 5 plates. T10289; another copy at W51/4112. Not precisely a catalogue, but rather a handbook to the India court, from which the exhibits can be deduced, with a list of exhibitors and some contemporary statistics. The silk exhibits are listed in an appendix. Sir Thomas Wardle. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878. Monographs on the Tusser and other wild silks of India … and on the dyestuffs and tannin matters of India … London, 1878. T3663. Italy Catalogue de marbres ayant figuré à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878, oeuvres des principaux sculpteurs italiens … vente Hotel Drouot … 1878. [Paris: Pillet, 1878.] 19p. 7807.l.10(10). The Italian sculptors auctioned their works after the exhibition, and this catalogue lists them, without giving descriptions. Japan Le Japon à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878, publié sous la direction de la Commission Impériale Japonaise. Paris: A la Commission Impériale du Japon, 1878. 2 parts (159, 192p). 7959.g.6. The first part is a history of Japan with a small section on its geography. The second part describes Japan’s products; porcelain, enamels, silks, food products, dyes and woods used in buildings. One can guess the products that were displayed, but they are not catalogued. Norway La Norvège. – Catalogue spécial pour l’Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1878. (Appendices: I. L’art moderne en Norvège. II. Résumé de l’histoire de musique [sic] en Norvège. III. Notices sur les pêcheries de la Norvège.) Christiana, 1878. xxiii, 78, 28, 55, 67p. 7959.c.1. A catalogue of exhibits, mainly fish, wood and textile products and clothing, including waterproof clothing, and a list of exhibitors. The appendices on painting and music give biographical notes on a number of artists and musicians. The last section gives methods and statistics for the fishing industry. Beretninger om Norges Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen 1878, etc. Kristiana, 1880. 128p. Microfilm. Mic.A.7693(1). An account of Norwegian participation in the Universal Exhibition of 1878. Ole Jacob Broch, Professor i Mathematik ved Universitetet i Kristiania. Le Royaume de Norvège et le people norvégien. Rapport à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878 à Paris. Christiania, 1878. 2 pt. 10280.f.2. F6/7373. Portugal Rodrigo de Moraes Soares. Exposition Universelle 1878. Mémoire sur les vins de Portugal. Lisbonne, 1878. 42p. 7076.g.8. Wines. J. Lemaire, Gérant de la Côte de la Bourse et de la Banque. Le Portugal en 1878; conditions économiques du royaume de Portugal avec un aperçu des industries portugaises à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris. Paris: P. Debons, 1878. xiv, 271p. 8229.ff.3. Economic conditions and industries.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Sweden Royaume de Suède. 1. Exposé statistique par le Dr Elis Sidenbladh. 554p, map. [Stockholm: Imprimerie centrale, 1878]. 7959.f.9. A survey of Sweden, with statistics. There are also extensive comments on education, agricultural and industrial products, minerals, medicine, the navy and the position of women, reflecting the classes of objects as they were exhibited; but the actual catalogue, which formed the second volume, was destroyed in the War. United States Official catalogue of the United States exhibitors. Compiled by Thomas R. Pickering and published by direction of the Commissioner-General. London: Chiswick Press, 1878. xxviii, 255p. Microfilm. Mic.A.6956(7). An alphabetical and classified list of exhibitors, and an indication of their exhibits. Paris Universal Exposition MDCCCLXXVIII. The catalogue of the United States Collective Exhibition of Education. Compiled by John D. Philbrick and published by direction of the Commissioner-General. London, 1878. 123p. 8385.df.13. Exhibits and statistics on education. Richard Cunningham McCormick. Universal Exhibition, Paris 1878. The Banquet given to R. C. McCormick, Commissioner-General for the United States … with an account of the testimonial presented to him by the United States Exhibitors. London, 1878. Microfilm. Mic.A.10535(5). 1889

Fig. 4. L’Exposition de Paris 1889. Paris: La Librairie illustrée, 1889. 7957.h.4.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

This exhibition marked the centenary of the French Revolution, and its most famous structure was the Tour Eiffel. An equally spectacular construction in cast iron was the Palais des Machines, which covered 77,000 square metres, and cost seven times as much as the Tower. It contained a gallery of machinery, and side galleries devoted to the arts, as well as national displays. Around the Tower was a park with restaurants and some national pavilions, with more national pavilions along the river-side. The colonial exhibition on the Invalides esplanade was popular. Electric lighting enabled the park to be visited in the evenings. A huge Palais de l’Industrie on the Champs Elysées was demolished only in 1910. The exhibition opened on 6 May, with 61,722 exhibitors, 25,000 of them from overseas, and closed at the beginning of November. With 32 million visitors, it was the first exhibition to make a profit. Catalogues and reports Catalogue général officiel de l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Lille: I. Danel, 1889. 330p. Facsimile edition. 85/16321. Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Universal Exposition of 1889 at Paris. Washington: Government Printers Office, 1891. 5 vols. (House of Representatives. Executive documents for 1st session of 51st Congress 1889-90 Vol. 38. 1893) A.S.408/9. This is a useful and detailed survey of the whole exhibition in English, which nonvisitors to the British Library may be able to locate if they have access to American official publications. The American exhibits are given prominence, but all exhibits are surveyed. Vol. I. Report of the Commissioner-general and other officials. Regulations, classification and plans. Vol. II. Arts and mining. Vol. III. Mechanical and civil engineering world-wide, including the construction of the Tour Eiffel, with many illustrations. Vol. IV. Military hardware, with many diagrams and photographs of guns, electricity and food-processing machinery. Vol. V. Agriculture, with half the volume on the United States, and half world-wide. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 à Paris. Rapport general par M. Alfred Picard. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1891. 10 vols. 7953.m.3. Vol. I. A history of Paris exhibitions from 1798, with illustrations of the early exhibitions, digressions on other European exhibitions, and the preparations for the 1889 exhibition. Vol. II. The construction of the buildings for the 1889 exhibition; the palaces, the pavilions and the Tour Eiffel, with four folded plans, and many photographs. Vol. III. The setting up of the exhibits and the finances and organization of the exhibition. Vol. IV. Fine arts, education, photography, medicine, geography. Vol. V. Furniture and textiles. Vol. VI. Agricultural, mineral and chemical industries. Vol. VII. Industrial machinery and electricity. Vol. VIII. Agriculture and horticulture. Vol. IX. Social organization and conclusion on progress. Vol. X. Official documents and statistics. Revue technique de l’Exposition universelle de 1889. Paris: E. Bernard, 1893. 11 parts, some of which are in two volumes and 5 volumes of plates (called ‘Atlas’). These have been catalogued and shelfmarked separately, and must be ordered separately. The general title must be cited for each volume, but only the part name is listed below. Première partie. L’Architecture. RB.23.b.6469. [Deuxième partie. Les constructions. Missing]. Troisième partie. Les travaux publics. RB.23.b.6468.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Quatrième partie. La minéralogie, la minéralurgie et la géologie. RB.23.b.6461. Cinquième partie. Les chemins de fer. RB.23.b.6463. Sixième partie. Chaudières à vapeur et machines thermiques. Tome premier. RB.23.b.6456. Tome II. RB.23.b.6466. Septième partie. Tome 1. Mécanique générale, machines-outils, hydraulique générale, travail du bois, travail des métaux, machines industrielles. RB.23.b.6455. Tome II. Les machinesoutils. RB.23.b.6467. Huitième partie. Electricité et applications. RB.23.b.6459. Neuvième partie. Marine et arts militaires. RB.23.b.6460. Dixième partie. Arts industriels. RB.23.b.6457. Onzième partie. Industries chimiques. Tome 1. RB.23.b.6465. Atlas des 1re, 2e, 3e parties. RB.31.c.579. Atlas des 4e & 5e parties. RB.31.c.580. An extract from the atlas of the 5e partie is at LB.37.c.176. Atlas de la 6e partie. RB.31.c.581. Atlas des 7e & 8e parties. RB.31.c.578. Atlas des 9e, 10e & 11e parties. RB.31.c.576. Reports of artisans selected by the Mansion House committee to visit the Paris Universal exhibition, 1889. London: C. F. Roworth, 1889.; other copies at W72/2054 and W70/6258. A series of interesting and unstuffy travelogues written by craftsmen in trades from book-binding and boot-making to zinc-working, describing the exhibits and factories which were visited, and comparing methods and working conditions in England and France. One report notes that Paris did not have the pall of smoke which hung over London, as it was not a manufacturing city, but devoted to tourism, and householders burned charcoal instead of coal. Another copy of the report on bookbinding by W. H. Edmund is at YA.2002.a.12216. France – Ministère du Commerce etc. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 à Paris. Monographie: palais, jardins, constructions diverses, installations générales. Par A. Alphand … Accompagnée d’un atlas de 219 planches. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1892-1895. 2 tom. Tab.1294.a.1; another copy of the plates at Tab.1294.f. Two massive volumes with detailed architectural drawings, some coloured, of the buildings and structures. Coloured plates of the decoration of the interior of the places are very fine, and there is a coloured plan of the whole ground spread over four plates. Exposition universelle de 1889 (Paris, France). Les constructions françaises et étrangères, pavillons – édicules – portes monumentales – etc. réunis par L. Farge … Paris: Librairie générale de l’architecture et des travaux publics…, [1889]. 28p, lxxx leaves of plates, illustrations, plans. RB.37.c.51. Buildings. L’esposizione di Parigi del 1889 illustrata. Milano: Edoardo Sonzogno, 1890. 568p. Cup.1249.b.5. Issued in 70 parts, these magazine articles in Italian on exhibits and events are indexed at the back, and illustrated with numerous black-and-white engravings. Guides and illustrations Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. Tour de 300 mètres, destiné à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Projet présenté par M. G. Eiffel, etc. [A coloured sketch.] Paris, 1886. single sheet. 1882.d.1(91). Max de Nansouty. La Tour Eiffel de 300 mètres à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Historique et description … deuxième edition. Avec un portrait de M. Eiffel, etc. Paris, [c.1889.] (Bibliothèque des Actualités Industrielles, 25). 1608/1691(1). 30

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Guide to the Paris Universal Exhibition in 1889, authorized by the Executive Council of the British Section. London: William Clowes, 1889. 66p. Microfilm. Mic.A.6956(4). A guide to the buildings and the contents of the Palaces of Fine Arts and Liberal Arts, and other objects of interest, with an emphasis on British products; includes a plan and a few sketches. Guide to the Paris Universal Exhibition 1889. Guide de l’Exposition. 3ème éd. London: William Clowes, 1889. 177p. Microfilm. Mic.A.6956(6). A bilingual guide similar to the guide listed above. Thomas Cook and Son. Cook’s guide to Paris and the Universal Exhibition. Special edition, etc. London: Thomas Cook & Son, 1889. 168p. 010167.a.11. The exhibition is described on pp. 102-30. Paris illustrated, with full descriptive guide to the exhibition. London: Morton and Co. 1889. 32p. 10107.g.12(5). The exhibition is described on pp. 25-32. With a map of the exhibition and a plan of the exhibits. Tit-bits guide to Paris and the exhibition. London: Tit-bits, 8th edition. 1891. 148p. 10174. aaa.40. Only pp. 127-38 give advice on how to see the exhibition in four days, and a folded plan of the exhibition indicates ‘a spot to which the Eiffel Tower would reach if it fell’. Constant de Tours. Guide-album du touriste …Vingt jours à Paris pendant l’Exposition Universelle, 1889, etc. [Paris, 1889]. 183p, illustrations, plans. 10175.g.11. Paul Bénigne Joanne. Paris … avec 34 plans … et un appendice sur l’Exposition Universelle de 1889, etc. Paris, 1889. 3 pt. 10168.aa.32. 1892 edition at 010168.e.9; 1897 edition at The Paris Universal Exhibition album 1889 … published under the patronage of the American Commission. London, New York: Stiassny and E. Rasetti, [1889]. 179p. Wf1/2143. A lavishly illustrated guide to the exhibition in English, French and Spanish, with a section of 70 pages on the American exhibits, including Edison’s display. L’Exposition de Paris 1889. Paris: La Librairie illustrée, 1889. 3 vols. 7957.h.4. A large-format weekly magazine, generously illustrated with woodcut illustrations. It ran from 15 October 1888 to 15 February 1890, but the numbers are not bound in strict chronological order in the three volumes. There are descriptions of the exhibits, the visitors and events. Les merveilles de l’Exposition de 1889: histoire, construction, inauguration, description détaillée des palais, des annexes et des parcs, les chefs-d’oeuvre de l’art de tous les pays, les machines, les arts industriels, les produits manufactures, les expositions spéciales, la Tour Eiffel … Paris: Librairie illustrée, [1889?]. 1083p, 2 folded plates, illustrations, portraits. YA.2003.b.452. François Guillaume Dumas. Revue de l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Paris, Motteroz, 1889. 2 vols. 7959.k.6. A lavishly illustrated work, with a few colour plates. Émile Monod. L’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Grand ouvrage illustré historique, encyclopédique, descriptif, etc. Paris: E. Dentu, 1890. 4 vols. 7958.i.19. Three large-format well-illustrated volumes, and one volume of plates.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Guide illustré de l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Paris: L. Danel, 1889. 224p, illustrations, map. YA.1992.a.22176. Glücq. L’album de l’Exposition 1889. Paris: Ch. Gaulon, [1889?]. 2 vols (100 leaves of plates). HS.74/1745. Photographs of the exhibition, with captions in French, English and Spanish. Fifty plates in each volume. Le Figaro illustré. 1889. F51 NPL. (Newspaper collection). Weekly news items. Paris illustré. [English edition]. Nos 40-100 (6 Oct. 1888 – 30 Nov. 1889). LON 395 [1888] NPL, LON 261 [1889] NPL. (Newspaper collection). Specialist sections Exposition Universelle internationale de 1889 à Paris. Catalogue général officiel. Tome premier. Groupe 1 Oeuvres d’art. Classes 1 à 5. (Sections françaises. – Sections étrangères). Lille: Imprimerie L. Danel, 1889. viii, 330p. 07958.f.36; facsimile edition at X.429/14054 and 85/16321. A catalogue of art works. Each national section is divided into 5 sections: oil paintings, other paintings and drawings, sculptures and medals, drawings and architectural models, and engravings and lithographs. The first part of the volume is devoted to France; the second to Europe, the United States, Algeria and small exhibits from Latin America. There is an additional catalogue of French water-colours and pastels. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Catalogue illustré des Beaux-arts. 1789-1889. publié sous la direction de F.-G. Dumas. Lille: L. Danel, [1889]. 126p. 221, viii plates.; facsimile edition at X.429/14048. A catalogue of French contemporary paintings and sculptures, and a separate listing of the French centennial exhibition. Also listed are foreign paintings and sculptures. Many are illustrated with black-and-white engravings from photographs or sketches. William Walton. Chefs-d’œuvre de l’exposition universelle [sic] de Paris, 1889. Philadelphia: G. Barrie, 1889. xlii, 118p, plates. Roger Marx. La décoration et l’art industriel à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Trente reproductions d’ouvrages exposés. Paris, 1890. 60p. 7805.eee.27. Photographs of decorative arts. Arthur Pougin. Le théâtre à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Notes et descriptions, histoire et souvenirs. Paris: Librairie Fischbacher, 1890. 125p. 011795.g.13. A report on exhibits concerning the theatre throughout the exhibition, and of the performances, mostly of music and dance, staged by exhibitors. Constant Victor Désiré Pierre. La Facture instrumentale à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Notes d’un musicien sur les instruments à souffle humain nouveaux & perfectionnés … orné de gravures et d’exemples de musique. Paris, 1890. xii, 316p. 07896.e.58. New musical wind instruments in the exhibition. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Catalogue général officiel. Exposition retrospective du travail et des sciences anthropologiques. Lille: Imprimerie L. Danel. 1889. 4 parts bound in 2 vols. 7956.h.5. Catalogues of items from across the world, though mostly from French collections, divided into sections on anthropology and ethnography, the liberal arts, trades and means of transport.


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Frantz Jourdain. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Constructions élevées au Champ de Mars par … C. Garnier … pour servir à l’histoire de l’habitation humaine. Texte explicatif et descriptif par … F. Jourdain. Paris, [1890]. 20p. 1731.b.4. Exhibits on the history of human dwellings. Marcel Édouard Baudouin. Guide médical à l’Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 à Paris. Paris: Progrès medical, 1889. 578, viiip. 7958.f.9. An illustrated survey of medical equipment displayed in the exhibition, mainly from France, but with some from other countries, including instruments for applying electric shocks. French medical services are described, and the first aid available at the exhibition, applied to those imprudent visitors who drank too much, or got too cold ascending the Tour Eiffel. Philippe Salmon. L’Âge de la Pierre à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. L’industrie, l’art et les races humaines préhistoriques, etc. Paris, 1889. 66p. 07708.f.18. Exhibits on the Stone Age. Francis Laur. Les mines et usines en 1889. Étude complète sur l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Paris, 1890. 598p. 07109.h.9. A study of mines and factories. Ch. Wehrlin. Les moteurs à gaz et les moteurs à pétrole à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Paris, 1890. 62p. 8765.eee.21(2). G. Heuillet. Ville de Toulouse. Délégations ouvrières à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Rapport sur la Typographie et parties similaires. Toulouse: Imp. Berthoumieu, 1889. 43p. 11903.aa.23(2). Workers from Toulouse report on printing and related industries. France. Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie et des Colonies. Conférences de l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1890. 2 vols (543, 530p.) SE.90/3. Thirty-nine lectures given in the palais du Trocadéro on agriculture, painting, archaeology and social questions. National pavilions Argentina Catàlogo Oficial de las muestras de minerales exhibidas an la Secciòn Argentina anexa á la Exposiciòn de Paris, 1889. Buenos Aires, 1889. 144p. A catalogue of mineral samples exhibited in the mineral section. Brazil Exposition Universelle-1889. Catalogue des produits envoyés par la commission de la province de Pernambuco … Pernambuco: F. P. Boulitreau, 1889. 48p. 7960.pp.38. An itemized catalogue of 674 exhibits, including art objects, toiletries, and products of forest and agriculture. Frederico José, Baron de Santa-Anna Nery, Le Brésil en 1889, avec une carte de l’Empire en chromolithographie, des tableaux statistiques, des graphiques et des cartes … publié … pour l’Exposition universelle de Paris. Paris, 1889. xix, 699p. 10481.ff.28; another copy at


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Chile Catalogue de la section du Chili et notice sur le pays. Paris: Imprimerie A. Lanier, 1889. 104p. 1600/979. An introduction to the country, with plentiful statistics, and an itemized catalogue of exhibits, which include books, industrial, agricultural and mineral products. There is a drawing of the pavilion on the title page and cover. France Exposition Universelle de 1889 à Paris. Catalogue général officiel. Manufactures nationales, enseignement des arts du dessin, exposition théâtrale. Lille: Imprimerie L. Danel, 1889. 150p. 7959.bbb.10. A catalogue of French decorative arts products; mainly porcelain and tapestries, and an exhibition of drawings to illustrate the work of art colleges. Also a small theatrical exhibition of costume designs and scenery models for productions at the Opéra. Victor Champier. Les industries d’art à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Paris, [1890?]. 7959.k.24. A volume of plates illustrating mainly French art objects (with only four non-French items). The planned text was never issued. L’Art français. Publication officielle de la Commission des Beaux-Arts sous la direction de A. Proust. Paris, 1890. 184p. L.R.404.a.16. Louis Gonse. Exposition universelle de 1889. Les Beaux-Arts et les Arts Décoratifs. L’Art français retrospectif au Trocadéro … Ouvrage publié sous la direction de L. Gonse et A. de Lostalot. Illustré, etc. Paris, [1889]. 592p. Includes fine plates illustrating the history of French art. Le musée pédagogique et la bibliothèque centrale de l’enseignement primaire, par M. A. Beurier. Paris, 1889. 38p. 8304.e.15(4). Material on primary education. France. Ministère de l’Instruction Publique. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Organisation de l’Exposition de l’enseignement primaire publique, etc. 94p. 1887. In : Paris. Musée Pédagogique, etc. Mémoires, etc. fasc. 38. S.E.124/52. Exposition Universelle à Paris en 1889. Notices sur les modèles, dessins et documents divers relatifs aux travaux des ponts et chaussées et des mines, réunis par les soins du Ministère des Travaux Publics. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1889. 811p. X.421/1179. Detailed illustrated accounts of bridges, canals and lighthouses in France which were represented in the exhibition by models or drawings. Jules Helbronner. Report on the social economy section of the Universal International Exposition of 1889 at Paris. Ottawa: B. Chamberlin, 1890. lxxxiii, 659p. C.S.E.54/10. On economic and social conditions in France. Emmanuel Rodocanachi. Rapport sur les raisins secs à l’Exposition universelle de 1889. Amiens, 1889. 26p. 07076.h.22(6). On dried grapes. Prosper Demontzey. La restauration des terrains en montagne au Pavillon des Forêts. Paris, 1889. 168p. 7078.f.41. The work of the Forestry administration in mountain areas.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Adrien Storck and Henri Martin. Lyon à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. 2 vols, illustrations. Lyon, 1890, 91. K.T.C.33.b.14. L’Exposition Universelle de 1889. L’industrie de la soie à travers les âges et l’exposition lyonnaise de soieries. Lyon, 1891. 120p. 7743.g.18. With coloured plates, and specimens. Another copy of pt. 1 of vol. II of the work above. Great Britain Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889. Official catalogue of the British section. London: William Clowes, 1889. lxvi, 184p. Microfilm. Mic.6956(5). This contains a list of officials, of the classifications, and of the exhibitors and what they exhibited. These included industrial products, machinery, agricultural and horticultural exhibits, and art and decorative art objects. The colonies are included, as there was an Indian pavilion. Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889. A complete illustrated catalogue of paintings, drawings and sculpture in the British Fine Art section. By Henry Blackburn. London: Chatto and Windus, 1889. 96p. Microfilm. Mic.A.6956(8). Also at Mic.F.348/4.3.25. Many of the items are illustrated with sketches Paris Universal exhibition of 1889. Catalogue of the British Fine art section. London: William Clowes, 1889. 100p. 7960.l.39(2). A list of oil and water-colour paintings, sculptures, drawings and photographs which were exhibited. The addresses of all the artists are supplied. Report of the Executive Council of the British Section. London: Clowes & Sons, 1890. 48p. Microfilm. Mic.A.7501(10). Oliver Phalp. The Paris Universal Exhibition 1889. Description of the exhibits of Capt. Phalp. London: Edwin Olver, [1889]. 8p. 8768.bbb.32(10). A description of patented inventions for ships. Mexico Proyectos de edificio (de Mexico) para la Exposicion internacional de Paris en 1889. Mexico, 1888. folio plates. 1701.h.1.(116). Six photographic plans, with two official communications from the ‘Comision encargada de la formacion del proyecto de edificio para la Exposicion Mexicana en la Internacional de Paris’. Romania Prince George Bibescu. 1889: Exposition Universelle. La Roumanie avant, pendant, après. Paris: J Kugelmann, 1890. 439p. 7959.f.21. A detailed account of the Romanian exhibit, including a list of exhibitors, and an account of Romania. San Salvador David J. Guzmàn, Catàlogo official de los productos que la República del Salvador envía a la Exposición Internacional de Paris de 1889, con un cuadro estadístico é historial de todas estas producciones …. San Salvador : Imprenta Nacional, 1888. 123p. YF.2004.b.102. United States See above the second item in the section ‘Catalogues and reports’.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings


Fig. 5. Plan of the 1900 Exhibition site.


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

The 1900 exhibition was larger than any previous exhibition, covering the Champ de Mars, the esplanade of the Invalides and an annexe in the Bois de Vincennes for agriculture and the model houses for workers. Its theme was the achievements of the previous century, with many historical displays, as well as a celebration of the marvels of electricity. Of 83,000 exhibitors, 40,000 were foreign. Widely publicized, it attracted 51 million visitors and made a profit. The new underground railway was not ready in time for the opening of the exhibition, but was opened on 14 July, with station entrances designed by Hector Guimard. A great novelty was the moving pavement, which had two sections running at 4.2 and 8.5 km an hour on a viaduct, making a three kilometre circular route through the exhibition. Alongside ran a little train. Moving film survives of the pavement in use. Plans Plan de l’Exposition Universelle de 1900 et de son annexe deVincennes, d’après les documents officiels. Paris, 1900. Maps 16305(18). Classification Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900 à Paris. Actes organiques. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1896. 7957.c.11. The legislative framework and classification for the exhibition. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900 à Paris. Classification générale. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1898. 62p. 7957.c.12. A schedule of classes proposed for the exhibition. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900 à Paris. Direction générale de l’exploitation. Jury international. Paris, 1900. lxxxvi, 366p. 7957.c.13. Gives details of the jury’s work and lists the classes. Catalogues and Reports Exposition internationale universelle de 1900. Catalogue général officiel. Paris: Lemercier, 1900. Only five volumes of this 20-volume catalogue are held: vol. II (Works of art), vol. IV (Mechanical engineering), vol. VII (Agriculture), vol. XI (Foodstuffs) and vol. XIV (Chemical industry). A facsimile edition of vol. II, group II, works of art classes 7 to 10 is at X.429/14053; another copy of the facsimile at 85/16322. Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 à Paris. Rapports du Jury International. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1902-6. As individual volumes have been separately catalogued and shelfmarked, the volume subtitles only of this incomplete set are listed below, but the heading and title for the whole work appears for each volume entry in the Catalogue. Introduction générale. Tome V et dernier. Sixième partie. Économie sociale. Septième partie. Colonisation. [with maps]. Paris, 1903. viii, 579p. 7702.i.45; Another copy at RB.23.b.6152. Groupe 1. Education et enseignement. Première partie. Classe 1. 1902. 1032p. RB.23.b.6153. Groupe 1. Education et enseignement. Deuxième partie. Classes 2 à 4. 1902. 288p. RB.23.b. 6120. Groupe 1. Education et enseignement. Troisième partie. Classe 5 (tome premier) 1904. 651p. RB.23.b.6142. Groupe 1. Education et enseignement. Quatrième partie. Classe 5 (tome II) 1904. 560p. RB.23.b.6140. Groupe 1. Education et enseignement. Cinquième partie. Classe 6 (tome premier) 1903. 420p. RB.23.b.6141. Groupe 1. Education et enseignement. Sixième partie. Classe 6 (tome II) 1902. 420p. RB.23.b.6112.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Groupe II. Oeuvres d’art. Classes 7 à 10. 1904. 121p. RB.23.b.6113. Groupe III. Instruments et procédés généraux des lettres, des sciences et des arts. 1902. 619p. RB.23.b.6115. Groupe IV. Matériel et procédés généraux de la mécanique. Première partie Classe 20. 1906. 278p, plans. RB.23.b.6106. Groupe IV. Matériel et procédés généraux de la mécanique. Deuxième partie Classe 19. 1906. 688p, plans. RB.23.b.6107. Groupe IV. Matériel et procédés généraux de la mécanique. Troisième partie Classes 21 et 22. 1906. 598p. RB.23.b.6110. Groupe V. Electricité. Classes 23 à 27. 1903. 753p, 7 folded plates, plans. RB.23.b.6118. Groupe VI. Génie civil. Moyens de transport. Première partie. Classes 28 à 31. 1902. 752p, plans, maps. RB.23.b.6114. Groupe VI. Génie civil. Moyens de transport. Deuxième partie. Classe 32 (t.1), classes 33 & 34. 1902. 472p, plates, plans. RB.23.b.6108. Groupe VI. Génie civil. Moyens de transport. Deuxième partie. Classes 32 (t.2) 1902. 621p, plans. RB.23.b.6109. Groupe VII. Agriculture. Classes 35 à 42. 1902. 758p. RB.23.b.6150. Groupe VIII. Horticulture. Classes 43 à 48. 1902. 181p. RB.23.b.6149. Groupe IX. Forêts, chasse, pêche, cueillettes. Classes 49 à 54. 1902. 698p. RB.23.b.6143. Groupe X. Aliments, Première partie. Classes 55 à 59. 1902. 432p. RB.23.b.6119. Groupe X. Aliments, Deuxième partie. Classes 60 à 62. 1902. 556p. RB.23.b.6105. Groupe XI. Mines et métallurgie. Première partie. Classe 63 (tome 1) 1904. 467p. RB.23.b.6102. Groupe XI. Mines et métallurgie. Quatrième partie. Classe 64 & 65. 1903. 575p. RB.23.b.6103. Groupe XII Décoration et mobilier des édifices publics et des habitations. Première partie. 1903. 480p. RB.23.b.6117. Groupe XII Décoration et mobilier des édifices publics et des habitations. Deuxième partie. 1903. 540p. RB.23.b.6151. Groupe XIII. Fils, tissues, vêtements. Deuxième partie. Classes 85 et 86. 1902. 679p. RB.23.b.6116. Groupe XIV. Industrie chimique. Première partie. Classe 87 (tome 1) 1902. 405p. RB.23.b.6111. Groupe XIV. Industrie chimique. Deuxième partie. Classe 87 (tome II) 1902. 445p. RB.23.b.6242. Groupe XIV. Industrie chimique. Troisième partie. Classe 88 à 91. 1902. 542p. RB.23.b.6101. Groupe XV. Industries diverses. Première partie. Classes 92 à 97. 1902. 514p. RB.23.b.6147. Groupe XV. Industries diverses. Deuxième partie. Classes 98 à 100. 1902. 361p. RB.23.b.6148. Groupe XVI. Économie sociale. Hygiène. Assistance publique. Première partie. Classes 101 à 102. 1902. 630p. RB.23.b.6241. Groupe XVI. Économie sociale. Hygiène. Assistance publique. Deuxième partie. Classes 104 à 108. 1902. 554p, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.6146. Groupe XVI. Économie sociale. Hygiène. Assistance publique. Troisième partie. Classes 109 à 111. 1904. 615p, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.6144. Groupe XVI. Économie sociale. Hygiène. Assistance publique. Quatrième partie. Classe 112.1902. 746p, plates, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.6139. Groupe XVII. Colonisation. Classes 113 à 115. 1906. 693p. RB.23.b.6145. Groupe XVIII. Armées de terre et de mer. Première partie, Classe 116. 1902. 518p, 24 plates, plans.. RB.23.b.6138. Groupe XVIII. Armées de terre et de mer. Deuxième partie, Classes 117 à 121. 1903. 518p. RB.23.b.6137. This set is missing 7 volumes of introduction, 2 parts of Group 11, and 1 part of Group 13.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900 à Paris. Rapport général administrative et technique par M. Alfred Picard. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1902. 9 vols. 7955.eee.9. Vol. I. The organization and construction of the exhibition, with construction photographs. Vol. II. The construction of the Grand Palais and other ‘palaces’. Vol. III. The construction of ‘palaces’ and pavilions, including the Palais de l’Electricité, the parks and the electricity and water supply. Vols IV and V. The installation of the exhibits, the classes and awards, and photographs of the pavilions. Vol. VI. Ceremonies and events and transport of visitors, including a moving electric walkway which ran alongside the elevated railway. Vol. VII. The support services (police, fire, press), photographs of pavilions devoted to particular topics, the ‘Vieux Paris’ recreation, and the demolition of the exhibition. Supplements: a volume of statistics and a volume of large, detailed, coloured plans. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900. Le Bilan d’un siècle, 1801-1900. Par M. Alfred Picard. Paris, 1906. 6 tom. Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire. Report of His Majesty’s commissioners for the Paris International Exhibition 1900, to the King’s most excellent Majesty. 2 vols. Command papers; reports of commissioners. Session 1901. Paper number Cd. 629, 630. Volume/page XXXI.1. B.S.Ref.1. See also under the United States section for a report in English on the exhibition and the congresses. Guides L’Exposition de Paris (1900). Paris: Librairie illustrée, Mongrédien et Cie. 1900. 4 vols. 7955.g. Lavishly illustrated. The last volume is a duplicate of volume 1. All are boxed because of their fragile state. Guide-commode indicateur de l’Exposition universelle de 1900. Paris: L. Joly, [1900?],[2], 46, [1]p, carte. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.57231]. Exhibition Paris 1900. A practical guide … with many illustrations, maps and plans. London: William Heinemann, 1900. 432p. 10174.bbb.4. Pages 298-432 are devoted to the exhibition. Anglo-Saxon guide to the Paris Exhibition, 1900 … Edited by B. Bernard. London: Boot & Son, [1900]. viii, 240p. Microfilm. Mic.A.7502(1). This guide lists the awards, and illustrates most of the pavilions. The second half is a guide to Paris. Souvenirs and illustrations Paris-Exposition 1900. 47 Ansichten von der Weltausstellung und Paris. 47 vues … 47 views. German, French & English. Paris, [1900]. fol. Cup. 1254.a.13. The Paris Exhibition 1900. Edited by D. Croal Thomson…(Special extra numbers of the ‘Art Journal’). London: H. Virtue & Co. 1901. 12 numbers. PP.1931.pc/5. Petit journal. Supplément illustré. 8 juillet – 2 décembre 1900. MF206 NPL. (Newspaper library). From 15 July to 2 December this illustrated popular paper includes pictures of pavilions in the exhibition, important visitors and news items.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Figaro illustré. Mars – nov. 1900. nos 120-128, 1900 (dix-huitième année, deuxième série). F51 NPL. (Newspaper library). The English edition is at the same shelfmark. Le panorama. (Publié sous la direction de René Baschet.) [A series of illustrated albums]. 16 vols [1895? – 1901]. PP.1932.fd. The last two volumes cover the 1900 exhibition. Il secolo XIX nella vita e nella cultura dei popoli. L’Esposizione mondiale del 1900 in Parigi descritta da Giovanni Berri e Cesare Hanau. Milano: Valllardi, [190-?]. 356p, illustrations. YA.1991.b.4143. Specialist sections L’Art à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900… sous la direction de M. Jules Comte. Paris: Librairie de l’art ancien et moderne, 1900. 513p. 7958.k.3. A well-illustrated survey of the fine and decorative arts at the exhibition; predominantly French, but with mention of the works of William Morris and English prints. Catalogue illustré officiel de l’exposition décennale des beaux-arts. Paris: Lemercier, 1900. 336p, illustrations. Facsimile edition. X.429/14052; another copy at 85/16320. Three quarters of the exhibition was devoted to French works of art, and the rest an international selection. A catalogue with 240 pages of small black and white photographs. Palais du Costume: woman’s costume at all periods, arranged by M. Felix. London: Gale & Polden, Ltd. 1902. 30p, illustrations, 1 plan, portraits. YA.1997.a.14459. Catalogue of the Palais du Costume venue originally shown at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900 and transferred in its own right to Earls Court, London, in 1902. Gustave Geffroy. Les industries artistiques françaises et étrangères à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900 par Gustave Geffroy. Paris: Librairie centrale des beaux-arts, 1900. 62p. 100 plates. 7807.s.9. A survey of European (but mainly French) decorative arts on display, including furniture, ceramics and metalwork, illustrated in sepia plates. A riot of Art nouveau. Alliance Française (Paris). Exposition Universelle de 1900. La langue française dans le monde … précédé d’une introduction et accompagné de notes par P. Foncin. Paris, 1900. xxxii, 299p. 12953.h.30. Charles Gide. Économie sociale. (Réedition du rapport ‘L’économie sociale à l’Exposition universelle de 1900.’). Paris, 1905. viii, 465p. 08248.e.7. Paul Horsin-Déon. La sucrerie à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Paris: E. Bernard & Cie. 1902. 162p, illustrations. X.622/2445. Exhibits on sugar-refining. Georges Dureau. L’industrie du sucre à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Paris: Journal des Fabricants de Sucre, 1901. 124p, illustrations. X.322/2503. Pierre Andriev. La viticulture. Ses procédés et son matériel. La viticulture à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Montpellier: Coulet et fils; Paris: Masson, 1901. viii, 304p, illustrations. X.329/8134. Bibliography pp. 287-300.


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

L’Électricité à l’Exposition de 1900: publiée avec le concours et sous la direction technique de MM. E. Hospitalier … J.-A. Montpellier. Paris: Vve. Ch. Dunod, 1902. 3 vols. RB.23.c.561. La mécanique à l’exposition de 1900, publiée sous le patronage et la direction technique d’un comité de rédaction. Paris: Vve. Ch. Dunod, éditeur, 1900-1902. 3 vols, illustrations, plans. RB.23.b.5917. The generators of electricity at the Paris Exhibition of 1900. By C. F. Guilbert. [with plates]. Paris: C. Naud, 1902. iv, 766p. 8758.f.10. In French: the title page and preface only in English. Les marines de guerre à l’Exposition universelle de 1900, par L. E. Bertin. Paris: Bernard et Cie, 1902. 100p. (B) VR 90. Navies of the world. L’horlogerie électrique à l’Exposition universelle de 1900, par P. Decressain. Paris: [Revue chronométrique, 1903?] 115p. (B) PK 40. A collection of articles originally published in the Revue chronométrique on electric clocks. Ernest Delessard. L’industrie des matières textiles à l’Exposition universelle de 1900. Paris: E. Bernard et Cie. 1902. 227p, illustrations. YA.1993.b.3900. Les industries chimiques et pharmaceutiques. (Rapport du jury international). Par A. Haller. 2 tom. Paris, 1903. Jacques Buchetti. Les turbines actuelles à l’Exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris. Paris: Béranger, 1900. 63p. (B) UH 60; Album (plates) only at RB.37.c.37. A. Ferrand. Les dynamos et les transformateurs à l’Exposition universelle de 1900. Paris: E. Bernard, 1902. 112p, illustrations. YA.1996.b.4978; 1 vol. of plates, LB.37.c.175. Le matériel des mines. Par A. Habets … Extrait de la Revue universelle des mines, etc. [with eighteen plates]. Paris, 1904. 196p. 07107.l.39. Mining equipment. H. Boutté. Le matériel et les procédés de l’exploitation des mines à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Paris: E. Bernard & Cie. 1902. 264p. X.622/2411. National pavilions Canada William Saunders. Agriculture in Canada. [Ottawa?: s.n.], 1900. 1 vol., illustrations, map. At head of title: Paris International Exhibition, 1900. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.13346]. Catalogue officiel des oeuvres d’art exposées dans le pavillon du Canada = Official catalogue of the works of art exhibited in the Canadian pavillion. Paris: E. Lemasson, 1900. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.11724]. Exposition scolaire de la province de Québec: catalogue, travaux des élèves, livres d’écoles. [s.n.], Québec, 1900. 78p. Microfiche. Mic.F.232[no.58122]. Ceylon Sir Walter Edward, Davidson, K.C.M.G. Report on the Ceylon section, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900 … To which are appended reports by Sir W. W. Mitchell and Mr. J. H. Renton, on the commercial and planting exhibits. [With plates.] Colombo, 1901. 30p. (Papers laid before the Legislative Council of Ceylon, 1901. Sessional Paper 14.) C.S.B.13. 41

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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Denmark Dansk Exportforening (Copenhagen). Le Danemark. [An account of the Danish export trade prepared for the Exposition Universelle de 1900 at Paris by the Dansk Exportforening]. Copenhague, 1900. 112p. Om landbruget i Danmark. I Tekst, Tavler og Kobberaetsuinger. Udgivet … ved R. Schou. (L’Agriculture en Danemark.) Danish & French. Kjøbenhavn, 1900. 329, 47, 58p. 7076.k.7. Færøerne, Island og Grønland paa Verdensudstillingen i Paris 1900 ved Kaptein D. Bruun. Kjøbenhavn, 1901. 53p. 10281.k.15. Egypt Exposition universelle de 1900. Palais du costume. Le costume en Egypte du IIIe au XIIIe siècle. D’après les fouilles de M. Al. Gayet. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1900. 251p, illustrations. 7956.b.4. A descriptive catalogue of clothing dating from the 3rd to 13th centuries AD, excavated from various sites in Egypt. Finland Commission géologique de Finlande. Catalogue d’une collection de cartes géologiques, roches, etc. exposée … dans le pavillon finlandais, suivi d’un aperçu de la géologie de la Finlande, etc. Helsingfors, 1900. 84p. Catalogue of a geological exhibit in the Finnish pavilion. Notices sur la Finlande publiés à l’occasion de l’Exposition Universelle à Paris en 1900. Helsingfors: Imprimerie Centrale de Helsingfors, 1900. Pages numbered in several sequences, illustrations, maps. 7959.f.41. An extensive survey of the country, then part of the Russian Empire. France Catalogue officiel illustré de l’exposition rétrospective de l’art français des origines à 1800. Paris: Lemercier, 1900. 311p. 07958.g.4; other copies at and F11/6574. A list of exhibits in the Petit Palais, with 262 black and white photographic illustrations. Catalogue illustré officiel de l’Exposition Centennale de l’art français 1800-1889. Paris: Lemercier, 1900. 238p. 7960.aa.4; facsimile edition at X.429/14047; another copy of facsimile at 85/16323. A list of exhibits, with a 192 photographic illustrations in black and white. L’Art français des origines à la fin du 19e siècle. Par E. Molinier, R. Marx, F. Marcou. Paris, [1902]. 2 pt. LR.27.c.4. Exposition Universelle de 1900. Exposition retrospective de la Ville de Paris. Paris: Imprimerie Chaix, 1900. 7960.e.5. Medieval buildings were recreated along the banks of the Seine, and this is a catalogue of items displayed, mainly paintings. There are no illustrations. La librairie, l’édition musicale, la presse, la reliure, l’affiche à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Paris: Cercle de la Librairie, 1900. 209p. 11908.g.8. An illustrated survey of the printing, publishing and book-binding industries of France.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Notice sur l’exposition centennale des moyens de transport, publiée par les soins du comité d’installation pour servir de compte rendu et de rapport sur cette exposition retrospective. Paris: Hachette, 1901. ix, 104p, 54 leaves of plates, illustrations. RB.23.b.5857. A survey of a hundred years of transport. Les automobiles à l’Exposition de 1900. Extrait du rapport de la Commission militaire de l’Exposition universelle de 1900. Avec 336 figures. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1903. vii, 356p, illustrations. The first part of this report explains how cars work, and the second half analyses a number of French models, with many technical diagrams. Émile Eude. Histoire documentaire de la mécanique française. Fragments. D’après le Musée Centennal de la Mécanique à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Paris, 1902. ix, 322p, illustrations. 8777.k.29. Musée du luminaire à l’Exposition universelle de 1900. Par Henry-René d’Allemagne. Paris: J. Schemit, 1900. 88p. plates. L.R.430.q.25. This exhibit on the history of lighting in France was first put together for the Pavillon du Gaz in the 1889 exhibition, but such was its popularity that it was re-assembled for this exhibition. Eugène Sartiaux and Maurice Aliamet. Principales découvertes et publications concernant l’Électricité de 1562 à 1900 … Monographie du Musée Rétrospectif Français de l’Électricité à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Illustré, etc. Paris, 1903. xii, 266p. 8758.f.15. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 12: photographie (matériel, procédés et produits) à l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris: rapport du Comité d’installation. Paris: Belin, 1900. 102p. (B) QQ 22. Materials and methods of photography. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 13: librairie – Éditions musicales – Reliure (matériel et produits) – Journaux – Affiches. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 139p, illustrations. RB.23.b.7039. Publishing, binding and posters. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 14: cartes et appareils de géographie et de cosmographie. Topographie. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 86p, [8] leaves of plates, illustrations. RB.23.b.7038. Maps and cartographic items. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 15: monnaies et médailles. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. [11] leaves of plates. RB.23.b.7040. Coins and medals. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 17: instruments de musique; matériel, procédés et produits … Rapport … by A. Jacquot and E. de Bricqueville. [With plates and heliogravure]. Paris, Imp. de A. Eyméoud. [1900]. 119p. 7894.i.23. Musical instruments. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 29: modèles, plans et dessins de travaux publics à l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris; rapport du Comité d’installation. Saint-Cloud: Belin, 1900. 193p. (B) VW 4. Models and plans of public works.


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Musée rétrospectif de la classe 68: papiers peints, à l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. Rapport du comité d’installation. [Paris: le Comité, 1900]. 78p, illustrations. YA.1996.b.394. An exhibit of wallpapers. Musée rétrospectif des classes 76 & 77: matériel et procédés de la filature, de la corderie et de la fabrication des tissues. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. Rapport du comité d’installation. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 20p, [4] leaves of plates, illustrations, portraits. RB.23. b.6224. Exhibits on spinning, rope-making and the manufacture of textiles. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 78: matériel et procédés du blanchiment, de la teinture, de l’impression et de l’apprêt des matières textiles à leurs divers états. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 32p, [1] leaf of plates, illustrations, portraits. RB.23. b.6221. On the bleaching, dying, printing and finishing of textiles. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 79: matériel et procédés de la couture et de la fabrication de l’habillement. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 32p, illustrations. YF.2011.b.1036. The clothing industry. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 80: fils et tissues de coton. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. Rapport du comité d’installation. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 16p, [4] leaves of plates, illustrations. RB.23. b.6223. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 81: fils et tissues de lin, de chanvre, etc. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 19p, [2] leaves of plates, illustrations, portraits. RB.23.b.6222. Linen and hemp products. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 98: brosserie, maroquinerie, tabletterie & vannerie. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 34p, [6] leaves of plates, illustrations. YF.2011.b.1974. Brushes, basketry and other decorative objects. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 100: jeux à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900…Tome II. Rapport présenté par M. Henri d’Allemagne. [With plates.] [Paris, 1900]. 380p. 7960.dd.13. A historical survey of games for adults and children. Musée rétrospectif de la classe 112: assistance publique. A l’Exposition universelle internationale de 1900, à Paris. [Paris: l’Exposition, 1900]. 94p, [5] leaves of plates, illustrations. RB.23.b.7037. A history of public assistance to the sick and to unwanted children. Catalogue de l’Exposition de l’art dentaire, organisée par l’École Dentaire de Paris à l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. In: Lemerle (L.). Notice sur l’histoire de l’art dentaire, etc. [1900]. Nouvelle notice sur la collection de cadrans de montres appartenant à M. Charles Roblot. [With introductions by A. A. and E. Baudon.]. Paris: Imp. de Rapide, 1904. 134p, figures. 7709.e.28. A revised and augmented list of watch dials from the 1780s to the 1830s.


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Alfred Habets. Le matériel des mines. Extrait de la Revue Universelle des Mines. Paris, 1904. 07107.l.39. Mining equipment. Chemins de fer de l’Ouest. Matériel et traction. Notice sur le materiel, les objets et les dessins présentés à L’Exposition Universelle de 1900. 70p, xxxv folded leaves of plates, illustrations. RB.23.c.599. Notes and diagrams of exhibited locomotives. French colonies Pierre Nicolas. Notices sur l’Indo-Chine, Cochinchine, Cambodge, Annam, Tonkin, Laos, Kouang-Tchéou-Ouan [sic], publiées à l’occasion de l’Exposition universelle de 1900 sous la direction de Pierre Nicolas. [Paris: Exposition universelle, 1900]. 320p, [7] leaves of plates (1 folded), illustrations (some colour), map, portraits. V 10060. Camille Guy. Les colonies françaises. Notice sur les établissements français de l’Inde. Paris: Imprimerie Levé, 1900. 80p, illustrations, maps. 010056.i.11; another copy at V 8924. French establishments in India. Dahomey et dépendances. Historique général, organisation, administration, ethnographie, productions, agriculture, commerce. Par L. Brunet … et L. Giethlen. Paris, 1900. xi, 535p, illustrations, map. 010097.h.40. Une mission au Sénégal. Ethnographie – Botanique – Zoologie – Géologie. Par MM. Dr. Lasnet … A. Cligny … Aug. Chevalier … P. Rimbaud. Paris, 1900. 348p, illustrations, map. See also under the United States for a report in English on the French exhibits. Germany Official catalogue. Exhibition of the German Empire. (Editor Dr. O. N. Witt.) Berlin: Imperial Commission, [1900]. 424p. Microfilm. Mic.A.9076(2). Georg C. Mehrtens. A hundred years of German bridge building. Berlin: Springer, 1900. 135p. (OB) WC 41. A version in German is at (B) WC 41. Great Britain Paris Exhibition 1900. British official catalogue issued by authority of the Royal Commission. London: Offices of the Royal Commission, 1900. xxx, 260p. YA.2003.a.35220. This lists and indexes exhibits. Royal Commission, Paris International Exhibition, 1900. The Royal Pavilion. By Isidore Spielmann [with illustrations]. Westminster: Royal Commission, [1900]. An album of the British Pavilion in the Rue des Nations, which ran from the Invalides to the Alma bridge on the left bank of the Seine. Designed by Edwin Lutyens, it was based on a Jacobean manor house called The Hall in Bradford-on-Avon. Inside were displayed 18th- and 19th-century paintings. Royal Commission for the Paris Exhibition. Education sub-committee. Education in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, being a descriptive handbook accompanying the British Education section at the Paris exhibition of 1900. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1900. iii, 149p. Microfilm. Mic.7502(3).


eBLJ 2013, Article 6

Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Catalogue of the collection of printed books and music formed under the direction of the Publishers’ Association of Great Britain and Ireland for the Royal British Commission, etc. Edinburgh: R. & R. Clark, 1900. 75p. Microfilm. Mic.A.7502(4). The Oxford University Press list of books exhibited. Binding exhibit. Group III, Class 13, Ground floor. Oxford: H. Frowde, [1900]. 07958.g.2. Of the three volumes originally held by the British Library listing the OUP exhibit, only the list of bindings could be replaced after war-time destruction. Hungary Le pavillon historique de la Hongrie à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1900 … rédigé … par M. Eugène de Radisics. Paris: Librairie centrale des Beaux-Arts, 1900. 90p, 31 plates. Cup.1256.b.8. An illustrated album of the Hungarian pavilion, filled with art treasures and built in the Romanesque and Gothic styles; with an introduction giving the historical background to the exhibits. India Exposition universelle internationale de 1900. Section indienne. The Paris Exhibition 1900, official handbook and catalogue of the Indian section. Paris: printed by Clarke and Co. 1900. 103p. P/T643. Benjamin J. Rose. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1900: report on the Indian section. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1901. xii, 146p, illustrations. W 2033. Italy Booklets from the exhibits of various banks are the only items available from Italy. La Banca Popolare di Cremona all’Esposizione di Parigi del 1900… [by Alessandro Anselmi]. Cremona, 1899. 23p. 8228.g.63(1) La Banque Mutuelle Populaire de Mantoue. [By V. Crovetti.]. Mantoue, 1900. 39p. 7957.g.15. Banca Popolare di Vicenza … Memoria e tavole statistiche per l’Esposizione Universale di Parigi 1900. Vicenza, 1900. 34p. 08247.h.14. La Banque Coopérative Populaire de Padoue à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris de 1900. [By G. B. Del Vo.] Padoue, 1900. 119p. 82248.k.18. Exposition Universelle de 1900 à Paris. Mémoire publié par la Banque Populaire Coopérative de Naples. [By J. Molteni.] French & Italian. Naples, [1900]. 7 fol. 8248.f.31. Il primo gruppo italiano delle Banche Popolari alla Esposizione Universale di Parigi del 1900 … memoriale, statuto e resoconto sommario delle riunioni … 1878-1898. Roma, 1900. 31p. 8248.k.17. Japan Catalogue spécial officiel du Japon. Paris: Lemercier, [1900]. 150p. 11094.c.15. A catalogue of exhibits, mostly artistic; paintings, ivories, screens and bronzes, and some food products. No illustrations. Japan. Commission impériale du Japon à l’Exposition universelle de Paris, 1900. Histoire de l’art du Japon. Paris, [1900]. xv, 277p, illustrations. fol. L.R.408.pp.3.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Lithuania Albumas lietuviškos parodos Paryziuje 1900 metuose … Teksta suraše Kn. J. ilinskis. [illustrated]. Plymouth, Pennsylvania: Spauda ‘Vienybes Lietuvninku’, 1902. 1780.a.28. A general description of the exhibition, and an illustrated description of a small display on Lithuania by exiles in America, Lithuania then being part of the Russian empire. Netherlands Dutch East Indies Indes Néerlandaises. Guide à travers la section des Indes Néerlandaises. Groupe XVII, Colonisation. La Haye, 1900. xx, 454p. T10354. Mexico Catalogue officiel spécial de la République des Etats-unis du Mexique. Paris: Imprimeries Lemercier, 1900. Microfiches. MFE – 4797. Norway La Norvège à l’Exposition … Catalogue special. Rédigé par K. V. Hammer, etc. Kristiania: Aktie-Bogtrykkeriet, 1900. 132p. Microfilm. Mic.A.7692(2). Norway. Kirke- og Undervisnings Departementet. Norway. Official publication for the Paris Exhibition, 1900. [Edited by S. Konow and C. Fischer.] Kristiania: Aktie-Bogtrykkeriet, 1900. 626, xxxivp, illustrations, plans, maps. 10281.k.10. An edition in French of this work is at 10281.k.12. Peru Peru. Comisión Central del Instituto Técnico. La Biblioteca peruana en la Exposición universal de París de 1900, etc. Lima: Carlos Prince, 1900. 117p. 11904.e.46. A listing of books displayed in the Peruvian pavilion to represent the country. Portugal Bibliographie des ouvrages portugais pour servir à l’étude des villes, des villages, des monuments, des institutions, des moeurs … du Portugal, Açores, Madère et possessions d’outremer. Colligée par Brito Aranha. Lisbonne: Impr. nationale, 1900. 90p. 11901.l.12. A bibliography of books on Portugal. Auguste Ribeiro. Missions et explorations portugaises. L’oeuvre civilisatrice du Portugal depuis le XVe jusqu’au XIXe siècle. [Paris, 1900]. 25p. plates, maps. X.102/1117. Prussia Exposition Universelle de 1900 à Paris. Guide à travers l’exposition collective de constructions hydrauliques organisée par le Ministre des travaux publics du Royaume de Prusse. Berlin: Imprimerie P. Stankiewicz, 1900. viii, 116p. F4/8598. Romania. L’armée roumaine en 1900. Notice publiée pour l’Exposition universelle de Paris … Anger: Grassin, 1900. 344p, maps. 8837.g.4. Russia. La Russie à la fin du 19e siècle, etc. Ouvrage publié sous la direction de M. W. de Kovalevsky. Paris: P. Dupont, 1900. 08225.l.34. A survey of Russia. An edition in Russian is at 08225.h.25, and a reprint of the Russian edition is at WP.1330/245. A survey of the colonization of Siberia in Russian is at 8094.h.18.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Exposition Universelle de 1900 à Paris. Le Grand Transsibérien. St Petersbourg: Chancellerie du Comité des Ministres, 1900. 16p, map. F13/1032. On the Trans Siberian railway. Russia. Ministerstvo Zemledeliia. Les forêts de la Russie. Répartition. Exploitation. Commerce intérieur et extérieur, etc. Paris: Exposition Universelle, 1900. 194p, plate, map. S.N.10/60. The forestry industry. Serbia Serbia. Ministarstvo Narodne Privrede. L’agriculture en Serbie. Monographie composé à l’occasion de l’Exposition Universelle de 1900 par L. R. Yovanovitch. Paris, 1900. 106p. 07077.i.33. Siam Le royaume de Siam. Notice historique, économique et statistique. Paris, 1900. 142p, map. Sweden Catalogue de l’Exposition suédoise de l’enseignement supérieur, etc. Upsal, 1900. vii, 103p. 8357.b.76. United States Report of the Commissioner-General for the United States to the International Universal Exposition, Paris, 1900. [with illustrations] 6 vols. 1901. Parts of the United States of America Senate documents, 56th Congress, 2nd session, vols 27-32. A.S.10/4. (Shelfmark of Senate documents – specify congress details when ordering). Vol. I (27) General view of the exhibition and the American exhibit. Vol. II (28) The general administration of the exhibition. Vols III-IV (29-30) Construction and exhibits of the American pavilions and annexes in the Bois de Vincennes. Vol. V (31) Reports of the French exhibits. Vol. VI Reports of Congresses. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the report of the Special Commissioner to the Paris Exhibition of 1900, with illustrations and maps etc. Washington, 1897. 74p. A.S. 420/51. Catalogue de la collection de pierres précieuses … Exposées par la Maison Tiffany & Co … Exposition Universelle de 1900. New York, [1900]. 46p. 7960.dd.23. Official retrospective exhibition of the development of harvesting machinery for the Paris Exposition of 1900. Made by the Deering Harvester Company, Chicago. Paris, [1901]. X.320/3720. In English and French. History of the Prudential Insurance Company of America … By F. L. Hoffmann. [Newark, N.J.]: Prudential Press, 1900. 8248.d.37. Paris Exposition 1900. American Library Association Exhibit … prepared by New York State Library … Outline. Albany, N.Y. 1900. 32p. Microfilm. Mic.A.9026. Conferences. The proceedings of some conferences organized to coincide with the exhibition are held, and can be retrieved by searching ‘Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900. Congrès international’ as these words occur in all the entries.


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Paris National and International Exhibitions from 1798 to 1900: A Finding-List of British Library Holdings

Fig. 6. The Petit Palais, constructed for the 1900 exhibition, still serves as a museum. The architect was Charles Girault, who had previously designed the Arc du Cinquantenaire and the Musée du Congo in Brussels. Author’s photograph.


eBLJ 2013, Article 6