Parish Council Meeting Minutes June 16th 2015.pdf - Google Drive

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Minutes of the Parish Council held on Tuesday, 16th June 2015, 7:30 pm in the Village Hall Embsay. PRESENT: Chairman Bri
June 16th 2015 EMBSAY WITH EASTBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council held on Tuesday, 16th June 2015, 7:30 pm in the Village Hall Embsay PRESENT:

Chairman Brian Shuttleworth Vice-Chair Judith Benjamin Councillors: Andrew Ayrton, Hazel Chatwin, Vince Smith, Robert Stead Stella Kirkbride, David Hill

Also in Attendance: Parish Clerk and 6 members of the public Item 1 Welcome: Chairman Brian Shuttleworth welcomed everyone for their attendance, listing housekeeping procedures and opened the meeting. Item 2 Apologies for Absence: Invited guests, County Councillor Sheila Marshall and District Councillor Andy Quinn. Item 3 Declaration of any Personal/Financial Interests None Declared Item 4 Application for any Dispensations No Applications Item 5 Minutes of the Last Meeting The last Parish Council Meeting was the Annual meeting held on the 19th May 2015. These had been circulated previously. A point of order made by the Parish Clerk offered apologies that the posted agenda indicated that these minutes would not be approved until the following year. This was an administrative error and was rectified in time for councillors to consider these minutes prior to the meeting. Item 6 Chairman’s Report 

Cllr Shuttleworth confirmed the official appointment of the New Parish Clerk/Responsible Officer, Gillian Alcock by signed contract and on a salary in line with NJC scales for Local Government.

Feedback from Craven DC planning committee meeting regarding a proposed extension to the already approved development on Shires Lane. Despite the Parish Council’s best efforts and objections to this extended application, it had been approved in outline.

The Parish Council has received a number of complaints about grass cutting around the village not being undertaken and the verges and areas around benches looking decidedly scruffy. The Parish Council is at present trying to establish the contractual agreements with various contactors engaged to undertake this task. However, difficulty has arisen due to an apparent lack of formal contracts and associated documents held on file.. Investigations will continue and hopefully this will become clearer in the near future. The Chairman was approached by one local resident offering free services to grass cut. The PC will be pursuing this possibility.

The remaining filing cabinets and contents have been collected from the previous Clerk’s home and are now being looked at in detail.

Cllr’s Shuttleworth and Benjamin attended training on “Developing Your Skills” designed for new councillors on the 15th July with YLCA. It was extremely informative and while we were hoping to simplify proceedings, we may have to adjust

this slightly due to legal restraints. The Council will be looking to have several other members attend future courses, budget constraints allowing. 

A meeting is being arranged between County Councillor Sheila Marshall, Cllr Shuttleworth and the County Highway Engineer to discuss the plans for the proposed junction of Shires Lane and East Lane and a similar issue in Gargrave. Onus seems to have been placed on the developer to come up with a plan and we will be pursuing this further. Meeting will hopefully take place early July 2015.

Item 7 District and County Councillors’ Reports Cllr Andy Quinn – Requested a statement to be read by Chairman Brian Shuttleworth (see attached) Item 8 Public Participation – Time restriction on this item of 15min applied for members of the public to comment, request or raise any matters of concern. 

Concerns on Annual Account availability for inspection by the public?

These accounts are available to the public in the Library Information File and now on the PC Website, together with all minutes. 

Could they be published in the Embsay News?

A notification on the above access points will be printed in the Embsay News. 

Dog fouling around the reservoir and no bins for disposal of waste. A local resident collected this on a voluntary basis.

This is Yorkshire Water Authority land, there are two bins in the car park and one at the far end of the reservoir. The Parish Council will discuss the matter at a future meeting. 

Mr Jack Wilson – Voluntarily looks after the planter at the entrance to the village and is happy to continue to do so. In the past cost for the plants have been accessed through the Twin Locks Garden Centre Council account will this continue?

This will be discussed by the Parish Council, but it will be looking at other (cheaper) options for sourcing plants. Any cost incurred by Mr Wilson for the summer planting will be reimbursed. 

General maintenance of benches is poor. A tree overhangs along Shires Lane and scratches cars etc.

The Parish Council is aware of the poor maintenance issues surrounding benches and hedges and a meeting will be arranged with the lengthsman contractor at an early date. It will also be pursuing North Yorkshire County Council regarding safety aspects of trees on Shires Lane. 

Who is the lengthsman? Did it go out to tender?

Historically it was one individual After he retired tenders were invited and Marsden Contract reviewed and will be resolved at the earliest opportunity. Item 9 Planning Applications – All 6 Applications listed – No objections have been raised. Yorkshire Dales

Ref: C/26/773 Ref: C/26/772 Ref: C/26/658E/LB


Ref: 26/2015/15458

5 Tannery Lane 16 Skipton Road Brackenley House 30 Main Street

Ref: 26/2015/15798

39 Dalacres Crescent

Ref: 26/2015/15851

7 Dalacres Crescent

Item 10 Bolland & Coulton Charity. – Nomination of a PC Representative.

Services was engaged. This is being

The PC has received a request from Bolland & Coulton Charity for a member to sit on it’s management committee. This is a local charity which supports the needy in the village and more recently has supported school children from the village with funding on trips. Call for Nominations – Cllr Hazel Chadwick (Accepted) Nominated by Cllr Benjamin – Seconded by Cllr Smith. No other nominations – All Agreed Clerk to respond in writing to Mr Gallagher (Chairman of B&CC) Item 11 Working Party & Leads Member Appointments (attached information sheet) Item 12 Lead Member Reports;Cllr Robert Stead reported the new website was now up at a cost of £100 Web site address The website has free access by the public Contact email: [email protected] Cllr Stead is looking into the new transparency code for parish councils. The deadline for compliance for this is the 1 July 2015. Changes to the site did require archiving some of the historical information. Photographs can be changed should any member wish to change their profile image. Cllr Stead asked if the website address could appear in the Embsay News and Craven Herald. Cllr Smith asked if a banner poster showing the web address could be displayed in the Parish Council notice board. Cllr Benjamin asked about Data Protection Licence rules – to be investigated. Item 13 Notice Boards Ownership Cllr Benjamin reported that the present Assets Register does not accurately reflect numbers or locations. Cllr Shuttleworth raised the ownership issue of the damaged notice board at the front of the Village Hall. Investigations as to responsibility have been inconclusive. Cllr Shuttleworth Proposed: The Parish Council approach the Village Hall Committee with offer to split the cost to replace the damaged notice board as a onetime offer, on the understanding the Village Hall Committee adopt all future responsibility for its maintenance. Seconded Cllr Smith. All agreed Item 14 War Memorial Cllr Shuttleworth informed the PC that Mrs V Peet will no longer be tending the memorial garden, due to ill health. As a thank you for all the free time Mrs Peet has given, a gift to the value of £50 be presented.

Proposed by Cllr Smith

Seconded Cllr Kirkbride

Item 15 Clerk’s Reports – See attached sheets 1) Financial – Annual Return submitted to the Council for approval and signing. 2) Activity & Information (see attached reports) Item 16 Matters Arising – Issues that the Chairman agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency not on the agenda. No matters arising Item 17 Date of Next Meeting - 14th July 2015 (Agenda Items to be submitted to the Clerk by Monday 6th July) Parish Clerk Gillian Alcock: Call 07414850766 or Email ; [email protected] or Write to 185 Tarn House Country Park Stirton nr Skipton North Yorkshire