Parking Ticket Mediation Form - Village of Algonquin
Recommend Documents
Algonquin Police Department Parking Ticket Mediation Program has been ... receive tickets for Village ordinance parking
... through Labor Day) is responsible for a high-level of customer service and ... interested in being considered for th
Visa, MasterCard and Discover Users. Flip your credit card over and look at the signature box. You should see either the
Applicant Signature: Date: ______. Please be sure to attach your program registration form proof of residency, and free/
Dec 28, 2014 - a new thrift store in the former True Value building at 1430 East ... committed to making Algonquin the b
Dec 28, 2014 - 2015 CALENDAR & ANNUAL REPORT .... committed to making Algonquin the best possible place to live, wor
Dec 28, 2014 - adult, early childhood, youth variety, athletics, seniors, dance, gymnastics, martial arts and fitness. R
If applicant is granted assistance, they must follow current registration guidelines ... Name: (Last Name). (First Name)
of waste from local landfills. These events, in addition to our normal residential curbside collection and the. Holiday
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Firm/Table Name: Special Dietary Requirements: Method of Payment: Cheque. VISA. MASTERCARD. AMEX. Card No: Expiry Date:
OPTION #2: To purchase tickets using this form, fill out the information below. ... Email. Address. City. Zip. Phone. Da
Dec 31, 2015 - of streets and other infrastructure, community development, recreation, ... videos, and share them either
May 1, 2016 - annual budget must be adopted by the corporate authorities before the ..... Upgrade utility billing softwa
May 1, 2016 - Promote and enforce the Village's water conservation program, and ...... All of the smaller revenue accoun
May 1, 2016 - 95.3%. 47.3%. 87.3%. 31.4%. Educational Degrees In Comparison with the State. Source: U.S. Census Bureau,
Dec 31, 2015 - videos, and share them either publicly or privately on the app, as well ... Mobile and tablet traffic to
Jun 18, 2016 - Also, starting at noon on. Saturday, the first 1,500 art show attendees will receive free ice cream compl
(also has access code if you want to add time later) ... Download the Parkmobile app and register to pay for ... Town of Huntington. Economic Development Corp.
A completed permit application accompanied by two (2) copies of a Plat of Survey of the property indicating the location
Dec 31, 2015 - 899,377. Telecommunications. 727,570. -. 727,570. Hotel. 45,509. -. 45,509. Video gaming tax. 96,068. -.
When completed, these three projects will solve many problems that have been hurting our region .... mobile applications (iPhone, Android), Facebook App ..... water way. Native land ..... or call 847-658-2700 to check the current water status.
Parking Ticket Mediation Form - Village of Algonquin
Algonquin Police Department Parking Ticket Mediation Program has been established to provide citizens who receive ticket
Village of Algonquin Police Department
Parking Mediation Instructions and Form Algonquin Police Department Parking Ticket Mediation Program has been established to provide citizens who receive tickets for Village ordinance parking violations with an opportunity to present information on an extenuating circumstance which they feel the Department should consider prior to processing the ticket. A lack of knowledge of the ordinance on the part of the recipient is not considered an extenuating circumstance for purposes of mediation. The form must be completed and delivered to the Records Unit of the Police Department within 72 hours of issuance of the ticket. Tickets that were issued based on the complaint of another citizen shall not be considered for mediation, nor will tickets which were issued for violations other than parking. You must complete all information that is requested. Incomplete forms will not be considered for mediation. In the narrative portion of the form, state your reasons why you are requesting mediation. Upon completing the form, you must personally deliver it to the Records Unit of the Algonquin Police Department. The Records Unit will receive the form and then forward it to the appropriate supervisor. The supervisor will then forward the form to the complaint officer for his or her comments. The supervisor(s) shall then review the comments of both parties and determine one of three dispositions: 1. If the ticket was issued in error, it shall be voided; or 2. If an extenuating circumstance existed which resulted in the violation, the ticket may be voided, which shall result in a warning; or 3. The ticket will be prosecuted. At this point, the respondent can either: a. Pay the ticket by the due date; or b. Request a court date and have the case heard before a Judge.
If you have any questions, please contact: Algonquin Police Department Records Unit at 847-658-4531. Parking Ticket Mediation Form This form is for the purpose of communicating information or circumstances to the Algonquin Police Department, which the violator wishes the Department to consider in processing this Parking Violation. It shall only be completed in situations where the Violator had limited or no contact with the Complaint Officer at the time the ticket was issued.
By Authority: John A. Bucci, Chief of Police
Ganek Municipal Center 2200 Harnish Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102-5995 847/658-4531 Fax 847/658-9226
INSTRUCTIONS: This form is for the purpose of communicating circumstances to the Algonquin Police Department which the violator wishes the Department to consider in processing this Parking Violation. It shall only be completed in situations where the Violator had limited or no contact with the Complaint Officer at the time the ticket was issued. This form must be complete in its entirety for consideration. A lack of knowledge of the ordinance will not be considered. Return completed document to the Records Unit in person within 72 hours of issuance of the ticket. If the ticket is a result of a complaint from another citizen, it shall not be considered for mediation. This is for parking tickets only. Direct any questions to the Records Unit at 847-658-4531. You will be notified of one of the following possible dispositions: 1. If the ticket was issued in error, it shall be voided; or 2. If an extenuating circumstance existed which resulted in the violation, the ticket may be voided, which shall result in a warning; or 3. The ticket will be prosecuted. At this point, the citizen/violator can either: A. Pay the ticket by the due date; or B. Request a court date and have the case heard before a Judge. Visit for details concerning Village Ordinances and other helpful information.
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TICKET #:____________________________________________ DATE ISSUED: ______________________ DUE DATE: _______________________ I have lived in the Village since: ____________ /_______________ (Month)
I am not a resident
(use reverse side, or attach additional sheet if needed)
For Department Use Only Rec’d by APD Employee / Date: OFFICER’S COMMENTS:
Report #:
(use reverse side, or attach additional sheet if needed)
Officer’s Signature / Badge Number / Date
Disposition of Mediation
Issued in Error
Referred for Prosecution Reviewing Supervisor / Badge # / Date
Ganek Municipal Center 2200 Harnish Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102-5995 847/658-4531 Fax 847/658-9226