Parsons' Corporation Aspect/Impact Study

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The ice melting product used at Facility X is GEOMELT anti-icing fluid which is 80% sodium chloride brine and 20% GEOMELT. The fluid is not regulated under ...

Parsons’ Corporation Aspect/Impact Study Goals Reaching Sound Environmental Performance at Facility X

Parsons Corporation Facility X was analyzed according to its environmental aspects and impacts. This analysis presented five most significant impacts to be used to set goals for reducing Parsons future environmental impact rating. Method of analysis and details regarding how to reach each goal is presented in the ensuing document.

Debias, J;Pryor, A;Perera, C;Stowjowski, D;Aylor, B Parsons Corporation 11/27/2012

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Methods ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Overview: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Analysis: .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Office Operations ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Cleaning Services ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 Shipping and Receiving ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Cafeteria.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Print Shop.............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Utility Plant Operations ....................................................................................................................................................11 Maintenance/Tool Cribs: ..................................................................................................................................................13 Warehouse ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Transportation Operations ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Landscaping ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Five Significant Impacts: ......................................................................................................................................................17 Above-Ground Storage Tanks ............................................................................................................................................. 18 Goal: Reduce #2 Fuel Oil leaks or spills at the Aboveground Storage Tanks by 50% by November 2013 through proper fuel transfer, containment, and daily inspections. ...................................................................... 18 Background: .................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Preventing Releases: .....................................................................................................................................................18 Containment Area Design: .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Corrosion Control and Tank Design:.......................................................................................................................18 Shade structures: ............................................................................................................................................................19 Solid Waste ............................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Goal: Reduce solid waste generated by 10% by using source reduction, reuse, and recycling techniques for food, electronic, inks and toners, office, and bulb wastes by November 2013. ....................................... 20 Background: .................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Environmental Impact: ................................................................................................................................................. 20 Food Waste: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Food waste alternatives: .............................................................................................................................................. 21 Electronic Waste: ...........................................................................................................................................................21 Ink and Toner:................................................................................................................................................................. 22 General Office Waste: ..................................................................................................................................................22 2

Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 Mercury and lamps: ......................................................................................................................................................22 Transportation Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Goal: Reduce carbon dioxide emissions from personal vehicles by 25% by November 2014 by implementing commuter shuttle services and encouraging use of public transportation. ...........................24 Background: .................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Shuttles for Transporting Employees: .....................................................................................................................24 Environmental Impacts from Commuter Vehicles: ............................................................................................24 Considerations: ...............................................................................................................................................................25 Cost of maintaining commuter space: .....................................................................................................................25 Costs and impacts of purchasing new shuttle: ...................................................................................................... 25 Other Environmental Impacts: ................................................................................................................................... 26 Utilities Generators ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Goal: Reduce emissions from generator operation by 20% through the use of clean fuel, proper maintenance, and increased efficiency by November 2014. ................................................................................. 27 Background: .................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Record Keeping: ............................................................................................................................................................27 Reduction Technologies: ............................................................................................................................................. 27 Diesel Oxidation Catalyst: .......................................................................................................................................... 27 Diesel Particulate Filter: .............................................................................................................................................. 28 Cafeteria Refrigerant Systems ............................................................................................................................................. 29 Goal: Reduce the amount of refrigerant leaks by 33% by November 2014 through monthly maintenance checks to all refrigeration systems. ..................................................................................................... 29 Background: .................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Preventing Releases: .....................................................................................................................................................29 Regular Preventative Maintenance: .........................................................................................................................29 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 References..................................................................................................................................................................................31 Appendices ............................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Appendix I: Aspect & Impact Analysis Chart ......................................................................................................... 36 Appendix II: Analysis Numerical Value Criteria ................................................................................................... 37


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report consists of an Aspects and Impacts Analysis of Facility X and recommendations for Environmental Management System (EMS) objectives. Per Parsons’ existing EMS, an Aspects and Impacts Analysis is conducted annually to review actual and potential impacts of Facility X. The results of this process are used to define objectives and targets that Parsons can use to lower environmental impacts. Based on the Aspects and Impacts Analysis, the five most significant actual or potential environmental impacts and associated activities are listed below and will be discussed in greater detail later in the report. 1. Potential #2 Fuel Oil leaks at the Aboveground Storage Tanks during transfer activities; 2. Non-hazardous solid waste generated from computer, technological, food, and other miscellaneous wastes; 3. Air quality concerns (particularly carbon dioxide) from transportation activities; 4. Air quality concerns from generator operation; 5. Refrigerant 404A leaks in the refrigeration systems in cafeterias. Upon definition of the actual and potential environmental impacts, five objectives are recommended to aid in the reduction of environmental impacts. Methods to reduce the impacts were researched and formulated to aid Parsons in reaching a lower overall environmental impact. The recommended objectives for inclusion into Parsons’ Facility X EMS include: 1. Reduce #2 Fuel Oil leaks or spills at the Aboveground Storage Tanks by 50% by November 2013 through proper fuel transfer, containment, and daily inspections. 2. Reduce solid waste generated by 10% by using source reduction, reuse, and recycling techniques for food, electronic, inks and toners, office, and bulb wastes by November 2013. 3. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions from personal vehicles by 25% by November 2014 by implementing commuter shuttle services and encouraging use of public transportation. 4. Reduce emissions from generator operation by 20% through the use of clean fuel, proper maintenance, and increased efficiency by November 2014. 5. Reduce the amount of refrigerant leaks by 33% by November 2014 through monthly maintenance checks to all refrigeration systems. It is estimated that implementation of the above objectives and targets will reduce adverse environmental impacts and have a positive impact to Parsons’ bottom line due to increased environmental health and safety levels. By lowering the number of generators used by one Parsons and its’ client can reduce emissions and save 160 gallons of diesel fuel per hour, thereby also lowering the financial burden imposed to the facility for the price of diesel. Encouraging recycling efforts and raising the recycling percentage can increase the amount of revenue brought in to Parsons and its’ client. Finally, successful implementation of these objectives and a clear EMS can be used as a positive public relations tool to share with clients and promote Parson’s as an environmentally-conscious organization. 4

Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation


INTRODUCTION Parsons is a value-based engineering, construction, technical, and management services corporation that operates on six core beliefs. Among these core values is sustainability in which the company “seeks to develop and implement the methods and behaviors that balance the consumption of resources with the impact of that consumption on the environment—in an economically viable manner and one that enhances the quality of life” (Parsons, 2012). This commitment to sustainability and Parsons thoughtful analysis of environmental aspects and impacts directly aligns with the focus of the analysis conducted in the following report. Each facility in the constellation of many facilities that Parsons operates is responsible for conducting its operations in a manner consistent with the company’s overarching Environmental Management System, (EMS) and has the goal of reducing the operational environmental impacts to the lowest levels possible. The impact analysis conducted determined there are five activities areas in which Parsons can implement, cost effective and environmentally sustainable solutions at a major facility: Facility X. The resolutions for improvement consists of mitigating impacts to air and groundwater sources, while reducing the amount of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste produced at this facility. Each of the recommended solutions has the common theme of source reduction, whereby activities that have the potential to cause adverse environmental impacts are modified in such a way as to eliminate as much of this potential before the impact occurs. The strategy is that it is much more effective and efficient to eliminate impacts than it is to attempt to reverse them once they have occurred. Pursuing these environmental objectives also has the complementary benefits of increasing profits and enhancing Parsons’ brand image. Waste processing, environmental cleanup, fines from regulatory enforcement actions, leaked product (e.g. refrigerant, fuel oil, etc…) all have a negative impact on the corporation’s financial health. Consequently, mitigation of these impacts to the greatest extent possible is a worthwhile endeavor from an accounting standpoint. In addition, the positive environmental stewardship will help the company enhance the value of the Parsons brand, resulting in more clients, and even more financial advantages. The following report is a snapshot in time, and should be treated as a living document. If systems, operations, and/or conditions change at Facility X, then environmental management personnel should adapt their procedures accordingly to accommodate the changes. This diligence will ensure that maximum environmental impact reduction and cost benefits can be achieved throughout the operational lifespan of Facility X.


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 METHODS OVERVIEW: In order to properly analyze Facility X for the five most significant impacts, the team split the facility into sections. Each of the five team members was assigned two sections of the facility to analyze in deeper detail. The sections included:          

Office Building Cafeteria Print Shop Mail Room Transportation Services Pest Control Maintenance Cribs Utilities Plant Landscaping Warehouse

Parsons supplied the group with basic information regarding the types of activities which take place in each section, which management body facilitates its operations, and what supplies were pertinent for evaluation. The sections were then analyzed further according to these components, or aspects. The analysis was used to grade each aspect according to the stipulations mentioned in Appendix II. The results of the calculations were then compiled together into an excel document, Appendix I for comparison and to determine the most significant impacts.

ANALYSIS: OFFICE OPERATIONS The office operations at Facility X can be broken into the following four subareas for aspect impact analysis: Power usage, paper generation, waste, and water usage. POWER USAGE The main environmental aspect associated with the power usage at Facility X stems from the emissions produced while generating the power for the building. The 6,000 employees that use Facility X on a daily basis all have access to computer workstations with monitors and general overhead lighting. There are also shared apparatuses that need to be powered such as printers, faxes, phones, and other miscellaneous office equipment. Assuming that 80 percent of the buildings’ 2.4 million square feet is dedicated to office functions and the other 20 percent is dedicated to mechanicals, shipping and receiving, elevators, stairwells, and other common areas, that leaves 1.92 million square feet of office space at Facility X. According to the US Energy Information Administration, Facility X is located in Zone 3 which has less than 2,000 cooling degree days, and 4,000-5,499 heating degree days. This is taken into account when determining 6

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 the average electricity bill per square foot of office space, which is S1.34 per square foot annually (National Grid). This results in a $2.58M electricity bill over the course of a year at Facility X. Taking a closer look the lighting for a typical building in Zone 3, lighting accounts for 34 percent and office equipment makes up 14 percent of the overall energy consumption (see diagram below). This means that almost 50 percent of Facility X’s energy consumption is controllable by making minor adjustments to personnel behavior. Turning off lights when not in use, making monitors and computers go into standby mode automatically when idle, using the proper bulbs in lighting fixtures can reduce consumption by 10-15 percent a year. In a facility as large as Facility X, this is an annual savings of $150,000.


PAPER GENERATION Given that there are 6,000 employees at Facility X each work day, the potential for a great deal of paper generation exists. The average office worker uses around 10,000 sheets of paper per year (McCorry, 2009). At Facility X this means that annually there are about 60M sheets produced. If you estimate that each sheet of paper costs about $.008 per sheet, then Facility X is spending approximately $480,000 a year on paper. Granted, not all of this paper is thrown away, but even if 70 percent of the paper generated at Facility X is client deliverables, the other 30 percent or $144,000 worth of paper is getting thrown out every year. A simple policy of doublesided printing, and “read it from the screen” messages attached to emails could substantially reduce this amount of paper usage. WASTE Due to the nature of the office activities at Facility X there are no significant impacts from the waste stream. However, solid waste (excluding paper) is generated in the office areas. This consists of food waste, paper towel usage in restrooms, miscellaneous packaging for office supplies and food containers, etc… Facility X could benefit from further recycling encouragement for office workers with the aim of having the number of recyclables outnumbering the amount of solid wastes.


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 WATER In an office setting with 6,000 employees, the amount of water used day-to-day and on an annual basis can add up very quickly. Assuming that each employee uses the restroom approximately 3 times a day at 1.7 gallons of water per flush, the water usage equates to 30,600 gallons per day. This does not include hand washing, water for coffee, or other miscellaneous uses. Accounting for these uses, these activities could easily double the usage per day. This results in an annual water usage of approximately 18.25M gallons of water at Facility X offices. Small adjustments could have a dramatic and positive effect on the water usage at the building. These include installing ultra-low flow toilets. If Facility X were to replace its toilets with 1 gallon per flush models it could save more than 12,000 gallons of water per day. This adds up to almost 3.3M gallons of water per year, just in toilet flushing. CLEANING SERVICES The cleaning activities that are conducted in the offices at Facility X are relatively benign in nature but can still be subdivided into two major categories. Included among these categories are: cleaning chemicals and solvents, and vacuuming. CHEMICAL USAGE In cleaning the office areas, the janitorial staff conducts activities such as dusting, wiping down horizontal surfaces with common solvents, and cleaning restroom areas with similar solvents. There are no hazardous degreasers or toxic solvents used during this activity due to the relatively ‘clean’ nature of office work. Occasionally, if there is an illness or blood release, the cleaning crew will bring in a steam cleaner, which can use water only or water mixed with an ammoniabased solvent. The waste water from this operation can be disposed of in the drain system and does not require any hazardous waste disposal. It is possible to change to natural cleaning products that do not utilize chemicals in order to completely eliminate any possible environmental impacts from the cleaning operations, but the chemical usage is negligible and will not yield any tangible results or cost savings. VACUUMING The vacuuming operation is also conducted by the janitorial staff at Facility X. It involves employing traditional vacuum cleaners and the vacuum backpacks that allow for better freedom of movement throughout the workspace. The only two possible impacts associated with this operation are the power used to run the vacuums, and the dust collected in the vacuum canisters. The dust from the vacuums can easily be disposed of with the normal waste stream, and does not contribute significantly to the solid waste stream. Similarly, the power used in the vacuuming operation is negligible and does not significantly contribute to the overall energy consumption at Facility X. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING The shipping and receiving operation at Facility X does have some potential environmental impacts such as the emissions from idling delivery trucks at the loading docks, and the solid waste disposal that the shipping and receiving department is also responsible for. 8

Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 DELIVERY TRUCK EMISSIONS While trucks wait to offload and upload their payloads they generally leave their trucks idling as opposed to turning them off. This action contributes to more emissions including carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This issue can easily be rectified by requiring drivers to fully turn off their vehicles while in the loading dock area. Not only with the environmental impacts overall be lower, but the relative comfort and perceived enhanced air quality would be better for the morale of the personnel assigned to the loading dock area. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL/REMOVAL Of course the solid waste disposal operation at Facility X has an environmental impact associated with it. Every ton of waste has to be sorted at the point of disposal, and any recyclable material is separated out for proper recycling. This is the point where the most solid waste can be diverted from the landfill. However, recycling is not the only method for diverting waste from the landfill. Source reduction can prevent the waste from entering the waste stream in the first place. This would be achieved by conducting education and awareness activities for the staff of Facility X. They could increase their participation in recycling and employing reusable food containers where possible. The graph below shows a snapshot of the recycling and solid waste disposal at Facility X. Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt


CAFETERIA The operation of the cafeteria facility has been broken down into five activities: food preparation, refrigeration systems, dishwashing, trash removal, and cooking devices. FOOD PREPARATION

Food preparation involves the storage and preparation of food products and has minimal environmental impacts. Non-hazardous food waste is a concern because of the amount of food that is thrown out due to preparation activities or because it cannot be reused for the following day. Another environmental impact is the amount of water used to rinse foods prior to being 9

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 served. Water usage may increase on event days which increase the amount of employees utilizing the cafeterias or catering services but is still not expected to exceed 10% of overall energy costs. REFRIGERATION SYSTEM

The cafeteria utilizes a refrigeration system to keep food products cold which uses refrigerant R404A. Refrigerant R-404A poses minimal hazard or impact if it is maintained within the system. There is potential for the R-404A to pose impacts to human health if it is spilled or released (National Refrigerants Inc, 2008). Per the Clean Air Act- Section 608, refrigerants are prohibited from being vented into the atmosphere and must be recycled (U.S. EPA, 2012). The amount of refrigerant recycled per month is 49 pounds or 108 kilograms which correlates with an impact value of 2. Should there be a major release or leak, the potential value would be listed as 3 because the quantity would rise over 200 kilograms of refrigerant. DISHWASHING AND CLEANING

The cafeteria has several dishwashers in operation to clean utensils and food preparation equipment. Water usage can run higher during events but would still not exceed the 10% of water usage costs. Grills are fryers are used to cook food. These are powered by natural gas or electricity. The main environmental impacts are solid waste and resource usage and they have minimal impacts on the environment. Due to the amount of waste generated in the cafeterias, trash removal is an important activity. Trash removal impacts the solid waste stream and building aesthetics. The trash created is not controlled waste but is high in quantities. Aesthetically, the aesthetic impact is minor as long as trash is removed regularly. If the trash sits for a prolonged period of time, there is potential for major odor concerns. PRINT SHOP ELECTRIC USAGE:

The machines used to operate the print shop require considerable levels of energy usage in order to operate properly. This factor depends entirely on the level of flow going in and out of the print shop regarding documents and other things that would be processed by these machines. The energy usage could be very high at times and very low at others. Another factor that can control the level of energy used is the type of machinery operating; are they energy saver technologies? The Energy Star program certifies technologies that reduce consumption of energy and cut down on CO2 emissions (Energy Star, 2012). Parsons uses energy saver technologies throughout Facility X in nonclassified zones, so it would be logical to assume that the materials used in the print shop are also energy saver technologies. PAPER USAGE:

Paper is a resource derived from trees and logging services. These services are normally performed in sustainable manners and are completely environmentally friendly; however overuse could eventually cause degradation problems. Facility X generates a high level of hard copy documents, which can be reduced by at least 33% through the use of digital copy requirements. The impact could also be controlled through the purchase and use of recycled paper materials (Canon, 2012; HP, 2012; Lemark, 2012; Xerox, 2012). 10

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Ink is made through a process of collecting chemicals used in photosynthesis in certain plants to generate a colored dye, and then processed with other chemicals for preservation in a cartridge before being used in the printer. These chemicals are also used to bind the inks to the paper used they are dispensed from the printer. Inks can cause slow degradation of plant species if overused. Also, spent inks sent to a landfill can emit toxic chemicals that can affect the groundwater and soils of the surrounding environment. These impacts can be controlled through the use of reuse, recycle and recover programs as well as through the purchase of environmentally safe ink products (OEPA, 2012; Wang et’al, 2012). TONER USAGE:

Toner is an ink used to fill out the general hue of the paper and the juice printer components. The toner follows the same general criteria as the ink. Ink is made through a process of collecting chemicals used in photosynthesis in certain plants to generate a colored dye, and then processed with other chemicals for preservation in a cartridge before being used in the printer. These chemicals are also used to bind the inks to the paper used they are dispensed from the printer. Inks can cause slow degradation of plant species if overused. Also, spent inks sent to a landfill can emit toxic chemicals that can affect the water and soils of the surrounding environment. These impacts can be controlled through the use of reuse, recycle and recover programs as well as through the purchase of environmentally safe toner products (Wang, et’al, 2012) (OEPA, 2012). UTILITY PLANT OPERATIONS MAJOR FUEL OIL LEAKS AND/OR SPILLS, FIRE HAZARD, TANK EXPLOSION Facility needs to store fuel oil for the operation of power generators and for use as an alternate fuel to natural gas in boilers. According to currently available information, fuel oil storage tanks are above ground; facility do not have underground fuel oil storage tank (USTs). Above ground storage tanks (ASTs) are relatively susceptible to accidental fire hazards as well as terrorists attacks as opposed to USTs. Above ground fuel oil tank systems must be protected from potential physical damages. For example, physical damages can cause from accidental run-overs of automobiles, land equipment, and from potential impacts of heavy objects on anywhere in the tank system that contain fuel oil. The complete tank system (tank, pipe lines, fuel pumps, and other associated parts, equipment, etc.) must be confined in to a restricted area secured with strong metal fencing system with appropriate warning signs. Leaks can also occur from poor maintenance and/or inadequate tank monitoring practices. Examples include: deteriorated fuel pipes/tank body; loose fittings/connections; missing spill containers; malfunction of fuel oil monitoring system. Facility must maintain a consistent pattern of record keeping and timely maintenance to eliminate or mitigate potential fuel leaks that can potentially and significantly impact the environment.


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 BOILER EXPLOSION Explosion can occur inside the fire chamber or in the steam/water drums. Facility X has “Cleaver Brooks” package low pressure fire tube boilers for building heating. Potential explosions in firechamber are commonly known for this type of boilers. The environmental impact of such explosion may include sudden releases of excessive amount of toxic fumes, flue gasses, fuel oil or natural gases from damaged fuel supply lines, chemically treated water vapor from the steam or water drums, and lingering nature of airborne toxic pollutants within the building as well as nearby outdoor environment in the vicinity of the accident. Explosions in fire chambers can be avoided by conducting frequent boiler tune-ups. Boiler tune-ups can balance proper air to fuel ratio by making necessary adjustments to adjustable dampers or frequency drives on force and induce draft fans and fuel valves. Facility owners/operators can always perform frequent boiler tune-ups more than what is required by regulation in order to take extra precautions on safety and the environmental impacts. Apart from that, facility must maintain a consistent pattern of record keeping and timely maintenance to prevent such explosion that can potentially and significantly impact the environment. CHILLER PLANT OPERATION. Facility X has a chiller/generator combined operation called Gas Powered Centravac (GPC), which means the Trane Centravac chiller is powered by a generator called the Waukesha Enginator (American Standard Inc, 2003). Facility has 7 chillers including total of 1500 pound of refrigerant HCFC 123. Even though HCFC has low ozone depletion potential (ODP) as opposed to CFC, significant releases of HCFCs contributes to significant environmental impacts. Chillers are designed to release refrigerant in case of high refrigerant pressure build-ups within the refrigeration circuit. Elevation of refrigerant pressure may link with a series of operational and control failures. For example, lack of makeup water to the cooling tower, malfunction of tower fans, failure of condenser water pump, and possible closure of a valve in condenser water line are some of the causes of high refrigerant pressure. Each one of these functions is interlocked with safety controls and inhibitors to prevent high refrigerant pressure build-ups. Failure of these controls activates relief valves to prevent catastrophic accidents in chiller plant. However, activation of relief is a significant environmental impact as well based on the size, duration, and the number of activations. Other releases involve leaks from loos connections, negligence of essential workmanship, accidental impacts on refrigeration circuits and so forth. Facility owner/operator can prevent unnecessary activation of refrigerant relief valves and other release as discussed above by frequently monitoring plant operation, record keeping and performing consistent and timely maintenance. Installation of refrigerant monitoring devices in each mechanical room a chiller plant that contains larger quantity of refrigerant is a regulatory requirement as well. BOILER SMOKE STACK Facilities X Cleve Brooks, are low pressure package boilers and not considered as large industrial type boilers that are subject to stringent regulatory requirements based on the degree emissions (Cleaver Brooks, 2011). Even though these boilers have insignificant amount of emission rates, whatever the quantity of NOx emitted by these boilers impact the environment and it can be considered significant in the mix of other actual environmental impacts of utility plant operation. Although these actual impacts cannot be eliminated completely, facility 12

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 owner/operator can mitigate these actual emissions by enhancing the operational practices. Installing mini scrubbers, spray nozzles, or other devices to capture NOx emission can be recommended as an enhancement to actual environmental impacts. COOLING TOWER Cooling tower drift is fine water particles that splash off from the tower due to the force of the tower fans. Certain quantity of combination of these fine water particles and water vapor evaporated from the condenser water from the tower get airborne throughout the operation of the tower. Condenser water is chemically treated for variety of operational as well as environmental health and safety needs. Treating for legionella by adding biocides and several types of other chemicals to maintain soluble copper, conductivity, free “OH” alkalinity and so forth are some of the chemical treatments involved in condenser water treatment. Chemically contaminated drift emissions and the condenser water which needs frequent bleeding to the sewer or storm in order to balance the water chemistry as a part of operational need are the actual and significant impact to the environment. Although these actual impacts cannot be eliminated completely, facility owner/operator can mitigate these impacts by enhancing the operational practices. Installing additional drift preventer and chemical pollutant recovery system from the tower bleed line can be recommended as an enhancement to actual environmental impacts. CHEMICAL RELEASES TO SEWER/STORM Chemical cleaning of both boiler and chiller systems dump unregulated quantities of chemicals in both sewer and storm system. These actions involve tube punching in chillers, and condensers, chemical cleaning of cooling towers, boiler tubes, boiler drums and several other similar activities. Boiler water blow down (like tower bleed line as discussed earlier) is also dumping chemicals in to sewer and/or storm. Chemicals such as reagents from water testing station are also dumped in to sewer or storm system. These are actual environmental impacts as well as operational needs. Facility owner/operator can mitigate these impacts by enhancing the operational practices. Installing pollutant recovery system from all end pipe discharges of the facility can be recommended as an enhancement to actual environmental impacts cause from chemical releases based on operational needs. MAINTENANCE/TOOL CRIBS: OPERASTING TOOLS

Facility uses following power tools: drill presses, bench grinders, table saws, miter-saws, tripod jacks with mechanical winches, paint mixing machine, and pipe cutting/threading machine. Some tools use grease and fluids in small quantities. Facility maintains storage areas for filters, paint, lubricants, oil, bulbs, etc and for hazardous materials including bulb crusher. Facility does not have major maintenance activities other than replacement of filters/bulbs and other small maintenance activities. The actual impacts from operating tools are: generating wastes such as dust particles, ground metal and worn off particles from cutting blades as a result of drilling and cutting operations; crating air borne particles and toxic fumes; and creating noise pollution.


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation


Storage rooms for paint, lubricant and other hazardous materials tend to emit trace quantities of toxic fumes and require ventilation Fire hazard can be considered as main potential impact. Improper use of tools creates high energy consumption as well as electrical shortages leading to potential fires. Storage of paint and associated materials such as paint thinner are well known for fire hazards unless they are properly stored. Paint and paint thinner spills have the potential to cause chemical fires which are environmentally destructive to air and water quality. AIR HANDLER FILTERS

Filters in air handlers allow circulating filtered, as well as dust free air, to be moved around Facility X. Maintenance technicians occasionally overlook replacing the right amount of filters, change the flow direction of filters, or not replace them at all. This could be a potential impact on indoor air quality. Technologies are currently available to monitor proper air flow as well as the air quality. WAREHOUSE FORKLIFTS:

Mostly forklifts pose a large environmental impact when they are run on fuel and not electricity. This is because the forklifts are operated indoors and the engine will emit CO2 and other toxic chemicals, including sulfur oxides and nitrogen (Forklifts, 2012; Lift Trucks, 20120). However, the forklifts in operation at Parson’s are entirely plug and play, meaning they run on electric only. These create minimal environmental side effects. Safety precautions should be considered during operation of the forklifts. Energy consumption has a minimal indirect impact through resource absorption (Forklifts, 2012; Lift Trucks 2012). CARDBOARD BALERS:

Cardboard Balers are used to flatten and bind cardboard before they are processed for disposal. The actual machine itself my use some oils in order to power the hydraulic system that flattens the boxes, however the rest is entirely electric. The cardboard boxes can then be sent to a regular landfill or collected for recycling and reuse (Balemaster, 2012; Recycling, 2009). The main impact from these systems is electric usage and reduction of available landfill space because the boxes are not sent for recycling after baling. COMPUTER WASTE:

Parsons generates about 5,000 lbs of computer waste each month. There are several components of computer waste that can create an environmental hazard if the waste is sent to a landfill. This is because the computers themselves may contain several different forms of waste that would be considered hazardous if it wasn’t compiled into a finalized product. Some of these wastes are listed on an EPA website in regards to computer waste; they include beryllium, lead, mercury and other hazardous chemicals (EPA, 2012). Another impact of computer waste is that many precious metals, such as gold, silver and copper, that otherwise could be collected and recovered 14

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 are instead disposed of within the body of the computer. Only 15% of the metals that could be recovered regularly are. These metals include gold, silver and copper (OEPA, 2012; Science Daily, 2012; Wang et’al, 2012). CD DISINTEGRATOR:

This machine is used to shred computer CDs into tiny pieces so that information cannot be recovered from them. These CDs are generally sent from Parsons after disintegration into the regular landfill garbage. The disintegrator runs on electricity and causes an indirect impact through resource absorption. Land filling of the CD’s is a controllable factor and this impact could be improved through recycling of the disintegrated parts (Data Destruction, 2012). TONER WASTE:

The immediate impact for the facility does not exist for toner waste in particular. However, if an accident should occur and a leakage of toner results, there could be hazardous effects on the nearby environment including waterbody damages, stains, and soil contamination. The main issue is with the level of toner waste, 1000 lbs per months, and what is done with the waste once it reaches the warehouse. The toner waste is sent to the landfill in the same condition as it was when it entered the warehouse; there is no recovery of anything involving the waste. This waste has the same toxic effect at a landfill as would occur upon an emergency situation causing leakage of the toner. However, this is a controllable impact. The toner could be disposed of by alternative means, or recovered, recycled and/or reused (Wang et’al, 2012)(OEPA, 2012). TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS HIGH VOLUME TRAFFIC

There are approximately 4000 privately owned vehicles which utilize the facility’s parking lots, roads, and other paved surfaces each day. While the facility has roads that conform to local and state guidelines, runoff after a moderate to heavy storm poses the potential to harm the environment. Runoff from transportation uses includes metal plating, engine parts, brake lining wear, tire wear, motor oil, and lubricating oil and grease (Lee-Hyung, Hee-Man & Wookeun, 2010). VEHICLES IN OPERATION

Due to the fuel type and quantity used, as well as the amount of vehicles which operate at the facility each day, the risk of chemicals being released into the environment is moderate to significant. Among the more harmful components released into the environment are Benzene, Butadiene, and Acrolein (Tchepel et’al, 2012). Benzene is the most commonly known example of an emission which carries an increased risk of cancer due to exposure and ease of transport (Oliveira, 2012). Other factors such as weather, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and temperature also affect the transport of these chemicals The amount of vehicles in use on a daily basis causes a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions and is one of the most significant issues as it relates to updating the organizations EMS. The primary emission released from the operation of employee vehicles is Carbon Dioxide. These vehicles conform to EPA standards for air emissions which affected by the age 15

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 and technology within the vehicle, for Facility X’s purposes between 1 and 10 years old (Kaplanovic & Mijailovtc, 2012). Adding to the significant amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is the release of gas from the 14 shuttles which operate on a daily basis. The shuttles are modified Chevy Silverado mini-busses which operate every six minutes for eight hours per day. These vehicles utilize diesel and regular gasoline. ROAD MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION

Another source of pollution results from the operation and maintenance of roads. The facility is adjacent to a natural woodland barrier which separates the facility from the community. Facility X is part of the Severn River watershed and sits on approximately 400 acres of privately owned land. A detailed environmental impact study should be conducted to evaluate the ability of the surfaced area, including parking lots and work areas, to effectively manage stormwater and vehicle runoff. In studies done in urban areas, pollutants found in runoff include sediments, oxygen demanding substances, the assimilation of heavy metals, pesticides, hydro-carbons, trash and debris (US Env Prot Agency, 2012). Related to transportation are the release of heavy metals from lubricants and other fluids from vehicles, the release of hydro-carbons from exhaust and fuel systems, and the dispersal of heavy metals. LANDSCAPING MOWING OPERATIONS

Mowing operations have low environmental impacts. Up to four gas-powered mowers are operated once per week for 30 weeks out of the year. While some air emissions are created by the combustion of fuel, the pollutants produced by the exhaust are not significant. Fuel, oil, and other liquid components in the mowers is a minor concern in mowing operations for land contamination and raw material usage vectors. Mowers are inspected prior to use but could potentially contaminate soil if the mower were to leak fuel or oil. Resources, in the form of fuel and oil, are used to power the mowers. While Parsons may have some influence over the frequency of mowing, the facility owners make the final decision on frequency. Therefore, the use of resources is not controllable. FERTILIZERS

The fertilizer used at Facility X is Turflo fertilizer from the SynaTek company. The fertilizer is a mix of urea, potassium chloride and muriate of potash (SynaTek, 2012). Of the ingredients, none are subject to EPCRA reporting (U.S. EPA, 2011). Fertilization occurs two times per year and covers approximately 20 acres of land. During the application of Turflo, signs are posted to warn employees of the application to prevent the acute health symptoms caused by exposure. If the fertilizer is spilled, small quantities may be flushed with water. If the quantity is large, the fertilizer must be pumped into containers and transferred to a waste disposal facility that accepts non-toxic, non-hazardous waste (MSDS). Of the environmental impacts posed, the most significant is the aesthetic effects on air. Odor can be an issue depending on the quantity applied and wind direction.


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Herbicides are used to treat weeds and grasses at Facility X. Roundup Super Concentrate Weed & Grass Killer is used in moderation to treat weeds. The weed and grass killer is not listed as hazardous to air quality and does not contain any regulated chemicals per the Material Safety Data Sheet (Monsanto Company, 2000). It is used in small quantities so the actual and potential impacts remain low. SNOW REMOVAL

Snow removal is conducted using trucks and utility vehicles to plow snow off of the roadways and parking lots. Removing snow does not pose many environmental impacts. The trucks used to plow snow do release minor air emissions and use fuel but at low quantities. An area of minor concern is land contamination. Any brine, salt, or other liquids or solids left on the roadways or parking lots such as oil can be deposited into the land when the snow is plowed and pushed off the roadway or parking lot. The assumption is that the amount of pollutants that could potentially contaminate the land is low so they are listed as being slightly toxic. ICE MELTING

The ice melting product used at Facility X is GEOMELT anti-icing fluid which is 80% sodium chloride brine and 20% GEOMELT. The fluid is not regulated under SARA (Van Handel Inc, 2009). Per the MSDS, the fluid does not pose risk to human health or the environment. In the case of a spill, the anti-icing fluid is to be absorbed with an earthen or absorbent material and disposed of properly.

FIVE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS: From the data listed above, the group was able to derive five significant impacts for further analysis. These five aspects include:     

Above-ground storage Tanks Solid Waste accumulation Heavy Transportation Management Potential emission from heavy generator equipment, and Environmental hazardous from refrigerant use.

The following sections of the report explain in detail the goals set for Parsons Facility X in order to enhance the facility’s environmental impact rating in relation to these five significant impacts.


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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 ABOVE-GROUND STORAGE TANKS GOAL: REDUCE #2 FUEL OIL LEAKS OR SPILLS AT THE ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANKS BY 50% BY NOVEMBER 2013 THROUGH PROPER FUEL TRANSFER, CONTAINMENT, AND DAILY INSPECTIONS. BACKGROUND: Facility X has six 30,000 gallon storage tanks on-site that house the #2 Fuel Oil used to feed the generators and boilers of the building. In addition to the six large tanks, there is another 10,000 gallon tank whose primary responsibility is to receive the fuel oil from tanker delivery trucks. This tank is the most likely culprit for leaks and/or spills, since it is frequently handled and receives the most wear and tear from operations. The larger tanks are daisy-chained together and receive relatively little manipulation, with the exception of the daily checks performed on the fuel lines that lead to the boilers and generators and the cleanout and inspection that is conducted periodically in accordance with 40 CFR part 112(Source Water Protection, 2001). PREVENTING RELEASES: There are several measures that can be implemented to prevent the fuel oil contained in Facility X’s containers from being released into the surrounding environment. Contamination could potentially pollute nearby water sources, the air, and stormwater drains. Proper containment area design, proper corrosion control and tank design are among a few of those measures, as well as the utilization of shade structures above the tanks. CONTAINMENT AREA DESIGN: The secondary containment area around facility X’s storage containers should be made of a surface material that is impervious to the material contained within the containers. This area should be able to accommodate 110 percent of the contents of the tanks (Source Water Protection, 2001). In the case of Facility X, this secondary containment area would need to be able to accommodate (190,000 gallons X 1.1) = 209,000 gallons. This secondary containment area should also be complete with the inclusion of a sump pump that would be used to collect rain water. The sump pump should be controlled manually to ensure proper inspection of the discharge for by-products such as petroleum or other chemicals. Such inspection should be standard before any discharge can be emitted (Source Water Protection, 2001). This secondary containment area combined with the regular rain water capture and inspection regimen will likely be 99 percent effective at preventing #2 fuel oil releases into ground water sources. As one extra precautionary and sound design measure; berms, dikes, and liners can be used to further protect against spills. CORROSION CONTROL AND TANK DESIGN: Storage tanks that can accommodate 30,000 gallons of fuel oil have the potential to occupy quite a bit of real estate if the configuration is not optimized. However, if Facility X is interested in decreasing the footprint of their ASTs, they should consider a vertical orientation. Typical tanks 18

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 of that size will be cylindrical tanks 12 feet in diameter by approximately 35 ft tall. The one receiving tank will require about 100 square feet and will be a cylindrical tower 10 ft in diameter and about 17 feet tall (Modern Welding Co, 2006). The vertical configuration would allow them to fit all of their tanks in a space of 1000 to 1200 square feet, and would allow for more loading dock and delivery truck operations. In addition to the layout, the tanks should be slightly elevated off of the ground with platforms, skids, and/or vertical stabilizers (Modern Welding Co, 2006). For added leak protection the Facility X ASTs should be double walled and should be coated with an industrial primer that prevents corrosion. The corrosion control efforts should be continued once the tanks are in place with a systematic schedule of visual and non-visual inspection. These inspections should conducted by a qualified Professional Engineer (SPCC, 2012).

SHADE STRUCTURES: The final method for preventing release of the fuel oil at Facility X is to place shade structures over the entire array of storage tanks. This measure will help to reduce the evaporation associated with the #2 fuel oil. The evaporation of fuel oil could account for losses 600-1000 gallons of gasoline per year in a 10,000 gallon tank. Although #2 fuel oil does not evaporate at that same rapid rate, a shade structure above the tanks can still have significant economic and environmental benefits (Source Water Protection, 2001).


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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 SOLID WASTE GOAL: REDUCE SOLID WASTE GENERATED BY 10% BY USING SOURCE REDUCTION, REUSE, AND RECYCLING TECHNIQUES FOR FOOD, ELECTRONIC, INKS AND TONERS, OFFICE, AND BULB WASTES BY NOVEMBER 2013. BACKGROUND: Parson’s currently generates 5,500 pounds of electronic wastes (e-waste) on a monthly basis that is sent to the warehouse for further processing. Parson’s utilizes a method of CD disintegration for all compact disk waste in order to maintain the classified status of their information. Onehundred percent of the resulting pieces are then sent for recycling. Facility X also generates 100 pounds of toner on a monthly scale due to its high capacity, on-Facility X print shop. Toner can create a hazardous waste threat. Office supply waste paper is disintegrated and sent to a tissuemanufacturing firm to be reused as recycled product. Furthermore, solid waste from cafeteria services makes a significant impact on the overall level of solid waste produced at Facility X with no current methods in place to reduce it. Facility X also possesses a mercury lamp compactor used to assist in the disposal of spent fluorescent light bulbs. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The e-waste levels alone create a significant impact on the surrounding environment. The compounds used to create many of the interior components of common electronics can sometimes emit hazardous chemicals from exposure to natural elements. Electronic parts also store metals such as copper, lead, gold and silver (Science Daily, 2012)(Wang et’al, 2012). Any ink left on or around the e-waste will also create a toxic chemical hazard. Many of the plastic used in electronics have petroleum basis and can biodegrade to emit petroleum and methane compounds. Toner has a similar effect on the environment during landfill as e-waste; only toner content contains higher, purer levels of the inks. High mercury emission from electronics and from fluorescent bulbs could affect surrounding air quality as well as the viability of nearby water bodies due to leaching or run-off during a storm event (OEPA, 2012). Organic wastes pose a significant impact under high quantity conditions because they attract growth of microscopic organisms. These bacteria create odor, visual discoloration and disease at different stages of the environment. The waste may also produce methane (US EPA, 2012). The main concern is interaction with water bodies containing fish species after leaching and run-off occur from storms. Facility X should consider a few slight indirect sources of impact:  mode of transport for the waste to the end of life facility,  handling procedures administered at Facility X,  early life production methods, and  any by-products produced during current handling processes.


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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 FOOD WASTE: Presently Parson’s operation of Facility X includes periodic landscaping administered by Facility X’s owner and not Parsons. On semi-annual basis 20 lbs of nonhazardous fertilizer is spread throughout Facility X. Parsons would find some benefit through the use of composting of organic wastes if Facility X owner found value in substituting the current fertilizer compound for the compost. Composting would be the most efficient method of food waste reduction; however it may not be practical for implementation at Facility X given current facility management details. There is a biowaste composting facility located in Waverly, Virginia that would be capable of collecting food wastes for recycling into compost and/or bioenergy (McGill, 2012). Composting of waste is the first recommendation for Parsons to reduce food waste amounts because it generates minimal byproducts and creates an entirely beneficial product. Organic waste can also be used in waste to energy systems as fuel for electricity. Covanta Energy, energy from waste facility, is located within fifteen minutes of Facility X (Covanta, 2012). Waste to energy systems have a reputation for producing a large amount of by-product emissions, however these facilities also have to follow federal regulations governing emissions to the environment and are capable of integrating top quality systems that reuse emissions sources until they are at a minimum (O’Leary & Walsh, 1995). With the level of other sources of the solid waste at Facility X, waste to energy systems is recommended as an overall solid waste reduction strategy. FOOD WASTE ALTERNATIVES: Food waste is capable of being recycled as animal feed and would be a useful nutrition source as such (Myler and Johnson, 2012). Food waste plastics can be used in incineration processes or transformed for use in resin or tar. Some food waste can be greatly reduced by changing the packaging used for the food, and changing plates, bowls and silverware to metals and resin for washing and reuse (Wastes, 2012). In order to implement these alternatives, food services facilities would need to separate organic and plastic wastes from the other solid waste streams through utilization of separate bins. ELECTRONIC WASTE: Electronic waste streams will be processed in layers in order to divert placement into a landfill. First, manufacturers of many present day electronics offer buyback programs when the owner is either no longer interested in the use of the electronic due to upgrades, or when the electronic has come to the end of its life. The manufacturer will then evaluate the small “appliance” to make repairs. The ensuing process is considered electronics refurbishment. Once one of these devices has been refurbished, they are sold back to the public in as good as new condition for a fraction of the original price. This diverts waste to the landfill and actually extends the life of the product. Facilities that take advantage of the buy-back programs can generate a small profit from solid waste stream diversion routes.


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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 The next step is to separate the electronics into its parts and reuse the parts in other electronics. This step leads into the process of separation of the materials between plastics and metals. Plastics can be recycled into many different forms; they can be used in ceramic kilns or incinerators as fuel, recycled into pallets, plastic lumber, and stone or gravel, and/or recycled into other computer parts. Metals can be processed and separated through the practice of smeltering, exposing the metals to high heat in order to make pure forms of the metals. The resultant process creates virtually pure forms of copper, lead, silver and gold. These metals can be sold to producers in manufacturing processes (Wang et’al, 2012). Facility X would benefit from taking advantage of current buy-back programs. They should also separate electronics that are incapable of refurbishment to be sold to incinerators and metals processing plants for recycling. INK AND TONER: Inks and toners are also privy to the benefit of recycling programs through manufacturers. For instance, Lexmark does an ink and toner return program that allows them to reuse the cartridges and supplies you with period free cartridges of ink, toner and other bonus office supplies (Lexmark, 2012). Xerox operates similar programs with different incentives for private consumers compared to commercial consumers (Xerox, 2012). HP and Cannon also utilize similar programs (HP, 2012)(Canon, 2012). These manufacturers supply recycled inks and low toxicity inks that extend the lifecycle of cartridges even further than just recycling. Inks and toners can be collected for shipment to toner recovery centers that recycle the inks for reuse. Parson’s could benefit largely from the placement of a cartridge bin within its print shop and near floor printer/copier systems in order to take advantage of return program incentives. These programs have been proven to save up to 10% on printing supplies for the office, and return programs divert a portion of landfill waste management expenditures. With the level of ink and toner waste at the facility, incentive programs would produce a lot of benefits for Facility X. GENERAL OFFICE WASTE: Through the use of office supply return programs, Facility X would benefit with numerous amounts of recycled office supplies to help defray a greater percentage of environmental impact. The office should make it a policy to utilize the recycled products whenever possible for office functions. They would also benefit from switching to a higher level of electronic document procurement, placing a limit on hard copy productions. The disintegration of paper for reuse in the tissue facility is a good diversion program, the office would benefit from the placement of separate receptacles throughout the building for the disposal of paper products. MERCURY AND LAMPS: Parson’s currently utilizes a fluorescent lamp compressor in order to reduce the level of waste from spent fluorescent light bulbs. These light bulbs contain the hazardous chemical mercury. The compressor does a good job at containing the mercury once the lamps have been crushed. The company could improve its environmental impact in regards to the lamps through the use of 22

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 mercury and glass separation techniques. These techniques open the capability of sending the glass for recycling into pallets, asphalt, tar, and Portland cement. They also allow mercury to be recovered and used as fuel.


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 TRANSP ORTATION MAINTENANCE GOAL: REDUCE CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM PERSONAL VEHICLES BY 25% BY NOVEMBER 2014 BY IMPLEMENTING COMMUTER SHUTTLE SERVICES AND ENCOURAGING USE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. BACKGROUND: Currently, there are an estimated 4000 vehicles which are driven by employees of Facility X to the site each day. The vehicles arrive at the facility between 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM and depart between 4:30 and 6:00 PM each day. The average vehicle spends approximately ten minutes in operation at the facility in the morning and evening commutes. This includes travel times from the entrance(s) of the facility to designated parking spaces or general parking lots. Runoff that ocurrs during medium to heavy rainstorms creates a secondary impact from the operation of these vehicles. Unlike the operating times for vehicles, a factor that can be isolated to a specific event for calculations, runoff from transportation related operations is cumulative and increases over time. The amount of rain deposited also has an impact on the amount of runoff transported into the local environment. Facility X is situated in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States and sees approximately twenty-one inches of rain on average (NOAA, 2012). SHUTTLES FOR TRANSPORTING EMPLOYEES: Presently there are 14 transportation shuttles which operate at the facility on a regular route system, transporting employees to and from work. Since the facility sits on a large amount of property, these shuttles are the most effective way for ensuring the movement of human resources across distances. However it would be beneficial to the local environment and the facility to utilize the shuttles to transport employees onto the facility’s grounds. Criteria used prior to the implementation of this step include:  Evaluate Environmental Impact of average commuter vehicle,  Identify cost of maintaining commuter vehicle space and roads,  Evaluate Costs and Impacts of Purchasing new shuttles, and  Environmental Impacts

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FROM COMMUTER VEHICLES: There are two primary considerations to keep in mind when evaluating the environmental impacts of these steps; are the impacts imposed directly upon the environment or indirectly through the process involved. The amount of CO2 released into the local environment from each vehicle once they are on facility grounds would be considered a primary measurement. Lesser pollutants include Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide, as a result of stricter air quality standards implemented under the Clean Air Act (CAA) and implemented on manufacturers. Weather changes also impact CO2 levels, decreasing approximately 14% in the winter (Krish, 2012).


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 CONSIDERATIONS: Facility X should determine the amount of CO2 released through vehicles arriving and departing the facility. The key factors are the average length of time each car spends operating at the facility multiplied by the amount of cars and times per day. One way to determine air quality is through modeling tools, including the California Air Resources Board’s Emissions Factor Model (CEPA, 2012). While it may provide a larger geographical impact and analysis, a data simulation from the model could provide a descent estimate. COST OF MAINTAINING COMMUTER SPACE: Facility X should complete a cost analysis from existing data on plant infrastructure and associated costs. Based on the number of vehicles that traverse facility roads, the data includes:  the cost of maintaining roads such as asphalt and concrete;  drainage improvements or repairs;  cleanup of roadside debris;  value of under-utilized space versus need of the facility (i.e. parking lots); and  cost of maintenance workers and staff. This data will be used to support the decision regarding the reduction of transportation cost through the purchase and operation of shuttles for transportation of employees. COSTS AND IMPACTS OF PURCHASING NEW SHUTTLE: Presently, Facility X utilizes 14 shuttles on site, through the Reston Limousine service. These shuttles transport employees to and from the office and have the capacity to carry 35-30 people at a time.  Usage - With these 14 shuttles in use, there are still 4000 vehicles that arrive on site each day; Parsons should evaluate what role any new shuttles would provide. For example, are the routes the busses run used to transport employees only around the facility and immediate area, or are they situated near areas where employees live? Furthermore, what are the benefits of one shuttle serving a specific area versus many shuttles serving that same area?  Vehicle Type – Currently, the shuttles used are Customized Chevy 5500’s, which run on diesel fuel or regular gasoline (Reston, 2012). A key consideration to making a determination about where the vehicle services will be the number of expected passengers to be transported. Facility X currently services parking for at least 4,000 vehicles; a reduction of 25% of employee traffic would mean 1,000 less vehicles to the site each day. This translates into approximately 1000 employees who will need transportation. This estimate is based on the availability of shuttles and passenger capacity, as well as the number of expected passengers and the location of employees to available shuttle services areas.  Maintenance Costs- Currently maintenance for 14 shuttles operated at the plant is managed via the company Reston Limousine. If Parsons chooses to purchase its 25

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 own fleet to better manage the transportation of employees, a detailed list of scheduled maintenance costs needs to be created.  Miscellaneous cost variables – Lease vs. own vehicles, ability of present fleet facility to perform routine maintenance on vehicles, fuel costs and storage on site, costs incurred for mitigation of environmental emissions or enhancements. This same cost structure should be evaluated regarding the maintenance of the 1,000 vehicles that would be eliminated with the use of 1 bus for comparison. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: Determining Environmental Impacts is the last step, and is a culmination of the results from the previous sections. Utilizing a shuttle service to reduce the number of vehicles on site will provide significant improvements to local air quality, area waterbodies, and other indirect resources. Taking before and after samples of local air quality and stream pollution should prove a valuable reservoir of information, and may lead to further improvements at the facility.


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 UTILITIES GENERATORS GOAL: REDUCE EMISSIONS FROM GENERATOR OPERATION BY 20% THROUGH THE USE OF CLEAN FUEL, PROPER MAINTENANCE, AND INCREASED EFFICIENCY BY NOVEMBER 2014. BACKGROUND: Facility X has relatively large amount of diesel generators that need to be operated on regular intervals. Air pollution from operating diesel generator contributes to serious health effects. Facility X is recommended to implement viable strategies to minimize emissions from the operation of diesel powered stationary generators. Some basic strategies can be recommended, such as:  use of clean fuel such as diesel with ultra-low sulfur content;  proper maintenance including emission-monitoring and timely engine tune-up;  conduct repairs/rebuilds immediately after discovering problems;  increase efficiency by replacing or retrofitting generators based on life-expectancy evaluations. RECORD KEEPING: Proper documentation is required to maintain these basic tasks. Information such as emission readings, run hours, and events of repairs and maintenance must be recorded. It is important to archive manufacture’s information in regards to the maintenance/troubleshooting guide and life expectancy records. These simple tasks help to control emissions by increasing owner/operator awareness of any incompliance of regulatory requirements. REDUCTION TECHNOLOGIES: In addition to basic strategies, USEPA provides valuable information on a number of high-tech devises that are reliable at providing maximum reduction of emissions. Facility X is recommended to consider using one of these two maximum reduction technologies:  Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), and  Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) for the operation of stationary generators (EPA Technologies Diesel Retrofit Devices, 2012). DIESEL OXIDATION CATALYST: DOCs are structured in the shape of a honeycomb with pressurized metal in the path where diesel exhausts from the engine. When the exhaust-diesel comes into contact with the pressurized metal, a catalytic reaction converts harmful pollutants in to less harmful substances. DOCs reduce emissions in the form of:  20 to 40 percent of particulate matter,  40 to 70 percent of hydrocarbons, and  10 to 60 percent of carbon monoxide. 27

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[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 EPA’s Technical Bulletin confirms the applicability of DOC on stationary generators. The general cost of DOCs, including installation, varies from $600 to $2,000 depending on the size of the engine (EPA-Diesel Oxidation Catalyst General Information, 2010). DIESEL PARTICULATE FILTER: DPFs are a more costly alternative to DOCs, however, they are highly efficient in terms of reducing the levels of emissions. DPFs reduce emissions in the form of:  85 to 90 percent or more of particulate matter and  70 to 90 percent of hydrocarbon and carbon monoxides. DPFs generally cost $5,000 to $15,000 (including installation) and are also applicable for use on stationary generators. This devise traps particulate matter by allowing the exhaust diesel to pass through a special type of material; such as cordierite substrate or porous ceramic (EPA-Diesel Particulate General Information, 2010).


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 CAFETERIA REFRIGERANT SYSTEMS GOAL: REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF REFRIGERANT LEAKS BY 33% BY NOVEMBER 2014 THROUGH MONTHLY MAINTENANCE CHECKS TO ALL REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS. BACKGROUND: The onsite cafeteria utilizes a refrigeration system to keep food products cold. This system uses refrigerant R-404A. Refrigerant R-404A poses minimal hazard or impact if it is maintained within the system. There is potential for the R-404A to pose impacts to human health if it is spilled or released (National Refrigerants Inc, 2008). The release of R-404 displaces oxygen in the affected area and can asphyxiate those within it, particularly in confined spaces (National Refrigerants Inc, 2008). The amount of refrigerant replaced into the system every two months is 49 pounds or 108 kilograms. PREVENTING RELEASES: When the refrigeration system leaks or evaporation occurs within it, the system requires replaced refrigerant. Any type of accidental contact with refrigeration components or general lack of maintenance to the system can cause leaks. When the system is not running at optimal operating conditions, evaporation occurs. REGULAR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE: Routine preventative maintenance and performance checks can ensure that the system is running properly and without leaks. Parsons (or a contractor to Parsons) should have an experienced and qualified Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning technician inspect the following areas: 1. Condenser coils 2. Condensate drain lines 3. Door gaskets and hinges 4. Thermostat operation 5. Compressor operation and controls 6. Refrigerant levels 7. Suction line insulation 8. Defrost timers, to ensure components are functioning properly (Northeast Cooling, 2011). Preventative maintenance checks should be performed on a monthly basis to ensure that all components are functioning properly and that refrigerant is maintained in the system. By identifying and correcting problems initially; refrigerant systems remain properly functioning, saving time and money in the long term. Other common issues are also resolved through regular inspections and maintenance; such as energy use and mold growth.


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation


CONCLUSION It is important to remember that effective EMS programs rely on the dedication and constant reevaluation of facility operations and procedures to ensure that environmental aspects and impacts are correctly characterized and handled. The preceding report is a survey of just one of these reevaluations of five processes at Facility X. The Authors are confident that Parsons can demonstrate its commitment to its core values, while reducing environmental impacts, and enhancing its bottom line and public image by implementing the five, simple solutions contained in this report. Reducing refrigerant and fuel oil leaks, minimizing the amount of solid waste generated at Facility X, and working to cap emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases will result in a more profitable and effective EMS at Parsons for the near and foreseeable future. While this report does contain five goals related to the current most significant impacts, constant reevaluation and inspection of the facility is a must to maintain a top rated EMS program. Parsons would benefit to reevaluate the facility in one to five years for an updated list of significant impacts. At that time, any new goals and objectives should be developed to further enhance the environmental quality rating at Facility X. Once the goals are reached that are mentioned previously in this report, these significant impacts will no longer be of as large of a concern. Parsons may be able to focus on other parts of the facility for future EMS planning. However, research and design studies are ongoing and new technologies could emerge themselves as a higher level solution to some of the mentioned impacts of the current plan. Parsons should engage in networking opportunities to keep abreast of new developments as well as industry competition. Maintaining these network contacts could provide low cost solutions that provide top quality ratings. Avenues for networking include local EMS related professional groups, industry sustainability newsletters, P2 updates from the US EPA, and other similar avenues. With the publicity and cost savings offered through constant involvement with the EMS at Parsons, every solution is the best solution.


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

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Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation


Program Environmental Planning Procedure, Attachment B Environmental Aspects and Impacts Rating Criteria

Each activity/process will be reviewed and a numerical value will be assigned pertaining to the category Environmental Vectors that have been identified. In the event that areas are equal, the prioritization will be determined by the Environmental Manager and will be used in the setting of the objectives and targets. These categories include:

Table 1: Aesthetic Effects: The amount of, or potential for, noise, sight, or odor from a process or activity. 5

Community action/complaint filed

Community action/complaint, or dead vegetation, or odor at property line, or noise perceptible at property line >100% of Community Action Level


Major effect on vegetation

Internal complaints, or impact on vegetation outside of building, or odor perceptible off-site, or noise perceptible at property line 75% to 100% of Community Action Level


Major odor/noise concern

Odor perceptible on-site but remote from source, or noise perceptible on-site but remote from source


Minor effect on vegetation

Visible impact on vegetation at or near point source or on property, or odor perceptible at source, or noise perceptible at source


Minor odor/noise concern

Occasional nuisance noise/odors


No significant concerns

No significant concern


Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 Table 2: Air Emissions - The volume or toxicity of existing air emissions (point sources and fugitive) or the potential for air emissions in defined aspect.


Possible permit violation Plant or community evacuation

100% of permissible emissions rate for regulated pollutantnormal operation- Permit Required


Permit required due to current regulations

75% to 100% potential of permissible emission rate of regulated pollutant- abnormal operation- Permit Required


Major health/environment concern Vented, High Volume

50% to 75% of permissible emissions rate for regulated pollutant- normal operation 75% to 100% potential of permissible emission rate of regulated pollutant- abnormal operation


Minor health/environment concern Vented, Low Volume

25% to 50% of permissible emissions rate for regulated pollutant- normal operation 50% to 75% potential of permissible emission rate of regulated pollutant- abnormal operation


Odor concern , Fugitive Emissions only

deminimis to 25% of permissible emissions rate for regulated pollutant


No significant concern

No air emission points or Air emission source not regulated


>100% potential of permissible emission rate of regulated pollutant- abnormal operation- Potential Permit Violation

Debias, Pryor, Perera, Stowjowski, & Aylor | Parsons Corporation

[PARSONS’ CORPORATION ASPECT/IMPACT STUDY] November 27, 2012 Table 3: Contamination of Land - The actual or potential for land contamination by the defined aspect.


Permit required due to current regulations

Waste generated is LDR and does not meet Treatment Standards listed in 40CFR Part 268


highly toxic

Waste generated is LDR, but meets Treatment Standards listed in 40CFR Part 268


Water soluble

Waste generated exhibits >50% of any hazardous constituent listed in the Treatment Standards in 40CFR Part 268


Moderately toxics

Waste generated exhibits de minimis to 50% of any hazardous constituent listed in the Treatment Standards in 40CFR Part 268


Slightly toxic

Waste(s) generated do not meet Land Disposal Restriction requirements in 40CFR Part 268


No significant concern

No waste generated

Table 4: Hazardous Waste - The volume or type of hazardous waste generated by the defined aspect.


Highly Hazardous Waste/Any Volume/Large spill or improperly handled/permit violation

> 2000 kg/mo generated by process, or 100% of all hazardous waste generated, or > 1kg/mo of acutely hazardous waste, and potential for 100% of spill RQ


Major Release to the community

>2000kg/mo generated by process, or 75% to 100% of all hazardous wastes generated, or > 1kg/mo acutely hazardous waste, or potential for >75% to