Haring C, Hawton K, Lönnqvist J, Michel K, Pommerau X, Querejeta I, Philippe J,. Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Fricke S, Weinacker B, Temesvary B, ...
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology
CONTENTS Epidemiology Suicide Global Suicide rates in the world: Update
Schmidtke A, Weinacker B, Apter A, Batt A, Berman A, Bille-Brahe U, Botsis A, De Leo D, Doneux A, Goldney R, Grad O, Gharing C, Hawton K, Hjelmeland H, Kelleher M, Kerkhof A, Lenaars A, Lönnqvist J, Michael K, Ostamo A, Salander-Renberg E, Sayil I, Takahashi Y, Van Heeringen C, Värnik A, Wasserman D Arch Suicide Res 1999;5:81-89 ............................................................................ Länk OK www.springerlink.com/content/2r6kxke3fnyyduj3/fulltext.pdf
Global suicide rates among young people aged
Wasserman, D, Cheng, Q, Jiang, G-X. 15-19 World Psych 2005;4:114-120 ....................................................................... Länk OK www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=16633527
Europe Suicides in the Baltic countries, 1968-90
Värnik A, Wasserman D, Eklund G Scand J Soc Med 1994;22:166-169 ........................................................................ Länk OK http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7846473?log$=activity
Suicide Prevention and Cultural Resistance: Stability in European Countries’ suicide Ranking, 1970-1988 Mäkinen IH, Wasserman D Ital J Suicidology 1997;7:73-85 Not online
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Relation between attempted suicide and suicide rates among young people in Europe
Hawton K, Arensman E, Wasserman D, Hultén A, Bille-Brahe U, Bjerke T, Crepet P, Deisenhammer E, Kerkhof A, De Leo D, Michel K, Ostamo A, Philippe A, Querejeta I, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Temesváry B J Epidemiol Community Health 1998;52:191-194 ............................................... Länk OK http://jech.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/52/3/191
Suicide Trends in the Baltic States, 1970-1997
Värnik A, Tooding L-M, Palo E, Wasserman D Trames 2000;4(54/49):1:79-90 Not online
Registration of external causes of death in the Baltic States 1970-1997
Värnik A, Wasserman D, Palo E, Tooding L-M Eur J Public Health 2001;11:84-88 .................................................................. Länk OK http://eurpub.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/11/1/84
Attempted and completed suicide in older subjects: Results from the WHO/EURO Multicentre study of suicidal behaviour De Leo D, Padoani W, Scocco P, Lie D, Bille-Brahe U, Arensman E, Bjerke T, Crepet P, Haring C, Hawton K, Lönnqvist J, Michel K, Pommerau X, Querejeta I, Philippe J, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Fricke S, Weinacker B, Temesvary B, Wasserman D Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2001;16:300-310 ............................................................ Länk OK http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/78503692/PDFSTART
Repetition of suicidal behaviour in elderly Europeans: a prospective longitudinal study De Leo D, Padoani W, Lönnqvist J, Kerkhof A, Bille-Brahe B, Michel K, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Wasserman D, Caon F, Scocco P J Affect Disord 2002;72:291-295 .................................................................... Länk OK http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T2X-44N04HF1&_user=650310&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2002&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_so rt=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000034918&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid =650310&md5=3ed205707e133a490d7788bf4d0a6919
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Suicide Mortality Among Immigrant Finnish Swedes
Mäkinen IH, Wasserman D Arch Suicide Res 2003;7:93-106 ...................................................................... Länk OK http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a713848853
Trends in adolescent suicide mortality in the WHO European Region
Mittendorfer Rutz E, Wasserman D Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2004;13:321-331 ......................................... http://www.springerlink.com/content/b66re3kxj8j039ct/fulltext.pdf
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Gender and Age-specific Dynamics of Suicide in the Baltic States during the Transition Period Tooding LM, Värnik A, Wasserman D Trames 2004;8(58/53):299-308 Not online
Suicide among Russians in Estonia. Database study before and after independence
Värnik A, Kõlves K, Wasserman D Br Med J 2005;330:176-177 ......................................................................... Länk OK http://www.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/330/7484/176
Suicide mortality and political transition: Russians in Estonia compared to the Estonians in Estonia and to the population of Russia. Värnik A, Kõlves K, Sisask M, Samm A, Wasserman D. Trames 2006;10:268-277 Not online
Trends of youth suicide in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s – gender differences and implications for prevention
Mittendorfer Rutz E J Mens Health Gend (Jmhg) 2006;3:250-257 .............................................. Länk OK http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B7GW7-4KV2Y715&_user=650310&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_se archStrId=936245763&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000034918&_version=1&_urlVer sion=0&_userid=650310&md5=4805732255dae5083c6e8652beb7f2b2
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Former Soviet Union Regional differences in the distribution of suicide in the former Soviet Union during perestroika, 1984-1990 Wasserman D, Värnik A, Dankowicz M Acta Psychiatr Scand 1998;98(Suppl.394):5-12 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9825012
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Marked decrease in suicide among men and women in the former USSR during perestroika
Värnik A, Wasserman D, Dankowicz M, Eklund G Acta Psychiatr Scand 1998;98(Suppl.394):13-19 ................................................ Länk OK http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9825013?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PE ntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSu m
Age-specific suicide rates in the Slavic and Baltic regions of the former USSR during perestroika, in comparison with 22 European countries Värnik A, Wasserman D, Dankowicz M, Eklund G Acta Psychiatr Scand 1998;98(Suppl.394):20-25 Not online
Reliability of statistics on violent death and suicide in the former USSR, 1970-1990 Wasserman D, Värnik A Acta Psychiatr Scand 1998;98(Suppl.394):34-41 Not online
Asia Suicide in Thailand, 1977 to 2002
Thomyangkoon P, Leenars A, Wasserman D Arch Suicide Res 2005;9:361-368 ............................................................... Länk OK http://karolinskaswe.library.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/usui/2005/00000009/ 00000004/art00005?crawler=true
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Attempted Suicide Global Parasuicide in the Nordic Countries
Wasserman D, Fellman M, Bille-Brahe U, Bjerke T, Jacobsson L, Jensen G, Lönnqvist J, Njåstaad O, Ostamo A, Salander-Rehnberg E Scand J Soc Med 1994;22:170-177 ....................................................................Länk OK http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7846474?ordinalpos=5&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEnt rez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Characteristics of attempted suicides seen in emergency-care settings of general hospitals in eight low- and middle income countries
Fleischmann A, Bertolote JM, De Leo D, Botega N, Phillips M, Sisask M, Vijayakumar L, Malakouti K, Schlebusch L, De Silva D, Nguyen VT, Wasserman D. Psychol Med 2005;35:1467-1474 ................................................................. Länk OK http://journals.cambridge.org/download.php?file=%2FPSM%2FPSM35_10%2FS003329 1705005416a.pdf&code=253c67d2f41d373013924f0d065b8fde
Suicide attempts, plans and ideation in culturally diverse sites: the WHO SUPRE-MISS community survey Bertolote JM, Fleischmann A, De Leo D, Bolhari J, Botega N, De Silva D, Nguyen VT, Phillips M, Schlebusch L, Värnik A, Vijayakumar L, Wasserman D Psychol Med 2005;35:1457-1465 ..................................................................... Länk OK http://journals.cambridge.org/download.php?file=%2FPSM%2FPSM35_10%2FS003329 1705005404a.pdf&code=69fb8e26151092dfc3e652438a6bb5dd
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Stockholm Risk groups for parasuicide - a survey of un-selected people who attempt suicide treated in hospital Adamsson C, Wasserman D, Eklund G Scand J Soc Welfare 1993;2:178-185 Not online
Prevalence of reported suicidal behaviour in the general population and mental health staff Ramberg I-L, Wasserman D Psychol Med 2000;30:1189-1196 .................................................................... Länk OK http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=56979
Europe WHO (Nordic) Multicentre study on Parasuicide
Stiles TC, Bille-Brahe U, Bjerke T, Lönnqvist J, Jacobsson, Wasserman D Nord J Psychiatry 1993;47:281-286 ............................................................... Länk OK http://pdfserve.informaworld.com/9311_758062496_787674410.pdf
Attempted suicide in Europe: rates, trends and sociodemographic characteristics of suicide attempters during the period 1989-1992. Results of the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Parasuicide
Schmidtke A, Bille-Brahe U, De Leo D, Kerkhof A, Bjerke T, Crepet P, Haring C, Hawton K, Lönnqvist J, Michel K, Pommerau X, Querejeta I, Philippe A, SalanderRenberg E, Temesvary B, Wasserman D, Fricke S, Weinacker B, Sampaio Faria JG Acta Psychiatr Scand 1996;93:327-338 ............................................................. Länk OK http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3125138
A repetition-prediction study on European parasuicide populations
Bille-Brahe U, Kerkhof A, De Leo D, Schmidtke A, Crepet P, Lönnqvist J, Michel K, Salander-Renberg E, Stiles TC, Wasserman D, Egebo H Crisis 1996;17:22-31 .................................................................................... Länk OK http://psycontent.metapress.com/content/j3912g317w5pm835/
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology The WHO-EURO Multicentre Study: Risk of parasuicide and the comparability of the areas under study Bille-Brahe U, Andersen K, Wasserman D, Schmidtke A, Bjerke T, Crepet P, De Leo D, Haring C, Hawton K, Kerkhof A, Lönnqvist J, Michel K, Philippe A, Querejeta I, Salander-Renberg E, Temesvary B Crisis 1996;17:32-42 ......................................................................................................Länk OK http://psycontent.metapress.com/content/7g45311213639912/
A repetition - prediction study of European parasuicide populations: a summary of the first report from Part II of the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Parasuicide in co-operation with the EC Concerted Action on Attempted Suicide
Bille-Brahe U, Kerkhof A, De Leo D, Schmidtke A, Crepet P, Lönnqvist J, Michel K, Salander-Renberg E, Stiles TC, Wasserman D, Aagaard B, Egebo H, Jensen B Acta Psychiatr Scand 1997;95:81-86 ........................................................ Länk OK http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/119945107/PDFSTART
Relation between attempted suicide and suicide rates among young people in Europe
Hawton K, Arensman E, Wasserman D, Hultén A, Bille-Brahe U, Bjerke T, Crepet P, Deisenhammer E, Kerkhof A, De Leo D, Michel K, Ostamo A, Philippe A, Querejeta I, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Temesváry B J Epidemiol Community Health 1998;52:191-194 ......................................... Länk OK http://jech.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/52/3/191
Attempted suicide and major public holidays in Europe: findings from the WHO/EURO multicentre study on parasuicide
Jessen G, Jensen BF, Arensman E, Bille-Brahe U, Crepet P, De Leo D, Hawton K, Haring C, Hjelmeland H, Michel K, Ostamo A, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Temesvary B, Wasserman D Acta Psychiatr Scand 1999;99:412-418 ......................................................... Länk OK http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/119934907/PDFSTART
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Temporal fluctuations and seasonality in attempted suicide in Europe - finding from the WHO/EURO multicentre study on parasuicide
Jessen G, Andersen E, Arensman E, Bille-Brahe U, Crepet P, De Leo D, Hawton K, Haring C, Hjelmeland H, Michael K, Ostamo A, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Temesvary B, Wasserman D Arch Suicide Res 1999;5:57-69 ............................................................... Länk OK http://www.springerlink.com/content/5370l8cpk2r35abl/fulltext.pdf
A Cross-Cultural Study of Suicide Intent in Parasuicide Patients Hjelmeland H, Nordvik H, Bille-Brahe U, De Leo D, Kerkhof K, Lönnquist J, Michael K, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Wasserman D Suicide Life Threat Behav 2000;30:295-303 ................................................. Länk OK http://www.labmeeting.com/paper/23690736/hjelmeland-2000-a-cross-cultural-study-ofsuicide-intent-in-parasuicide-patients
Attempted and completed suicide in older subjects: Results from the WHO/EURO Multicentre study of suicidal behaviour De Leo D, Padoani W, Scocco P, Lie D, Bille-Brahe U, Arensman E, Bjerke T, Crepet P, Haring C, Hawton K, Lönnqvist J, Michel K, Pommerau X, Querejeta I, Philippe J, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A, Fricke S, Weinacker B, Temesvary B, Wasserman D Int J Geriatric Psychiatry 2001;16:300-310 ................................................... Länk OK http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/78503692/PDFSTART
Repetition of attempted suicide among teenagers in Europe: frequency, timing and risk factors
Hultén A, Jiang G-X, Wasserman D, Hawton K, Hjelmeland H, De Leo D, Ostamo A, Salander-Renberg E, Schmidtke A Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2001;10:161-169 ............................................. Länk OK http://www.springerlink.com/content/amhvmd99r5wq69h5/fulltext.pdf
Why people engage in parasuicide: A cross-cultural study of intentions
Hjelmeland H, Hawton K, Nordvik H, Bille-Brahe U, De Leo D, Fekete S, Grad O, Haring C, Kerkhof JF, Lönnqvist J, Michel K, Renberg ES, Schmidtke A, van Heeringen K, Wasserman D Suicide Life Threat Behav 2002;32:380-393 ................................................... Länk OK http://www.atypon-link.com/GPI/doi/pdf/10.1521/suli.32.4.380.22336?cookieSet=1
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Asia Attempted suicide in Hanoi, Vietnam
Thanh Tran Thi H, Jiang G-X, Van TN, Minh DP, Rosling H, Wasserman D Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2005;40:64-71 .......................................... Länk OK http://www.springerlink.com/content/8teu3kne3uk6w5f3/fulltext.pdf
Suicidal process, suicidal cummunication and psychosocial situation of young suicide attempters in a rural Vietnamese community
Wasserman D, Tran Thi Thanh H, Pham Thi Minh D, Goldstein M, Nordenskiöld A, Wasserman C. World Psych 2008;7:47–53 ....................................................................... Länk OK http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=184587 85
Suicide Thoughts Stockholm Prevalence of reported suicidal behaviour in the general population and mental health staff Ramberg I-L, Wasserman D Psychol Med 2000;30:1189-1196 ................................................................. Länk OK http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=56979
Europe Parasuicide: The value of suicidal intent and various motives as predictors of future suicidal behaviour
Hjelmeland H, Stiles TC, Bille-Brahe U, Ostamo A, Salander Renberg E, Wasserman D Arch Suicide Res 1998;4:209-225 .................................................................. Länk OK http://pdfserve.informaworld.com/608573_731211568_782552946.pdf
Africa Prevalence of Suicide Ideation in Two Districts of Uganda
Ovuga E, Boardman AP, Wasserman D Arch Suicide Res 2005;9:321-332 ...................................................... http://www.springerlink.com/content/k03247v271r830w2/
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Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Asia Life time suicidal thoughts in an urban community in Hanoi, Vietnam
Thanh Tran Thi H, Nam Tran T, Jiang GX, Leenaars A, Wasserman D BMC Public Health 2006;6:76 - doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-6-76 .................. Länk OK http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1444928&blobtype=pdf
Depression Africa The prevalence of depression in two districts of Uganda
Ovuga E, Boardman J, Wasserman D Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2005;40:439-445 ........................... http://www.springerlink.com/content/k03247v271r830w2/fulltext.pdf
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Undergraduate student mental health at Makerere University, Uganda Ovuga E, Boardman J, Wasserman D World Psych 2006;5:51-52 ..................................................................... Länk OK http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1472270&blobtype=pdf
Essential papers on suicidology and suicide prevention 1993-2008 – To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NASP –
Part 1: Epidemiology Appendix
List of Publishers who have given us permission to publish their articles in our Anniversary Book African Health Sciences AMA – American Medical Association Baywood Publishing company, Inc. BioMed Central Ltd. BMJ Group BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Cambridge University Press Elsevier Limited Estonian Academy Publishers John Wiley & Sons Inc Hogrefe & Huber Publishing GmbH Informa Healthcare Italian J of Suicidology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Oxford University Press S. Karger AG SAGE Publications Scand Psychoanal Rev SERiP Springer Taylor and Francis The Guilford Press The Psychoanalytic Quarterly Trames WHO Wiley-Blackwell World Psychiatry