Redwall: The Graphic Novel. J FIC KIBUISHI. The Amulet Series. Amulet: The
Stonekeeper. Amulet, Book Two: The Stonekeeper's Curse. J FIC KOCHALKA.
J FIC HOLM The Babymouse Series Babymouse: Our Hero Babymouse: Queen of the World! Babymouse: Beach Babe Babymouse: Rock Star! Babymouse: Heartbreaker And many more... The Squish Series Squish, Super Amoeba Brave New Pond J FIC HOROWITZ The Alex Rider Series Point Blank: The Graphic Novel Skeleton Key: The Graphic Novel J FIC HUNTER The Warriors Series Warrior’s Return Warrior’s Refuge Warriors: The Rise of the Scourge Into the Woods Seekers Series Seekers: Toklo’s Story And many more…
J FIC KROSOCZK The Lunch Lady Series Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Subsitute Lunch Lady and the League of Librarians Lunch Lady and the Author Visit Vendetta Lunch Lady and the Bake Sale Bandit Lunch Lady and the Field Trip Fiasco J FIC KRUSE The World of Quest J MYS LABATT A Sam and Friends Mystery Series Dracula Madness Witches’ Brew
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J FIC IHARA Pokémon: Diamond & Pearl Adventures: Volume 1 Pokémon: Diamond & Pearl Adventures: Volume 2
J FIC MCCRANIE Mal and Chad: The Biggest, Bestest Time Ever!
J FIC JACQUES Redwall: The Graphic Novel J FIC KIBUISHI The Amulet Series Amulet: The Stonekeeper Amulet, Book Two: The Stonekeeper’s Curse J FIC KOCHALKA Pinky & Stinky
Part One
J FIC LANDRIDG The Muppet Show Comic Book: Meet the Muppets
J FIC HURCHALL The Secret Saturdays: The Kur Stone
J FIC INUKI School Zone 1
Graphic Novels & Comics In Fiction
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