SDSU General Catalog 2013-2014 413. R A. Regulatory Affairs. In the Center for
Bio/Pharmaceutical and Biodevice Development and the College of Sciences.
Regulatory Affairs In the Center for Bio/Pharmaceutical and Biodevice Development and the College of Sciences OFFICE: Geology/Mathematics/Computer Science 617 TELEPHONE: 619-594-6030 / FAX: 619-594-6381 E-MAIL:
[email protected] Graduate Adviser: Catherine J. Atkins, Ph.D.
Offered by Regulatory Affairs Master of Science degree in regulatory affairs. Certificate in regulatory affairs, advanced (refer to the Graduate Bulletin).
Course (R A) Refer to Courses and Curricula and University Policies sections of this catalog for explanation of the course numbering system, unit or credit hour, prerequisites, and related information. UPPER DIVISION COURSE (Intended for Undergraduates) R A 460. Healthcare Product Regulations (1) Healthcare product regulation of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and biodevice industries. Foundational knowledge of U.S. Food and Drug Administration and laws and regulations they are responsible for enforcing. GRADUATE COURSES Refer to the Graduate Bulletin.
SDSU General Catalog 2013-2014