Participants to the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic, 19 ...

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Participants to the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic,. 19 september 1949. Albania (AL). Algeria (DZ). Principality of Andorra (AND). Argentina (RA). Australia ...
Participants to the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic, 19 september 1949 Albania (AL) Algeria (DZ) Principality of Andorra (AND) Argentina (RA) Australia (AUS) Austria (A) Bangladesh (BD) Barbados (BDS) Bahamas Belgium (B) Benin (DY) Botswana (RB) Brazil (BR) Bulgaria (BG) Cambodia (K) Cameroons under French mandate Canada (CDN) Central African Republic (RCA) Chile (RCH) China (RC) Belgian Congo (RCB) Costa Rica (CR) Côte d’Ivoire (CI) Cyprus (CY) Cuba (geen letters) Czech Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo (CGO) Denmark (DK) Dominican Republic (DOM) Ecuador (EC) Egypt (ET) Faroe Islands (FO) Fidji (FJI) Finland (SF) France including French overseas territories (F) Gambia (WAG) Participants Geneva Convention


Georgia (GE) Ghana (GH) Greece (GR) Guatemala (GCA) Haiti (RH) Holy See (V) Hungary (H) Iceland (IS) India (IND) Indonesia (RI) Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) Ireland (IRL) Israël (IL) Italy (I) Jamaica (JA) Japan (J) Okinawa Jordan (HKJ) Kenya (EAK) Kyrgyzstan (KS) Lao, People’s Democratic Republic (LAO) Lebanon (RL) Lesotho (LS) Luxembourg (L) Madagascar (RM) Malawi (MW) Malaysia (MAL) Mali (RMM) Malta (M) Mauritius (MS) Mexico (MEX) Morocco (MA) Monaco (geen letters) Myanmar (BUR) Namibia (NAM) Netherlands (NL) Surinam (SME) Netherlands Antilles (NA) New Zealand (NZ) Nicaragua (NIC)

Participants Geneva Convention


Niger (NG) Nigeria (WAN) Norway (N) Pakistan (PAK) Netherlands New Guinea Papua New Guinea (PNG) Paraguay (PY) Peru (PE) Phillippines (PI) Poland (PL) Portugal (P) all overseas provincies excluding Macau Republic of Korea (ROK) Romania (R) Trust Territory of Rwanda/ Urundi (RWA) Russian Federation (SU) The Trust Territory of Western Samoa (WS) San Marino (RSM) Senegal (SN) North Borneo Sierra Leone (WAL) Singapore (SGP) Slovakia (SK) South Africa (ZA) South West Africa Spane including African localities and provinces (E) Sri Lanka (CL) Swaziland (SD) Sweden (S) Switzerland (CH) Syrian Arab Republic (SYR) Thailand (T) Togo (TG) Trinidad and Tobago ( TT) Tunesia (TN) Turkey (TR) Uganda (EAU) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB) Aden Colony British Guyana (ADN) Alderney (GBA) Bahamas (BS) British Honduras (BH)

Participants Geneva Convention


Brune (BRU) Gibraltar (GBZ) Bailwick of Guernesey (GBG) Hong Kong (HK) Isle of Man (GBM) States of Jersey (GBJ) Sechelles (SY) Southern Rhodesia (RSR) Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Tanganyika (EAT) Zanzibar (EAZ) Winward Islands Grenada (WG) St. Lucia (WL) St. Vincent (WV) United States of America (USA) all the territories or the international relations of which the United States of America is responsible Uruguay (U) Venezuela (YV) Zambia (RNR) Zimbaowe (ZW) Yugoslavia

Participants Geneva Convention