Particle Swarm Optimization of Fuzzy ARTMAP ... - Semantic Scholar

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I. INTRODUCTION. The fuzzy ARTMAP neural network architecture [3], [4] ..... positive constants called cognitive and social parameters, respectively, and r1 and ...
Particle Swarm Optimization of Fuzzy ARTMAP Parameters Eric Granger, Philippe Henniges, Luiz S. Oliveira, and Robert Sabourin Abstract— In this paper a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based training strategy is introduced for fuzzy ARTMAP that minimizes generalization error while optimizing parameter values. Through a comprehensive set simulations, it has been shown that this training strategy allows fuzzy ARTMAP to achieve a significantly lower generalization error than when it uses typical training strategies. Furthermore, the PSO strategy eliminates degradation of generalization error due to overtraining resulting from the training set size, number of training epochs, and data set structure. Overall results obtained with the PSO strategy reveal the importance of optimizing parameters and weights using a consistent objective function. In fact, the parameters found using this strategy vary significantly according to, e.g., training set size and data set structure, and always differ considerably from the popular choice of parameters that allows to minimize resources.

I. I NTRODUCTION The fuzzy ARTMAP neural network architecture [3], [4] is capable of self-organizing stable recognition categories in response to arbitrary sequences of analog or binary input patterns. It provides a unique solution to the stability-plasticity dilemma faced by autonomous learning systems. Since fuzzy ARTMAP can perform fast, stable, on-line, unsupervised or supervised, incremental learning, it can learn from novel events encountered in the field, yet overcome the problem of catastrophic forgetting associated with many popular neural networks classifiers. In batch supervised learning mode, fuzzy ARTMAP may also be efficient in that its asymptotical generalization error can be achieved for a moderate time and space complexity [11]. As such, they have been successfully applied in complex real-world pattern recognition tasks such as the recognition of radar signals [12], multi-sensor image fusion, remote sensing and data mining [5], [7], [18] handwriting recognition [1], [17], and signature verification [19]. Nonetheless, a drawback of fuzzy ARTMAP is its ability to learn decision boundaries between class distributions that consistently yield low generalization error for a wide variety of pattern recognition problems. Following batch supervised learning of a finite training data set, the capacity to generalize for unknown input patterns is a function of the network’s internal dynamics, which depend on mechanisms such as its prototype choice and class prediction functions, its learning rule, and its representation of categories. Several models have been proposed, using variations of these mechanisms, to refine decision boundaries created by fuzzy ARTMAP (e.g., [9], [10]). E. Granger, P. Henniges and R. Sabourin are with the Ecole de Tecnologie Superieure, Montreal, QC, Canada. (emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]) L. S. Oliveira is with Pontifical Catholical University of Parana, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. (email: [email protected])

Beyond the network’s internal dynamics, decisions taken as to the supervised learning process of a data set may significantly affect fuzzy ARTMAP’s capacity to generalize. One can manipulate neural network inputs at his disposal – data set and parameters – to achieve a high level of performance. In this context, the user’s decisions include choosing the supervised training strategy, the proportion of patterns in the training subset to those in validation and test subsets, the parameter values, the data normalization technique, and the data presentation order. The impact of these decisions on generalization error are necessarily a function of the data set structure (overlap and dispersion of patterns, etc.), and therefore of decision boundaries among patterns belonging to different recognition classes. Fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks are known to suffer from overtraining, an issue that may arise from decisions taken for supervised batch learning [13], [15]. The impact of overtraining on fuzzy ARTMAP performance are two fold – an increase in the generalization error, and in the amount of resources requirements. Experimental results presented by Henniges et al. [13] indicate a significant degradation in fuzzy ARTMAP performance due to overtraining for data with overlapping class distributions. Only modest improvements in performance are observed by using the holdout strategy between training epochs on different synthetic pattern recognition problems. Although fuzzy ARTMAP performance is affected by parameter values, and these parameters should be finetuned to each specific problem (e.g., [2], [8]), parameter values are rarely addressed in ARTMAP literature. A popular choice consists in setting parameter values such that network resources (the number of internal categories, of training epochs, etc) are minimized [16]. This choice of parameters may however lead to overtraining, and significantly degrade the capacity to generalize. An effective supervised learning strategy could involve co-jointly optimizing both weight and parameter values for a given problem, based on a consistent performance objective. This paper introduces an alternative training strategy for batch supervised learning of fuzzy ARTMAP. It is based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [14], and allows to optimize weight and parameter values such that generalization error is minimized. The merits of this strategy are shown through a comprehensive set of computer simulations. An experimental protocol has been defined such that the impact on fuzzy ARTMAP performance of decisions related to data set manipulations and to parameter settings may be observed for two different types of pattern recognition problems. The former consists of synthetic data with overlapping class distributions, whereas the latter involves synthetic data

with complex decision boundaries but no overlap [13]. The impact of data set manipulations is characterized for different training strategies, and training subset sizes (with respect to those of test subsets), whereas the impact of parameter values is characterized by minimizing network resources and generalization error through PSO. This characterization allows to assess the extent to which performance degradation and overtraining are linked to the above decisions, and to show the advantages of the PSO training strategy. II. S UPERVISED T RAINING OF F UZZY ARTMAP ARTMAP refers to a family of neural network architectures based on Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) that is capable of fast, stable, on-line, unsupervised or supervised, incremental learning, classification, and prediction [3] [4]. ARTMAP is often applied using the simplified architecture shown in Figure 1. It is obtained by combining an ART unsupervised learning neural network with a map field. The ARTMAP architecture called fuzzy ARTMAP [4] can process both analog and binary-valued input patterns by employing fuzzy ART as the ART network. The fuzzy ART neural network consists of two fully connected layers of nodes: an M node input layer, F1 , and an N node competitive layer, F2 . A set of real-valued weights W = {wi j ∈ [0, 1] : i = 1, 2, ..., M; j = 1, 2, ..., N} is associated with the F1 -to-F2 layer connections. Each F2 node j represents a recognition category that learns a prototype vector w j = (w1 j , w2 j , ..., wM j ). The F2 layer of fuzzy ART is connected, through learned associative links, to an L node map field F ab , where L is the number of classes in the output space. A set of binary weights Wab = {wab jk ∈ {0, 1} : j = 1, 2, ..., N; k = 1, 2, ..., L} is associated with the F2 -toab ab ab F ab connections. The vector wab j = (w j1 , w j2 , ..., w jL ) links F2 node j to one of the L output classes. t1

F ART network W y F2


W F1




. A2











match tracking

N reset _ |x|


1 A1


... ...

M .




Fig. 1. An ARTMAP neural network architecture specialized for pattern classification [12].

In batch supervised training mode, ARTMAP classifiers learn an arbitrary mapping between training set patterns a = (a1 , a2 , ..., am ) and their corresponding binary supervision patterns t = (t1 ,t2 , ...,tL ). These patterns are coded to have unit value tK = 1 if K is the target class label for a, and

zero elsewhere. The following algorithm describes fuzzy ARTMAP learning: 1) Initialization: Initially, all the F2 nodes are uncommitted, all weight values wi j are initialized to 1, and all weight values wab jk are set to 0. Values of the learning rate β ∈ [0, 1], the choice α > 0, the match tracking 0 < ε  1, and the baseline vigilance ρ¯ ∈ [0, 1] parameters are set. 2) Input pattern coding: When a training pair (a, t) is presented to the network, a = (a1 , a2 , ..., am ) undergoes complement coding, which yields a M = 2m dimensional ¯ pattern A. The vigilance parameter ρ is reset to ρ. 3) Prototype selection: Pattern A activates layer F1 and is propagated through weighted connections W to layer F2 . Activation of each node j in the F2 layer is determined by the Weber law choice function T j . The F2 layer produces a binary, winner-take-all pattern of activity y = (y1 , y2 , ..., yN ) such that only the node j = J with the greatest activation value J = arg max{T j : j = 1, 2, ..., N} remains active (yJ = 1). Then, the vigilance test compares the degree of match between wJ and A to the vigilance parameter ρ. If the test is passed, then node J remains active and resonance is said to occur. Otherwise, the network inhibits the active F2 node (i.e., TJ is set to 0 until the network is presented with the next training pair (a, t)) and searches for another node J that passes the vigilance test. If such a node does not exist, an uncommitted F2 node becomes active and undergoes learning (Step 5). The depth of search attained before an uncommitted node is selected is determined by parameter α in T j . 4) Class prediction: Pattern t is fed directly to the map field F ab , while the F2 category y learns to activate the map field via associative weights Wab . The F ab layer produces a ab ab binary pattern of activity yab = (yab 1 , y2 , ..., yL ) in which the ab ab most active F node K = arg max{yk : k = 1, 2, ..., L} yields the class prediction (K = k(J)). If node K constitutes an incorrect class prediction, then a match tracking signal raises the vigilance parameter ρ just enough (plus an increment equal to parameter ε) to induce another search among F2 nodes (Step 3). This search continues until either an uncommitted F2 node becomes active (and learning directly ensues in Step 5), or a node J that has previously learned the correct class prediction K becomes active. 5) Learning: Learning input a involves updating prototype vector wJ , and, if J corresponds to a newly-committed node, creating an associative link to F ab . The algorithm can be set to slow learning with 0 < β < 1, or to fast learning with β = 1. A new association between F2 node J and F ab node K is learned by setting wab Jk = 1 for k = K, where K is the target class label for a, and 0 otherwise. The next training subset pair (a, t) is presented to the network in Step 2. An epochs is defined as one complete presentation of all the patterns of a finite training data set. Given a large training data set, one of the following four learning strategies are typically considered to select the total number e of epochs needed to end batch supervised learning by fuzzy ARTMAP: One epoch (1EP): The learning phase ends after one epoch (e = 1) of the training data set.

Convergence based on training set classifications (CONVp): The learning phase ends after the epoch e for which all patterns of the training data set have been correctly classified by the network. Convergence occurs when ∑l (tl − yab l,e ) = 0 over all patterns l in the training set. Convergence based on weight values (CONVw)1 : The learning phase ends after the epoch e for which the weight values have converged. Convergence occurs when the sumsquared-fractional-change (SSFC) of weights for a two successive epochs, e − 1 and e, is less than 0.001, SSFC = ∑(We − We−1 )2 < 0.001. Hold-out validation (HV)2 : The learning phase ends after the epoch e for which the generalization error is minimized on an independent validation subset. Learning is performed using a hold-out validation technique [21], with network training halted for validation after each epoch. In practice, the number of epoch that achieves the lowest generalization error should be selected after several epochs after e to avoid falling into local minimums. Once the weights W and Wab have been found through a training strategy, ARTMAP can predict a class label for an input pattern by performing Steps 2, 3 and 4 without any vigilance or match tests. During testing, a pattern a that activates node J is predicted to belong to class K = k(J). III. S UPERVISED L EARNING WITH PARTICLE S WARM O PTIMISATION This section describes an alternative to typical strategies – called the PSO training strategy – that integrates optimization of network parameters into the batch supervised learning of fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks. That is, PSO is employed to optimize fuzzy ARTMAP parameter values by using generalization error as its fitness function. In effect, both weight and parameter values are selected to minimized generalization error. PSO is a population based stochastic optimization technique that was inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling [14]. It shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as genetic algorithms (GAs), yet has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. PSO belongs to the class of evolutionary algorithm techniques that does not utilize the “survival of the fittest” concept, nor a direct selection function. A solution with lower fitness values can therefore survive during the optimization and potentially visit any point of the search space. Finally, while GAs were conceived to deal with binary coding, PSO was designed, and proved very effective, in solving real valued global optimization problems, which makes it suitable for this large scale study. 1 This strategy is prone to convergence problems for data with overlapping class distributions, as some training patterns in the overlap region may never be correctly classified. 2 With large data sets considered in this paper, the HV an is appropriate training strategy. If data was limited, k-fold cross-validation would be a more suitable validation strategy, at the expense of some estimation bias due to crossing.

In PSO, each particle corresponds to a single solution in the search space, and the population of particles is called a swarm. All particles are assigned position values which are evaluated according to the fitness function being optimized, and velocities values which direct their movement. Particles move through the search space by following the particles with the best fitness. Assuming a d-dimensional search space, the position of particle i in an N-particle swarm is represented by a d-dimensional vector si = (si1 , si2 , . . . , sid ), for i = 1, 2, . . . , N. The velocity of this particle is denoted by vector vi = (vi1 , vi2 , . . . , vid ), while the best previously-visited position of this particle is denoted as pi = (pi1 , pi2 , . . . , pid ). For each new iteration k + 1, the velocity and position of particle i is updated according to: vk+1 i sk+1 i

= wk vki + c1 r1 (pi − ski ) + c2 r2 (pg − ski ) =

ski + vk+1 i

(1) (2)

where pg represents the global best particle position in the swarm, wk is the particle inertia weight, c1 and c2 are two positive constants called cognitive and social parameters, respectively, and r1 and r2 are random numbers uniformly distributed in the range [0,1]. The role of wk in Equation 1 is to regulate the tradeoff between exploration and exploitation. A large inertia weight facilitates global search (exploration), while a small one tends to facilitate fine-tuning the current search area (exploitation). This is why inertia weight values are defined by some monotonically decreasing function of k. Proper finetuning of c1 and c2 may result in faster convergence of the algorithm and alleviation of the local minima. Kennedy and Eberhart propose that the cognitive and social scaling parameters be selected such that c1 = c2 = 2. Finally, the parameters r1 and r2 are used to maintain the diversity of the population. Figure 2 depicts the update by PSO of a . particle’s position sk+1 i

Fig. 2. PSO update of a particle’s position ski in a 2-dimensional space for iteration k + 1.

Algorithm 1 shows the pseudo-code of the PSO training strategy applied to supervised training of fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks. It seeks to minimize fuzzy ARTMAP generalization error E(ski ) in the 4-dimensional space of internal parameter values, ski = (βki , αki , ρ¯ ki , εki ). Measurement of any fitness values E(ski ) in this algorithm involves computing the generalization error on a validation subset for the fuzzy ARTMAP network that was learned using a training subset and the parameter values at particle position ski . When

selecting pi or pg , if two fitness values being compared to are equal, then the particle with the greater compression value is selected (to favor cases requiring fewer resources). Following the last iteration of Algorithm 1, generalization error is computed on a test set for the fuzzy ARTMAP corresponding to particle position pg . A. Initialization: select the internal learning strategy: 1EP, CONVp, CONVw or HV set the maximum number of iteration kmax and/or fitness objective E ∗ set PSO parameters N, vmax , w0 , c1 , c2 , r1 and r1 initialize particle positions at random such that s0i and pi ∈ [0, 1]d , for i = 1, 2, . . . , N initialize particle velocities at random such that 0 ≤ v0i ≤ vmax , for i = 1, 2, . . . , N set iteration counter k = 0 B. Iterations: while k ≤ kmax or pg ≥ E ∗ do for i = 1, 2, . . . , N do train fuzzy ARTMAP according to internal learning strategy, using ski compute fitness value E(ski ) if E(ski ) < E(pi ) then update particle’s best personal position: pi = ski end end select the particle with best global fitness: g = arg min{E(ski ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , N} for i = 1, 2, . . . , N do compute velocity: vk+1 = wk vki + c1 r1 (pi − ski ) + c2 r2 (pg − ski ) i = ski + vk+1 compute position: sk+1 i i end k = k+1 update particle inertia wk end algocf Algorithm 1: PSO training strategy for fuzzy ARTMAP. For enhanced computational throughput and global search capabilities, Algorithm 1 is inspired by the synchronous parallel version of PSO [20]. It utilizes a basic type of neighborhood called global best or gbest, which is based on a sociometric principle that conceptually connects all the members of the swarm to one another. Accordingly, each particle is influenced by the very best performance of any member of the entire swarm. Exchange of information only takes place among the particle’s own experience (location of the personal best pi ), and the experience of the best particle in the swarm (location of the global best pg ), instead of being carried from fitness dependent selected parents to descendants as in GAs. Note that this strategy is somewhat similar to HV in that a validation subset is used to converge on the best solutions. At the same time, any one of the typical training strategies

(1EP, CONVp, CONVw, HV) in the parameter space. The basic PSO training strategy is equivalent to embedding 1EP. IV. E XPERIMENTAL M ETHODOLOGY In order to observe the influence on fuzzy ARTMAP performance of data set manipulations and parameter settings from a perspective of different data structures, different data sets were selected for computer simulations. Four synthetic data sets have been selected as representative of pattern recognition problems that involve either (1) simple decision boundaries with overlapping class distributions, or (2) complex decision boundaries, were class distributions do not overlap on decision boundaries. Prior to a simulation trial, these data sets were normalized according to the min-max technique, and partitioned into three parts – the training subset, the validation subset, and the test subset. All synthetic data sets employed for simulations are composed of a total of 30,000 randomly-generated patterns, with 10,000 patterns for the training, validation, and test subsets. They correspond to 2 class problems, with a 2 dimensional input feature space. Each data subset is composed of an equal number of 5,000 patterns per class. In addition, the area occupied by each class is equal. During simulation trials, the number of training subset patterns used for supervised learning was progressively increased from 10 to 10,000 patterns according to a logarithmic rule: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 26, 33, 42, 54, 68, 87, 110, 140, 178, 226, 286, 363, 461, 586, 743, 943, 1197, 1519, 1928, 2446, 3105, 3940, 5000 patterns per class. This corresponds to 30 different simulation trials over the entire 10,000 pattern training subset. Of the four synthetic data sets selected for simulations, two have simple linear decision boundaries with overlapping class distributions, Dµ (ξtot ) and Dσ (ξtot ), and two have complex non-linear decision boundaries without overlap, DCIS and DP2 . The total theoretical probability of error associates with Dµ and Dσ is denoted by ξtot . Note that for DCIS and DP2 , the length of decision boundaries between class distributions is longer, and fewer training patterns are available in the neighborhood of these boundaries than for Dµ (ξtot ) and Dσ (ξtot ). In addition, note that the total theoretical probability of error for DCIS and DP2 is 0, since class distributions do not overlap on decision boundaries. The database Dµ (ξtot ) (Figure 3a) consists of two classes, each one defined by a multivariate normal distribution in a two dimensional input feature space. It is assumed that data is randomly generated by sources with the same Gaussian noise. Both sources are described by variables that are independent and have equal variance σ2 , therefore distributions are hyperspherical. In fact, Dµ (ξtot ) refers to 13 data sets, where the degree of overlap, and thus the total probability of error between classes differs for each set. The degree of overlap is varied from a total probability of error, ξtot = 1% to ξtot = 25%, with 2% increments, by adjusting the mean vector µ2 of class 2. The database Dσ (ξtot ) (Figure 3b) is identical to Dµ (ξtot ), except that the degree of overlap between classes is varied by adjusting the variance σ22 of both classes.

(a) Dµ (ξtot )

(b) Dσ (ξtot )

(c) DCIS

(d) DP2

Fig. 3. Representation of the synthetic data sets used for computer simulations.

The third data set, DCIS (Figure 3c), corresponds to the Circle-in-Square problem [3], and requires a classifier to identify the points of a square that lie inside a circle, and those that lie outside a circle. The circle’s area equals half of the square. It consists of one complex decision boundary where classes do not overlap. In the last database, DP2 , as represented in Figure 3d, each decision region of the DP2 problem is delimited by one or more of the four following polynomial and trigonometric functions: f1 (x) = 2 sin(x) + 5, f2 (x) = (x − 2)2 + 1, f3 (x) = −0.1x2 + 0.6 sin(4x) + 8, and 2 f4 (x) = (x−10) + 7.902, and belongs to one of the two 2 classes, indicated by w1 and w2 . It consists of four complex boundaries, and class definitions that do not overlap. During each simulation trial, the performance of fuzzy ARTMAP is compared from a perspective of different training subset size, training strategies, and parameter settings. In order to assess the effect on performance of training subset size, the number of training subset patterns used for supervised learning was progressively increased, while corresponding validation and test subsets were held fixed. To assess the impact of typical training strategies, the performance was compared for fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks where supervised learning was ended (1) after one complete epoch (1EP), (2) once no training set patterns are misclassified during an epoch (CONVp), (3) once weight values remain constant for two successive epochs (CONVw), and (4) once performance is maximized on a validation set, through holdout validation based on the number of epochs (HV). In either case, the number of epochs was limited to 1000, and pattern presentation orders were always randomized from one epoch to the next. Since the HV strategy does not suffer from overtraining due to the number of training epochs, the impact of the number of training epochs on performance may also be assessed. Finally, to assess the impact of parameter settings, fuzzy ARTMAP performance was first measured when using parameter settings that yield maximum network

compression: β = 1, α = 0.001, ρ¯ = 0, and either ε = −0.001 or ε = 0.0013 . Then, performance was compared to fuzzy ARTMAP using the PSO training strategy, when parameter values were selected to minimize generalization error. In all simulations involving the PSO training strategy, the 4-dimensional search space was set to the following range of fuzzy ARTMAP parameters: β ∈ [0, 1], α ∈ [0.00001, 1], ρ¯ ∈ [0, 1], and ε ∈ [−1, 1]. Each simulation trial was performed with N = 15 particles, and ended after kmax = 100 iterations (although none of our simulations have ever attained that limit). A fitness objective E ∗ was not considered to end training, but a trial was ended if pg is constant for 10 consecutive iterations. All but one of the particle vectors were initialized randomly, according to a uniform distribution in the search space. The initial position s01 of one particle was set with the parameters that yield a maximum compression (β = 1, α = 0.001, ρ¯ = 0, and ε = −0.001). The PSO parameters were set as follows: c1 = c2 = 2; r1 and r2 were random numbers uniformly distributed in [0,1]; wk was decreased linearly from 0.9 to 0.4 over the kmax iterations; the components ¯ and to 0.2 for of vmax were set to 0.1 for β, α, and ρ, ε. At the end of a trial, the fuzzy ARTMAP network with the best global fitness value pg was retained. Independent trials were repeated 4 times with different initializations of particle vectors, and the network with greatest pg of the four was retained. Since fuzzy ARTMAP performance is sensitive to the presentation order of the training data, each simulation trial was repeated 10 times with 10 different randomly generated data sets. The average performance of fuzzy ARTMAP was assessed in terms of resources required during training, and its generalization error on the test sets. The amount of resources required during training is measured by compression and convergence time. Compression refers to the average number of training patterns per category prototype created in the F2 layer. Convergence time is the number of epochs required to complete learning for a training strategy. It does not include presentations of the validation subset used to perform holdout validation. Generalization error is estimated as the ratio of incorrectly classified test subset patterns over all test set patterns. The combination of compression and convergence time provides useful insight into the amount of processing required by fuzzy ARTMAP during training to produce its best asymptotic generalization error. Average results, with corresponding standard error, are always obtained, as a result of the 10 independent simulation trials. The Quadratic Bayes and k-Nearest-Neighbor with Euclidean distance (kNN) classifiers were included for reference with generalization error results. These are classic parametric and non-parametric classification techniques from statistical 3 A convergence problem occurs when learning inconsistent cases, whenever the training subset contains identical patterns that belong to different classes. The consequence is a failure to converge, as identical prototypes linked to inconsistent cases proliferate. This problem may be circumvented by using the feature of ARTMAP-IC [16] called negative match tracking (denoted MT-), with ε ≤ 0. Both the original MT+ (ε = +0.001) and MT(ε = −0.001) were considered during simulations.

Fig. 4.

Generalization error for Dµ (ξtot = 9%) vs training set size.

pattern recognition, which are immune to the effects of overtraining. For each computer simulation, the value of k employed with kNN was selected among k = 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, using hold-out validation. V. S IMULATION R ESULTS Figure 4 shows the average performance achieved by fuzzy ARTMAP with the PSO training strategy as a function of the training subset size for Dµ (ξtot = 9%). These results are shown for the cases where 1EP, CONVw, CONVp, and HV are embedded into the PSO strategy as internal training strategies (to compute the E(ski ) values). The performance of fuzzy ARTMAP with HV training strategy and MT+ is also considered for the sake of comparison. The generalization errors for the Quadratic Bayes and kNN classifiers, as well as the theoretical probability of error (ξtot ), are also shown for reference. Very similar tendencies are found in simulation results where fuzzy ARTMAP is trained using the other Dµ (ξtot ) and Dσ (ξtot ) data sets. The results shown in Figure 4 indicate that the PSO training strategy produces a generalization error which is just above the theoretical probability of error (9%), and which is always lower than or comparable to that of reference classifiers. A generalization error of between 9% and 10% is achieved regardless training strategy used to compute fitness (1EP, CONVw, CONVp or HV), thus the number of epochs, and of the training subset size. Therefore, the PSO strategy allows to efficiently learn data for a very small training subset. Compared to the HV training strategy alone, the generalization error is reduced by a rate of about 25% to 45% depending on the training subset size. The low generalization is accompanied by a very high level of compression that tends to grow linearly with the number of training patterns. For example, when the training subset contains 1000 patterns per class, the compression obtained with the PSO strategy with 1EP is about 900 patterns per F2 node. This amounts to about 2.2 F2 nodes total. In this case, compression with PSO is about 25 times greater than that

Fig. 5.

Generalization error for DCIS vs training set size.

of the HV training strategy with MT+ alone. To minimize generalization error, the PSO strategy selects parameters that limit the number of small category hyper-rectangles created to define areas with overlapping decision bounds. Improvements to generalization error and compression are produced at the expense of a longer convergence time. In the worst-case scenario, the PSO strategy with 1EP requires a maximum convergence time of 6000 epochs (100 iterations × 4 independent trials × 15 particles) assuming that validation subset presentations are not counted, which is a few orders of magnitude greater than with HV alone. When CONVw, CONVp or HV are embedded, this constant time is multiplied by the usual number of epochs each one needs to end batch supervised training (when computing fitness values). However, there is no clear advantage to embedding the CONVw, CONVp or HV as internal training strategies to compute E(ski ) values. Parameter optimization appears to compensate for the single training epoch with PSO (1EP). Overall, the PSO training strategy leads to a very high level of performance, and eliminates the effects of overtraining for data with overlapping class distributions. Increasing the training subset size or the number of training epochs never degrades fuzzy ARTMAP’s generalization error or compression. The parameters found through the PSO strategy remain on average in the following ranges: ρ¯ ∈ [0.30, 0.55], β ∈ [0.60, 0.90], α ∈ [0.35, 0.70] and ε ∈ [−0.65, −0.20]. Note that using a negative ε values is an important factor in limiting the excessive creation of categories to represent areas with overlapping decision bounds. Figure 5 presents the average performance achieved by fuzzy ARTMAP with the PSO strategy as a function of the training subset size for DCIS . These results are shown for the cases where 1EP, CONVw, CONVp, and HV training strategies are embedded into the PSO strategy. The performance of fuzzy ARTMAP with HV training strategy and MT+ is presented for the sake of comparison. In addition, generalization error for the kNN classifier is also shown for reference. Recall that ξtot = 0 with DCIS and DP2 .

Similar tendencies are found in simulation results where fuzzy ARTMAP is trained using the DP2 data set. As shown in Figure 5, when the training set size increases, the generalization error of all classifiers decreases asymptotically towards their minimum. Compared to the HV training strategy alone, the generalization error is reduced by a rate of about 40% to 60% depending on the training subset size and the internal training strategy. For a training subset size of 100 patterns or less, the generalization error obtained using fuzzy ARTMAP with PSO strategy is significantly lower than that of kNN. With small amounts of training patterns, embedding HV into the PSO strategy always yields the lowest generalization error. Beyond about 100 patterns per class, the generalization error using fuzzy ARTMAP with PSO strategy is comparable to that of kNN, regardless of the strategy used to compute E(ski ) values. The lowest average generalization error on DCIS (about 1%) is achieved when the training subset contains 5,000 patterns per class. The level of compression associated with fuzzy ARTMAP is however low, and does not tend to grow with the number of training patterns. For example, when the training subset contains 1000 patterns per class, the compression obtained using the PSO strategy with 1EP is about 3 patterns per F2 node. This amounts to about 667 F2 nodes total. In this specific case, compression of the HV training strategy alone is about 16 times greater. To minimize generalization error, the PSO strategy selects parameters that encourage the creation of many small category hyper-rectangles to define areas with complex decision bounds. Indeed, the level of compression obtained when using PSO is linked to the geometry of the decision boundaries among classes. With simple boundaries, fewer large F2 nodes are be defined, and with complex boundaries, a greater number of F2 nodes are be defined. In the latter case, the PSO strategy can be expensive, as a training time increases with the number of F2 nodes. The overhead in convergence time is here again a few orders of magnitude greater that with PSO. Furthermore, embedding CONVw, CONVp or HV into the PSO strategy requires about 2 to 10 times as many epochs to end batch supervised learning (when computing E(ski ) values) as with respective strategies alone. The PSO training strategy globally leads to a very high capacity to generalize for data with complex decision boundaries without overlap. The effects of overtraining are never perceived in results on Figure 5. In contrast, the level of compression and convergence time are low. With the PSO strategy, the amount of resources grow with the complexity of decision bounds that must be implicitly defined to achieve a low generalization error. Simulation results are obtained with fuzzy ARTMAP parameters that remain on average in the following ranges: ρ¯ ∈ [0.40, 1.00], β ∈ [0.45, 0.95], α ∈ [0.25, 0.60] and ε ∈ [−0.50, 0.40]. Note that using a positive ε values encourage the creation of many small categories to define complex decision boundaries. Table I shows the generalization error obtained by reference classifiers and the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network using

different training strategies on the synthetic data sets. When using PSO(1EP), the generalization error of fuzzy ARTMAP is always significantly lower than when using typical training strategies, and is comparable to the Quadratic Bayes and kNN classifiers on Dµ (ξtot ) and Dσ (ξtot ) data sets. Although outside the scope of this paper, the PSO strategy also appears to reduce the effect on generalization error of presentation order, as observed by the small standard error values in results. (Pattern presentation order during the learning phase of ARTMAP networks are known to have a significant impact on the network’s ability to generalize.) VI. D ISCUSSION AND C ONCLUSIONS In this paper, the impact on fuzzy ARTMAP neural network performance of practical decisions taken for batch supervised learning has been explored through an extensive set of computer simulations. Performance has been compared in term of generalization error and resource requirements when fuzzy ARTMAP exploits different training strategies (and thus number of training epochs), training subset sizes, and parameter values. An experimental protocol has been defined such that the contribution of these decisions on performance may be isolated for pattern recognition problems involving overlapping class distributions, and involving complex decision boundaries but no overlap. Given that the choice of parameters may lead to overtraining, and significantly degrade the capacity to generalize, an alternative training strategy based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been introduced. It determines the set of parameters and weights such that generalisation error is minimized. Through a comprehensive set simulations, fuzzy ARTMAP using the PSO training strategy has been shown to produce a significantly lower generalisation error than that of fuzzy ARTMAP using typical training strategies. Generalisation error is usually above the theoretical probability of error, ξtot , but lower than or comparable to that of reference Quadratic Bayes and kNN classifiers. Furthermore, the PSO training strategy eliminates degradation of generalisation error due to overtraining resulting from the number of training epochs, training set size, and data set structure. Finally, the PSO training strategy also appears to reduce the effect on performance of pattern learning order. All performance improvements with the PSO strategy are achieved at the expense of a convergence time that can be orders of magnitude greater than with typical strategies alone. Fortunately, parameter optimisation appears to compensate for the number of training epochs, and no advantage was found by embedding anything but the 1EP strategy inside PSO. The PSO strategy can become very costly for data sets with complex decision bounds, as a training time increases with the number of internal categories. Other variants of the PSO scheme may provide for more efficient implementations of the PSO strategy. For instance, a multi-objective PSO training strategy, that optimizes parameters and weights based on both generalisation error and compression, would yield less expensive solutions in the above case. In addition, asynchronous implementations of PSO is more efficient in



Classifier theoretical ξtot Quadratic Bayes k-NN 1-NN FAM 1EP (MT+) FAM CONVp (MT+) FAM CONVw (MT+) FAM HV (MT+) FAM HV (MT-) FAM PSO(1EP)

Dµ (1%) 1,00 1,00 (0.04) 1,08 (0.03) 1,54 (0.03) 2,51 (0.14) 1,90 (0.07) 1,97 (0.09) 1,88 (0.05) 2,17 (0.08) 1,04 (0.03)

Average generalization error (%)

Dµ (9%) 9,00 9,12 (0.08) 9,88 (0.08) 13,35 (0.10) 18,78 (0.38) 15,44 (0.15) 15,30 (0.16) 15,17 (0.13) 20,80 (0.56) 9,35 (0.08)

problems subject to load imbalance, as processing would not halt until all particle finish one iteration before proceeding to the next iteration. Overall, results obtained with the PSO strategy highlight the importance of optimizing fuzzy ARTMAP parameters for each different problem, using a consistent objective function. In fact, the parameters found using this strategy vary significantly according to, e.g., training set size and data set structure, and differ considerably from the popular choice of parameters that minimize resources. The PSO strategy is inherently a batch learning mechanism, and as such is not consistent with the ARTMAP philosophy in that parameters cannot be refined through on-line, supervised or unsupervised, incremental leaning. ARTMAP parameters should be learned progressively through, for example, some on-line gradient descent approach. Nonetheless, the PSO strategy indicates the extent to which parameter values can improve generalisation error of fuzzy ARTMAP, and mitigate the performance degradation cause by overtraining. Learning large data sets where a large validation subset can be afforded for HV corresponds to having excellent prior knowledge of the problem, as this subset effectively guides the search for an optimum neural model during learning. Future work should include assessing the impact of using the PSO strategy to learn small data sets, and comparing results to the k-fold cross-validation strategy. The impact of learning real-world, and possibly imbalanced data sets (with a different number or patterns per class) is also relevant. R EFERENCES [1] Bote-Lorenzo, M. L., Dimitriadis, Y., G´omez-S´anchez, E., “Automatic extraction of human-recognizable shape and execution prototypes of handwritten characters,” Pattern Recognition, 36:7, 1605-1617, 2003. [2] Canuto, A., Howells, G., and Fairhurst, M., “An Investigation of the Effects of Variable Vigilance within the RePART Neuro-Fuzzy Network,” J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 29:4, 317 - 334, 2000. [3] Carpenter, G. A., Grossberg, S., and Reynolds, J. H., “ARTMAP: Supervised Real-Time Learning and Classification of Nonstationary Data by a Self-Organizing Neural Network,” Neural Networks, 4, 565588, 1991. [4] Carpenter, G. A., Grossberg, S., Markuzon, N., Reynolds, J. H., and Rosen, D. B., “Fuzzy ARTMAP: A Neural Network Architecture for Incremental Supervised Learning of Analog Multidimensional Maps,” IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 3:5, 698-713, 1992.

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