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Password Based Rotational Multistory Car Parking System

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Password Based Rotational Multistory Car Parking System. Nayab Suhail Hamirani, Imdad Ali Ismaili, Asad Ali Shaikh, Faheem Ahmed, Azhar Ali Shah.
                                          VOL. 2, NO. 12, December 2011

ISSN 2079-8407

Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2011 CIS Journal. All rights reserved. 

Password Based Rotational Multistory Car Parking System Nayab Suhail Hamirani, Imdad Ali Ismaili, Asad Ali Shaikh, Faheem Ahmed, Azhar Ali Shah University of Sindh Jamshoro {[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]  [email protected]}

ABSTRACT Parking is a big issue in thickly populated areas and in larger cities due to heavy traffic. This intended application of rotational multistory parking system effectively minimizes this issue. It results in less space and more secure parking. ATMEL microcontroller is used as main processor while LCD and motors are as complimentary components for display and rotation The model is based on circular mechanism giving low cost, less space and optimum performance. Password locking system is used to verify the object and detects number of free spaces available in the parking lot. The world has become a global market and numbers of vehicles are also increased to an uncontrollable situation. Keeping this problem the intended model is designed. Password locking system embedded in the work has made the parking of vehicles very much secure. Keywords: Password based security, Microcontroller, DC gear motor, Regular IC & Express PCB

1. INTRODUCTION The aim of the work is to design an Automatic multistoried car parking system which can help common public to park their vehicles in less space and secure environment. Due to dense population in the modern era parking space has been one of the major issues when ever certain infrastructure is created. An innovation to design something which can avoid the wastage of space in big companies and apartments was needed.. However, such kind of projects are developed but the main issue is they are linear and not secure though are multistory. So using Microcontroller we ensured password locking facility along with rotational floor to ensure the best output. This project is based on the circular building rather than the square or rectangular shaped buildings. We choose it because, by using the circular building shape we can park more vehicles in a particular area that the other shaped buildings like square and rectangular shaped [1]. At the conceptual design level, minimum requirements are reviewed. In this proposal, they include two motors, varying operation switches, and an oscillator. A push button data entry system and Liquid crystal screen display are also employed. For construction it required many components like, for the entrance a plastic prototype is constructed to include two parking levels and control panels mount [6].

2. THEME BEHIND THE PROJECT In the era of technology it is seen that population has increased to an uncontrollable extent. To compensate the problem so many mega projects are working. These projects are not secure so, to benefit man kind it was thought to make some effective design to compensate parking hazards and multistory rotational parking resolved the issue. Current Multistory parking systems are based on linear mechanism and it is found that Rotational parking system a best alternate to ease the user and save the space. One other feature which made this project different is the

Password locking system embedded in it. Each driver has its own unique password which increased the security as well. In case the password is forgotten by the user there is an Admin password which is accessed after some technical issues.

3. BASIC IDEA There is a LCD placed in the project for displaying various messages. First time the LCD screen will display a “Welcome” message. When a vehicle reaches at the entrance area, after initialization it rests at the entrance gate where its weight is detected by the switch and waits for a user input from the user. At this point the user has two options either to park the vehicle into the given location or access his/her vehicle from the building. Every time when a user parks his/her vehicle he/she is assigned a password for that location. In order to access a vehicle from the building the user has input the password through the push buttons. If the given input is not valid he/she can not access his/her vehicle. In that case he/she has to deal with administrator, so he/she can access his vehicle. The password assigned to the particular user is displayed on the screen of LCD for two seconds and is four digits long. It may vary according to change in programming. This project is based on the dynamic mechanism of the floors. There is no elevator used here to select the particular location. But those floors either can rotate to select the particular location and they can be elevated up and down to select the floor number. This operation is controlled by the microcontroller. There are two floors in our model and in each floor there is space for the four vehicles, so there are total eight spaces for the vehicles. In order to park a vehicle, first we have entrance. There is only one entrance in our project. When a vehicle comes near the entrance door, the micro switch is pressed which is fitted in the ground. If the parking area is full and no space is available in the building for parking a vehicle then the LCD will generate a message “Sorry”. We have used a plastic prototype for the mechanical aspect. The number of floors



                                          VOL. 2, NO. 12, December 2011

ISSN 2079-8407

Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2011 CIS Journal. All rights reserved. 

can be increased to any number. This results in the large space for parking in a specific area. It is shown in Fig. 1.


Peripheral Driver Array IC:

Peripheral driver IC is interfaced with the microcontroller IC to get the output. Through this IC we connected three relays, and these relays control the motors. The NPN transistors connected in Darlington pair fashion are ideal for interfacing between low logic level digital circuitry (ATMEL 89C51) and high current/voltage devices like lamps, relays and other applications in industrial and consumer fields. The ULN2003 IC is a high voltage and high current interfacing IC. B.

Regulator IC LM7805:

LM 7805 is a regulator IC and provides the necessary five volts to the microcontroller IC. The project has input supply of 12 volts DC and 7805 performs voltage conversion. An integrated circuit voltage regulator is connected to the output of a filtered rectifier and maintains a constant output voltage or current despite changes in the input, the load current, or the temperature. The most popular IC regulator has three terminals, an input terminal, an output terminal, and a reference terminal. Fig. 1: Overview of the system

4. SYSTEM MODEL The system model shown in Fig. 1 consists of two floors. However to implement the system in some environment we can have hundreds of floors due to its rotational floor to floor switching capability. Each user is assigned a Floor and Parking lodge number. In the base section along with few mechanical parts it contains a DC motor to perform the rotation. Here for simplicity we used one door only which is simultaneously used for Entrance and Exit. The processor i.e the Microcontroller is used with the LCD section and is integrated with the hardware using switches. The keypad instructs the motor to switch on the floors. A simple switch is used on the door which acts as a sensor to detect the weight of the car to open and close the door.

5. PROCESSING TECHNIQUE ATMEL 89c51Microcontroller is used as our main processor. Due to 89c51’s simplicity we preferred it and entire programming is done in Assembly language [2]. The AT89C51 is a 8 bit low power microcontroller with good efficiency. Its internal memory is with 4K bytes. We can connect external memory as well depending upon our program requirement. The internal Flash memory is reprogrammable which is it’s one of the most powerful feature. Atmel AT89C51 is highly flexible and inexpensive microcontroller for embedded control applications.


Crystal Oscillator:

The oscillator is a circuit that produces an output waveform without any external signal source. The only input to an oscillator is the dc power supply. As such, the oscillator can be viewed as a signal generator. There are many types of the oscillators. Crystal oscillator is the one of the most widely used oscillator in microcontroller and microprocessor based projects. It is called the crystal oscillator because it generates extremely stable output wave forms. The most communication applications require the use of oscillators that have extremely stable output signals. Crystal oscillators are oscillators where the primary frequency determining element is a quartz crystal. D.

Liquid Crystal display:

The LCD display used in this project is a 16x2. It shows the messages generated by the microcontroller. It shows passwords, welcome message and other necessary messages. An LCD is a small low cost display. It is easy to interface with a micro-controller because of an embedded controller. Many micro-controllers have libraries that make displaying messages as easy as a single line of code. The liquid crystal display is a different form the other display devices such as 7-segment display, vacuum florescent display, etc. While other displays generate light, the LCD controls light. As a result, the appearance of the LCD is also a quite different from that of other displays. LCD characters are usually dark against a light background. E.

DC Gear Motor:

The Dc gear motor used in this project provides the rotating mechanism as the need of project. There are two



                                          VOL. 2, NO. 12, December 2011

ISSN 2079-8407

Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2011 CIS Journal. All rights reserved. 

motors used in this project. One provides the circular movement and other provides the horizontal movement of floors. Gear motor consists of an electric motor and a gear train mounted in the same package to reduce complexity and cost of design. They have low horse power though are capable to lift an entire building or even to derive a simple small toy car.

7. WORKING OF THE PROJECT Initially if all the space is vacant then car will be park in the location_1. Then the user has to press switch_1, as user press that switch the door will automatically closed and the password will be shown on the LCD screen for the two seconds. Similarly when the second vehicle comes at the entrance gate, again micro switch is pressed. Again door will open for parking the vehicle, now location_2 is assigned by controller to park the vehicle. The vehicle will park in location_2, after parking the user has to press switch_1. As user press the switch_1, the door will be closed and password will be shown on the LCD screen for two seconds. Similarly, if there is another vehicle for parking in building. Again micro switch is pressed and locaton_3 is assigned automatically by controller. Then user has to park his/her vehicle, the location_3 will be assigned to that vehicle by microcontroller, after parking vehicle he/she has to press switch_1 and password will assigned to that user on the LCD screen for two seconds. Similarly this process will continue till all the space is filled with the vehicles. First lower floor is filled and then upper floor is filled with the vehicles. Now, if any user wants to get his/her vehicle from that building he/she has to press switch_0 for entering the password, which was issued at the time of parking his/her vehicle. After entering the password he/she has to press switch_0 for opening the door. In a case when there is some area filled with the vehicles with some area is left vacant and if there comes a vehicle at the entrance to get parked then the microcontroller will search the vacant locations and assign one of the location to the vehicle in order to be parked. Now when a vehicle comes to get parked in multistory then the microcontroller will search about the vacant space starting from the location_1. If there are three vacant spaces such that their locations are location_2, location_5, and location_7. In such a case the microcontroller will assign the location_2 first to the vehicle. And then it assigns the location_5 and finally it will assign the location_7. According to this method, locations are assigned by microcontroller. These are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.

  Fig. 2: Parking step 01

  Fig. 3: Vehicle at its actual place



General Block Diagram is shown in Fig. 4:

Fig. 4: General Block Diagram



                                          VOL. 2, NO. 12, December 2011

ISSN 2079-8407

Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2011 CIS Journal. All rights reserved. 



Express PCB and Layout:


In the layout section Prototype is constructed by placing individual components on their desired positions. Power supplies are provided along with proper insulation and ground. Front view of the LCD module is given in the figure where the module is in front of the user. See fig. 4.

We used Express PC software. PCB layout is shown in fig. 6. Express PCB software is best for electronic students for making prototype circuits.

Fig. 6: PCB Layout E.

Fig. 5: Layout



Atmel 89C51 programmer is used here which can program multiple Atmel 89 series of microcontrollers. For example: 89C51/52/55 etc. Due to its simplicity and low cost we preferred it. However this can be implemented using AVR or PIC as well. B.

Microvision Keil Software:

The µVision IDE from Keil is used to upload our required program in IC along with many new features. It has many powerful features. It can be a good simulator and software to upload the program in the hardware circuitry chip. Project management, editing and program debugging features make the software easy and effective. Embedded program can be created very easily in Keil. C.


OrCAD software is used primarily for electronic design automation. Printed Circuit board designing to create electronic parts with the help of schematics is simple and easy in OrCAD.

Edsim Simulator

Edsim Simulator is used to simulate 89c51 series. Assembly code is written in the Assembly code panel and then program is checked for errors using STEP function. Finally it’s made to Run and observe the result. We have used this software here to enhance our programming and to make it error free. All the registers can be observed along with the contents of memory location RAM and ROM.

11. LIST OF PASSWORDS Location No.


















Fig. 7: Passwords assigned in the project

12. SCHEMATIC The schematic Diagram of the project is shown in Fig 8. To clarify all the components we removed two columns.



                                          VOL. 2, NO. 12, December 2011

ISSN 2079-8407

Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2011 CIS Journal. All rights reserved. 

Fig. 8: Schematic Diagram



In this project, the parking garage was assigned a maximum of 4 vehicles for each level. Upon exiting, a sensor is activated to keep track of the number of location for vehicles in the floor. The automation objective was met by establishing an interactive user interface, a vehicle tracking system, a floor elevator control system and a monitoring system. We can implement our project in larger cities, where there are many flats, plazas and less space for parking.

14. FUTURE WORK We can make this project GSM based in which every user will receive sms on their mobiles for the updates. Next we are thinking to make this system portable in case of shifting of companies or mergers made. Apart we can make it earthquake proof by using underground Mechanical system

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks to Almighty Allah for giving us patience and endurance to complete this work.

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                                          VOL. 2, NO. 12, December 2011

ISSN 2079-8407

Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2011 CIS Journal. All rights reserved. 


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