Please complete the attached Entry Application and return to us by June 30, 2016. Receipt of this application does NOT g
2016 Chinatown Seafair Parade Dear Parade Applicants: Welcome to the 2016 Chinatown Seafair Parade. The Greater Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you to participate in the Annual Chinatown Seafair Parade to be held on Sunday, July 24, 2016. Please complete the attached Entry Application and return to us by June 30, 2016. Receipt of this application does NOT guarantee acceptance into the parade. The Greater Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to reject or cancel any entry at any time, should it be determined that the entry detracts from the basic purpose of the Chinatown Seafair Parade. Selection Criteria are as follows: Entries designed to provide high entertainment value for parade spectators. Entries displaying a creative, unique theme with broad appeal. Entries with a cultural theme and authentic costumes.
All applications will be reviewed in the order received. The Committee will only contact those applicants that may need to submit additional information or has questions, otherwise, the application is consider accepted if you do not hear from the Committee on or before July 8, 2016. If you are no longer in charge of the parade unit, please call me with the information regarding the new person in charge, or forward this application to the appropriate person. The Chinatown Seafair parade starts at 7:00 PM and we require parade assemblage no later than 6:00 PM! We will be please to furnish any further information you may wish. Please call the Parade committee at (206) 552-0818, Alvin Wong at (206) 949-3610 or write to:
The Greater Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 3182, Seattle, WA 98114 Attn: Parade Committee Or E-mail to the Parade Committee
Yours truly,
Parade Committee The Greater Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce (206) 552-0818
Revised 3.01.16
A Seafair Sanctioned Community Event is made possible by BOEING.