Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
[email protected] Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Science, Universitas Islam Indonesia
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to conceptualize patience as a psychological variable in Islamic perspective and to construct it as a psychological measurement. Based on study on some literatures, it was found that there are three aspects of patience in Islamic psychology: 1) Patient to do obedience (al-ṣabr fi al-ṭā„ah); 2) Patient to avoid prohibition (al- ṣa r tar a - a„si ah); 3) patient from suffering (al-ṣa r al-muṣ bah). 229 students were administered for this study. Reliability of this scale is 0.893 (Cronbach Alpha) and 0,844 (Split Half Guttman). These three aspects are also explained by the results of exploratory factor analysis. Based on the concurrent validity, the scale can be determined through the correlation with other variables. Patience correlated with gratitude (0.637), qanā„ah /contentment (0.516), forgiveness (0.491), ri ā /satisfaction (0.520), and tawakkal /surrender to Allah. For further research, increasing the number of respondents is necessary. In addition, correlate the scale with other variables such resilience and adversity quotient is important for better concurrent validity. Key words: patience, scale, measurement, Islamic, resilience
INTRODUCTION Patience (a -sa r) is an important variable that should be studied seriously by psychologists. Patience (a -sa r) in western psychology is known as self-control, adversity quotient, resilience, and others. In Islam, there is a theoretical concept of patience, and it can be the basis of measurement. The variable which is similar to patience is resilience. Some of resilience scales have been developed, but there are still some weaknesses in psychometric properties. Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, the Resilience Scale for Adults, and the Brief Resilience Scale are considered as the best scales, but it is still questionable whether in concept or in theory it is adequate (Windle, Bennett, & Noyes, 2011). Schipper and Langston explained that the problem of resilience scale is the indicator. Many measurements have indicators that are only able to indicate behavior, but can‟t be a scientific basis to explain in a detail. In other words, these indicators can only explain the resilience in particular populations and cases (Schipper & Langston, 201). The concept of patience in Islam is already well established. Patience in obedience (al-ṣabr fi al-ṭā„ah), patience to avoid prohibition, and patience on suffering (al-ṣa r a -muṣ ah) have become common opinions of the Muslim scholars („u a ā‟). The concept has been established, but there is no adequate instrument. Whereas, the concept is very clear, the dimensions can be constructed to be the indicators.
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
Some researchers have constructed a patience measurement based on Islam. El Hafiz and his colleagues have developed the patience measurement based on the perspective of the Koran through the study of a s r a -Mis āh. El Hafiz formulated indicators of a patience into five dimensions: 1) optimistic in the deal with all the problems; 2) unyielding in solving the problem; (3) the spirit of increase knowledge and information; (4) has a spirit for finding solutions and alternative; (5) persistence in efforts to solve the problem; and (6) do not complain when dealing with problems. The scale has been examined and resulted alpha 0,830 in reliability. El Hafiz found the correlation between patience and other variables. There is a relationship between patience and positive emotions of the future (r = 0.35) and positive emotions of the present (r = 0.346). Both relationships have a significant correlation (El Hafiz, Rozi, Mundzir, & Pratiwi, 2013). Santoso constructed a patience measurement. It consists three dimensions: 1) Self-control in the deal with problem; 2) Strength in implementing the obligations of Allah; 3) Ability to avoid from things that are hated God. This measure contains 30 items, 17 items considered to be consistent item. Reliability test resulted alpha 0.872. The study correlated between patience and job performance, this indicated a significant correlation (r=0.683) (Santoso, 2008). Patience is an important variable in human beings. High patience not only protects a person from psychological disorders, but also associates with several positive variables. One study found an association between patient with happiness and optimism (El Hafiz, Rozi, Mundzir, & Pratiwi, 2013). Patient was also correlated with self-regulation (Zur'ah, 2015). Establishment of psychological measurement will be highly useful. Currently, measurements of Islamic psychology were constructed. In Indonesia, there are some consistent researchers developed a patience measurement. El Hafiz and his colleagues are now trying to develop a patience measurement for industrial field. Developing the Islamic psychology in various fields is important for establishing the Islamic psychology. PROCEDURES AND METHODOLOGY Designing the measurement of Islamic psychology should be based on the Islamic concept and classical literature. The literature review is the first stage. After that, the study can be executed through the empirical study. The first stage of this study is reviewing the explanation of classical Muslim scholars who discussed the concept of patience. The most powerful and most complete work on patience among classical Muslim scholars will be the key to ensure the dimensions of patience. The opinion about the dimensions of sa r should be corresponded to the Koran and Hadith as the original sources of Islamic science. After finding these dimensions, various empirical methods can be executed.
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
Figure 1. Procedure of the study
This study has two sources: a an a an a n a a an a a a an (al-Jauziyah). This book explains the concept of patience in complete and systematic ways. The argument is also supported by the Koran and hadith. Several other books are used to clarify the concept of patience. Several books of hadith are also used to see the relationship between patience with others variable. Literatures were analyzed by comparing one idea with another idea. Further, the same opinion indicates the establishment of the concept in Islam. The more relevant it is with Koran and hadith, the more appropriate it is to be used as a dimension of patience in Islamic psychology The participants in this study were 229 students FPSB UII. They were divided into two groups: the first group was as exploratory factor analysis and the second group was to confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability tests were also performed to determine the internal consistency. This study correlated patient variables with other variables which in theory should have a relationship. After that, the factor analysis was performed. PATIENCE IN ISLAMIC PSYCHOLOGY al-Jauziyah explained that the terminology of a r is prevention (al- ana„) and confinement (a -ha s). The following is definition of patience according to alJauziyah poetically. الصبر حبس الٌفس عي الجزع واللساى عي التشنً والجوارح عي لطن الخذود وشق الثٍاب وًحوهوا Based on the opinion of al-Jauziyah, patience is holding your soul from compulsion, holding your “tongue” from complaining, and holding your body from “slapping their cheeks” and “tearing clothes” (al-Jauziyah, 1989). The definition of the poetic style is likely to be used by classic Muslim scholars. So that, readers not
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
only understand the concept, but also can feel the message behind it. The term "slapping cheek" and "tearing clothes" are terms commonly used to describe a person in a state of frustration. al-Jauziah wanted to show the concrete behavior for people who are not patient. Based on al-Jauziyah‟ definition of patience, it shows taxonomic concept in Islam that is unique. It has been known in western psychology, that Bloom's Taxonomy divides psychological aspects into cognitive, affective, and conative. In Islam, the concept of taxonomy divides psychological aspects into heart (qalb), verbal ( isān), and behavioral („a a ). Al-Jauziyah explained that the patience based on stressor is divided into two aspects: physiological patience and psychological patience. At both, it is split into two: be patient because of his choice (i hti ār ) and be patient because of necessity (i tirār ). Patience was also associated with the commands (al- a‟ ūr), prohibitions (a - ah ūr), and destiny (al-qu ūr) of Allah (al-Jauziyah, 1989). انصثس ًَ( انثدPhysiological) ًَ( انُفساPsychological)
Tabel 1. Patience based on pressure ( اإلختٍازيChoice) ( اإلضطسازيNecessity) البذًً اإلختٍاري البذًً اإلضطراري (Choice-Physiological) (Necessity-Physiological) الٌفساًً اإلختٍاري (Choise- Psychological)
الٌفساًً اإلضطراري (Necessity-Psychological)
Patience has levels; the more severe the problems encountered, the higher the patience is. The highest patience is held by the prophet. God commanded human to be patient as like U ū a -„a an (a 35). The patience on obedience and avoid the prohibition are more difficult than patience on suffering. The patience on leaving the prohibition is more difficult than patience on obedience. Imam Ahmad a , “ av n , a a a an a n n ” Based on dignity, patience in obedience is more dignity than patience in leaving prohibition. Because, Allah prefers people those who do obedience than people who leave the prohibition (al-Jauziyah, 1989). Patience on obedience and leaving prohibition of Allah is described in verse Luqman: 17. )٧١( ٌَِا بًٌََُّ َأقِنِ الصَّالةَ وَأْهُرْ بِالْوَعْرُوفِ وَاًْهَ عَيِ الْوٌُْنَرِ وَاصْبِرْ عَلَى هَا أَصَا َبلَ إِىَّ رَِللَ هِيْ عَزْمِ األهُور “O my son! keep up prayer and enjoin the good and forbid the evil, and bear patiently that which befalls you; surely these acts require courage” God gives human two laws: religious law (shar„ n ) and the laws of natural destiny ( aun qa ar ). Religious law orders the human to be patient in obedience and leaving prohibition. 'Abd al-Q n utūh a -Ghaib, said that "a „slave‟ is always working on H an , a a H n ” he law of natural destiny requires humans to be patient and ri ā when suffering (al-Jauziyah, 1989). Based on the concept, the patience can formulate a rule as below. فعل الوأهور وترك الوحظور والصبر على الوقذور “do command, leave prohibition, and patience on destined”
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
These three dimensions are the focus for constructing the patience measurement. The three dimensions are not only described by al-Jauziyah, but some scholars also explained similarly. al-„ a n said: طاعح اهلل انثاًَ عٍ يحازو اهلل انثانث عهى:األول. انصثس نغح انحثس وشسعاً حثس انُفس عهى ثالثح أيىز أقداز اهلل انًؤنًح “Definition of patience is holding. Hold your soul on three things: first, obedience to God. Second, hold from prohibition. Third, hold on painful destiny ” (ala n, 1421H).
Table 2. Patience of perspective various Human God Stressor ()ضسب perspective Perspective ()جهح انعثد (ّ)جهح زب
Religious law (ًٌٌ)شرعً د
Obedience ()االهور
Natural destiny law ()موًً قذري
Destiny ()القذور
Prohibition ()الحظور
loved by PhysiologicalGod ( )هحبوبchoice/necessity (اضطراري-)بذًً اختٍاري Hated by god Psychological()هغضوب choice/necessity Be destined (اضطراري-)ًفساًً اختٍاري ()هقذور
Heart ( عي )الٌفس, verbal ()اللساى, behavioral ()الجوارح
Al-Jauziyah also classified the patience according to its laws: 1) The Obligated patience; it consists of patience on leaving the prohibition, patience on obedience, and patience on the suffering; 2) The recommended patience; it consists of patient in leaving the despised and patience on implementing recommended by God; 3) The prohibited patience; it consists of patience on leaving the obedience and patience in doing the harm; 4) The despised patience; it consists of patience on leaving the recommended by God and patience on doing the despised; 5) The allowed patience; it is the patience on doing or leaving something the same. Al-Jauziyah concluded them into rules below. وانصثس عهى، وانصثس عٍ انحساو واجة وعهٍّ حساو، وعٍ انىاجة حساو، انصثس عهى انىاجة واجة ، وانصثس عٍ انًثاح يثاح، ِ وانصثس عٍ انًكسوِ يستحة وعهٍّ يكسو، ِانًستحة يستحة وعُّ يكسو واهلل اعهى “The patient to doing obedience is obligated. The patient to doing prohibition is prohibited. The patient to leaving prohibition is obligated. The patient to doing prohibition is prohibited. The patient to doing the recommended is recommended. The patient to leaving the recommended is despised. The patient to leaving the despised is recommended. The Patient to doing the allowed is allowed. And God is Omniscient (al-Jauziyah, 1989). The rules can be summarized into the following table.
Patient to Doing
Obligated Obligated
Table 3. Patience based on law Recommended Prohibited Despised Recommended Prohibited Despised
Allowed Allowed
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
Recommended Allowed
Subandi also explained about aspects of patience. Patience consists of five aspects: 1) Self-control. It is the ability to control emotions, desires, thinking, forgive mistakes, tolerate delays; 2) Resilience. It is the ability to survive in adversity without complaining; 3) Persistence. It is ability to work hard, achieve goals, and resolve problems; 4) Accepting. It is ability to accept with sincerity and gratitude. 5) Staying calm and no hurry (Subandi, 2011). A literature study tried to find aspects of the patience based on the Quran from the book a - a r a -Qur‟ān, written by a -Qa a a a n that according to al-Qaradawi, patience consists of: 1) Patience to the suffering; 2) patience on against lust; 3) Patience on obedience to God; 4) patience in the trouble when preaching in the way of Allah; 5) Tolerance on the battlefield; 6) patience on relationship with the others (Hidayati, 2007). An empirical study has made it clear that patience is composed of three dimensions, namely: 1) Self-control in the face of suffering; 2) Strength in executing orders from God; 3) The ability to refrain from things that are hated by religion (Santoso, 2008). The three aspect of patience were already well established in the literature of Islam and the latest study.
INTERNAL CONSISTENCY This study was started with the statistical analysis to examine this measurement by finding internal consistency. Cronbach Alpha is one of the reliability test used to find the internal consistency of measurement (Chadha, 2009). Based on the 20 items of this measurement was found alpha 0.893. Alpha is derived from consistency of each item. Table 2. Internal consistency of each item Dimension
Patience to doing Obedience
Although tired, I still do my obligations Walaupun lelah, saya tetap menjalankan kewajiban saya Although it is difficult, I still do my obligations Walaupun sulit, saya tetap menjalankan kewajiban saya Sometimes I feel tired in worship to God Terkadang saya merasa lelah dalam beribadah kepada Allah Sometimes I leave my duty to God for little things Terkadang saya meninggalkan kewajiban saya kepada Allah karena hal kecil Sometimes I leave my duty to God for lazy Terkadang saya meninggalkan kewajiban saya kepada Allah karena malas I feel the decrease in the quality of worship to God Saya mengalami penurunan kualitas ibadah kepada Allah Sometimes I leave my duty to God for inducement of the others Terkadang saya meninggalkan kewajiban saya kepada Allah karena ajakan orang lain
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
Patience to avoiding prohibited
I find it hard to control myself from bad deeds Saya sulit mengendalikan diri saya dari perbuatan buruk I find it hard to say no to others to behave badly Saya sulit menolak ajakan orang lain untuk berbuat buruk I find it hard to leave a bad place Saya sulit meninggalkan tempat yang buruk I find it hard to leave bad habits Saya sulit meninggalkan kebiasaan buruk Vices and sins that I regret, I do them again Keburukan dan dosa yang saya sesali terkadang sering saya ulangi
Some bad habits that I do are normal Beberapa kebiasaan buruk yang saya lakukan bagi saya adalah hal yang wajar
I am easily sad when suffering or hardship that occurs to me Saya mudah bersedih ketika musibah atau kesulitan menimpa saya I feel all the suffering and trouble that occurs to me are very hard Saya merasa semua musibah atau kesulitan yang menimpa saya amat berat I find it difficult to eliminate anxiety or grief after suffering Saya sulit menghilangkan kecemasan atau kesedihan setelah ditimpa musibah atau kesulitan When it comes to suffering or hardship, I am still calm Ketika datang musibah atau kesulitan, saya tetap tenang I feel tired in overcoming life's difficulties Saya merasa lelah dalam mengatasi kesulitan hidup I have the strength to face the difficulties of life Saya memiliki kekuatan untuk menghadapi berbagai kesulitan hidup I have no way to overcome the difficulties of life Saya kehabisan cara untuk mengatasi kesulitan hidup CITC: Corrected Item-Total Correlation CAID: Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Patience from suffering
Most of these items had good consistency, but there are some items that have low consistency. Item "I have the strength to face the difficulties of life" has a total item correlation of 0.077, the consistency is very low and this item would be eliminated. I “ g , I ga n ” has a total item correlation of 0.295. Based on R tables, the R coefficient for 200 respondents is 0,138 for a significance level of 5%, and 0.151 for significance level of 1%. This measurement has also been examined with Split Half method. Test reliability with Split-Half approach has many advantages. This technique does not require two tests and a parallel form. This method can
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
eliminate the influence of different test situations. Further, this method tends to make the reliability coefficient becomes too high. This method divides the scale into two parts and will test the correlation. If the scale is consistent, there should be a high correlation (Chadha, 2009). The items were divided in two parts, the first part of the Alpha Cronbach‟ Coefficients has 0.787 which consists of 11 items, and the second part has 0.848 consists of 10 items. It was, then, found the correlation of 0.734. This method calculation has resulted in a high Guttman coefficients of 0.844. STRUCTURE AND DIMENSIONALITY This study has conducted exploratory factor analysis to adjust the theory of three-dimensional patient with the field data. This study tries to remove the items and maintain the item up to the appropriate number of factors and item. Based on the calculation of KMO, the analysis factor had an adequate sample for coefficient of 0.739 Ba n Ba ‟ , a n significance result. This indicated that the item and data were adequate. Here are a number of factors and eigenvalues. Factor analysis has shown that this measure has three factors with a total eigenvalues of 1,206. Based on the cumulative percentages, it was also found that three-dimensional patience was able to explain the variable to the maximum of 71.93%. Table 3. Item and component Item
Component Patient to Patient Patient to Do from Avoiding Obedience Suffering (prohibition
I am easily sad when suffering or hardship that occurs to me Saya mudah bersedih ketika musibah atau kesulitan menimpa saya
I feel all the suffering and trouble that occurs to me are very hard Saya merasa semua musibah atau kesulitan yang menimpa saya amat berat
I find it difficult to eliminate anxiety or grief after suffering Saya sulit menghilangkan kecemasan atau kesedihan setelah ditimpa musibah atau kesulitan
I find it hard to leave a bad place Saya sulit meninggalkan tempat yang buruk
Some bad habits that I do are normal Beberapa kebiasaan buruk yang saya lakukan bagi saya adalah hal yang wajar
Sometimes I leave my duty to God for inducement of the others Terkadang saya meninggalkan kewajiban saya kepada Allah karena ajakan orang lain
Sometimes I leave my duty to God for little things Terkadang saya meninggalkan kewajiban saya kepada Allah karena hal kecil
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
Sometimes I leave my duty to God for lazy Terkadang saya meninggalkan kewajiban saya kepada Allah karena malas
There were problems on the dimensions of the patient to avoid the prohibition. In it only two items. These would be problems when described in the confirmatory factor analysis. The correlation of matrix components also indicated a problem. The first component has a coefficient internal correlation of 0.791. The second component has a coefficient of internal correlation of 0.255. The third component has a coefficient of internal correlation of -0,458. Two dimensions had internal correlation value below 0,5. These findings indicate that the item in the dimension is less correlated and might be problem on confirmatory Factor analysis.
Figure 3. Confirmatory factor analysis
CFA test was done through the website developed by Keon-Woong Moon, a Professor of Cardiology at the Catholic University in South Korea. He is the creator and maintainer of the website and CFA has found Chi Square of 0.00, this indicates that there is a difference between the data and the basic theory. But the weakness of Chi Square is not able to predict the number of small samples. CFA also has found CFI (Comparative Fit Index) of 0,960. This above 0.90 indicates that the model has good level of fitness. RMSEA p equal to 0,017 which is found below 0.05 indicates that the model is not much residue and does not remove the data. In order to be better results of CFA, increasing the number of respondents is necessary.
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER MEASURE Test the validity is necessary to determine whether a measurement is a variable that is intended in theory. Criterion based validity was examined on this study. Criterion-based validity is validity for predicting human behavior by involving other tests. It is not only test with other questionnaire, but also by observation, and others. By involving other reliable tests, it must find a correlation in accordance to the theory (Chadha, 2009). Table 4. Correlation with other measures Variable Coefficient Alpha Gratitude (Shukr) 0,637** 0,880 Contentment (Qanā„ah) 0,516** 0,902 Forgiveness (al-„a w) 0,491** 0,935 0,520** 0,866 Acceptance (Ridā) Surrender to Allah (Tawakal) 0,649** 0,878 In Islam, theoretically, patience and gratitude are two variables that should be correlated. A hadith clearly explains the correlation between patience with gratitude. It was excerpted from the book hu r A āh 'a ā Ni'a ih i a -Kharā'itī which mentions the following hadith: وَصف فً انشكس، فُصف فً انصثس: ٌاإلًٌاٌ َصفا aith in two ha ves: ha o patience, an a ha o gratitu e” The hadith explains that faith is divided into two: the half is patience and the half is gratitude. It is clearly expressed the relationship between two variables at least by half, or in the statistics which have a correlation coefficient of 0.5. Niṣf means half, or in mathematics is 0.5. While, in this study the correlation of both was 0.637. The literature of a s r mentions that Patience was also correlated with surrender to Allah. al-Zuhaili interprets the following verse: ٌََكهُى َّ انَّرٌٍَِ صَثَسُوا وَعَهى ز َِّتهِىْ ٌَ َتى “ hose who are patient an surren er to the Lor ” The verse means that those who believe are those who are patient to do their religious obligations. Of course, they put their trust (tawakkal) in his rabb in all things. Those who want to do the commands of Allah and leave the other cases are people who are patient and surrender to Allah (a a , 1418H). Empirically, it has been shown that surrender to Allah is correlated with patient of 0.649. Patience also has a relationship with acceptance (ridā). Quoting a hadith a n I n n, there is mentioned hadith of the Prophet which says al-sabr rida, which means the patient is acceptance (ridā). Empirically, it has been indicated that correlate with the patience of 0.520. Patience also has a relationship with forgiveness. Quoting a hadith from the Book Ha th A i Muha a a - ā ih , it is told: when the prophet was approached by a man, he asks, “what is faith?” Then, the prophet said, “faith is patient and forgiving (al-sabr wa al-sa āhah)”. This research has indicated that the patient with forgiveness has a correlation coefficient of 0.491. al- a āhah mean not only forgive, but also tolerate, and allow others. Hadith quoted from the book of harah Usū ‟tiqā Ah a -Sunnah wa alJa ā‟ah i a -Lā i ā‟ explain the correlation between patience with other variables.
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
واالستسالو، واإلخالص نهتىكم، وانسضا تانقدز، انصثس نهحكى: ذزوج اإلًٌاٌ أزتع: قال، عٍ أتً اندزداء نهسب “A ū Dar ā‟, sai : the pea of faith is four: the patience of the rule, the acceptance to estin , the sincerit or the trust, an surren er to the Lor ” The hadith indicates at least some of the variables are mutually engaged, they are faith, patience, blessing, sincerity, trust, and surrender. Tested the correlation of these variables is also a process criterion based validity. If the patience correlated with all these variables, so, the measurement is accordance with the theory. DISCUSSION One of the difficulties in the constructing the scale is reaching a sufficient number of samples. This study sample size is not sufficient to create a measuring tool that actually established. Therefore, further research is needed to continue to examine this measure continuously. Measuring tools already established that sometimes have problems. One of variable that is similar to patience is resilience. Resilience scale like The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, the Resilience Scale for Adults, and the Brief Resilience Scale which considered as the best scale are still questionable whether they are adequate in concept and theory (Windle, Bennett, & Noyes, 2011). A study conducted by Schipper and Langston, explains that, most measurement indicators are j a n a av an‟ a n basis to explain in detail. When an indicator is based on a system of population, it becomes incomprehensible. These indicators only explain the resilience in the specific cases and populations (Schipper & Langston, 201). Patience scale that should fill the gap is not well established. Not much is known the patience scale that actually established. Therefore, this study must be improved for the future. This study summarized the results of tests measuring instrument as follows.
Method Cronbach Alpha
Split Half
Criterion Based Validity Exploratory factor analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Table 14. Summarize Finding Information Alpha of 0,893 The reliability of the internal consistency has been good enough in correlational. Guttman Coefficient 0,844 The reliability of the internal consistency has been good enough in comparison items Correlated with all other Valid based on the theory that variables that have been determined determined Item loading factor reached Determining the dimensions is in above 0.5. But there are accordance with the theory. internal in the twoHowever, the correlation of it dimensional correlation is remained problematic. Further not good enough research is needed. Most of the items and Less respondents, need to be dimensions have a loading cleaned outliers, and need an factor above 0.5. additional item on the dimensions Covariance between items of patient to leave prohibition and dimensions lower than
Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
0.5 or even negative Based on these summaries, ongoing research is needed, as was done by El Hafiz and his colleagues which tested the patience scale three times and is still ongoing (El Hafiz, Rozi, Mundzir, & Pratiwi, 2013). It is also necessary to test the item content by qualitative stu , a n n ‟ understanding of the item. CONCLUSION This study has combined the study of literature with a statistical test for designing construction of psychological measurement. It is not an easy thing to do both simultaneously. There are many weaknesses in this study that should be corrected in further research to develop this measurement. This study has found that patient has three dimensions by the theoretical (Islamic literature) and empirical ways. The number of dimensions that do not fit with an‟ n an a a n va . It is known that validity is conformity between the measures with the theory. A measurement dimension which depends empirically not theoretically will lose the essence of its validity. Dimension of the measurement which determined on the basis a n ng ga an‟ x a n an ng j t making up the terms of factors formed. Approaching the theory to the data and the data to the theory are important. Islamic psychology did not have the patience scale that is absolutely accurate and established. To create a well-established patience scale, it is required research repeatedly and continuously. One thing that needs to be developed from this measure is the addition of the respondents for the further research. Researcher convinced that this study has appropriate dimension based on the arguments of scholars that are consistent and relevant to the proposition of the Qur'an and hadith. However, for the items, it needs to be done by the next examination. Other things that the further research have to do are increase the respondents, item modify, change options scale from 1-8 into 1-6, and perform data cleaning for outliers respondents.
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Paper submission for The 3rd Inter-Islamic University Confrence on Psychology, 2016
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