May 6, 2013 - Stanford University School of Medicine. Redwood City,. CA ... Radiation Therapy on Breast Conservation in
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute PCORI Funding Announcements (PFA) Awards – Cycle II Approved by PCORI Board of Governors May 6, 2013 PCORI Funding Announcements (PFAs) are designed to solicit applications for proposals to support a portfolio of comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) based on our National Priorities for Research and Research Agenda. Each priority represents a line of research inquiry that addresses unmet needs of patients, their caregivers, clinicians and other healthcare system stakeholders in making personalized healthcare decisions across a wide range of conditions and treatments. Projects below were approved under Cycle II of the broad PFAs associated with the first four of PCORI’s national research priorities (PFAs associated with PCORI’s fifth national research priority are on a different funding schedule). Additional details on future funding cycles are provided in our website’s Funding Opportunities section. All awards listed were approved by PCORI’s Board of Governors pending a business and programmatic review by PCORI staff and completion of a formal award contract. More information on each project, including award amounts, will be posted as award agreements are completed.
PCORI Funding Announcement (PFA) Awards – Cycle II (listed by PCORI national research priority) Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options Project Title Sustainable Methods, Algorithms, and Research Tools for Delivering Optimal Care Study (SMART DOCS) Researching the Effectiveness of a Decision-Support Tool for Adult Consumers with Mental Health Needs and their Care Managers Ovarian Cancer Patient-Centered Decision Aid Navigator Guided e-Psychoeducational Intervention for Prostate Cancer Patients and their Caregivers Impact of Radiation Therapy on Breast Conservation in DCIS Comparing Patient-Centered Outcomes after Treatment for Uterine Fibroids Preventing Venous Thromboembolism: Empowering Patients and Enabling Patient-Centered Care via Health Information Technology
Institution Stanford University School of Medicine
Location Redwood City, CA San Francisco, CA
Primary Investigator Clete Kushida
University of California Irvine H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Outcome
Irvine, CA Tampa, FL
Lari Wenzel Brian Rivers
Boston, MA Cambridge, MA
Rinaa Punglia Richard Gliklich
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Elliott Haut
Family Service Agency of San Francisco
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Erika Van Buren
Shared Decision Making in Parents of Children with Head Trauma: Head CT Choice Effect of Glucose Monitoring on Patient and Provider Outcomes in Non-Insulin Treated Diabetes Patient-Defined Treatment Success and Preferences in Stage IV Lung Cancer Patients Patient-Centered Trauma Treatment for PTSD and Substance Abuse: Is It an Effective Treatment Option? Randomized Controlled Trial of a Patient Activation Tool in Pediatric Appendicitis Patient Valued Comparative Effectiveness of Corticosteroids Versus Anti-TNF alpha Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Comparative Effectiveness of a Decision Aid for Therapeutic Options in Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Preference and Patient-Centered Prostate Cancer Generating Critical Patient-Centered Information for Decision Making in Localized Prostate Cancer Long Term Outcomes of Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections for Spinal Stenosis Developmental Trajectories of Impairments, Health, and Participation of Children with Cerebral Palsy (P4f) Patient Participation Program for Pulmonary Fibrosis: Assessing the Effects of Supplemental Oxygen Patient Outcomes of a Self-care Management Approach to Cancer Symptoms: A Clinical Trial
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
Erik Hess
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Durham, NC
Katrina Donahue
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE
KM Islam
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital University of Pennsylvania
Albuquerque, NM Columbus, OH
Annette Crisanti
Philadelphia, PA
James Lewis
University of Pittsburgh At Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Lakshmanan Krishnamurti Ravishankar Jayadevappa David Penson
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Janna Friedly
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
National Jewish Health
Denver, CO
Sarah Westcott McCoy Jeffrey Swigris
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL
Susan McMillan
Institution University of California Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles, CA
Primary Investigator Tumaini Coker
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute
Oakland, CA
Mary Reed
Denver Health and Hospital Authority
Denver, CO
Daniel Bessesen
Katherine Deans
Improving Healthcare Systems Project Title Using Telehealth to Deliver Developmental, Behavioral, and Mental Health Services in Primary Care Settings for Children in Underserved Areas Interactive Personal Health Records: Use of a Web-Portal by Patients with Complex Chronic Conditions A Toolbox Approach to Obesity Treatment in Primary Care
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Evaluating the Impact of Patient-Centered Oncology Care Evaluating Cancer Survivorship Care Models A Patient-Centered Approach to Successful Community Transition After Catastrophic Injury Advance Planning for Home Services for Seniors PATient Navigator to rEduce Readmissions (PArTNER) Bringing Care to Patients: A Patient-Centered Medical Home for Kidney Disease Improving Healthcare Systems for Access to Care and Efficiency by Underserved Patients Collaborative Care to Reduce Depression and Increase Cancer Screening among Low-Income Urban Women Redesigning Ambulatory Care Delivery to Enhance Asthma Control in Children Health System Intervention to Improve Communication About End-Of-Life Care For Vulnerable Patients
National Committee for Quality Assurance George Washington University Shepherd Center
Washington, DC Washington, DC Atlanta, GA
Sarah Scholle Holly Mead Michael Jones
Northwestern University at Chicago University Of Illinois at Chicago University Of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL
Lee Lindquist Jerry Krishnan Denise Hynes
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis Clinical Directors Network, Inc.
Indianapolis, IN
Bradley Doebbeling
New York, NY
Jonathan Tobin
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Flory Nkoy
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
J. Randall Curtis
Institution Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Location Chicago, IL
Primary Investigator Allen Heinemann
Cambridge Health Alliance
Cambridge, MA
Margarita Alegria
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Rebecca Aslakson
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Albert Wu
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO
Tessa Madden
Carolinas Medical Center
Charlotte, NC
Hazel Tapp
University Of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Supriya Mohile
National Marrow Donor Program, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN
Navneet Majhail
Communication and Dissemination Research Project Title Developing Quality Metrics from Patient-Reported Outcomes for Medical Rehabilitation Effectiveness of DECIDE in Patient-Provider Communication, Therapeutic Alliance & Care Continuation Utilizing Advance Care Planning Videos to Empower Perioperative Cancer Patients and Families Reverse Innovation and Community Engagement to Improve Quality of Care and Patient Outcomes Implementation of Patient-Centered Contraceptive Provision in Community Settings Comparing Traditional and Participatory Dissemination of a Shared Decision Making Intervention Improving Communication for Chemotherapy: Addressing Concerns of Older Cancer Patients and Caregivers Individualized Care Plans for Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Survivors
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Addressing Disparities Project Title A Patient-Centered Intervention to Increase Screening of Hepatitis B and C among Asian-Americans Nueva Vida Intervention: Improving QOL in Latina Breast Cancer Survivors and their Caregivers Comparative Risks and Benefits of Gender Reassignment Therapies Using Technology to Deliver Multi-Disciplinary Care to Individuals with Parkinson Disease in Their Homes Rural Options At Discharge Model of Active Planning (ROADMAP) Padres Efectivos (Parent Activation): Skills Latina Mothers Use to Get Healthcare for Their Children Reducing Health Disparity in Chronic Kidney Disease in Zuni Indians Patient Priorities and Community Context: Navigation for Disadvantaged Women with Depression Mrs. A and Mr. B (People with Disabilities, Primary Care Provider Quality, and Disparities) Using the Electronic Medical Record to Improve Outcomes and Decrease Disparities in Screening for Child Physical Abuse
Institution University of California San Francisco
Location San Francisco, CA
Primary Investigator Tung Nguyen
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Kristi Graves
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Michael Goodman
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Earl Dorsey
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
Tom Seekins
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC
Kathleen Thomas
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center University of Rochester
Albuquerque, NM Rochester, NY
Vallabh Shah
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Margaret Stineman
University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Rachel Berger
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Ellen Poleshuck