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Gloranthan Classics. Pavis &. Big Rubble. 1. PAVIS: City Guide for the Gamemaster - Steve. Perrin and Greg Stafford. Temperature and Precipitation - Lynn.
Gloranthan Classics

Credits PAVIS:


City Guide for the Gamemaster - Steve Perrin and Greg Stafford

Common Knowledge for the Players Greg Stafford and Steve Perrin

Temperature and Precipitation - Lynn Willis Population Distribution, Animal Prices Sandy Petersen Sun County Temple Description, Additional Rumors - Michael Trout Additional Rumors - Anders Swenson, Marc Willner

Common Knowledge for the Players Steve Perrin and Greg Stafford The Great Chart Caper - Oliver Dickinson Lanbril Cult - Anders Swenson Zola Fel Cult - Marc Willner Additional Prices, Entertainments Sandy Petersen

Episodes for the Gamemaster - Steve Perrin and Greg Stafford Welcome to the City - Ken Rolston Burglary at Raus’ House - Anders Swenson The Cradle - Greg Stafford [and the advisory board] Adventurer’s Forms - Steve Perrin, Lynn Willis, Charlie Krank Researching Information - Ken Rolston Scenario Hooks - Greg Stafford Statistics - Sandy Petersen, Steve Perrin Editing - Lynn Willis Additional Editing - Sandy Petersen, Charlie Krank Proofreading - Yurek Chodak, Sherman Khan, Reid Hoffman Maps and Plans - Charlie Krank, Lynn Willis, Yurek Chodak Art - Mike Blum, Brad Foster

Cult of Yelorna - Michael Trout

Guide for the Gamemaster - Greg Stafford and Steve Perrin Lunar Patrol - Sandy Petersen Garden Guardians - Mark Lukens Additional Troll Material - Gordon Monson

Episodes for the Gamemaster - Greg Stafford and Steve Perrin Griffin Gate - Steve Perrin and Steve Henderson Wolfhead’s Lair - Oliver Dickinson Raid on Yelorna - Michael Trout The Devil’s Playground - Ken Rolston Krang’s Table - Brian Marick The Puzzle Canal - Sandy Petersen Temple at Feroda - Marc Willner

A Moon Design Production: Graphic Design and Typography - Colin Phillips Layout, Scanning and Editing - Rick Meints Proofreading - Nick Brooke New illustrations - Dario Corallo, Simon Bray, BA Wayne, and Dan Barker. Cover by Dario Corallo. Pavis and the Big Rubble is copyright (c) 1999 by Moon Design Publications; second edition revised and corrected, with new material. Pavis and the Big Rubble is licensed from Issaries, Inc.; all rights reserved. Glorantha is a trademark of Issaries, Inc. First editons of Pavis and Big Rubble were originally copyrights Pavis (c) 1982 and Big Rubble (c) 1983 by Chaosium Inc. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without written permission from Issaries, Inc., except as quoted for purposes of illustration, discussion, and game play. Reproduction of the material within this book for the purposes of personal or corporate profit, by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval is strictly prohibited. To direct questions or comments concerning Glorantha see, or write to Issaries, Inc., 950A 56th St., Oakland, CA, 94608, USA.

Pavis & Big Rubble


Gloranthan Classics

PAVIS CITY GUIDE ........................................ 5 CIVILIZED PRAX ........................................... 6 The River Valley 6 Valley of Cradles: North [map] 6 Valley of Cradles: South [map] 7 People of the Valley 8 Temperature, Precipitation [table] 8 Population Distribution [table] 9 Corflu 10 Corflu [map] 10 Sun County 11 Rulers of Sun County [list] 12 Sun Dome Temple [plan] 14 Trade in Prax 17 CITY DESCRIPTION & BACKGROUND . The City and the Rubble Population of Pavis Religions of Pavis Number of Rune Masters in Pavis[table] Housing Buildings and Styles Food Walls, Gates, and the Bridge

19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22

NEIGHBORHOODS ...................................... Explanation Neighborhood Relationships [diagram] Public [with map] Downtown [with map Riverside [with map] Suntown [with map] Farmer’s Quarter [with map] Oldtown [with map] Rich Hill [with map] Dwarfside [with map] Badside [with map] Zebraside [with map

23 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 31

PAVIS ENCOUNTERS .................................. New Pavis Encounter Tables Daytime Encounters Key Night Time Encounters Key

32 32 33 34

PAVIS POLITICS ........................................... 35 The City Council 35 Pavis Constabulary 35 2

Citizenship Merchant Guild Lunar Occupation Forces Political Movements Additional Groupings Friends of the Empire Friends of the City Orlanthi Allies The Ingilli River Association Leading Families LIVING IN PAVIS .......................................... Permanent Residences Taverns and Inns Comparative Prices for Living Quarters Buying and Selling Animal Sellers Animal Prices [table] Armorers Assorted Goods Clothiers Equipment Sellers Treasure Buyers Training

Notables’ Homes Stables Employment Entertainment Thieves of Pavis Temples [list of locations] Places [list of buy/sell locations] Rumors

36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 40 40 40 40 41 42 42 42 42 42

44 44 44 44 47 48 48 49

PAVIS COMMON KNOWLEDGE .............. 51 A Pavis Chronology 54 History & Background 55 The Building of Pavis 56 Jaldon Toothmaker 57 The Seventeen Foes of Waha 58 Troll Invasion and Occupation 59 Life Outside the Walls 60 The Re-opening of Pavis 60 The Zebra People 61 Dorasar Founds New Pavis 62 A Pavis Panorama [illustration] 64 Prices in Pavis 66 Directives of the Occupation 67

Pavis & Big Rubble

Gloranthan Classics

POWERFUL PEOPLE .................................. The Lunar Army Civilian Administrators The Lunar Temple Pavis Temple The Pavis Royal Guard Yelmalio Temple Group Other Personalities

68 68 69 69 69 71 72 72

THE CRADLE .............................................. Moon and Weather Gamemaster Information Combat Statistics & Helpful Information Report on the Cradle 1 - The Red Moon Assault The Hiring The Cradle Player Character Duties The Battle Lunar Forces Statistics

THE GREAT CHART CAPER ..................... 73 GIMPY’S [with floorplan] ............................. 77

2 - Retaking the Cradle

3 - The Voyage Downriver


The Trip Sun Domer Statistics

156 159

BLACK FANG BROTHERHOOD ............... 90

4 - The Last Battle Battle at Corflu Lunar Forces Pinchining’s Reward Postscript

YELORNA THE STARBRINGER CULT ... 95 ZOLA FEL CULT ......................................... 100

EPISODES FOR THE GAMEMASTER ... Researching Information Scenario Hooks City Patrolmen Statistics

105 106 106 108

WELCOME TO THE CITY ....................... The Lunar Guard at the Northern Gate Food, Lodging & Opportunity. The Temple of Your Choice Fracas in New Pavis New Pavis Jail The Lunar Court A Visit to Trolltown

109 110 111 112 113 116 117 120

143 144 144 145 150

LANBRIL CULT ............................................ 83

SUN DRAGON CULT .................................. 104

132 134 135 136 140

Troll Statistics Thieves Statistics The Denizens The Cradle Interior

FLINTNAIL CULT ........................................ 80

PAVIS CULT ................................................... 92

129 130 130 130 131 132

161 161 163 164 164

CRADLE SCENARIO ORDER OF EVENTS FORM [GM use] ...................... 165 USING THE RUBBLE FORMS ................. 168 BIG RUBBLE COMMON KNOWLEDGE 169 Rubble Areas 169 GUIDE FOR THE GAMEMASTER .......... 173 Rubble populations 174 Rubble Areas & Points of Interest 175 RUBBLE AREAS ......................................... 176 Garden Guardian descriptions 177 POINTS OF INTEREST .............................. 181

BURGLARY AT RAUS’ HOUSE ................ The Almost Empty House Climbing the House Wand of the Seven Phases Duke Raus’ Treasure Chest The Drunk

124 124 125 126 127 128

GETTING INTO THE RUBBLE................ 188 ENCOUNTERS ............................................ 189 Big Rubble Encounter Table 189 A Lunar Patrol 190

Pavis & Big Rubble


Gloranthan Classics

Chaos Leaders and 5 Gangs Leaders The Mutations The Losers Slop and Slime The Bison Broos The Leaper Gang

The Adventurers Free Guard

191 190 193 194 196 198 199


BROOS & DISEASE .................................... 201 SPECIAL ENCOUNTERS .......................... Koncherry the Elf Bandit Badbones Dulkan’s Droppers

202 202 203 204

WOLFHEAD’S LAIR .................................. The Hideout The Gang’s Behavior and Reactions Gang Member Descriptions and attitudes

232 233 236 238

RAID ON YELORNA .................................. Scenario One Scenario Two The Yelornans Further Possible Scenarios

241 241 242 250 255

THE DEVIL’S PLAYGROUND .................. The Pavis Cult Priest The Crippled Adventurer The Sun Dome Temple & Taleo Lumine The Devil’s Playground

256 256 258 260 261

KRANG’S TABLE........................................ Recruitment Krang’s Area Krang’s Stronghold Troll Statistics and Notes Herd Mother Tables

267 267 271 273 279 280

THE PUZZLE CANAL................................ Player Information Puzzle Canal Maps How to Run the Puzzle Maze Standard Cavern diagram The Canal The Deeper Maze The Hidden Maze Central Room diagram Running the Maze Puzzle Canal Encounter chart Encounters

281 281 282 283 284 284 287 289 292 293 294 294

TEMPLE AT FERODA ............................... Act I - The Hiring Act II - Equipping the River Trip Act III - The Trip Across the Plains Act IV - At the Temple Act V - The Trip Home

304 304 305 305 306 308

EPISODES FOR THE GAMEMASTER ... 206 GRIFFIN GATE ........................................... 206 Highhowler & His Chaos Band 213 BALASTOR’S BARRACKS ....................... 217 Balastor’s Barracks Plan 223 Balastor’s Axe 231

Original Blessings & Warnings! The original six books, save one, contained a protective blessing or warning. Thus, we have included them all in one place for that extra bit of concentrated effect. Balastor, Last Champion of Pavis, stands against all who would profane his city, its people, or its lore. Irripi Ontor, Master of Wisdom and Seeker of Lore, protects this document and the gentle city. May he feed the hearts and souls of those who would defile, misuse, or profane the wisdom or stone of Pavis to Yara Aranis, demon daughter of Moonson. May Zola Fel, Bosom of Life, withhold his sweet nectar from those who trespass against him, his children, or his words. Musa gave this book, a work of Inspiration. Let her protect it, with aid of her lord, Bright Yelm, Emperor of Light. Shades of day, invisible in daylight, protect all of this for Justice. Only evil-doers need fear, but perjurers and plagarists will live and die in terror. - Kargan Tor (upon sealing Pavis’ Gates)

ADVENTURERS FORMS .......................... 309 PAVIS & BIG RUBBLE INDEX .................. 311


Pavis & Big Rubble